What to give a girl when she turns 11 years old. Practical gifts: essential accessories

Many people think that what older child, the less difficulties arise with him: it is easier to communicate, you can convince, and it is easy to please. But choosing the perfect gift for a 12-year-old girl is just as difficult as choosing a surprise for a five-year-old girl.

Or maybe it’s more difficult, because at the age of 11-12 years a girl moves from the category of children to the category of teenagers. Accordingly, new desires, passions, hobbies arise, new circle interests.

Teenage girl: what to give for her birthday?

A girl of 11-12 years old is a contradictory and ambiguous creature: on the one hand, she is still a child who loves noisy running games in the yard with her friends, but on the other hand, she tries to imitate her mother or older sister in an attempt to look more mature and feminine. How to please with a gift a person who is an explosive mixture of a tomboy and a lady?

Just as when choosing a gift for a child or adult of any age, you should find out what hobbies, preferences and desires the girl has. this moment. Modern children So often they change hobbies, start doing something and give it up, listen to one singer today and another tomorrow.

A confidential conversation with the future birthday girl or her parents will help you navigate and not get into trouble with bad gift. Among other things, she will like such an interest in the girl’s own opinion: after all, this is a recognition of her own opinion, her adulthood.

Not only parents, but also children of this age note that money can often be the best gift. It is much more rational to give a certain, albeit small, amount than a gift that turns out to be unnecessary. The girl will be able to add money to the money she has already accumulated or donated by other relatives and friends in order to acquire something significant for herself: for example, new phone or a camera.

Even if you decide to give money, it is advisable to arrange it beautifully - put it in an elegant envelope, do not forget about a postcard and a bouquet of flowers.

Option one: developing

Age 11-12 years – period active development: girls strive to learn more, learn and comprehend something new.

To help them, you can give them a personal tablet or laptop that will help them find new information, communicate with peers not only in your own country, but also abroad, take online language courses. Life without a personal computer for modern teenager becomes inferior, and it’s often not just a matter of communication in in social networks, but also in gaining knowledge, completing tasks, and participating in competitions.

Any of modern gadgets will be for a teenager a welcome gift:

  • personal laptop or tablet;
  • modern phone with many functions;
  • e-book for reading;
  • mp3 player for a person who is interested in music;
  • high quality digital camera.

If you give a child a tablet with Internet access, you should definitely install the “Parental Control” function: this will protect the child from unnecessary information, but will not completely limit freedom on the Internet.

No one forbids giving good old books: they will remain the best gift on long years. A girl of this age will be interested in encyclopedias for ladies, rules of etiquette, or simply quality fiction, suitable for her age.

A complete edition of books about the young wizard Harry Potter with accompanying accessories will appeal to an enthusiastic girl, and for someone, a huge colorful encyclopedia of the animal world will be desirable. When choosing a book, you should definitely consult, if not with the future birthday girl herself, then with her parents.

The category of developmental gifts includes various Board games: special attention use strategies that develop logic and thinking (“Monopoly” and the like).

Option two: decorating

In every twelve-year-old girl there is already growing Young lady who wants to be beautiful and attractive. Adolescence brings with it the first attachments, falling in love and hand-in-hand walks.

Watching her mother or girls she knows, a teenage girl strives to imitate them in the ability to dress stylishly, correctly combine clothes and accessories, and smell pleasantly with light perfume. If the future birthday girl shows such interest, then the following items can easily be included in the list of possible gifts:

  • Clothes and shoes. Nice new things will please the budding fashionista, but in order not to miss the size or color, it is better to purchase gift Certificate in one of the children's clothing stores - then the girl with her mother or donor will be able to independently choose the blouse or shoes she likes.
  • Accessories. This point may include beautiful bag, stylish belt or fashionable hat. Choose perfect option An online forum or a magazine for teenage girls will help.
  • Decorations. There are many options for such a gift: from high-quality children's jewelry to neat gold earrings - it all depends on the budget of the gift and the wishes of the birthday girl herself.
  • Cosmetics. For a twelve-year-old girl, sets like “Young Fairy” may no longer be relevant, but high-quality cosmetics from a specialized store - in stylish jars, “like your mother’s”, will make you feel a real lady. Current in adolescence can be skin care cosmetics - tonics, lotions and creams that help get rid of problems on the face.

Option three: creative

Surprising the birthday girl, and even more so pleasantly surprising, is not an easy task, but quite feasible, especially considering the diverse range of original and unusual gifts and surprises for a teenage girl.

The choice depends only on financial opportunities the donor and the personal preferences of the hero of the occasion. You can choose from dozens of options:

  • A photo session is a welcome gift for all girls of this age, because in front of the camera they can transform into a princess and fairy, try on a doctor’s robe or a flower girl’s outfit. A pleasant addition to such a gift can be souvenirs with best photo: cup, poster, calendar or T-shirt.
  • For many girls, a welcome surprise will be their portrait - a real one, painted in oil on canvas. It will not only decorate the room, but also a memory for many years.
  • An exciting trip to an ancient city or Disneyland dedicated to her birthday will delight the girl.
  • If young lady loves music, organize a trip for her to a concert of her favorite band or singer. Also, for the future singer, an excursion to a recording studio or an orchestra rehearsal will be educational.
  • Active and sporty girls You can give a flight in a hot air balloon or in a wind tunnel, a horse ride or kayaking down the river.

Option four: controversial

Often, in addition to what is necessary, useful and pleasant, parents and other relatives strive to give a teenage girl something special, completely disregarding the child’s wishes or the advice of other people.

That's why adults end up in unpleasant situations when they find themselves invited to a birthday party to a child I don't know and don’t know what to give. Trying to show originality in this case is dangerous: there is a high probability of missing the mark and guessing wrong. Then in uncomfortable position it will be the birthday girl herself, because the rules good manners they will be obliged to thank you for the gift and rejoice at least “in public.”

To avoid getting into trouble, you should not give a girl 11-12 years old:

  • Things “for growth” or things from someone else – even if they are given as a gift mink coat, then the child is unlikely to be happy (it is unlikely that a girl will be able to wear it before the age of 16, and someone’s used clothes can only upset the birthday girl).
  • Things for the household and health - you should not give a frequently ill girl an inhaler or a humidifier. Despite the importance and benefits of these things, they are unlikely to please the child.
  • Gifts that are not age appropriate. A girl who has entered adolescence will not need doll houses and touching baby dolls (unless these are collectible porcelain items), as well as expensive adult gold jewelry that a child simply will not appreciate.
  • Gifts out of season - a girl with a summer birthday will not appreciate a brand new snowboard, but born in winter will not be happy with the swimsuit as a gift. Delayed joy is a bad option.

When choosing a gift for a girl 11-12 years old, it is worth realistically assessing the wishes of the birthday girl, as well as the capabilities of the giver: only a sincere and heartfelt surprise can bring a real smile of joy to a teenager.

Adolescence is the most difficult period in the life of every child and parent. At the age of 11-14, girls enter into teenage years. They become very capricious, impressionable and picky about gifts. It is at this age that it is difficult to please a girl on her birthday and every year it becomes a real dead end. What can you do to please a young lady on her birthday? Read also about.

What to give a girl 11-14 years old for her birthday: 10 best gifts

It’s better, of course, to try to carefully find out from the birthday girl herself what she wants to receive as a gift. If you can’t find out, look at the 10 best gifts and choose the best birthday gift for a teenager - a girl 11-14 years old. So, the rating of the best gifts:

  • For a young artist's birthday - a wonderful Christmas tree from Good Hand

    This Christmas tree will please your beauty. Christmas tree from Good Hand is an amazing combination of taste and beauty in one bottle. The peculiarity of the gift is that the birthday girl must make the Christmas tree herself. This set will allow your 11-14 year old girl to feel like a real inventor and craftswoman. The kit includes reagents for growing crystals and a paper frame on which the growth takes place. The wonderful Good Hand Christmas tree will amaze you and your child, decorating the interior of the children's room with its beauty and originality.

  • For a young fashionista aged 11-14 years – the “Fashionable Rings” set from Sentosphere

    If a girl aged 11-14 is into fashion and loves various trinkets, the Sentosphere Fashion Rings set will be the perfect birthday gift for her. With this set, your child will be able to create 12 beautiful and fashionable rings, coloring them to their liking.

  • Gift certificate for the first trip to a beauty salon - a birthday gift for a girl 11-14 years old

    This gift will definitely please a teenage girl. She will feel like an adult and will be able to truly change her image. It is not necessary to choose an expensive beauty salon; a mid-priced salon is suitable for a little girl.

  • Stylish bag as a birthday gift for a girl 11-14 years old

    A fashionista will appreciate it stylish handbag. Just don't make a mistake. Teenagers are very sensitive to their image. If you don’t like the bag, it’s a big deal, there won’t be a scandal. If you are not sure about taste preferences, it’s better not to take risks, but choose something else.

  • Hairdryer with various attachments - a birthday gift for a girl, a novice stylist

    If a girl of 11-14 years old likes to twirl in front of the mirror and do different hairstyles, a hairdryer with different attachments would be an ideal gift for her. With its help you can create beautiful hairstyles and a variety of styling. It’s better not to skimp on a hair dryer and spend a decent amount, because a high-quality hair dryer will serve your child for a long time.

  • Birthday e-book for a girl 11-14 years old who loves to read

    Curious and smart girl You can give an e-book to 11-14 year olds. This is a practical and necessary gift. It would be good if the book combines several functions: a player, an e-reader and Internet access. Choose an e-reader carefully by studying the main trends and e-readers.

  • A gift certificate to a fashion boutique is a good birthday gift for a girl 11-14 years old

    The fashionista girl will be happy with her new clothes. It’s better not to take risks and buy clothes yourself, but give a gift certificate to a fashion boutique. A girl of 11-14 years old will be able to walk around the store herself and choose the outfit she likes.

  • Roller skates as a gift for an active girl 11-14 years old

    If a girl likes to play sports and actively relax, she will definitely like roller skates. True, it is better to buy the rollers together with the birthday girl, so as not to make a mistake with the size. In addition, the rollers should be as comfortable and stable as possible. Don't forget to buy protective equipment for your roller skates.

  • A beautiful box for girlish jewelry - a gift for a young beauty on her birthday

    The girl who loves various decorations and jewelry, you can give a large and original box. The box should be roomy and stylish in order to surely please the birthday girl. It wouldn’t hurt to put a couple of new jewelry in the box. Then the child will definitely appreciate the gift.

  • Birthday cosmetics set for girls 11-14 years old

    A girl aged 11-14 who cares about her appearance and often goes into her mother’s cosmetic bag can be given a set of cosmetics. The set must include all necessary cosmetics: shampoo, bubble bath, shower gel, perfume, decorative cosmetics and creams. In addition to your cosmetics set, buy a bright cosmetic bag. Do not forget that children's cosmetics should not contain preservatives, fragrances, dyes and petroleum derivatives (paraffin, petroleum jelly, etc.).

A few more ideas for birthday gifts for girls aged 11-14

A teenage girl is not interested in children's toys and books. At 11-14 years old, you want to feel grown-up and free. In addition to the above gifts, you can give the birthday girl the following useful things:

  • New cellular telephone so that the girl is always in touch;
  • Jewelry(chain, bracelet, earrings). It is better to avoid rings, since at this age rings only get in the way on the hands;
  • Laptop or tablet computer. Even a desperate rebel will be delighted with such a gift;
  • Manicure set, a set of nail polishes or a set of nail rhinestones;
  • Stylish and exclusive cell phone case. Only the case must be truly exclusive. You may have to have it custom made;
  • CD of your favorite band or tickets to a concert. If you know exactly what kind of music a girl likes, this gift will come in handy.

Teenagers are very vulnerable characters. In order not to get into trouble and not spoil the holiday mood, it is better to find out their preferences in advance, and only then buy a gift. Take care of holiday party. The party can be held at any unusual style, inviting all her friends. It will be pleasant surprise, and such a birthday will be remembered for a long time.

Well, the day finally comes when your smallest, most beloved daughter ceases to be a child. Now she is entering adolescence. Of course, turning eleven is not turning sixteen. But the girl is already growing up. She has her own interests, her own opinion, her own social circle. What should gifts be for an 11-year-old girl if she is not yet an adult, but has already ceased to be little? Parents will have to rack their brains and spend more than one day to come up with something to please their princess. But right choice will bring the girl many joyful moments. Therefore, adults need to try very hard. The advice from this article will come to their aid.

Not yet an adult, but no longer a child

A girl's eleventh birthday is not only a holiday. This is, in a sense, a period of growing up, when the child is already getting older, more mature. This is the peak of the early teens. Now, in addition to the usual children's jewelry, interest in outfits, cosmetics, fashion, and various jewelry is added. Some girls try themselves as independent housewives and even show quite decent culinary abilities, which mainly relate to baking.

During this period of life, the time of the familiar and previously loved dolls passes. Every young lady strives to get something that would emphasize her independence and some maturity. In addition, at this age, girls can already keep secrets about quite adult topics.

What to choose?

That is why, when parents begin to be tormented by the question of what gifts should be for a girl of 11 years old, they need to remember not only that this age has its own nuances, but also that the birthday girl already has her own aspirations and hobbies . We must not forget about her character. You can also find out what the girl’s dreams and desires are. It is possible that it is the girl’s own desire that will be a great clue as to what will make the best gift for an 11-year-old girl.

Jewelry and perfume

Just at the age of eleven, girls begin to experiment with their appearance. They try on the jewelry of their mother, grandmother or big sister, secretly tint their eyes and lips. Consequently, the time has come to properly instill in growing children the basics of femininity. A birthday gift for an 11-year-old girl should be appropriate.

Children's perfumes and cosmetics will be very useful for growing fashionistas. Only when choosing it, parents should take into account that both perfumes and cosmetical tools for their child should only support natural ingredients so as not to harm the delicate baby skin.

Cute jewelry will also come in handy. It is best if the choice falls on high-quality costume jewelry. For precious metals until the time has come. It’s good to wait another few years from now on. As for the design, it’s good if these decorations have romantic notes - in rings, brooches or pendants you can see, for example, flowers, butterflies, bees, interesting ornaments and the like. The only exception here can be earrings. It is best to purchase such jewelry made of precious metal (gold or silver). Even doctors are in favor of this choice.

Girly joys for beauty: watches and tonics

A gift for a child (11 year old girl) can be simple, but practical and functional. For example, a wristwatch. Parents can choose them, paying attention to fashion design And interesting shapes. Appropriate here as romantic style with a variety of hearts, arrows and cupids, as well as the fashion of teenage children (watches with Kitty, Minnie, Angry Birds).

Care kits are also suitable. If a girl of this age has already begun to show small teenage problem areas on the skin of her face, then this is the time when you can start teaching her how to take care of herself, as well as choosing the right first lotions and creams.

Practical gifts: useful kits

The gifts that we will consider in this category can please not only the birthday girl, but also her mom and dad. You can, of course, give beautiful shoes or luxurious dress. But... The point is not at all that you can go wrong with the size. After all, these things, despite the fact that they will be very beautiful, are in a strong association with everyday life. Festive mood and there are no incredible surprises here. So we start choosing. Let's start with two useful and very interesting kits.

A set of hat and scarf will be a wonderful gift for an 11-year-old girl for the New Year. Only when choosing, you need to be sure which style and color the young fashionista will like.

Knowing the tastes and preferences of their daughter, parents can choose a set bed linen with your favorite characters from the animated series or Soviet cartoon. So the girl will fall asleep in the company of cute animals, little sorceresses or fairies, Leopold the cat or Cinderella, feeling like she is in a real fairy tale.

Practical gifts: mobile phones and computers

Now let's turn our attention to practical gifts in a square. Many girls cannot imagine their life without gadgets. It seems to them that they simply need all this.

The girl is already old enough to choose a smartphone with a user-friendly interface. And it is better if it is adapted for frequent use applications and the Internet. These parents grew up at a time when computers were not in every home. Children growing up now are more modern and savvy in scientific and technological progress. Therefore, a phone (especially for girls, because they love to chat with their friends) will be a really great choice.

You can please the birthday girl with a new computer chair or table. For example, this could be an orthopedic computer chair or an ergonomic table, which allows the correct formation of a child’s posture at this age. Adults will evaluate the gift from this point of view, and the hero of the occasion will be glad to rearrange her room.

Practical gifts: essential accessories

Now we will consider gifts that, on the one hand, are really practical, and on the other hand, will bring joy to the birthday girl and will be the subject of her pride and even a little boasting to her friends. What is it? What kind of birthday gift should I choose for an 11-year-old girl so that it matches this description? It turns out there is nothing complicated.

The jewelry box will be real magic chest for girlish secrets - very beautiful, made in delicate pastel colors. Girls can hide not only jewelry there, but also their notes, which at this age they love to write.

An umbrella will be a good functional present for any girl, especially if this umbrella has an original design or unusual design domes.

Can be excellent choice How stylish bag for wearing school supplies, so beautiful original item"to the exit". The main thing is that such an accessory will bring both benefits and enthusiastic exclamations from the birthday girl.

Every young fashionista will love a certificate for purchasing clothes from her favorite store. Some may wonder: is this really a practical gift? But if you think about it, choosing the dress or shoes you like, as well as paying for the purchase yourself, is not an additional joy for an almost adult girl?

Fun activities

What gift should I choose for an 11-year-old girl for the New Year? In this case, we must take into account the fact that even at this age young ladies love to have fun. Therefore, as a present, you can come up with something that will delight them in some moments of boredom, which should be very few.

Today there are a lot of board games for girls that are designed specifically for this age. Moreover, thanks to such games children's day birth or arranged by parents New Year for your child and his friends will turn into a fun and joyful holiday, because, after unpacking the gifted game, you can immediately start playing with your friends. What else will growing children need in order to have a good time?

What gift should I give to an 11-year-old girl, considering that at this age she is still essentially a child, and toys still bring her joy? You just need to understand what your birthday daughter likes. If the gift is chosen for someone else’s child, it will be more complicated. And yet, if you choose something truly interesting and cute, then any child will be happy.

Interests of the birthday girl and her creativity

In this case, one should proceed from what is interesting to a girl at this age. Therefore, the present should be such as to motivate her to develop her hobbies. For example, if a girl is interested in music, you can give her a violin or a synthesizer. If a girl is learning to draw, you can give her an easel, brushes, paints as a gift...

For needlewomen and craftswomen, a set for creativity (embroidery, bead weaving, etc.) will come in handy.

If your daughter has been begging for a kitten, puppy or birds for a long time, you can make her dream come true by giving her pet. By the way, in addition you can buy, for example, toys, a house, a cage and other devices for him.

If a girl likes photography, if she takes a lot of photographs and, most importantly, takes good photographs, she will like to print her own photographs. Therefore, a photo printer would be an excellent choice. Like this good gift girl for 11 years. The photos that she will print herself will become her pride, because she will do everything herself.

How to transform a children's room?

With age, girls (as well as all teenagers) change their perception of personal space. It happens that simply by moving furniture, desired effect failed to achieve. But I really want the children's room to become an adult one. Therefore, when choosing gifts for an 11-year-old girl, you can find original, and at the same time functional decorations for the interior of the room. These may be the following items.

  • A soft pillow in the shape of a girl’s favorite animal or cartoon character. In this age Plush Toys and more recently, favorite dolls are no longer popular with young ladies. And girls still love bears, bunnies, cats, and princesses. Especially in this version.
  • Starry sky projector lamp. The girl, falling asleep every evening, will be able to admire starry sky and dream about something pleasant.

  • A water fountain that is installed on the table. It will not only be beautiful item interior of a children's room, but also extremely useful thing: when the fountain works, it becomes a means of relaxation, and thanks to it, the air in the room is humidified.

Any gifts for the New Year for an 11-year-old girl, as well as for her birthday, should be interesting and memorable. An aroma lamp with a set of various oils can be classified as such. A very subtle and unobtrusive aroma can improve the health of a child - it will relieve stress and can serve as a prevention of infections.

Original gifts

This includes several unusual gifts, which will also appeal to the birthday girl. Perhaps any of them can be called the best gift for an 11-year-old girl. And this is not an exaggeration. These include the following.

  • Professional photo shoot. Many girls at this age want to be just like famous models. And the gift given will give them the opportunity to try themselves in this role. At the same time, the birthday girl will have a real portfolio and beautiful high-quality photographs from a professional photographer.
  • Cooking master class. To implement this idea, you need to find a family restaurant in advance or children's Cafe where such a service is provided. Not only members of the birthday girl’s family, but also her girlfriends and friends can take part in the subsequent process.

  • Visit to the dolphinarium (or oceanarium), petting zoo. Such an excursion will bring great joy to the birthday girl. Important point: you need to think carefully about who to take with you among your girlfriends.

Here are some gifts you can come up with for an 11 year old girl. Believe me, the birthday girl will be delighted!

A girl of 11–12 years old is still a child, but is already entering the teenage stage. This is the period of personality formation. The girl begins to turn into a girl, not only her body changes, but also her interests, views and principles. She is independent and inquisitive, she has her own hobbies and interests.

Due to the fact that this age is changeable in many ways, not everyone knows what to give a girl 11-12 years old for her birthday, but it’s important not just to do good present, but also to please the birthday girl. Therefore, let's look into this issue together.

A child of any age looks forward to his birthday. The older girls get, the harder it is to please them. With the little ones everything was much simpler; they rejoiced at any gift presented, be it a doll or soft toy. But at eleven to twelve years old, a girl considers herself old enough for such gifts, so it is difficult to choose a surprise for her.

What can you give a girl for her 11-12 year old birthday?

All children are different at this age. Some behave and dress like children and spend a lot of time with their friends. Others are interested in visiting various sections, clubs and studios, and doing handicrafts. Still others imitate adults and feel like real ladies, have their own tastes and style. Therefore, choosing a gift for a teenager is not an easy task.

Everything is complicated by the fact that the tastes and preferences of the younger and older generations do not coincide. What relatives and parents will like may be completely unsuitable for a teenage girl. So what should you give the birthday girl so that she is sincerely happy with the gift?

Before you go to the store, you should talk to the birthday girl herself, find out what she wants to get for the holiday, because children at that age already clearly know what they need. If you want to keep the intrigue and make a surprise, then we will tell you what teenage girls at 11-12 years old dream about.

Don't forget to congratulate the birthday girl. Perfect for this, they can be downloaded on our website for free.

  1. If you know that the birthday girl is saving money for some valuable thing and she has very little left, then this gift will be the ideal birthday present for her. It is not advisable to transfer money from hand to hand; it is better to arrange it beautifully and originally. You can put it in a beautiful bright envelope and give it along with a bouquet of flowers or give it as a gift money tree. The girl will be very happy with such a gift, because she will have the opportunity to purchase what she has dreamed of for a long time.
  2. Look for a gift like this wrist watch. This thing will be so stylish for her fashion accessory and also a very useful thing. Any fashionista will love an elegant watch with rhinestones, with a beautiful graceful strap, with them she will feel like a real lady. For girls who are interested in sports, electronic watches with a shock-resistant case are more suitable.
  3. An interesting surprise for a teenage girl will be a bean bag chair that will decorate the interior of the room. The birthday girl will be absolutely delighted with it; it will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit. The chair will not take up much space, but will become a favorite resting place for the child.
  4. Many girls love to do creative things, including weaving bracelets from colored rubber bands. Every young fashionista should have such a set. She will be happy to do this business, and the result will pleasantly surprise and delight. You can also give kits for beading, embroidery, origami, and quilling as a birthday gift.
  5. You can buy a variety of jewelry as a gift for a fashionista. These can be all kinds of hair accessories, modern children's jewelry, or items made of silver or gold. All items must be selected according to age. If you decide to please the birthday girl and present jewelry made of precious metals, then these products should be small in size (massive gold chains and bracelets and heavy earrings will look ridiculous on little girls). Such a gift will remain in the girl’s memory for a long time, because it will always be with her.
  6. If the birthday girl still doesn’t have a bicycle, but she really dreams of one, then it’s time to think about such a useful and the right gift. Roller skates with knee and elbow protection and a helmet or a skateboard are also a good choice for a girl who likes leisure in friends company.
  7. Give a girl who is interested in reading an e-book. You can take it anywhere, including when traveling. Don’t forget to upload there some interesting works that the birthday girl likes. With its help you can study foreign language. Such a birthday gift for a girl aged 1–12 years will be not only pleasant, but also useful.
  8. Most modern teenagers, including girls, love to listen to music. In this case, please the birthday girl with a stylish MP3 player with interesting design in the shape of a heart or a favorite character. Or, as a gift, give good headphones. The girl will be happy with such presents.
  9. A gift is an impression. If a girl is a lover of bright and thrilling sensations, make her day unforgettable. Offer a trip to the dolphinarium or a flight in a wind tunnel. Also, the young lady will enjoy a fabulous photo shoot.
  10. Girls at this age feel quite grown up and want to look the part. If you are sure what style the birthday girl likes, her size and favorite color, then give her a gift on her birthday. nice outfit. It could be: T-shirt, jeans, jacket or elegant dress. But if you doubt the right choice, you should give a certificate to a store of fashionable, stylish children's clothing, then the birthday girl herself will choose the best outfit for her.

When choosing a birthday gift for an 11-12 year old girl, try to find something that she will really like and that will delight her, take into account the interests and hobbies of the birthday girl. A gift may be expensive or not at all useful and practical, but it is important to present it with all your heart and warmth. Give your girl a fairy tale on this long-awaited holiday. And of course, don’t forget about congratulations (Darlaik recommends choosing

In most cases, 10-year-old girls are happy with the many gifts they receive on holidays and for no reason. However, for the surprise to be truly interesting and useful, you need to pay attention to the child’s interests and understand what he is most inclined towards. Thanks to availability and large assortment goods in stores, choice perfect gift will not be difficult.

Due to hormonal levels, changes occur in the behavior of children aged 10 years. Their psychology changes, they become more independent, their dependence on their parents decreases.

A child at this age has a desire to communicate not only at home, but also in other places, with other people. A number of interests arise on which he spends his time.

At the age of 10, princesses are very active, discover a lot of new things and try to become original. Girls begin to think logically, find themselves in creativity, dancing, singing, drawing and performing theatrical scenes.

It is not recommended to perceive a child as too small or as a teenager. He might be interested various toys, he can behave like a baby, but the gift should be given with the prospect that in six months or a year he will also be interesting.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a gift that implies its use by 13 summer child, will not be appreciated by a 10-year-old girl, because at her age she will not yet be able to enjoy this game - most likely, she will not be able to understand its meaning.

It is best to choose a gift based on the child’s personal preferences, but if this information is unknown, you can pay attention to those things that will be useful both now and a couple of years later.

When a surprise is being prepared by parents, you can opt for something that will be relevant at this age without counting on the future, since mom and dad give gifts to the child much more often than other people.

A good option would be a gift that includes play, creativity and interesting tasks. It will not only be exciting, but also useful.

If the gift is given by a boy

The boy and his parents must figure out in advance what to give a girl for her 10th birthday.

If the children are close friends, you can consider cute symbolic gifts:

Choosing a gift is not so difficult, it all depends on your available budget. Options from the list can be combined with each other, or given separately. The main thing is attention.

Gifts from friends

To please a friend on her birthday, the guys always come to the celebration with gifts that they chose in advance, taking into account their friendship with the birthday girl.

What to give a girl 5-7 years old

Children in at a young age usually they are happy with absolutely all surprises, as long as the gift is completely new thing, which the child had not seen before.

Girls preschool age in most cases they don’t remember when they were born, so gifts for them are unexpected and very pleasant.

You can give little girls:

A child aged 7 will most likely have some preferences for gifts, since at this age girls acquire various hobbies.

Good gifts would be:

  1. A beautiful doll or soft toy.
  2. Puzzles.
  3. Various board games (it is important to pay attention to the age of the child for whom the gift is intended - it is indicated on the games themselves).
  4. Bike.
  5. Scooter.
  6. Rollers.
  7. Cosmetics for girls.
  8. Jewelry (jewelry).
  9. Dress.

What to give to a girl 8-10 years old

What to give a 10-year-old girl needs to be carefully considered, because at this age a child develops many interests that were not previously apparent.

In junior school age Children’s preferences are formed not only independently, but also through communication with peers (classmates, friends from the yard, children from clubs that the child attends). Girls pay attention to what is in demand among other children, what is fashionable at the moment.

You can present to the girl:

What to give to a girl 11-12 years old

At the age of 11-12 years, girls are very versatile. A princess imitating her mother, a tomboy running in the yard with other kids, can coexist inside them. calm teenager, reads books and loves to play board games.

To satisfy the child's wishes, the best solution there will be an open conversation. At this age, girls have many interests, so there is a risk of not pleasing them.

Most often, teenagers 12 years old ask to give them money so that they can then manage their finances themselves. IN in this case It is recommended to buy a beautiful holiday envelope and a bouquet of flowers. You can put it in an envelope a certain amount, and the bouquet will simply delight the birthday girl.

If you want to show your imagination and buy a gift, then the following options are suitable:

Choosing a gift for a teenage girl

It’s not so difficult to come up with what to give a 10-year-old girl, but to please a child in adolescence, you need to try very hard.

The following options are great:

Gifts based on interests

To please your child, you can pay attention to his interests:

For creativity For self-development For the animal lover For the sports lover
  • embroidery kit;
  • clay modeling kit;
  • album and paints for professional drawing
  • book;
  • educational board game;
  • laptop (PC).
  • hamster;
  • guinea pig;
  • puppy;
  • kitty;
  • parrot.
  • pool membership;
  • bike;
  • scooter;
  • rollers;
  • skates;
  • skis.

What can you give the birthday girl from desserts?

For those with a sweet tooth, for those who love candy, cakes and cookies, you can give beautifully packaged sweets:

Useful for development (games, books, interesting sets)

A girl who loves to spend time reading can be presented with a whole series of books by her favorite author. This gift will definitely be remembered by the birthday girl and will be read from cover to cover.

To make the gift not only interesting, but also useful, you can give the girl a fashion encyclopedia or culinary recipes. Books should be intended for children, since a little girl is unlikely to appreciate adult literature.

Educational games can be given when the girl’s friends are invited to the celebration for a fun and useful pastime:

In order to keep a girl busy with creativity, you can give her a soap-making kit or a kit for growing a crystal.

Celebration organization

It’s not difficult to figure out what to give a girl for her 10th birthday, but to make the organization of the holiday very interesting, you need to use your imagination.

  1. It is important to decorate the birthday girl’s room with various holiday paraphernalia. Balloons, a garland with colored light bulbs, and foil will do (for writing the girl’s age on the wall).
  2. If your child’s friends are invited to the party, you can come up with competitions with prizes for them. To do this, a script is written in advance and a presenter is selected.
  3. To prevent your guests from going hungry, you need to set a table with treats for them.
  4. If the holiday takes place outside the home, you can take the children to children's bowling alley, to the cinema or to a cafe, and there are also many game rooms for an active pastime.
  5. When is the birthday celebrated on fresh air, you can invite animators who will entertain all children and even adults.


For a girl’s first anniversary, you can give various kinds of toys:


There are many sets with cosmetics for little girls.

Can choose:

  1. Set with lip glosses.
  2. Set with liquid shadows.
  3. Set of nail polishes with manicure tools.
  4. General set including various kinds cosmetics: eye shadow, lip gloss, blush, nail polish, elastic bands and hair clips, glitter, lipstick.


Little fashionistas will definitely love gifts in the form of jewelry:


10-year-old girls grow quickly, but despite this, each of them always needs new outfits:

  1. A dress with a beautiful print, bow or interesting style.
  2. Blouse or T-shirt with your favorite cartoon character.
  3. Skirt/shorts in bright colors for the summer.
  4. Pants or sports tights (warm or not, depending on the season).
  5. Shoes and any other footwear.
  6. Hat with pompom and scarf included.

Electronic gadgets

An inquisitive girl will be happy to learn something new for herself, for example:

For creativity

You can give special sets to needlewomen:

  1. For embroidery. So that the girl can try herself in this craft.
  2. For beading. Develops attention and fine motor skills hands
  3. For modeling from clay. Forms a child's imagination.
  4. Album or paper for drawing, paints. Develop drawing skills.
  5. Plasticine.

For your beloved pet

Girls who love animals can be given:

Sports gifts

Sports girls will be happy with gifts in the form of:

  1. Balls for active games.
  2. Jumping ropes.
  3. Skates for figure skating.
  4. Roller skates for skating on asphalt in summer.
  5. Skis for skiing through the forest or down the mountain.
  6. Bicycles for walking with the breeze.
  7. A scooter for relaxing riding.
  8. Badminton rackets.
  9. Sled for downhill sledding in winter.
  10. Hippodrome membership.

For interior

In order for a girl to live comfortably and peacefully in her own room, you can give her the following decorations:

Original gifts

So that the gift brings plenty positive emotions birthday girl, you can make it unexpected and very interesting:

  1. Horse riding.
  2. Balloon flight.
  3. Karting.
  4. Going to the circus or concert.
  5. Going to karaoke.
  6. Games on Sony PlayStation.
  7. Jumping on a trampoline.
  8. Riding a hoverboard.
  9. Playing musical instruments with friends.

With your own hands

For a 10-year-old girl to be happy with a gift, it is not necessary to buy it - you can make a surprise with your own hands. The child will definitely pay attention to such a gift, because it will be different from others.

Ideas for original packaging for money

If you decide that the best gift for a girl will be money, then you need to think carefully about how to package it beautifully.

  1. You can buy a special envelope in advance or make it yourself. The envelope with the money itself can be handed directly to the birthday girl, or placed in a bouquet of flowers.
  2. The money can be secured in the pocket of a teddy bear, which will be given to the girl.
  3. Can be inflated Balloons, and place a bill inside each of them. Give a bunch of these balloons to a child; such a gift looks very impressive.
  4. An envelope with money can be placed in a box with candies and other sweets. To do this, you need to prepare in advance beautiful box, put the envelope on the bottom, and top it with the birthday girl’s favorite candies.

To make a gift for the anniversary of a girl aged 10 interesting, useful, and also delight the birthday girl, it is important to start preparing it in advance. On the birthday itself, everything should be perfect - from the organization of the holiday and the invited guests, to the gift and delicious cake, then the girl will remember this event for a long time.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

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