Winter leisure activities for nursery groups. Scenario of winter sports entertainment for children of different age groups together with adults “Fun of Mother Winter

Natalya Chaplina
Sports entertainment in the junior group “Winter Fun”



Sports entertainment

« Winter fun»

junior group


supervisor physical education Chaplina N. A.

Target: promote full physical child development, maintain the need for physical activity.

Tasks: strengthen different groups muscles through games, strengthen the ability to move in a circle; develop dexterity, speed of reaction; introduce children to values physical culture; secure the throw "Snowball" right and left hands into the distance.

Equipment: 2 snowballs for each child, a hoop, a basket, a large mitten, a snowflake, a Christmas tree, winter trees.

Progress of entertainment.

1. Head of physical education: Hello guys! I would like to invite you to go on a journey with me! Do you want to go with me to fairy forest winter games and entertainment! Is everyone ready?

We're going to the forest,

Many miracles await us in it.

(Walk in a column one after another for 10 seconds.)

We walk through the snowdrifts, raising our legs higher!

We walk through the snowdrifts and don’t get tired at all.

(Walking with high knees for 10 seconds)

It's cold in the forest in winter, everyone ran after me

(Run in a column, one at a time, behind the teacher for 15 seconds.)

As if on thin ice, a white snow fell.

To avoid trampling it, you need to stand on your toes.

(Walking on toes for 10 seconds)

It started snowing.

Everyone is very happy about snow.

(Run in all directions for 15 sec.)

Here is the Christmas tree in the forest. (Pay attention to the Christmas tree.)

That's what she is like

Forest Christmas tree!

(There is a snowflake on the Christmas tree, snowballs under the Christmas tree. Ask the children what it is? Looking at the snowflake. Invite the children to take two snowballs under the Christmas tree. Walking with snowballs in a circle around the Christmas tree.)

Head of physical education:

We're all going with snowballs,

look at us everyone

this is how we stomp our feet,

one - two - one, one - two - one.

2. Outdoor switchgear with snowballs. (around the Christmas tree)

1. "Raise the Snowballs"

(I. p. - standing, hands down. Raise your hands up, look at the snowball, lower. (4 times)

Now let’s raise the snowball higher, higher, higher, and lower them lower - no one else has it.

2. "Put down the snowballs"

(I. p. - sitting on the floor, snowballs in hands. Bend over, put snowballs on the heels of your feet, straighten up, clap your hands. (4 times)

- Now let’s put the snowball, closer to the Christmas tree here, (children reach for their heels) and now we can clap our hands without difficulty.

Climb carefully, don't forget to take snowballs.

Get up quickly and stand in a circle.

3. "Show me the snowball"

(I. p. - standing, snowballs in hands. Hands forward - spin the snowballs, hide the snowballs behind your back)

– Let’s show all the snowballs together - here, here, here

And now we’ll hide the snowballs, we won’t show them - no, no, no.

4. "Jump around the snowballs" (I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. Snowballs on the floor near the feet)

And let's dance and jump, the kids couldn't be more fun!

Head of physical education:

Now let's play in the snow.

(Throw snowballs into the basket).

The most accurate will be the one who gets into the basket.

A game "Hit the target"

Children try to hit the target with a snowball (Add to cart).

Head of physical education: We have a basket full of snowballs.

Having poured out, the snowballs all fell into the hoop.

We'll sit together in a circle (children squat in a circle)

Let's quickly close our eyes

"One two Three. Miracle come to us"

(In the hoop there is "Snowman" (teacher in a Snowman costume with a mitten in his hands)


I, a funny snowman,

I'm used to winter and cold.

I am a difficult snowman,

I'm cheerful and mischievous.

I really like to play -

Run, jump, catch up!

Outdoor game "Catch me"

(After last word "catching up", the children scatter around the hall. "Snowman" trying to catch up with the children and show off. Whomever he has caught up with, he stands in a circle and "freezes" for the duration of the game. The game is repeated 2-3 times)

Snowman: You're running great, I can't catch up with you! And now I propose to play in the snow!

(The snowman throws snowballs around the hall from a hoop)

A game "Snowballs"(the kids collect snowballs from the floor and throw them at each other and the snowman, during the game the teacher hides the snowman’s mitten)

Head of physical education: Guys, that's enough, that's enough, we abandoned our snowman! Quickly sit down on the chairs.

Snowman: that’s right, let’s better guys play a game "Who will collect the most snowballs"

(the presenter calls 5 children each. signal: "One two Three! Collect as many snowballs as possible!” children begin to collect snowballs in their arms. Then they let you down results: count snowballs together. Whoever has more is the winner. The game is repeated 2-3 times.)


Well done boys! You are clever!

(claps hands, blows on hands)

My hands are frozen. Let's all blow on our hands together and warm them up.

Breathing exercise: "Let's warm our hands"

Head of physical education:

Snowman, where did you lose your mitten? Was it really while he was playing with the guys?

Snowman: And, really, I lost it. I don’t know where.

Head of physical education:

Don't be upset. Can the guys and I help the snowman find a mitten?

(walk along group, find a large mitten)

3. Sedentary game "Find the mitten"

Snowman: Thank you for finding the mitten. But the mitten is not an ordinary one. With a surprise.

(look into the mitten and find candy)

Snowman: Goodbye kids!

Head of physical education: Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten ik.

Walk calmly behind the head of physical education.

Publications on the topic:

Sports festival “Winter Fun” (first junior group) Goal: introducing children to healthy image life. Objectives: provide children with the opportunity to apply the motor skills and abilities acquired.

Thematic week “Winter games and fun” (second junior group) State budget educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 998" Structural unit of preschool educational institution No. 858 Presentation on.

“Winter Fun” - musical and sports entertainment Fiz teacher Kolpakova A.I., music teacher Egorova A. And Winter fun. Goals and objectives:1. Strengthen skills sports exercises. 2. Temper children.

"Winter fun" Sports entertainment on the street using NRC for children of senior preschool age Goal: Develop motor activity children as one of the main factors stimulating them physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Project “Winter Fun” (junior group) Project activity on the topic: “Winter fun” 1st junior group “Beads” Goal: To introduce children to winter games. Tasks: - consolidate.

Tasks: consolidate the ability to walk in a column one at a time, maintain balance while walking one after another; improve throwing skills at a target, develop an eye; learn to maintain balance when walking on a raised support, crawl under the collar (arches); give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: « snowball» ( big ball, covered with white gauze); “snowballs” (cotton balls covered with gauze with glitter); path (width 20 cm); toy hare and other toy animals; gymnastic bench; footprints ( various shapes, sewn from dense material); two arcs (height - 50 cm); audio recording of music.

Leisure activities

Children enter the gym to the music and stand in a circle.

Instructor. Guys, look how soft the snow fell tonight. Let's go get it snowball to the winter Fairyland. (The instructor rolls a “snowball”, the children follow in a column, one at a time, along the path. The instructor suddenly stops and pretends to listen to something.) Someone is calling us! Let's run faster!

Children run along a path (20 cm wide) towards a hare (toy).

Instructor. Yes, it's a bunny! He's probably frozen! Let's show him how to move to stay warm.

Game "Bouncing Bunnies".

Children stand in a circle and perform imitation movements.

1 . “We move our paws.”

I. p. - main stand.

1-3 - raise your hands up and move your fingers;

2. "Let's see if there's a fox behind us."

4 - i. p. (4 times).

I. p. - main stand.

1 - turn the body to the right, look back;

3 - turn the body to the left, look back;

4 - i. p. (4 times).

3 . "Let's warm our paws."

I. p. - lying on your back.

1-5 - wave arms and legs;

6-8 - i. p. (4 times).

4. "Let's jump."

I. p. - main stand.

1-3 - jumping and clapping;

4 - i. p. (4 times).

5. “Let’s breathe on our paws” - breathing exercise (2 times).

Instructor. The bunny thanks you and asks you to take him with you to Fairyland. And the road to guda begins with a snow bank.

Children take turns walking along the “snow bank” (gymnastic bench) (2 times).

Instructor. Look how many footprints there are in the snow! They were probably left by fairy-tale heroes. Let us follow these tracks and see where they lead us.

Walking trail after trail.

Instructor. And they led us to a fabulous fortress. Do you want us to go there? And here is the fairy gate. Only they are very small, and we need to crawl under them.

Climbing under two arches.

Instructor. Well done! We reached Fairyland. And here are its inhabitants (shows toy animals). For some reason, the snowball that brought us here got bored. Let's play with him.

Game "Hit the Snowball"

Children stand around a “snowball” and throw snowballs at it several times.

The distance increases each time.

Instructor(listens). Guys, the residents of Fairytale Land want you to play with them.

Children follow each other and run between animals (toys).

Instructor. So we visited you in Fairyland. The people of this country thank you for coming to them and playing with them. And now it's time for us to go home. Goodbye!

The children say goodbye to the “residents of the country” and leave the hall to the music.

Children and parents go out to the area, decorated with multi-colored ice floes and flags.

Under a cheerful r.n. The Snowman comes out with a melody.

Snowman: Hello my friends, I am a funny snowman.
I can't stand still, I like to have fun
It's fun to play sports and slide and tumble!
And now meet the guests, praise Zimushka!
Winter appears on the site.

Winter: It’s me, guys, I’m in a hurry to visit you,
I sweep it with snow and rustle with branches.
Are you not afraid of frost? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.
Won't you run to the corners? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.
Are you not afraid of the cold and will you have fun with me? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Winter: Moms, dads, kids, can you all hear me?
Quickly get up in a round dance and start running in a circle.
Parents and children stand in several circles and run, performing movements according to the text.

Winter: And now we walk one after another, all in single file. Walking in circles.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky, all the children are on their skis. Simulates skiing.

Take a stick in your hands and slide across the snow.
Well done guys, you are such daredevils,
Get up on your skates quickly and don’t lag behind me. Sliding on the snow.

Your hands aren't cold, are you? Give me your answer! CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Winter: Put on your mittens, clap, don't get tired! They clap their hands.

Are your feet cold? Stomp a little! They stomp their feet.
Oh, how my cheeks turned red! Didn't you have time to freeze? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Winter: I didn’t come to visit you alone, my assistants are with me - forest animals,

Bunny, ears on the top of her head, Teddy bear - a trampler, Little fox sister.
They will help you have fun. Where are they?
Forest animals, come quickly to me. You will respond to Mistress Winter!
The kids have been waiting for you for a long time! We gathered at the site. We are here!

Animals: Ay-ay, we're already running! We want to meet you!
New characters appear: Bear. Fox, Hare. Winter is leaving.

driver, sound the horn! Guys, don't lag behind!

All children and parents cling to each other, imitating the movement of a train.

Snowman: Here is the station, my friends, it’s called “Snowballs”!

Children from each group, with their parents and helpers, go to certain parts of the site.

1 station “Merry Snowballs”

Main movement: throwing:

Groups early age

- at a horizontal target (in hoops) - children,
- at a vertical target - (hoops hanging on the wall of the veranda) - their parents.

Middle and junior groups

from a distance of 1.5 m – children
from a distance of 4 m - their parents

– at a vertical target (hoops hanging on the wall of the veranda):
from a distance of 2.5 m – children
from a distance of 4 m - their parents.

Bear: Are your feet cold? We'll warm up a little
quickly get up in the big circle and start the round dances.

Children and adults get up at three large circle, perform movements according to the text.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, we fly above the earth, spin around with me!
The children are spinning around.

We are tired, the journey is long. Isn't it time to rest? — squats.
Now go on a hike, hey snowflakes, fly away!
They scatter all over the area.

Hare: We'll rush on the train, have a lot of fun,
driver, sound the horn! Guys, don't lag behind
The station is right here again, they call it “Pokatalochka”.

Each group goes to its specific place on the site.

2 station "Pokatalochka"


Early age groups.

Bunny: we will go along the path, take care of your legs, children,
You are a driver, don’t drive, be careful on the road!
— parents take their children for rides around the perimeter of the site.

Middle and junior groups

Little fox: Stand up children, stand in a circle, get ready, dear friend!
We will go one after another, behind the sled, all in a circle.
When I say: “Stop”, you sit on the sled deftly!

The sleds stand in a circle. Children and parents stand in a circle behind the sled, pretending to be drivers. At the signal “Let’s go” they move in a circle, at the signal “stop” the children sit down on the sled, the parents stop nearby.

Senior and preparatory groups

Relay race: “Whose team will transport the snowballs faster”

Bear: You will divide into groups and work out in pairs.
This is your task: there is no peace in sight right now.

Parents give their child a ride on a sled, carrying one snowball at a time to the counter.
The team that transports a certain number of snowballs faster wins.
Condition: The pair does not start moving until the previous pair returns to the team and passes the baton.

Snowman: and now come here quickly, let's move faster.
We will go through the tunnel and get to the hill!

The parents of each group put the sled on runners and build a tunnel, each group has their own.

1. Early age groups.

Bunny: We’ll walk now, we won’t fall for anything!
Place your hands on your sides and stomp stomp with your feet!

2. Middle and junior groups

Little fox: You jump on two legs, but don’t fall on the snow,
Don't push, be careful, it's not difficult to fall here.

Children perform jumps on two legs, moving forward 2 times, until children from early age groups ride

3. Senior and preparatory groups

Bear: We will start training so that we don’t remain last.
The task is more difficult for everyone, start having fun!
Jump on one leg along this path,
don’t push, don’t rush, and don’t knock others down!

Children perform jumps on one leg moving forward 2 times
(first on the right, then on the left) until children from the junior and middle groups ride.

Snowman: Aren't you cold? Aren't you sweating? Start a carousel!
For each of the groups, forest animals raise hoops with multi-colored ribbons. Parents take hold of the ends of the ribbons with one hand, and hold the child with the other hand.

Snowman: Carousels, carousels, we will barely go,
and then let’s move quickly, we won’t fall for anything!
Children move in circles briskly, don't run.

Snowman: Come on, slow down, kids, a surprise awaits you today.

Snowman: Winter has hidden surprises for you somewhere, kids,
you run to the plots and look for gifts,
Well, it’s time for us to go home, goodbye, kids!!!

Educator: We'll rush on the train, have a lot of fun,
driver, sound the horn! Guys, don't lag behind.
Children disperse to their areas, looking for hidden candies.

Position: senior teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Kostroma region Kostroma district, Shunga village

Abstract sports entertainment in the second junior group “Winter Fun”

Program content:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the winter season, games and fun.

2. Develop motor skills and abilities in children.

3. Teach children to perform movements to music, develop a sense of rhythm.

4. Strengthen the ability to restore breathing using breathing exercises

5. Call positive emotions, create a joyful mood from meeting with fairy-tale characters.

Equipment for the lesson: "snowballs" - soft balls, paper snowflakes, snowman and bear toy, footprints, musical accompaniment.

Hall decoration: Snowflakes, snowdrifts made of white fabric, Christmas trees, den.

Location: hall.

Music is playing “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest...”, the children go into the hall.

Presenter: I froze the windows

I covered up all the paths,

Took us on a sled

And she invited me to the Christmas tree.

Guess who this riddle is about? Children's answers. (winter).

Right. Guys, do you love winter? (children's answers). What do you like best in winter? What do you like to do? (children's answers).

Let's build a snowman! But to do this, first we need to get dressed and go outside.

Music is playing. The game is being played "Get dressed for the street". Children imitate the movements of putting on clothes.

Presenter:: Well, guys, we got dressed, and now let's go for a walk!

Children in a column, one after the teacher, walk in a circle to the music.

Presenter: So you and I went outside, and now let's build a snowman!

The game is being played "We're making a snowman". Children imitate movements according to the words of the text.

One, two, one, two,

We are making a snowman

A snowball rolled

Somersault, somersault,

We blinded him cleverly,

There is a carrot instead of a nose,

Instead of eyes - coals,

Handles and twigs were found,

And a bucket on your head

Look - here it is!

Snowman enters (sad).

Presenter: Snowman, why are you so sad? What's happened?

Snowman: The guys blinded me, ran away, and forgot about me. I'm standing here alone and bored. I'm sad.

Presenter: Well, don’t be so sad, snowman, the guys and I will cheer you up now! We'll dance you a happy dance!

Dance "If only it weren't winter" cartoon music "Winter in Prostakvashino".


Guys, you made me laugh

And they invited me to dance,

Do you want to play? (children's answers)

We will all freeze!

A game "Freeze"

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Shaking our heads

We raise our hands

We give up

We shake hands

And we run around.

One, two, three - the snowballs freeze in place!

The game is repeated 2-3 times. The snowman praises the children.

Snowman: Oh, guys, what big snowdrifts there are! Just like in the forest! Do you want to visit the winter forest? Children: Yes!

Presenter: Then the guys go on a trip to winter forest!

Children walk with their legs raised high, knees bent, imitating walking through snowdrifts.


We stepped onto the path of snowdrifts,

They shook off the snow from their feet.

Children stomp their feet.

So as not to end up in a snowdrift,

You need to walk along the paths.

Children walk along paths with footprints painted on them.

Presenter: We walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to a bear’s den. Guys, what does a bear do in winter? Children: Sleeping!

Let's call the bear and tell him what beautiful time year - winter!

Children call the bear. The bear comes out sleepy.


Bear, bear, what's wrong with you?

Why do you sleep in winter?


Because in winter there is frost, snow and ice outside,

And this is not raspberries, and not honey! Here! (sneezes).


So as not to catch a cold in winter,

You need to do charging.

And you, little darling, get up,

Start doing exercises!

Gymnastics to music "Three White Horses".

Presenter: Mishenka, the guys also love to play snowballs. Do you want to play with us?

Bear: Of course I want!

Outdoor game "Snowballs".


I liked playing with the guys in the forest,

But now I need to sleep until spring.

Goodbye, guys! (goes into the den).

Presenter: Well done boys! They made the bear happy. Now he will sleep sweetly until spring.

And now, my children, guess the riddle!

White midges fly

They don't buzz or bite,

Just sitting on our eyelashes,

They turn into water.

Very small tears

Are they called….? Children: Snowflakes!

Presenter: Now let us turn into snowflakes, fly, spin and dance!

Children pick up snowflakes on the rug and dance with them. Celtic music sounds "Snowflakes".


Oh, the water is flowing off me

I'm melting, I'm melting, friends!


Hurry up, snowflakes fly,

Help the snowman quickly!

Let's blow on the snowman so that he doesn't melt.

Children blow on a snowman (breathing exercises) .

Snowman: Thank you guys, you helped me out and didn’t let me melt. Now I’ll go stand in the yard, come and play with me! Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to the snowman.


We had a good walk

We had a lot of fun playing!

We spun around together

And they turned into kids!

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten!

Music is playing "Ice ceiling", children wave their hands.

Scenario winter fun for children junior group

Entertainment scenario “In the winter forest”

Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 24 combined type"Polyanka" Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of material: the material will be useful to teachers, music directors in order to organize winter fun with children of the younger group. It is recommended to have fun at the beginning of winter in the music room.
Target: creation of favorable emotional state in children through musical and motor activities
- enrich ideas about winter as a time of year;
- develop attention, speech breathing, the ability to act on a signal, in accordance with the lyrics of the song;
- cultivate a love for winter and winter fun.
Facilities: cardboard snowflake,
fake snowball,
snowflakes on strings (for each child),
cotton wool snowballs (for each child),
carousel with ribbons white,
Methods: game exercises, fun game, outdoor game, dance, use of poetry, surprise moment.
Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with snowflakes, there are white canvases on the floor along the walls, artificial trees, there are chairs near the window.
Participants: presenter, second teacher, Zimushka, children.
Progress of entertainment:
/children together with the presenter to the song “Winter Beauty” lyrics by S. Savenkov,
music by T. Tarasova enter music hall, stand in a semicircle along the central wall/

Guys, look how beautifully the hall is decorated. There are snowflakes everywhere, there is snow. What time of year do you think it is? (winter)
/picks up a snowflake/
Guys, what unusual snowflake. There is something written on it.
/is reading/
Dear Guys. I invite you to the forest. I will be glad to meet.
It’s strange, it’s not signed who this message is from. Guys, do you agree to go to the forest? (Yes)
But first, let's get dressed. It's cold in the forest.
Grab your mittens quickly
And, of course, felt boots.
Let's put on a warm fur coat,
A warmer hat.
And let's all go together
We'll go for a walk soon.

/imitation of “getting dressed for a walk” in accordance with the text/

Game exercise “Let's go to the forest”

/children walk one after another in a circle, act on the leader’s signal/
Oh, you winter-winter,
Swirled, swept
All paths, all paths.
Don't pass, don't pass.
We started skiing together,
They ran after each other.

/simulate skiing/
We sat on the sled
They flew quickly.

/break into pairs, the first participant stretches his arms back, the second participant joins hands, imitates sledding/
We quickly got on our skates,
And they danced beautifully.

/spinning, imitating ice skating/

/while the children are playing, the second teacher puts out artificial Christmas trees/

Guys, we've reached the forest. Look how much snow there is in the forest!
/points to white canvases lying along the wall/
To keep warm in the forest, let's dance.

Dance “Snow-Snowball” lyrics and music by E. Makshantseva

Snow-snowball / smooth movements of hands from top to bottom/
It creeps along the path.
White blizzard.

Snow-snowball, / lean forward, smooth movements of the arms below/
The paths are covered with snow,
Snow-snowball, / extend your right arm forward, palm up/
Melts in the palm of your hand.

We'll make snowballs / imitation “making snowballs”/
Let's play together
And snowballs into each other
Having fun throwing. /snowball game/

We're warm in the yard
Ears are not frozen
We'll make snow
Into a huge white lump.
/children pretend to roll a snowball and move to the middle of the circle/

Well done! What a snowball it turned out to be!
/shows the children a fake snowball/
It's not easy, guys, this is a com. This is someone's snow house.
/puts his hand into the ball, takes out snowflakes on ribbons, hands them out to the children;
children take a snowflake by the ribbon
Guys, look at the snowflakes. Light, beautiful. They will happily spin in the air if we help them.

Game exercise “Snowflakes are spinning”

Snowflakes are spinning
In the frosty air,

/spinning, holding a snowflake right hand in front of/
Fall to the ground
Lacy stars.

/perform a “spring” movement/
Here's one that fell
On my palm.

/put a snowflake on your palm/
Oh, don't worry, snowflake!
Wait a bit!

/ blow on a snowflake/
N. Nishcheva

Well done! Wonderful snowflakes swirling in the air! Place all the snowflakes back into the snowball.
/children help remove snowflakes, sit on chairs/

/the music “Winter Beauty” sounds, lyrics by S. Savenkov,
music by T. Tarasova, Zimushka enters the hall, holding a chest in his hands

Hello guys. I am Zimushka - winter.
/puts the chest under the Christmas tree/
Have you received my letter?
Hello, Zimushka. So it was you who invited the guys and me into the forest?
I wanted to surprise you. Aren't you cold in the forest? (No)
I invite you to play.

Fun game with snowballs

/Zimushka distributes snowballs from the chest to the children, the children stand in a column one by one. They take turns throwing snowballs into a basket, which stands at a distance of 1.5-2 m, to the music.
Well done boys! They played snowballs deftly. Do you want to ride on a snow carousel? (Yes)

Outdoor game "Snow Carousel"

/according to the principle of the game “Carousel”: children stand in a circle, Zimushka stands in the middle of the circle, holding an attribute - a carousel.
It’s better if Zimushka also takes the carousel out of the chest.
Each child takes the ribbon with his right hand, and the carousel begins to spin: first slowly, then faster, then slows down and stops. Then everyone goes the other way. You can use music/
Have fun riding!
The boys and I are excited about winter. Listen, Zimushka, children know poems about winter.
/children sit down, several children read poetry if they wish/
1 child
With funny songs
Into the old dark forest
Winter has arrived
With a chest of miracles.

E. Nilova

2 child
Snow, snow is swirling.
The whole street is white.
We gathered in a circle,
They spun like a snowball.

A. Barto

3 child
The snow is falling quietly,
Winter has come, my friend!
We play, we have fun,
And we are not afraid of frost!

4 child
The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And the puddles turned
In transparent glass.

Z. Alexandrova

5 child
White snow, fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.

I. Surikov

You guys made me so happy! Well done! I have gifts for you.
/ takes out candy from the chest, treats the children, then says goodbye and leaves;
children with the leader to the music “White snowflakes are spinning in the morning” words by I. Shaferan, music by G. Gladkov leave the hall and go to the group
