Communication skills of preschoolers with ONR. Features of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech


1. Theoretical aspects of the development of preschoolers with general underdevelopment speeches

1.1 The concept and essence of general underdevelopment of speech in children

1.2 Psychological features of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

2. Study of communication skills in children with ONR

2.1 Organization and methods of ascertaining experiment

2 Analysis of results

3 Methodology for the formation of communication skills in children with ONR

2.4 Control experiment




communicative underdevelopment speech preschooler

The relevance of research. Problems related to providing children with the so-called “single start” before school, equal potential opportunities, regardless of whether they attend kindergarten, what kind of communicative and speech development they had in preschool period, are the most relevant in the field of special pedagogy.

In a number of publications (O.E. Gribova, Yu.F. Garkusha, R.E. Levina, R.I. Lalaeva, O.S. Orlova, S.A. Mironova, E.F. Sobotovich, V.I. Seliverstov, V.I. activities of children who have general speech underdevelopment (OHP) and the importance of correction for the formation of communication skills is proved.

To date, there is a developed and effectively used system of correctional and speech therapy assistance for children with ONR, effective methods are offered to achieve success in diagnosing, correcting and preventing speech disorders. However, the problem associated with overcoming communication disorders in preschoolers with severe speech disorders, who have different experience of social interaction, remains insufficiently studied.

Preschool children with speech development disorders represent the most numerous group with developmental disorders among children. A comprehensive analysis of speech disorders in these children is described in the works of L.S. Volkova, R.E. Levina, G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva and others.

Based on studies of the patterns of speech development of children with various speech pathologies, the content of correctional education and training, ways to overcome speech insufficiency are determined, methods of frontal education and training of children are developed. The study of the structures of various forms of speech underdevelopment, depending on the state of the components of the speech system, made it possible to scientifically substantiate the individualization of the specialized influence of speech therapy institutions of various types (E.N. Vinarskaya, R.A. Belova-David, G.M. Zharenkova, B. M. Grinshpun, R. E. Levina, G. A. Kashe, N. A. Nikashina, E. M. Mastyukova, E. F. Sobotovich, L. F. Spirova, M. F. Fomicheva, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, M. E. Khvattsev, S. N. Shakhovskaya, N. A. Cheveleva, and others).

Object of study: communication skills of older preschoolers with OHP in preschool educational institutions.

The subject of the study is the process of overcoming communication disorders in older preschoolers with OHP in an individually oriented correctional and developmental environment.

Research objectives:

to develop a method for quantitative and qualitative assessment of the levels of communicative development and activity of children of senior preschool age;

to determine the features of communicative skills and to identify the levels of communicative activity of children of senior preschool age with OHP level III and in the absence of speech pathology, who have different experience of social interaction;

theoretically substantiate, implement and compile a model of an individually oriented correctional and developmental environment that can manage the process of overcoming communication disorders in preschoolers with OHP level III, based on active integration and involvement of the child's closest social environment in correctional work;

scientifically argue, test and develop a methodology for overcoming communication disorders in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III, implemented in the conditions of an individually oriented correctional and developmental environment developed during the study; evaluate the effectiveness of the developed model and methodology of the correctional and developmental environment for the formation of communicative skills among the participants in the educational process.

Methodological basis studies are scientific and theoretical positions: on the relationship of communication, language and consciousness (A.A. Brudny, L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinshtein, etc.), on the special role of speech in the development of communicative skills (P. Ya. Galperin, Zh. , about the nature of the needs of older preschoolers in communicating with others (M.I. Lisina, O.E. Smirnova, A.G. Ruzskaya); about the role of interaction and communication of subjects in the educational process (I.A. Zimnyaya, Ya.L. Kolomensky, I.S. Kon.).

It is to overcome speech development disorders in preschool children in the Russian Federation that a system of speech therapy kindergartens has been created. the main specialist of the speech therapy garden is a speech therapist, who, in turn, corrects speech disorders in a child and, together with educators, prepares for school. The program of the speech therapy kindergarten (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, 1991) has an extensive section on the development of basic mental processes and intellectual activity.

1. Theoretical aspects of the development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

1 The concept and essence of general underdevelopment of speech in children

General underdevelopment of speech is considered to be a similar form of speech anomaly, in which, in turn, in a child with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence, all components of the language system are unformed: (phonetics, grammar and vocabulary).
Pronunciation of sounds. In children, unformed 4-5 groups of sounds (whistling - C, 3, C, hissing - Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch, sonorants - R, R", L, L", often voiced and soft), but all children have mixing (during listening and pronunciation) sounds close in the articulatory and acoustic plans: C - W, 3 - F, R - L, H - TH, CH - SH, CH - C, SH - SH). Also, the syllabic structure and sound-filling of the child's speech is distorted in words containing a different number of syllables (tape recorder, products, construction, etc.). The vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP still lags behind the age norm, both numerically and qualitatively. Difficulties relate to the selection of antonyms and synonyms, related words, relative words, adjectives that have an abstract meaning, certain generalizations.

The use of prefixed nouns, verbs denoting professions or the names of athletes in sports reveals a significant number of errors. Problematic adjectives and nouns, possessive adjectives are often missing in the dictionary of children.

Grammar of speech. Children build simple common and non-common sentences. However, even in such sentences, most of the children have violations of control and coordination (a rather tall tree, touched their forehead, looked after a squirrel ...), omissions or replacements of problematic prepositions, and transformation of word order. All children find it difficult to build problem-subordinate and problem-composed sentences.

Three levels of OHP

The first level of general underdevelopment of speech is the most severe. Speech development is at a very low level in all respects. The active dictionary consists of a certain number of onomatopoeias (meow, bi, av, cap) and amorphous words like "di" - go, "bang" - decreased, yes "- give. It is clear that such words are far from the norm in terms of syllabic content, that is, a violation of the syllabic structure is clearly expressed.

Such a child actively uses facial expressions and gestures to explain himself, he replaces words with them. The phrase is either missing or consists of the same babble elements: “mama di” instead of “mama go”, “bow di” instead of “the dog is running”. In such a state of speech development, one cannot speak of the formation of lexical and grammatical categories of speech and coherent speech. Only vowel sounds are available (sometimes not even all vowels) and the simplest consonants.

The second level of general speech underdevelopment indicates an increase in the child's speech activity. The child already uses simple sentences consisting of 2-3 words. However, the vocabulary is significantly reduced, gross errors in speech in the grammatical structure appear: “my kitty” instead of “my kitty”, “call cat” instead of “call cat”, “aphid ball” instead of “3 ballA”, “seta isit claim” instead of “the candy is in the bowl”, “blue hat” instead of “blue hat”.

The third level of OHP is characterized by already developed phrasal speech, however, lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech is observed: “the kot drank little” instead of “saw”, “five kalyadashov instead”, “this is my dad”, instead of “ball UNDER the table”, “ball on table”, instead of “table without a leg”, “so without a toe”, etc. The dictionary, to some extent, is more complete, but children do not know rare words (for example: fountain, collar, flowerbed) or confuse the words jug that are close in meaning, do not know generalizations (for example: insects, animals, vehicles, shoes) . The pronunciation and sound pronunciation of words with a problematic syllabic structure (“vesiped” instead of “bicycle”, “frying pan” instead of “frying pan”) lags behind the norm. These children allow permutations of sounds and syllables, contractions of consonants during confluence, omissions and substitutions of syllables in the speech stream. They have insufficiently intelligible diction, sluggish articulation, "porridge in the mouth." Lexical errors are manifested in the replacement of words that are close in meaning (“The boy is cleaning the yard with a broom” - instead of “The boy is sweeping the yard with a broom”), in mixing signs (“big house” instead of “rather high house”). In the grammatical design of the speech of children in this category, errors are noted in the use of nouns in the accusative and genitive cases of the plural (“the children saw the bears, the ravens”).

There are violations of the agreement of adjectives with nouns (“I paint the ball red with red and a felt-tip pen”). But all the mistakes of children, which in turn can be attributed to the 4th level of speech development in OHP, occur in small numbers and are of a non-permanent nature. Moreover, if you invite children to compare the wrong and correct answers, then they will make the right choice.

A child with any form of damage to the speech function, regardless of whether the damage captures the central mechanisms of speech (for example, during alalia), or only peripheral (for example, during rhinolalia), or both, will have to master the native language first as means of communication, and then as a means of thinking. It is for this that one has to go through the problematic path of mastering the language as a system in which, in turn, all its constituent elements and parts (morphs, words, phonemes, etc.) are in regular relations.

Children with speech development disorders are slowly advancing in mastering their native language. At each stage, they experience some difficulties in mastering certain units of speech. At the same time, the same level of language development can occur in children of different ages and with different diagnoses. For example, children with initially preserved normal and intellect hearing use a dozen "babble words" as verbal means of communication at 3 years, and at 5, and at 6 years. However, it is known from the modern practice of speech therapy that the indicated level of speech development in six-year-olds is now very rare compared to the data of 20 years ago. Practical speech therapy is also well aware that the same irregular word forms and peculiar phrases are found during alalia, and during speech development delay, and during dysarthria.

Practitioners paid attention to the spontaneous development of abnormal children's speech, pointed out that different periods of its peculiar formation are often qualified as "speech diagnoses", which, in turn, change as the child grows and masters his native language.

Similarly, the concept of "general underdevelopment of speech" reflects a phenomenological approach to the violation of speech development, and its analysis is available to the teacher. This approach does not claim to be a pathogenetic analysis of the structure of the defect, which requires a solid medical and general biological competence from a specialist, which is the prerogative of a doctor.

1.2 Psychological characteristics of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

Based on studies of the patterns of development of speech in children with various speech pathologies, the content of correctional education and training, ways to overcome speech insufficiency, methods of frontal education and training of children are determined. The study of the structures of various forms of speech disorders - depending on the state of the components of the speech system, allows us to approach the scientifically based individualization of influence in speech therapy institutions of various types.

It is to overcome speech development disorders in preschool children in the Russian Federation that there is a system of speech therapy kindergartens. The chief specialist of the speech therapy garden is a speech therapist, who, in turn, corrects speech disorders and, together with educators, prepares for school. The speech therapy kindergarten program (G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva, 1991) includes a fairly extensive section on intellectual activity and the development of basic mental processes.

The term "general underdevelopment of speech" (OHP) refers to various problematic speech disorders, in which, in turn, the formation of all components of the speech system that relate to its semantic and sound side with normal intelligence and hearing can be disrupted in children. Children with general underdevelopment of speech to one degree or another suffer from impairments associated with the distinction and pronunciation of sounds by ear, do not fully master the system of morphemes and poorly master the skills of word formation and inflection.

The vocabulary is less than it should be according to the age norm, both in terms of numerical and qualitative indicators; connected speech turns out to be underdeveloped (B.M. Grinshpun, V.K. Vorobieva, R.E. Levina, V.P. Glukhov, G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva, etc.).

The general underdevelopment of speech is observed to the greatest extent, with complex forms children's speech pathologies: aphasia, alalia, as well as dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering - in all those cases when at the same time there is a lack of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech and gaps in phonetic and phonemic development.

The speech experience of such children is limited, the language means are imperfect. The need for verbal communication cannot be sufficiently satisfied. Colloquial speech is laconic, poor, closely related to a certain situation and becomes incomprehensible outside this situation.

Monologue coherent speech either develops with rather great difficulty or is absent altogether, and can be characterized by a qualitative originality. The most striking indicator of the general underdevelopment of speech is the lag in expressive speech with an apparent understanding of the reversed one.

Such works include the study of R.E. Levina "On the psychology of children's speech in pathological cases (autonomous children's speech)" (1936), which, in turn, was carried out under the direct supervision of L.S. Vygotsky. R.E. Levina showed certain specific features of "autonomous speech" and structural and dynamic patterns of development and emergence of verbal meanings in Alalik children. The paper also shows that “autonomous speech” is understood as a generalized, but not continuous, perception of a whole group of objects that are related by belonging to some general situation.

This suggests that children do not have general and, to some extent, more particular concepts, their speech connections are limited to undifferentiated situational connections.

One of the works of this author - "Experience in the study of non-speaking alalik children" (1951), is one of the few studies in the field of speech therapy that were carried out from the standpoint of a consistent system analysis of mental and speech insufficiency in children with OHP due to alalia. The description of the training and study of alaliki, which is given in the work of R.E. Levina, says that the secondary underdevelopment of cognitive functions is subject to the same systemic pathological transformations as speech processes, but at a qualitatively different level.

The work shows that outward manifestation cognitive activity and speech underdevelopment of Alaliks often have similar signs. However, these disorders in different cases have a qualitatively different psychological structure, which depends on the characteristics and nature of the primary disorders.

Analysis of the data that were obtained during the study of different mental functions in children with ONR (O.N. Usanova, L.I. Belyakova, G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva), showed the originality of their mental development. Children of this category suffer from insufficiency of different types of perception, primarily visual, auditory, spatial.

Violations of the visual sphere are observed mainly in the lack of differentiation and poverty of visual images, in the instability and inertia of visual traces, and also in the absence of an adequate and strong connection between words and words. visual images items.

The study of the features of orientation in space revealed the presence of difficulties in children with underdevelopment of speech in the separation of the concepts of "left" and "right", which indicate the location of the object. They also have difficulty orienting themselves in their own body (often during difficult tasks).

Spatial disturbances are most persistently manifested during drawing: the images are primitive with a small number of details.

Attention is not stable enough, it is quickly depleted, which determines the trend towards a decrease in the pace of activity during work. There are errors of attention throughout the work and are not always completely independently eliminated and noticed by children.

The study of the mnestic function reveals in children with ONR that the volume of their visual memory almost exactly the same as it should be. However, auditory memorization productivity and memory are markedly reduced in comparison with normal children. Children often forget problematic instructions (three or four steps), omit certain elements, and may change the sequence of tasks. Children often do not use verbal communication to clarify instructions (Yu.F. Garkusha, L.I. Belyakova, E.L. Figeredo, O.N. Usanova).

But despite the difficulties, children of this category have relatively good opportunities for logical, semantic memorization.

Features of non-speech processes in children with OHP are noted by G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva (1991). The authors highlight the lack of stability of attention, the difficulty during the distribution of attention. In some children, there is a rather low recall activity, combined with a limited opportunity for the development of cognitive activity.

The connection of speech disorders with other aspects of mental development is the cause of the peculiarities of thinking. In general, having full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations that are accessible to their age, children may lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking, with difficulty mastering synthesis and analysis, generalization and comparison.

Some children with ONR have delayed development of locomotor functions and somatic weakness. The lag of the motor sphere, which, in turn, is the cause of insufficient coordination of movements, uncertainty when performing dosed movements, a decrease in dexterity and speed of execution, is noted in the works of T.B. Filicheva, V.I. Seliverstova and others. The biggest problems appear during the execution of movements according to verbal instructions.

Similarly, certain features of cognitive activity observed in the general underdevelopment of speech are oriented towards the study of children of this category from the position of a holistic approach, which, in turn, involves the allocation of both speech and non-speech symptoms in the structure of disorders, taking into account the relationships and nature of the connections of these components of defect structures.

It is known that only one of the general patterns of disturbed development is a deviation in the formation of personality. Difficulties associated with the social adaptation of such children, their interaction with the social environment are noted by L.S. Vygotsky, Zh.I. Shif, V.I. Lubovsky. During the correctional work with these children, the main role is given to the appeal to the personality.

Analyzing the theoretical works of leading experts in the field of speech therapy and special psychology, as well as practical observations, show that there are currently no systemic data related to the characteristics of the personal development of children with OHP, and the descriptions that exist are fragmentary.

In accordance with this, the development of individual programs is difficult, as programs for psychological correction, as well as the introduction of various organizational forms of psychologists' activity in the work of preschool institutions specifically for children with speech disorders.

These data make important additions to the idea of ​​the interdependence of communicative and speech skills. Identified by the authors (L.G. Solovieva, G.V. Chirkina) features of the speech development of children with OHP (difficulties of a syntactic, morphological, logical-compositional and syntactic nature) are combined with violations of the communicative function, which is expressed in a decrease in the need for communication, unformed ways of communication (monologic and dialogical speech), behavioral features (disinterest in contact, inability to navigate in a communication situation, negativism).

Of great interest is the study of the characteristics of the personal development of preschoolers with OHP, performed at the Department of Specialized Psychology and Clinical Fundamentals of Defectology, Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. M.A. Sholokhov under the direction of I.Yu. Levchenko (2003). The creators of the study (I.Yu. Levchenko, G.Kh. Yusupova) proved that the personality of a child with ONR is characterized by specific features, among which, in turn, there are low self-esteem, communicative manifestations, violations of aggressiveness and anxiety of varying severity.

2. Study of communication skills in children with ONR

1 Organization and methods of ascertaining experiment

On the basis of correctional kindergarten No. 2162 in the older group, specifically for children with ONR, we conducted a survey.

In our experimental part, we used diagnostic methods helping to identify personality disorders in children, to identify the mechanisms of negative influences on the development of the formation of communication skills in a preschooler (biological, psychological, social.) We examined ten children aged 5-5.5 years with general underdevelopment of speech (II-III level). It was for the diagnosis that we used the materials presented in the book by M.A. Panfilova “Communication Game Therapy”.

Diagnostic stage

Analyzed factorsMethods

Diagnostics of interpersonal conflicts

Pregnancy, childbirth;

Physical development of a child up to 1 year;

Somatic status;

Marital status (father, mother, brothers, sisters);

Problems of the child (disturbance of food, sleep, problems in stubbornness, problems in self-care, obsessive movements, tics);

Family atmosphere (parenting style, unity of requirements, daily routine, emotional attachments)

child's temperament;





Adaptation in the team Questionnaire No. 1 (especially for parents)

Questionnaire No. 2 (specifically for educators)

Emotional perception of family members;

Emotional perception of oneself in intra-family communication;

The need for communication

Confrontation in the family;

The manifestation of egocentrism;

Family cooperation;

gender identity

Preferred age and gender groups of communication Test "Family Drawing"

Sociometric test "Birthday"

Diagnosis of intrapersonal problems of the child

Child's claims (low, adequate, high enough);

Emotional stimuli (reactions to "success");

Frustrated reactions ("failure")

General self-satisfaction;

Private characteristics of self-esteem;

Evaluation of the capabilities and abilities of the child by parents and caregivers.

parental claims Test to determine the level of claims of the child;

Methodology for determining the self-esteem of a preschooler;

Methodology of parental assessments and claims

Diagnosis of real psychological possibilities child

Characteristics of the development of the emotional processes of the child;

The presence of fear, anxiety, aggression;

Features of aggressive behavior (physical, verbal, internal, external) Graphic technique "cactus"

Description of diagnostic methods

Diagnostics of interpersonal conflicts

A) Questionnaire No. 1 (especially for parents)

The purpose of the 1st part, which, in turn, includes 14 questions, is to collect an anamnesis and general information about the composition and the child of the family.

I part includes 10 questions regarding the emotional development of the child, his attachments.

I part contains a selection of 14 questions specifically to get acquainted with the peculiarities of raising a child in a family, his problems and interests.

B) Questionnaire No. 2 (specifically for educators)

Of the 30 questions proposed in the questionnaire by T.A. Repina, we used 20 questions, which, in turn, correspond to the purpose of our work. Eight questions (2-6, 10.7, 28) determine the presence of conflict in the child's communication with peers, 12 questions give an idea of ​​the formation of the child's communication skills with adults and peers.

The questionnaire is given to educators in the form ready-made options answers. The obtained data are systematized in a specialized table.

C) Test "Family Drawing" (Interpretation by G.T. Homentauskas)

The analysis of this drawing test will supplement the obtained personal data on intra-family communication, and will help orientation in the problems of the child. The child is offered: a sheet of white paper, 6 colored pencils (red, black, green, blue, yellow, brown), an eraser. The instruction is given: "please draw your family." The word "family" is not explained so as not to distort the essence of the study. If the child asks what to draw, the instruction is repeated again. The task execution time is not limited. During the execution of the task, the protocol notes:

a) the sequence of drawing details;

b) pauses, to some extent, more than 15 seconds;

c) erasing details;

d) spontaneous comments of the child;

e) emotional reactions and their connection with the depicted content.

After completing the task, the child verbally gets the information: “Who is drawn here? Where are they located? What are they doing? Are they fun or bored? Why? Which of the drawn people is the happiest? Why? Which one is the most unfortunate? Why?"

The interpretation of the family drawing is divided into three parts, which, in turn, correspond to the three conclusions at the end of the work.

D) Sociometric test "Birthday"

This test is intended specifically for children of primary and preschool school age, when it is necessary to conduct a study of the child's relationship to adults and children. The test is carried out in the form of a game.

Diagnosis of intrapersonal problems of the child

A) Test to determine the level of claims of the child.

It is to study the dynamics and level of claims that labyrinths from the materials of the Wechsler test are used. The mazes are arranged in ascending order of difficulty. The child chooses in each attempt a task of any level of difficulty.

The goal is to determine the level of aspirations of the child. The time for solving the problem is limited. Only in the last attempt, time is not limited, the child is given the opportunity to solve the problem so that he has a positive impression of the experimenter and the experiment.

The protocol records the direct statements of the child, the number of efforts, the level of problematicness, the dynamics of choice, the reaction to success and failure.

B) Methodology for determining the self-esteem of a preschooler

The child is offered six ladders of five steps (VG Shur's method), where the top step is a positive assessment, and the bottom one is negative. They are asked to mark with a cross on each segment their place “among people” according to the levels, respectively, of “health”, “mind”, “character”, “happiness”, “beauty”, “kindness”. It is believed that the marked values ​​characterize general satisfaction - "happiness" and private self-esteem - "health", "mind", "character", "beauty", "kindness".

After completing this task, the child marks with a symbol (asterisk, circle, etc.) his place in levels from the position of his mother.

The technique is used precisely to compare its results with the assessment of this child by the family.

C) Methodology of parental assessments and claims

The questionnaire helps to apply it precisely for the relative characterization of the estimated attitude of parents (caregivers) of the child's personality, to analyze discrepancies in the assessments of parents, caregivers, and most of the child.

A special table reflects the results of assessments and self-assessment of the child.

The questionnaire consists of 16 items, which in turn are called mental skills and processes of the child. Educators and parents are invited to evaluate the severity of certain abilities and mental processes in a child on a five-point system.

At the end of the questionnaire, the scores are summed up. Analysis of the sum and estimates for each item provides the necessary information. It is for the diagnosis of claims that the parents of the child are invited to put down the desired points in this questionnaire with a pen of a different color, i.e. parents are obliged to reflect their wishes in the questionnaire table for each item.

Similarly, in this method, the difference between parental assessments of children and parental claims to their development will clearly appear.

Diagnosis of the real psychological capabilities of the child

Diagnostics of emotional processes

Graphic technique "Cactus" (M.A. Panfilova)

The graphic technique "Cactus" is designed specifically for working with children over three years old. Thanks to this technique, you can see the state of the emotional sphere of the baby, note the presence of aggressiveness, its direction, intensity, etc.

During the diagnostics, the subject is given a sheet of white paper of standard A4 size and a simple pencil.

Instruction. "On a sheet of white paper, draw a cactus - similar to what you imagine."

Questions and additional explanations are not allowed.

After finishing the drawing, the child can be asked questions as an addition, the answers to which, in turn, will help clarify the interpretation.

List of examined children senior group specifically for children with ONR GOU No. 2162

)Vika (5 years old) OHP III level.

)Kirill (5 years old) OHP II-III level

)Ksyusha (5 years old) OHP II level

)Maksim (5 years old) OHP II level

)Masha K (5.5 years old) OHP Level III

)Misha S. (5.5 years old) OHP II-III level

)Nina K. (5 years old) OHP II-III level

)Olya S (5 years old) OHP II level

)Sasha M (5 years old) OHP II level

) Slava I (5.5 years) OHP II level

2 Analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment

Practically all the children examined by us have such character traits as lack of self-confidence, submission to other children in the game and the performance of secondary roles.

All the studied children have not quite developed playing skills and abilities.

Children try to limit their social circle to the family, which affects the lack of communication skills, maintaining and establishing contacts with peers.

Children almost do not enter into dialogical interaction. The proactive statements of the subjects are in the nature of messages, questions. The nature of the initiation determines the partner's response. This type of activity does not stimulate the interlocutor to communicate.

There are shortcomings in the expression of emotional and semantic statements. The questions are answered in monosyllables, or with the help of simple non-common and common sentences. In the classroom, children are passive.

Parents, as well as educators, noted in children insufficiently formed cognitive activity, attention and memory, low ability to tell and read. These shortcomings affect the formation of the child's vocabulary.

In direct proportion to the degree of underdevelopment of language means, there will be a reduced speech activity of the subjects. Children are mostly aggressive, anxious, emotional manifestations are not organized. In children, signs of hypomimia are expressed, manifested in the difficulties of expressing emotional states on the face.

The level of formation of communication skills is below the age norm.

2.3 Methodology for the formation of communication skills in children with ONR

Directions, tasks, content of work

Purpose: Development of a system of remedial work on the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The psychological problems of a child with a speech disorder most clearly manifest themselves during communication with peers, which is why the main form psychocorrectional work with such children must be group and subgroup classes

The main objectives of this direction in speech therapy classes are:

development of communication skills, development of skills of cooperation, mutual empathy;

reduction of psycho-emotional stress, anxiety in children;

correction of aggressive manifestations and negative character traits that impede communication.

Along with the lack of formation of all components of the language system, children of this category have peculiar errors in establishing antonymic and synonymous relationships, naming signs with a phrase or sentence (“he is afraid” - frightened; “she is having fun” - cheerful), swept up specific words-definitions with adjectives that have an extremely broad meaning (“bad”, “bad” - evil; “good” - cheerful), replacing the names of signs with the names of actions (“sad” - sad, “scared” - frightened); replacement based on insufficient differentiation of emotional states (“angry, “scared” - sad; “scared” - angry, “surprised” - frightened)

Most of these children are not able to talk about their favorite toy, watched cartoon, summer vacation, their emotional state even in three sentences.

Most of the stories are inconsistent, inaccurate, schematic, primitive in them, as a rule, there is only a listing of actions (played, walked, swam) or visible objects and objects (cat, tree, dog, boy)

Observing the children of this speech group, you can see how they very often listen to poetry, a fairy tale, discussing the actions of the hero, remain indifferent. Closed on computers, TVs, children communicate less with peers and adults, and in fact only communication Enriches the sensual sphere to a large extent, makes a person responsive to the feelings of others

The phenomenon of the "dried heart" about which, in turn, L. S. Vygotsky wrote, is related to education and aimed at intellectualized and logical behavior has not lost its relevance today. “Desensitization” is also favored by the technologization of life, in which, in turn, the child participates. Children with speech disorders find it difficult not only to express surprise, fear, anger emotionally and adequately by facial expressions, but also to adequately express their statement. Their speech is intonationally monotonous and lexically not expressive.

During development, transformations take place in the emotional sphere of the child, his views on the world and relations with others change, the need to control and be aware of his emotions increases. But in itself, emotional vocabulary does not develop qualitatively; it must be created.

The correctional system of methodological techniques presented by us favors the formation of communication skills in children with ONR based on the development of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Exercises for the development of emotional vocabulary presented in this technique organically fit into the learning process in speech therapy classes during the academic year.

The correctional system is built on the principle of accessibility - from simple to problematic, verbal lexical material is selected using different types of visual photographs, pictures, pictograms. The work is done in stages, which, in turn, are closely interdependent and connected.

Development and study of paralinguistic means of communication.

The study and clarification of emotional states (conversation, game

"various moods"

Formation of the ability to convey a given emotional state (mimic gymnastics as part of articulatory gymnastics, graphic images of the face, games: “Clouds”, “Gingerbread Man”, “chickens and a hen”, etc.)

Development of the ability to understand one’s own feelings and the feelings of other people (listening to musical fragments and determining the emotional mood, the Games “Who dances the same way”, “Pick the right color for the melody”)

Formation of the intonational side of speech

formation of speech rhythm reproduction (tapping and listening to imitate various rhythmic patterns)

Using a phrase with the right intonation in expressive speech (Pronunciation with the right intonation of sentences is reflected, conjugated, completely independent. (The game “I have a cat”)

the ability to differentially apply intonational expressiveness in expressive speech (Poems, Dialogues, Dramatization Games)

Formation of emotional vocabulary

"Word Formation"

The formation of words with an endearing meaning (Games " affectionate names"Say kindly")

Formation of adjectives by pure or prefix repetition (Game "I have so many, but you have even more")

Formation of superlative adjectives (Game "I have so many, but I have even more")

"Formation of phrases"

Adding words to phrases (The game "Whom they say the same about")

Formation of phrases from adjectives in relative and superlative degree: (Game "Pick up the color of the word")

Formation of phrases by adding the main word to the dependent (Game "Pick a beautiful word"

Formation of phrases by adding dependent words to the main one (Ira “Whom they say the same about”)

Distribution of sentences using synonyms (Game "Snowball")

Compilation of sentences with the opposite meaning (Games "Say the opposite")

Making sentences using adjectives in relative and superlative degrees (Game " Merry nesting dolls»)

Compilation of sentences describing the emotional state (Game "complete the sentence")

Transformation of a deformed sentence (Game "Help Dunno")

It is to increase the efficiency of assimilation of verbal material that different types of visual supports are used - drawings, photographs, subject pictograms, pictures, color designations, graphic schemes.

"Teaching Storytelling"

Compilation of short stories game exercise"read the letter"

Compiling stories for plot picture(Questions regarding all the details of the plot, and the answers of the children. A story made up of the answers of the children. Drawing up a story plan using reference pictograms, pictures, diagrams, which allows you to direct the story of preschoolers in the right direction. Drawing up a story “in a chain.” A completely independent story of the child in the absence of the help of a speech therapist on a new similar picture.

4 Control experiment

The experiment was carried out at the end of the school year in the middle group of a correctional kindergarten specifically for children with general speech underdevelopment. Children during the school year are trained according to the method proposed by us. The lessons include games for the formation of emotional vocabulary, and dialogic communication. A group of children 5.5 - 6 years old was examined. Children with II-III level of OHP. At the beginning of the school year, children revealed a low level of formation of communication skills in communicating with peers, all children have difficulties in organizing role-playing games, problems in the emotional design of statements, and simply in expressing their feelings and emotions., It was for children that a collective monologue was inherent in exchange for the necessary dialogue.

It was for the experiment that we used the organization of games in pairs and the observation of completely independent play of children in a group. The protocol of observations was filled out and diagrams were drawn up, with the help of which, in turn, it is possible to trace the dynamics.

During the organization of games in pairs, we have a convenient opportunity to assess how much the child has mastered the ways of dialogical communication and communication. It is for this fact that we, organizing games in pairs, observe how the children perform the task, and record the results of the observations in the protocol. The assessment is made according to a number of parameters that reflect the main characteristics of dialogic communication. The observer marks the presence of one or another parameter in the corresponding column of the protocol with a “+” sign.

Evaluation parameters

Dialogical relations (initiativeness of statements; influence of statements - the partner responds with an action or word to the initiative of a peer; active response position - the initiator of the conversation responds to the remarks and actions of a neighbor).

Means of communication (single statement; dialogical cycle - two interrelated statements of two partners on one topic; conjugated cycle - three interrelated statements of two partners on one topic).

Communicative - semantic type of statement (question - request for information; comments, discussion; motivation for action).

Ways of communication (goodwill, addressing, reasoning).

Below are the criteria for the level of mastering by the child of the ways of dialogic communication and communication, which, in turn, can be guided in their observations.

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with prompting, questions, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed.

The presence of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles in the communication of children, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements testifies to the highest degree of a fairly high level.

Low level. The child tries to solve the cognitive problem without paying attention to the partner. Acts silently or comments on his actions without addressing anyone directly. Does not respond to the statements of the partner or is able to enter into conflict relations with him.


Kindergarten No. 2162Group No. 5 Senior ONRDate F.I. , child's age Observation parameters Presence of a parameter 1. Content 1.1. Task orientation 1.2 Adult orientation 1.3 Peer partner orientation 2. Dialogical relations 2.1 initiative 2.2 influence 2.3 Active response attitude 3. Means of communication 3.1 utterance 3.2 Dialogic cycle 3.3 Associated cycle 4. Type of utterance 4.1 question 4.2 motivation 4.3 discussion5. Method of communication 5.1 goodwill 5.2 addressing 5.3 reasoning

As a result of processing the data obtained during the experiment, during the preparation of observation protocols, diagrams were drawn up for each child with the derivation of the level of formation of communication skills.

Presence of observation parameters Ksyusha F OHP II-III level

Average level. During the performance of the task, the child mainly focuses on the adult, but occasionally focuses on the partner of the same age, proactively addresses him, responds to his statements in the main with practical actions. He comments on his actions and the actions of his partner. Communication is friendly. In completely independent games, the child shows friendliness towards his partners in the game, easily makes contact, and adapts to the rules of the game. Facial expressions and gestures are widely used. Speech statements are emotionally colored.

Availability of observation parameters Masha K ONR III level

The presence of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles in the communication of children, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements testifies to the highest degree of a fairly high level. Speech statements are emotionally colored. The child fantasizes vividly, supports the proposed plot of the game.

Availability of observation parameters Nina K ONR II-III level.

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with questions, inciting, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed. Emotionally colored statements.

To the greatest extent, a sufficiently high level is evidenced by the presence in the communication of children of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements.

Availability of observation parameters Olya C OHP III level.

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with questions, inciting, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed. The presence of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles in the communication of children, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements testifies to the highest degree of a fairly high level.

Availability of Vicat observation parameters M OHP III level

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with questions, inciting, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed.

Availability of observation parameters Kirill L ONR Level III

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with questions, inciting, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed.

Oh, to the greatest extent, a fairly high level is evidenced by the presence in the communication of children of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements

Availability of observation parameters Maxim C OHP II-III level.

Average level. During the performance of the task, the child mainly focuses on the adult, but occasionally focuses on the partner of the same age, proactively addresses him, responds to his statements in the main with practical actions. He comments on his actions and the actions of his partner. Communication is friendly.

Availability of observation parameters Sasha M ONR II level.

Average level. During the performance of the task, the child mainly focuses on the adult, but occasionally focuses on the partner of the same age, proactively addresses him, responds to his statements in the main with practical actions. He comments on his actions and the actions of his partner. Communication is friendly.

Availability of observation parameters Slava AND ONR II-III level.

Average level. During the performance of the task, the child mainly focuses on the adult, but occasionally focuses on the partner of the same age, proactively addresses him, responds to his statements in the main with practical actions. He comments on his actions and the actions of his partner. Communication is friendly.

Availability of observation parameters Misha S ONR III level.

Fairly high level. The child is well oriented in the building, during dialogical communication he is guided by a peer partner, proactively addresses him and responds with actions and words to his statements. Communication between children unfolds in the form of a series of interrelated statements (dialogical cycles and conjugated cycles); children turn to each other with questions, inciting, reasoning and commenting statements. Children communicate kindly, turn to each other addressed.

Oh, to the greatest extent, a fairly high level is evidenced by the presence in the communication of children of interconnected statements in the form of conjugated cycles, the emergence of reasoning and discussion, reasoned statements.

Analyzing the data obtained, we can see that 6 out of 10 children have reached a fairly high level of development of communication skills, four out of 10 have reached an average level of development of communication skills. In general, anxiety and psycho-emotional stress were reduced in the group of children, children became, to some extent, more open to communication both with peers and with adults. Children will learn to analyze and understand not only their own emotional state, but also the emotional state of others, which has led to a reduction in conflicts.

Children are well guided by a partner and an adult peer-like. Children take an active response position with a word or action to respond to the initiative of a peer partner. The means of communication are the conjugated cycle, or the dialogical cycle of interrelated statements of two partners. Communicative-semantic types of statements: comments, questions, discussions, motivations for action. Communication is addressed, friendly, reasoned.

The level of formation of communication skills in children of the older age group after targeted training.

As a result of communication with children and observing children during the game, it was revealed that it is problematic for a child of senior preschool age to keep an imaginary event in memory, he needs strong points, which in turn preserve and develop the plot outline.

Children can engage in joint storytelling. The games of older preschoolers are less and less reminiscent of a reproduction of real life events. In games, reality is transformed, combined according to the intentions and desires of the children themselves. It is for this child that it is first of all necessary to single out a partner in a joint game as the bearer of his own plan. For a long time, older preschoolers use the role as a means of developing and building a plot, establishing multiple connections in a joint game.

Due to the role, you can join the game of a peer and develop a dialogue with him. With the adoption of a role, functional and subordinate ties arise between the players in a joint game. Many children have an attachment to certain roles, which, in turn, are emotionally significant for them. If such a role can be obtained, then we can talk about emotional comfort, emotional well-being of the child in the game.

Similarly, the sustainability of gaming associations depends on the nature of the relationships of their members; ability to help yielding, interaction, showing respect and goodwill. Steady interaction is observed between children, who, in turn, are united by personal sympathies or on the basis of interest in some topic.

Subordination and functional relations between roles, acting as mutually complementary role connections, are the most accessible for the organization of game deployment and interaction of the game plot. During the development of the plot in a joint game, children single out role-playing ones and try to adequately respond to the partner's role-playing behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to establish meaningful connections between one's role and other roles.

Given these features and the level of development of the game of certain children, preparatory teachers, groups, consider it necessary to continue the formation of a role-playing way of building a game. In particular, educators and speech therapists strive to create the following abilities in children: enrich the content of the game by attracting roles from familiar plots, personal experience and other sources; freely navigate in a game situation, find a suitable role to perform and offer combined and parallel roles, actively engage in role-playing dialogues, use detailed statements.

Speech activity depends not only on age, but also on the experience of dialogical communication with adults around and peers.


In this paper, we tried to determine the specifics of the development of communication skills of a child with general underdevelopment of speech through the features of personal development and play activities.

In the first part of the work, an attempt was made to study the personality of the child as a whole, its development in ontogenesis. We considered the problem of the formation of a personality through self-consciousness (L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich), as well as the impact of leading activities of different ages on the formation of a child’s personality and, as a result, on the formation of communication

Each systemic neoplasm, arising in response to the needs of the child, includes effective components, carrying a motivating force, is like a generalized result, the result of the entire mental child in a certain period, becomes the starting point precisely for the formation of the personality of a child of a certain age. During the absence of deprivation from adults in this period, the personality of the child develops harmoniously.

We also examined the features of the development of the personality of a child with OHP. The lag in personality development in such children is due to communication difficulties; verbal contact with other people.

We considered the game and communication in the formation of communication skills. The role-playing game is the leading activity. It enables the child to identify himself with adults and projects his activity into adult life, bearing in itself social norms, favors the development of moral motives of behavior, the emergence of an internal "ethical authority".

In the role-playing game, the child's monologue and dialogic speech develops, and how the lag in the development of the child's speech affects the child's play and communicative activities.

In the second chapter, diagnostic methods were applied to help identify personality disorders in children with general underdevelopment of speech (just such a group was chosen for the survey) leading to problems in the formation of communication skills. It was for the study that the following methods were used: questioning of educators and parents, projection graphic techniques "Cactus": "Family drawing", "Birthday"; test to determine the level of claims of the child and determine his self-esteem.

As a result of the research, we have shown that children with speech development delays have problems in the communicative sphere of communication; they have insufficiently developed playing skills and abilities for their age, as a result of which their mental development corresponds to the development of children, to some extent, of an earlier age.

The third part of our work presents the materials of a teaching experiment aimed at the formation of communication skills in children with OHP in speech therapy classes. Tasks were set, goals were identified directions and content of the work. A method of work in this direction is proposed.

The control experiment made it possible to determine the positive dynamics in the formation of communication skills in children. What do the resulting comparisons and data from the charts say.


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Luda Strashkina
Features of communication in preschoolers with ONR


Communication, being a complex and multifaceted activity, requires specific knowledge and skills that a person masters in the process of assimilation of social experience accumulated by previous generations. High level communication is the key to successful adaptation of a person in any social environment, which determines the practical significance of the formation communicative skills and abilities from early childhood.

M. I. Lisina notes that communication for a child is an active action, with the help of which he seeks to convey to others and receive certain information from them, establish emotionally colored relationships with those around him and coordinate his actions with others, satisfy his material and spiritual needs.

In special pedagogy and psychology, speech is defined as the most important mental function of a person, a universal means of communication, thinking, and organizing actions. Many studies have found that mental processes: attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination - are mediated by speech. Deviations in the development of speech adversely affect the mental development of the child, delay

the formation of cognitive processes, make it difficult to communicate with others and, of course, prevent the formation of a full-fledged personality.

In modern correctional pedagogy, an opinion is expressed about the need for an in-depth study of the communication of children with various types of pathology, including with general underdevelopment of speech. In such children, in addition to underdevelopment of speech, variably pronounced deviations in the formation of communication skills. Their imperfection does not ensure the process of communication, and therefore does not promotes development of rchemyslitslyuy and cognitive activity.

Numerous studies by B. M. Grinshpun, G. V. Gurovets, R. B. Khalilova, G. V. Chirkina, S. N. Shakhovskaya and other authors indicate the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with general underdevelopment of speech, accompanied by emotional instability, immaturity of individual mental functions, stiffness of cognitive processes.

In children with OHP, along with the main speech difficulties, there is an extremely low level of communication skills.

Some peculiarities communication of children with ONP with peers: a significant lag in the formation communicative skills from normally developing children, as evidenced by the persistent inability to regulate the behavior of communication partners. Most have difficulty making contact with their peers. communicative activity was limited.

At an early age, the child first appears and develops non-verbal means communications in the form of various movements, gestures, facial expressions, looks, which are accompanied by vocalization, verbatim vocal reactions (shouting, cooing, babbling, etc.). Researchers (O. L. Lekhanova, 2004, O. S. Pavlova, 1998, E. G. Fedoseeva, 1999) note that non-verbal communication children with OHP has a specific character, it quantitatively and qualitatively differs from that in children with normal speech development.

Features of non-verbal communication is found only at the level of their own use of non-verbal means, when transmitting information transmitted to them by appropriate means. preschoolers with OHP use and understand more "simple" facilities

non-verbal communication (movements, gestures, facial expressions, looks, are typical for children of an earlier age. In the repertoire of non-verbal communications they are dominated by facial expressions and visual interaction (views, while their peers with the norm of speech development use predominantly gestures in the process of communication and, to a lesser extent, facial expressions and glances.

What do you have preschoolers with OHP communication disorders is not limited to the speech component, but covers the entire communication system as a whole. including its non-verbal component. Failure communicative opportunities makes it difficult for children with OHP to interact with other people, upsets the process of forming their ideas about the world around them, disrupts "verbal and thinking activity, which generally leads to a shift in the timing of the formation of objective and other forms of consciousness, to a deformed development of a personality with speech pathology.

From the foregoing, a conclusion follows about the need for targeted work on the development of non-verbal communication in a preschooler with ONR, whose behavior especially important in the early stages of corrective action.

In connection with the issue under consideration, the study by E. A. Petrova, devoted to the study of gesture in the early ontogenesis of children with developmental norms, is of particular interest. The author reveals the "genesis of the formation "language" gestures in children under one and a half years old, reveals the relationship between the development of speech and gestures, shows the role and functions of gestures in early ontogenesis. Special of interest is the position of E. A. Petrova that “gestures are important element roto-language and play an important role in the period of preverbal communications and assimilation of speech in early ontogenesis. Also noteworthy is I.N. Gorelov’s indication that non-verbal components communications are the functional basis of speech.

Non-verbal means communication is not only a way transfer of information of a certain meaning (expressive and semantic movements, but at the same time, to a large extent serve to express the emotional and expressive state of a person.

In the process of classes, children should be introduced to various means of non-verbal communication. communications. Learn to define (learn) And

differentiate different emotional states of people (dolls, other characters) by their facial expressions, expressive gestures, postures, etc.

To develop in children the skills and abilities to use non-verbal means communications in simulated situations of communication, in games - dramatizations, in music and other activities, in independent games, everyday situations, etc. Learn to express various emotional states using non-verbal means.

Children will have increased social activity: they will become more proactive in interpersonal interactions with peers and adults, use a variety of non-verbal communication means.

At preschoolers with OHP, not only the lack of formation of verbal means of communication is observed, which is due to the main defect. It turns out that the ontogeny of non-verbal communications.

At preschoolers variably pronounced speech difficulties: primitive, poor vocabulary, agrammatisms. In communication, children use a simple phrase, and their answers were short and monotonous.

Game skills preschoolers are poorly developed. This is expressed in the poverty of the plot, in the procedural nature of the game, and low speech activity. As a rule, the games do not last long, as the children could not fully unfold the plot.

Considering features of speech communication of preschoolers with OHP with peers, about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Peculiarities speech development of children clearly make it difficult to carry out full communication, which is expressed in a decrease in communication, unformed forms communications, behavior patterns. preschoolers they are not interested in contact, they do not know how to navigate in a communication situation, they often express negativism towards their partners in the game. Speech and communicative Difficulties prevent establishing and maintaining contacts with peers.

Thus, the corrective impact should be aimed not only at the development of speech skills, but also at the development of communicative skills of children with this pathology.


A person, being a social being, from the first months of life feels the need to communicate with other people, which is constantly evolving - from the need for emotional contact to deep personal communication and cooperation. This circumstance determines the potential continuity of communication as a necessary condition for life.

Communication, being a complex and multifaceted activity, requires specific knowledge and skills that a person masters in the process of assimilation of social experience accumulated by previous generations. A high level of communication is the key to successful adaptation of a person in any social environment, which determines the practical significance of the formation of communication skills from early childhood.

Modern pedagogical practice is based on psychological-pedagogical research, theoretically substantiating the essence and significance of the formation of communicative skills in the development of a preschool child. Numerous publications are based on the concept of activity developed by A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, A.B. Zaporozhets and others. Based on it, M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya, T.A. Repin considered communication as a communicative activity.

A number of studies note that communication skills contribute to the mental development of a preschooler (A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya), affect the overall level of his activity (Z.M. Boguslavskaya, D.B. Elkonin). The significance of the formation of communicative skills becomes more obvious at the stage of the child's transition to schooling (M.I. Lisina, A.G. Ruzskaya, V.A. Petrovsky, G.G. Kravtsov, E.E. Shuleshko), when the absence of elementary skills makes it difficult for a child to communicate with peers and adults, leads to an increase in anxiety, disrupts the learning process as a whole. It is the development of communication that is a priority basis for ensuring the continuity of preschool and primary general education, necessary condition the success of educational activities, the most important direction of social and personal development. The development of communication skills in children with speech underdevelopment (OHP) is becoming very relevant as the number of children with speech development deficiencies has recently increased.

Therefore we have chosenresearch topic: "Features of the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech."

Research problem: what are the features of the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Purpose of the study: to reveal the features of the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Object of study: children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

Subject of study: the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Based on the goal, we have identifiedresearch objectives:

  1. To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic.

2. To study the level of formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

3. Develop a plan for correctional and pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical analysis of the literature on the research topic.

2. Pedagogical experiment (stating, teaching).

3. Conversation.

4. Observation.

5. Analysis of game products and speech activity children.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are the provisions of philosophy and sociology about a person as the highest value of society and an end in itself for social development, about the leading role of activity and communication in the development of the individual (B.G. Ananiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, V.A. Petrovsky, S.L. Rubinstein), general didactic provisions on the formation of skills and abilities (L.S. Vygotsky, A.E. Dmitriev, V.A. Krutetsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.A. Slastenin), theoretical developments in the field of pedagogical technologies (V.P. Bespalko, G.K. Selevko, etc.).

Research base:municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 64 in Belgorod.

Work structure:

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.


  1. The concept of communication and communication skills

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at understanding and evaluating oneself through interaction with other people (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinstein, A. G. Ruzskaya, E. O. Smirnova, D. B. Elkonin, etc.).

Communication, being one of the main conditions for the full development of the child, has a complex structural organization, the main components of which are the subject of communication, communicative need and motives, units of communication, its means and products. Throughout the preschool age, the content of the structural components of communication changes, its means are improved, the main of which is speech.

In accordance with the theoretical concepts of domestic psychology, speech is the most important mental function of a person - a universal means of communication, thinking, and organizing actions. Many studies have found that mental processes - attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination - are mediated by speech. Communication is present in all types of children's activities and affects the speech and mental development of the child, forms the personality as a whole.

Psychologists believe that the decisive factors in the formation of a child’s communication are his interaction with adults, the attitude of adults towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development.

The patterns of behavior learned by him in the family are applied in the process of communication with peers. In turn, many of the qualities acquired by the child in the children's team are introduced into the family. The relationship of a preschooler with children is also largely determined by the nature of his communication with the kindergarten teacher. The style of the teacher's communication with the children, his value attitudes are reflected in the relations of the children among themselves, in the psychological microclimate of the group. The successful development of his relationships with peers has a special impact on the formation of the child's mental life. Thus, with normal development, there is a unity in the formation of the child's communication and the development of his personality.

With insufficient communication of the child with adults and peers, the rate of development of his speech and other mental processes slows down. Deviations in the development of speech negatively affect the mental development of the child, make it difficult to communicate with others, delay the formation of cognitive processes, and, therefore, prevent the formation of a full-fledged personality.

The need for communication is one of the most important human needs. Researchers of communication problems note that it serves to establish a commonality between people, regulates their joint activities, is an instrument of knowledge and the basis of consciousness for an individual, serves as a self-determination of the individual, without which a person would fall out of joint activities and would be lost and helpless outside of humanity. Communication is seen as the interaction of people aimed at harmonizing and combining efforts in order to build relationships and achieve a common result. This special type of activity has motives, subject content, means, result.

Recently, along with the term "communication", the term "communication" has become widespread. Communication as a communicative activity is considered in the works of G.M. Andreev, A.A. Bodalev, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Petrovsky, D.B. Elkonin. The FGT developers have identified the educational area "Communication", the purpose of which is the development of communication, the development of verbal communication.

Communication is a process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding. In the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov, "communication" is interpreted as a message, communication. In the dictionary of synonyms, the concepts of "communication" and "communication" are characterized as close synonyms, which makes it possible to consider these terms as equivalent.

Communication, according to psychologists, is the ability and skills to communicate with people, on which the success of people of different ages, education, different levels of culture and psychological development, as well as those with different life experience and different communication skills.

Communication skills are a way that a person has mastered to establish relationships between people, they include the ability to get in touch with a stranger, understand his personal qualities and intentions, anticipate the results of his behavior and, in accordance with this, build his behavior.

The position on the decisive role of communication in the mental development of the child was put forward and developed by L.S. Vygotsky, who repeatedly emphasized that “the psychological nature of a person is a set of human relations transferred inside and become the functions of the personality and the forms of its structure.

The first studies characterizing the communicative qualities of a person are found in the works of B.G. Ananiev, A.A. Bodaleva. These authors do not yet single out the concept of "communicative qualities", but describe in detail the qualities necessary for communication and the components of communication as a psychological process.

Communication skills as a phenomenon of the child's communicative culture, which is realized in a communication situation, is considered by O.A. Veselkova. There is another direction that is most widely represented in the literature (Ya.L. Kolominsky, N.A. Lemaksina, L.Ya. Lozovan, M.G. Markina, A.V. Mudrik, E.G. Savina, etc. ), in which communication skills are considered as a group of skills that characterize the personal qualities of the child, necessary for organizing and implementing the process of communication, interaction.

Of particular interest to us are works devoted to identifying the characteristics of communication of preschool children (T.A. Antonova, V.N. Davidovich, R.I. Derevyanko, E.E. Kravtsova, L.V. Lidak, M.I. Lisina , T.A. Repina, A.G. Ruzskaya).

In preschool pedagogy, the point of view of M.I. Lisina, T.A. Repina, A.G. Ruzskaya, according to which "communication" and "communicative activity" are considered as synonyms. They note that "the development of communication between preschoolers and peers, as well as with adults, is presented as a process of qualitative transformations in the structure of communicative activity" .

M.I. Lisina in the structure of communication, as a communicative activity, the following components are distinguished:

1. The subject of communication is another person, a communication partner as a subject.

2. The need for communication consists in a person's desire to know and evaluate other people, and through them, with their help, to self-knowledge and self-esteem.

3. Communicative motives are what communication is undertaken for. The motives of communication should be embodied in those qualities of the person himself and other people, for the sake of knowing and evaluating which this individual interacts with someone from those around him.

4. Actions of communication - a unit of communicative activity, a holistic act addressed to another person and directed at him as his own object. The two main categories of communication actions are initiative acts and basic actions.

5. Tasks of communication - the goal, to achieve which, under these specific conditions, various actions are directed, performed in the process of communication. The motives and objectives of communication may not coincide with each other.

6. Means of communication are operations with the help of which communication actions are also carried out.

7. Products of communication - formations of a material and spiritual nature, created as a result of communication.

According to M.I. Lisina, the approach to communication as an activity has a number of advantages over considering it as a special kind of behavior, or interaction, or a set of conditional reactions of a person to signals coming from another person: “Both phylogenetic and ontogenetic development ceases to be reduced to the multiplication of communicative operations or to the emergence of new means of exchanging information and making contacts: on the contrary. Changes of this kind themselves receive their adequate explanation through the transformation of the needs and motives of communication.

A.N. Leontiev proposed a conceptual structure of activity: activity - action - operation. And proceeding from this, communication skills in pedagogy and psychology are considered as its operational component.

M.I. Lisina notes that communication for a child is “active actions”, with the help of which the child seeks to convey to others and receive certain information from them, establish emotionally colored relationships with those around him and coordinate his actions with others, satisfy his material and spiritual needs. She singles out expressive-mimic, subject-effective and speech means in the sphere of communication with adults. Appearing sequentially, at considerable intervals. In contacts with peers, the child uses the same three categories and by the beginning of the formation of communication, i.e. by the age of three, he practically owns them. The author noted. That among younger preschoolers the leading position is occupied by expressive and practical operations, however, by the older preschooler school age speech comes to the fore and occupies the position of the leading communicative operation. Thus, communication skills are considered by us as part of the speech culture of preschoolers, including the conscious assimilation of expressive and visual means of speech and their appropriate use in their own statements in the process of communication, establishing ways to establish relationships between people.

In the studies of A.A. Bodaleva, L.Ya. Lozovan, E.G. Savina distinguishes three components in the structure of communication skills: information and communication, interactive, perceptual

(see Table 1.1)

Table 1.1

Structure of communication skills

Components of communication skills

Parameters defining the essence of the component

Empirically measured parameters

Information and communication

1. the ability to receive information.

2. the ability to convey information

1. attention to the teacher's messages.

2. attention to the messages of a friend

1. the ability to express a thought, intention, thought.

2. completeness of the message


1. the ability to interact with a partner

2. readiness for interaction.

3. adaptation in the team.

1. joint planning of the upcoming business

2. partner orientation (partnership) conflicts

1. ability to navigate in a communication situation

2. social valency

3. satisfaction in communication.

1. absence of a symptom complex of maladaptation


1.perception of the other.

2..perception of interpersonal relationships.

1.understanding the relationship of the other to yourself.

2.understanding the emotional state of another

3.understanding emotions

1. ideas about the essence of communication

2. significance for the child of these relationships

3.ability to release personal characteristics partner

BF Lomov, depending on the role performed, identified three groups of functions of communicative skills: information-communicative, regulatory-communicative. affectively - communicative.

The group of information and communication skills consists of the ability to enter into the process of communication (to express a request, greeting, congratulation, invitation. Polite address); navigate in partners and communication situations (start talking with a friend and a stranger; follow the rules of a culture of communication in relationships with peers and adults); correlate the means of verbal and non-verbal communication (use words and signs of politeness; emotionally and meaningfully express thoughts using gestures, facial expressions, symbols; receive and provide information about oneself and other things; use drawings, tables, diagrams, group the material contained in them).

The group of regulatory and communicative skills consists of the ability to coordinate one's actions, opinions, attitudes with the needs of communication comrades (implementation of self and mutual control of educational and labor activity substantiation of jointly performed tasks of operations in a certain logical sequence, determination of the order and rational ways of performing joint training tasks); trust, help and support those with whom you communicate (help those in need of help, give in, be honest, do not evade answers, talk about your intentions, give advice yourself and listen to the answers of others, trust the information received, your companion in communication, an adult, teacher); apply their knowledge of individual skills in solving joint problems (use speech, music, movement. Graphic information to complete tasks with a common goal, to record and formalize the results of their observations, purposeful use of fiction); evaluate the results of joint communication (evaluate yourself and others, make the right decisions, express agreement and disagreement, approval and disapproval).

The group of affective-communicative skills is based on the ability to share one's feelings, interests, mood with communication partners; show sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy to communication partners; evaluate each other's emotional behavior.

Thus, based on research data on the formation of communication skills, we can draw the following conclusion:

First, characterizing the state of knowledge of the problem in relation to preschool age, we have to state that in the psychological and pedagogical literature, many aspects of the formation of communicative skills remain poorly developed. The content of communicative skills, the criteria and indicators of their formation in children of preschool age are not sufficiently disclosed, the sequence of including preschoolers in the process of their formation, forms of organization outside of directly educational activities are not defined; the contradiction between the recognition of the importance of communicative skills in the education of the child's personality and the lack of development of pedagogical technologies and methods for the formation of these skills, in accordance with the FGT.

Secondly, due to the multidimensionality of the communication process, its functions can be classified according to various grounds. However, in all the above classifications, regulatory and informational are distinguished, this is due to the fact that the leading means of communication is speech, which has informational and regulatory functions.

Thirdly, communication skills need to be formed in the process of various activities, the main of which is the development of speech, without which the communication process is impossible.

Fourth, taking into account the age characteristics of children, it is necessary to select such types of oral folk art, in which the formation of communication skills would be most successful.

  1. Formation of communication skills in ontogeny

In young children, communication tends to be closely associated with play, exploration, and other activities. The child is either busy with his partner (adult, peer), then switches to other things.
Studies by M.I. Lisina indicate that immediately after birth, the child does not communicate with adults in any way: he does not respond to their appeals and, of course, does not address himself to him. And after two months, babies enter into an interaction with adults that can be considered communication; they develop a special activity in the form of a psychosomatic revitalization complex, the object of which is an adult, and strive to attract his attention in order to become the object of the same activity on his part. The first object that the child singles out from the surrounding reality is human face. From the reaction of focusing the gaze on the face of the mother, an important neoplasm of the neonatal period arises - the revival complex. The revitalization complex is the first act of behavior, the act of singling out an adult. This is the first act of communication. The revitalization complex is not just a reaction, it is an attempt to influence an adult.

In the process of common life, a new type of activity arises in a child with his mother - direct emotional communication with each other. A specific feature of this communication is that its subject is another person. But if the subject of activity is another person, then this activity is communication. The important thing is that another person becomes the subject of activity.

Communication during this period should be positively emotionally colored. As a result, the child creates an emotionally positive background of mood, which is a sign of physical and mental health. The source of mental and personal development lies not inside, but outside the child, in the products of material and spiritual culture, which is revealed to the child by adults in the process of communication and specially organized joint activities. That is why the beginning of mental life consists in the formation in the child of a specifically human need for communication. The main leading type of activity in infancy is traditionally considered to be emotional mediocre communication. During this period, the closest connection between the child and the adults caring for him is established, adults perform an important function in any situation that the child finds himself in, this connection does not weaken during infancy, on the contrary, it strengthens and takes on new, more active forms. On the other hand, the lack of communication in infancy has a negative impact on the entire subsequent mental development of the child.
One of the first to appear are responses to the voice of the mother. Next, the child's voice reactions develop. The first appeals appear - attempts to attract an adult with the help of voice, which indicates the restructuring of voice reactions into behavioral acts. At about five months, a turning point in the development of the child occurs. It is associated with the emergence of the act of grasping - the first organized directed action. The act of grasping is extremely important for the mental development of the child. It is associated with the emergence of object perception. By the end infancy the child begins to understand the first words, the adult has the opportunity to control the orientation of the child.
By 9 months, the baby is on its feet, trying to walk. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the space of the child expands, but also that the child separates himself from the adult. There is a reorientation of the unified social situation “we”: now it is not the mother who leads the child, but he leads the mother wherever he wants.

The most important neoplasms of infancy include the pronunciation of the first word. Walking and a variety of actions with objects cause the appearance of speech, which contributes to communication. At the end of the first year of life, the social situation of the complete fusion of the child with the adult changes from within. The kid acquires a certain degree of independence: the first words appear, the children begin to walk, actions with objects develop. However, the child's range of possibilities is still limited.
Communication at this age becomes a form of organizing objective activity. It ceases to be an activity in the proper sense of the word, since the motive moves from the adult to the object. Communication acts as a means of objective activity, as a tool for mastering the traditional ways of using objects. Communication continues to develop intensively and become verbal.

The development of speech is one of the key areas in the development of independent objective activity. Thus, the connection between a word and an object or a word and an action arises only when there is a need for communication, in the system of the child's activity, produced by the help of an adult or together with him.

IN transition period- from infancy to early childhood, both in the activities of the child and in his communication with adults, there are significant changes. Attitudes towards surrounding people and things are significantly differentiated. Some relationships arise on the basis of meeting the basic needs of the child, others in connection with independent activity with various items, third - on the basis of orientation in the world of things not yet directly accessible to the baby, but already interested in him.

As soon as the child begins to see himself, the phenomenon “I myself” appears. This requires the achievement of a certain level of development of perception, intellect, and speech. L.S. Vygotsky called this new formation the "external I myself." Its emergence leads to the complete disintegration of the former social situation.

At the age of three, there is a break in the relationship that has existed so far between a child and an adult, there is a desire for independent activity. Adults act as carriers of models of actions and relationships in the world around them. The phenomenon of "I myself" means the emergence not only of outwardly noticeable independence, but also at the same time the separation of the child from the adult. The world of children's life from a world limited by objects turns into a world of adults. There is a tendency towards independent activity, similar to the activity of an adult - after all, adults act as models for the child, and the baby wants to act like them. A deep restructuring of the child's motives is one of the prerequisites for the emergence and wide development of new types of activity at preschool age: role-playing, visual, constructive activity, and elementary forms of labor activity. Establishing one's place in the system of relations with adults, self-esteem, awareness of one's skills and certain qualities, discovery of one's experiences for oneself - all this is the initial form of a child's awareness of himself. The circle of life relations also expands significantly, the child's lifestyle changes, new relationships with adults and new activities are formed. New tasks of communication arise, consisting in the transfer of a child to an adult of his impressions, experiences, ideas.

Communication in preschool age is spontaneous. The child in his statements always has in mind a certain, in most cases, a close person. Thus, in preschool age, the mastery of the basic means of the language takes place, and this creates the opportunity for communication based on one's own means.

In the first half of life, the leading motive for communication between children and adults is personal; from the second half of life to two years, the business motive of communication becomes the leading one. 7 . In the first half of preschool childhood, the cognitive motive becomes the leader, and in the second half, again, the personal motive. The change in the leading motive is determined by the change in the leading activity of the child by the position of communication in the system of general life activity. At preschool age, children are looking for a peer exchange partner joyful emotions and similar activities in which they demonstrate their physical abilities. At the senior preschool age (5-6 years old), the motives of business cooperation are still in the first place, but at the same time the importance of cognitive motives also increases beyond the framework of cooperation.

Preschoolers aged 6-7 also have the most inherent motives for business cooperation, the role of cognitive ones increases even more rapidly; children discuss serious life issues with their peers, develop common solutions.

Communication takes place through a variety of means. Allocatethree main categories of communication media:

Expressively mimic (look, facial expressions, expressive movements of the hands and body, expressive vocalizations);

Objectively effective (locomotor and object movements; postures used for communication purposes; approaching, removing, handing objects, holding out various things to an adult, attracting and pushing an adult away from oneself; poses that cause protest, a desire to avoid contact with adults or a desire to get closer to him, to be picked up) ;

Speech (statements, questions, answers, remarks).
These categories of means of communication appear in the child in the order in which they are listed and constitute the main communicative operations in preschool childhood. In communicating with other people, children use the means of communication of all categories that they have already mastered, intensively using one or another of them, depending on the task being solved at the moment and their individual preferences. Complexes of individual aspects that characterize the development of the structural components of communication (needs, motives, operations, etc.) together give rise to systemic formations, which are the levels of development of communicative activity. These qualitatively specific formations, which are stages in the ontogenesis of communication, were called forms of communication (A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisina).
The simultaneous change in the needs, motives and means of communication of children leads to a change in the form of communicative development. Traditionally, there are four forms of communication between children and adults (according to M.I. Lisina):

Situational-personal (directly emotional);
- situational-business (subject-effective)



Situational-personalthe first form of communication in ontogenesis at about 0-2 months has the shortest time of existence in an independent form: up to 6 months. The leading motive in this period of life is personal.
Communication between babies and adults is independent episodes of the exchange of expressions of tenderness and affection. This communication is direct, which is reflected in the former name of situational-personal communication: “directly emotional”.

The leading place in situational-personal communication is occupied by expressive-mimic means (smile, look, facial expressions, etc.). For the purposes of communication, a revitalization complex is formed during this period of life. Situational-personal communication occupies the position of the leading activity in the first half of life.

Situational - businessthe form of communication with adults appears second in ontogenesis and exists from six months to three years. Communication with adults is woven into a new leading activity (object-manipulative), helping her and serving her. The business motive comes to the forefront, since the main reasons for the child's contacts with adults are related to their common practical cooperation. The leading position in the situational-business form of communication is occupied by communicative operations of an objective-effective type (locomotor and objective movements; postures used for communication purposes). Situational business communication has importance in early life. In this period, children move from non-specific primitive manipulations with objects to more and more specific, and then culturally fixed actions with them. In this transition, communication plays a crucial role.

In the first half of preschool childhood, a child develops a third form of communication -extra-situational-cognitive. Like the second form of communication, it is mediated, but woven not into practical cooperation with an adult, but into joint cognitive activity (“theoretical” cooperation). The leading motive is cognitive. The situational-cognitive form of communication is characterized by the desire of the child to respect the adult.
Speech operations become the main means of communication for children who own an extra-situational-cognitive form of communication. Cognitive communication is closely intertwined with the game, which is the leading activity throughout preschool childhood. In combination, both types of activity expand children's knowledge of the world around them, deepen their awareness of the aspects of reality that go beyond sensory perception. Requiring the formation of social-perceptual skills and relevant experience.

By the end of preschool age, children have the highest form of communication with adults -extra-situational-personal. Leading in this form is a personal motive. Another ability to develop communication at the end of preschool childhood is the arbitrary contextual nature of learning, which is directly related to readiness for schooling. The loss of immediacy in communication with adults and the transition to arbitrariness in the form of the ability to subordinate one's behavior to certain tasks, rules and requirements is an essential component psychological readiness to schooling. The more a form of communication with an adult is performed, the more attentive and sensitive the child is to the assessment of the adult, to his attitude, the higher the value of the material of communication. therefore, at the level of an extra-situational-personal form of communication, preschoolers more easily assimilate the information presented by adults during the game, in conditions close to classes. The formation of an extra-personal form of communication by school age is of particular importance and determines the communicative readiness of the child for schooling.
In the communication of children with peers, there are also sequentially replacing each other forms of communication (M.I. Lisina):

emotional and practical;
situational business;
extra-situational business.

An emotionally practical form of communication arises in the third year of a child's life. From peers, he expects complicity in his amusements and self-expressions. The main means of communication are expressive-mimic.

At about four years of age, children move on to the second form of communication with peers - situational business, the role of which is noticeably increasing among other types of active activity. There is a relationship between speech insufficiency and the characteristics of the mental development of the child. With a delay in speech development against the background of the pathology of the formation of all aspects of speech, deviations in the mental development of the child may be noted, the development of gnostic processes, the emotional-volitional sphere, character, and sometimes the personality as a whole may slow down. At the very end of preschool childhood, some children develop a new form of communication - extra-situational business. The thirst for cooperation encourages preschoolers to make the most difficult contacts. Cooperation, while remaining practical, keeping in touch with the real affairs of children, acquires an extra-situational character. This is due to the fact that role-playing games are being replaced by games with rules that are more conditional..

  1. Features of the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

The problem of speech development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech of various origins has repeatedly been the subject of special study. The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence is understood as a complex form of speech pathology, in which there is a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system.

Underdevelopment of speech means reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed involvement in the situation of communication, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity.

Children with speech underdevelopment against the background of a mosaic picture of speech and non-speech defects have difficulties in the formation of communication skills. Due to their imperfection, the development of communication is not fully ensured and, therefore, there may be difficulties in the development of verbal and cognitive activity. Most children with OHP have difficulty making contact with peers and adults, their communicative activity is limited.

In the studies of S.N. Shakhovskaya experimentally identified and analyzed in detail the features of the speech development of children with severe speech pathology. According to the author, "general underdevelopment of speech is a multimodal disorder that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of language and speech." Speech behavior, speech action of a child with speech underdevelopment differs significantly from what is observed during normal development. With a general underdevelopment of speech in the structure of the defect, there is an unformed speech activity and other mental processes. The insufficiency of speech and thought activity associated with linguistic material of different levels is revealed. The majority of children with OHP have poor and qualitative originality of vocabulary, difficulties in the development of generalization and abstraction processes. The passive vocabulary significantly prevails over the active one and is converted into an active one extremely slowly. Due to the poverty of the vocabulary of children, the opportunities for their full communication and, consequently, the overall mental development are not provided.

Describing the state of speech-cogitative activity of children with speech underdevelopment, acting against the background of persistent dysarthria pathology, L.B. Khalilova notes the noticeable narrowness of their linguistic outlook, the difficulties of programming a speech statement at all stages of its psycholinguistic generation. The speech products of most of them are poor in content and very imperfect in structure. Elementary syntactic constructions are not informative enough, they are inaccurate, not always logical and consistent, and the main idea contained in them sometimes does not correspond to the given topic.

A meager vocabulary, agrammatisms, defects in pronunciation and form formation, difficulties in the development of a coherent speech statement make it difficult to form the main functions of speech - communicative, cognitive, regulatory and generalizing. Violation of the communicative function of speech in children with OHP prevents the full formation of the generalizing function, since their speech capabilities do not sufficiently ensure the correct perception and preservation of information in the context of a consistent expansion of its volume and complication of content in the process of developing verbal communication with others. N.I. Zhinkin believes that the delay in the formation of one component, in this case, speech, leads to a delay in the development of another - thinking, the child does not own concepts, generalizations, classifications in accordance with age, and finds it difficult to analyze and synthesize incoming information. Defects in speech development delay the formation of the cognitive function of speech, since in this case the speech of a child with speech pathology does not become a full-fledged means of his thinking, and the speech of the people around him is not always an adequate way for him to convey information, social experience (knowledge, methods, actions). Often, the child understands only the information that is associated with familiar, visually perceived objects and people in his usual environment. In many situations of activity and communication, the child cannot formulate and convey his thoughts, personal experiences with the help of speech. Often he needs additional visualization, which helps him to perform certain mental operations.

Studying the speech communication of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech in the process of playing activity, L.G. Solovieva makes a conclusion about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Features of children's speech development clearly impede the implementation of full-fledged communication, which is expressed in a decrease in the need for communication, unformed forms of communication (dialogical and monologue speech), behavioral features (disinterest in contact, inability to navigate in a communication situation, negativism).

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior, which negatively affects communication with others and, above all, with peers. The study of interpersonal relations in a group of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, conducted by O.A. Slinko showed that although there are socio-psychological patterns in it that are common to normally developing children and their peers with speech pathology, manifested in the structure of groups, nevertheless, the severity of the speech defect affects the interpersonal relations of children in this contingent to a greater extent. So, among the outcasts there are often children with severe speech pathology, despite the fact that they have positive features, including the desire to communicate.

Thus, the level of formation of communication of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

Speech therapy has accumulated a lot of data that another obstacle to communication is not the defect itself, but how the child reacts to it, how he evaluates it. At the same time, the degree of fixation on the defect does not always correlate with the severity of the speech disorder.

Consequently, speech therapy literature notes the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with speech underdevelopment, accompanied by the immaturity of individual mental functions, emotional instability, and stiffness of cognitive processes.

The qualitative characteristics of the manifestation of the characteristics of the personality of children in communication are considered depending on the level of proficiency in the means of communication. It should be noted that with different levels of speech development of the speech of children with OHP, there is also a different attitude to communication. So there are several levels of children with different degrees of development of communication.

The first level is characterized by a high degree of mastery of universal means of communication. In interaction, the organizational skills of the child are manifested. The first level is characterized by kinematic operations: external manifestation of attention to the partner, an open look, a smile, timely reactions to the partner's remarks. General positive-personal attitude towards peers. The child strives to be located in space in such a way as to create maximum convenience for contact. Appeals and replies are partner-oriented. Facial expressions and gestures are used in accordance with the content and general tone of the conversation accompanying the activity aimed at completing the task. In some cases, the ability to control one's own own actions admit your mistakes. Children use the elements of speech impact on a partner included in the business content of communication in a correct, socially acceptable form. Children with a high level of mastery of the means of communication never resort to the use of rude, vulgar words and phrases. Among the deviations encountered, violations of sound pronunciation, insufficient richness of vocabulary, and a rare reference to a partner by name predominate.

The second level of mastering the universal means of communicative activity is the middle one. At the second level, children are characterized by the mastery of many communicative actions, however, they show manifestations of indifference and indifference both in relation to the task and in relation to a friend, a rapid loss of interest, and exhaustion in activities. This is evidenced by an indifferent look, an indifferent, disinterested expression on the face. Having started the activity, the children do not care about the partner, they strive to complete the task separately, independently, forgetting or deliberately ignoring the setting for the joint solution of the task. Sometimes they speak with their backs turned, mostly verbalizing their own objective actions, without bothering to organize interaction. The perception of information is characterized by a hasty surface. Children interrupt the interlocutor, showing impatience. This indicates a lack of self-control, which leads to mismatch, the collapse of joint activities. In the speech of children there are rough agrammatisms, vulgar expressions are used.

The next subgroup of children is with a low level of mastery of universal communication means. Its distinctive feature is the presence in many cases of persistent hostility, negativism towards children. This is evidenced by kinematic operations contained in gloomy, sidelong glances, an unfriendly facial expression, the desire to capture all the stimulus material offered for joint activity, playing with it alone. Facial expressions are directly dependent on the general emotional mood. In a state of excitement, children behave either unnaturally cheerfully or unacceptably aggressively, forcing the partner to abandon joint activities, or provoking the partner to use negative means of communication.
expressing his dissatisfaction or disagreement, the child raises his voice, the partner uses the same technique. One child calls the other not by name, but by nickname, or using pronouns, the other immediately mimics him. This is how conflict situations arise spontaneously. Another way of collapsing joint activity is that difficulties in completing the task entail either a loss of interest or a desire to blame the partner for the failure of the activity. However, if you help children in time, correct the mistake made (even without directly pointing out negative behavioral manifestations), then communication between children is getting better. Children "get a taste" of completing tasks. There are elements of competition. They begin to listen to the partner's remarks, to fulfill them. Success in activities increases emotional mood. The organization of joint educational activities that require communicative interaction of children is quite possible and contains rich opportunities for the correction and development of such personal qualities of children as benevolence, attentiveness, diligence, respect for a person (not only an adult, but also a peer).

Despite the constant interest of researchers in the problems of optimizing speech therapy work to overcome speech underdevelopment, at present there is no holistic view of the patterns of formation of communication skills in this category of children and the possibilities of their purposeful development. Along with the priority importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problem, there is a practical need to determine the content of remedial education aimed at developing communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at understanding and evaluating oneself through interaction with other people. In children with OHP, the formation of communication skills occurs a little differently than in children with normal speech development.. As a result of underdevelopment of speech in children with OHP, there are limited available language tools, the presence of a special sound-gesture - mimic complex used by children, the peculiar difficulties that arise in the transition to the word as a means of communication and generalization. Underdevelopment of speech means in children reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed involvement in the situation of communication, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity. The level of formation of communication of a child with general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.


2.1. The study of the level of formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

At this stage, we set a goal: to determine the level of formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

To achieve the goal, we set the following tasks:

  1. Definitions of the ability to understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult (cheerful, sad, angry, etc.) and talk about it;
  2. Definitions of the ability to listen to another person, to respect his opinion, the interests of the level of development of the dictionary;
  3. Definitions of the ability to conduct a simple dialogue with adults and peers;
  4. Determining the ability of children to obtain the necessary information in communication, to conduct a simple dialogue with adults and children.

The work was attended by children of 5-6 years old, compensating groups for children with severe speech disorders No. 9, MBDOU kindergarten of a combined type No. 64, Belgorod. The study involved ten children with OHP (II level of speech development) and OHP (III level of speech development) (logopedic conclusion was made by PMPK DOU), 4 girls and 6 boys.

In the course of the experiment, to identify the level of formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech, we used special diagnostic tasks from the manual “Pedagogical diagnostics of competencies of preschoolers. To work with children 5-7 years old, edited by O.V. Dybina. The children were asked to complete the following tasks (see Appendix 1).

Task number 1 "Reflection of Feelings"

In the course of this task, we offered each child to consider plot pictures that depict children and adults in various situations, and answer various questions. The first picture depicted characters from the cartoon "Puss in Boots", and asked to tell what emotions the characters are now experiencing, and how he understood it. Out of 10 children, only three were able to accurately name what emotions the characters are experiencing. The rest of the children did not name emotions correctly and even with the help of leading questions made mistakes. One Alina M. was able to accurately name all the emotions and pick up a synonym for this emotion.

The second picture showed two adults arguing over a dog, and the third picture showed a mother and child walking through an amusement park. Four children accurately named the emotions experienced by adults and the child, and were also able to find synonyms for these emotions. Six children named emotions, but could not find synonyms for emotions.

Task number 2 "Desert Island"

During the second task, we divided the children into two subgroups, 5 children each. The children of each subgroup were asked to fantasize that they were going to a desert island and discuss what they would do there, how to find their way home. The responding child must defend his point of view. The rest of the children should carefully listen to their peers, try to accept his point of view. It was also important to assess whether children, with a little help from an adult, can evaluate their own actions and the actions of their peers.

Vlad I. Roma D and Alina M. were able to complete the task completely and listen carefully to their peers. They partially coped with the task, they came up with a story about how they were on a desert island, but when other children answered, they were distracted and even indulged. The rest of the children coped with the task with difficulty, Artem D could not cope with this task.

Task number 3 "Helpers".

This task involves the ability to work collectively, negotiates with peers who will do what work, what to play, who will be in the game; explains the rules of the game and obeys them.

We invited the children to play the game "How we help at home", to complete various tasks. The children had to be divided into subgroups on their own and in each subgroup choose a captain, prepare necessary material, distribute responsibilities and complete the task assigned to the team.

The children were able to divide into subgroups without the help of an adult, and only one subgroup could choose a captain, the second one needed the help of an adult. Then we offered the children to choose equipment with which they will do housework. All the children were able to cope with the task, they distributed roles and responsibilities, and were able to complete all the tasks with the help of communication, while not quarreling or swearing. And the captains spoke in full about the work done.

Task number 4 "They didn't share the toy."

During this task, we offered the children a box of toys. There were 10 toys in the box, according to the number of children, but two of these toys were new. Then we began to observe how the children began to choose toys, as new toys attracted the most attention, the children had arguments. To solve the problem situation, we put the children in several options for solving this problem:

1. Give the toy to the one who took it first;

2. Don't give to anyone new toy so as not to be offended;

3. Play all together;

5. Play in turn.

The first answer caused controversy over who took the toy first. None of the children chose the second option. Three children preferred to play together with new toys (Lera P., Artem D. Vadim K.). Two children preferred to count (Alina M., Sonya T.). And the last option to play in turn was chosen by 5 children (Vlad I., Misha G., Danil Sh., Dima Z., Dasha L.).

Task number 5 "Interview".

This task became the most difficult, because during it the children had to

take on the role of a correspondent and find out from the residents of the city of "Kindergarten" - the rest of the children, the teacher, how they live, what they do and what they like to do in kindergarten. Then the child had to analyze the information and make a message for children and teachers.

To complete this task, we divided the children into three groups and offered to interview only three children from other subgroups and any one teacher (2 educators and a speech therapist teacher). And then the child had to tell all the children and teachers of the group.

2 children completed this task completely (Vlad I., Sonya T.), Alina M. did not cope with the task, at the first difficulties she began to cry, she did not accept the help of an adult and did not continue to complete the task.

The children were asked to complete all tasks in the course of several days, most of the time was spent on completing the last, fifth task.

The results obtained by us were analyzed according to the criteria presented in the diagnostic methods (see Appendix 2). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of diagnostic methods helped us to identify the level of development of communication skills in each child. We presented these data in a table (see Table 2.1.).

Table 2.1.

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results





emotional state

and rassk.

about him




info in



but ots-


your opinion

listened to

to hang with





in count






go to the neighborhood



react to




ma ball



Alina M.


Artem D.


Vadim K.


Vladik I.


Valeria P.


Dima Z.


Danil Sh.


Misha G.


Roma D.


Sonya T.


This table shows the results of each child. As can be seen from the table, out of 10 children, only 1 child (10%) has a high level of development of communication skills. Vladik I. has a wide circle of communication with adults and peers, at all levels they have high indicators: he can distinguish the emotional state of an adult or a child without the help of an adult and talk about it, receive information in communication and conduct a dialogue, knows how to listen to another, calmly defends his own opinion, correlates his desires with the interests of others, knows how to participate in collective affairs, respects the people around him, calmly reacts in conflict situations.

6 children (60%) showed an average level of formation of communicative skills; these children cope with the majority of diagnostic tasks with the help of an adult, while showing insufficient initiative. These children demonstrated the ability to understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult and talk about it is assessed at a high level, and the ability to respect other people, not to quarrel, to respond calmly in conflict situations is at a low level: these children do not want to share and resolve a conflict situation ( Alina M. starts screaming and taking away toys, becomes aggressive, ready to hit another child).

Lera P., showed an average level of formation of the ability to distinguish between the emotional states of an adult and a peer and talk about him: only with the help of an adult she was able to answer questions on plot pictures “How do the characters in the pictures feel? How did you guess about it? What will happen next?" Roma D. showed an average level of formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue and receive information in communication: he could not formulate clear interview questions without the help of an adult.

Three children (30%) out of 10 showed a low level of communication skills. , not to quarrel, to react calmly in conflict situations - is assessed as an average level. We presented the obtained data in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 1).

Diagram 1

From the data obtained, it can be noted that the most successful children coped with tasks that require the ability to calmly defend their opinion, listen with respect to the opinion of another, and calmly respond to conflicts.

The information obtained indicates that the level of development of communicative speech skills in children with OHP is low, and in order to improve it, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive, systematic corrective work.

2.2. Organization of correctional pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech

Having received data on the level of development of communication skills, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to carry out systematic work with children with the involvement of all specialists. The process of formation of communication skills should be built taking into account the leading activity of the age - the game, the leading form of communication - situational-business, out-of-situation - cognitive, in accordance with the level of formation of language means; and go through several stages.

We propose to divide the work on the formation of communication skills in preschoolers into three stages: Stage I - preparatory; II stage - forming; Stage III - creative.

First stage - explanatory and motivational. Its purpose: to form a correct understanding of the allegorical meaning of words and expressions and knowledge of the rules for their use.

Work can begin with the formation in children of the ability to understand the content of Russian folk tales, respond emotionally to it, be able to express their attitude to events and characters, and also evaluate the value of expressive means for revealing an emotional image. Fairy tales selected for analysis should be distinguished by plot amusement, vivid characterization of characters, a variety of means of linguistic expressiveness and the possibility of using them in one's own speech activity. In the conversation following the telling of a fairy tale, it is necessary to focus on the figurative and expressive means of the text and the features of intonation, which allow to adequately convey the personal attitude towards the characters, the attitude of the characters towards each other, their emotional state - everything on which the intonational expressiveness of speech depends.

Second phase - theoretically and practically developing. Purpose: to form an idea of ​​linguistic means, non-verbal means that help to create generalized and allegorical images.

  1. Formation of the accuracy of speech statements.

At this stage, you can use the game "Yes - no": the teacher offers a correct or incorrect description fairy tale hero the deed they have done. Children either agree or disagree with this statement, while arguing their answer.

  1. Formation of means of intonational and lexical expressiveness.

At this stage, the retelling of episodes of fairy tales by roles was widely used. Gradually, the children mastered the idea of ​​intonation as an important means of expression, learned to convey various moods with their voice, express a question, an impulse, a complaint, a request.

And independent use children of means of lexical expressiveness - the game "As they say": children are offered a set of cards depicting forests, fields, etc. For each picture, the child selects the appropriate epithet from life. game "Choose a friend's "fabulous" name."

3. Formation of non-verbal means of communication. Purpose: To teach to understand gestures and expressive movements, mimic movements, combined or not combined with verbal instructions; understanding the emotional state and the ability to talk about it. At this stage, you can use games such as: imitation of facial expressions, gestures of an adult; game "What did the silent hero tell us about?".

4. Formation of the ability of children to work together. Purpose: to teach children to take part in collective affairs, to engage in dialogue, not to quarrel, to resolve the conflict with words.

This stage is not independent, but is included in all of the above stages: combining children into groups, pairs to solve any problem of each of the stages. When children learn to interact meaningfully with two or three friends, they can be encouraged to team up for some things in a different way, in accordance with the plan.

Third stage - reproductive and creative. Purpose: to teach adequate, accurate and logical use of figurative words and expressions, proverbs and sayings in communicative situations in independent statements. The position of the child at this stage is an improviser who has the ability to evaluate expressive speech, navigate in a communicative situation.

Methods of work that can be used at the third stage: creative dramatization games, theatrical and director's games, staging performances by children, children together with adults;

Thus, in order to form communication skills in preschoolers with OHP, it is necessary to use the techniques of playful, creative therapy, situations aimed at developing the motivational sphere of communication, building up the vocabulary as a stimulator of verbal communication, and creating a positive emotional attitude of children to the communication process. This work requires time that we do not have within the framework of term paper, therefore, we have developed a work plan for their three stages, which must be carried out comprehensively and systematically by all specialists of the preschool educational institution.

Conclusions on the second chapter

Our work was focused on studying the level of development of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech. In connection with the goal, we conducted diagnostic methods to identify the level of development of communication skills in preschoolers.

Based on the data obtained, we developed a plan for the development of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech with OHP. This plan consists of three stages that smoothly complement each other, and should combine the work of all preschool specialists. Work on the development of communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech involves a long period time for implementation, therefore, as part of the course work, we cannot implement it.


The impact of communication in the form of it positive impact can be traced in all spheres of the mental life of the child. Communication is a decisive factor in the overall mental development of a child in early and preschool childhood. Speech develops only in the process of communication, in connection with the need for communication. At preschool age, there are two areas of communication - with adults and with peers.

Psychologists believe that the decisive factor in the formation of a child’s communication is his interaction with adults, his attitude towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development.

The joint activity of children is the main condition for the emergence and development of communication, interactions and relationships.

The lack of the ability to communicate or its low level negatively affects the nature of participation in joint activities, causes the fragility of relationships, the conflict of contacts between children.

In connection with the importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problem, as well as the practical need to determine the content of the work on the formation of communication skills in preschoolers with OHP, we conducted diagnostic techniques that helped us identify the level of development of children's communication skills and determine that only one child has a high level. Based on the results of the methods carried out, we developed a plan for the formation of communication skills, which consists of three parts and involves the integrated and systematic work of all specialists of the preschool institution. The implementation of this plan is designed for the academic year, otherwise it can be implemented as part of the course work.

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Development of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech


Chapter 1. Historical and theoretical review

1.1 The history of the development of the concept of communication skills

1.2 The development of communication skills is normal

1.3 General underdevelopment of speech. Definition, etiology, psychological and pedagogical classification

1.4 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with the second level of speech development

Chapter 1 Conclusion

Chapter 2

2.1 Characteristics of existing methods aimed at developing communication skills in preschoolers with OHP. Method selection criteria

2.2 Purpose and objectives of the organization of the experiment

2.2.1 Organization of the ascertaining experiment

2.3 Characteristics of the study group of children

2.4.1 Description of diagnostic procedures

2.4.2 Evaluation criteria

2.5 Analysis of results

Chapter 2 Conclusion

Chapter 3. Experimental study of the development of communication skills in children with the second level of speech development

3.1 Organization of speech therapy work

3.3 Analysis of the results of experiential learning

Chapter 3 Conclusions




communication skill preschooler speech

Relevance. The problems associated with providing children with equal potential opportunities or the so-called "single start" before going to school, regardless of whether they attend a children's educational institution, what kind of communicative and speech development they had in the preschool period, are in the field special pedagogy the most relevant.

In a number of publications (G.V. Chirkina, M.E. Khvattsev, L.G. Solovieva, T.B. Filicheva, V.I. Seliverstov, V.I. Terentyeva, S.A. Mironova, E.F. Sobotovich, R.I. Lalaeva, O.S. Orlova, O.E. Gribova, Yu.F. speech), and proves the importance of correction for the formation of communication skills.

To date, there is an effectively used, developed quite a long time, system of correctional and speech therapy assistance to children with ONR, which offers effective methods and prevention of speech disorders. But the problem that is associated with overcoming communication disorders in children with various severe speech disorders, having different experiences of social interaction, remains insufficiently studied.

Children with ONR represent a large group with developmental disabilities among all children. A comprehensive analysis of speech disorders in such children is described in the works of G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva, L.S. Volkova, R.E. Levina and others.

Based on numerous studies of the patterns of development of speech in children with various speech pathologies, the content of correctional education and upbringing, ways to overcome speech insufficiency are determined, and various methods of frontal education and upbringing of children are developed. The study of the structure of various forms of speech underdevelopment, depending on the state of the components of the speech system, made it possible to substantiate scientific point view of the individualization of specialized influence from speech therapy institutions of various types (S.N. Shakhovskaya, N.A. Cheveleva, G.V. Chirkina, M.E. Khvattsev, Fomicheva, T.B. Filicheva, E.F. Sobotovich, L .F. Spirova, M.F. Belova-David, G.M. Zharenkova, etc.)

The purpose of the study: to analyze the problems of developing communication skills in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech and to develop ways to improve their development.

The object of research in the thesis is the process of formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Subject of study: features of the development of communication skills in children with ONR.

Research hypothesis: Preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech have disorders in the communicative function of speech. Speech therapy work will contribute to the development of communication skills in children with OHP in the preschool educational process.

Research objectives:

To theoretically substantiate the history of the development of ideas about communication skills;

Consider the development of communication skills in preschool children in the norm;

To study the essence and causes of OHP, highlight the classifications of OHP;

Make a brief psychological and pedagogical description of children with the second level of speech development;

Conduct an empirical study aimed at identifying the level of development of communication skills in children with the second level of speech development;

Scientifically argue, develop and test a methodology for overcoming communication disorders in preschool children with the second level of speech development;

Conduct a control study to identify the effectiveness of the corrective program.

Research methods:

Theoretical (analysis of special psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature)

Empirical (stating, teaching experiments)

Interpretive (quantitative and qualitative analysis)

The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical scientific provisions on the role of interaction and communication of subjects in the educational process (Ya.L. Kolomensky, I.A. Zimnyaya, I.S. Kon.); about the nature of the needs of preschoolers in communication with others (A.G. Ruzskaya, M.I. Lisina, O.E. Smirnova); about the difficulties of communication (A.A. Royak, G. Gibsh, M. Forverg); about the special role of speech in the development of communication skills (Zh.M. Glozman, P.Ya. Galperin, A.A. Leontiev, N.S. Zhukova, R.E. Levina), etc.

In the Russian Federation, a special system of speech therapy kindergartens has been created specifically to overcome speech development disorders. In such a speech therapy garden, the main specialist is a speech therapist, who, in turn, corrects various speech disorders in a child and, together with educators, prepares for school.

Structure thesis. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography.

Chapter 1. Historical and theoretical review

1.1 The history of the development of the concept of communication skills

Communication in the mechanistic paradigm is understood as a unidirectional process of transmission and codification of information from the source and subsequent reception of information by the recipient of the message. Communication in the activity approach is understood as some joint activity of communicants (participants of communication), in the course of which a certain common view (up to a certain limit) of the things themselves and actions with these things is developed.

For the mechanistic approach, it is characteristic to consider a person as a certain mechanism, the actions of which can be described by externally finite certain rules, the context of the external environment of communications is considered here as a hindrance, noise. At the same time, the activity approach is characterized by contextuality and continuity. The latter approach, in general, is more humanistic and closer to the reality of life.

Communicative activity in psychological literature is understood as communication. Communication, based on the general psychological concept of activity, is defined as a communicative activity, a process of face-to-face contact, which is specific and is aimed not only at the effective solution of various tasks of joint activity, but also at the knowledge and establishment of personal relationships with other people. The subject of communication acts as a structural component of communicative activity - it is another person or a communication partner as a subject.

Any subject of communication must necessarily have communication skills for success in communication activities. Communication skills are a certain ability of a person to use the means of communication based on acquired skills and knowledge in terms of solving communication problems.

The psychological dictionary defines the concept of “communication” as “the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature. Therefore, this implies that partners communicate to each other a certain amount new information and sufficient motivation, which is a necessary condition for the implementation of a communicative act.

M.S. Kagan understands communication as an information connection of a subject with one or another object - a person, an animal, a machine. It is expressed in the fact that the subject conveys some information (knowledge, ideas, business messages, factual information, instructions, etc.), which the recipient must accept, understand, assimilate well and act accordingly. In communication, information circulates between partners, since both of them are equally active, and information increases, enriches; at the same time, in the process and as a result of communication, the state of one partner is transformed into the state of the other.

Studying this phenomenon, I.A. Zimnyaya proposes a system-communicative-informational approach that makes it possible to determine the criteria, conditions and ways to improve the effectiveness of communication based on the specifics of the course of mental processes in the conditions of information transmission over a communication channel.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Communication is one of the most important factors in the formation of personality. The ideas that communication plays an important role in the formation of personality were developed in the works of Russian psychologists: Ananiev V.G., Bodalev A.A., Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N., Lomov B.F. , Luria A.R., Myasishchev V.N., Petrovsky A.V. and etc.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concepts of "types" and "types" of communication are used as certain varieties of this phenomenon. At the same time, scientists, unfortunately, do not have a unified approach to what is considered a type, and what is a type of communication.

B.T. Parygin under the types of communication understands the differences in communication by its nature, i.e. on the specifics of the mental state and mood of the participants in the communicative act. According to the scientist, typological varieties of communication are paired and at the same time alternative in nature:

Business and gaming communication;

Impersonal-role and interpersonal communication;

Spiritual and utilitarian communication;

Traditional and innovative communication.

Communication skills can be conditionally divided into 6 groups:

1. Speech skills are associated with speech means of communication and mastery of speech activity: clearly and competently formulate one’s thought, perform basic speech functions (invite, learn, suggest, agree, approve, doubt, object, confirm, etc.), speak expressively ( find the exact intonation, place logical stresses, choose the right tone of conversation, etc.); to speak out "holistically", that is, to achieve the semantic integrity of the statement; speak productively, coherently and logically, that is, meaningfully; speak independently (which is manifested in the ability to choose a speech (performance) strategy); express their own assessment of what they heard and read in speech activity; convey in speech activity the observed, seen, etc.

2. Socio-psychological skills are associated with mastering the processes of mutual understanding, mutual manifestation, relationships, mutual expression, interconnection: in accordance with the situation and psychologically correctly enter into communication; psychologically stimulate the activity of a communication partner, maintain communication; keep the initiative and seize the initiative in communication, etc.

3. Psychological skills are associated with mastering the processes of self-regulation, self-adjustment, self-mobilization: to listen to excess tension, to overcome psychological barriers; to mobilize the psychophysiological apparatus aimed at mastering the initiative in communication; adequately to this or that situation of communication to choose the rhythm, postures, gestures in their behavior; emotionally tune in to the situation of communication; mobilize to achieve a communicative goal, use emotions as a means of communication, etc.

4. The skill of using the norms of speech etiquette in communication in accordance with the specific communicative situation: to implement situational norms for attracting attention and norms of communication; use the situational norm of greeting; organize acquaintance with communication partners; express a wish, sympathy, reproach, suggestion, advice; express the request adequately to the situation, etc.

5. The skill of using non-verbal means of communication; proxemic means of communication (distance of communication, movements, postures); kinetic means of communication (facial expressions, gesture); extralinguistic means (applause, noise, laughter); paralinguistic means of communication (melody, tonality, rhythm, volume, tempo, diction, breathing, pause, intonation), etc.

6. Skill to interact at the level of dialogue - with a group or individual; at the level of intergroup dialogue, at the level of polylogue - with a group or a mass, etc.

Consider other views on communication. O.M. Kazartseva believes that communication is “the unity of the mutual exchange of information and the impact of interlocutors on each other, taking into account the relationship between them, attitudes, intentions, goals, everything that leads not only to the movement of information, but also to the refinement and enrichment of that knowledge, information , the opinions exchanged between people.

According to A.P. Nazaretyan, "human communication in all its variety of forms is an integral part of any activity" The communication process is the transfer of information through language and other sign means and is considered as an integral component of communication.

Communication is a process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding. Communication - translated from Latin means "common, shared with everyone." If mutual understanding is not achieved, then communication has not taken place. To ensure the success of communication, it is necessary to have feedback on how people understood you, how they perceive you, how they relate to the problem.

S.L. Rubinshtein considers communication as a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person.

1.2 The development of communication skills is normal

Toddlers begin to communicate with the world around them almost from birth. The formation of social skills in children begins with the simplest - a smile to mom, the first “aha”, “am-am” and “bye-bye” with a pen. All these cute gestures bring pleasure to others, make adults smile and feel emotion. Meanwhile, the child's skills are developing more and more. The baby grows, with age, communication skills in children develop more and more. His speech becomes more and more clear and legible.

The communicative side of speech is directly related to higher mental phenomena - attention, thinking, memory.

The speech of preschoolers, in accordance with the norm, is formed in the process of their intellectual activity, here a special place belongs to the game. In children closer to the age of 5-6 years, arbitrary memory begins to form: in children, the level of memorization depends on their interest. What is interesting for children, they remember qualitatively and quickly. The thinking of children is based on mental basic operations - this is visibility and comparison. Preschoolers, comparing the volume, color, size or objects themselves, think in action. The visibility of thinking is associated with concreteness: children rely on any single facts that are known to them on the basis of their life experience or observation of the surrounding, external nature.

Normal speech abilities in preschoolers have some specific periodization:

The first stage of speech development is associated with the practical generalization of linguistic facts - this is the preschool age of 2.5-4.5 years. Preschoolers at this stage do not only think about the syntax or morphology of the language. Their speech is built according to the model: children reproduce the words they know. The main sources of speech practice of speech practice are the surrounding adults: preschoolers unconsciously repeat phrases, words, without thinking about the meaning of these words (weedy words appear in their speech, among other things). It is worth noting that closer to the age of 4 years, more and more new words appear in the speech of preschoolers, which are gradually formed in the process of creative mental activity. For example, when studying the names of animal cubs: kangaroo, bear cub, baby elephant, children begin to form their own names - lamb, cow, giraffe. In children, at the first stage of speech development, the so-called communicative core is laid: it is based on primary communication skills and language knowledge. At this stage, children develop the following communication skills and abilities:

The ability to master the skills of a simple question-answer form of construction;

The ability to respond adequately and emotionally to speech at the verbal level;

Ability to understand and listen to speech constructions.

The second stage of the speech development of preschoolers is associated with the development of the child's logical thinking: a period of 4 to 5 years. Normally, speech abilities in children are formed under the influence of various logical reasoning: preschoolers in speech use not only simple sentences, but also tend to use rather complex sentences using unions of cause, purpose and condition (to, if, because).

Also, in the child at the second stage of speech development, the communicative core is gradually enriched: this happens due to the mastery of various new means of communication at the grammatical, lexical, phonetic levels, and numerous exercises of the mode of action. The acquired communicative skill is realized in the repeated construction of the form of a word or a small phrasal sentence in dialogic communication. Gradually I begin to form speech skills that allow someone to talk about what they saw or heard.

The success of the implementation of communication skills at a particular stage of development depends on the formation of speech skills, which will further ensure the emergence of the ability to use various syntactic constructions in speech, replenishing the communicative core with a sound form of expression and lexical meaning. The process of communication itself is expressed in the form of small dialogues.

Thus, in the first place in communication among the motives of senior preschool age, the skills of business cooperation prevail, but only in the process of activity does the significance of the cognitive motive begin to be realized.

The third stage of speech development in preschool children is associated with the beginning of language learning - age from 6 to 7 years. The speech of children in the developmental norm by the age of six is ​​associated with the complete mastery of vocabulary and phonetics: preschoolers gradually master phonetic sound features, and about 2000-3000 words are active in the active dictionary of children. This period can be characterized by the development of inner speech. It is she who provides self-regulation of behavior and the process of mental actions. Thinking and speech development are very closely intertwined and influence each other. Inner speech develops and forms all concepts, and also contributes to the resolution of practical exercises in visual-figurative or visually-effective plan. Normally, the speech development of children of 6-7 years of age in verbal form begins to record all the results of their own activities, manages operational and short-term memory, and begins to record the result of their own activities. At this stage, communication skills begin to improve and turn into a so-called secondary skill, which is based not only on practical skills, but also on knowledge. At the third stage, preschool children are able to independently solve verbal and communicative tasks in various situations of communication.

The communicative process at preschool age is carried out using different means of communication: these are expressive-mimic, object-effective and speech. Expressive-mimic means of communication: look, facial expressions, hand and body movements contribute to more emotional communication. Objectively effective means of communication are diverse and depend on the situation: they are associated with different objects, postures, movements, for example, holding an object to an interlocutor, protest, head movement. Speech means Communication in preschool age is manifested in a certain order - utterance, questions, answers, remarks. Formation and development in such a systemic direction is the basis of communicative operations.

Based on the study of the psychological and pedagogical literature of numerous authors, a table was compiled that reflects the main characteristics of the development of communication skills in children of early and preschool age.

Table 1. Characteristics of the communication skills of children of early and preschool age.


Communication with peers

The child expects from a peer complicity in their amusements and craves self-expression. It is necessary and sufficient for him that a peer joins his pranks and, acting together or alternately with him, supports and enhances the general fun. The child is primarily concerned with drawing attention to himself and receiving an emotional response from his partner.

This age is the heyday of the role-playing game. At this time, the role-playing game becomes collective - children prefer to play together, and not alone. Business cooperation becomes the main content of children's communication in the middle of preschool age.

By the age of six or seven, friendliness towards peers and the ability to help each other significantly increase. However, along with this, in the communication of older preschoolers there appears the ability to see in a partner not only his situational manifestations, but also some psychological aspects of his existence - his desires, preferences, moods.

There are significant individual differences in the attitude of the child to peers, which largely determine his well-being, position among others and, ultimately, the characteristics of the formation of personality. Of particular concern are problematic forms of interpersonal relationships.

Communication with adults

The child turns to an adult about the activities he is engaged in, the difficulties that he is having at the moment

The child begins to go beyond the environment of communication. It begins to take on an extra-situational character.

The child asks the adult questions about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world (about animals, machines, natural phenomena, etc.). It is important for him that an adult helps him find the answer to his questions.

Thanks to communication, beliefs, spiritual needs, moral, intellectual and aesthetic feelings are formed. Communication fulfills the need for another person

For the successful development of communication skills in preschoolers with normal (according to age) developing speech in a family and a preschool institution, specific conditions must be observed:

Formation of the need to communicate with peers, parents and other people around;

Joint activities using a variety of educational or role-playing games, since the game is the leading social factor in the development of the personality of each child;

Formation of communicative culture and motivational sphere of preschoolers.

Consequently, the communicative competence of preschoolers is largely determined by the development of speech. Speech, as one of the leading phenomena in the mental development of children, affects the regulation of the behavior and activities of each child in society. Preschoolers with conscious and high-quality speech, by the senior preschool age, possess the following communication skills and abilities: skills of cooperation and mutual understanding, the ability to listen, hear, perceive and understand information material, the skills of conducting dialogic and monologue speech.

The entire communicative process is a system of structural components: needs, motives, speech operations (or actions), replenishment of lexical material and syntactic constructions in speech. All these components of the systemic speech and mental development of children form the level of development of communicative skills or communicative competence at preschool age. A.V. Zaporozhets, M.I. Lisin, these specific formations, which are stages in the ontogenesis of communication, are called forms of communication.

Thus, when determining the patterns of children's mastery of communication skills in ontogenesis, it should be noted that the emergence of each new type of communication does not lead to the displacement of the previous one - for some time they coexist, then, developing, each of the types of communication acquires new, more complex forms.

1.3 General underdevelopment of speech. Definition, etiology, psychological and pedagogical classification

General underdevelopment of speech (OHP) - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disrupted, that is, the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (vocabulary, grammar) with normal hearing and intelligence. For the first time, the concept of general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of research conducted by R.E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology (N. A. Nikashina, G. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova, G. I. Zharenkova, etc.).

N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova also adhere to this point of view, they associate the concept of "general underdevelopment of speech" with a form of speech pathology in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence, in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disturbed.

T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina also consider the general underdevelopment of speech as various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side is impaired in children with normal hearing and intelligence.

Speech developmental disorders in a child can manifest themselves for completely different reasons. This issue becomes especially important for the parents of the child if such violations were not noticed among relatives. Violations of the child's speech can occur under the influence of adverse circumstances, or, to put it in the language of specialists, harmful factors that arise from outside or inside and are often combined with each other.

The reference and special literature describes a variety of reasons that predispose a child to speech disorders. They are usually divided into two large groups - functional (factors that disrupt the normal functioning of the child's speech apparatus), organic (factors that lead to disruption of various mechanisms in the peripheral or central speech apparatus).

Let us consider in more detail the group of organic causes, which in turn are divided into several subgroups:

1. Intrauterine pathologies that lead to impaired fetal development. The first third of pregnancy is the most vulnerable of the periods of exposure to negative factors on the fetus. The influence of harmful factors during this period can lead to damage or underdevelopment of the child's central nervous system, and this may also affect the speech zone of the child's cerebral cortex.

These factors include the following: general (somatic) diseases of the mother (diseases of the cardiovascular system, nephritis, diabetes mellitus), increased blood pressure, pathology of the placenta, the threat of miscarriage, nephropathy, preeclampsia in the first and second half of pregnancy (toxicosis), intrauterine hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

Viral diseases transferred during pregnancy (HIV infection, herpes, toxoplasmosis, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, measles, scarlet fever, influenza, rubella). To diseases that cause the fetus the greatest harm, primarily rubella. The disease in the first months of rubella for a child can threaten with very serious consequences (development of malformations of the cardiovascular system, mental retardation, blindness, deafness).

The following can also be attributed to this category of organic causes: Falls, injuries and bruises of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother, violation of the terms of gestation, the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking, moreover, drugs, anti-cancer antibiotics, antibiotics, antidepressants, unsuccessful termination of this pregnancy, occupational hazards, stressful conditions, etc.

2. Genetic anomalies, hereditary predisposition.

Structural features of the speech apparatus can be inherited. For example, improper fit and set of teeth, bite shape, predisposition to defects in the structure of the hard and soft palate (cleft palate), as well as features of the development of speech areas of the brain. A hereditary predisposition to stuttering has been revealed.

In a family where one of the parents began to speak late, similar problems may arise in the child. Researchers attach different importance to the hereditary nature of speech disorders - from minimal to very large. This is due to examples of the fact that speech disorders are not always inherited from parents to children. However, this circumstance cannot be ruled out.

3. Hazards of the generic period.

Birth trauma leading to intracranial hemorrhage. The causes of birth injuries can be different - the narrow pelvis of the mother, mechanical stimulation used during pregnancy (the imposition of forceps on the baby's head, squeezing the fetus). Intracranial hemorrhages caused by these circumstances may affect the speech areas of the brain.

Asphyxia is a lack of oxygen supply to the brain due to respiratory failure, for example, when the umbilical cord is entangled. Causes minimal organic brain damage.

Low body weight of the newborn (less than 1500 grams) and subsequent intensive resuscitation (for example, artificial ventilation lung, lasting more than 5 days).

Low Apgar score (generally accepted method of assessing the condition of the newborn immediately after birth).

4. Diseases suffered by a child in the first years of life

At an early age, the following circumstances are unfavorable for speech development:

Infectious viral diseases, neuroinfections (meningoencephalitis, meningitis), leading to damage to the central nervous system, hearing loss or loss.

Injuries and bruises of the brain, in severe cases leading to intracranial hemorrhages, impaired speech development or loss of existing speech. The type and severity of speech impairment will depend on the location (center) of brain damage.

Injuries of the facial skeleton, leading to damage to the peripheral part of the speech apparatus (perforation of the palate, loss of teeth). They lead to a violation of the pronunciation side of the child's speech.

Prolonged colds, inflammatory diseases of the middle and inner ear, leading to temporary or permanent hearing loss, impaired speech development of the child.

Taking ototoxic antibiotics leading to hearing loss.

The formation of the child's speech occurs under the influence of external circumstances - emotional communication with loved ones (primarily with the mother), the positive experience of verbal interaction with others, the possibility of satisfying the child's cognitive interest, allowing him to accumulate knowledge about the world around him.

A group of functional disorders that lead to a violation of the child's speech development:

1. Unfavorable social and living conditions of the child's life, leading to pedagogical neglect, social or emotional deprivation (lack of emotional and verbal communication with loved ones, especially with the mother). In order to learn to speak, the child needs to hear the speech of others, be able to see the surrounding objects, remember the names pronounced by adults.

For example, in the forties of the last century, the term appeared - hospitalism syndrome. This concept arose in orphanages, where there were children - orphans, whose parents died in the Second World War. Despite good living conditions, among other problems, these children had a delay in speech development associated with a lack of verbal communication - the attendants could not pay the same attention to the children as a mother would.

2. Somatic weakness - long-term ill and often hospitalized children may begin to speak later than their peers.

3. Psychological trauma caused by fear or stress; mental illnesses that can cause serious speech disorders - stuttering, delayed speech development, mutism (cessation of verbal communication with others under the influence of mental trauma).

4. Imitation of the speech of people around. Communicating with people suffering from speech disorders, the child may learn the wrong pronunciation of some sounds, for example, the sounds "r" and "l"; accelerated pace of speech. There are known cases of stuttering by imitation. assimilation irregular shapes speech can be observed in a hearing child brought up by deaf parents.

At preschool age, the child's speech is vulnerable and can easily be exposed to the listed adverse effects. During preschool age, the child goes through several critical periods of speech development - at 1-2 years (when the speech areas of the brain are intensively developed), at 3 years (phrasal speech develops intensively), at 6-7 years (the child enters school , learning to write). During these periods, the load on the central nervous system of the child increases, which creates predisposing conditions for impaired speech development or speech disruption.

However, speaking about this, it is necessary to remember the unique compensatory capabilities of the child's brain. Early detected speech disorders and timely assistance of specialists in collaboration with the child's parents can eliminate or significantly reduce them.

Having studied the clinical composition of this category of children, E. M. Mastyukova identified the following groups:

1. An uncomplicated variant of ONR, in which there is no gross damage to the central nervous system, but there is only minor neurological dysfunction; at the same time, there is a decrease in emotional-volitional manifestations, voluntary activity is disturbed.

2. A complicated variant of OHP can be observed with increased cranial pressure, the presence of movement disorders, resulting in a pronounced decrease in performance, difficulty and awkwardness in performing targeted movements.

3. Rough and persistent underdevelopment of speech with severe organic damage to the central nervous system, when the lesion is localized, as a rule, in the frontal or temporal lobes of the left hemisphere (Broca and Wernicke's area), more often manifests itself with alalia.

R.E. Levina identified three levels of speech development, which reflect the typical state of language components in school and preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. In 2000, T. B. Filicheva identified another one - the fourth level of speech development.

The first level of speech development. Lack of common language.

This level can be characterized by a limited number of means of communication. In children, the active vocabulary consists of a small number of vaguely pronounced everyday words, sound complexes and onomatopoeia. In the process of communication, facial expressions and pointing gestures are widely used. Children can call the same complex for denoting qualities, actions and objects, denoting only the difference between the meanings with the help of gestures and intonation. Depending on intonation, babbling formations can be regarded as monosyllabic sentences.

There is practically no differentiated designation of actions and objects. The names of various actions are replaced by the names of objects and vice versa, the names of actions can be replaced by the names of objects. The ambiguity of the words used is also quite characteristic. In a child's speech, a small vocabulary reflects directly perceived phenomena and objects.

Children use some morphological elements to convey grammatical relationships. Their speech is dominated by root words devoid of inflections.

The passive vocabulary of children is wider than the active one. There is no or only a rudimentary understanding of the meanings of the word. If we exclude situation-oriented features, children are unable to distinguish between singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense of the verb, masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions. In the perception of addressed speech, the lexical meaning is dominant.

The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty. There is an unstable phonetic design. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse in nature, due to unstable articulation and low possibilities of their auditory recognition. Phonemic development is in its infancy. A distinctive feature of the speech development of children at this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word.

The second level of speech development. The beginnings of common speech.

The second level of speech development is mainly characterized by speech activity child. Communication is carried out precisely through the use of a constant, although still limited and distorted stock of commonly used words.

The designation of the names of individual features, actions, objects is differentiated. At this level, it is possible to use unions, pronouns, prepositions in elementary meanings. Children can easily answer questions from the picture that are related to familiar events. surrounding life as well as with family.

Speech deficiency is very clearly manifested in all components of the child. Children use only simple sentences, which consist of two to four words. Their vocabulary is far behind the age norm: ignorance of many words denoting furniture, clothes, animals, professions, etc. is revealed.

There are also limited possibilities for using the subject dictionary, the dictionary of features, and actions. Children do not know the shape of the object, its color, size, words that are close in meaning are replaced. The limited possibilities of using the subject dictionary, the dictionary of actions, signs are noted. Children do not know the names of the color of the object, its shape, size, words are replaced by words that are close in meaning.

There are gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions: mixing of case forms; the use of nouns in the nominative case, and verbs in the infinitive or 3rd person singular and plural present tense; in the use of the number and gender of verbs, when changing nouns by numbers; lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns.

The understanding of reversed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the distinction of certain grammatical forms. Children can focus on morphological elements that acquire a semantic difference for them. The meaning of prepositions differ only in a well-known situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns is more related to those words that are equally included in the active speech of children.

The phonetic side of speech is characterized by the presence of numerous distortions of sounds, substitutions and mixtures. The pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, affricates, voiced and deaf is disturbed.

Difficulties in mastering the sound-syllabic structure of the word also remain typical. Often, with the correct reproduction of the contour of words, sound directivity is violated: rearrangement of syllables, sounds, replacement and likening of syllables. Polysyllabic words are reduced. In children, the insufficiency of phonemic perception is revealed, their unpreparedness for mastering sound analysis and synthesis.

The third level of speech development. Expanded phrasal speech with pronounced elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds, when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or close phonetic group; replacing groups of sounds with simpler articulations. Unstable substitutions are noted when the sound in different words is pronounced differently; mixing of sounds, when the child pronounces certain sounds correctly in isolation, and interchanges them in words and sentences.

Correctly repeating three or four syllable words after a speech therapist, children often distort them in speech, reducing the number of syllables. Many errors are observed in the transmission of the sound-filling of words: permutations and replacements of sounds and syllables, abbreviations when combining consonants in a word.

Against the background of relatively extended speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions. The inability to use word-formation methods creates difficulties in using word variants, children do not always succeed in selecting words with the same root, forming new words with the help of suffixes and prefixes.

Often they replace the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object, the desired word - with another, similar in meaning. In free statements, simple common sentences predominate, complex constructions are almost never used.

Agrammatism is noted: errors in agreeing numerals with nouns, adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case. A large number of errors are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is an insufficient understanding of the changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding lexico-grammatical structures expressing causal, temporal and spatial relationships.

Gaps in the development of phonetics, vocabulary and grammatical structure in preschool children are more pronounced when studying at school, creating great difficulties in mastering writing, reading and educational material.

The fourth level of speech development. Expanded phrasal speech with residual elements of underdevelopment of the lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic components of the language.

These children with the fourth level of speech development have minor impairments to all components of the language. More often they appear in the process of a detailed examination when performing specially selected tasks.

Such children produce, at first glance, a completely favorable impression, they do not have clear violations of sound pronunciation. As a rule, there is only insufficient differentiation of sounds.

A characteristic peculiarity of the violation of the syllabic structure is that, understanding the meaning of the word, the child does not retain its phonemic image in memory and, as a result, there is a distortion of the sound content in different ways: perseveration, rearrangement of sounds and syllables, elision, paraphasia. In rare cases, the omission of syllables, the addition of sounds and syllables.

Insufficient intelligibility, expressiveness, somewhat sluggish articulation and fuzzy diction leave the impression of a general blurred speech. Having a certain stock of words denoting different professions, they experience great difficulties in differentiated designation for masculine and feminine persons. The formation of words with the help of suffixes also causes considerable difficulties. Errors remain persistent when using: nouns with diminutive suffixes, nouns with singularity suffixes, adjectives formed from nouns, adjectives with suffixes characterizing the emotional-volitional and physical state of objects, possessive adjectives.

Independent storytelling, requiring the mobilization of creative abilities, results in incomplete and meager texts that do not absorb the elements of the situation that are significant for the name.

Thus, the approach put forward by R. E. Levina and other scientists made it possible to move away from describing only individual manifestations of speech insufficiency and present a picture of the abnormal development of the child in a number of parameters that reflect the state of language means and communication processes. On the basis of a step-by-step structural-dynamic study of abnormal speech development, specific patterns are also revealed that determine the transition from a low level of development to a higher one.

1.4 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with the second level of speech development

General underdevelopment of speech is a rather complex speech disorder in which a preschooler has a violation of the formation and development of the components of the speech system that relate to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

Particular attention in this work is paid to the study of psychological and pedagogical characteristics in children with the second level of speech development. hallmark given level is the presence of a three- or even two-word phrase. The passive vocabulary is much wider than the active one, children can use words from thematic groups, but the qualitative side of the word remains unformed at the same time. Children use fairly simple prepositions. The sound side of the word, coherent speech is not formed.

The second level of speech development is also characterized by the fact that in preschoolers, speech capabilities are already gradually increasing. In addition to babbling words and gestures, there appear, albeit distorted, but constant enough commonly used words.

Usually the child is limited only to enumeration of directly perceived actions and objects, since their statements are poor.

The active vocabulary, however, expands, becomes quite diverse, it distinguishes numerous actions, objects, and often qualities. Preschoolers begin to use personal pronouns, sometimes use unions and prepositions in an elementary sense. Children have the opportunity to talk about themselves, about their family, about events that are well known, in more detail. But OHP continues to be quite clearly manifested in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, ignorance of many words, agrammatism, violation of the structure of the word, even if the very meaning of the story can be understood outside the visual situation.

The change of words in speech is random in nature; when using word formation, a wide variety of errors are allowed (instead of “I play balls” - “I play myatika”).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, and the level of generalization is rather low. With the same word, a child can name many objects that have some similarity in purpose, shape or other external features (beetle, spider, fly, ant - are indicated in one situation by one of these names, glass, cup - by one of these words) . The limited vocabulary is accompanied by ignorance of various words that denote a part of an object (root, trunk, tree branch), vehicles (boat, helicopter, plane), dishes (mug, tray, dish). There is also some lag in the use of words-signs of objects that denote material, color or shape.

Children sometimes resort to the appearance of a misnamed word with the help of gestures: stocking - a gesture of putting on a stocking and the word "leg". The same happens with the inability to name actions; the name of the action is replaced by the designation of the given object, to which this action is directed or with the help of which it is improved, the word is accompanied by the corresponding gestures: sweeps - showing the action and "floor", cuts bread - "knife" or "bread" and the gesture of cutting. Also, children often replace the necessary words with the names of another similar object, but at the same time add the negation of “not”: for example, a tomato is replaced by the phrase “apple is not”.

Preschoolers begin to use the phrase. The nouns in them are used mainly in the nominative case, and the verbs in the form of the plural and singular of the present tense; verbs and nouns do not agree in gender or number. ("I wash"). A change in cases of a noun occurs, but however it is random in nature, it is, as a rule, agrammatic (“let's go up the hill”). It is also agrammatic to change nouns by numbers ("three stoves").

The past tense form of the verb is very often replaced by a preschooler with the present tense form, or vice versa ("Misha painted the house" - instead of drawing). Agrammatisms are also observed in the use of the gender and number of verbs ("girl sidat" and "lessons are over"), the mixing of verbs of the past tense of feminine and male("the girl went", "mother bought").

Adjectives are used very rarely and therefore do not agree with other words in the sentence ("asin adas" red pencil, "tinya pato" - blue coat). Prepositions are used very rarely and incorrectly, more often they seem to be omitted: ("Sopaka lives in a booth" - the dog lives in a booth). Preschoolers use little particles and unions At this stage of speech development, children may have a desire to search for the desired grammatical form and the necessary structure of the word, but these attempts are often unsuccessful: … a tree.”


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3. Lykova I.A. Man-made toys // Tsvetnoy mir. - 2013. - No. 2.

4. Melnikov M.N. Russian children's folklore. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987.

5. Mikadze Yu.V. Neuropsychology of childhood. - St. Petersburg: Peter,

6. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood. - M.: Academy, 2002.

E. M. Kholodilova, S. V. Zotova

The development of communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

The relevance of the problem of developing communicative skills in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) in the practice of speech therapy is due, in our opinion, to the following circumstances:

1. The sphere of communication is a necessary part of the social space in which a person exists.

The communicative skills of preschoolers are the conscious actions of students (based on knowledge of the structural components of skills and communicative activity) and their ability to correctly build their behavior, manage it in accordance with the tasks of communication.

Communication skills must be formed at preschool age because this age is the most favorable for introducing the child into the speech environment, familiarizing him with a variety of speech situations.

2. The formation of communicative skills goes in continuous unity with the formation of the means of communication and speech in children. The imperfection of communication skills, speech inactivity do not provide the process of free communication and, in turn, negatively affect the personal development and behavior of children. Despite considerable interest and numerous studies, the study of children with OHP in various aspects in terms of overcoming speech disorders, the immaturity of individual mental functions in the problem of overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in children, in the aspect of communicative features, there are still many unresolved theoretical and practical issues.

Having studied the theoretical aspects of the problem of developing communicative skills in preschool children, we have come to a number of conclusions. Firstly, as most authors note, communicative competence is knowledge, skills and multiple components associated with it, the content of which is realized in life through the types of speech activity in its four forms: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The main component of communicative competence is skills, in particular communication skills.

Secondly, the analysis of scientific literature revealed that the authors distinguish various classifications of communicative skills: socio-psychological, communicative and organizational, integrated, verbal and non-verbal. Thirdly, one of the functions of speech is the function of communication, that is, the transfer of information. It acts as an external speech behavior aimed at contacts with other people.

Communication skills of preschoolers are the conscious actions of children and their ability to correctly build their behavior, manage it in accordance with the tasks of communication.

Children at senior preschool age are already forming such communication skills as the ability to listen, the ability to express their thoughts and the ability to behave in a conflict situation. However, not always communication skills can be formed on

sufficient level, which can lead to adverse exogenous and endogenous factors. All children with OHP experience serious difficulties in organizing their speech behavior, they have a very low level of verbal communicative activity: lexical difficulties; shortcomings in the grammatical design of a phrase and a coherent statement; significant embarrassment, fear of the interlocutor, stiffness, tension, monosyllabic answers, paralinguistic means of communication, lack of proactive utterance. In general, these children are passive, rarely turn to the teacher and peers. Based on the data of L.G. Solovieva, we can conclude that the interdependence of speech and communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Fourthly, the formation of communicative speech skills is a complex and lengthy process of joint work of children, educator, speech therapist and parents, therefore all work should be carried out in organized educational activities and individual correctional classes, selecting tasks in accordance with the type and topic, creating conditions for active speech activities, thus contributing to the development of speech and communication skills.

For the purposeful conduct of correctional and pedagogical work, we determined the level of formation of communicative skills in 26 older preschoolers with OHP in all basic categories: motivational content and speech components, features of communicative skills through the construction of a dialogic form of communication. The results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment clearly demonstrated that in 15% of the children of the experimental group the level of speech development was above average, and in 38% - a low level. A high level of speech development was not found.

When determining the level of formation of communicative skills, 8% of children with OHP were classified as high, and 38% of children were classified as low in the development of communicative skills.

Based on a deeper analysis of the results of the study, qualitative features of the development of communicative skills of preschoolers with OHP were identified:

Low activity, lack of initiative in communication;

Extremely low level of verbal communicative activity;

The practical absence of the ability to formulate and, with the help of verbal means of communication, convey one's thoughts;

The presence of fears of verbal contacts with peers and adults;

Serious difficulties in organizing one's own speech behavior, negatively affecting communication with others and, above all, with peers.

Taking into account the data of scientific and methodological literature, and diagnostic studies, we have developed correctional and pedagogical measures for the formation of communication skills in older preschoolers with OHP level III in the following areas:

Creation of friendly relations with each other, speech therapist and educator;

Development of speech understanding.

At the initial stage, the main goal was the accumulation and activation of means of communication.

First, everyday vocabulary and motivating phrases of the simplest design were practiced. Therefore, at first the lexical topics “Family”, “My city” were relevant, within the framework of which the names of people and changing them in a suffixal way were studied. We studied different ways of greeting, real and comic. Gradually, the vocabulary material needed to express concepts of a more abstract nature was introduced, and grammatical forms became more complicated. On this basis, the transition from dialogic speech to descriptive and narrative was carried out. So, for example, the exercise “Describe a friend ... What has changed for him”, which is performed in pairs, develops attentiveness and the ability to compose elementary coherent stories of a descriptive nature, teaches to cooperate in various activities.

The purpose of the next, training, stage was the formation of skills and abilities to use non-verbal and verbal means of communication in various communication situations.

At speech therapy classes, speech situations were created that made it possible to organize direct communication between children. Emphasis was placed on the use of adequate means of communication. The degree of complexity was differentiated depending on the communicative abilities of the child. The entire cycle of exercises was built in the form of psycho-training, the purpose of which is to develop constructive communication skills, provide a sense of psychological security, trust in the world, the ability to enjoy communication, form the basis of personal culture and one's own individuality. In the implementation of the activities of this block, we included work with parents, educators and a speech therapist. Effective forms activities were: communication, discussion, watching video materials. The results of the final diagnosis showed that all children with OHP had a positive

dynamics in the development of all components of speech. However, in the children of the control group, an improvement in the phonetic side of speech was noted to a greater extent, and in the children of the experimental group, an improvement was not only in phonetic-phonemic, but especially in lexical-grammatical.

There was an obvious parallel relationship between the lack of communication skills and the success of preschoolers with OHP in the field of speech communication. An increase in the level of speech development, especially the lexical and grammatical component of speech, leads to an increase in the level of verbal communication skills.

I. V. Chernousova

Some methods of corrective work to eliminate dyslexia in secondary school students with speech underdevelopment

An increase in the number of children with various manifestations of speech underdevelopment who study in secondary schools requires speech therapists to improve and expand the methods and techniques of special correctional and developmental influence. Exercises for the correction of writing disorders are presented in the specialized literature much more widely than materials for the correction of various types of dyslexia. Very often, children with speech underdevelopment have symptoms of both dysgraphia and dyslexia. Logopedic work with such students is based on a complex impact on all aspects of speech. Theoretical issues of dyslexia are widely covered in the fundamental research of R.I. Lalaeva, A.N. Korneva, G.V. Chirkina, M.N. Rusetskaya and other authors. Based on these works, an attempt was made to create a cycle of exercises to correct the manifestations of reading disorders in students of the 2nd and 3rd grades with speech underdevelopment, and to carry out this work in the process of correctional speech therapy classes.

For students of the 2nd and 3rd grades, various works of art were selected, including stories about nature by V. Bianchi, N. Sladkov, M. Prishvin, K. Paustovsky, literary tales by D. Mamin-Sibiryak, E. Permyak, stories for children of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky and other authors. For students of each class, a selection of 12 works has been created that are not studied at the lessons of literary reading as part of the school curriculum, but overlap with the program and complement it. All selected works correspond in volume and content to the declared
