Love in the language of flowers. How to neutralize the meaning of a bad omen


Floral etiquette!

In our life, not a single special event is complete without flowers. It is very important to observe floral etiquette. You need to choose flowers for a gift very carefully, always consider who you are giving them to and for what reason. What is good for one is completely unsuitable for another.

How should you give flowers?

The first thing to remember when choosing flowers as a gift is that they should be presented cut. Flowers in pots can be given only to the closest relatives or elderly people who are sensitive to indoor plants. You can also give modest forest, field or meadow bouquets, only by the way, they will be in common days, but they will be inappropriate on anniversaries or festive receptions.

Delicate miniature bouquets of violets, lilies of the valley or snowdrops are perfect for a woman; It is recommended to give a man long-stemmed gladioli, chrysanthemums or peonies. Soft pink and blue flowers They are presented to young girls, and flowers of bright red, yellow or blue colors are presented to older people.

For example, etiquette does not allow sending a young girl or married woman red roses are a symbol of passion, and for an elderly relative from whom an inheritance is expected - forget-me-nots. It is not customary to give newlyweds hydrangeas and asters, red roses and carnations. And even if the donor himself is far from any superstitions and does not trust the ancient rules, he must admit: a gift is not a method of combating them!

Bouquets presented can be round or one-sided. In both cases, you need to skillfully combine the shape of the flowers with their color. In the bouquet, the flowers should be arranged freely, so that their heads tilt slightly forward.

Number of flowers in a bouquet

The preferred number of flowers in a bouquet for a gift is 3-5-7. One or two flowers are also allowed. When you give one flower, it should be exotic and rare. Two flowers symbolize family - husband and wife, or day and night. In a bouquet containing up to ten flowers, they must be strictly odd number, with more - arbitrary. Whether it is a rule or a superstition, it does not matter, but since such a custom is accepted among us, it must be respected.

Flowers are usually brought wrapped in paper, which protects them from exposure. sun rays, frost, warmth of hands.

Before entering the apartment, you should remove the paper from the flowers or open them halfway, but you can leave the bouquet in cellophane - everything is acceptable. If a man accompanies a woman, he gives flowers to the hostess after the women greet each other. The man first holds the bouquet in his left hand, and after his greeting he transfers it to right hand and hands it to the hostess. When the hero of the day is a man, flowers are given to his wife or mother, and the birthday boy is given a festively decorated gift with appropriate congratulations and wishes. A woman gives flowers to a man when he is honored in connection with a big date or with a significant difference in age.

Gift for a man

According to etiquette, it is not customary to give a man small, elegant bouquets. These can be roses, carnations or chrysanthemums. When visiting a sick person, care must be taken that your gift does not harm him, for example, that the scent of flowers is not too strong. In addition, if you bring a bouquet to the hospital, take care of where to put it, and take a suitable vessel with you.

If you come to visit with your wife and intend to present a bouquet to the hostess of the house, then a man should do this. Flowers must be unpacked in advance. This does not apply to decorative bouquets or flowers that are protected from damage by packaging.

Which woman should I give which flowers?

When you give your beloved girl flowers that she loves, it immediately wins her over to you. To begin with, try to find out for yourself which flowers the object of your adoration loves the most. To do this, it is not necessary to interview all the friends of your girlfriend, just give flowers more often and draw conclusions. But if you still didn’t manage to find out anything, and it’s time to go on a date and give a bouquet, pick it up depending on the color of your eyes and hair.

But I would like to remind you that any bouquet presented with love, even if it consists of a single carnation or spring tulip, means sometimes much more than huge gorgeous bouquet, which is difficult to hold in your hands.

Professional stylists and photographers fashion magazines when taking photos beautiful women, flowers are selected according to color, eyes and hair color.

Flowers for a brunette

If the girl is a brunette, then bright red roses, large gladioli, dahlias, bright orchids, bright carnations are just asking for her hands. Bright red colors make a brunette even more attractive.

Flowers for a blonde

If the girl is blonde, then everything will be completely opposite. Pale pink, white, light yellow colors will suit her. It doesn’t matter what kind of flowers they are - roses, chrysanthemums, lilies or orchids. Flowers should not be bright and defiant, should not distract attention from your companion. However, there are exceptions - for example, one bright red or orange rose can look very good in the hands of a blonde. And again, all this is a matter of taste!

Redhead flowers

For red-haired girls, dark roses, purple and dark orchids, violets, hyacinths, gladioli and many other flowers, especially blue and purple. If the bouquet also contains a lot of greenery, then such a bouquet will be perfect as red-haired girl, and brown-haired women: Although brown-haired women often prefer simple field or wild flowers.

Flower secret writing

Pink is a sign of love, bright red is a sign of fire and passion, green is hope, blue is faith, peach is unpretentiousness, blue is fidelity. Presented as a gift, cornflowers mean trust, ivy - friendship, bells - cuteness, lilies and lilies of the valley - innocence and purity of morals, daisies - modesty, mignonette - kindness of the heart, violets - innocence and secrecy, flax - hard work.

Giving each other flowers for the holidays, or simply showing signs of attention with the help of flowers - these customs have long entered our lives. This one is definitely beautiful tradition, which so delights and excites our feelings. Special attention focuses on:

what kind of flowers to give to a girl, friend, mother, employee, grandmother, wife, lover, as well as a loved one to whom you want to show a huge sign of attention.

It's hard enough choose a flower by appearance, character and generally according to my mood. We will help you sort out the choice of flower in detail. For example, let's take pink colour- symbolizing youth and modesty, red carries passion and great love. Blue flowers, their color evokes melancholy, loyalty and is given as a gift when sending a guy off to the army. Color renders cold tone, in its own way, which brings extravagance to life. Yellow, in some cases, this means betrayal and separation. But people have moved away from what the yellow color means. If you like yellow, also symbolizing the sun and wealth - then give yours to your loved ones boldly, without believing in the meaning of the flower.
The meaning of a flower is varied and varied, it all also depends on the mood and attitude towards the person. Children are given small and delicate flowers of colorful tones, collected in elegant bouquets. Avoid giving gifts to older women dark and quickly fading flowers. It is not customary to give a young girl bright red, juicy flowers. Men are given long flowers with a certain tension of shapes and outlines, lines.
What flowers to give to a girl, friend, mother, employee, grandmother, wife, lover, etc. the meaning of individual flowers will help you, in which you will read what suits your loved ones in spirit and temperament, causes pleasant moments and joyful exclamation about the coming holiday. And also do not forget to present flowers of life for no reason, but simply by saying that you love them very much.


A symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sadness. It is customary to give azalea before an unwanted separation. When presenting an azalea, you say “I hope you will wait for me,” “Take care of yourself for me,” “I believe you!” When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the only one for him.


Secret love, chastity, loneliness. Acacia is a flower of regret and recognition of one's mistakes. The one who gives the acacia says: “You are the best thing that happened in my life,” “Why aren’t we together now?”, “Let’s start all over again!”


(ranunculus, buttercup) - sympathy, desire to please, invitation. Aconite can be given to both women and men. If such a gift is presented at the beginning of an acquaintance, most likely the giver is interested in you, considers you a pleasant interlocutor and offers friendship. Great gift for colleagues and business partners.


Indiscreet hints, expectation of more. The giver of ambrosia says: “I’m waiting!”, “Be bold!”, “Let’s live for today!”


Pride, inaccessibility, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is more than just a friend for you, give him amaryllis.


Sincerity, hope; but also joy, emotionality. Translated from the language of flowers, a gift of anemones means: “Why not?”, “I feel very good with you,” “Let’s have a party?”


Bravery, originality, passion. Anthurium is considered predominantly male flower. A bouquet or composition with anthuriums will become an unforgettable gift for a husband or colleague, friend or boss... You can also give anthuriums to an extravagant lady, a kind of “vampire woman”, if you want to tell her: “You are unlike anyone else, and this delights me!”


Air kiss, fun, entertainment, "I miss you!"


A symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when burned, drove away snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing grief and memory of the dead. There is a myth according to which asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and cried. The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters. There are about 600 species of asters, the most popular variety being Monte Casino.


Disgust, hatred. If for some reason you cannot tell a person you don’t like everything you think about him, give him basil.


- “Beware!”, “Not everyone likes you as much as I do,” “Know: they envy you!”


- “I don’t dare express my feelings to you”; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance. The giver of cornflowers should not be suspected of immodest desires. For some reason, blondes most often like cornflowers.

Lady's slipper

Capricious beauty, impermanence. "I feel like I'm not alone with you." The lady's slipper that gives you is ready to do a lot to “tame” you, make you more submissive and less flighty.


Secret love, "You are beautiful." If you were given a gardenia, know that you are sincerely admired. Most likely, your admirer is very timid and considers himself unworthy of you.


Charm, woman's love, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers can be very different: it all depends on their color.


Caprice, inconstancy, passing fancy. The dahlia giver says: "I really like you, but I don't promise anything", "I'm not ready for a serious relationship", "Why complicate things?"


Stupidity, recklessness. “You are a very frivolous person,” “It’s time to settle down.”



Play, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. But you can be sure of one thing - you won’t be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.


Caution, timidity. However, in a mixed bouquet, gypsophila, as a rule, is a kind of accessory, it serves to add volume to the flower work and does not carry a semantic load.


- “I am truly sincere”, “Fear nothing”, gladiator flower. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.


Love at first sight, "My feelings are stronger than me"


- “Remember me”; modesty, sincerity, hope. Many peoples believe that hydrangea has the ability to ward off illness and misfortune.


Modesty, unpretentiousness; "I'm ready to be your shadow", "Call me"

Sweet pea

- "Goodbye", departure, "Thank you for a great time", "Remember"


Sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. in India they call jasmine " moonlight in love".


Emblem of France, "I value your friendship very much", trust, wisdom, faith, hope, fearlessness


Perseverance, purposefulness, self-sufficiency. “Aren’t you tired of loneliness?”, “I understand you like no one else,” “You and I are alike”

Calendula (marigold)

Anxiety, fears. "Why are you acting like this?", "I'm waiting for an explanation"


Adoration, "You're gorgeous." If a man gives you calla lilies, rest assured that this is a real gentleman and an extraordinary person.


Admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly creature"


Humility, humility, constancy; “I will always be with you,” “Why do you torment me with whims?”


Revival, freshness of feelings. "You gave me unforgettable moments"


Admiration, loneliness. "I will never forget you", "No one will replace you"

Lily (orange)

Curiosity, coquetry. "You are a mystery to me" Your heart free?"

Lily (white)

Purity, purity, majesty, nobility. "It's divine to be next to you!!!"

Lily (tiger)

Pride, abundance, prosperity, wealth, arrogance

Palm leaves

Wishes for victory and success. Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: "You are the best, the best in everything"


Happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of family and friendly feelings.


Strength, cunning, flattery. The giver of this flower believes that you can be useful to him and is looking for your protection.


Nobility, perseverance, perseverance, “You will still be with me,” “I am your destiny”


Imagination, daydreaming, youth, sociability, desire for pleasure


Purity, innocence, true love"I'm happy when you're happy." The person presenting daisies deserves your reciprocity.


Sensitivity, modesty, shyness; but also banality, mediocrity, “I hide my feelings,” “March 8 is coming soon.”


Love, fun, joy; jewish wedding emblem


Conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely happy about your success. However, most likely, no romantic relationships He doesn't think about you.


- "Stay as beautiful as You are." "The sun always shines when I'm with You", strong feelings, unrequited love, disappointed hopes, chivalry


Memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, fidelity


- “Kiss me”, affection, overcoming difficulties, sacred plant of India, magic flower Druids


Love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy. It is customary to give orchids only to loved ones.


Happy wedding, happy life. "I can't dream of anything more."


Hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your naivety." The person giving snowdrops wants to emphasize your fragility and femininity.

This is a necessary addition to any gift for a woman. Unfortunately, many men do not think long about choosing a suitable bouquet, but simply buy the first one they come across. Young people naively believe that flowers are flowers in Africa too, and it doesn’t matter what their variety, color and quantity are. In fact, this is far from the case. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to what to give to your beloved girl, friend, mother, mother-in-law or boss, be sure to get acquainted with floral etiquette. This will help you choose the right bouquet with which you will look like a real gentleman.

It's no secret that every woman has great importance what her reflection looks like in the mirror. Therefore, when choosing a bouquet, you should focus on lady's appearance . So, bright red flowers suit a brunette more, which will make her image even more passionate and expressive. For blondes, flowers in light, delicate tones are suitable: pink, cream, fawn - such flowers will not distract attention from the girl and will harmoniously fit into her appearance. Brown-haired and red-haired beauties will look picturesque with a bouquet of purple or burgundy flowers with a lot of greenery.
Of no small importance is number of flowers in the bouquet :

  • 9 colors symbolizes devotion, friendship;
  • 7 colors mean love and heartfelt affection;
  • 5 - family ties, gratitude;
  • It is appropriate to give 3 flowers without any reason;
  • 1 flower does not mean stinginess at all, but the elegance and uniqueness of a girl.
  • Bouquets with a large number of flowers symbolize admiration for a woman; such a bouquet can serve an independent gift, for example, on March 8, Valentine's Day, or the next anniversary of an acquaintance.
Any buyer who finds himself at a flower market is literally blindsided by this colorful and fragrant little world. It is much easier to choose a suitable bouquet if you know exactly what flowers you want to give to a woman. It is known that each flower has its own meaning, and in order to give a “talking” bouquet, you will have to study alphabet of flowers .
Astra - symbolizes grace.
Carnation - the pink carnation is a symbol mother's love; red - a symbol of victories and leadership (which is why in our country for a long time it was customary to give them to men), it is better to give such flowers to a beloved woman in mixed bouquets; a white carnation means a wish for good luck; yellow - please pay more attention.
Dahlia - is a symbol of light, non-binding relationships.
Gerbera - perfect for giving to a friend or work colleague, it means sympathy and compliment.
Hyacinth - blue hyacinth symbolizes calmness, red or pink - playfulness and excitement, white - constancy.
Gladiolus - handing gladioli, you position yourself as strong man, not ready to give in.
Calla is a symbol of admiration for female beauty.
Camellia - says that your lady is perfection.
Lily of the valley is a symbol of purity and humility.
Lily - the orange lily symbolizes coquetry and mystery; white - nobility and innocence; yellow - originality, attracting attention; tiger - wealth and self-confidence.
Mimosa means modesty and meekness.
Narcissus - white daffodil - a symbol of humility; yellow - will tell your beloved that she is unique.
Orchid - this flower is given only to loved ones; it symbolizes tenderness, care, and intimacy.
Peony - symbolizes the fulfillment of a dream.
Snowdrop - means touching, femininity, the desire to be a protector for a woman.
Rose - red roses express passion; buds of red roses - falling in love; white - angelic purity and mysterious modesty; yellow - joy; cream - harmony and constancy; pink - happiness.
Chamomile is a symbol of romantic youth.
Lilac - expresses exciting love.
Tulip - a red flower means congratulations and wishes of all the best, yellow - a charming smile, and multi-colored - beautiful eyes.
Chrysanthemum - red chrysanthemum is a symbol of success, white is a symbol of trust, yellow is a symbol of gratitude.

You can also choose flowers according to zodiac sign and with character traits that belong to this sign.
Aries, Taurus and Leo Most often I like large, showy, royal flowers with a pronounced aroma - roses, gladioli, peonies and tulips of rich colors.
Gemini Love Absolutely different flowers, as evidenced by the ambiguity of their nature. Depending on her mood, the Gemini girl will be happy with either a luxurious bouquet of expensive roses or simple wildflowers.
Cancer, Aquarius and Pisces They prefer callas, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils and lilacs, mostly white.
Virgos and Capricorns love violets, tulips and roses. For girls born under these signs, who presented the bouquet is of greater importance. Most girls will gladly accept any flower from their loved one - the main thing is that it is fresh, otherwise you risk losing her sympathy.
Libra loves symmetrical bouquets of roses unusual shades, for example, light lilac.
Scorpios and Sagittarius prefer bright red flowers. Carnations and unopened tulips look very attractive to them. These girls will also not refuse terry chrysanthemums and peonies.
If you use these tips, do not forget to explain when presenting flowers the reasons for your choice. Every woman will be pleased that you took this issue seriously, even if the variety, color or smell of the bouquet is not to her taste. And if you know for sure what flowers a lady prefers, buy them without hesitation. There is nothing more pleasant than receiving a bouquet of your favorite flowers, despite the fact that they do not match your hair color and do not match your horoscope! ;)

Many lovers know the sign: the longer the flowers stay in a vase, the stronger the feelings of the one who gave them. They withered the very next morning - they were not presented from pure heart. If you stood there for several days, you can count on strong sympathy. Well, if a week passes, and another, and the bouquet is still as good as new, then we are talking about serious passion! However, the “prophetic gift” of the fragrant gift does not end there. Especially when it comes to luxurious rose, mistress of the flower kingdom.

What does the color of the given roses tell you?

A beautiful flower, according to some sources, which existed on earth long before the appearance of the first man, not only delights us with its appearance and aroma, but also serves as a good talisman for the home. It is believed that a house where there are no fresh bouquets will always be full of prosperity, happiness and good luck. And if a man gives flowers to his beloved woman, they will give the relationship special harmony and protect the family from adversity. Even a single flower in a tall elegant vase “cleanses” the room of negative energy and spreads a good aura around him. The main thing is not to miss the choice of color.

If they give white ones to newlyweds or a girl

White is the color of purity, spirituality, sublime love

  • Without a shadow of a doubt, give white flowers to newlyweds. With this you will make a subtle compliment to the purity and youth of the bride, emphasize the solemnity of the moment, and even the most picky etiquette expert will not suspect you of trying to make an ambiguous hint.
  • A lonely white rose presented by a young man to a girl speaks of sublimity of feelings. The young man is ready to idolize his chosen one, carry him in his arms and literally blow away specks of dust from her.
  • A lush bouquet of whites, received as a gift from an accomplished and confident man, is considered a sign of the suitor’s readiness for serious relationship and the expression of deep, strong feelings coming from the heart...
  • ...But it is quite appropriate for a gift to a boss or a good friend, as a sign of great respect, admiration and loyalty.
  • White petals with a red edge serve as a signal for the start of peace negotiations. If you and your precious soulmate have seriously quarreled, buy “ white rose peace" and hurry to build relationships, and the magic flower will make sure that your mission is crowned with success.

When the man presented the yellow

Yellow roses are given by incorrigible optimists and adventure lovers

Conflicting sign. For many, this color is associated with anxiety, internal tension and mistrust. Just remember our brilliant, but very depressive classic Dostoevsky, who skillfully used dirty yellow shades in his descriptions of people and interiors to convey the hopeless atmosphere that surrounded his heroes. However, yellow is also warm sunlight; and a reflection of gold, promising a comfortable life; the color of fluffy dandelions, a symbol of joy and summer... Maybe you shouldn’t be afraid of it?

  • It is better not to give yellow roses to insecure and suspicious people. Too persistently, popular rumor calls these flowers a sign of separation, betrayal and gossip swirling around a person.
  • If you are presented with a bouquet of an alarming color, do not rush to get upset. Perhaps the donor did not even suspect the existence of the sign! But it is probably open and cheerful person, ready for bold experiments. Choosing them as a gift speaks of his freedom from complexes and conventions, as well as - from a psychological point of view - of his inner desire to take care of you.
  • You shouldn’t immediately attribute the affair to your husband, who showed up home with a bouquet of a “suspicious” color. For married couples it serves as a symbol of an established marriage, in which the two halves have long and firmly become accustomed to each other, having learned to live in peace and harmony.
  • In the language of flowers, popular during the time of Catherine II, flower heads of a catchy sunny shade mean an invitation to “bury the hatchet” and start a relationship from scratch.
  • It is also customary to present yellow bouquets to the winners to emphasize the significance of their merits and achievements.

Orange roses in the language of flowers mean the highest degree of recognition, fiery feelings and inexhaustible enthusiasm. Such flowers are given to the object of one’s pride.

What do red, scarlet and burgundy mean, are they allowed at a wedding?

It is better not to give red roses to the bride

  • Just when a red bud begins to open, it reveals a heartfelt inclination that a person is not ready to admit. But if you receive a rose with two buds as a gift, consider that your mystery and charm were given a compliment.
  • One red one is not only stylish, but also desirable for woman's heart a gift, since it is equivalent to three in simple words"I love you".
  • A bouquet of three is traditionally presented to the wife by the husband, emphasizing the warmth, harmony and crystal purity of family relationships.
  • Five is a proposal to take easy, non-binding courtship to a new level.
  • Seven - confession “I am burning with passion.”
  • Seething passion also means burgundy color, therefore it is considered indecent to give it to a very young girl. However, for those who are well versed in the intricacies of the language of flowers, this is a way of saying “You yourself do not know the full power of your charm.”
  • The color pink symbolizes emerging feelings, spiritual intimacy, and trust. bouquet delicate color It would be appropriate to give to a loved one, parents, and best friend. But for a gift to an outsider, but a respected hero of the day - say, your child's teacher - it is better to choose dark flowers.

Red roses are not advised to give to newlyweds for a wedding: there is a strong belief that after such a gift the marriage will not work out and will soon crack.

When the guy brought a bouquet of black

Not every girl can appreciate such a gift.

Rare black roses, which can sometimes be found in flower shops, are not a gift for the faint of heart. Only a goth girl or a real original can appreciate it! To present such a young lady with a gloomy bouquet means to tell her: "You are mysterious and beautiful." However, be very careful with plants non-standard color. More often they are seen bad sign: sadness and despondency, and in former times, in some places there was even a tradition of sending prickly black beauties to your enemies as a reminder: “I have not forgiven you and I am preparing revenge”!

If the flower was dried or sprouted

It's a pity, but every bouquet is destined to go into the trash bin sooner or later. Only a few roses, which for some reason attracted the attention of their owners, escape this sad fate. However, with such flowers you need to keep your eyes open!

And the sign is bad, and it will gather a lot of dust

It is no secret that representatives of the fair sex are sometimes distinguished by increased sentimentality. What can you do, such is the nature of a woman’s heart! We are tempted to hide a napkin from the cafe where our first date took place as a souvenir; ticket from a movie show marked passionate kiss; a trifle keychain won by a loved one in some stupid street lottery at the very beginning of the novel... There’s nothing to say about flowers. Almost every second girl keeps a dried rose that is especially dear to her heart, and some even manage to “mummify” whole wedding bouquets! Is it worth following their example and attaching such great importance to the “herbarium”?

From an esoteric standpoint - under no circumstances!

  1. Only fresh people spread positive, living energy around themselves. As soon as the petals dry out and darken, it turns into a dead flower and instead of waves of goodness and happiness, the flower begins to spread negativity around itself. Do you really need to keep a personal source of bad mood in your house?
  2. In the old days, women strictly forbade their daughters to dry flowers received from their loved ones, citing the fact that the guy’s feelings would dry up along with the petals.

But if a rose standing in a vase suddenly sprouts, don’t be afraid to replant it and try to grow it. You know, a very good message came to you with this bouquet, even if the flower doomed to wither rose up and gave birth to a new life!

Tradition of putting to sleep pink petals Gender in front of newlyweds is one of the most romantic... and most unloved signs! Great amount Fading petals are believed to be a real magnet for all kinds of misfortunes. True, I must say, these signs rarely justify themselves. Apparently, the many positive emotions inherent in a wedding day offset bad predictions.

Would you like some tea with some romance?

But a few petals plucked from a beauty standing in a vase and thrown into a teapot with tea leaves are an excellent omen. Those who drink tea with the original additive from time to time are promised longevity and health. One condition, you can not buy a flower yourself. It should be given to you, and with the best of intentions.

What signs are considered bad?

Even the beautiful rose should be feared at times. For example, a prick of her sharp thorn promises disappointment in a loved one or a quarrel with your loved one. And how much trouble can a bouquet with even number! The unfortunate donor is immediately accused of best case scenario in sloppiness, and at worst - an attempt to harm human life and health! And all because once upon a time even numbers were considered a bad symbol leading to death.

How to neutralize the meaning of a bad omen

However, not everything is so simple, because the language of flowers is diverse and allows different interpretations the same characters:

  • Two roses given to a young girl portend an engagement or a wedding.
  • 10 give to express their admiration.
  • 12 is allowed to be brought with you to a first date or any anniversary.
  • 36 pieces will not only cost the donor a tidy sum, but also means his warm wishes for happiness and fun for you.
  • And it is always appropriate to present to the hero of the day as many copies as they are old. And it doesn't matter whether it's 15 or 50.

Many experts on omens agree that the number of flowers in a bouquet matters only as long as their number does not exceed 10 pieces. After this significant number, the sign is canceled by itself and ceases to be effective. Tell me, what woman would think of being offended when she receives 100 as a gift? Red roses? How about 1000? And, as the song says, a million?!

IN as a last resort you can simply pull out the extra even one from your armful and make yourself a boutonniere from it. Everyone is happy and you look great.

The thorn, which predicts disappointment and quarrels, should be immediately broken off and thrown into the vase where the flower stands. Consider that you “got even” with him on the spot: he sent you a bundle of negativity in the form of a bad prediction, and you “kicked him back.” And everyone stayed to their own.

By and large, what matters is not so much the color and quantity as the emotional mood of the person who gave you the bouquet. Presented with sincere love flowers will always bring with them a charge of good emotions. But in the hands of a spiteful critic, even a luxurious bouquet of 101 scarlet roses will not yield anything good. If you wish, check the signs, but trust your heart more. It will tell you for what purpose this or that flower was given.

Since ancient times flowers served the best remedy to express feelings, emotions and were distinctive sign attention and respect for the girl.

But men are still at a loss: what types of flowers are most popular with females, what color of bouquet is best to choose and how to make it last as long as possible in a vase. It is said that the flower retains its freshness depending on the strength of the giver's love. Well, let's talk about flowers.

Traditions and customs.

Cultivated flowers also in Ancient Rome during the reign of Nero. At that time, hundreds of gardeners were engaged in roses, because at every feast of the emperor, his guests were showered with petals of these flowers. In the 12th century, peonies were revered in China, and sakura and chrysanthemums were revered in Japan. There was no cult of flowers in Rus'. The first gardeners appeared only in the 18th century. A couple of centuries ago in Amsterdam there was a tulip fever, in which every bulb was worth its weight in gold.

How to choose flowers.

If you pay attention to fashion photography in magazines, you can see that stylists choose the color of the buds depending on the color of the model’s eyes and hair.

Suitable for blondes delicate shades colors such as pink, white or light yellow. Flowers should not be too bright: roses, chrysanthemums, callas, lilies or orchids are suitable. Although stylists say that one bright orange rose can also look great in the hands of a girl with light brown hair.

For brunettes suitable option are bright flowers red shades, such as roses, dahlias, luscious carnations or gladioli, as well as orchids.

For fiery redheads, you can choose purple and dark blue. flowers, such as hyacinths, violets, forget-me-nots.

There are also some unspoken rules that tell you what color to give. flowers for various celebrations.

1. Pink flowers talk about good attitude to a person. They can be given to a man, a woman, an adult, a child, a subordinate or a boss. Such flowers considered universal. However, many men tend to believe that pink color Suitable more for fragile, delicate young ladies. However, the young ladies themselves consider this color to be very sophisticated, worthy of a princess.

2. Reds flowers They are given only to those people for whom love is truly strong and boundless. This could be a loved one or a relative. Deep red and burgundy colors speak of passion, so if you are going with your significant other to your mutual friend's birthday, avoid red colors. Otherwise it may be misinterpreted.

3. Yellow flowers They give art to people, it is the color of success and sun. But it’s better not to give your beloved yellow chrysanthemums, or, especially, roses. This color is a symbol of jealousy and breakups, so it can make her very sad. Only on March 8 are daffodils and mimosas allowed, however, as statistics show, such flowers women buy themselves for refreshment home interior and the symbolism of the situation. Men are expected to create more representative bouquet arrangements.

4. White flowers- solemn. They are perfect for a wedding. Do not forget that not only roses have this color, but also daisies, lilies of the valley, snowdrops, gerberas, lilies and chrysanthemums. Purity is what they symbolize. So ladies of an “elegant” age should not be presented with such bouquets.

5. Lilac, purple and blue colors- one of the most exquisite. Such flowers they say that their recipient is an elegant and sophisticated person.

Language of flowers.

When man gives to a woman flowers, He serves to her secret sign which speaks about his feelings and thoughts. Therefore, ladies love to look into the directory and find out what the suitor actually meant with his bouquet.

Azalea - fragile and fleeting passion
Pansies - Nice memories, languid hopes
Aster - elegance, symbol of love, autumn flower
Begonia - only for capricious coquettes
Carnation - charm
Dahlia - good taste
Hyacinth - games and sports, cheerful mood
Iris - wisdom, faith, valor, courage
Calla - divine beauty
Camellia - excellence and sustainability
Bell - delicacy and humility, modest and secret charm
Lily of the valley - purity and humility
Lotus - mystery and truth
Lily white - the majesty of beauty and purity, virginity
Poppy - imagination, daydreaming, eternal sleep
