How to humiliate a smart man. Offensive, but "cultural" insults for a man

For negative attitude every woman has her own reasons for a man. And such sentiments are very noticeable if one is critical of women's positions on the World Wide Web. Representatives of the weaker half are especially interested in the topic of humiliation. Simply put, ladies need phrases with which you can morally humiliate a man.

What words can humiliate a man?

It is rare when a lady throws humiliating phrases at a guy just like that. This means that the limit of her patience has come. Although, as practice shows, the weak half of humanity does not have this patience.

However, the weaker sex of women can only be called conditionally. After all, men are morally less stress-resistant and it is very easy to get them out of emotional balance. Because of this, any instructive conversations with a man should take place under the sign of dissatisfaction with his shortcomings.

Often, finding them is not difficult. Few of them can simultaneously boast of the makings of a breadwinner, a master and a great friend who knows how to empathize. Often a man is enough for only one role or none at all. But criticism can do its job. She definitely loses her self-esteem. So it will not be difficult to humiliate such a vulnerable person.

Self-esteem. Puzzling over words for humiliation, it is worth understanding: men carefully guard their peace. This means that most of them have a “program” in their heads, according to which all criticism is a minus for the one who expresses it.

From that, it is very difficult to shake the self-esteem of such a person. But there is a way out. It is necessary to put pressure on the most intimate - belonging to the species of males. It is important to challenge the sense of pride that he feels about this. And hints of disappointment in his masculine strength will finish off even the most stubborn. In any case, a spark of doubt will already sink into the soul.

Especially unpleasant will be a cruel joke with a very transparent hint on his inappropriate behavior during intimacy. It will hook any guy.

Most men give great attention appearance. Although they carefully hide it. Check him true attitude not difficult. You just need to sincerely admire the figure or facial features of another.

Talent. To offend a guy, it is not necessary to point out the inability to sing. After all, this is not always among his benefactors. But there is still some talent. Therefore, it would be useful to cite a celebrity with similar abilities as an example. And also transparently hint that the latter at his age already shone on stage or among fans.

As catalysts for anger, words like “coward”, “scumbag”, “rag”, “sissy” will act on the interlocutor.

What words can be used to humiliate a guy?

Apparently general information will be sufficient. After all, it's all theory. And most ladies really want to learn in practice what words to annoy their missus.

Immediately it is necessary to take into account the character and disposition of the interlocutor. Most likely, this is a person who knows what to answer in any situation. Otherwise, there would be no need to humiliate him. It is for this reason that it makes sense to view the dialogue below. Many will see their relationship in it. Especially in the part where the man behaves offensively.

- You're a fool!

- Yes it is. I even have a certificate about it. And in the column "reason" it is written: I communicate a lot with fools.

- You can't dance.

- Yes, what kind of dance is there. With you, the main thing is to have time to remove the leg quickly, so as not to crush.

— What did you bark there?

- Strange. I have no problem communicating with other people. Only with you. Maybe it's just you or your bad hearing.

- Are you very brave?

- What are you holding on to? Are you afraid that the coupon with a discount to the emergency room will burn in vain?

These are all just approximate models of situations. You can choose a specific option and style of communication only taking into account the communication and character of the person.

It is worth remembering that it will not work to shake the self-esteem of a self-confident representative of the stronger sex. But with a weakling, there will be no problems. One way or another, to endure bullying and moral pressure is not worth it. To do this, you can use a number of universal phrases described below:

  • I probably need to look like a sucker to match you;
  • no need to feel sorry for him, he is not sick, this is his usual appearance;
  • yes, beauty is clearly not your dignity;
  • I would send you, but, apparently, you have already been there;
  • think, at least with some brains, you can use those in the back, closer to the ass, you always do that;
  • a positive Rh factor is, apparently, the only “plus” in the list of your virtues;
  • it’s not scary, I didn’t remember your name either;
  • I have no strength to listen to your insanity.

What words can humiliate a man?

    I remember how a neighbor in the heat of a quarrel (which took place in the summer with open windows, so the whole yard heard) shouted to her husband that he was a disposable syringe. A man in a stupor and binge spent two weeks ...

    I consider the most offensive words for a man, this is an indication of his failure in bed. But if you tell him this at least once, then intimate relationships you no longer have will be a man is unlikely to be forgiven.

    Most of all, men are offended by talk about their manhood. If you inadvertently notice that the size and shape matter, but not in his case, the offense will be for life. And if he also doubts (they all react a little uncertainly in this matter) - victory is on your side. Offended to the grave, even stop saying hello.

    100% proven method!

    It seems to me that a man can only be humiliated if you are no longer going to have anything to do with him. You can tell him what does not suit you, and if you want to humiliate him, then, I think, it's time to leave.

    Women are amazing creatures: whims, accusations, tantrums are replaced by tenderness, sweet words, ostentatious demonstration of defenselessness. Further, if the actions did not achieve their goal, pathos and a desire to offend more forcefully follow. How? Thoughts wander, get confused, try to get to the surface, but... drown again. Literally go into a tailspin to the very bottom common sense. And, when it already seems that there is no solution, the phrase pops up from the female lips by itself: Let's just be friends...

    Guys will understand...

    I want to ask myself: I called the guy a coward and a scoundrel, I wrote in an SMS that I was sorry for the time spent on him. And the boy seems to be not bad, now I’m thinking whether it’s worth apologizing, not to continue the relationship, but to remove sin from the soul

    The thing that makes a man shudder, it seems to me, is the news from his wife that all the children are from a neighbor, and not from him, here he definitely won’t even be able to talk, on long years he will go into himself, well, of course, I don’t think it’s worth joking ..) but there are such cases and not in jest .. This will offend a man, so for a man offspring, his offspring, this is what they stand for, and here .. everything collapses in an instant.

    My answer will stand in opposition to Jenny's answer, I wanted to write a comment, but it was too voluminous.

    Here, personally, Jenny, of all the things you listed, only financial viability would hurt me, everything else for smart man complete nonsense:

    1 Physical data. A man may not be Apollo, but since something already connected him with this woman, it means that SHE has already made a choice in his favor.

    2 Giftedness. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a man will not care that he is compared with some sort of Lermontov. Not everyone should have such talents. He might as well say that Lermontov is a loser in his personal life, or that his carriage was not fashionable.

    4 Pipisnaya theme. If a man knows that women are fine with him, that he is not impotent, then he will not bother, what a single woman tells him.

    5 Sissy? Well, if a man is really like that, then such an accusation should be said in a timely manner, and not in moments of vengeful resentment. The coward is the same, you need to blame it after the fact.

    So dear Jenny, only grandmas remain 🙂 A man who does not know how to earn them, who cannot provide for himself and his loved ones - deserves, if not contempt, then reproach.

    If you are looking for an answer to a question: What words can humiliate a man or a guy?, then most likely he offended you with something. Do not be like this person - spit and forget. Revenge won't do you any good. And if in essence, then the best insults are connected with his manhood and finances.

    People, what are you?)

    Do you really have such a narrow fantasy?))

    Everyone strives to hide their shortcomings.

    And the pride - put on display.

    But after all, it is possible to turn objects of pride into shortcomings, into a laughing stock.

    Every man, one way or another, is proud of the fact that he is already an adult)

    But you can always show the opposite.

    Does he have many girls? - The baby is looking for a mommy and has not yet decided!)

    Does he defend his opinion? - He was naughty, how, uti-way))

    Independent? Silently decides everything himself? - Behave like a three-year-old who has not yet learned to speak!)))

    Do you agree with women? - hiding behind women's skirts, Zayubun!))

    Let the snot podotrt.

    And let him behave like an obedient boy.

    Personally, my mother got me all this. Damn, I'll remember for the rest of my life.

    I think it will work for other men too.

    Well, if you humiliate women, then this will not work. They are better compared to old women.

    But that's me by the way)

    Something like this 😉

    PS: True, humiliation has a drawback. They can even begin to humiliate in response. Do you need it?

    Show complete indifference towards him. He wanted to hook you, humiliate you, cause anger, annoyance. And you show that he is zero, no one - this will be the best revenge. Best Action is inaction.

    many times underestimate the size of his dignity and say that he never satisfied you. and loser

    Well, it seems to me that the words “Impotent” will sound the most offensive, you are not capable of anything in bed!, Well, then, such words as a goat, p ... st, gigolo. shock, and some and p ... st as a reward. So, everything depends on the character, how his male pride will react.

    I cannot but agree with Diesil users. Why create such questions? it's just not pretty. if you decide to take revenge - take revenge, but do not stoop to insults. although what insults, what revenge is so low.

    Men, for the most part, are very sensitive to any criticism addressed to them, so it’s easy to offend them:

    1. physical data. You don’t even need to criticize, it’s enough to praise another man with good muscles with a word or a look
    2. Giftedness. Phrase But Lermontov at your age was already a recognized genius - and your interlocutor is guaranteed to get some kind of depression.
    3. Financial viability. A very painful question for men. You can even not say anything directly, but he is already in hysterics: well, what can you do, happiness is not in money, it’s just given to someone to earn good money, and not to throw the rest into a landfill.
    4. Peep topic. Any man can say that there are more and better. But this can only be said to someone with whom you are definitely not going to communicate anymore.
    5. The sissy and the coward are also a good hit

    If you really need it

    in my opinion, the most humiliating thing is my mother's pussy

    But seriously, it is very difficult to humiliate a man with words. Personally, I don't care what anyone says about me.

    Especially, oddly enough, the gender approach is important here.

    I don’t perceive what women say about me at all, because I understand that this can be said from evil or jealousy.

    What men say, I perceive as healthy, constructive criticism, and if it is in my power I try to correct it. If not, then I say I can't. No, there is no judgment. Humiliate me how you want on this matter, I don't care, since I know that ideal people not in nature. Each one pierces in his own way.

    Revenge is not the best human quality, you should not stoop to his level. But still, if you really need it, then repay him with the same coin, you just need to clean the coin.

    You can humiliate, but is it necessary?

    If you decide to finally break with him, tell him with your head held high: - You are very good and handsome, I don’t deserve you, I need better and more attractive, I’m sorry that I realized this too late!

    Wish you luck and leave without slamming the door.

    Having offended you, he waits for the psycho to cover and rejoice in this. Deprive him of this pleasure, control yourself and completely calmly, without emotions, carry on a conversation. From this, the psycho will cover him.

    Can I answer about a real man

    A real man is not offended by empty accusations, and he reacts to comments on the case accordingly, draws conclusions and moves on.

    If we talk about children who want to seem like men, then here, of course, in the first place in terms of grievances:

    • money theme,
    • sex theme,
    • mind theme.

    But if there is a man nearby who wants to talk hurtful words in order to take revenge, it is better to let him go (thank him for showing himself) and live on without him.

Some relationships at a certain moment enter a phase when it is no longer possible to save them, and most importantly, there is no desire. Sometimes the guy is so disappointed or offended that it becomes difficult to calm the bitterness and calm the anger. In this state, sometimes irresistible desire cause him no less pain. In this case, you can use words, because, as you know, this is the most powerful weapon that can even kill.

What to say

This primarily depends on what kind of relationship you had with the guy. Suppose close. So about him weak points and there are quite a few shortcomings. It is advisable to direct your efforts to these places. If you wish, you can even use its advantages for your own purposes. For example, he is outwardly attractive, knows about it and is very proud of his appearance. You can condescendingly say: “Strange. Usually girls are proud of a pretty face, in men, in real ones, that is, other qualities in price. I understand that you have nothing more to boast about, but you don’t advertise like that, otherwise the rest will know about it. ” Or: “You are so happy with your appearance, as if you were going to make money on it. Or is there something I don't know about you?!" Or like this: “Even from more handsome guy he'll be sick if he's that stupid. You'd rather read something, eh?"

A win-win option for any guy you've been in a close relationship with is expressing joy over the end of it. You can say, “Well, better late than never! Finally at least meet a man. The phrase said with enthusiasm is also touching: “Yeah ... I lost a lot of time with you, I need to catch up!” Usually the guy in this case is trying to say something offensive, like “who needs you” or “you are intimately zero.” To this one can exclaim with amazement: “What was it that made you go crazy? Now I’ll find someone really worthwhile, at least I’ll finally experience pleasure. ” Or: “Didn’t you think, maybe I didn’t always notice your participation at all?”

Anyone, not even too much close boyfriend, you can say a lot of humiliating phrases, for example: “Sorry, between us there is too a big difference“They took care of my upbringing.” Or: "Just in case, move away from me a little, otherwise they will think that we are together." You can say something like: “I ask you one thing, if a miracle happens and you find a girl, the main thing is always to protect yourself! People like you can't breed." The phrase said with participation can still be quite hurt: “Only one thing can save you: do mysterious face and keep quiet, you can sometimes grin thoughtfully, just don't open your mouth - you'll ruin everything!

Special attention should be paid public insults. If there are spectators, humiliation with words can be turned into a subtle mockery. However, here you need to be especially careful not to lose your dominant position. To do this, you can use several methods prepared in advance. Universal way to repel a sudden attack from a guy is to exclaim with surprise, even approval, you can applaud at the same time: “Not bad, not bad! Even great for you! Answered directly almost on an equal footing! So maybe you've been pretending to be a fool so far? Come on, give me something else? After that, despite what he will say, without hesitation to answer in a disappointed tone: “No, I didn’t pretend, everything is true, it’s a pity.”

Being with a guy in the presence of third parties, you can have a lively conversation with everyone except the guy; suddenly turn to him and try to explain the meaning of a word that one of the interlocutors or you yourself just said. This should be done as naturally as possible, as if this explanation is dictated by concern for the mentally retarded young man, and not by the intention to offend him. You can also turn to him after the told anecdote with words full of sad tenderness: “Everyone laughs, and you laugh, poor thing? Let me explain to you the meaning of the joke?

If the situation is not conducive to long-term communication, for example, the guy will try to retreat as quickly as possible, you can use short sharp phrases without a background. They usually concern appearance guy. You can exclaim in surprise in front of everyone: “What is wrong with you? Did your mother dress you again? Or: “Why are you dressed so lightly? Look - you'll catch a cold! And everything is so bad, and in five years you can’t do anything at all. ” If at first glance there is nothing to complain about, you can say something like: “Why do you look like that, did you decide to put pressure on pity? Well, in general, maybe you are right, at least someone will pick it up. However, the most important thing is not what, but how to say it: in order to hurt more painfully.

How to behave

First of all, never get angry. It's best to pretend you have good mood or, in any case, a perfectly calm state of mind. The power of words spoken in anger is halved; in addition, a person who is out of balance loses his dominant position. Thus, it is necessary to tune in to a complacent, calm way and maintain this appearance no matter what.

The possibility of force majeure should be taken into account. The situation can turn in the most unexpected way, besides, the guy will not necessarily be silent; may try to respond with a barb or hit return word V sore spot. You have to be prepared for this and take a hit. In this case, you must at all costs continue to remain calm or even pretend that this attack of his has sincerely amused you.

If you can't find it quickly the right words, you can resort to the method of distracting attention to appearance. This technique involves suddenly paying attention to some detail or change in the guy himself. For example, his insulting speech can be suddenly interrupted by the words: “What is wrong with you ?! You're all stained! No need to strain your modest mental capacity! Calm down, you can also live with this, ”while depicting almost concern for his condition, pity for him. Without letting you come to your senses, seize the initiative with the words: “Well, okay, okay, you gather your thoughts, come up with something original, consult with someone smart, then speak again.”

If additional background is needed as support or to create the illusion of immediacy and ease, you can start a correspondence with someone by phone. And it doesn't matter if it's a girlfriend, mom or in general stranger. You can pretend that this correspondence is much more important than the presence of this guy. When you receive each message, you can smile, sometimes laugh, answer briefly, but with a sense of joy, each time being distracted again by the guy with words like: “So what am I talking about? Oh yes. Well, so…”, and then continue verbal humiliation, interrupting each time for a new message with the words: “now, just a minute…”.

It is best to avoid such words as "idiot", "goat", "bastard", etc. They are not as humiliating as they might seem, but they significantly lower the status and sense of worthy dominance of the humiliating person, more like a tantrum. You can interrupt the conversation at any time, as if suddenly drawing attention to the guy again, while saying: “How, are you still here?” or: "You can go, you're free for today." If he tries to argue or add something else, interrupt him and say in a “confiding” tone something like: “Honestly, I would have chatted with you more, but I already wasted a lot of time. Understand: there are people who are worth this time much more. At this point, you can turn around with dignity and leave.

Very often, in a fit of anger, we unpleasantly hurt loved ones. And it happens that you specifically think about how to offend or embarrass a guy who allows some offensive actions for you and hurts your self-esteem. In general, the opposite sex is not so easily offended or embarrassed - these are very specific creatures. However, there are things to which they react very painfully. Knowing about these subtleties, you will no longer think about how to offend a guy or embarrass him.

How to offend a guy with a word

In your life, you have probably offended individuals of the opposite sex more than once with such remarks. Firstly, men do not tolerate remarks about their manhood, and secondly, heterosexuals cannot be called gays.

We all know how sensitive they are to their “masculine power apparatus”. If the size does not come out, then these are complexes for life. No woman so trembles over her female organ like a man over his masculine. Due to it, one can say, their self-affirmation takes place, as a real strong man.

If a woman dares to offend this shrine, she will hear a lot of unflattering things addressed to her. Better not to say things like that. Some men who are not quite balanced may also hit for remarks about their sexual "giant". Still, you need to be careful here.

Less aggressive, but still quite violently, a man will react if you doubt him. traditional orientation. Nevertheless, this is again indirectly connected with his self-affirmation. After all, they don’t consider gays to be men either.

For them, the fact that they are men is already a certain status. And this status can not be encroached in any way. You can say whatever you want, criticize his appearance all over, except for this cherished place. Any woman would have long since dunked her lover in a bowl of soup for commenting on her appearance, but they don't care.

However, it is worth saying that some women, without suspecting, can hurt a loved one. They don’t even have to think about how to offend a guy or a man. The fact is that some people react painfully to comments about their figures, while others are complex for other reasons. They have all their cockroaches in their head. There are not as many of them as we have - women, but they sit much deeper and bite more painfully. In addition, a woman can show her resentment, and a man is strong, so he should remain silent, and not cry furtively into the pillow.

How to embarrass a guy: 2 ways

As the practice of life proves, than older man the harder it is to embarrass them. And it is true. Over time, a man gains life experience in different areas and the embarrassment that was in early youth, it practically disappears. And you need to try very hard to bring it to such a state.

But it's easier to embarrass a guy. It happens that a young man behaves very defiantly and the girl has nothing left to do but to drive him into the paint, to teach the impudent a lesson so that he does not become conceited. But, as we have already said, this is not so easy to do. You need to know the methods and ways to embarrass a guy. Now we will try to figure it out and make him blush a lot.

Method number 1

Look closely and for a very long time directly into his eyes. For representatives of the stronger sex, such a view is evaluated as a warning. Usually women do not look directly at a man, on the contrary, they look away. In this particular situation young man it will seem that aggression comes from you.

He will feel threatened by his leadership. Your superiority will embarrass the guy. And in general, they are not used to when girls look at them like that. It seems that the girl takes power into her own hands. And he may be embarrassed;

Method number 2

Start chatting with his friends about topics he doesn't know about. And when talking, sometimes turn to him with questions on the topic. The guy will certainly be very embarrassed by such a situation in which he knows less woman. It would be better if it was some kind of "male" theme.

Still, almost all young people are shy when girls speak only English in front of them. women's themes. You can also discuss with the guy the advantages of his friend, emphasizing that he himself does not have these advantages. You can also chat on women's topics or tell him about all the virtues of his friend and note that he does not have such. After a while you can see the color of his face - the color of a boiled crayfish;

Method number 3

Don't forget sign language. This will help answer the question: "how to embarrass a guy" if you insist on expressing your sympathy. Point to him interested views, straighten your hair, twirl an object in your hands, lick your lips a little when talking. Get it lipstick and touch up your makeup. All these gestures aimed at attracting a representative of the stronger sex in a perverted form will cause the guy's embarrassment.

If the guy does not know you, then be sure that all the gestures and facial expressions will bring any man to the blush. A languid look, correcting hair, licking lips, tinting lips with lipstick. Persistently show your interest in him;

Method number 4

Try to get close to an unfamiliar young man, put your hand on his shoulder and, looking into his eyes, start a conversation. You can not only confuse, but also scare the guy in this way.

Method number 5

Exaggerate his dignity in the form of a compliment. For example, praise a fat man slim figure or the height of a short youth. But keep in mind that it will become quite problematic to continue acquaintance with such a person in the future.

Most likely, the guy will not only be embarrassed, but also very offended. This may introduce him to the paint. But after this, you better not continue the conversation or acquaintance. Just a person can be offended by you.

The main thing is that your actions do not become destructive and unpleasant, otherwise you may be completely alone. And the person with whom you do this will not want to see or hear you at all. As the saying goes, for every action there is a reaction. The main thing is not to stumble upon such opposition.

Do not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex, as well as young ladies, do not like those who assert themselves at their expense. So do not overdo it in your desire to embarrass the guy, otherwise you can be left in splendid isolation.

Honey, I'm sorry that we quarrel so often out of nowhere because you're an idiot..

I can’t understand whether it’s your parting that wide, or your bald head is so small ...

You have a great shirt! And the color is rarely seen outside of the circus.

Here you have golden hands, a golden head. Another would be a driver between them ....

Didn't you happen to play Shrek?

Do you have such lush vegetation everywhere, or only in the nose and ears?

Have you seen your reflection in the mirror today? Yes, no, nothing, I just thought that you are not reflected in the mirror ..

And you have strong nerves! It is understandable, go, look in the mirror every day when you shave.

And you are photogenic. Have you been invited to film yet? Documentary. About pig breeding. Or at extreme case about the pollination of field grasses.

You look at me like I'm already naked.

Always a pleasure to chat with intelligent person, you probably have not a newspaper in your restroom, but an album of Russian impressionists?

And I recognized you!!! In the pioneer camp, you always ate everything for everyone.

You are so smart! Tell me, does your brain box not press?

Can you drink a second bottle?

Good with you, secure, and you still have a lot of money left?

How well you blow your nose! Do you have a handkerchief in principle?

Have you wet your T-shirt under your armpits?

And you remind me of the ocean, huge, strong, assertive, and I'm already sick of you.

Are you from Moscow? I wouldn’t believe it for anything - don’t swear, don’t be rude, polite ...

Eugene, who do you look like?! For mom?! Oh, Eugene ... I strongly doubt that Larisa Leonidovna is a drunken notorious schmuck.

Now you know how to insult a man! More funny insults.
