What makes a woman truly attractive? An open book is of little interest to anyone. What attracts men to a woman

Many people believe that beautiful woman automatically becomes desirable for men. But in fact, men are attracted not so much to beautiful as to sexy people. And the secret of sex appeal lies not only in beautiful appearance. By what criteria do representatives of the stronger sex evaluate sexual attractiveness?


Most men find sexy not at all skinny women, but women with “sculpted” shapes. If a girl is slim enough, she also has curvy breasts and buttocks are best option: sex is not a catwalk... But if she has a flat figure, then this is an option only for everyone. Just like overweight people.

Legs and height

It's true that men are attracted to women with long legs. But why? It turns out that in primitive times long legs associated with birth healthy child. After all, in order to have such legs, a woman’s body had to have enough nutrients and microelements.

On the other hand, if a beauty not only has long lower limbs, but also very high growth, then she risks being left without gentlemen, since men are bothered by women much taller than them. This reduces the self-esteem of the stronger sex.


It's hard to judge exactly what size female bust preferred by men. Some people like it big breasts, others - small, which can be taken entirely in the palm of your hand... But on average, everyone is more attracted to breasts, which look proportional to the body. That is, large breasts on a frail body are unlikely to look sexually attractive. Just like a small one - on a large one.


Even if nature has left you little, you can attract the attention of members of the opposite sex if you take care of yourself. Even a very beautiful woman, if she is sloppy, does not take care of her face, hair, nails, and is not too clean to boot, is unlikely to be of interest to the vast majority of men.

And on the contrary, a nondescript person who spares no effort and money on hairstyle, perfume, manicure, cosmetologists and water procedures, much more likely to evoke desire.


It is not a fact that any dear and beautiful clothes will make you desirable. Sex has its own rules. The main thing is that your clothes suit you and highlight those areas that usually interest men. Many of them like tight-fitting and low-cut dresses in red or black.

But it's better to find out your preferences specific man. You will know this by his reaction to your outfit.

Social status

It is a myth that most men adore beautiful and stupid girls. The latter are often chosen for one-time sex. But if we are talking about serious relationship, they often prefer smart and successful people. Some men begin to want a woman after learning that she has a tall social status, for example, she is an actress, singer, writer, artist, businesswoman or high-ranking official...

Of course, other factors also play a role here, such as the degree of external attractiveness, grooming, etc.... But one’s position in society can be decisive for starting a relationship.

Hair color

The myth that men prefer blondes turned out to be partly true. Scientists have recently found that the body of fair-haired women secretes pheromones much more intensely than the body of brunettes. But from a distance (for example, from a photograph), men often fall in love with dark-haired women, since the latter are perceived as more intelligent and mysterious.


During the period of ovulation, when a woman’s body is ready to conceive, she usually looks more attractive to the opposite sex. Nature itself took care of this, trying to increase the likelihood of conception. Hormones make us more relaxed at this time, which is perceived as readiness for sex. And men can’t help but notice this...

Times of Day

Research has shown that men's assessment feminine attractiveness increases towards midnight. It also holds up quite well high level in the morning. And at this time we are usually lying in bed, so there are no obstacles to having sex. Another natural mechanism...

You may need to consider these factors if you are having problems with sexual partners. Although we cannot discount individual preferences the man you want to attract.

WHAT MAKES A WOMAN REALLY ATTRACTIVE? Do you know what men find attractive in a woman? Is the modern "dating game" so one-sided that it is enough for a woman to look attractive that men will lose their composure at the sight beautiful hair and a slim body? There's no point in denying the fact that this is true for many men, but it takes more than that to attract those who aren't impressed by just looking good. Of course, we can't talk about all men, but there are some traits that many of them find attractive in women. Kindness It may sound like a cliché, but true kindness really is a rarity these days. Of course, there are many people who treat their loved ones well. But how many people do you meet every day who would come up and talk to a lonely stranger singing near the subway? Many men do not want to be with a woman who only treats them, their family and friends well. They are looking for someone who can brighten up not only their day, but also all the people she meets. A woman can do this just by smiling to a stranger. This will make her attractive in the eyes of many men. A natural, not fake, smile speaks of such things as optimism and reliability, and these qualities, of course, a man wants to find in his soul mate. Positivity and a sense of humor It is not at all selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and make your happiness the main priority in life. One of the most important things in any relationship, whether romantic or friendly, is the ability to have a good time and laugh together. Taking care of your emotions and good mood should be a top priority. Only then can you go through life with positive attitude, with a fair amount of humor. Of course, this does not mean that men are looking for a woman with experience as a comedian, but she must be able to take jokes correctly, joke about herself and others. Passion It may sound pompous, but many men can't feel happy unless they're passionate about something. Therefore, they believe that there is nothing more attractive in the world than a woman who is inspired and passionate about something in life. You might want to be a world-class pianist or a doctor, but if your eyes light up when you talk about it, your the man will find you very quickly. It will never be boring to be with such a girl, because there is always a topic that you can talk about if she is really passionate about it. Communicating with Your Loved One's Friends There is an old Chinese proverb that if a man is married to a woman who communicates with his friends, they will have a long and happy life. Indeed, if a woman can spend time with her man's friends and be "one of the guys" when she wants, it will really make him happy. Confidence There is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman who does not want to show that she is someone else. It's always nice to be with someone who doesn't try to be different and is happy with who they are. In fact, it's not just women who are looking for a confident partner. Men also want to be with a woman who can stand up for herself and what she believes in (unless it's his favorite football team or band, of course). Natural sexuality There's a lot to be said for what it is. sex appeal, and especially about what makes a woman sexy. But for many men, it's not what a woman wears or what's underneath that matters. What really matters is whether she feels comfortable with her sexuality and accepts her sexual energy. After all, it is much more pleasant to be with a woman who knows who she is and is not ashamed of this fact. Your sexuality is part of human nature. The sooner you accept this side, the better and more attractive you will be to the partner with whom you are currently building a relationship. Determination Two things matter about a girl: who she is and what she wants. What irritates us most is people who don't know what they want and who can't take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. After all, a man is willing to argue over where you'll have dinner or what movie you'll watch if he's confident that the woman next to him is strong enough to make her own decisions. Sense of style It's no secret that all men love with their eyes. It was probably programmed this way by evolution. And therefore, it is very important for a woman to have a unique sense of style. Every man gravitates towards a certain stereotype. But any member of the stronger sex is more likely to fall in love with a woman who has a sense of style, rather than one who does not stand out from the crowd.

Do you want to know what makes a girl attractive and amazing in the eyes of men? If you have these 15 qualities, you're definitely more than just hot!

Does your man love you for who you are? Now he thinks you're hot and that you're the best. But if you could read your man's secret thoughts, you would know that there are several qualities that he secretly desires to see in you. If you want to look more attractive and sexy in the eyes of your man, find out 15 qualities that men secretly crave to see in your woman. This will definitely make your man want you more. And he will be much more in love with you!

1. Flirty gestures.

All men love a little flirtation in a girl. Although they don't like it if this flirting extends to other men. Flirting fires up a man's imagination.

2.Attractive appearance.

Men are always attracted to a woman's appearance first. Later they recognize the woman as a person. This is the most in an exact way descriptions of men's perceptions of women and their first impressions.

3. Positive outlook on life.

This is what attracts all people. No man wants to listen to a woman's sobs every day and sad stories about how terrible her friend's life is, how disgusting she feels every day, how she hates that she can no longer pull on her old jeans, etc. If this list of negativity goes on and on, your man may first try to help you improve your self-esteem. But he will very quickly get tired of this whining person, and he will decide that such a relationship is of no use to him.

4. Show him your weaknesses.

Every man loves to feel like a hero and feel like he came into your life to save you. When a woman opens up a little and talks about her problems, it makes men feel like a knight in shining armor who can help solve a girl's problem.

5. It's better to be funny and witty

Men don't like gloomy and sad women. This matters more during the flirting stage. They prefer the game when you can tease a man so that he is interested in you. Keep doing this just as much fun as it was when your relationship first started.

6 Game of cat and mouse.

Men love the game of cat and mouse early stages relationships. And nothing kills the sexual atmosphere more than a woman who miserably fails this game at the flirting stage. A woman's ability to flirt keeps men on their toes.

7. Sexy, mesmerizing voice.

Men love women with a sexy voice. Some moments can really kill romantic mood. He may be disappointed at the moment when, “having his eye on a woman,” noticing that everything is perfect about her: her figure, her clothes, her charming movements, he suddenly hears her begin to speak in a shrill, high-pitched voice.

8. Show some body.

There is a very subtle nuance here. Men are more attracted to a slightly undressed woman than to an almost completely naked woman. Men want a woman to tease their imagination and appear sexy dressed, but not vulgarly undressed.

9. A little adventurism.

Men love it when a woman is willing to happily try something new in her life. You can offer him rock climbing, diving or some small adventure. All men love to experience an exciting adventure.

10. Trust in relationships.

Just as women hate control from men when communicating in their personal lives, the same applies to men. Any woman who constantly looks into his cell phone, laptop and email, causes negativity in his soul and a desire to point to the door.

11. Positive communication with his friends.

It is a big mistake to try to push his friends away from him. Even if you don't like him spending so much time with his friends. Your “victory” over his friends may turn into a defeat for you in your relationship.

12. The ability to be casual and sometimes go with the flow.

Most men indicate this quality when describing ideal woman. Men are simply more relaxed than women in knowing how to relax and unwind in their spare time.

13. Be wise

Nothing will ruin a relationship faster than constant arguing and bickering. Constant squabbles on the topic “who is right and who is wrong” will make any relationship very short-lived.

14. Be self-sufficient.

Of course, men love to play the role of the hero who saves others. But you don’t need to constantly hang your problems on him. He should know that you won’t be lost without him. Men love women who are independent and don't rely too much on others.

15. Intelligence is required.

Men love women with brains. If you are beautiful, you have beautiful smile, but an empty head, then he has nothing to talk about with you. He will soon become very bored. Men love to have in-depth conversations on various topics about events happening in the world, about work, etc.

Now that you know the 15 qualities that men secretly crave in a woman, check which ones you have. See how well this works for the development of your relationship.

The answer to the question of what makes a girl happy will remain shrouded in mystery for a long time. Maybe first you need to solve a simpler riddle, which concerns how you can become beautiful.

It is simply impossible to tell in a nutshell what makes a girl beautiful. Beauty is such a multifaceted thing, and it is not limited to appearance alone. But we still need to try to bring some clarity.

So, beauty consists of several components that every girl should accept for herself. The first and most important thing is grooming. It is important to understand that you do not need to be a beauty from the cover, but keeping your body in order is a strict commandment. As they say, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones. Therefore well-groomed girl there should be no excess vegetation. The armpit area, legs, bikini area and the area above the upper lip are those places where it is forbidden to have at least one hair. The bikini area should be in order even if this moment No constant sex. Otherwise, how could he appear?

The next sign of a beautiful girl is tasteful clothing. It should correspond to the time of year, occasion, age. But you need to follow fashion very carefully. You can listen to her tendencies, but here's yours individual style must have.

Shoes are a separate issue. It is from this that you can tell a lot about a person. Therefore, there is no need to skimp on this wardrobe item. There is also no need to give up heels. But there must be moderation in everything. A girl wearing too high a heel looks vulgar, which raises some doubts about her occupation. A heel 15-20 centimeters high is worn only in the evening, with beautiful dress and hand in hand with no less handsome man. And wear high heels always and everywhere - this is bad manners.

Blondes or brunettes? This question has been tormenting many women for decades when it comes to the preferences of men. Meanwhile, representatives of the stronger sex themselves cannot come to a common opinion. 30% of them like brunettes, 30% - blondes. The other 30% went to brown-haired women, but redheads got only 10%.

Cosmetics are another component of female attractiveness and beauty. It must be used skillfully and in moderation. During the day, makeup should be restrained, and in the evening you can allow yourself a little more bright make-up. The main thing is that cosmetics do not come to the fore, because its main purpose is to emphasize advantages, and not hide them.

It's time to move on to inner beauty. Intelligence is an important part of beauty. Contrary to popular belief, men still love smart women. And this does not mean at all that she should be a candidate of science. We are talking about wisdom, prudence, reading and education. Only a man with a sick pride would prefer to see stupid girl without education.

It is important to work on yourself, improve and not stand still. Labor is what will help you cope with all difficulties.

And if the topic of beauty is a matter of having time and perseverance in working on oneself, then sexuality is rather a psychology. What makes a woman sexy is self-confidence, spiritual harmony and adequate self-esteem. Not a single woman has ever become sexy without a similar inner feeling. Even the most beautiful girl can be asexual and cold if she doesn't feel attractive inside. And for this you need to love yourself!

Most men say: beautiful girl What makes her so special is not her impeccable appearance, but the way she carries herself in public and how often she smiles. Definitely, the stronger sex loves women who are charming and have natural charm. IN a real woman there must be a highlight!

Perhaps now it is possible to answer the question asked at the beginning. What makes a woman happy? And the answer is simple: harmony with yourself, with the world around you, external and internal beauty. It is important to enjoy every day you live and remain calm. And, of course, you need to love and be loved!

Many people believe that a beautiful woman automatically becomes desirable to men. But in fact, men are attracted not so much to beautiful as to sexy people. And the secret of sex appeal lies not only in beautiful appearance. By what criteria do representatives of the stronger sex evaluate sexual attractiveness?


Most men find sexy not at all skinny women, but women with “sculpted” shapes. If the girl is slim enough and has ample breasts and buttocks, this is the best option: sex is not a catwalk... But if she has a flat figure, then this is an option only for everyone. Just like overweight people.

Legs and height

It's true that men are attracted to women with long legs. But why? It turns out that in primitive times, long legs were associated with the birth of a healthy child. After all, in order to have such legs, a woman’s body had to have enough nutrients and microelements.

On the other hand, if a beauty not only has long lower limbs, but also is very tall, then she risks being left without gentlemen, since men are bothered by women much taller than them. This reduces the self-esteem of the stronger sex.


It is difficult to judge exactly what size of female bust men prefer. Some like large breasts, others like small ones that can be taken entirely in the palm of your hand... But on average, everyone is more attracted to breasts that look proportional to the body. That is, large breasts on a frail body are unlikely to look sexually attractive. Just like a small one - on a large one.


Even if nature has left you little, you can attract the attention of members of the opposite sex if you take care of yourself. Even a very beautiful woman, if she is sloppy, does not take care of her face, hair, nails, and is not too clean to boot, is unlikely to be of interest to the vast majority of men.

And on the contrary, a nondescript person who spares no effort and money on her hair, perfume, manicure, cosmetologists and water treatments has a much greater chance of arousing desire.


It is not a fact that any expensive and beautiful clothes will make you desirable. Sex has its own rules. The main thing is that your clothes suit you and highlight those areas that usually interest men. Many of them like tight-fitting and low-cut dresses in red or black.

But it is better to find out the preferences of a particular man. You will know this by his reaction to your outfit.

Social status

It is a myth that most men adore beautiful and stupid girls. The latter are often chosen for one-time sex. But when it comes to serious relationships, they often prefer smart and successful ones. Some men begin to want a woman after learning that she has a high social status, for example, she is an actress, singer, writer, artist, businesswoman or high-ranking official...

Of course, other factors also play a role here, such as the degree of external attractiveness, grooming, etc.... But one’s position in society can be decisive for starting a relationship.

Hair color

The myth that men prefer blondes turned out to be partly true. Scientists have recently found that the body of fair-haired women secretes pheromones much more intensely than the body of brunettes. But from a distance (for example, from a photograph), men often fall in love with dark-haired women, since the latter are perceived as more intelligent and mysterious.


During the period of ovulation, when a woman’s body is ready to conceive, she usually looks more attractive to the opposite sex. Nature itself took care of this, trying to increase the likelihood of conception. Hormones make us more relaxed at this time, which is perceived as readiness for sex. And men can’t help but notice this...

Times of Day

Studies have shown that men's assessment of female attractiveness increases towards midnight. It also remains at a fairly high level in the morning. And at this time we are usually lying in bed, so there are no obstacles to having sex. Another natural mechanism...

You may need to consider these factors if you are having problems with your sexual partners. Although you cannot discount the individual preferences of the man you want to attract.
