Children's educational programs for children. Educational programs for children

From the point of view of psychologists-educators, children should always be shown great attention in terms of their learning, which should be more playful than serious. Fortunately, at present, in the open spaces modern internet for this, there are special classes of educational programs for children that can be easily downloaded for free and work on them with young children who strive to know as much as possible at a young age. But, unfortunately, not every parent to this issue the most serious responsibility is manifested, often and as usual replaced by ordinary laziness, but these are children!

If you consider yourself loving parent, and want to use educational programs in order to teach your children at home before school, you can download any of the following for free on a special portal site, where you can go with a click on the appropriate link. For the little ones, the educational program for children is perfect young age in the form of an interesting talking alphabet, which you can download for free and install on your personal computer, start studying with your child. The main thing is to take the recommendations of psychologists and teachers with high responsibility, and only then the result of the training will be really satisfying.

Download programs for children for free and at high speed

The greatest attention to you, as a parent, should be given to the child's abilities with personal interests in a particular science. For example, if your child really likes to count, ideal solution will be under beautiful name"Count," for children, which is a pass to the world of mathematics. A beneficial advantage of this program for children early age, in addition to the fact that it can be downloaded to a computer for free, is the presence in the functionality control work providing an opportunity for the child to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Well, for the youngest children, who are not yet versed in mathematics, a great solution would be to choose free program educational purpose "Cheburashka", which can also be downloaded from the portal briefly announced by me above. In this surprisingly simple kids program for toddlers, available to free download, there are tasks of unusual cunning, solved together with the popular hero of the Soviet cartoon.

You have the opportunity to download any of the above educational programs for children to your computer absolutely free of charge, simply by using the offers of the website website, where there are also many other interesting products with extensive functionality. pedagogical direction. As for the rest, with regard to your individual choice of this or that program of training functionality, I think you will already figure it out on your own.

Anna Markina
Main computer programs for development intellectual abilities children up to school age

intellectual development acts as the most important component any human activity. In order to satisfy their needs, communicate, play, study and work, a person must perceive the world, pay attention to certain moments or activity components, imagine what he needs to do, remember, think, express judgments. Therefore, without the participation of human activity is impossible, they act as its integral internal moments. They develop in activities, and are themselves special types activities.

Getting Started pedagogical work with children, first of all, you need to figure out what is given to the child by nature and what is acquired under the influence of the environment.

Development human inclinations, turning them into capabilities- one of the tasks of training and education, which can be solved without knowledge and development intellectual processes it is forbidden. As they development, improve themselves capabilities acquiring the required qualities. Knowledge of psychological structure intellectual abilities, the laws of their formation are necessary for right choice method of training and education. Great contribution to the study and development cognitive processes such scholars have also made How: L. S. Vygodsky, A. N. Leontiev, J. Piaget S. L. Rubinshtein, L. S. Sakharov, A. N. Sokolov, and others.

They have developed various techniques and theory of formation intellectual abilities. And now to be successful develop them in educational activities, it is necessary to look for more modern facilities and teaching methods. Usage computer with its enormous versatility, and will be one such tool.

TO the development of intellectual abilities is: development of thinking(cognitive, creative, memory, attention, qualities of the mind (wit, flexibility, economy, independence, mental skills (isolation, comparison, analysis, etc.), cognitive skills (see a contradiction, a problem, raise questions, put forward hypotheses, etc., skills learn, the formation of subject knowledge, skills, abilities

There are three basic programs for the development of intellectual abilities:

Educational programs


Educational and gaming

Educational programs

Computer tutorials have many advantages over traditional methods learning. They provide development of intellectual abilities of students, activate them creative potential. This programs which convey knowledge, form skills, educational or practical activities, providing required level assimilation.

Consider the most standard, if I may say so, set programs preferred to be used for learning children.

Classify educational children's programs, from the user's point of view, it is possible according to a huge number of criteria that must be taken into account when choosing programs. Experts identify 5 directions:

Logic and memory;

Fine motor skills of hands;

Counting and reading;

Volumetric perception and fantasy;

Musical ear and artistic taste.

The logical thinking of the baby can develop programs, in which it is necessary to operate not just things, but also their modified "copies", silhouettes, for example. This uses memory. It can be puzzles or a game "collect items", where you will need to remember objects, and then find them in some space. An example of such programs can be"Logic for kids",Baby Logics, Cifiri, « We develop memory» , Montessori, " Funny pictures"- a tool package for creating and solving problems related to assembling an ordered set of text and graphic structure objects on the screen, etc.

hand motor skills develop all programs, where control occurs by pressing certain keys or moving the mouse in a certain direction. Kids will especially love the colorful educational programs like"By screws" or "Air race".

Counting and reading is perhaps the most developed category. This is MathMatic "Entertaining arithmetic" and much more.

Volumetric perception and imagination will be developed by educational programs, where you need to assemble a character or draw something specific. Good exampletower box, where the dispensed items need to be stacked in a certain way, or "Snow Riddles" where you want to assemble the mosaic.

Musical and artistic programs will allow the child to easily learn notes, colors, tones, learn to perceive art. Music editors and coloring pages are well suited, of which there are a lot of them on the worldwide web.

- "Coloring" - the simplest editor, which is recommended to be included in the training of the first skills of working with graphic information. With a cursor that takes on several different shapes and capable of resizing, you can draw outline and shaded drawings. The program is capable remember the history of the drawing. This allows you to use it as a simple animation tool.


Programs designed for processing different kind skills and abilities.

To such programs include:

Training apparatus "Collect the beads on a string"- train fine motor skills, use the mouse to move parts around the screen, and collect elements along specified lines and in a certain sequence. Tasks are specially selected for difficulties: first of the same color, then alternation of color, then alternation of size, then alternation of different shapes, and at the end creative task collecting your own beads. The lines are arranged horizontally and vertically, as well as in a circle.

Training apparatus "Houses"- The simulator is aimed at developing and self-testing knowledge of the composition of the number

"Brain Trainer" is a professionally designed program - training, For development and increasing such important ones - Memory, Attention, Account, Logic, Reaction.

"Intellect simulator"- uniqueness program is that each exercise stimulates development of several abilities at once, and the proposed sequence of their implementation allows you to achieve maximum results with minimal time spent and load on the brain.

Educational and gaming programs

Programs designed to create learning situations in which the activities of students are implemented in game form.

Analysis software, shows huge opportunities computer games for general intellectual and emotional-personal child development and learning.

Classification computer programs and games

1. Educational games for preschoolers.

This computer programs designed to form and development in children of general mental abilities , goal-setting, fantasy, imagination. They do not have an explicitly set goal - they are tools for the creativity and self-expression of the child. TO programs this type relate:

Graphic editor, "drawers", "coloring pages", constructors that provide the ability to freely draw on the screen with straight and curved lines, contour and solid geometric shapes and spots, fill in closed areas, insert finished drawings, erasing the image;

Simple text editors for entering, editing, storing and printing text;

-"environment builders" with a variety functionality free movement of characters and other elements against the backdrop of scenery, including those that serve basis for creating"director's" computer games;

-"music editors" for input, storage and playback of simple (often monophonic) melodies in musical notation;

-"fairy tale constructors", combining the capabilities of elementary text and graphic editors.

Educational games

These are gaming didactic type programs in which it is proposed to solve one or more didactic tasks in a playful way. This class includes games related to the formation of children primary mathematical representations; with teaching the alphabet, syllable and word formation, writing through reading and reading through writing, native and foreign languages; with the formation of representations by orientation on the plane and in space; with the aesthetic moral education; environmental education; With basics systematization and classification, synthesis and analysis of concepts. "Garfield preschoolers» , "Garfield to Schoolboys", "Fold pattern", "Kaleidoscope".

Games - experiments

In games of this type, the goal and rules of the game are not explicitly set, but are hidden in the plot or management method. Therefore, in order to achieve success in solving a game problem, a child must, through search actions, come to an understanding of the goal and mode of action in the game.

fun games

Such games do not explicitly contain game tasks or tasks. development. They just give the kids a chance have fun, carry out search actions and see the result on the screen in the form of some "micro cartoon". "Finding Nemo", "Elka"

Computer diagnostic games

Games developing, teaching, experiments, can be considered diagnostic, since experienced teacher and, moreover, a psychologist way of solving computer tasks can say a lot about a child.

Logic games.

These games are aimed at development logical thinking.

- Chess games: checkers, chess, etc.

Logic training educational games: mazes, guess the number, word, tic-tac-toe, etc.

Usage basic programs for the development of intellectual abilities contributes to successful psychological adaptation children to school conditions, to successful socialization in society, to raising one's level development, rising to a higher intellectual level.

In our world, great importance is attached to comprehensive development child. In the course are educational toys, books and much more. And, of course, technological progress does not stand aside. Toddlers from an early age are drawn to computers, tablets and smartphones that they see in the hands of adults. Some believe that they only bring harm, however, these gadgets can also be beneficial if you install educational programs for children on them.

Azbuka Pro

It is impossible to imagine without an application aimed at learning the alphabet. Azbuka Pro is speaking alphabet. The program is suitable for children preschool age- 3-7 years. With it, you can learn Russian and english alphabets, the basics of reading and counting. The main thing to do is to find pairs of letters. When a certain card is pressed, the child will hear a pleasant female voice who will speak out what is written.

With the help of the same application, you can teach your baby to work with a computer mouse. Learning to read is recommended by performing exercises such as "Smart Cubes", "Poems", "Words", "Syllables of two letters". In the latter case, the syllables are arranged so that the baby can understand the relationship between changes in letters and sound. It is important that parents are present when the child is engaged. Let the baby repeat the sounds, and mom or dad monitor the correct pronunciation.

"World of letters" - alphabet for children

Many educational programs for children today are released for devices running on the Android platform. After all little child it will be much easier to cope with touch controls than with a mouse and keyboard. The World of Letters is just such a game. From the age of two, the baby will be able to learn letters and memorize words. But even for a six-year-old child, the program can be relevant if he has not yet managed to learn the alphabet. Well, if for him letters are a topic passed, then he will be able to test his knowledge and have a little fun by putting together puzzles.


A lot of different topics can be used as the basis for computer games for children. Developing programs for studying counting also exist. One of them is "Count". The game teaches the basics of computing. The child will be able to master the addition and subtraction of numbers within ten, as well as tens. In an accessible form, the program explains how ten is formed, how to add numbers up to one hundred.

You can check the extent to which the acquired knowledge has been assimilated with the help of a test. good moment: after its completion, you can see which tasks were solved correctly and which ones were not, view the results of the solutions and get a mark. The number of examples and the time allotted for their execution can be changed by the user, but they themselves are generated automatically. The program is different musical accompaniment and sound effects.

memo face

Developing computer programs for children can be aimed not only at teaching something. For example, MemoFace develops attention and memory. The essence of the game is familiar to many. In front of the child there will be a field on which closed cards lie. We need to look for couples. home distinguishing feature programs - you can independently install a set of images. So, you can upload photos of your loved ones, nature, children's drawings, etc. Various scenarios are available in the game: simple workout memory, learning foreign languages and homonyms.

"Funny Motors"

Under this name, two educational programs for children have been released. Each part includes 27 tests and learning games. They are designed to develop attention, spatial imagination, logical thinking, motor skills and memory. Here you can find tasks that test the ability to draw, tests for knowledge of colors, games that develop auditory memory, and much more. Games can be used in schools and kindergartens in the first lessons using a computer. They help to acquire spelling and counting skills.

The name of the game is easily explained. The main characters are nine cars. These are plane, helicopter, taxi, bus, truck, ship, submarine, locomotive and tram. And they all live in the City of Machines. There is an airport, a helipad, a taxi rank, a bus station, garages, a port, an orchard, an amusement park and a forest. For each hero, two games and one test were created. When you select a specific car, a specific location opens.


As we can see, many educational programs for children have several functions at once. The game "Primerchik" provides the following modes:

Addition and subtraction. Now parents, working with a child, may not come up with examples on their own. The program will do it for them. Difficulty can be chosen by an adult. It all starts with simple addition and subtraction examples, then unknown terms are added, etc.

Multiplication table. In this mode, the child will be asked to solve examples based on the multiplication table. Knowing the capabilities of their baby, mom and dad themselves note how difficult the tasks are. You can choose examples with unknown factors, divisibles and divisors, etc.

Foreign languages. The child's task is to learn new words, and the parents' task is to add them to the dictionary.

Expressions with brackets. Already from the name it is clear what the tasks will look like. The child will have to put down the order of actions, complete them and enter answers - first for each part, and then already general, for the entire example.

Spelling. The mode is intended for studying Russian orthograms. Some Difficult words with missing letters to be inserted. The program will mark which answer was correct and which was not.

Column calculations.

Perform operations with fractions.

Remarkably, the program can be configured so that it starts immediately when you turn on the PC, and you can exit it only when the child decides assigned amount examples.


Engage with an old friend cartoon character will be very interesting for children. Educational programs do not always have a colorful design, with great pleasure the kids will play with Cheburashka. And parents should not worry - in a playful way, their child will be able to learn a lot of new things.

This series contains four different educational games:

- "What? How? Why?" For children over five years old. The child will play the role of team captain in the Club fabulous connoisseurs. Its other members are Cheburashka, Gena, Shapoklyak and Lariska. The prize is the Cup of Wisdom.

- "Cheburashka in the zoo." The monkeys dismantled the Shapoklyakmobile into screws and took them to different corners of the zoo. The goal of Cheburashka and Gena is to assemble the car, because otherwise the old woman will not leave them alone. However, in order to do so, they need to solve many riddles and play games. smart games with sly monkeys. Elements of the game are designed to train memory, logical thinking, observation, reaction and motor skills. Suitable for children from 6 years old.

- "Cheburashka is learning English." An up-to-date app for kids. Developing games, programs aimed at learning foreign languages, are more popular today than ever. All parents want their child to have a good education and "got out into the people." From the age of six, the kid can study with his favorite cartoon characters. Shapoklyak, as always, plots, and the child must help Cheburashka and Gena get out of difficult situations. Along the way, he will learn 250 new words and play 19 mini-games.

- "House for Cheburashka." A correctional and developmental program for children rarely includes computer games. Basically it is built on live communication. However, some elements may well be used in such work. For example, you can take puzzles from this game. And already at home the child will be able to pass it full version, because building a house for your favorite hero is very fun and interesting.

A maths tutorial that allows you to learn the multiplication table in three different ways using pictures from domestic and foreign cartoons. Designed for students in grades 1-4 and older. In the program, the user can choose three modes of studying and fixing the multiplication table: 1. Horizontal - studying the multiplication table in the following steps: first by 2, then by 3, etc. 2. Diagonal - studying the multiplication table in the following steps: - searching for answers in a square from 2x2 to 4x4 - searching for answers in addition with 5x5 - searching for answers in addition with 6x6, etc. 3. Random - the study of the multiplication table "in a scatter", randomly providing a question and choosing an answer ...

Demonstration program in mathematics for students of 4th, 5th grades, topic "Speed ​​of movement". Training program, with the ability to demonstrate the process of movement of one or two objects, depending on such parameters as time, speed and path. With the help of this program, the student has the opportunity to automatically determine the third one by two of the three parameters (time, speed and path), as well as select certain objects of movement, trace their movement in one direction and towards each other, depending on speed, time and a given distances, understand the relationship between these quantities. The program will be useful for understanding and solving many different math problems n...

natural history

For preschoolers and schoolchildren, a testing program in which the child is shown images of common and well-known colors. develops well visual memory. Guessing pictures of flowers can be done with parents. The name of the colors that the child does not know, you can pronounce with him and then be tested again. Correct and incorrect answers are displayed on a graphic indicator, and their number is fixed and displayed. With a certain number of correct answers, the user's status changes. The child's correct and incorrect answers are displayed in green and red. At the end of the test, the child receives a score on a 5-point system. Testing can...

A testing program for preschoolers and schoolchildren, in which the child is shown images of the cubs of various animals of the world. Develops visual memory. Guessing animals can be done with parents. The name of those animals that the child does not know can be pronounced for better memory and re-test. With a correct or incorrect answer, the indicator of correct or incorrect answers works and their number is fixed. With a certain number of correct answers, the user's status changes. With each answer, the program marks the correct and incorrect answers for the child in color. At the end of the test, a score is automatically set on a 5-point system ....

50 best kids tablet apps

The child begins to poke at the tablet before he speaks. So why not make the most of your time with him?

Pics did their best and selected the top 50 educational apps for iOS and Android. No thanks :o)

Letters and counting


The classic game for learning to read. The kid will be able to spell the names of the animals. Letters are spoken as, in fact, letters and phonetically, as sound. This helps the child to better perceive and remember information.


This is perhaps the best educational application in Russian. The tasks are clear, but they do not have excessive simplification, which is characteristic of others. educational games. Very cute characters and nice animation. To learn the next letter, you need to go through a whole adventure. Moreover, the levels of the game are interesting to pass even several times, they do not bother.

Introduction to Mathematics

With this application, you can start acquaintance with the exact sciences. In an easy game form, the child will learn to read and understand numbers from 0 to 9, distinguish even from odd, get the skills to solve simple examples and learn the basic principles of mathematics.

sweet math

With the help of simple (and delicious!) objects, the child will learn to count and perform simple mathematical operations. The application teaches mindfulness, develops logic, observation. Good for getting ready for school.



Nice app for learning the alphabet. Each letter is voiced and illustrated with a fun interactive picture. The child learns to recognize letters, remembers and learns their order in the alphabet.


Bright, colorful alphabet well helps to remember letters and sounds, develops concentration. The application is illustrated with both hand-drawn pictures and photos of animals, which is very useful for the development of the baby.

Photo safari

During the game, children learn the names of animals and the alphabet. It is necessary to look for animals, take pictures of them, and collect your photo album. There are both domestic and wild animals. Fully voiced application, clear interface, more than 50 animals.


Learn 123

The child will be able to correlate the number of objects with the number, build sequences of numbers and, in addition, learn to solve simple examples. The application develops memory and logic. It will become good addition to the math textbook and help prepare the child for school.


five ducklings

A simple educational game with animated ducklings singing a fun counting song. clockwork tune, funny characters, interesting pictures- all this will easily hold the attention of the child. Unbeknownst to himself, he will master not only simple, but also reverse counting.



The application teaches the child to determine the time by the clock in a playful way. The kid will not only learn to navigate by the arrows, but also correlate events (rise, breakfast, dinner, etc.) with certain time and part of the day.


Learning the alphabet!

Cool app for learning the alphabet. Unlike many, it is really very nice pictures and understandable analogies. You can also play alphabet! Each element is animated. And, by the way, it will be interesting not only for your baby to listen about letters and look at cute forest (and not only) heroes. For example, we ourselves are stuck on the application. Twenty minutes minimum.

Educational games

hedgehog adventure

Educational game for children from four to six years old. The child, together with the main character, solves logic puzzles and performs various interesting tasks. The application trains attention, visual memory and spatial thinking.


smart kid

The application includes a number of educational games. You can guess animals by silhouette, collect puzzles, solve riddles and much more. The choice is offered different topics: farm animals, cars, garden, etc.


Puzzles - Fixiki and Fixiklub

This game will especially appeal to young fans of the Fixies. The child will collect puzzles of varying complexity with frames from your favorite cartoon. The application develops visual memory, fine motor skills and coordination of movements.


Collection of children's games

The name of the application speaks for itself. It contains a large number of various children's games that develop logic, memory, attentiveness, reaction, etc. Toddlers will learn to count, study different figures, learn new animals and memorize the names of plants.


Sago Mini workshop

In this game, the kid will be able to create one of 15 creative projects. To help him, a whole set of tools: a saw, a hammer, wrench and much more. During the game, the child will measure, saw off, hammer nails and perform a lot of other interesting tasks, and as a result, he will be able to show off his craft to his parents.


robot factory

This game will be interesting for children of primary school age. The child will be able to create his own robots and test them in action (whether he flies, walks, etc.) If something goes wrong, the robot will explode or break.



A simple game for the little ones. The kids are always happy to collect mosaics. There are a lot of them here, the pictures differ in complexity and number of elements. This is much more convenient than buying a bunch of plastic mosaics for your child.



There are two game options: to collect a picture from the cubes or to find a pair. In the first case, abstract thinking develops, the ability to see the big picture from fragments, in the second - logic.


nighty night

Very kind and even touching game. The kid must put all the animals to sleep and turn off the light for them. Moreover, each character is unique, with their own funny emotions. How can you not go to sleep yourself if all your friends have already fallen asleep?


Tutorials from Olesya Zhukova. Learning to think

The application contains a training game course based on the book "Teaching a Baby to Think" by a specialist in child development Olesya Zhukova. Includes mini-games for the development of speech, logic, attention, thinking, etc. There are tasks even for children from six months.



A puzzle for children from two to six years old, which was created using elements of the Montessori method. The child will learn new words, letters, colors, planets and much more. The kid will be able to play without the participation of adults, developing self-confidence.


Science experiments for kids

An easy way to tell and show your child about 500 facts from the world of science. The application will be interesting for children from 5 to 13 years old. Each experience is shown and explained in detail here. Some experiences are so incredible that they can be shown as magic tricks.


Mini-U: Mysteries

Very cute animated book with riddles. Answers can be both sound and text with the ability to switch. If the child cannot solve the riddle, then it is enough to rub a special window, and there will be a clue.

Human body

The application will help explain to the child the structure of the human body. And you can see the work different systems In action. How food moves digestive system how the heart beats, blood runs through the veins, etc.

We sculpt animals and heroes of fairy tales from plasticine

The application contains detailed step by step instructions for modeling from plasticine so that the result is small masterpieces. This a great opportunity captivate the child not with virtual, but with quite tangible art.


Children's situations

Here the child is offered different life situations and options for responding to them. The kid must figure out how to act in each specific case. Essentially, this old game into edible - not edible, good - bad. There are topics such as communication with adults, friendship, help, stereotypes of behavior, etc.


Learning shapes

A simple game for preschoolers will help you learn easily geometric figures. Bright illustrations and funny rhymes will make the learning process fun and enjoyable.


Star Walk

An app that will appeal to both children and their parents. Using geolocation, "Star Walk" determines which stars are currently visible in the sky. Just raise the tablet to the sky and it will show the constellations that can be found in the sky.


Animals and plants

Jurasic Life

This game introduces kids to dinosaurs that lived on earth millions of years ago in a fun way. The kid will collect bones of prehistoric animals like a real archaeologist. Lizards can be assembled, painted and read a lot of interesting things about them.


Pets' corner

Created by renowned artist Chris Neumann, this amazing app is a combination of fun animations and educational slides. The child will recognize new animals and see how they react to his touch. What will the elephant do in the bathroom? Can a dog break dance? All answers are here!


Ocean MarcoPolo

The child will be able to build their own coral reef and explore undersea world, heading from the coastline to the seabed. The kid will explore the habitat of different marine species and observe how they interact with each other.


Animal game

The application is suitable for the smallest users. It includes a whole set exciting games: puzzles, hide and seek, hidden surprises. With the help of this toy, children will learn the names of animals, will be able to develop logic, as well as thinking and counting skills.



This and playground and the zoo at the same time. The kid will get acquainted with different animals in their natural habitat. Also, the child will be able to play nine interactive games - they teach new words and counting.


Tobby: Animal World

Great application for studying the animal world. It will help develop the mindfulness and logic of the child, expand the vocabulary and replenish his knowledge of animals. The kid will help Tobby the owlet to look for his family and find out along the way Interesting Facts from the life of animals.


What grows in the forest

A colorful encyclopedia describing the plants of the European forest. The child will go on a journey, learning the names of flowers, berries, trees, mushrooms, etc. along the way. Then you can go to a real forest and test your knowledge in practice.


Find and show the animal - hide and seek with Rex

The child will help the cute puppy Rex look for animals in the forest, in the meadow and even in the sea. Here you can listen to poems about animals to get to know them better.


Let's know the world

A good educational game for the little ones. The child will be happy to consider high-quality bright photos and learn new animals and objects. You can simply look at the cards or answer questions by choosing the correct picture.
