What are the laws of karma. Universal Laws of the Universe

Life often seems like a collection of coincidences. But behind the external chaos lies an order, verified to the smallest detail. How to live according to the laws of the Universe?

  • Our world is millions of years old. It was before the appearance of people, and will exist for as long after us. A person may imagine himself the king of nature, but in reality he is more often a blind kitten who sees life as a series of arbitrary events.
  • Trying to dodge another failure, we don’t even realize that there are laws, knowing which, you can consciously manage your emotions and life, and not rush about in disorderly attempts to achieve happiness
  • The karmic laws of the Universe are the fundamental principles of balance on which everything that happens around us is based. The universe is energy. It moves according to its own laws, the knowledge of which will allow you to integrate into this stream, and not row against the current, exhausted

The main laws of the universe

Law of Implementation

Thoughts are material; we get from life what we thought to ourselves.

How the Law of Implementation Works. What comes into your life is what lives in your head. The longer and brighter your thought, the more likely its embodiment in the material world. Keeping this law does not mean running away from problems and living in a world of illusions. People experience difficulties at times, but it is important to think positively and remember that God does not give trials beyond our strength. Think goodand it will come into your life.

Law of Consonance

Like attracts like, like begets like.

How does the law of consonance work? What goes around comes around. When you send love to people, you will receive love in return. When you see faults in others, you create them in yourself. A weak-willed person has a loose body, anger in the soul gives rise to certain facial features.

Deep happy man seems beautiful, regardless of natural appearance. Clutter in thoughts breeds clutter in business and at home. The causes of our misfortunes are only in us. If you want to change your life, start changing yourself.

Confluence Law

You merge with the like that you have attracted.

How the Law of Confluence manifests itself. People are drawn to their kind. Your environment is no coincidence. You attract those you are like, with whom you think and act in harmony. Spouses who have been married for a long time become similar in appearance and character. What annoys you the most in others is what you have in yourself.

If some feature in a person attracts your attention like a magnet, then this quality is strongly expressed in you; get rid of this quality, and it will cease to be noticeable to you in others. If you want to change your environment, change yourself.

law of change

Everything is movement, change is inevitable, lack of movement leads to death.

How does the law of change work? Life never stands still, everything is constantly changing, and a person needs to change along with the Universe. Stability is an illusion. How more people afraid of change, the more he clings to the old. When you easily let go of the past, you open your life to the future. Where one ends, another begins.

If there is a question that worries you a lot, then the situation is ripe for change, the rejection of which will only exacerbate the problem. Change when the time has come, and enjoy the changes, they are always for the better. Even if you don't think so now.

Law of Rhythm

Everything flows in and out, has its ebb and flow, a fall is followed by a rise, an inhalation is followed by an exhalation.

How does the law of rhythm work? No matter how severe the winter is, it will pass and summer will come. The streaks of success and failure in life are akin to the onset of winter and summer. If they come hard times There is no tragedy or injustice in this. It means that winter has come in your life.

Look at the animals: they do not rush about in a panic, but adapt to what is happening around. Find a way to calmly get through your winter and wait for the thaw. Take adversity for granted and remember that it is finite.

The Law of Duality

Everything has its opposite, without which it cannot exist and forms a single whole with it.

How does the law of duality work? There is no light without darkness. To continue his race, a man needs a woman. A top without a bottom is no longer a top. In every person and in every phenomenon there are good and bad sides.

A person or situation appears bad when viewed from a certain angle. But it is worth changing the point of view, and in the same situation you can see goodness, the same person in other circumstances will show completely different qualities. Every coin has two sides, do not judge life strictly.

pendulum law

Every thing flows into its opposite. The more the pendulum swings to the right, the more it swings to the left.

How the law of the pendulum works. Nature needs balance. The more you compress the spring, the more it will straighten out. How big man goes to extremes, the farther it takes him to the opposite edge. Faith is good, but religious fanaticism is evil. Bringing joy to a child is a manifestation of love, but boundless pleasures will lead the child to death. At every moment, remember that Everything is good in moderation.

Law of Causality

Everything has its reasons, everything in the world is natural. Every accident has its causes.

How does the law of causality work? What happens to a person is the result of his actions. Events are not a punishment for the past, but direct consequence our actions in the past. A dirty floor is not a punishment from above for laziness, but its natural result. What you do now shapes your future.

Law of balance

The rest point will be reached when the 8 basic laws of the universe come into balance.

How does the law of equilibrium work? The universe is in harmony because it lives according to its own laws. Man is a part of the Universe, and in order to achieve internal and external harmony, he must comply with its laws. You feel an internal imbalance, which means you have violated one of the laws of the universe.

In addition to those listed above, there are several more laws of the universe that are useful to know.

The Laws of the Energy of the Universe

  1. Everything you touch carries energy. For you personally, this energy can be positive or negative: if you are comfortable, the energy is positive; if there is discomfort, the energy is negative. Watch what energy comes to you from people, objects and events. Let as much into your life as possible. positive energy and dose the negative as much as possible
  2. Energy needs constant movement. Even when you are sure that everything is frozen in place, the energy moves. Approach the process of movement consciously: develop in what interests you; attract what you need. Otherwise, your energy will be carried away in a different direction.
  3. A person receives energy from food, water, air, through physical contact and through emotions. Different types of energy come through different channels. Try to keep your channels in good shape: do not neglect your health, watch your body, protect yourself from excessive fuss in your head
  4. A person spends energy on communication, physical and mental labor, on his own thoughts and experiences. Don't waste your energy senselessly. Spend it on things that bring you joy and results.
  5. Energy needs balance. The energy received must be equal to the energy expended. When energy enters, a person feels a surge of strength, an uplift in mood, and efficiency. With the expenditure of energy - weakness, fatigue, physical malaise. Lack and excess of energy are fraught with your condition

Monetary Laws of the Universe

Money is also energy. Like any energy, it moves according to its own laws.

  • The law of choice. A person himself chooses the level of his well-being. The reason for his poverty or wealth is only in him. Whatever excuses you find, there are golden expression"Who wants, looks for opportunities, who does not want, looks for reasons." How much energy you spend on earnings, the same amount of energy you receive in return in the form of money
  • The law of value. A man earns as much as he is worth. If, other things being equal, someone earns more than you, then he has an added value - an additional value for which they are ready to pay extra
  • The law of perspective. Money needs time to make a full buck. Don't expect immediate results, don't give up halfway through. For real good income will come after a while
  • The law of conservation and multiplication. From each amount received, you need to set aside interest as savings. Remember the expression "Money to money"? Create a financial cushion that will act as a magnet for your income
  • The law of gratitude (the law of tithing). It's about selfless help others. It doesn't matter how you donate: make a transfer to charitable foundation help a lonely grandmother with money or do some work for free on common good. It matters what you run money energy in motion and thank the Universe for help

Universal Laws of the Universe

  1. There are no bad or good things. Are there things that make you sad or happy at the moment?
  2. Do what you want, but do it with all your might
  3. If the error can still be corrected, then there is no error
  4. If a mistake cannot be corrected, then you needed this mistake in order to learn something important
  5. Everything happens on time
  6. Only you can evaluate your life. When you let others judge your life, you give them power over you.
  7. True revenge - not to notice
  8. If you know where you want to go, successes and failures will equally move you along the way.
  9. Too much effort backfires
  10. Trust what's happening. Accept what is happening. When you stop worrying and resisting, you keep your strength
  11. Lost is not the one who fell, but the one who could not get up
  12. Know what you want. If you have a goal, then you have a path. If there is a way, there is a desire to pass it. If there is a desire, there will be opportunities
  13. Distinguish love from pity. Love uplifts and perfects. Pity belittles and destroys
  14. You're ready to get something when you're ready to lose
  15. The strong create their own life. The weak complain about others. The choice is yours

How to find harmony with yourself

  • You are loved and appreciated exactly as much as you love and appreciate yourself. Do not let your inner self depend on the assessment of outsiders
  • There are no perfect people. Recognize your right to make mistakes. A negative experience is also an experience. Any experience contributes to our development
  • Don't compare yourself to others. Each person is unique and unique in their own way. By comparing, you deny yourself uniqueness
  • Recognize and accept your shortcomings. By avoiding them, you are wasting energy. By recognizing them, you get the opportunity to correct them.
  • Rejoice in even your small accomplishments. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. The greatest success starts small
  • Do only what you really want. Respect yourself and your dreams

Video. Laws of harmony of the Universe

Video: The Law of the Unity of the Universe

Video. Law of Attraction of the Universe

What is "Karma"?

In Sanskrit, this word means "action". In the West, the law of Karma is equivalent to Newton's law: "The force of action is equal to the force of reaction." When we think, speak or act, we use own strength will.

And although we may not realize it, any action makes us suffer in one way or another.

To avoid this suffering, as you understand, it is impossible. But here's how to minimize it, how to preserve the ability to enjoy life in yourself - about this and ...

Pleasure and pain come from your own past deeds (karma). Thus it is easy to explain karma with one short saying: if you do well, the results will be good, if you do badly, the results will be bad.

Karma means action. From the point of view of the actions themselves performed, they are divided into bodily, verbal and mental actions. From the point of view of their consequences, actions are virtuous, non-virtuous and indifferent. IN...

Getting out of the influence of karma

This is not just philosophical reasoning, it is a matter of life and death. In fact, this is the only question in this world that deserves attention. What is death? Am I dying? What happens after death are all facets of the same problem. Accordingly, if we accept that...

The Law of Karma says that our position in the present is determined by our state and actions in the past. All our successes and failures are the result of our own deeds and thoughts.

I will give as an example Russian-folk

Karmic proverbs:

Don't spit in the well, you'll need some water to drink.
- What goes around comes around.
Don't dig a hole for someone else, you'll fall into it yourself
Who will burn, he will not drown
- I rescued him, and he taught me
- For a broken one, they give two unbeaten
- All new...

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in the form of a similar force ... as you sow, so shall you reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, our karma brings us the fruits of happiness and success.

“Karma is the eternal affirmation of human freedom…

Our thoughts, our words and deeds are the threads of the net that we cast around us.”

Swami Vivekananda
The third spiritual law of success is the Law of Karma. “Karma” is both an action and what comes out of it...

The Buddha taught us that everything in the universe - whatever it is - is the natural result of one or more causes. Based on this natural law, the law of karma, we can learn to understand ourselves and the world we live in simply as a result of our previous actions. The world is created by our mind, and we perceive it in accordance with the illusions caused by our previous actions - our karma. And the kind of world that our mind projects as a dream depends on our karma. For example...

This law was created by the devil, as if to punish people for their immoral deeds, but all living on Earth, not only people, fall under this law.

Working off karma during life is illness, misfortune, problems with children, etc. Working off karma after death - punishments take place in layers of retribution, a person experiences great suffering, and the devil and his retinue feed on this energy, the energy of human suffering.

For this, the devil created everything, this was the original purpose of the karmic ...

I can say very little about it - but it will still take two and a half hours!

First of all, the law of karma is not a law. The very word gives the flavor of something scientific, like the law gravity. This is just a hope, not a law at all.

For centuries there has been a hope that if you do well, you will achieve good results. It is the human hope for existence, which in itself is absolutely neutral. If you look at nature, you can see...

Very often we want to find someone who is to blame for our troubles, problems and troubles. We diligently blame our mistakes on parents who disliked and overloved us, on children who do not know how to be grateful, on the state that does not take care of us, on a neighbor who does not let us sleep, on the head of the housing office, through whose fault pipes always flow , roof and non-salted walkways. Meanwhile, we ourselves are to blame for all the problems, if not in this earthly incarnation, then in the previous one. Because the great law of causes and effects, that is, the law of karma, exists and operates in the world.

Karma doesn't exist?

"Don't talk nonsense! - some zealous materialist will say, who does not believe in either mysticism or the afterlife. “The laws of karma are fiction for law-abiding slaves. A truly free person lives by his own laws! Confirmation of this is the millions of needy righteous and hundreds of thousands of prosperous sinners who commit vile deeds and live in clover and they spit from a high tower on your so-called laws of karma.

Of course, very often we really observe a terribly unfair picture related to the distribution of wealth and resources, talents and other opportunities that were given to a person initially as start-up capital. Why is one person born in a prosperous country, family, with a minimum of problems and not blowing his mustache, and the other is in a third world country and simply suffers from troubles, poverty, hunger and cold? This seems to us a monstrous injustice, which just proves the existence of the law of karma, but for some reason we interpret these facts as its absence.

After all, this is the law of justice, according to which everyone gets what they deserve. By the way, it is even reflected in well-known proverbs: “Don’t spit in the well, it’s useful to drink water”, “What you sow, you will reap”, “Don’t dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.”

But then why suffer good people, innocent babies, those who only do good deeds? There is even such an expression: "The kinder a person, the more problems he has." Why is that? What is the law of karma if the one who deserves punishment receives gifts, and the one who should be rewarded by heaven suffers defeat and misfortune?

The fact is that karma does not always act immediately, although this happens, of course. Everything depends on the level of development of the soul. If she is low and affected low energy material world, then the multitude good deeds and a righteous life can, of course, raise it, but perhaps only in the next incarnation. Why is an innocent baby born into a family of chronic alcoholics, probably because in past life sinned too much and now the baby has to take the rap for the mistakes of his predecessor.

One of the laws of the universe says that we are all connected. It seems to us that there is nothing in common between people, we try to dissociate ourselves from each other, we divide into communities, groups, nations. But this division is not able to separate us, since we are connected on a mental level. And everything that one does, thinks, says one way or another is reflected not only on those who live now and are close to him, but also on the distant and future, about which he knows nothing and does not even suspect. If we accept this truth, then it becomes clear why people are born with such a big social difference.

It is difficult for us to imagine that our every movement and thought shapes the present and future of the universe, this is too global. It is also difficult to connect your actions with the future incarnations of your soul, which can manifest itself in human form somewhere on the other side of the planet. Therefore, we act without looking back, without thinking about the consequences, that each of our actions is recorded on secret invisible tables and someone (that is, we ourselves in a new guise) rake for him in full. It is very difficult to understand that the consequences will affect not someone distant and unknown, but ourselves. That is why many people base their lives on the well-known phrase “after us, even a flood.”

What is karma?

Karma is a Sanskrit word which means "action". Being and acting are one; the whole universe is one great continuous action (action), governed by the immutable Law of Justice.

Karma is something that only a person can create, since each of his actions is conscious. When they say that fate rules everything, that a person does not influence anything and should simply surrender to the hands of the Almighty, they do not take into account the law of karma.

But fate is the law of karma. Within the limits of his human existence, a person is able not only to change the karma of his future incarnation, but also to improve or worsen, that is, change the present one. Thus, he has the ability to create polar directions of karma:

Akarma is positive karma that leads to salvation and enlightenment.
Vikarma - destructive karma, leading to punishment, suffering, terrible incarnations, slavery.

The lower , the more complex the vikarma, which may include anti-parental, anti-social, anti-human components. There are moments that a person cannot change by working off the karma of his past incarnations. For example, change parents. But in the life of each of us there is kraiyaman-karma - the area where we can actively intervene in our destiny and change it for better or worse.

In the Mahabharata (an ancient Indian epic), the law of karma is given in the form of a conversation between Bhishma, the teacher of Dharma, and the righteous king Yudhishtira. Bhishma explains to the king that the fate of a person is formed from his own past thoughts, desires and actions, but “activity is stronger than fate,” the teacher ends his speech. That is, our karma is in our hands. In our thoughts, desires and in our actions.

When do we improve our karma?

When we do good selfless deeds. In this case, we have the opportunity to cross out and destroy even the most difficult consequences of past lives and move forward along the steps of our development. But the main condition for such actions is real disinterested goodness. Anonymous, spontaneous, when we are not concerned with either gratitude or recognition of this act, as if we are throwing money into the river, without any hope of getting something in return, even improving our own karma. It is extremely rare for a person to do such things. Only love can help him in this - a feeling capable of raising the human spirit to an unprecedented height, where the laws of the material world no longer act on him. This is saving someone at a cost own life and health, when a person does not think about the consequences for himself and is only concerned with how to help another. These are feats and deeds performed in the name of love for God, a woman, a man, a child, an animal, a homeland, a person just like that at the behest of the soul - this is selfless bestowal and a huge step up the steps of spiritual growth.

When we do good but not entirely selfless deeds. Any good deed leads us up, albeit not so high, but still higher than before. Patronage, charity, volunteering - all this improves karma, even if you deep down count on at least gratitude from the one you help.

Occupation without attachment to the material result,
work for the soul, creativity not for earning money, activities that elevate us, free us from conventions - another way to improve our own karma.

Love - universal remedy improving karma, if I may say so.
Love for everything you do, think, say, see, for everything that surrounds you, that is in you and around, love for people, animals, nature. Not just at the level of a declaration and an empty slogan, but effective love, that is, one that manifests itself in specific actions to protect, help, bestow. kind word, which is pleasant even for a cat - this is one of the manifestations of love. Doing everything with love, no matter what you touch and whatever you do, is a universal way to live in harmony with yourself and the world. To understand that human life- this is the path of the heart, and not the extraction of material wealth.

- a huge part of akarma. A person who knows how to be grateful to other people, the world, nature, God makes a huge contribution to his spiritual development. And vice versa, the ungrateful and selfish, thinking that everyone owes him and making claims to everyone, gets a minus in his karmic piggy bank.

When do we worsen karma?

When we do wrong things, crimes, meanness, betrayal. Killing throws a person back several incarnations. Even, unfortunately, if he can explain this murder by some ideological reasons, affect, patriotism, defense. True, in this case, the offense committed in the name of love is not equal in terms of the level of karmic punishment with the intentional one. Accordingly, karma is distributed very individually. But be that as it may, the worst thing for worsening karma is harm to another person.

Envy, criticism, arrogance, selfishness, greed, lies, vanity, pride, ingratitude, etc.- all these are minuses in your karma. Especially if these features are manifested not only in thoughts and words (for example, in gossip, bilious comments, mocking smiles, etc.), but also in actions.

It would seem that not such terrible vices as laziness, bad habits, cowardice, the habit of complaining, indifference worsen our karma. They often lead not to action, but to its absence, which is also equated with a crime against karma. If a person who, for example, has been given certain talents, due to own laziness buries them in the ground, that is, does not realize, then harms himself.

If we remember that every thought, desire and deed changes our destiny, we will be able to control ourselves and not do bad things, help those who need our help, falling into the sphere of our existence. And not even falling, but simply living with us on the same planet. We will open the heart of love and get rid of hate.

Sometimes it seems to people that nothing depends on them, that they are a small, insignificant and influencing unit of the universe. But it's not. A person has the power to change himself, his thoughts, his desires and actions. And they change what surrounds him. And the wave runs further, rolls, expands, multiplies, and somewhere there, on the edge of the Universe, there is a shift towards good or evil. And all because you got up this morning and smiled at the sun or twisted a disgusting grimace.

Everything, in the end, closes on us. And if we submit to our destiny and do nothing to improve our karma, we harm it, turn into slaves of circumstances, the material world, opinions, difficulties, illnesses. But a person has not only thoughts and desires related to the improvement of karma, but also a will that leads him to action. When a person begins to act selflessly and consciously in the name of love, he is freed from slavery and creates his own destiny, destroying the most painful of all sorrows: the thought of himself.

In pursuit of happiness, people have always forgotten that we are just guests in this world, that the universe existed for millions of years before us and will exist for millions of years after, being a stable and self-sufficient organism, protected from destruction by the laws of balance of the universe, which -otherwise called karmic laws.

All phenomena occurring in the universe, the entire world around us, are subject to the action of these laws.

1. the law of implementation.

2. law of consonance.

3. law of fusion.

4. law of change.

5. the law of rhythm.

6. the law of duality.

7. law of the pendulum.

8. law of causality.

9. law of balance.

1. the law of implementation. Everything is thought. Thought is primary and precedes any materialization. In life, we get what we imagined for ourselves.

The Law of Fulfillment, based on the mentality of the universe, is the very basis of our life. Everything that happens to us initially appears in our minds in the form of a mental image. It is with our thoughts that we embody reality.

The world that we used to call reality is actually real, attention, only in relation to a specific person, since it is built by him himself - his ideas, desires, aspirations, fears and fears.

Thanks to the law of implementation, the images (both positive and negative) created by our thoughts materialize and appear in everything that surrounds us.

From the intensity of filling our mental images mental energy the degree of their influence on our life depends: some mental images will not play a decisive role in our destiny, while others will take a firm place in it.

2. law of consonance. As below, so above. Small equals great. What happens to us happens to the universe. And vice versa.

Each person is a unique, irreplaceable part of the universe and is in constant feedback with it. That is why, when it comes to harmony with the universe, first of all, the harmony of a person with himself is meant.

Everything that happens to us is a signal of how harmonious our life is, and what we should pay attention to in ourselves. When we act in tune with the desires of our soul and do not allow violence against it, we live in tune with the desires of the universe. At the same time, we succeed, we succeed. This state is called - "To be in the Stream".

If we feel good and we feel comfortable, then for some time we have balanced our internal state with its external reflection - the situations and events of the outside world that are developing around us, that is, we have achieved a certain harmony.

The law of consonance allows us to understand that external stimuli that cause uncomfortable mental states in us, such as resentment, bitterness, anger, irritation, and others, are just a reflection of what we have inside, what we currently represent.

The Law of Consonance explains to us why no situation built on manipulation and violence has ever brought happiness to anyone.

You cannot change the world without changing yourself.

3. law of fusion. Like attracts like and merges with it.

This law explains to us why in our life we ​​attract only those situations and those people who are close to us in their inner essence. Thanks to this law, at every stage of our lives, we deal with precisely those people whose views on the world and human relations are identical to ours.

We create our own environment, and if it does not satisfy us, we ourselves are able to change it without resorting to manipulation and violent measures. To do this, you need to change your way of thinking. And only then will completely different people appear around us - close to us in spirit, supporting our undertakings and believing in us.

The Law of Confluence allows us to take a completely new look at the people we encounter in both pleasant and unpleasant situations. Awareness of this law gives a clear understanding that if we do not like some qualities of those around us, then we ourselves have similar qualities, but diligently turn a blind eye to them.

In the face of others, a person always has a mirror in front of his eyes, in which he can look.

4. law of change. Everything is movement. Change is inevitable. Fear of change leads to stagnation. The stagnation of death is like.

Everything in the universe is subject to change. What yesterday seemed eternal and unshakable, over time becomes obsolete and gives way to a new one. Social formations, models of the development of society, the principles of social structure, worldview systems are changing.

Nothing is permanent and nothing stays the same. "Everything Flows, Everything Changes." However, we persistently continue to desire stability and are afraid to part with it.

Problems mainly arise because we do not want to change anything in our lives, we are afraid of losing something familiar and stable, we cling to a situation that no longer exists.

Fear of the future, which makes us struggle with impending changes and bet on illusory stability, does not allow us to look at the situation as the beginning of something new.

The destruction of the familiar brings us pain and shock, however, the easier we let go of the old and stop regretting the past, the sooner and more painlessly new stage, which brings no less, and often even more, joy and happiness than we already had in the past.

It is the occurrence of problems that shows us that it is time for change. The end of any situation is always the beginning of the next one, which gives us new chance for luck. Don't be afraid of change! Step forward boldly and your efforts will be rewarded.

5. the law of rhythm. Everything flows in and out; everything has its ebb and flow; all phenomena arise and fall.

This law is directly related to the law of change. Any chaotic, at first glance, movement, any phenomena, both in human life and in the development of society, are subject to the universal law of rhythm. All the events that take place in our lives, thanks to the action of this law, line up in a certain rhythmic sequence.

The law of rhythm sometimes frightens us with its inevitability. It is hard to believe that stability does not exist, and I really want to stop the moment, especially if it is beautiful. But feelings roll over us with inevitable periodicity, like ebb and flow. Grief alternates with joy, excitement - with equanimity, irritation - with calmness, sadness - with fun.

There is no need to despair if a black streak has begun in life, and it seems that there is no end to suffering. There is no disaster in this. It is necessary to wait for the cycles to change, in full confidence that everything will change. The serenity of nature, calmly passing from the state of day to the state of night, suggests the appropriate model of behavior to us, in anticipation of the fact that tomorrow there will be dawn again.

6. the law of duality. The universe is dual. Every thing has its opposite, without which it cannot exist separately. Opposites are parts of a single whole and differ only in the level of manifestation of their inherent qualities.

This law tells us that any phenomenon in our universe has its opposite, without which it could not exist. The Universe is harmonious, and therefore we are all important and necessary parts of a single great and harmonious organism.

Any person we meet on our way is neither bad nor good. He is just a man, in different situations manifesting himself in different ways. There is no bad apart from good, just as there is no joy without grief.

Each situation, sometimes the most catastrophic, necessarily has its opposite - just look at it from a slightly different angle. Black would not exist without white, darkness shows us the boundaries beyond which light begins, and exhalation entails inhalation.

The Law of Duality teaches us not to rush to put labels on the people and things that we meet along the way. You should always remember that a stick has two ends, and a medal has two sides.

7. law of the pendulum. Every thing strives to turn into its opposite, with the greater speed, the more sharply the qualities inherent in both opposites are manifested in it. The measure of the swing to the right is compensated by the measure of the swing to the left.

Equilibrium is the most important condition for the existence of the universe, and it restores it with the help of the law of the pendulum.

In our Everyday life this law is everywhere. It is closely related to the law of rhythm, since the pendulum moves from side to side, obeying a certain rhythm. It is in this way that our love, friendship, our Faith in various worldview systems, our state of mind develops.

The law of the pendulum clearly makes us understand: the night is darkest before dawn, and in the most hopeless blackness a ray of future radiance is already dawning. Nothing is permanent, everything changes, and the measure of the swing to the right is compensated by the measure of the swing to the left.

8. law of causality. There is a causal relationship between phenomena in the universe. Everything that happens to us is an inevitable consequence arising from a cause laid down in the past. The universe has no accidents. Any case denotes patterns that are not yet realized by us.

"Under the influence of this law, each person is in fact the master of his fate, gives himself a reward, punishes himself. This law says that all thoughts, all words, all actions are reflected in the future on a person's life, and not in the form of a reward or punishment, as the idea is usually understood, but as an inevitable result following its cause" (ramacharaka.

Knowledge of the law of causality gives us the opportunity to understand that everything in the universe is closely interconnected, and nothing accidental can appear on our way. With our thoughts and actions, we ourselves lay down the circumstances of our future life.

9. law of balance. The single law of the universe, uniting the eight basic laws. Only when balance is achieved, when that center is found where movement reaches such speed that it becomes equal to rest, can all aspects of the one law be synthesized and completed.

This single law determines the work of all the laws described above, and shows us that none of the karmic laws can be considered in isolation from the other, and that any phenomenon in the universe is determined by their combination.

ancient esoteric knowledge O karmic laws universe formed the basis of the modern applied branch of psychology karmapsychology, which arose at the intersection of sociology and esotericism.

Karmapsychology studies the influence of universal laws on the development of society and the formation of a person's personality, and also develops methods for overcoming psychological crises, based on karmic teaching, the core of which is the doctrine of reincarnation, familiar to mankind since ancient times and which is the basis of many religions.

According to the doctrine of reincarnation, the soul of a person does not die with the body, but consistently and repeatedly returns to earth in other bodies in order to gain experience and know everything.

The karmic destiny of a person is knowledge, which means there is no negative or positive experience. There is simply experience, thanks to which the human soul understands the difference between the extreme manifestations of certain qualities. That is why we must learn to live through these extreme manifestations, and not to be afraid of them and not to avoid them.

The doctrine of the laws of the universe tells us that there are no karmic punishments or karmic rewards. Only in the event that something unpleasant happens to us and violates our peace of mind, it means that we did not take into account one of the laws and thereby violated the balance on which everything that exists in the universe rests.

The law of karma is one of the basic Laws of the Universe. All religions and spiritual teachings know the law of retribution for sins and good deeds, and even materialists include the law of cause and effect relationships in the list of laws of dialectics. Obviously, our entire destiny depends on how well we understand this law: we not only realize its existence, but also understand its features in detail.

The law of karma seems simple and obvious in its manifestations, especially in its simple, “folk” formulations: “what you sow, you will reap”, “how it comes around, it will respond”, etc. But in fact, the law of karma is by no means simple in its implementation. Let's try to understand some of its non-obvious effects on our lives.

I. Reward "a hundredfold"

They say: "it will be rewarded a hundredfold" (100 times more). Why? Is this really unfair? After all, they seem to have done something definite, no more, no less; does it mean that fate-karma will have to compensate the same amount?

In fact, karma is an absolutely fair compensation for good and evil, and yet, the return "a hundredfold" (that is, many times more) is one of its features. The fact is that such a return is fair, it's just that most of us misjudge the size of the consequences. own actions, words and thoughts. As it happens, let's look at a specific example.

So, let's take the most "simple" case: person A caused damage to person B (for example, he deliberately pushed him, he fell and tore his clothes). What will be the consequences? Of course, person A will suffer the same (from person B, or from someone/something else), but that will only be part of the refund. Because the damage was not limited to the pain of falling and torn clothes. We list the most common consequences of the cause created by man A:

1) Person B experienced the pain of a fall and the inconvenience of torn clothing.

2) Person B experienced stress - in addition to the physical, he received a mental blow from the aggression shown in his direction; everything is changing mental condition. Changes may include:

a) in relatively short-term strong emotions of resentment, fear, irritation, shame, etc., and

b) in long-term changes (the world has become more gloomy and threatening for the victim, who feels generally more oppressed and defenseless, suspicion and distrust of people increase, the victim becomes somewhat more cruel, cold and intolerant, can allow an explosion of uncontrolled aggression - all it worsens the fate of a person B).

3) Alas, many of us lose sight of the most important detail - the significance of this or that event in a person's life. And a case that someone does not take seriously (for example, “just think, you fell and tore your clothes”), for another can be perceived as catastrophic (shame: “I turned out to be weak and defenseless”, “it’s very embarrassing to walk with strangers in torn clothes”, and clothing may be the only one available, irreplaceable, etc.). If the victim was in an oppressed, mentally unstable state, then even outwardly “not too offensive” action towards her can become “the last straw that overflowed the cup”, and lead to sad consequences up to and including suicide.* The significance of the event thus cannot be attributed to the nature of the victim (“it’s his own fault”, “you don’t have to be so touchy”, etc.). The offender will have to experience redress of equal importance to himself.

4) Out of balance, with a spoiled mood, the victim will perform his duties poorly, causing "unscheduled" ** damage to himself and others. Negative consequences this fall largely on person A - the offender.

5) The victim (person B) has relatives and friends, and the pain and stress from this incident can in turn give rise to all the consequences described above.

6) And people who have suffered unplanned damage from the victim will also have problems. Of course, the degree of responsibility of the offender here is somewhat less than with direct exposure, but, nevertheless, the consequences will still overtake person A, albeit with less intensity.

Thus, we can see: how the circles on the water from the thrown stone diverge around the consequences of good and evil, revealed by us.

* - The underestimation of significance can be truly enormous. So, for example, a person who has taken only 5 minutes of time from another in vain can thereby become the reason big problems: late for transport - arrived an hour or two later - did not have time to do important things - missed the most valuable opportunities - fatal changes in fate (for example: did not get a job, returned late and was attacked, losing health or even life). “So, by entering into relationships with people, we can always put them in great danger?” - Alas, yes. We must not forget about it! You need to develop tact and sensitivity to other people, learn to think not only about yourself.

** - I.e. damage that would not have happened if it were not for the act of person A.

It is not uncommon for an act to seem to bring no consequences. For example, a person does evil, but is not punished. Or someone does good, but continues to be in misfortune. Sometimes the consequences seem immeasurably greater or less than they should be, even despite the “retribution a hundredfold,” which was discussed above. Does this mean that the law of karma does not work, or does it not always work? - No, it doesn't. The reasons for these phenomena may be different. Of the many, we highlight three that are most often implemented:

Terms of karma;

levels of karma;

Overcoming karma.

II. Timing and levels of karma

Karma does not disappear, it can be delayed or accelerated, distributed over a long period of time, or collected into a powerfully acting stream, disastrous or beneficial. Why does it depend? What determines the timing of karma? And what are the levels of karma?

1) The world is not chaos, is not the result of many accidents; the world is regular and orderly. The apotheosis of order and regularity - Mind - controls everything in the Universe, accessible to our feelings and thoughts. The life that every person on earth lives is an evolutionary process that has its own goals and obeys certain laws (regardless of whether a person knows about it or not). That. there are some forces (we should call them intelligent * ) that govern the karmic retribution received by people. The ancient Greeks symbolized them in the images of Erinyes (Eumenides) and Nemesis. They talk about the same phenomenon, pronouncing the words Fatum, Rock, Fortune, Providence .... It is these forces that determine when and how much of what has been accumulated must be given to a person in order for it to serve him well. Hence the belief that exists among the people that a person receives exactly as many disasters as he is able to endure.

Many unknown, and even inaccessible to human understanding, conditions and opportunities - internal and external - affect the "benefit" or "harm" of karmic incidents; man cannot control them. Benefit and harm - in an evolutionary sense. So “good” karma can bring not only benefits (give a person time and opportunities to concentrate, work on himself, development), but also harm (for example, a person can become stagnant in contentment and not want to move further along the path of evolution). Similarly, “evil” karma can bring harm (for example, prevent the opportunity to meet people who have a beneficial effect on the level of development), but it can also turn out to be beneficial (prevent becoming a layman, even create conditions for sharpening perceptions ...).

If a person, committing crimes over many lives, is practically not amenable to correction, then bad karma may not overtake such a criminal for a long time, accumulating in a powerful downpour that will neutralize him completely, saving many people from his evil in many lives; before this downpour of karma, fate can spare him, and even bring him good luck and blessings, so that everyone connected with him can repay his debts and “untie” forever. having paid off your debts, enter into a long period of good karma that brings good luck and happiness - necessary for advancement, for reaching a new level.***

* - Unfortunately, after reading the description of "reasonable", many begin to imagine some personalized creatures with a human-type personality; but in studying the world of superhuman forces it is necessary to get rid of anthropomorphism.

** - An example of this is famous story Polycrates, tyrant of the island of Samos. Polycrates captured Samos along with his two brothers, then killed one of them (the second managed to escape) and took possession of the entire island. Having created a large army of mercenaries, as well as a large fleet, he conquered the surrounding islands and cities of the coast. Samos turned into a terrible nest of piracy, Polycrates even plundered the ships of his allies. The Egyptian king, a friend of the Samian tyrant, fearing Polycrates' continuous streak of successes, wrote to him that one could try to appease fate by destroying something very valuable and expensive. Polycrates threw his ring of great value into the sea, but a few days later this ring was found in the belly of a fish given to the king by fishermen. Upon learning of this, the Egyptian king refused the friendship of Polycrates, fearing that future misfortunes might affect him himself. Soon Polycrates was captured by enemies; he died a death so terrible that Herodotus, from whom we know this story, did not want to describe his execution.

*** - In the last book of the Mahabharata, the just king Yudhishthira, who ascended to heaven alive, finds his brothers in hell, and their evil and cruel enemies in paradise. The deity explains to him the reason for the seeming injustice: his brothers sinned little, and after short term redemption, they will stay in the higher Abodes for a very long time; their enemies, who committed a lot of crimes, receive that small amount of good karma that they were able to earn in order to go to the lower dark spheres for a long time.

There are times when good karma is given to a person "on loan", in advance - if this can help him transform and elevate himself. But he must necessarily repay with good work and, most importantly, with the development for which he receives this advance; otherwise, his fate is unenviable.

2) The disproportion of the benefits or sorrows received with the activity of a person may be due to the fact that a person receives a reward for his actions in past lives. If we do not do good, we still receive good, maybe in past lives we made a good fate for ourselves; but not producing good karma now, we only exhaust our "reserves". Suffering now, even if no one was harmed now, we may be paying the bills for our activities in past lives; therefore we can rejoice - liberation from suffering is inevitable. And if we obviously cannot take advantage of the fruits of our deeds in this life, we can lay the foundation for our future existences - both on earth and in the Supermundane world.

3) We should also not forget that it is common for an ordinary person, unfortunately, to put it mildly, to underestimate the degree of harm he causes to other people. Indifference, insensitivity, tactlessness, unwillingness to understand that others may feel differently, may be acutely sensitive to what does not matter to us ... - all this inevitably leads to the accumulation of the most painful karma. Whoever goes through life as such a destroyer and tormentor, let him not hope that ignorance (or rather, neglect) of the consequences of his thoughts, words and actions will save him from inevitable retribution.

Different degrees of sensitivity, peculiarities in the perception of external influences can thus be the cause of a visible difference (and seeming injustice) in retribution to different people. Well, albeit somewhat exaggeratedly, this phenomenon is illustrated in one of the ancient Indian tales about Birbal, the sage of Akbar the Great, the Mughal ruler of India. Let's give a brief summary of the story.

“Birbal was the only Hindu among the sages at the Muslim court of Akbar the Great, and therefore he had many enemies. Akbar did not heed the slanders against Birbal, but one of the accusations seemed to him serious.

Calling on the sage, the padishah asked: “You are being accused of monstrous injustice; for the same crime, you imposed completely disparate punishments on four people. The first you gently reproached in private; the second severely scolded before the elders; He ordered the third to be whipped in the city square, and the fourth ordered to cut off his nose and ears, and to carry him all day around the city on a donkey, accompanied by a herald who informed everyone about the crime committed.

Birbal replied: “I gently reproached the first one in private, and he committed suicide, unable to bear the reproaches of his conscience. The second I severely reprimanded in the presence of the elders, and he went into self-imposed exile. The third I ordered to be whipped in the main square, and now he trembles with shame, sits at home and does not dare stick his nose out into the street. I ordered the fourth to cut off his nose and ears, and to carry him around the city all day long on a donkey, accompanied by a herald, notifying everyone of the crime committed. But he only laughed at us, and shouted to his son, who got caught on the road: tell his mother that his father will ride a little more and come, let him cook dinner! The padishah acquitted Birbal."

The question may arise: well, we all the time walk, as it were, “along minefield”, not knowing what our word, action, thought will be a help or a blow to the people around us? How can we evaluate the consequences of our actions if we do not know the characteristics of other people? How to protect yourself from destructive karma? – The answer is simple: you need to avoid egoism and indifference, you need to become more sensitive, attentive and tactful, and, most importantly, apply the Great Testament of all great and wise people, the precept that is found both among the teachings of Confucius and in the Christian Gospel: “Do to others the way you want others to treat you."

4) Sometimes you can observe the following picture: good people, kind and fair, are in very cramped circumstances, experiencing material difficulties; in some cases it is difficult to explain this by the presence of long-standing bad karma, or the danger of excessive prosperity. The reason for the apparent non-observance of the law of karma may be that the level of good karma received is higher than just karma. material wealth. The fact is that the true benefit of any human being is its evolution, which is expressed primarily in the growth, expansion of its consciousness, in the refinement of its perceptions, feelings and manifestations. Thus, everything that contributes to the advancement of a person along the path of evolution is his good, and the opportunities that serve to achieve this good are most often not in the “material” plane.

At the same time, the quality of the created, accumulated karma can be of different levels, and, accordingly, the reward will be of different levels. And a more developed person, who is at a high level of refinement and consciousness, can receive much more substantial benefits than his undeveloped counterparts (who, due to their rudeness, will not be able to take advantage of high opportunities). True, the consequences of the evil deeds of such a person will be more serious.

Ultimately, we can say that developed people can move to a completely different level of “relationships” with the universe, to a different level of karma created and received. And in accordance with the stages of spiritual development, karmic "intangible benefits" can look completely different for different levels. And it will not be possible to consider some "goods" better than others, even if they belong to different levels: if only they correspond to the stage of development of a given person.

5) Often the timing of the onset of karmic consequences depends not only on the bearer of karma, but also on the people associated with him: either karma is accumulated together, or the suffering of one may lead to the suffering of another who does not deserve such problems. So, good or bad deeds, conceived, planned and committed by a group of people, bring them good or bad fruits at the same time, all together - the karma of the family, collective, class (social group), nationality, nation is obtained ... This karma must also be corrected by united efforts . And peoples (countries) suffering or prosperous often show:

a) either a consequence of such a collectively accumulated karma (imagine, for example, the terrible fate of peoples rejoicing, approving or causing suffering to other peoples, or some social (or national) groups in their own country * );

b) either a special area created by Nemesis for the embodiment of carriers of a certain karma, where they are attracted by the affinity of energies (for example, carriers of bad karma can incarnate in terrible conditions created in those places by bad people like themselves; good people can to find future incarnations in clean and just countries where they can develop and create without interference).

6) In addition to all of the above, the terms of karma can be determined by special planetary and "historical" conditions. The fact is that all peoples, countries, large human communities (the so-called “cultures” and “civilizations”), and even humanity as a whole, all develop according to the laws of cycles, everyone has ups and downs, points of maximum development or falls. In addition, cosmic influences: the rays of the luminaries, the passage of the earth or the entire solar system certain spaces within this part of the Galaxy - can predetermine the features of all processes occurring on our planet, from geological to historical. All this, of course, will certainly affect the features, qualities and timing of karma - both national and individual.

III. The mechanism of action of karma

Of course, everyone agrees that the actions we take necessarily have consequences, and these consequences must in one way or another affect us, influence our destiny. It is obvious. But why is everything, even the smallest, it would seem, the consequences reflected in our lives? How does even our thoughts, even unfulfilled and unspoken desires, accumulate a certain karma for us? This can be understood only by studying the mechanism of action of karma. And for this it is necessary to pay attention to some aspects of the structure of man and the Universe.

So, a person consists of a body and the so-called "soul". Absolutely everyone agrees with this. Only supporters of crude materialism believe that the human soul is a consequence of chemical processes flowing in the cells of the brain, a kind of "haze" over the "swamp" of gross matter; the “swamp” will disappear, and the “haze” will also disappear. Enlightened materialists on the question of the soul are moving closer to supporters of religions and idealistic teachings (for example, the teachings of Hegel, Leo Tolstoy, etc.), arguing that the soul can exist independently of the body, and its carrier is matter that is more refined, rarefied and high-vibration than visible matter of our bodies and tangible objects.**

* - Who knows what fate awaits today's Russia, which keeps the intelligentsia strata of the population in an extremely oppressed state, and, in particular, despise and torment teachers - people on whose hard work the intellectual and cordial development of the entire people completely depends.

** - In addition to the intangible or almost intangible states of matter that we see (smoke, steam, gas, plasma ...), there are other, more subtle ones, registered by instruments, or fixed only by the efforts of the mind, “spiritual vision”.

The “soul” itself, in turn, consists of a higher and a lower part. The Church Fathers of the early centuries say that man is made up of spirit, soul and body. There are more detailed divisions of the highest component of a person. Spirit is immortal; the soul consists of a higher part, “contacting” with the spirit, and a lower part, close to the body. On the border of these parts of the soul is our "I", our earthly personality, performing karmic actions.*

In the Universe, each of these subdivisions corresponds to its own “layer”** of refined, rarefied matter: the fiery sphere of the Spirit; the sublime, radiant world of the higher soul - spiritual thought and energy; the denser, less radiant world of the lower soul, most strongly associated with everything that happens on the dense earth; and finally visible to our with ordinary eyes the world of gross matter, dense objects and bodies. We will call them:

1) the Fiery World (the world of the spirit and the world of the higher soul),

2) the Subtle World (corresponding to the lower soul) and

3) the dense world (the world of physical matter).

In each of these worlds, in a sense, there are beings of different levels, inhabiting this world, and the matter of this world, in which they live and act, and of which they themselves consist. The dense world is inhabited by people, animals, plants and microorganisms; moreover, it can be said that in a certain sense all highly organized "beings"-bodies consist of communities of unicellular and multicellular microorganisms; and all these creatures use various chemical compounds. The Subtle World is also inhabited by "bodies" - souls of different levels, as well as many creatures of a different level - thin-material shells shed by people (which do not immediately disperse, dissolve in space), elemental spirits (elementals), etc. And as in the case of the dense world, in the Subtle world the basis of all more highly organized beings - the fabric of which they are composed - are analogues of these elemental spirits, fine-material particles of special qualities; the subtle “body” of our soul consists of them. In the Fiery World, apart from human monads (consisting of the spirit and the higher part of the soul), there are other beings of a different evolution, having their own karma, in most cases not in contact with the karma of mankind. And lofty thoughts – ideas and images – “dwell” in the Fiery World as living beings, separate from those who gave birth to them***. These ideas and fiery particles thus constitute the higher souls of people.

Elemental spirits, elementals are particles subtle matter having different quality, according to which they ensure the manifestation at the level of dense matter of all phenomena and processes: stones and soil, water and steam, air and fire, the matter of microorganisms and the bodies of plants, animals and people. different classes these elementals have different levels, from extremely material to refined to such an extent that they can be expressive carriers of feelings and thoughts of a lower order generated by people and animals.

(The fact is that the spirit is the mover of everything in the Universe: the fiery impulse begins at the highest levels The fiery world then acts on ever denser layers of matter, giving rise to the corresponding impulses that move the denser layers of matter. Thus, the so-called "laws of Nature" operate, the source of which the gross materialistic science-synergetics tries to find in the fantastic phenomenon of "matter self-organization". But this does not at all mean “arbitrariness” in nature, analogous to the arbitrariness that reigns in the human world. The evolution of material Nature is in a sense conscious, but it obeys the strict laws of the Universe and the Great Plan of the world of Ideas. Free will, which allows the violation of the Laws, which creates the kind of karma that we are talking about in this article, is possessed only by people - you and me.)

* - In a spiritual, highly developed person, the “I” is “higher”, corresponds to the spiritual soul, it is permeated with the fire of the spirit. Have less developed people"I" is absorbed by the lower soul, being more or less completely dependent on the lower, animal passions, desires; their higher soul “sleeps”, cannot manifest itself, thus predetermining the impossibility of accumulating high-quality karma.

** - In fact, these worlds, consisting of matter of varying degrees of refinement, are relative to each other "above" and "below" in a symbolic sense. In the "geographical" sense, they are not layers, but interpenetrating planes that can be in the same volume (although, of course, thinner layers often occupy areas inaccessible to denser ones).

*** - Let's remember the world of Ideas - Plato's Eidos, the world of "prototypes" of all earthly creatures, things and processes. This sublime image has degraded today to the "world of archetypes" of modern science.

Legends and traditions of all the peoples of the earth know the phenomenon of elemental spirits - the spirits of nature, but (due to the indestructible desire of a person to see his own features in everything, to anthropomorphize his reflection) they endow them in their imagination with a consciousness similar to human. In fact, elementals do not have free will, so Buddhists speak of them not as elemental spirits, but as "dharma particles", each group (class) of which has a certain quality. These particles, which have acquired certain qualities under the influence of the human spirit and soul, are called skandhas.

The public teaching of Buddhism (most of its popular schools) distinguishes the following types of skandhas: rupa skandhas, vedana skandhas, sanskara skandhas, sanjna skandhas and vijnana skandhas. Rupa-skandhas are responsible for the formation physical body man, for his appearance and features. Vedana-skandhas are "responsible" for feelings - sensations of a person, and for those lower parts of the soul that provide sensitivity and reactions of the spiritual and bodily organism. Sanjna-skandhas are responsible for a set or system intellectual concepts and representations, through which a human being comprehends himself and everything around him. Sanskara-skandhas are formed in the process of experiences and actions of the human soul, and their quality is due to what moves the soul during its action - the spirit moves it, or the lower animal passions, the mind enlightened by the spirit, or the lower, crafty and selfish intellect. The totality of sanskara-skandhas of a certain quality, accumulated by a person, forms the traits of his character, advantages and disadvantages, abilities and skills - i.e. soul powers. It is the sanskara-skandhas that are the “matter of karma” in the life of every person and all mankind. And, finally, vijnana-skandhas are a conductor of human consciousness, like windows through which the spirit tries to look and act in the worlds that are lower in relation to itself.

How does Karma work?

Man produces thought. If the thought is not stillborn, then it does not replenish the layer of husk and “half-decayed jelly” of the subtle waste of the human race, but becomes (due to the energy impulse accompanying it - the fiery propulsion) active active force on a subtle level. “... every thought of a person, when revealed, passes into inner world and becomes an active entity by joining, we might call it accretion, to an elemental - that is, to one of the semi-intelligent forces in the realms. It continues to exist as an active entity - a being generated by the mind - for a greater or lesser period, in proportion to the initial intensity. brain activity that gave birth to it. Thus, a good thought remains as an active, beneficent force, an evil thought as an evil demon. And thus man constantly populates his flow in space with the world of his own creation, filled with the creations of his hobbies, desires, impulses and passions; a current that reacts to any sensitive or nervous structure that comes into contact with it in proportion to its dynamic intensity. The Buddhist calls it his "Skandha", the Hindu calls it "Karma". The adept distinguishes these forms consciously, other people form them unconsciously” (“Letters of the Mahatmas” / Letter 5).

That. the consequences of any manifestation (mental, verbal, effective) are “attached” to the person-doer as follows:

1) Fine-material particles that make up the soul* are created at the moment of thought-action (and it always accompanies the words and actions of the body)** and become part of the doer's soul. This part will henceforth exist in the soul as an active source of energy. This activity is not always immediately noticeable, but if similar energies are detected in the future, all previously accumulated particles will “rush into battle”. If there are many such accumulations (of a certain kind, quality), then the force of their action in the human soul may turn out to be unexpectedly great. For example, you, faced with something that is somewhat annoying to you, want to get a little angry, but unexpectedly for you, your reaction will be huge, disproportionately strong and long.

* - These fine-material particles are skandhas, namely, samskara-skandhas, with the participation of sanjna-skandhas that make up manomayakosha. The peculiarity of the process of creating skandhas will be considered separately.

** - Moreover, a thought presupposed by a word or action may not even seem to correspond to the action or word; in this case, the consequences will be from both, but the strongest and most significant - always from thought. “As there are three worlds, so there are three layers of thought. A person can think simultaneously in three layers. He can have earthly thinking, under which a subtle thought will pass, and somewhere in the depths a fiery spark will shine. Maybe these three layers will coincide, and then it will turn out strong impact. But usually people will find discord in their minds. Earthly thinking can create seemingly attractive ideas, but subtle thinking can condemn them, knowing their true origin. A fiery spark may sometimes not flare up at all. / One can observe how a person can simultaneously fall under three different urges.<…>It is very instructive to observe how the thoughts of the three layers change. One should not think that earthly thought will certainly be worse than subtle. One can tell how often earthly thought drew people to worthy actions, but the subtle one snaked along a path long outdated. Of course, the fiery spark will always be flawless, but it is necessary that it be able to ignite. / We follow the layers of thoughts and rejoice when the three layers can be in unity. Let's not forget that the three layers are only the main divisions. In essence, there are many more such divisions, but we will keep in mind three bases so as not to complicate the observation” (“Nadzemnoye”, 303).

In this way the qualities of character are accumulated.*

2) The created particles-skandhas, built into the soul, attract similar particles from space - energies, for example, from people you meet, from people with whom contact has been made, visible or invisible (even if you saw someone on TV, heard on telephone or radio). And, of course, from disembodied entities, also from layers of elementals of similar quality, accumulated by humanity in space, in the thin shell of our planet. And every time you manifest similar energies by sending impulses, you will attract these layers, these energies from the outside, and you will replenish the world fabric, influencing the fate of all mankind, the entire planet. “The image of man is created by the energy of mankind” (“The Call”, 16). That. each of us carries with him his own punishment and his own reward of good. Even if people did not take revenge on us, or did not thank us, we are still a loser or a winner. And these consequences will migrate to our next life, for “Having provided the soul, which has finally escaped from the clutches of personal life, with sufficient, even a hundredfold compensation, karma with a whole horde of skandhas awaits it on the threshold of devachan, from where the Self reappears to take a new incarnation. It is at this moment that the future fate of the rested I fluctuates on the scales of fair retribution - because now it again falls under the power of the current karmic law. It is in this birth awaiting him, in a birth chosen and prepared for him by the mysterious, inexorable, but, according to the justice and wisdom of sentences, by the infallible Law, the sins committed by this Self in a previous life are punished. Only it is sent not to an imaginary hell with a theatrical flame and ridiculous horned and tailed devils, but precisely to this earth - to the plan and place of the commission of his sins, where he will have to atone for any bad thought and bad deed. What it sows, that it will reap. Reincarnation will gather around him all those I who have directly or indirectly suffered at the hands of the past personality or even with its unconscious assistance. Nemesis will put them on the path of a new man, hiding in himself the former, eternal Self…” (H.P. Blavatsky “The Key to Theosophy” / “On the Reward and Punishment of the Self”).

3) Finally, according to the universal law (action is equal to counteraction), any manifestation of ours, affecting others - with a mental current, word or action - brings back a "blowback", a reaction. It is not just the affinity of energies, particles, here there is a connection of a higher order: the processes initiated by you in other people and in space are your offspring, your creations, with which you are connected by the law of kinship (for all the energies that you have ejected remain part of yourself, even while being “away”** from you). “Just as a calf finds its mother from a thousand cows, so actions good or bad find a person” (“Chanakya Niti-shastra”, Chapter XIII, 15). In fact, installed energy channel, through which there is an exchange of energies, particles of a certain quality. Channels, depending on the strength of the impact, on repeated impulses, can weaken and disappear over time, or they can linger for a long time, become fixed, become solid, “capital”, thus creating karmic connections, chains of karma that remain even for the next incarnations. This is how karmic groups, carriers of group karma, are formed.

* - There is a wonderful image in the great Books: we weave fine-material clothes for ourselves - with every thought, word, action. This is to be taken almost literally. We create our subtle body, in which our spirit will be clothed now, and will be clothed even after the death of the dense body. “According to our zeal, we receive the color of spiritual clothing” (“The Call”, 123). “Is it possible to come to terms with the clothes of ignorance when the chiton of beauty is adorned with the flowers of the Mother of the World? How can we usually spend a day when treasures are scattered along the way? ("Agni Yoga", 377). “Is it really not befitting for the solemn Abode of the Fiery World to stock up on clothing of Light?” (“The Fiery World” I, 529). “The grain of the spirit is unshakable, but it is dressed in clothes woven by man himself. / This yarn is not easy! Knowing this, one can plant the seeds of humanity. But they should be planted deliberately, for supreme beauty this garden is being built” (“Aboveground”, 553).

** - There is practically no distance for the subtle sphere.
