What is she, a real bitch? We improve our lives. Secrets of Paris Hilton

These girls are powerful and cruel, unapproachable and mysterious, do what they want and do not care what the crowd thinks of them. They say about them "well, bitch!".

Men treat such women surprisingly strange - they ... love them. Therefore, many girls are inclined to, having become a real bitch, to conquer men's hearts.

Who are they - real bitches?

Women of this species are often hated, and men consider such a woman a complete mystery. And this mystery is very attractive to them. Bitch, by definition, self-sufficient and successful, financially secure.

Such women are excellent at achieving what they want and achieving their goals. This self-discipline teaches them to always look their best. Therefore, they carefully take care of themselves, monitor their health and figure.

A real bitch knows exactly how to control a man. In this she is helped by excellent knowledge male psychology and perfectly mastered flirting skills. Some may consider a bitch to be brazen and rude - well, sometimes she is. But she has many different hypostases, which in equally help her to twist ropes from men. But the crying bitch is a sight that you will never see

The bitch is deeply indifferent public opinion, as she considers herself above the crowd. However, among other women, you can not immediately distinguish her - bitches are smart and intelligent. A bitch, like no other, is focused on herself, on her dreams and plans, which will certainly be realized.

Why do men love bitches?

We painted a portrait of a cold-blooded selfish woman who knows exactly what she wants from life. So why is this type attractive to men? Why are they willing to spend time with a bitch?

It was already mentioned above that the owner of a bitchy character differs radically from the average woman. With her, you never know what to expect. She is able to bring a whole firework of impressions into the life of a man. This bitch is ready to give him a delightfully unusual sex, reminding his partner of a long-forgotten passion.

And she is also able to spend all her money on a breathtaking set of underwear, which the average woman, forced to feed her husband and children, is unlikely to allow herself. So it turns out that attracts representatives strong half humanity to one that is capable of such extraordinary deeds. And, of course, not a single man will deny himself the pleasure of possessing a woman of stunning beauty.

And the bitch is a great partner in business. Her prudent mind and composure help to quickly bypass all competitors. A feminine charm and techniques forbidden for men invariably lead to the goal.

The bitch is not one of those with whom it is boring. They are not depressed, they are not capricious and they never ask for anything. With a smile on their face, they pass by a man, charming him and making him nervous from their impregnability. Few can compete with such a woman. Therefore, men have chosen their own way of dealing with bitches - to love them and try to be happy next with them. Otherwise, you will have to sign your own weakness.

Based on the foregoing, there is nothing surprising in the fact that girls are so eager to learn how to become a bitch. Well, let's give them some useful tips.

A real female predator will flirt all the time. Let men conquer you. Flirt with new acquaintances or with old friends. Do not forget from time to time to show the man who likes you that he has someone to compete with.

If you want to become a bitch, reconsider your behavior. You need to become cold and reserved. A violent manifestation of emotions, melting at the mere glance of a man - this is now not for you.

Learn to say no. You should not immediately agree to a meeting with a fan, keep him in good shape, refusing under the pretext of "urgent matters". You are independent and should do what you want.

Be mysterious, do unpredictable illogical acts - keep the intrigue. Men will rack their brains and try to "unravel" you. And that's exactly what you need...

So, who do most women call bitches? Bitches are those who twist men as they want: take husbands away from families, pull gifts, money or other bonuses from fans. Bitches are those who watch their personal mercantile interest and do it successfully.

But why then do men, often very smart, experienced, what is called burnt out by life, love these bitches, marry them and give them all the benefits that they are looking for?

Why does the husband leave the well-groomed good wife, who treats him every evening with excellent borscht and steamed cutlets, to an eccentric bitch, 10 years older than him, who does not know how and does not want to cook?

Why honey shy girl with two higher educations and a good job cannot get married, and her former classmate, broken girl, no different high intelligence, married twice, both times to rich men and is now planning a third marriage?

Why do many men give up an apparently positive, calm existence in favor of an outright adventure, possibly threatening with losses.

The answer suggests itself: “They get bored, they want adventure”

In principle, only the lazy did not say that a man is a natural hunter, a predator, and so on. That he hunts his woman, and then, when he conquers her, he becomes bored, since she has become his silent property, an eternal application.

They also say that men are mostly polygamous, that is, they are determined to have several women. In this case, even the first beauty cannot feel calm in marriage. There are terrifying pictures all around, where they go from beauties to "monsters"!

BUT! We are not talking about the so-called bitches for nothing! Someone noticed that husbands do not run away from bitches, but on the contrary, they, these same bitches, leave their companions themselves and only to connect their lives with a new man who is already in love with her? Yeah, so the polygamy theory doesn't work here!

Someone noticed that the same man gives a bitch a car, an apartment and diamonds, and the other - a miserable bouquet of their three roses, and then on March 8?

From all this, the conclusion suggests itself that the ladies who are called bitches have something in their arsenal that other women do not have, even if they are beautiful, smart and successful.

Why do men love bitches?

Strength of character = bitchiness?

Let's face it, men love bitches for their bitchiness! What does it mean? This means that all the so-called bitches are women with bright pronounced character. They are strong personalities. Maybe bad, maybe good, but strong. Such ladies will not play the role of a comfortable rug at the feet of a man. They can play the role of an affectionate, sweet kitty. But if a man wants to step on the tail of this cat, she will release her claws and hiss. Such a woman is always on the protection of her own interests. And this is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

self esteem

What bitches have a lot of is self-respect. She respects and loves herself. And this is again good for the relationship between a man and a woman.

When a person defends his own interests, it ALWAYS causes respect from others. For some reason, we have an opinion that a woman in a relationship should constantly compromise and make concessions, that is, forget her interests for the sake of the common ones. This is very correct and good when both partners are looking for compromises. But when a woman adjusts and succumbs to unilaterally, it looks like a manifestation of weakness and dependence. She does not defend her interests, she refuses them. How does this make your partner feel? Pity, disgust, worse - hatred. But not just respect.


After all, as we know, love yourself first, and then others will love you! Bitches clearly know what they love and what they want. They don’t wave their hand at this “come on, I’ll manage.” They want to live life brightly, with pleasure, with pleasure. This is love for yourself, for your life.

Willingness to leave

And the bitches have another important feature that distinguishes them. They never cling to a relationship. They are always, at any moment, ready to give up what does not suit them. This has a lot to do with self-respect and personal boundaries!

Who rules in a relationship between two people? The one who is less dependent on the other. The one who is less in love. And bitches don't fall in love out of the blue. But they love too. But they love in response to love. At the beginning of a relationship, bitches soberly assess the situation and the man. They don’t build castles in the air, they don’t try on a veil in front of a mirror. The development of relations takes place in the vein that a female bitch is ready to abandon them if something goes wrong. And it's great to see in her eyes, and in her behavior. What are men interested in? The thrill of hunting...

Such a woman will not say to herself "it suits me, I take it." She keeps this question open. And the male hunter is warming up more and more ...

Spontaneity, actions not according to patterns

What else does a bitch do? She doesn't follow a pattern. One thing is expected of her - she does something completely different. A man passionately cares, and she slams the door of her apartment in his face, although this was already the third date - and now there should be sex! Or, on the contrary, she merged with him in passionate intercourse on the very first day, and then ignores his calls and goes with friends to a performance in a trendy theater. How so? The man is used to the fact that after "this" he steers, and then it turns out - that she "does not care." He is surprised by this non-standard behavior and thinks about her more and more: “why so?” And the more he thinks, the more he sucks!

And how a bitch is spontaneous! Has anyone noticed that bitches are rarely cutesy princesses?

She is capable of unexpected actions, is not afraid of consequences or condemnation.

A bitch is always natural, often frank and bold. She is interesting! As a rule, she has something to say, to tell. Her life is full interesting events, original hobbies, different people. Around her is a whirlpool of life, and she is in it like a fish in water.

Isn't that exciting? Isn't it contagious?

What could be more attractive to a man than a bright, courageous, self-respecting woman with her clear position in life?

She is always 100% female

"Bitch" in marriage does not lose its features, unlike "non-bitch". Being married, she is constantly in good shape, not even for the sake of her husband, but for herself. Because she loves herself!

The average woman changes a lot when she gets married. She believes that the card of her life has been played, and now she can play the role of a cute kind chicken in a warm chicken coop. Beautiful linen disappears from everyday life, ex girlfriends step aside, past hobbies and hobbies are forgotten. The wife is fully occupied with her husband and family. Clean house, breakfast, lunch and dinner of their three courses. Here it is, family happiness.

A man married a girl who was passionate about singing and ran to a colloquial English club in heels and an enticing skirt, and after five years of marriage she meets him at the door boring woman no hobbies in sweatpants and shirt.

She belongs to no one. Only to myself

The bitch will not betray her interests, and in her marriage she will retain all her personality traits. And the man knows that it is useless to bend her - he will leave and not look back. But how will he live without her unbridled laughter, unexpected dances on the kitchen table?

A man is intoxicated by such a woman. He has no guarantees that she is his. Even if they are married. In such a situation, the only thing left for a man is to be an eternal hunter, and not a bored rooster in a warm chicken coop.

Every woman should be a little bit of a bitch

The word "bitch" has a negative connotation. A real bitch uses men for her own purposes.

But we call bitches almost all women who have the above features. And are they bad? Judging by the reaction of the male population - NO. And many traits of bitches should be learned by all those women who want to have and keep the love of their men for many years.

Here's what to take from those we call bitches:

a woman should respect and love herself

never betray yourself, protect your interests (through negotiations and bilateral compromises)

in a relationship, the personality of a woman should always be visible

never rush things and don't try on a veil in advance

spontaneity, unexpected actions - to help!

For some, the word "bitch" sounds like an insult, for others like praise. But no matter how society treats such women, everyone knows that the bitch is successful both in work and in relationships with men. And even the most modest woman deep down wants to be a real bitch.

Bitch has always been called women with a selfish character, cynical and despising conventional conventions. These ladies went against the general opinion and established traditions. Insults and reproaches from women flew into their backs, and men tried to bypass such ladies. It seemed that bitches would remain outcasts of society. But this did not happen. The bitches have changed and today they have begun to arouse admiration and envy. Now being one of them is prestigious and the word "bitch" is already associated with success.

The popularity of female bitches is on the rise. Their behavior is studied, calling the theory stervology. Books about these women are literally swept off the shelves. Movies break records in the number of views. The main characters are imitated, copying their behavior. For example, Miranda Priestley - Chief Editor fashion glossy magazine from the movie "The Devil Wears Prada". Confident, purposeful, in control of her emotions, successful woman. She is able to solve any problem. At the same time, Miranda is a caring mother, wise mentor. Her appearance is always spectacular and flawless.

Due to their nature, bitches really achieve great success V professional field. In the world of men and big business, they feel like a fish in water. Bitches make great leaders.

How to become a bitch in the profession?

Bitchy nature helps women move on career ladder faster than others. Not every man can achieve the same success at work. So, to become a bitch in your profession, remember a few tips.

Working qualities of a bitch

  • A bitch is never stupid. Therefore, you always need to learn and raise your professional level. Attend additional training courses, go to meetings of specialists, make new successful friends in the same profession as you.
  • The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. Even if you are completely satisfied with the position you hold, you should still strive to climb up the career ladder. Set a goal for yourself and follow it. Demonstrate to your superiors your skills and abilities that are needed specifically for a position higher than the one you occupy.
  • Initiative and creativity. Basically, people live an 8-hour working day, technically perform the tasks assigned to them and do not think about how to change something around. Such gray everyday life is not for bitches! You should always be active and full of new ideas. After a while, colleagues will get used to the fact that you lead the team and are able to take responsibility for yourself. Therefore, when choosing a new head of department, no one will have any doubts, and you will be the number one candidate.
  • To become a bitch, you must always achieve what you want. Never give up on your goals. Solve problems, overcoming even the most incredible difficulties. Believe me, when you come to the result, the feeling of victory will be stronger than fatigue and doubt.
  • Except professional activity, you must have hobbies or hobbies. This will make a person more interesting and versatile, and also opens up new opportunities in life.

How to become a bitch: a communication strategy

Relationships with colleagues and superiors at work are perhaps one of the most difficult tasks. And all because emotions come into play here, which often control women. It is because of them that many ladies cannot successfully move up the career ladder. Bitches, unlike such women, know how to control themselves and always look decent in the most stressful situation.

  • Learn to manage your emotions. To do this, it is enough to do auto-training or yoga. Remember a few exercises and apply them when you feel a state of panic or hysteria. First of all, breathe calmly and deeply. At the most difficult moment emotional tension try to speak slowly, confidently and calmly.
  • Do not conflict in vain. Try to avoid constant conflicts. Do not succumb to the provocations of colleagues who cannot live without a scandal. If you find yourself embroiled in an argument, behave with dignity and remember that the longer the scandal lasts, the more it gets out of control.

  • To become a bitch, forget about the conflict immediately after it ends. You should not scroll the situation in your head for a few more days, thinking about it. Draw conclusions immediately after the conflict, step over and move on.
  • You should always have your own reasoned point of view. If you are confident in it, then be ready to defend it. Don't be influenced by other people. The bitch is an independent person.
  • Don't take part in gossip, be above it. Gossip is destiny weak women. And don't think about what evil tongues say about you. By the way, men respect women who despise gossip and intrigue.
  • To become a bitch leader, you must always seek the maximum return from your employees at work. Demand and encourage. If you only demand and put pressure on people, you are unlikely to earn respect. If you only praise, you risk destroying discipline. It is very important to be able to balance on the golden mean of these relations. Strict but fair are respected in every team.
  • The bitch gets rid of its competitors easily and competently. It is not necessary to weave super-complicated and vile intrigues. It is enough to study the enemy, to understand him weak spots and give a task that will show the failure of a competitor.

How to become a bitch: manners

To become a bitch you need to educate yourself proper manners. The overall impression of you depends on them. The ability to behave and peculiarities of behavior are already manifested in the first minutes of communication. And if they make a negative impression, then the degree of trust in a person is rapidly declining. There are cases when an excellent professional did not receive a promotion only because of his bad manners. The behavior of a bitch is the behavior of a high society lady.

  • Never be late for meetings. If by objective reasons this happens, then be sure to call and warn that you are late. Don't forget to ask for forgiveness.
  • Don't complain about your problems. The real bitch - strong personality who does not like to talk about failures and failures.
  • Learn the rules of etiquette. Read specialized literature and attend various courses. The knowledge gained will help you look decent at official receptions and in restaurants.
  • Be restrained and friendly in communication. Learn not to show negative attitude to business partners, especially when you need to work with them. If you do not have obligations in relation to them, then politely apologize, citing employment, and leave. Bitches don't waste theirs precious time on useless and stupid people.

How to become a bitch: the appearance of a bitch at work

If you want to become a real bitch, then remember that her appearance is a big part of success. There are no sloppy, unfashionable and non-sexual bitches. Strong woman is an example of an impeccable sense of style and taste. A bitch may not be a stunning beauty, but she always looks perfect and has charisma. So, if you decide to become a real bitch, then follow these rules:

  • Bitch always follows the new fashion trends. Buy glossy magazines, attend fashion shows. If there is no time for this, then find yourself good stylist, which will take care of your image.
  • At work, try to look your best. It is on the bitch that the rest of the fashionistas in the team are guided. Update your wardrobe regularly.
  • You don't have to wear only expensive brands. You can sew it to order, saving money, but at the same time getting exclusive thing. But the accessories, thanks to which the image is created, should be famous brands. Special attention take the bag.
  • Do not wear a lot of gold and jewelry - this bad manners. Be humble in this matter. Not quantity, but quality matters.
  • Forget rhinestones, short skirts, flea market clothes. Dresses, suits, blouses and skirts are acceptable at work.

  • Be sure to wear heels. You must always be on top. Leave ballet shoes for walks on the day off.
  • Visit beauty salons. Availability of manicure, pedicure, well-groomed skin faces and bodies are not even discussed.
  • Buy a real perfume that will envelop you like expensive fine clothes and complete the image of a lady from high society.
  • And do not forget about sports to always be in great shape.

How to become a bitch for a man?

In relationships with men, bitches never play the role of a victim. Such women always remain a mystery to the stronger sex and thus attract attention. only weak and insecure man afraid of the bitch. The most courageous, risky and courageous are ready to win her heart. Winning a bitch is getting the jackpot. But not everyone manages to keep the prize. If a man once met a female bitch, then he will remember this until the end of his days.

How to become a bitch: the seduction of men

Why do men love bitches? Many ladies ask themselves this question, not even realizing that bitches are skillfully mastering the art of seduction. Neglecting such knowledge, women are not able to captivate a man. To solve the problem you need to become a real bitch.

  • She never looks away when communicating with men. He looks them straight in the eyes boldly and calmly, while smiling slightly.
  • A bitch always feels when men like it. Choosing one of them, she starts the hunt. But this does not mean that you should arrange telephone terror for the chosen one or go on the offensive with the help of signs of attention. Be patient and restrained.
  • The bitch makes it clear to the man that she is interested in him, but at the same time she does not run to him at the first call. She never agrees to a meeting right away, but asks for time to think, warming up the man’s interest even more.
  • The bitch knows how to keep a man at a distance. He feels that she likes, but sees that she is in no hurry to belong to him. The desire to possess such a prize deprives a man of peace.
  • A bitch does not stoop to cheap flirting techniques - a wink, a languid gaze, jokes about sex. She is above it all. A fleeting glance, a barely perceptible smile or a slight movement of the hand is enough to straighten a strand of hair.
  • Wanting to attract the attention of a man, the bitch will not put on short skirt or a blouse with a stunning neckline. Her choice is a figure-hugging dress, a translucent blouse, a hip-hugging pencil skirt with a slit. This will be enough to make a man want to see more.

How to become a bitch: date

In dealing with men, the bitch is like a predator who understands why she needs prey, estimates the distance to the victim, makes several precise movements and, having clenched her teeth, does not let her out. She refuses a man only when she realizes that she does not need him. So the date is part of the plan. And if you decide to become a bitch, you should know about the following:

  • On a date, a bitch will not talk incessantly about her women's affairs or, wanting to please your partner, talk about football, politics, cars. She will have a calm conversation about travel, vivid impressions, music. Also, a bitch with genuine attention will listen to a man, drawing conclusions about him for himself.
  • To become a bitch, remember that she does not tell a man about her past relationship. He will not open his soul and complain about failures in love, causing pity. Everything that was in her life before this meeting will remain a mystery to the man forever.

  • On a date, a bitch does not eat much and is not fond of alcohol. Everything is restrained and cultured.
  • A bitch will never agree to go to a man after the first and even the second date. This woman is not easily accessible.
  • The day after a date, a woman will not call a man first. She has the strength and patience to wait for him to do it himself.
  • When a bitch already has a relationship with a man, she will not restrict his freedom. This wise woman understands that for a man the feeling of a noose around his neck is simply unbearable.
  • If you want to become a bitch, then do not make scandals to your man, do not read messages on his phone, do not follow the chosen one. If there are doubts about the fidelity of a man, the bitch speaks to him directly, making it clear that she will not tolerate such an attitude and is ready to leave.
  • All the emotions and resentments that appear in a bitch during an unsuccessful relationship with a man, she never shows anyone. Tears in the pillow at night, a confident smiling face during the day. For those around her, she is a bitch.

How to become a bitch: sex

Even if you do not want to conquer the world or make a career like many bitches, in bed you simply have to know and be able to do everything that a bitchy woman owns. Otherwise, over time, your intimate relationship with men will become boring and extremely rare. Therefore, in bed, every woman should become a bitch.

  • The bitch likes herself and is not shy about her body. She knows that the main thing is the art of love.
  • A bitch always wears beautiful and sexy lingerie. It should not be vulgar, but refined.
  • The bitch is interested in the sexual side of life - she reads literature, studies Eastern practices. As a rule, these are good mistresses.
  • Nothing romantic is alien to a bitch. She appreciates candles in the bedroom, rose petals in the bathroom, a hot kiss by the sea.
  • The bitch perfectly knows her body and the characteristics of a man. It helps her get the most vivid impressions from sex.
  • To become a bitch, don't be passive in bed. Do everything to enjoy yourself and deliver it to a man.
  • The bitch does not refuse sexual games, trying on various images. She understands that it always brings newness to intimate relationships.
  • The bitch is not afraid to be loose and bold in pastels. Uniformity and monotony is not for her. But if a man wants, a bitch can become meek and gentle.

  • Do not think that a bitch should bite, scratch or selflessly scream during sex - these cheap tricks are not for her. A real bitch will be able to impress in other ways.
  • A bitch always makes it clear to a man that she has a large sexual arsenal various tricks. This excites a new desire in the partner.

Bitch in the family

Oddly enough, but it is the bitches who manage to save the family when it is on the verge of collapse. These wise women are able to subtly feel the situation and manage to take all the necessary measures to solve it in their favor. In a family, bitches differ from others in that they have their own behavioral patterns that men have to reckon with. Become a bitch in family relationships- this means not to humiliate a partner, but to be able to influence him in such a way as to benefit for himself and the whole family.

  • A bitch will never dissolve in her husband, devote herself only to household chores. She can skillfully combine career and home. And if a man does not agree with this state of affairs, the bitch will choose a job.
  • A bitch always has her own money and will not wait for handouts from her husband. Even in the family, she demonstrates independence and freedom.
  • To become a bitch in the family, teach your family what you should have personal time. Go to meetings with friends, go shopping, visit beauty salons and gyms.
  • The bitch won't live with weak man. And with a strong partner, she will be able to create the image of a soft and obedient wife. But imperceptibly for her husband, the bitch will be able to influence the adoption of the decisions she needs. A man will be sure that it was he who accepted this important decision for the family and will not even guess that he acted according to the scenario of his wife.
  • The bitch even at home looks attractive and will never allow herself to go to tracksuit, without make-up and with dirty hair.
  • The bitch's house is always in order. She knows how to teach a man to do household chores and will never take everything solely on her shoulders.
  • The bitch will do everything so that her family lives in abundance and does not need anything. This woman is programmed for the success of her children.

Bitch books

Being a real bitch is an art. Of course, you may have some traits from birth. But a lot needs to be brought up in oneself. In fact, a bitch is a woman who created herself. Today you can buy many books in which you will discover the secrets of a real bitch and teach you many tricks. Among huge selection there are authors recognized all over the world.

Sherry Argov on bitches

The New York-based writer is the best-selling author of I Want to Be a Bitch!, Why Men Love Bitches?, and Why Men Marry Bitches. Sherri Argov is a regular participant in television programs dedicated to women. In the book “I want to become a bitch! A Manual for Real Women, Sherry offers readers more than 100 principles of irresistibility. The author talks about what a bitch should be, what are its advantages over rivals. Sherry believes that a woman should be free, independent, interesting, spectacular. A bitch is not a scandalous hysteric, but a smart and very wise woman. The book has become a guide for many modern girls in over 25 countries around the world.

Evgenia Shatskaya about bitches

Russian writer and psychologist Evgenia Shatskaya constantly writes about bitches. The identity of the author remains a mystery to readers. Some say that she socialite, others call her a successful psychologist. Shatskaya is considered the creator of stervology. No one has ever written in such detail about bitches. Among the books of Evgenia Shatskaya, the most famous were “The course of a real bitch”, “The Bible of a bitch. The rules by which real women play”, “Magic bitch. Witch or sorceress?”, “Bitch conquers Big city". These books help modern women believe in own forces, discover new opportunities and understand that a bitch is someone who knows how to set goals and achieve them.

Secrets of famous bitches

How to become a bitch women have known at all times. List famous bitches world can begin with the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra.

Secrets of Cleopatra

By no means a beauty and inexperienced ruler Cleopatra very quickly managed to conquer the world with her attractiveness, education and adventurism. This woman was able to gather an army and fight for the throne on an equal basis with men. Many of them simply did not notice her protruding chin, a big nose humpbacked and dreamed of spending at least one night with Cleopatra. The queen was known as a skillful mistress and knew how to charm the opposite sex. Her manners, voice, grace admired entire nations. Cleopatra constantly studied and engaged in self-improvement. Her inventions in cosmetology and her ability to take care of herself were legendary. This real bitch who realized that the strength of a woman is not so much in beauty, but in the ability to present herself.

Secrets of the Madonna

Modern bitches also victoriously go through life. They are not afraid of what people say, make mistakes and overcome difficulties, hurt others and suffer themselves. And against all odds, these women are loved and admired. A prime example is Madonna. She always challenges society and is not exchanged for petty scandals. If you really cause a storm of emotions, then the biggest and loudest. A smart American realized that in order to quickly make a career, you need talent and scandal. Cold calculation helped the beauty to follow this conviction and achieve worldwide recognition. There were ups and downs in her life, but thanks to her bitchy nature, Madonna always remained in demand. She was able to become not only a singer, but also an actress, director, writer. Men are afraid of her bitchy nature as much as they want to get this woman.

Secrets of Naomi Campbell

Speaking of celebrities who have become bitches, one cannot fail to mention the British supermodel Naomi Campbell. Perhaps this diva alone is worth three. A professional in the fashion world has a very scandalous character. Scream, hit, throw mobile phone in the head of assistant Naomi can without a doubt. Because of the super model, the departure of the airliner was delayed for 40 minutes, and then they figured out the reasons for her attack on airport employees. Perhaps it is not easy for someone to live with such a character, but he helps the bitchy Kembpel to constantly be at the peak of popularity. She is always in demand and concludes contracts for very impressive amounts. In her personal life, a super model is never alone. The choice of applicants for her hand and heart is great. The sexuality of this woman is manifested in every movement. Because of this, it is often compared to a predatory panther. But in addition to resounding success, there is a place in Naomi's life for charity. She works with the Dalai Lama and through UNESCO helps raise money for the world's poorest kindergartens.

Secrets of Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton also confidently holds the first position in the list of bitches known to the whole world. Her scandalous Savor began with an elite school, from where Paris was expelled. Due to the fact that the girl led a wild life, she was deprived of the huge inheritance of the hotel empire. The character of Hilton has not changed after that. Continuing to challenge all the foundations of society, she went to conquer the world in the modeling agency of Donald Trump and achieved success. Constantly falling into scandalous stories, Paris became not only a fashion model, but also an actress, singer and even a fashion designer. Failures and failures could not break the character of this girl. She did not pay attention to criticism, ridicule and malicious hissing behind her back, but learned new things and tried to achieve success.

If you decide to become a bitch, then be prepared to take any blow of fate and at the same time look your best!

How to become a bitch (video)

Natalia Kaptsova — practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 6 minutes


In our time, a great many books are published that teach you how to be bitches: first, second, third, do this and that, and then all the men will line up in front of you, fall in piles, give you money, buy you gifts, learn to gut , be rude, sarcastic and then you will be interesting. Many women try to become bitches and many say: yes, I am a bitch, and it helps me out. With what?

And why can men love bitches?

However, the trouble with the bitch is that at some point she finds out that male vultures who love sharp women, not so much. And most often a bitch is not the only one surrounded by a man . She suddenly realizes that somewhere there is a girl who smiles, who can even dance in front of her man, who cooks him food, who listens to his every word, and this of course unsettles the bitch.
Bitches cry too . In all dictionaries, "bitch" is very bad woman. It is a woman, not a man. There is no such thing as "bitch". A man can be a cheater, a dog, anyone, but definitely not a "bitch". This is a feminine concept that will not bring happiness to a woman. But it is also not necessary to be absolutely soft and pliable. Bitchiness is just a spice to female character . After all, you can’t eat only pepper or horseradish all the time. Bitchiness is added and gives variety to the taste and color of life, to some behavioral reactions. Therefore, you need to understand well that if you decide to become a bitch, then this absolutely does not mean that you will become one. This is great work and talent. There are very few real bitches . All the rest are fake.

Attitude towards bitches is ambiguous. They are loved or hated. We will figure out who this is - a bitch, and how they become, but first we will give a definition of the term.

The word "bitch": meaning

In a figurative sense, the word in question is interpreted as a grumpy evil woman, vile, able to achieve its goal at any cost. According to Dahl, the word "bitter" means "carrion, the corpse of a stiff animal." And we will try to figure out in more detail who this bitch is? And we will determine how it becomes.

It should be noted that a female bitch is the role of modern beauties, not a lifestyle and not even a character trait, but just a fashion trend.

Why do women turn into them?

According to psychologists, men are often to blame for the appearance of this phenomenon in a couple. Because they lack attention, love, or, on the contrary, are too generous for it.

Due to the lack of care, affection, lack of gifts and flowers from the strong half, the beloved is able to change, become the notorious female bitch. She begins to commit various reckless acts such as a surge of accumulated negative emotions, can do something out of spite and so on. IN this case she feels what she wants to achieve, but is not fully aware of it.

Resentment can also provoke internal conflict at a woman. Endless concern for children, husband, home, fatigue can become factors that explain how they become bitches.

How to see a bitch in a woman

You can easily recognize a latent or true bitch. The meaning of this definition of character is revealed in its following features:

  1. She will confidently say to any question, remark and even a compliment that she knows herself or knows better.
  2. Is different unpredictable character- a sophisticated lady can abruptly turn into a habalka.
  3. The man falls under her total control.
  4. Demonstrates independence, will never ask for help.
  5. Punctual.
  6. Does not accept rejection from a man.
  7. Often says the word "I want."
  8. She is not interested emotional condition and partner problems.
  9. Gifts, flowers and compliments are taken for granted, while even forgetting about elementary gratitude.

And yet, who is this bitch? According to psychologists, this is a woman who skillfully knows how to mask vulnerabilities. Seemingly active, independent, she is not afraid of incitement and is often an aggressor herself. She doesn't care what others think. Such a woman is hard to love because of the unpredictability, the ability to behave inappropriately at any moment.

Of course, she is dazzling, spectacular, attractive, but this is just a mask. The spectacle played by her is a screen behind which a weak offended nature hides. That is why bitches are so eccentric and sharp-tongued. Now that it's more clear who this bitch is, let's move on.

And what is hidden under the mask?

Often, these ladies are lonely, so harsh statements and defiant behavior justify their temper. This is a kind of protective camouflage against defenselessness.

After all happy woman who has excellent trusting relationship with her husband, will not complain about her life and pay attention to gossip addressed to her. And the bitch often cannot find her love and therefore splashes out the poison with wit. She is unhappy, invents various sorrows, whether overweight or any other reason, but in fact it turns out that she is just lonely and crying into her pillow at home. All of the above helps us understand how to become a bitch.

There is a belief that they are born

According to psychologists, they do not always become bitches at a conscious age; this quality of character also flashes in childhood. And some are literally born with the named trait.

But you don't have to be one to be stubborn. This is a gift that intelligent women are trying to develop. An adequate loyal bitch must have high moral principles, otherwise she will be known as an ordinary abusive aunt.

Need to be able to find golden mean between bitchiness and appropriate behavior. You can dress as a bitch, but not flirt. You need to be at home with your husband affectionate cat. It is necessary to show the man that this is only an ostentatious barb, impudence and independence, but in reality you are fragile, kind and fluffy. This is a great art that needs to be learned. Although a little bitchiness wouldn't hurt.

According to psychologists, everything is good in moderation. Of course, bitchiness is a shine, a peppercorn in a woman. And if this is not a fanatical image, but a small fraction of its manifestation, this does not spoil the lady, but, on the contrary, gives attractiveness, extravagant coloring.

Men do not like passive, calm women. They are attracted by a secret, a hidden zest, for example, intelligence, brightness of character, interesting expressive speech. The main thing is not to go fine line from a "cute" bitch to a true one. Let's talk about how to become a real bitch.

Let's give a few simple tips. The main thing is to love yourself. And only then can you move on. So, it is necessary:

  1. Have an image thought out to the smallest detail.
  2. Always be on top. IN perfect condition you must have a hairstyle, make-up, manicure, clothes and figure.
  3. Learn to think like a man, in cold blood.
  4. Engage in self-education, self-education, train willpower, temper character, fight laziness.
  5. Be able to support any conversation.
  6. Always stick to your beliefs.
  7. Learn to ignore other people's opinions.
  8. Use time wisely.
  9. Set goals and achieve them.

Every coin has a second side, so think carefully if you want to become a bitch, because you may have to face not only excessive male attention, but also with female envy and misunderstanding.


Immediately dispel the myth about what they are and how bitches behave. These are not always negative personalities. And not necessarily the fatal beauty should be in all red. Yes, she is definitely extraordinary, bright and attractive, sharp-tongued, somewhere impudent. But she does not try to attract attention with tantrums. A true bitch, as psychologists say, is self-confident, and she is not interested in someone else's opinion.

She is smart. Vulgarity, rudeness and bad Education alien to her. As a rule, this is an educated, purposeful, ambitious woman who achieves success in her career. Despite selfishness and even cynicism, the bitch is always honest.

It has great taste, and whatever it takes, it turns out. In relations with men, he always shows indifference, which is why he is so popular. She clings to them with her inaccessibility.

And finally, according to psychologists, they still don’t become bitches, they are born, so in many cases trying on a fake image can play a bad joke. Instead of a femme fatale, you can turn into a prone to tantrums, whims, eccentric with inappropriate behavior lady.
