Feelings of a pregnant woman. Condition of a woman during pregnancy

Pregnancy– this is a time of change, not only physical, but also emotional. During this period, women begin to feel completely different, they find new meaning life, see the world in different colors. It's all because of the little life that grows in the tummy.

Many women cannot understand why during pregnancy, for no apparent reason they have is changing mood, Do tears come to your eyes during the hundredth viewing of a film that has never evoked such emotions before? Or why is rage suddenly overwhelming, and previously undisturbing jealousy suddenly begins to manifest itself? One minute you feel happy, the next you don’t want anything from life? And is such an incomprehensible state normal? In this article we want to introduce you to certain periods of mood swings.

1-2 month

Regardless of whether a woman’s first or second pregnancy is her first, she will feel almost the same at first. There are several explanations for this. First, the pregnant woman comes to understand her current situation. From now on, her life will change dramatically: she will join the family small man, requiring attention, care and responsibility, she will have less time for herself and her career, and she will acquire a new profession, the best, but also the most difficult - mother. Also, thoughts immediately arise about how to convey this good news to loved ones and how they will react to it. All these thoughts arise against the background of constant fluctuations in hormones caused by pregnancy, as a result - sudden bursts of rage, irritability, or, conversely, joy and euphoria.

3-4 month

At 3-4 months emotional state of a pregnant woman women are particularly calm. This is due to the fact that she finally accepts her position and dissolves in the euphoria of understanding that she will soon be able to hold her baby in her arms. During this period, a pregnant woman may become a little forgetful. This reaction is caused not only by the fact that she flies in the clouds with joy, the reason is also that while carrying a child, the number of cells in the woman’s brain decreases, but, fortunately, this is temporary, soon everything will return to normal. Sudden mood swings are possible, as well as irrationality in behavior, nothing strange, because the hormonal levels are still in an unstable state.

5-6 month

Most often during this period women do not feel special changes in their emotional state, perhaps because they have become more or less accustomed to everything that has happened to them over the past six months and have learned to suppress sudden outbursts of irritability. But we must not forget that pregnancy puts additional stress on many vital organs. The load on the muscles increases, the need for blood, oxygen and nutrition increases; kidneys, heart and lungs work with additional load. In the period of 5-6 months, this begins to be especially felt, so all the same mood changes, although not as powerful, remain relevant.

7-8 month

The third trimester is especially stressful for women. No wonder, because during this period she is “the most pregnant” - with a large round belly, sparkling eyes and full of love and maternal care in the heart. A woman constantly thinks about her child, worries that he feels good and is born healthy and strong. And, if on early stages pregnancy, it was possible to distract my thoughts a little from the baby, but now he constantly reminds of himself, kicking his mother with his legs. In addition, the pregnant woman is worried about how she will survive childbirth and how she will get into shape afterwards. All this, of course, affects her emotional state. In addition, the forgetfulness inherent in pregnant women continues, as well as irrationality in behavior. Often women have a desire to surround themselves with everything bright and shiny.

9 month

This is the most exciting and hectic month throughout pregnancy. After all, a woman understands that every day brings her closer to herself. important meeting with your beloved baby. Pregnant women are characterized by increased anxiety during this period.

To stabilize the emotional state of a pregnant woman, attention and understanding from relatives and friends is necessary, as well as acceptance that such a state is normal and, if you do not fall into depression and violent outbursts of emotions, it will not bring any harm to the baby. Nature has thought of everything and instability in the mood of a pregnant woman is a positive experience for the child, thus, even in the womb, he begins to prepare for real life with all its problems and anxieties, without this children would simply be born unprepared. Therefore, relax and enjoy your position, and nature will take care of everything itself.

Almost a joke: “After my first pregnancy, my brain didn’t recover, but now that new belly is growing, my stupidity has reached its apogee. Yesterday, when I went to the pharmacy, I demanded two kilograms of cucumbers. In response to the confused young saleswoman: “We don’t have cucumbers...” she grumpily and loudly asked: “Well, at least give me some tomatoes?” People in line behind me were convulsing with laughter." Taken from a women's forum on the Internet.

Does the psyche really change so much during pregnancy that a woman can ask for cucumbers at the pharmacy?

Can a man understand a pregnant woman?

I went for a consultation with the head doctor of the city maternity hospital. General medical experience 22 years. During this time I observed various pregnant women. Both balanced and not so balanced.
“The psychological state of a woman changes, that’s for sure,” says Vasily. - During pregnancy, a woman is easily offended. And on little things. For what in in good condition I wouldn't pay attention. He reacts painfully to insults. It seems like he can cry for no reason. Moments of uplift and joy often alternate with depression.
Emotional imbalance is caused by changes in hormonal conditions. And pregnancy is not a disease, it is a physiological condition.

How to calm a pregnant woman's nerves?

You can drink valerian or “Fitosed” (a collection of herbs that has a calming effect). But first of all, the mind must turn on. A woman should know that during pregnancy she should not react strongly: neither be upset nor be happy. During stressful conditions, adrenaline (the hormone of the adrenal medulla) is released. It causes uterine contractions. And this is a threat of pregnancy failure. An unpleasant situation has arisen? Better to turn around and leave. And don’t let it pass through you.
Men should be aware of the changes in the psyche of pregnant women. And treat them leniently. Explain, talk. If she loves it, carry it in her arms during pregnancy.

- Pregnancy for a woman is like an army for a man.
Time drags on endlessly, you become dull, you get fat, you always want to sleep and eat. (Not always! Not for everyone - Ed.). I want salty, sweet, herring, sour cream. Well, why not a mental disorder?
- During pregnancy, you can only eat citrus fruits and chocolate, they cause allergies. By thirty weeks we do not limit our patients in terms of the amount of food they eat. But after 30 weeks you have to restrain yourself. Use all your willpower. The maximum you can gain is 12 kilograms. Let's count: a child - let's say three and a half kilograms, blood (additional, which circulates in the pregnant woman's body) - three and a half, placenta - approximately from 900 grams to 1200 grams, amniotic fluid. It happens that a woman gains 15 or 20 kilograms. It too. It's difficult to lose weight later. It's better not to gain weight. If a woman eats little, the baby will still take everything she needs for her body. Receives through blood. In hungry, besieged Leningrad, thin, emaciated women gave birth healthy children weighing three to three and a half kilograms.

- What are the other features of changes in the psyche of women during pregnancy?
- In pregnant women, the instinct of self-preservation is heightened; they want to protect themselves, their child, which they experience in the womb. Their compassion and love for other children intensifies.
A woman begins to think mainly about pregnancy. Pays less attention to men. A woman has a maternal instinct, a man does not have such an instinct.
A man sees his wife's indifference. And he even begins to be jealous of the children. This may provoke family conflicts. How to avoid them? Trying to understand a woman!

To feel the state of a pregnant woman, men are jokingly advised to tie sandbags to their feet. First a kilogram, and then two!
“Pregnant women actually have very heavy legs,” explains Vasily. - Especially in the evening. After all, the volume of blood circulating in a pregnant woman’s body doubles or even two and a half times. Can you imagine the burden on the body? Legs swell. A man will not feel this (without bags. - Author).
How can a pregnant woman avoid edema? Wear comfortable shoes. Don't stand in one place for a long time. Do not overwork, rest with your legs elevated. Eat less salty foods.

Another humorous piece of advice for a man is to tie a mattress with water in front of his stomach. When dressing and putting on shoes, do not untie the mattress. Sleep also with a mattress, on your side.
“In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), you can even sleep on your stomach,” the specialist clarifies. - In the second and third trimesters - on the side. You can place your arms and legs however you like. It is not advisable to sleep on your back. Because large cavitary vessels can be crushed. They are located behind the uterus. Clamping of blood vessels can threaten miscarriage.
To better understand a pregnant woman, chief physician maternity hospital advises men: take part in partner births. With the women who gave birth were mothers, older sisters, and most of all, beloved men.
“They supported me during the fights,” says Vasily. - Some remained in the delivery room at birth. Some came out during childbirth. There is a sofa in the maternity room. You can relax and drink tea.

When our men during partner birth Will you give me scissors? When will the father be able to cut the umbilical cord himself?
- So far, none of the parents have shown such a desire. And we ourselves did not offer it. Childbirth is stressful situation. One will behave adequately, the other, we assume, will not.

Features of the psychological state of a woman in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy

The inner world of a pregnant woman is mysterious and amazing, and her mood is changeable. In a short period of time, it can change several times: one moment she is happy, cheerful, cheerful, then the very next moment she is upset, upset, saddened. A pregnant woman is sensitive and irritable, she reacts much more sharply than before to the world. For some women, their appearance changes during pregnancy, for others everything remains unchanged. But all expectant mothers have their own special psychology, which changes from month to month.

Pregnancy from a psychological point of view, as in physiology, can be divided into three periods (trimesters):

First trimester– months of uncertainty and adaptation to a new state. The beginning of pregnancy is a period of emotional ups and downs. The woman’s feelings have not yet been determined; she moves from awareness of happiness to regret. Changes in mood are strong and difficult to understand. This is not yet a fear of childbirth, but an indefinite fear, which includes the joy of not knowing what is happening, and the fear of the unknown, and anxiety about the future of the child, and fears that her husband will move away from her during pregnancy.

Nausea, insomnia, lack of appetite as a cause or consequence of these mixed feelings make the first weeks of pregnancy tiresome.

Fear of the unknown can lead to a state of depression and dependence on loved ones.

A woman becomes more impressionable, feels more fragile physically and psychologically, she wants to be the object of attention and care. Cries often and a lot, becomes sentimental; It seems to her that no one loves her, and that she doesn’t want anything at all. Responsibility for these changes in feelings lies with hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which a woman’s state of mind in the first months approaches that of a child. In this state, the woman begins to feel like a child, which will help her in the future when communicating with the baby. However, being in this state, a woman feels that she is growing up.

Just as at first the expectant mother hesitated between joy and fear, so now infantility and maturation are struggling within her. This duality causes her anxiety and is often the reason for changes in mood, which are not always clear to others.

During this period, the woman feels unusually tired and needs more sleep due to increased energy consumption. The body adapts and adapts to the new state.

In the first trimester, depression may occur, the causes of which may be family disagreements, social and everyday problems, lack of emotional support from the child’s father, complications and illnesses.

Second trimester– months of balance. Energy balance is restored in the body. The woman gains calm and stability, her mood improves, and normal sleep returns. U expectant mother the first sensations of new life appear - fetal movement. Mothers who previously did not dare to show their joy give themselves entirely to it. Now they are confident in their motherhood.

The presence of a child has a beneficial effect not only on the thoughts and imagination of the expectant mother, but also on her body, since these are interconnected.

Third trimester - months of retreat. In the first trimester, the baby was a hope, a certainty, but not a reality; in the second trimester his presence became noticeable; in the third, it becomes the center of the thoughts, interests and activities of the expectant mother.

Gradually events Everyday life recede into the background, occupying the woman less and less, her thoughts are concentrated on the child she is carrying. Immersion in the child is the main feature of the third trimester.

Changes in mood begin again, irritability, anxiety, fear of childbirth, and pain appear.

A woman changes not only emotionally, her priorities also change: she has difficulty forcing herself to be interested in work, and devotes more time to home and her unborn child.

The last week seems longer than the nine months that preceded it. The feelings and emotions of a pregnant woman are very fragmented: on the one hand, she is looking forward to the onset of her due date, on the other, the approach of birth causes even more doubts, anxiety, and uncertainty. These sensations have their own advantage: they seem to weaken the fear of childbirth, if it arises.

The pregnancy condition is unique. All women who have gone through this period always mark it as a completely different period, very strong in terms of the level of experiences, and a specific period in terms of the complex of sensations. Some highlight the positive power of this period of life, while others highlight the power of negative sensations, pain, and illness. But it is always a very significant, unique, unlike other period of life.

Anxieties and fears of a pregnant woman

During this stressful period there appears fear of change associated with getting used to a new state. Indeed, now there will be changes in life regarding work or study, family relationships and plans for the future. Even if the pregnancy was planned, it will still take time to readjust.

The most important thing at the beginning of pregnancy is to understand your condition. To realize pregnancy means to accept the appearance of a child in your life and begin to live together with him. And over the course of nine months, communicating with the baby, learn to understand his needs and desires.

Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience worries about child health . What will he be like: healthy, weak, strong, will he have developmental abnormalities, will drinking affect his health? last week analgin tablet, what to do with a computer monitor... Different situations go through the memory, and the imagination draws a lot of dangers for the child.

In the second third of pregnancy, the cause of unfounded fears can be various superstitions and updated previously heard opinions and comments (do not eat a lot of meat so that the child does not have hair; do not look at the fire, otherwise the child will develop a fiery nevus, etc.)

The best way get rid of such fears - realize that they are natural during pregnancy. But if fears begin to interfere, then you need to consult a psychologist, and also regularly receive professional advice from a doctor, and undergo everything on time necessary examinations scheduled.

Towards the end of pregnancy, a woman is overcome by fear of childbirth . Childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience and are associated with a whole series of fears. A woman may be afraid of the unknown, various complications, labor pain, of death. The source of this fear does not lie in fear for own life, but in anticipation of the experiences of a child who, during the birth process, goes through the stage of psychological “dying.” Birth is one of the most powerful human experiences, comparable in strength only to the experience of death.

Life in a mother’s belly is a paradise for a child: it is always warm, calm, comfortable, satisfying, all needs are satisfied by themselves, without the need to make any effort. But suddenly, at one moment, everything will change: it will become cramped, stuffy and hungry. To cope with the situation, the child will go on a journey without knowing how it will end. After all the hardships of a dangerous path, a child from a cozy, perfect world will find himself in a cold and indifferent world, where he must do everything himself. Such impressions can only be compared with a real life catastrophe. The horror that a child experiences during birth is not retained in his consciousness, since it has not yet been formed. But he experiences everything that happens around him with his whole being - body and soul.

Childbirth is quite hard, but rewarding physical and mental work.

To relieve the psychological stress associated with the anticipation of childbirth, you need to prepare for it in advance: attend “childbirth preparation schools”, take care of the organization of childbirth (choose a maternity hospital, find out about the rules, meet the doctor).

Fear of pain in childbirth is often formed in youth from various “scary” stories that arise in the memory when the time comes to give birth, from the age-old belief that giving birth is in pain.

Many women experience pain during childbirth only because they were too frightened by the anticipation of the upcoming pain, ignorance and misunderstanding of what would happen to them. Women who feel fear give birth much more difficult than those who are properly tuned to the birth process. It is fear that creates excessive muscle tension. Instead of relaxing and allowing the baby to be born calmly, the woman is afraid, nervous and tense. And this makes the pain even worse.

Therefore, in order to overcome pain, it is necessary to overcome fear. To do this, a woman needs to know what happens to her during pregnancy, how the child lives and develops, how the birth will proceed, and whether she can help herself learn to breathe correctly, relax and relieve tension.

The influence of a woman’s emotional state on the course of pregnancy and childbirth

Many researchers emphasize the adverse impact of maternal emotional stress on pregnancy and childbirth.

The anxiety experienced by a woman during pregnancy is the baby's first experience of anxiety.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetal circulatory system develops intensively, and it receives a hormonally mediated portion of anxiety through the placenta and umbilical cord whenever the mother is in a state of anxiety. Certain functional disturbances in the body’s activity are also possible in response to prolonged anxiety or irritation of the mother. The mother's anxiety also causes a corresponding motor reaction of the fetus.

With emotional stress in the mother during pregnancy, the likelihood of premature birth and disorders labor activity, if the birth occurred on time. In the latter case, weakness of labor, signs of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, and impaired placental blood supply are more common.

Woman with positive attitude to the unborn child tolerates pregnancy easily, she always has great mood, she is confident in the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth, and in the unborn child she sees the joy and happiness of her life. This instills in the soul of an unborn person a sense of confidence, self-worth and security. Positive maternal emotions cause increased growth of the fetus and an increase in the level of its sensory perception.

Many will probably agree that the period of pregnancy has its own incomparable aura, when life takes on a new meaning, new shades. Your existence is filled with some special inner light, a feeling of a high mission entrusted to you. Indeed, most expectant mothers, trying to convey their new condition, describe a feeling of limitless responsibility that they simply never had to deal with before. It seems that she would do everything to ensure that the child was born healthy and strong.

Finally, you are freed from vague guesses and nagging doubts, now you know for sure - THIS is Pregnancy. Long-awaited or unexpected, planned or accidental, first or next. At the very beginning, like early spring. You dream that the coming nine months will bring peace and joy to your soul. What if a wonderful dream does not come true? And the persistent reminder of others “it’s bad for you to worry” does not help get rid of contradictory, anxious thoughts and feelings.

The first months of pregnancy are a time of revolutionary changes not only in a woman’s physiology, but also in her psychology. In the inner, hidden space of her Self, the space of another person appeared, whose existence must not only be taken into account, but perhaps the whole life must be rebuilt, all plans must be changed. Not everyone can accept these changes unconditionally.

Even if the child is desired and long-awaited, the enormity of the accomplished event captures all the woman’s thoughts, making her worry: “How will my life develop next? How will the pregnancy proceed? What will happen to my career? Will I be able to provide my baby with a decent future? Will I be a good mother? Familiar questions, aren't they? Similar mental anguish can cause not only a feeling of fatigue and irritability, but even cause toxicosis or the threat of miscarriage.

First, don't try to solve all problems at once. Postpone them indefinitely, and perhaps some of them will be resolved without your participation. And in general, pregnancy is a unique time when you can rightfully allow yourself not to react to life’s problems. And not feel guilty for such irresponsible behavior. Remember that most material goods In this world, a child needs your attention, understanding and love.

Secondly, the most important thing now is to realize and accept your new state. Give yourself permission to be pregnant. Accepting your new state means accepting the appearance of a child in your life and learning to understand his needs. Indulge your little weaknesses - be it the desire to lie down in the middle of the day or buy yourself some delicacy. Let pregnancy enter your life not as a time of prohibitions, but as a time of new opportunities. A statement like “I won’t be able to wear my favorite skinny jeans” can be replaced with: “Finally, I’ll update my wardrobe!” It is enough to change your point of view to get a taste for change.

Pregnancy makes a woman emotionally vulnerable, prone to anxiety, and more sensitive to negative experiences. It seems that the reason for frustration is insignificant, but the eyes are “wet” and nothing makes you happy. Many women are haunted by the feeling that you are “trapped” by incessant nausea, fatigue that has come from somewhere, and constant irritability. Doctors explain this unstable emotional state by stormy hormonal changes, occurring in the body. Only the understanding that such a state is natural and completely physiological does not make this difficult period easier for a woman.

Psychologists believe that increased irritability is a signal to the expectant mother that she needs to learn to relax. This valuable skill will come to the rescue not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but will also have a positive impact on your life in general. The easiest way to relax is to turn on calm music, lie down, get comfortable, and focus on your breathing. Take a deep, calm breath and slowly, relaxed exhale. Imagine that with each exhalation comes relaxation and peace.

By the way, moderate physical activity - excellent remedy from the blues.

Even if a woman had a calm disposition before pregnancy, she can now easily panic from her doctor’s abstract reasoning about the complications of pregnancy or from an eccentric friend’s story about her childbirth. Scenes from certain films or television news, a harsh remark from a boss or a fellow passenger on the subway can bring you to tears. Don’t be afraid to give vent to your emotions - cry, complain to someone, most importantly, don’t push dark thoughts and resentment into the depths of your soul. Such increased impressionability is simply a reminder that it’s time to change your impressions.

Remember that your impressionability has another side - it is an opportunity to take a fresh look at the world. It’s as if during pregnancy a woman becomes a little like a child who looks at the world with interest and surprise. Take this opportunity to enjoy the finer aspects of life. Through your impressions, you convey information about the world around you to your baby. Your impressions tell him that good world or angry, colorful or sad, cheerful or sad. So try to get out into nature more often, visit concert halls or museums.

There are so many changes taking place in the soul of a pregnant woman that she may begin to feel very lonely in the whirlpool of new experiences. All the people around her have remained the same, only she is at the mercy of “pregnant feelings.” But at the same time, the experience of loneliness allows you to look deeper into your own soul, understand yourself, analyze your life experience, and perhaps reevaluate your life values. Use loneliness for self-knowledge, but do not become too isolated, share your experiences with loved ones, consult with a psychologist, talk with other pregnant women. Nowadays there are many opportunities to communicate with “your own kind” - these include courses psychological preparation for childbirth, and special groups pregnant women in the pool or sports complex, and even specialized stores organize lectures for pregnant women. And most importantly, start communicating with your child, because he is the closest person to you.

The pregnancy period can give a new positive impetus to family relationships, or it can give rise to misunderstanding. But the most important thing for a woman is to receive support from her loved one. However, it is much more difficult for a man to get involved in the process of his wife’s pregnancy and become a “pregnant” dad. He has a hard time imagining that there is a little man growing inside your belly (by the way, not a stranger to him). A man is more likely to be concerned about your new quirks than about the peculiarities of your pregnancy. It is a rare representative of the stronger sex who talks with inspiration to the “tummy” or is touched by the shocks from its depths. But this does not mean that men are completely indifferent to the upcoming changes. They just experience “pregnancy” in their own way.

Take the trouble to unobtrusively educate your loved one about pregnancy. He needs simple, concrete information about what is happening at the moment. Ask him to go with you to the ultrasound. Some men, having seen with their own eyes their baby inside their tummy, completely change their attitude towards their wife’s pregnancy, as if convinced of real existence baby. Use the pronoun “we” more often, this will be another sign that you are no longer alone. Unobtrusively tell your husband about how the baby behaved throughout the day. If at first there is no expected reaction, do not be upset and do not blame your husband for misunderstanding. It's just that many men don't express their emotions openly.

If you have a joint desire for your husband to be present at the birth, then he simply needs to undergo the appropriate training courses. And not at all so that he would not faint at the most inopportune moment. And so that from an uncertain witness your husband becomes an active participant in events (which he, in fact, was at the dawn of your pregnancy). Not only will he be able to gently hold your hand, but he will also be able to give you a relaxing massage and remind you of breathing correctly, will help you change positions. Such active participation in childbirth helps a man realize his paternity, and for a woman it is an indispensable support.

Sometimes a pregnant woman begins with fear to go through all the risk factors that she has been exposed to since the beginning of pregnancy, and think about how they will affect the child. Memories of drinking a glass of wine or taking aspirin when it was not yet known about pregnancy, thoughts about polluted air are used. hometown or exposure to radiation from a computer monitor on your desktop. You never know what else can affect the baby’s health. There are dangers here and there. Do not exaggerate the degree of risk. Congenital defects are very rare. Think that unnecessary worry is much more harmful to your child than the mistakes you made.

Don’t indulge in feelings of guilt, it’s better to find a way that can compensate for your “misses” - be it active walks in the park, or balanced diet, or audition classical music. Also, try to imagine more often how healthy, strong and beautiful your baby will be. Such fantasies have a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby.


When a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she is overcome different feelings. If pregnancy is desired, then a feeling of joy and happiness fills her soul. For several days she simply flies on wings, and she wants to tell the whole world about this happiness... The feeling of celebration does not leave you. Gradually emotional outburst subsides, and you begin to think about how to make your pregnancy and the development of your baby the happiest and most prosperous. Many pregnant mothers take a very responsible approach to bearing a child: they are seen by doctors, follow a routine and diet, and attend courses to prepare for childbirth. And everything seems to be fine, but real life, as a rule, often upsets a woman who is so vulnerable and impressionable at the time of pregnancy.

The troubles of everyday life, even if they are just annoying little things, often upset you, sometimes causing a very violent reaction. You notice that before you hardly paid attention to the same situations, but now you may even break into a scream or cry. Analyzing your behavior, you come to disappointing conclusions, and this only complicates the situation. You start to worry about your state of mind. As a rule, the expectant mother begins to scold herself for being so unrestrained and experiences great feeling guilt towards the child for frightening him with her behavior.

A woman wants her baby not to experience any discomfort during pregnancy. She feels that this could greatly harm his development. And very often she asks the question: how can you avoid stress and negative emotions during pregnancy?

Experts dealing with problems of psychology and pregnancy look at this issue from a completely different angle: how to make sure that the baby does not suffer from mother’s mood swings? The thing is that even the most diligent mother will not be able to avoid “wrong” behavior.

The psyche of a pregnant woman is very different from her state before pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman experiences unexpected mood swings, and various anxieties and fears associated with pregnancy begin to overcome her. She may become very upset over a trifle or unexpectedly yell at her beloved husband. For her, this is also inexplicable and alarming. And most importantly, after the incident, the expectant mother begins to suffer from a feeling of guilt in front of the child and in front of her family members. Naturally, it is very difficult to control yourself at this moment, and it is not necessary. This is the ancient mechanism of the pregnancy condition. Here's how to avoid the unpleasant feeling of guilt and bad mood, you can learn.

Actually, this is the most main secret combating stress: we do not exclude the cause (this is impossible), but try to get out of the situation with dignity, without causing great harm baby.

In fact, everything is simple: you should talk about your emotional state with the future dad at a time when the atmosphere in the family is prosperous and calm. The future dad needs to try to explain that you need care, guardianship, understanding and sometimes you want to be pitied, like small child. After another “wrong” outburst of mood, the expectant mother gradually calms down and begins an internal (possibly voiced) dialogue with the baby. She talks through the situation, explaining that everything happens in life and nothing terrible happened. If it was a quarrel with dad, a promise is made to make peace as soon as possible: “Dad is smart and kind and will understand everything.”

When woman walking In response to this dialogue, she herself gradually calms down, and feels that the baby is calming down too. Liberation from unpleasant situation, bad mood and feelings of guilt do not arise. And this is the very result we strive for: we cannot leave ourselves feeling guilty. After all, under the influence of your feelings, the foundation of your child’s psyche is laid. The more confident you feel, the more confident your baby will be.

“Maximalist” mothers often ask why it is not necessary to completely protect the baby from stressful situations.

Firstly, as already mentioned, this is impossible or costs incredible effort for a woman, during which she experiences great tension and discomfort. And this can have a much worse effect on the course of pregnancy than an outburst of emotions.

Secondly, it is not necessary. Let us assume that the child does not experience any negative or negative emotions. And so he is born and finds himself in our world with its problems and anxieties. How hard it will be for him if he didn’t experience anything like this while he was growing up in his mother’s tummy! This can have a bad impact on the emerging character of your son or daughter. Moderate stress in the mother’s tummy prepares the baby for future difficulties. He learns to resist them before he is even born.

Therefore, this is my advice to you: do not scold yourself for unexpected actions, for mood swings. Just explain your behavior to your baby, reassure your loved ones, switch to something more pleasant and enjoy your pregnancy!

An effective method of getting out of an unpleasant situation is as follows: you prepare a warm, relaxing bath, add to the water essential oil(it should be safe for your baby), turn on your favorite melody, light the candles. Having created such a pleasant environment for yourself, you plunge into the water, close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply and smoothly to the music.

Breathing should be deep, wave-like, without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. The body is as relaxed as possible. After a few minutes you will feel slightly dizzy. Don't stop breathing, allow yourself to figuratively dissolve in this dizziness - in a few minutes it will pass. Get maximum pleasure from an unusual state.

Without opening your eyes, you “dive” to your baby (as if plunging into your tummy) and begin to communicate with him. Having explained your behavior to him, you calm him down and be sure to tell him how much you love him and are waiting for him and that everything will be fine with him. After this, you will not be tormented by the feeling of guilt that you stressed your child with your stress, and you will be left in a bad mood.

Increased anxiety in a woman during pregnancy indicates a lack of trust. First of all, to yourself. Find within yourself those qualities that allow you to think of yourself with love and respect as strong, kind, wonderful person. Don't judge yourself for your worries. Many women, knowing about the dangers of negative emotions during pregnancy, experience strong feeling guilt towards the baby for being tormented by anxious thoughts. Negative emotions are not harmful to the baby if you know how to throw them out and part with them. It’s worse if you carry your worries inside, trying to look calm on the outside. Learn to trust yourself, your feelings.

Love yourself in any manifestation, forgive for your weaknesses, respect for giving life to a little person.

Be mindful of what you contain the whole world for your child. The richer the palette of your feelings, the more information the baby receives for his development. Let there be storms and calms in this world, life is life. The main thing to remember is that better world what you are simply does not exist for your child. Respect the individuality of your unborn baby. Learn to feel and understand each other during pregnancy. Mentally contact your baby, tell him about your thoughts and impressions, trust him. Fear will subside faster if you feel that a loved one is next to you. Communication with a child enriches a woman’s life, gives her the opportunity to look at the world differently, brings great amount new bright emotional experiences. Open your soul to these changes, do not become isolated in fears, do not rob yourself and your baby during this amazing period of life.

A pregnant woman and her husband should know the features by heart different periods pregnancy and, if possible, take them into account in family life.

It is no secret to anyone who has at least once encountered a pregnant woman that her character changes, and quite dramatically.

But if this pregnancy for you and your entire family - the first, then you may be surprised and even shocked by how much the psyche of the expectant mother changes.

To many traditional cultures(for example, Chinese, Indian, Roman) was completely characteristic special treatment to pregnant women.

Created for them special conditions, as they would say now - perinatal clinics, in which the expectant mother was surrounded only by beautiful things, sounds, even smells. It was believed that a calm, aesthetically maintained environment could harmonize internal state pregnant woman - both physical and mental, mental.

Setting and psychological climate big city is often far from those ideal conditions, which our ancestors strived for, and which many literate future parents still strive for today. But the pace of the big city - ragged, nervous, oversaturated - still makes itself felt. There is too much of everything around us - impressions, various information, people, with their contradictory internal states.

Often all this does not at all contribute to the calm, harmonious mood of a pregnant woman.
Let's try to imagine the dynamics of the emotional state of a pregnant woman, connecting the changes occurring in her psyche with such a tangible thing as the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester

Big changes

It happens that a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, but already feels that something is happening to her. Moreover, for most women, the changes in the first trimester of pregnancy are by no means simple.

Many pregnancy experts consider the first trimester to be a revolutionary time.
Too much changes in metabolism, and in hormonal status, and in physiological, and of course, in psychological sensations.

There is still a lot to get used to: for example, they change taste preferences, you may begin to like completely different colors and music of those genres that previously did not evoke a response.

In my opinion, one of significant factors that determine the psychological state of a pregnant woman is early toxicosis.

It is very difficult to enjoy life and be pleasant in communication when you feel sick almost all the time, and even all the usual products stink unbearably. (I apologize for the harsh language).

More than a third of women who perceive the world through a veil of nausea for the first three months.

As a rule, obvious toxicosis is associated with a depressed state, sudden mood swings and even depression.

The first trimester cannot be called calm. An experienced midwife I know said that the situation in the first three months of pregnancy is revolutionary. This is when “the top can’t, but the bottom doesn’t want to.”

And realizing the fact that soon enough it’s not easy for everyone to become a mother. Moreover, the child may be planned, and even long-awaited - but the human, and especially the female, psyche is structured in such a way that it takes time to realize and accept pregnancy.

And you shouldn’t condemn and punish yourself for the moments of confusion and anxiety in those first hours and days when you just found out that you were pregnant.

A good way, in my opinion, to talk with friends, acquaintances, and women who have already given birth. And from many women who have gone through pregnancy and become good mothers, you will definitely hear about difficult attitude to pregnancy at the beginning.

The fact that you were not immediately happy does not mean at all that you will not love the child, and that you will not turn out to be a mother, but a viper.
Just give yourself (and, of course, the child's father time). You get used to big things gradually. And this tiny child inside you is very big event.
The main task of a pregnant woman is to accept the fact of pregnancy at least by the end of the first trimester and begin to actively enjoy it.

Everything is disgusting:
In more loyal medical language, which does not reflect the essence of the process, a woman’s taste preferences and quirks appear. In one of the eastern languages ​​there is even a special word for the quirks of a pregnant woman.

It would seem that there is no connection with the psyche - sheer physiology.

But if in the morning you cannot happily drink your favorite coffee simply because you feel nauseous, this may simply be a blow to the foundations of life.

You feel that some aspect of life is eluding you and you cannot usually enjoy the taste of your favorite food. What used to give a pleasant taste sensation is sometimes a real torment, and you don’t want to eat anything.

It will take a few weeks and you will become quite comfortable with these changes.
True, I have never met people who liked the state of toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to odors and its impact on the psychological state:
A pregnant woman may feel strong and unpleasant odors everywhere. The refrigerator smells especially disgusting, and sometimes the food being prepared.
Favorite perfumes and smells of close friends may become disgusting.

Toxicosis can sometimes spread to the husband.

I want to sleep uncontrollably:
Sleep rolls in like a huge wave and covers you. You sleep very deeply, sometimes so deeply that it is difficult to wake up. Sleep may be dreamless, but you may also have surprisingly vivid dreams.

In general, if you can sleep, sleep well. “The soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on.” Many discomfort and the experiences of the first trimester of pregnancy are easily treated with sleep.

Mood swings:
The emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester is quite uneven.
Happy, euphoric states are replaced by periods of depression and depression. These mood swings usually do not have good reason. External events are often just a reason to go outside strong emotions.

Don't be scared or surprised by these mood swings - they are caused by sudden changes your hormonal state.

Sometimes there is confusion, uncertainty about the future, a feeling that you can’t cope:

It can be difficult to get used to the idea that very soon your life will change, that next summer you won't be able to plan as usual. The thought of those new things and events that lie ahead of you can cause uncertainty.

Uncertainty about many everyday issues also does not add confidence. After all, the relationship between the future father and mother is often determined and formalized precisely with the onset of pregnancy.

Second trimester

Calm mid-pregnancy:

Getting used to the “new format” of your body.

For many expectant mothers who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, changes in waist and hip size cause mental shock to varying degrees gravity. Of course, you guessed that your figure would change, and even expected it. But when suddenly your favorite skirt or trousers become too small, it’s a surprise.
Accepting and loving the changes in your body, feeling beautiful and loved in a new way - this is what you should strive for in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Changes in attitude towards the physical side of love:
There is a child growing inside you - a whole person - and few sensations remain the same. This is especially true for gender relations.
When you are alone with your husband, you will again and again feel that there is someone else with you. And for some couples, these feelings can be disturbing.

Self-esteem level jumps:

Often, the expectant mother can feel almost like a queen, and the next moment - a Cinderella of no interest to anyone.
Euphoria is replaced by doubts.
The pendulum swings hormonal levels pregnancy.
Waves of strong emotions often come over unimportant occasions.
You need to accept these changes in yourself, just as you accept the movements of a child inside you.

Amazing calm and harmony:

If all the changes mentioned above have occurred, the pregnant woman has every opportunity to simply enjoy life, herself, the child, listen to new sensations and enjoy her new states.
In many cultures, a woman with a rounded belly is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and fullness of life.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can experience states of blissful peace, integrity, and harmony.
Take care of these moments.

Third trimester


Those psychological characteristics and conditions that arise at the end of pregnancy have a “main thematic line” - immersion within oneself.

If everything in the family is fine, if the woman is confident that pregnancy is not a disease, and childbirth is not surgery, if the support of close and attentive doctors is obvious, changes occur in the emotional world of a pregnant woman, and they are very important for subsequent harmonious motherhood.

In the last two months of pregnancy, you can regularly observe how a pregnant woman seems to be sensitively listening to something inside herself.
And there is something to listen to - after all, at this time the baby’s movements in the stomach are very, very noticeable.

The concept of “binary psyche of a pregnant woman” perfectly explains many conditions at the end of pregnancy. Mom is gradually getting used to the fact that she is not alone. And this someone inside her now obviously has her own desires. Sometimes he doesn’t let you fall asleep, he pushes and turns, and sometimes he uncontrollably wants to sleep because the baby in his stomach has fallen asleep. The rhythms of sleep and wakefulness of mother and baby are connected. But the baby sleeps much more, and this can cause increased sleepiness in the mother.

Immersion in internal sensations:
Suddenly you become distracted and focus on the baby's movements inside your womb. And it is precisely these, sometimes not at all strong, movements that become more important to you than anything else. It’s as if the focus of the setting changes (like a camera or video camera), and what’s inside you becomes clear, and the rest of the world seems to lose sharpness. Becomes unimportant.

Dreams and fantasies about the future child:

Often a pregnant mother can think and wonder what he will be like, this little man whom no one has ever seen or held in their arms.
These thoughts may make it difficult to fall asleep or may result in vivid, colorful dreams.

Decreased sociability:
You may stop wanting to visit. noisy companies, museums and exhibitions. This is normal, and is associated with an increasing focus on home and the future child.
Don’t be afraid of decreased sociability and overpower yourself. There's just time for everything
And vice versa, there may be a desire to get everything done, finish it and transform it:

Many pregnant women suddenly experience tremendous activity in the very last stages - as if a jet engine was turned on.

I want to finish everything, do everything, surpass myself.
The approaching birth is like a mountain range, and what is beyond it is unknown, despite all active preparation.
Therefore, you want to do everything here and now, while you are still on this side.
This is a good rush, but it is important not to overwhelm yourself and those around you, trying to complete repairs, complete a diploma or a quarterly report.

An overtired woman may not have enough strength to give birth.

Therefore, balance the load with the amount of time and effort.

Instinctive avoidance of everything unpleasant and ugly:

A woman at the end of pregnancy instinctively avoids difficult situations. Confused relationships, spectacles overloaded with strong effects.
The expectant mother has a clear sense of “right” and “wrong.” And the wrong cat almost vomits - as during toxicosis.

Increased psychological fatigue and avoidance of unnecessary impressions are only one of the reasons why a woman moves away from everything inharmonious.
It’s just that your natural sense of proportion has returned to you.

Learn to trust your intuition, sense of proportion and taste. This will greatly help you in the first months of your baby's life.

"Nesting" instinct:
All or almost all the interests of a pregnant woman in last weeks before giving birth, they concentrate around the house - around the hole where the baby will soon appear.
Moreover, even the most destitute and economically uneconomic individuals can experience such a period, for whom household It was always just a burden.

Pronounced changes in intellectual activity:
99% of women experience serious difficulties in thinking strictly, consistently and relatively quickly logically in the last 2 months of pregnancy.

A few words to actively working expectant mothers

Major changes to emotional palette pregnant woman:
There are changes that are common to most pregnant women. They can appear on the most different dates pregnancy, with varying intensity.
If you don’t experience any of what is listed in this article, then you are just the lucky exception that confirms the rule.

Mental qualities of a pregnant woman that can make life difficult:

Tears can appear from the most insignificant experiences and impressions, in those places in books and films in which you have never cried before.
Don’t be ashamed of your tears - this has already increased the overall emotional sensitivity, which will further help you understand your baby.

Anxiety that occurs periodically is most often associated with the thought “Something may be wrong” - with the baby, with the progress of childbirth, with family relationships. You need to be able to cope with anxieties, and each pregnant woman does this in her own way. It is worth remembering that the presence of anxiety is absolutely normal. So, don't worry about worries!

Often the words of another person, spoken with authority and inner strength, produced on a pregnant woman indelible impression. If you know this characteristic of yourself, try to take your husband with you to all sorts of “difficult” places, feel free to use his protection, and be married.

Touchiness, tendency to unmotivated tears:
These tears “for nothing” can frighten and puzzle your loved ones. You should treat these “precipitations” as calmly as possible.
The best way is to remember your usually far from calm state before your period. Treat these “precipitations” as short-term.
Try to be distracted, switch your attention, and not get stuck in a tearful and offended state.
Do not give your husband any reason to think that your character is incorrigibly deteriorating.
Brief “insults” from pregnant wives are easily tolerated by men. Prolonged ones are much worse.
Don't give great importance such grievances. They arise out of nowhere and are only a projection of your inner state.

Strengths emotional world pregnant woman:

Sensitivity and intuitiveness:
A pregnant woman is like a sensitive sensor that detects emotions from the state of other people.
Pregnant women have much better opportunities to sympathize and empathize than other people.

Demonstration of creative abilities:
A mother who is expecting a child, unexpectedly for herself and those around her, can start drawing, sewing original clothes, write poetry and even music.
Variety Creative skills can make themselves felt during pregnancy.
And science does not yet know that the reason for this is the first manifestations of talents intrauterine child, or the reliable fact that, starting from the middle of pregnancy, a woman’s activity in the right hemisphere of her brain increases. And the right hemisphere is traditionally associated with creativity and fantasy.

Special attitude towards husband and home, manifestation of design abilities:
The expectant mother suddenly becomes interested and important in many things that previously, moving at the rapid pace of a big city, she might not have had enough attention, time and energy for.
You become extremely concerned about the furnishings of your home. A lot of thoughts are caused by the problem of the situation and color range Total living space that you are planning for your child.
Design skills in last trimester pregnancies are thriving.

And the psychological state of a pregnant woman greatly depends on the feeling of comfort or discomfort around her.

May appear Attentive attitude to her husband and a desire to take care of him, almost maternal.
It’s good if you manage to strengthen and enrich your relationship during pregnancy. After all, the first months of your baby’s life may require both of you to immerse yourself in completely different matters and concerns.
Let the pregnancy period (after toxicosis ends) become a real “honey half year” for you. This reserve of tenderness for each other will be very, very useful to you.

What you shouldn't forget:

  • Remember that mother and baby are connected by a single hormonal current through the placenta, which means that the baby knows all the main states and emotions of the mother, as they say, from the inside.
  • Remember that an unborn child is “made” with a large margin of safety, and a single stressful situation cannot harm it. Only systematic, day after day repeated stress can cause any developmental disorders or physical well-being baby. This means that systematic stress should be avoided as much as possible both at home and at work.
  • If you find it difficult to give up one or another bad habit, or an activity that may not be beneficial for the unborn child - think about how 9 months of pregnancy is such a short period of time (although it often seems huge). And it is in these 9 months that the prerequisites are laid

What situations are best avoided:
  • Watching aggressive television programs, and simply too scary or strong stories is not best activity for a pregnant woman.
  • Overwork of all types and chronic stress in a pregnant woman are contraindicated.

What should you do:

  • You should provide yourself with the support of reliable and calm specialists in the management of pregnancy and childbirth as early as possible. This will help you feel like you are in good hands and in control of the situation.
  • Try to find time for good rest, And. no less important, full walks.
  • Understand that systematic overload in work (study) is not at all what is beneficial for the psyche of the expectant mother and the intrauterine child.


  • Many women enjoy the state of pregnancy. It seems very comfortable to them psychologically and physically.
  • Almost all pregnant women are beautiful both externally and internally.
  • Those expectant mothers who managed to accept and love the changes that pregnancy brings with it simply glow from the inside.
  • And there are no women whose psychological state would not be changed by pregnancy.
  • We highly recommend that you introduce the materials in this article to your future dad, and in general to all relatives with whom you communicate closely.
  • There’s a lot your husband won’t be able to figure out on his own, simply because he’s not a pregnant woman, and he doesn’t even have the right internal organs that would help him understand your conditions.

Psychologically, the future dad needs much more intellectual and emotional stress to become closer to the pregnancy process, closer to the “non-idle” wife and unborn child.

I would like to say that one should not think that all these truly volcanic changes will pass by themselves after childbirth.
The psyche of a nursing mother and her emotional states are completely special topic, but many of the changes that happen to a woman during pregnancy persist during breastfeeding.
Moreover, almost all changes during pregnancy are internal preparation for motherhood, a unique “school for mothers”, the program of which was written by the Creator himself.
Carrying a baby and being a mother is very interesting.

Ekaterina Burmistrova,

child and family psychologist. (published in the Magazine "My Child", No. 11, 2008.)

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