Reusable pregnancy test. Reusable pregnancy tests are another successful step in digital technology

Pharmacies now offer huge selection various rapid tests for determining pregnancy, they have high sensitivity and good reliability of the result. It is thanks to this variety of assortment that any woman can choose a product by price, type, version or manufacturer. However, the most popular and accurate is considered electronic test for pregnancy, let's figure out what its advantages are.


If a woman has doubts about a possible pregnancy, her first desire is to dispel or confirm them. The simplest and quick way which will help in this situation is a rapid test for possible pregnancy. Using this device, you can find out whether conception has occurred at home, without visiting a clinic.

The following types of products exist:

  1. The easiest way to determine whether you are pregnant or not is to use a special test strip. Early in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, you should urinate in a special container or any other container. Then lower the product to the max mark, for no more than 5 seconds. The appearance of a second line next to the control line indicates the presence of pregnancy.
  2. The tablet type of diagnostics has the same principle as the test strip. It is in a special plastic case, has high sensitivity and is able to detect even early pregnancy. To obtain the result, a drop of urine is applied with a pipette into the first window. After some time, information appears in the second (control) window. If pregnancy is present, the transparent reagent will become colored. The result is considered very accurate, its reliability is about 99%.
  3. The inkjet version is much more accurate than the previous two. Its main advantages are the ability to use it at any time of the day or night. Literally from the first days of absence of menstruation, it will show the correct result, which will be visible in 1 minute.
  4. An electronic pregnancy test is considered the most accurate. The result that is reflected is 99% accurate. Activation of the device begins from the moment urine is absorbed. After a few minutes, the result appears, “minus” means no pregnancy, “plus” means confirmation of pregnancy.

Each of the described diagnostic methods indicates the presence of a “pregnancy hormone” in a woman’s body, which begins to be produced immediately after conception and at a certain level, an express test can already diagnose it.

Features of digital testing

Electronic pregnancy tests come in a small plastic case with a screen on it. Their price is an order of magnitude higher than conventional test strips, which simply answer “yes” or “no,” however, the advantages are much greater.

The positive aspects of use include:

  • Good information content, since a pregnancy test before a missed period of 4-5 days is already capable of producing a result. If it is positive, it is possible to determine approximate period the onset of conception (within a few days). This property control test perfect for women who have problems with menstrual cycle, for example, irregular start dates and duration of menstruation.
  • Testing will help determine optimal time for possible fertilization.
  • Among the advantages is that the electronic pregnancy test can be used in any setting. It is compact, well protected and has a beautiful design.
  • The accuracy of the results lasts from 5 minutes to 24 hours. This is very convenient compared to other diagnostic methods that are used at home (for example, strips that can change color as they dry).

The use of this express test allows women to make diagnostics at home with an accuracy that is not inferior to laboratory tests. The most important thing is to correctly evaluate the result obtained. Sometimes women are confused by the too intense color of the test strip. Often the applied reagent is taken as a positive result.

The main disadvantage of digital testing is its high price. However, due to the accuracy and reliability of the results, it is quite popular among women.

Reusable tests

All rapid tests are highly sensitive and highly accurate products. But unfortunately, most of them can only be used once. The latest developments have allowed women to be diagnosed using reusable tests.

Today, most women choose the Clearblue electronic pregnancy test, the operating principle of which is practically no different from the inkjet diagnostic option. It has a wide tip and a special handle, which will make the process of collecting material easier for you, as well as ensure sterility and hygiene.

Clearblue - reusable pregnancy tests. The device has 2 windows. One is a control one, where a strip appears if the test is carried out correctly, the other displays the result.

You must bring the receiving end of the electronic device under the stream of urine for literally 3–5 seconds. The display will show hourglass, they will give a countdown of time. After 3 minutes, either “+” will appear on the screen, which will indicate that fertilization has occurred, or “-”, which will indicate its absence.

Electronic test for possible pregnancy, reusable - the latest digital development, equipped with a special storage device with a disposable removable cartridge. You need to place diagnostic material on it (in our case, urine). The kit contains 20 cartridges, i.e. 20 possible diagnostics.

This device (using a USB cable) can be connected to a computer or tablet to analyze the data in more detail and see the result. A reusable pregnancy test allows you to determine the expected date of birth of your baby. At negative result, with its help you can find out the most favorable day for conception and fertilization.

Factors influencing the result

In certain cases, an electronic pregnancy test may show a false result, but this does not mean that it is unsuitable or broken.

There are a number of specific reasons that influence interpretation, namely:

  • Reception hormonal drugs, which contain chorionic gonadotropic hormone.
  • Oncological diseases (hormone-producing tumors).
  • Ovarian cyst, ectopic fertilization or menopause.

The inscription “pregnant” appeared on the display - this is wonderful, you can congratulate your spouse and go for a consultation with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

When the screen display shows “not pregnant,” you shouldn’t be upset right away; the diagnosis may have been carried out early. Wait until the day of your expected period and test again.

If there is already a delay, use a reusable pregnancy test again, preferably after 1-2 days. If the result is negative again, you should consult a gynecologist.

Electronic pregnancy test, despite its high cost, is becoming more and more popular every day among modern women. The reusable test differs from conventional pregnancy test strips in that it is more sensitive and accurate. Using a digital pregnancy test, you can detect not only the fact of conception, but even the due date. The reusable pregnancy test is the latest technology in early diagnosis conceiving and bearing a child at home.

Why do the test many times?

Skeptics may say: why do you need a multiple test if you plan to have only one child? The ability to test several times is intended for those who have been planning a child for a long time, but for some reason cannot conceive one. In this case, it would be advisable to purchase a reusable test.

Also, a test that can be used more than once will be a real discovery for women who like to double-check several times to make sure the result is correct.

In case of determining the presence of conception, a one-time test will have to take several pieces.

Advantages of an electronic device for determining pregnancy

A reusable pregnancy test has a huge number of advantages when compared with its disposable predecessors.

  1. Accuracy of results. Unlike test strips, which can leave many questions after use, when, for example, the second strip did not develop well or was smudged, digital test pregnancy leaves no doubt. The digital display of the device will show a countdown of the procedure. chemical analysis, and after three minutes the same display will show “+” in case of a positive result or “-“ if conception has not occurred. Also, if you do not press the reset button for the result, it will not disappear over time, unlike a one-time test, the strip from which tends to disappear.
  2. Diagnostics at the most early stages. Women who have used the reusable test say the device detects levels increasing hCG(pregnancy hormone) already on the first day of missed menstruation.

Research work on reusable tests claims that electronic devices for determining conception are able to detect fertilization that has occurred 2-3 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation.

The most advanced and expensive models have in their functionality the ability to determine the due date. But doctors agree that this period is still inaccurate and usually deviates from the real age of the fetus by two weeks.

Disadvantages of digital pregnancy detection

In terms of functionality and accuracy, this device has no disadvantages or shortcomings. The disadvantages of an electronic device for determining conception are different.

  1. Expensive. The main drawback of the device is its high cost. A reusable electronic pregnancy test costs many times more than a disposable one. But if a couple has been trying to conceive a child for a long time, then acquiring reusable test to determine conception will more than pay for itself.
  2. Difficulty in purchasing. This shortcoming comes from the fact that new technology not too popular yet. Many women are wary of this new product, especially because of its price. Therefore, they prefer to use disposable devices to diagnose an existing conception, believing that they save money. Due to the unpopularity of the electronic device for determining the fact of conception, it is difficult to find in pharmacies.

The instructions for the device recommend conducting research from the first days of the delay, in this case the guarantee correct result will be 99%. But if there are suspicions regarding your position before the onset of menstruation, then the device can be used 3-4 days before your period. In this case, the result will not be reliable with such a high percentage, but it can be checked after a few days. A reusable test, like a disposable one, is used to study the morning urine sample.

A digital reusable device for determining the fact of conception is similar to a regular flash drive. The only difference between an electronic device for determining pregnancy and a removable storage device is the presence of a display on which the result will appear after the analysis. The device has a storage device that is refilled with a cartridge disposable. There are usually 20 of them included with the device.

The ability to determine pregnancy in the first month after conception is a gift for the expectant mother. This is why accurate and convenient electronic pregnancy tests are becoming popular. What is the name of the test indicating the gestational age? How does the ClearBlue test work? How accurate is it? What is his sensitivity? What types are there? When is the best time to take the test? How to use it? Let's figure it out together.

Clearblue pregnancy tests: how they work

An electronic pregnancy test works based on the principle of an increase in the level of hCG in a woman’s urine after conception. Research shows that the most reliable result turns out in the morning, since the concentration of the hormone reaches its maximum values, but the digital strips Clear blue can be used at almost any time of the day, as they are highly sensitive.

The Clear Blue indicator paper strip contains special tubules through which the liquid (urine) rises to a certain level, and after that the test shows a negative or positive result. Some types of digital Clear blue not only confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy, but also indicate the gestational age with an accuracy of up to 2 weeks.

Types of Clearblue tests, advantages and disadvantages

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Clearblue is a digital pregnancy indicator. The manufacturer produces several varieties of ClearBlue, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. If desired, it is possible to find a disposable or reusable digital test, choose a yes/no indicator, or prefer a model that indicates the approximate stage of pregnancy. Price different types The electronic test will also differ depending on the functionality.

Model Plus

A simple and inexpensive model Clear Blue - Plus. It is a variant of an ordinary pregnancy indicator strip; it has two windows - the result (a plus or minus appears in it) and the indication (if a strip appears in the second window blue color, the result is reliable, otherwise the check should be repeated with another test). The advantages of this model include:

  • ease of evaluating the results (if the Clear Blue test showed “+” - the woman is pregnant, “-” - conception did not occur);
  • affordable cost (on average models cost 165-175 rubles);
  • ergonomic shape that does not require the use of a container for collecting urine;
  • high accuracy of the electronic indicator (99% when conducting analysis after a delay in menstruation).

This type of Clearblue line of tests is not without its drawbacks. First of all, this is the impossibility of repeated use. After using the indicator once, you will have to throw it away. This is a yes/no model, and there is no way to determine the approximate gestational age using it.

Model Easy

ClearBlue Easy is considered the most affordable model in the line under consideration. A one-time test can be purchased in pharmacies for 120-140 rubles. The advantages of the Easy variety include ease of use (the result is understandable logically, and it will help to avoid mistakes when conducting “analysis” detailed instructions). A container for collecting urine when using the model is not needed due to the features of the shape.

The Easy inkjet model has an accuracy of 99 reliable results out of 100 tests performed, but you must wait until your period is missed to test. Clearblue Easy has few disadvantages: the indicator cannot be reused, in addition, it helps to determine the fact of conception, but does not determine the gestational age.

Model Digital

Clearblue digital is a reusable pregnancy test, a highly accurate, progressive type of digital pregnancy indicator. The reliability of the Digital inkjet model in terms of confirming or refuting the fact of pregnancy is 99%. The undoubted advantage of the model is that it also allows you to determine the approximate gestational age.

If conception occurred within 5 weeks before the test, a number from 1 to 5 will be visible on the display, indicating the gestational age in weeks - this accuracy is made possible thanks to the smart sensor built into each ClearBlue model. With more later a pregnant woman will see the designation “5+” on the small digital test monitor.

The main disadvantage of the Digital model is its high cost (many consider this the only negative digital test Digital). You will have to pay 300 rubles for it. In addition, it should be taken into account that the result - positive or negative - remains on the display for 24 hours and then disappears, so it will not be possible to save the “first happy plus sign” (however, most expectant mothers do not need this).

Clear Blue Digital has many more advantages. In addition to high accuracy and the ability to determine the approximate gestational age, expectant mothers will be pleased by the opportunity to learn good news in the very first weeks after conception. It has a convenient shape that allows you to do without a urine container. In addition, Clearblue Digital is a reusable model, meaning it can be reused.

Which Clearblue test is best?

The developers of the KliaBlue tests pay attention to Special attention ease of use, ease of interpretation of results, and even the aesthetics of their products (by the way, ClearBlue recently received a special award for design). It is not difficult to test any Clear blue model, and understanding the result is very simple, which is why the brand is so popular.

A woman wondering if she is pregnant can easily purchase any CleaBlue digital pregnancy test at the nearest pharmacy and be completely calm about the reliability of the result.

If desired, you can give preference to a cheaper variety or expensive test"happy weeks." Experts recommend taking two different ones to be sure.

In most cases, a woman performs the test when she has already developed good reasons suspect pregnancy. If it is enough to simply get a “yes/no” result, then there is no need to overpay for a digital, reusable, and therefore expensive type of test. It is enough to take the regular Plus model.

Sometimes it is important for a pregnant woman not only to know whether she is carrying a child or not - the duration of pregnancy is also of fundamental importance. The reasons may be different, but in any case optimal choice There will be a Digital model. Reviews indicate that Digital type tests are the most trusted and “make mistakes” much less often than other types.

Why is there an unreliable result?

If an electronic test is so accurate and reliable, can it be “wrong”? Is there a risk of getting a false positive or false negative result, using a pregnancy test from the Clia Blue line? There is always a possibility of obtaining an unreliable result. In the case of Clearblue models, the error may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. violation of the rules of the testing procedure;
  2. a number of gynecological pathologies (for example, endometriosis);
  3. a false positive result can be obtained by a woman who was pregnant not long ago, even if the pregnancy did not necessarily end in childbirth;
  4. when too early implementation test against the background of irregular periods;
  5. taking hCG-containing drugs for the treatment of infertility;
  6. ectopic pregnancy (this is special case pregnancy, so the test will show a positive result, because hormonal fluctuations are provoked by the very presence of a fertilized egg in a woman’s body, and the fact that its localization turned out to be pathological does not affect the hormone level in any way).

How to use the electronic test?

To get a reliable result and avoid mistakes, you should carefully read the instructions for the selected test model for early definition pregnancy. The ClearBlue line contains all the information, including step by step description actions can be found in the package with the dough. In the instructions for different models there are slight differences, but general procedure looks like that:

  1. Ensure that the dye tip interacts with the woman’s urine. You can lower the indicator into a container with urine or place the test under the stream (it is better to use the morning portion).
  2. How long the urine acts on the test is also important. Regardless of the method of application biological material for the test, the exposure time should be 5 seconds.
  3. The colored tip becomes pink tint. This will mean that the amount of urine is sufficient for analysis.
  4. An electronic type test for determining pregnancy should be removed from the urine and placed on a flat horizontal surface, avoiding sharp jolts and shaking.
  5. The result should be assessed no earlier than 3, but no later than 10 minutes after applying urine.
  6. Before paying attention to the result window, you must first look at the control window. If a blue stripe appears in it, the testing was carried out correctly and you can study its result. Otherwise, you will need to repeat the test with a different indicator.
  7. The absence or presence of pregnancy is indicated by the icon in the result window. You can see what it looks like in the photo.

Every potential to the expectant mother I can’t wait to find out if the planned conception has taken place. The simplest and reliable way– take an electronic pregnancy test.

Of all the diagnostic devices for determining conception, the electronic test is considered the most accurate. It works on the same principle as regular strips. That is, it determines the presence of a unique substance produced female body only during pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin person.

You should not assume that an electronic pregnancy test is reusable. Devices from such popular brands as, for example, Clearblue are a one-time digital test, despite the rather high cost (from 350 rubles). The main advantages of the electronic device are that they are very convenient to use, and the results are quite accurate even 3-4 days before the delay.

The disposable digital test can be dipped into urine or placed under the stream. After urine hits the device, within a few seconds the digital test displays a symbol on the screen indicating the start of the diagnosis. Often this is an hourglass. The main result is determined after another 2-3 minutes. On the scoreboard you can see different meanings: a smile or a sad face, + or -, the inscription pregnant or not pregnant. All decodings must be described in the instructions for use.

Electronic pregnancy tests are good because many of them can determine a new position at a very early stage, while other research systems do not yet see an important substance in the urine of the expectant mother.

When can I do a pregnancy test

If the pregnancy test is electronic, this does not mean that the device is able to detect a new position immediately after conception. The fact is that the hCG hormone (the presence of which is determined by the device) does not appear in the blood immediately. First, the fertilized egg travels fallopian tubes and only after about a week does it penetrate into the endometrium - implantation of the embryo occurs. Then the production of hCG begins, but its amount is initially negligible.

And only 5-7 days after implantation sensitive test pregnancy will be able to recognize it. Although even then the accuracy of the results leaves much to be desired.

To be 100% sure, diagnosis can be carried out after a missed period. Manufacturers of many modern brands Attached to the instructions is an insert sheet that indicates the percentage of the correct answer with the days of the menstrual cycle:

  • 50% - 4-5 days before menstruation;
  • 84% - in 3-4 days;
  • 92% - in 2-3 days;
  • 99% - in 1-2 days;

On the day of the expected start of a new cycle, a digital pregnancy test shows an absolutely accurate result. But provided that the woman has no reason to distort it. For example, if she did not take drugs to stimulate ovulation.

At the same time, the manufacturer allows the study to be carried out even in the evening and daytime, unlike strip strips, which are recommended for use only in the morning.

How to use the electronic test correctly

Using the electronic test is very simple. All the nuances are described in the instructions, read it, this will save you from mistakes and unnecessary expenses. After all, the device is disposable and will have to be thrown away after use.

Carrying out a pregnancy test does not always require collecting urine in a container. Most of the models are jet, that is, it is enough to place the device under a stream of urine.

The device itself is placed in a box and waterproof film. It is necessary to open the package and remove the protective cap. There will be a small absorbent area underneath. It is immersed in the biomaterial (or placed under the stream). The ease of use also lies in the fact that you don’t have to worry about crossing the limit line. The insides of the diagnostic device are reliably protected by the housing from unexpected moisture penetration.

After 10-15 seconds ( exact time immersion is always indicated in the instructions), you must remove the device and close it with the cap. The waiting time for the result is from 1 to 3 minutes. A digital pregnancy test gives a clear answer that leaves no room for doubt. At positive result(if you managed to get pregnant) a + will appear on the screen, the inscription pregnant, or “pregnant”. If the result is negative: -, not pregnant, or “not pregnant”.

Every woman, guessing that she is pregnant, first of all goes to the pharmacy to buy a test. Correct result the test may not show the first time, and purchasing several tests is quite expensive. Gynecologists, in in this case, recommend that expectant mothers purchase a reusable pregnancy test.

Test action.

A reusable test is no different from the usual one-time test; they operate on the same principle. The test responds to hCG level– a hormone that increases in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman. When there is a sufficient amount of this hormone, a second strip is colored on a one-time test (strip strip). The higher its level, the clearer and brighter stripe becomes.

Reusable pregnancy tests are more sensitive and highly accurate. They can detect pregnancy by premature deadlines, in some cases, a couple of days before the delay. In such a situation, it is recommended to reanalysis test, this will allow you to further consolidate the result.

The test results can be found by placing the tip under a stream of urine or into a glass filled with urine for five seconds. Afterwards, place the test on a smooth surface and wait another five minutes to determine accurate results. It is recommended to do the test in the morning, when the level of hCG in the urine is highest. During the procedure, do not hold the device with the sampler pointing upward under any circumstances.

What is the difference between a reusable test and a disposable one?

Despite the similar operating principle of both tests, there are also discrepancies. Electronic reusable tests are highly popular in modern times. Unlike strip strips, the result is displayed on the screen. The test is positive – “+” is displayed, negative – “-”. On some tests, the digital display shows "yes" or "no". In this case, the woman does not have to think about how clearly the second stripe is visible and whether it is a stripe. As mentioned above, multiple-use tests provide highly accurate results up to four days before your expected period.

Reusable test device.

This device has several cartridges - disposable strips, which need to be changed after the first procedure. Typically, a set comes with twenty cartridges.

The highly sensitive device does not give failures or false results. This allows expectant mothers to determine the presence of pregnancy in a comfortable manner. home environment. Thanks to the multiple test, you can verify the accuracy of the previous result several days later at a time that suits you.

After completing the procedure and installing the PTeq cartridge, remove the cap from the USB connector and connect it to your computer or laptop. After this, the test will begin to transmit more detailed data to the screen, for example, if the result is positive, the test shows the expected date of birth of the baby, which is determined by the level hCG hormone. The period in weeks is also additionally indicated. If the result is negative, the test calculates the approximate day of ovulation - a favorable day for conception.

In some cases, the test detects an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. You can tell if your hCG and progesterone levels stop rising over time.

The test needs to be charged periodically. The only negative is that the battery lasts from two to three days, and the digital display goes out accordingly.


The test is designed for a fairly wide range of girls and women who take questions about future pregnancy. It is of great need for those couples who have not been able to conceive a child for a fairly long period of time. Highly accurate results for these people are of paramount importance.

A reusable test that determines pregnancy will not work forever, and 20 cartridges will sooner or later run out, but for those couples who are still trying to have a baby to no avail, this test is a necessary and irreplaceable thing.


The price of a reusable pregnancy test will differ from the cost of strip strips. Its main advantage justifies the price: you can use it repeatedly, the results will be as accurate as possible, high sensitivity will allow you to carry out the procedure several days before the delay, when conventional tests will make you wait an extra week.

The developers of the test claim that its price is certainly justified. No rapid test will give such fast and accurate results as the above.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase a reusable test at almost any pharmacy or online store. Since the demand for it is not great due to quite high price(approximately 1000-1500 rubles), the test is almost always available.
