How to toilet train kittens for a month. How to toilet train kittens? Important subtleties and nuances

If a new small pet has appeared in your home, then you should remember that he needs not only attention and care, but also the appropriate one, just like children, they should not feel that everything is allowed to them and everything will be forgiven, so don’t let it take its course. When the owner thinks that the kitten does not understand anything, it ends up growing into an arrogant and disobedient animal that will misbehave at every opportunity. For example, such furry pupils love to use the owner's shoes or even a bed as their toilet. To prevent this from happening, from the very first day you need to know how to teach a kitten to go to the litter box. Knowing these rules will save you from many problems with your pet in the future.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box: where should you start?

Some owners did not bother to find out in advance at what age the kitten should be shown its place. As a result, they begin to educate him late, when the animal is already accustomed to the fact that there are no rules, and any space he likes is at his disposal. This means that you need to accustom your baby to the tray already when he stands on his paws and begins to curiously explore the world around him.

Of course, on the same day the kitten will not learn such rules and will sometimes make mistakes. But this is normal, because even a child cannot be potty trained right away. As a result, the kitten will understand what they want from him, and your efforts will not be in vain.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box: rules, tips and tricks

When the time has come for the kitten to go to a certain place to relieve itself, we recommend following this scheme:

1. Determine a permanent place for the tray, do not move it. It’s good if he stands in the corner so that no one can scare the kitten away and distract him from his activity. Thanks to this consistency, your furry would rather understand, where he needs to relieve himself, and that there is only one suitable place for this.

2. You will have to constantly monitor your animal. In order to accustom a kitten to the tray, you need patience and time. You should observe his behavior so as not to miss the moment and introduce the baby to the toilet in time. When the kitten begins to spin in one place and sit down on its hind legs, then this a clear sign that he is going to relieve himself. As soon as you saw it,

Carefully transfer it to the tray.

It is good to limit the animal's living space while you are toilet training it. This is done for your convenience, it will be easier to monitor him.

3. You need to punish, even if it’s difficult for you. It is important to demonstrate to the kitten your displeasure that he went to the wrong place. You can bring him to a puddle, for example, and at the same time scold him, raising your voice. However, it is better not to use physical force. And you shouldn’t poke your nose - it’s unlikely to have any real benefit. It's better to scold him, and then transfer his feces to the tray. Animals navigate by smell and, perhaps, next time it will not disappoint you.

4. with filler? Today this is not a problem, since some manufacturers produce special litter for kittens, which contains a smell that attracts them. This way they learn to go to their place when needed much faster.

Sometimes, if a cat does not go to the litter box, the reason may be the litter - the animal does not like the smell. What if the tray is uncomfortable? Try to replace all this and observe. Sometimes animals, out of resentment towards their owners, can play dirty tricks, this is how they express their displeasure.

We have looked at ways to teach a kitten to go to the litter box, but remember that cats are independent and wayward animals; they require an individual and special approach with early childhood. If you immediately establish contact with the kitten and teach it the rules of behavior, then it will grow into an obedient, affectionate, clean and grateful pet.

Cats are one of the most popular pets. These fluffy animals bring comfort to the house, give their owners love and tenderness and simply decorate their lives with their presence. And how children love them! Cats combine in their character both wild independence and extraordinary devotion. Unpretentious in content, very neat, rarely required special care for the kitten. But all the same, in order for the pet to feel good, and for living together to be comfortable for both him and you, you need to learn a little about the peculiarities of raising and communicating with a kitten.

What does a kitten need?

Before you bring a little tailed miracle into your home, you need to prepare everything you need for it.

  1. Feed.
  2. Bowls for food and water, suitable in height so that he is comfortable.
  3. Scratching post.
  4. Tray with filler for it.

The last item really has great importance, so you need to choose it very carefully. If you get a kitten whose mother taught him how to use it, you are very lucky. If you come across an incompetent cat, then you will have to take on the upbringing of the kitten and the cat’s training responsibilities. The smell of cat urine is very unpleasant, so if you don’t start training the kitten to be tidy right away, don’t be surprised if its presence in the apartment is felt from the moment you enter. As soon as he moves to a new place of residence, where his toilet is located must be shown first.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box?

It often happens that the seller or owner of a furry purr claims that he can do everything, so he won’t cause any trouble. But this is not always the case in reality. Having brought your pet home, you are faced with the most unpleasant cat problem - the kitten does not go to the litter box and leaves its fragrant surprises wherever it pleases. Well, not everything comes at once, so instead of being uselessly angry, it is better to be patient and think about how to train a kitten to go to the litter box.

Where he should go and what they want from him, he is unlikely to be able to guess on his own, so he needs to be shown everything. This means sometimes putting the cat in the tray so that he gets to know him better, sniffs him, leaves his scent and remembers where he is.

So that the prankster is always in sight and you can quickly prevent him from attacking the carpet in the living room or the slippers in the hallway, try to keep him nearby. Make sure he can't sneak away to another room. Be sure to take the kitten to the potty after eating and sleeping, but without sudden movements and gently.

Litter training a kitten should not be forced. By force and coercion, nothing good can be achieved from this beast, except to do harm by discouraging him from the hunt and the nascent love for his own toilet from the very beginning. Finding a kitten in hot water, scratching in Once again in the corner of the room or other inappropriate place, you need to take it immediately to the tray. Let him finish his dirty deed there. Then help him rake the hole with his paws. Having done this procedure several times, he will remember and understand what they want from him.

Trays with fillers are designed so that the cat feels in its natural environment and has the opportunity to rake in its treasure with its paws. If the kitten just sits in the litter box and doesn't try to paddle, help him get comfortable and awaken his instincts. Did not work out? There is no need to scold, it’s still useless. If he does what they want him to do, be sure to praise him, pet him, and treat him to something tasty. Let him understand that he has done something very good, then he will probably want to repeat this process in order to again receive approval from the owner.

At the right approach Training a kitten to use a litter tray will not be difficult. Cats are genetically clean creatures, so living in order and comfort is a pleasure for them. The main thing is to provide them with everything they need and clearly explain why all this is needed. At the age of three months, the kitten should already be able to go to the litter box. Therefore, if you don’t want to fool yourself with his training, take one that is already three months old and trained.

Tricks of learning

How to train a small kitten to go to the litter box? Little tricks tried by many lovers of these animals will help. A cat is attracted to its own scent. If she has chosen and started going to a certain place to go to the toilet, you need to do a little trick. In general, there are several options for moving cat litter from a corner to a tray. Did you find where he had a small bowel movement? Blot the moisture with an odorless napkin and place it in the tray to lure the kitten to the right place.

Also often effective is the method of temporarily installing a tray in the place where the animal goes to the toilet. When the kitten starts going where it needs to go, move the tray back, but so that he can see and know where it is. The previous place must be washed very thoroughly with a cleaning agent and wiped with vinegar. This will help remove any leftovers. cat smell, which may be elusive to the human sense of smell, but the animal senses it perfectly.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box in a new place? When picking him up from his owners' house, ask him to put some litter from the litter box he came in into the bag. At home, put it in a new pot. The presence of a familiar and familiar smell increases the chances of success, and he will quickly fall in love with the new toilet. If you can’t get the kitten to the litter box, and you don’t know any other methods of how to train a British kitten to go to the litter box, ask the pet store for a special product in the form of a spray, which is used specifically for this purpose - attracting kittens to the toilet. It is not a fact that it is one hundred percent effective, but if you have tried other options in vain, it is worth trying this one too.

Choosing a litter box for a kitten

A tray for kittens can have any design and have individual features. It is best to give a very modest and shy pet a closed toilet with walls and a roof. This model will also come in handy if you get a cat that loves to row very intensely. Thanks to the closed tray, the litter will not be scattered across the floor of the room, no matter how hard the young cat tries. If such a pleasure is not for your budget or there is simply no need for it, buy an open model.

Keep in mind that over time the tray will need to be replaced with another, larger and taller one. But it is more convenient for the baby to walk and climb into a tray with low sides. It’s hard to say which tray is best for a kitten, everything is individual. The most popular cat trays are made of plastic with an insert mesh made of the same material. The advantages of using this option are obvious. The plastic tray is inexpensive, easy to clean, comfortable for the cat, and it does not get its paws dirty, since the surface of the mesh almost always remains dry.

When choosing the size of the tray for now and for the future, focus on the kitten's parents. For large breed Standard trays will not suit cats, look for larger ones. Regarding the height - it’s better to take middle option. High sides can turn out to be an insurmountable barrier for the baby, and through too low sides the filler will constantly spill out, and even liquid will spill out. If you don’t want to spend money on a purchase at a pet store, you can make your cat’s toilet yourself. But it’s not a fact that he will like it, and your efforts will not be in vain. That's why it's better to buy it.

Choosing cat litter

The correct choice of filler is the key to success. But cat owners are not psychics, so it is unlikely that they will be able to predict the whims of their pet. If the kitten is not picky or you hit the bull's eye the first time, you are very lucky. Choose litter for the tray that has the approximate consistency of sand or soil. They like substances made from small grains more than large granules, preferably without flavorings. Cats often like compacted sawdust litter. The stores also offer mineral, clay, and silica gel fillers.

Of all existing species the most practical is special soil. It is always sold in pet stores, is inexpensive, and has excellent characteristics absorbs moisture, turning into granules, retains odor and is comfortable for the kitten. Not everyone is ready to spend money on cat litter. In this case, you have to think about how to teach the kitten to go to the tray without filler or to look for alternative means. This is not a problem, because there was a time when even such a concept did not exist, and cats have been kept at home since ancient times.

You can use paper torn into small pieces for this purpose. This is the cheapest way out of the situation, but it will not protect the air from the scents from your furry friend’s potty. In addition, paper absorbs moisture, so the tray will always be wet, pieces of newspaper stick to its paws, and the kitten carries them throughout the apartment. If desired, replace the filler with sand or any grain.

Arrangement of the cat litter

Where to put the tray? Keep in mind that cats do not like publicity in this matter, so the best location is in a secluded, quiet place. Perfect option- bathroom. Only now the door there must always be ajar. Some cat owners prefer to initially equip not one, but several toilets for a kitten. They are placed in different rooms, leaving him to make his own choice. This is one way to teach a kitten to go to the litter box. And when he gives preference to one, the rest can be removed, leaving only one and placing it in the right, already permanent, place. When setting up a cat litter box in the bathroom, you need to take care of the comfort of your new friend. So, if you have tiles on the floor in this room, it is recommended to place a small rug under the tray so that it is stable and does not slip during use.

Those who live in a private house do not have to worry about how to teach a kitten to go to the litter box, but send it outside to do this. There is a more natural environment and you don’t even have to give lessons. The main thing here is that he just gets used to asking to go into the yard when he needs to. As an option, you accustom him to the tray, and then gradually move him closer to front door, then beyond. Then there will be no need to use the tray at all. And this is also a good bonus - you won’t have to clean up after the cat and buy litter for its potty.

Why doesn't the kitten go to the litter box?

Sometimes a kitten doesn’t want to go to the litter box not because it doesn’t know how to do it. It’s just that in a new place he can get confused, he’s afraid at first until he gets used to it. As soon as his adaptation is completed, he will begin to maintain order. But there are other reasons why a kitten does not go to the litter box. Most likely, he just doesn't like him. Or you don’t like the type of filler, its smell, how dirty it is, the place where the pot is, the shape, the size. Or maybe the reason is actually the owners’ wrong approach to education. Having made a few mistakes, it is easy to provoke persistent unpleasant associations with the kitten’s litter box.

Has your kitten stopped going to the litter box? Sometimes just moving it to another location is enough. In general, kittens do not like change. Therefore, if they have recently happened in their life, refusal to go to the litter box is quite predictable. Such changes include changing the tray, its location, or the type of filler. Therefore, you should not conduct such experiments, so as not to reap unpleasant results in return.

The reason for refusing to go to the litter box may be the litter. Perhaps he simply doesn’t like the chosen option. Be sure to ask the previous owners what kind of litter they use for their cat and her children. If a kitten is used to one, it will be difficult for him to retrain, especially in a new place away from his mother. If he has not used the litter box before and does not want to learn, try changing the contents of his toilet. You can simplify the task initially by pouring different fillers into separate trays. He will prefer to bypass some of them altogether, and start going to others regularly. This one should be left for the future.

The kitten "missed"

It is known that cats themselves are neat and tidy. If you used to maintain cleanliness, and then suddenly notice that the kitten is walking past the litter box, the reason for this may be a simple failure by you to keep its toilet clean. If the litter has not been changed for a long time, the cat may simply be disdainful of stepping into it with its paws.

In addition to dirty litter, refusal of the tray may also be due to dissatisfaction with the litter itself, even fresh litter. Therefore, you should not take risks and change the variety if the kitten is already accustomed to another. It is not recommended to use it for washing the tray. chemicals With pungent odor. They can cause the kitten to refuse to go there just because of the unpleasant aroma. In addition, some products are unsafe for animals and can even cause diseases in them.

Having bought a kitten a tray suitable size, you need to be prepared for the fact that over time pet As he grows up, his usual litter box will become too small for him. If you notice that the kitten has stopped going to the litter box, do not rush to blame him for this, but think about urgently buying a new toilet in which he will be comfortable.

Medical and psychological reasons

Why does the kitten walk past the litter box? Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon lies not at all in the tray, the filler and its cleanliness. Cats are unique creatures, therefore, if they lack affection or are offended by something, they can show their displeasure in this strange way. They just know that such a signal will certainly attract the owner’s attention to them.

All cats have their own character. Some will jump on the lap of anyone who comes to visit, while others are wary of strangers and will not even enter the room in their presence. If an unpleasant incident happened while strangers were at your home, perhaps the kitten simply did not dare to go to the toilet in front of them, and therefore pooped in the wrong place.

Poor kitten care is also a common cause of problems. If your kitten walks past the litter box and has intestinal upset or constipation, you should contact your veterinarian. Most likely, his mistakes are not due to lack of education or stubbornness. But the problem is more serious - health. Diarrhea and inflammatory diseases urinary tract often become main reason of a medical nature, due to which the cat simply does not have time to get to the tray and empties by. Therefore, only a specialist in a veterinary clinic will help solve the problem.

Crime and Punishment

Never hit a cat, much less a kitten that is still learning to be civilized. Sometimes you really need to punish, but very carefully. During the process of litter box training, it is generally undesirable to do this. Firstly, you don’t know each other well yet, therefore, instead of trust and love, you can get resentment and fear from him. Secondly, cats can be vindictive. Having harbored anger over the punishment, they sometimes begin to take revenge on the owners and deliberately go to forbidden places to relieve themselves. Raising a kitten will be more effective if you control it using voice intonation. From the first minutes of his stay in the new house, he probably already managed to understand in what voice they praise him, and in what voice they speak tenderly. Changing the intonation to a more authoritative one, of course, not to shouting, can instantly pacify the intentions of the dirty tricker. To a well-mannered kitten One “impossible” is enough, but we still need to get to that point.

Noticing a kitten inappropriate behavior: sharpening your nails on the sofa, peeling wallpaper, climbing on curtains or anything else that is prohibited in your home will scare him away loud sound. Since our goal is not to intimidate but to discipline, this sound should not come from you. Just clap your hands loudly or slam a magazine on the floor. After repeating this technique several times, the kitten will begin to associate the place in which it is located with a frightening and unpleasant sound, and therefore will avoid repeating its tricks again.

A kitten, like a child, needs care and training. No matter how purebred and intelligent he may be, an animal is born only with its own natural reflexes and wild habits. But living among people, in an apartment or house, without causing them trouble with your dirty tricks, going to the toilet and sharpening nails in a specially designated place - the kitten will have to acquire all these skills. It is almost impossible to wean a cat off its instincts, but it is quite possible to direct them in the right and harmless direction for housing and surrounding people.

Your childhood dream has finally come true - a cute fluffy ball has appeared in the house! One problem remains unsolved: how to train a kitten to use a litter box? This is exactly the question we will tackle by talking about the simplest and effective ways allowing raise a neat and clean pet.

Cats by nature love cleanliness, so in most cases, owners do not have any particular difficulties in effectively and quickly teaching a kitten to go to the toilet in the same place. Of course, in this very place there must be a special tray, in which your pet will relieve itself. Especially this question is relevant when you get an animal in an apartment, where it is not possible to let it out into the street or take it to the yard every time to use the toilet.

Domestic cats have no need to go outside at all; they get used to the atmosphere of the house and adapt to almost any conditions. It should be borne in mind that even in a city apartment, cats walk on their own, choosing their favorite places to sleep, play and relax. But as for the toilet, here it is necessary to slightly adjust their behavior, because the baby must know where to go if necessary so that the owners are happy and satisfied. By the way, it is not worth intimidating and scolding an animal if it first relieves itself in the wrong place. To clearly understand how to teach a kitten to go to the litter box, zoologists recommend following two simple recommendations:

  • Firstly, you should provide the kitten with round-the-clock access to the toilet (keep the door of the toilet or bathroom where the tray is located always open);
  • and secondly, the tray should be clean and comfortable for the animal and it is advisable to be in a secluded place that the kitten has chosen on its own.

Some owners teach their pet to use the toilet immediately, which is very convenient in terms of hygiene. However, to do this, you must have a very decent experience of interacting with animals and real “pedagogical” talent. This practice is suitable for an adult, established cat, so we will talk about toilet training for a domestic cat a little later. But we’ll tell you right now what to do if a wonderful meowing baby has just moved into your house.

How to teach a street kitten to go to the toilet: a simple solution to a piquant problem

We have all dreamed of sheltering an unfortunate street kitten at least once in our lives. However, not everyone brought this noble cause to completion. We dedicate this section to those who were not afraid of temporary difficulties and gave a street kitten a home. To begin with, it should be understood that a cat's baby his behavior reminds small child : he can also be capricious and protest, he also requires your attention and care. Therefore, so that you don’t have to clean up “traces of a cat crime” day after day, wondering why I couldn’t immediately train a kitten to the toilet, you should understand some rules that will help you prepare both yourself and the animal for cohabitation in a comfortable, and most importantly, clean environment.

Let's remember school and imagine the entire process of teaching an animal in the form of a task. So, the task: you almost simultaneously got both a kitten and a litter tray, in which he must subsequently learn to go to the toilet. Initial data: you live in a city apartment, the animal does not go outside, and you do not plan to let it out. Exercise: how to train a cat to use a litter box, without extra effort and problems?

The solution of the problem consists of several steps

How to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day?

Some novice owners dream of how to train a cat to use a litter box in 1 day. In principle, this is possible if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. Place the tray with the filler in a visible place. It is ideal for the cat's litter box to be located between its bowl and the place where the kitten sleeps or plays. Along the way, he will pass by the tray and will definitely become interested in it. Over time, you will move the litter box closer to the bathroom or wherever you plan to install the cat's litter box.
  2. Limit the space in which the kitten will move. At least for the first time, so that he looks in corners less and is more often near the tray.
  3. If your miracle is still shits where it shouldn't, take a piece of paper and blot it cat urine(after your cat peed). It is this “smelling bait” that should be placed in the tray so that the animal can find out where its toilet is. If the kitten has passed a lot, do the same with its excrement. Don't forget to put on rubber gloves first and wash your hands with soap afterward.

Some pet owners think that toilet training a cat is a rather strange and incredibly troublesome task. However, in such a delicate matter you should rely only on your patience and individual characteristics your kitty. Eg , it is worth considering the age of the animal. A very small kitten should not be trained to use the toilet - he may simply fall into it. First, you should accustom the cat to the litter box, and then gradually move it towards the toilet so that the animal moves to its final goal without any special obstacles and psychological trauma. Once the tray with litter is near the toilet, lay down newspapers or plywood, and then install the cat litter on them. Increase the height of the tray every day until it reaches the toilet, and then move the tray itself onto it. Over time, the animal will get used to the “high” toilet, and you will be able to hide the tray and give the cat the opportunity to go to the toilet.

Exactly like people It takes 21 days for cats to develop the habit.. Look at the illustration and start training your cat.

How to train a kitten to use the litter box if he still goes to the toilet everywhere?

It happens that the animal cannot get used to the toilet that you obsessively provide for it, and continues to stubbornly walk past the tray. Do not hit the animal or dip its face in excrement under any circumstances. Continue to gently guide the cat to the tray, sit it down on the potty from time to time, and reward the animal when it manages to recover in a specially designated place. If the cat is “trying on” again, as if to say “in the wrong direction,” strictly tell him “No!” and take it to the tray. Watch video recommendations from experienced livestock breeders and be patient. Perhaps your pet has not yet found its way into the new place and requires more attention and care.

When you buy a kitten, the seller in most cases persistently convinces you that the kitten is litter box trained and knows perfectly well where it can do “its business.” But, having brought a small fluffy ball home, many owners notice with disappointment that the kitten does not have the slightest idea where it needs to go to the toilet.

Such skills have not the slightest connection with the breed of the kitten and the nobility of its blood. If the seller says that all kittens born to his purebred pet know from birth where the toilet is, then most likely you will have to train the kitten yourself.

If you take pity and pick up a kitten on the street, then you shouldn’t count on the animal’s innate skills.

There is nothing difficult about toilet training a kitten. We have prepared some tips that will help you cope with the task quickly and easily.

Basic rules: how to toilet train a kitten

  • After the kitten has eaten or woken up, take it to the litter box.
  • Do not let the kitten move freely around the house; it should always be close to you. Then you will be able to quickly take it to the tray if necessary.
  • Bring the kitten to the litter box periodically so that it can get used to the smell of the litter.
  • Buy special litter for kittens. Adult cats do not eat litter, but kittens will most likely taste it. The special filler is completely safe and if the kitten eats a few granules, it will not feel unwell.
  • If you see that the kitten is not digging the litter, then gently help him by holding him by the paws and starting to scoop up the litter. Sooner or later instinct will take its toll.
  • Watch the kitten as carefully as possible, as soon as you notice that the kitten is about to go to the toilet, abruptly interrupts the game and runs into the corner, then carefully pick up the kitten, carry it and put it in the tray. After the kitten goes to the toilet in right place, don't forget to praise him, you can even give him a treat.
  • For a kitten, the defining smell is the smell of its own urine, so the easiest way to train it to the toilet is using this smell. When a kitten goes to the toilet in the wrong place, blot a napkin and put it in the tray, it will signal the animal where it needs to go to the toilet.

  • Some kittens don't like litter, so they won't use the litter box. If you are unable to train your kitten to go to the toilet in a certain place, it is quite possible that the problem is in the litter. Try changing the manufacturer or type of filler.
  • Don't forget to praise your pet for doing everything right. But under no circumstances scold him for going to the toilet in the wrong place. You may scare the kitten, and he will be afraid to go to the toilet. And even worse, if he decides that you are punishing him for the process itself, he will begin to hide from you and go to the toilet in hard-to-reach and inconspicuous places.
  • Always treat the area where the kitten has gone with a special odor eliminator. Remember that it is the smell that brings the kitten to the toilet. If you do not clean up the place of his “mistake” well, then there is a high probability that the situation will repeat itself.
  • Take your time to teach your kitten this useful skill; each creature has its own speed of acquiring new habits.
  • If the kitten started going to the litter box and then suddenly began to ignore it, then the problem may be that the litter box is not cleaned often enough. Cats are very squeamish animals, so they often simply do not want to go into a dirty litter box. Many animals endure and wait for their owners to come home from work and change the litter so that they can go to the toilet in a clean litter box.
  • Another common problem with growing kittens is that they no longer fit in the litter box. The owner may not even know this if he does not watch his pet. If you regularly notice your cat's feces near the litter box rather than in it, then consider whether your kitten has outgrown its litter box. The easiest way to solve this problem is to buy a larger tray.

If you live not in an apartment, but in a private house, then it makes sense to teach your kitten to go to the toilet in the yard. You can immediately teach him exactly this skill by taking him out to the toilet in the yard, teaching him that this is where he can do “his business.” Kittens quickly get used to using the toilet outside, perhaps because nature is nearby. But if you plan to keep your animal indoors during the cold months, then this method will not suit you. In this case, it will be much more difficult to explain to an already grown kitten why he needs to go to the litter box. So we advise you to first accustom your kitten to the litter box, and then take the litter box out into the yard. Then your pet will be equally neat both in the house and on the street.

The question: how to train a kitten to use a litter box is asked by every person who has had this at home at least once in their life. furry creature. This question is most relevant for those who are faced with the problem for the first time.
As a rule, kittens are adopted at a time when they have already formed the habit of going to the litter box.

However, if a homeless little kitten was found on the street or simply brought into an apartment in early age, he may not yet know what a tray is or how to use it.

At what age to start?

The cat is trying to get used to the litter box on its own)

The question of how many months to accustom a kitten to a litter box has been studied for quite some time. After the research, it was discovered that each animal has a time period at the beginning of life when the acquired experience is learned very easily and for a long time. This period is called critical.

Does your kitten have a litter box?

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The ideal period to properly teach a kitten to poop in a litter tray is from the second week to the seventh week inclusive.

At this time, cats begin to develop their character; they remember best everything that happens to them and acquire required skills. Therefore, this is the most favorable period for teaching a kitten to use a litter box.

Selecting a location and tray

Where to install?

Install a cat litter box better nearby with human

The litter box should be located in a place where it will not disturb anyone, and where no one will disturb even a one-month-old kitten. If in the first days of its appearance a kitten considers any corner it likes to be its litter box, you should not be very angry with it. In this situation, it is better to watch him and remember where he does this most often. This means that your pet has chosen a suitable place for his toilet, and you just need to put the tray there.

If the place chosen by the kitten does not correspond to your preferences, then after cleaning it, you can put bowls there, filling them with food, milk or water. By doing this, you will wean the kitten from going to the toilet in this place, since cats are very clean by nature and never go to the toilet where there is food.

Closed type: pros and cons

A closed tray is a box that may have a door. There are also closed trays without doors. In such trays, as a rule, there is a special part where filler is poured. Externally, they can differ radically in shape and size - they look like a house, furniture, and so on.

A significant advantage of closed trays is the absence unpleasant odors. Carbon filters located inside such cat litter, allow you to eliminate all unpleasant odors that arise. Thanks to the triangular rectangular shape such a tray can be conveniently placed in any part of the house or apartment, including in any suitable corner. In addition to functional advantages, trays closed type also have a nice appearance

, which will advantageously decorate any part of your home. However, they are more expensive and are not always convenient for cats due to the presence of a door or small review

. Some cats simply ignore this type of litter box.

Open type: pros and cons An open type tray can be any waterproof box with special filling. You can buy such a container at any pet store or make it yourself. The advantage of this type of tray for forgetful owners is its open top part

, which constantly reminds you that it needs to be cleaned. However, the unpleasant odor from such a container will spread much more effectively than from a closed one. Also, an open type tray can be more convenient for a cat, as it allows you to see the surroundings and not worry about. When choosing an open tray, you need to remember the height of the sides. They should be such that the cat does not scatter the filler on the floor while burying it.


Enough can be used as tray filler a large number of materials. Previously, the main means were torn newspaper or sand. However, now the choice of fillers is quite wide. Among the most popular are the following.

One of the most inexpensive is wood filler. Its basis is sawdust, which is formed into granules under high pressure. This filler is environmentally friendly and allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors. It must be changed at least once a week. Otherwise, the swollen granules will crumble into sawdust, and the pet will take them all over the apartment.

Another type of modern filler is clumping, which contains clay. Cats like this litter for its crumbly structure, but it should not be used for kittens, as they can swallow it.

Special means

In order to train kittens to use the toilet in in the right place and teach them not to walk in unnecessary ones, there are special means. Known fact that cats don't like the smell of citrus fruits. By placing several peels of an orange or tangerine in places the kitten loves, the result will not take long to arrive, and soon the kitten will bypass the place with the peel.

Try orange or lemon peels

Unlike the orange scent, lavender scent attracts felines. In this regard, a few drops left near the tray will help the kitten get used to going to the toilet in the place you need more quickly.

There are also special sprays and aerosols that perform the above functions and greatly simplify the life of the owner of a small kitten. You can purchase such drugs at any veterinary pharmacy.

Cat Litter Size

When choosing a litter box for your cat, it is important to determine the right size. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the size of the cat itself. For example, it is quite large in itself, so the tray for it should also be of the appropriate size. Main criterion– freedom, the cat should not feel constrained while in the tray. Especially if the tray is a closed type, the cat should have the opportunity to turn around.

But you shouldn’t forget about yourself either. The size of the apartment and the free space in it should also be taken into account so that both the pet and its owner are comfortable.

Step-by-step instructions for apartment training

You can train a kitten of any breed to use a litter tray, including British, Scottish, Fold, Siamese, Persian, and even Sphynx. Age is also not a barrier. You can train a 1 month old, 2,3,4 and even 5 month old kitten without any problems. You need to proceed as follows.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prohibit a kitten who is 1,2,3 or 4 months old from moving around the entire house, allocating a certain area for him, where it will be easier for him to remember the situation. Moreover, this should be a place where you are often in order to respond to his behavior in a timely manner.
  2. Next, you should place the kitten in the tray so that he sniffs everything carefully and remembers.
  3. At the end of the kitten’s meal, it must again be taken to the tray and its paws made several raking movements, showing how to act.
  4. If you see that your pet is preparing to go to the toilet in another place, raking the floor with its paws and sitting on it, it should be lifted and placed on the tray. Afterwards you can pet him as praise.
  5. The kitten should be praised for every timely trip to the litter box.

If he's street

Street pets are no more difficult to train

There is an opinion that it takes a long time to train street cats to a litter box, and sometimes it is not at all realistic. However, if you try, you can achieve the impossible. In fact, everything is much simpler. Most often, an outdoor kitten simply does not like the tray itself or its filler, so he does not want to go there. In this case, changing, perhaps more than once, can solve the problem.

On the street, a cat gets used to going to the toilet in the ground or sand, so it is better to select a litter that is similar in structure to them. In addition, we must not forget about the tips described above. You must monitor and teach your cat the correct behavior every day.

How to train to use the human toilet?

It won't be easy at first)

You can accustom a kitten to the toilet in an apartment at any age. Each kitten has its own characteristics and character, so the duration of training may vary. But usually this procedure does not require more than a month and a half.
The training system is to install the tray near the toilet and gradually, every few days, raise it to the level of the toilet. This way, the cat will get used to its unusual height and remember this place.

In the beginning, you don't need to level up too often. The kitten needs to get used to the new location of the tray. Only after he remembers its location can you raise the tray a little higher for the first time. To facilitate memorization, special sprays are also used. Scolding a kitten for incorrect behavior is prohibited. You can and should only be praised for doing the right thing.

Next, you should raise the tray daily to a height of about five centimeters. However, you need to take into account the characteristics of your cat, and perhaps do this less often. It is advisable to keep the toilet lid open so that the cat becomes interested and accustomed to this object.

The pet needs to feel safe

Having raised the tray to the required height, you can begin to accustom the cat directly to the toilet. To do this, you can put litter from a tray under the rim of the toilet, which has the smell of a cat. Also, to attract attention, you can spray special aerosols on the toilet, and ideally put the tray in the toilet. All these actions may seem quite inconvenient, but the results will show that it was not in vain.

After the cat understands what is wanted from it, you should keep the tray on the toilet for a few more days, so that better memorization, after which it can be removed. When teaching a cat to go to the toilet, we must not forget about some rules:

  • the toilet door does not need to be closed so that the cat always has access to the toilet;
  • the toilet lid must also be open;
  • In order to protect yourself from bacteria and germs, the seat must be periodically treated with special means.

If the cat is already an adult

You can often hear that adult cats are not trainable, and it is quite problematic to accustom them to the litter box. There is a deal of truth in it. But, as a rule, there are reasons for a cat’s misbehavior, and if you understand them, you can solve the problem.

Cats may mark corners in case of anxiety, the cause of which is mating season or an unpleasant odor. Cats can also shit in in the wrong places in case of certain diseases. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, the first thing you should do is take your cat to a veterinarian for examination. If no pathologies are found, you need to thoroughly wash the floors and eliminate all suspicious odors.

In the process of training an adult cat to go to the litter box, you should always houseplants fill the top with gravel, and if possible cover the edges of the pots with duct tape. Then your flowers and bushes will be safe, and the cat’s instinct will not force them to go to them when needed.

When training cats, and especially kittens, you also need to know what not to do. For example, you should never scold a kitten or expose it physical violence. Cats are very vindictive animals and can take revenge for such actions in the most unexpected way. You also need to remember that cats are intolerant to the smell of citrus fruits. Therefore, there is no need to buy litter with such odors and use it near cats detergents with the scent of orange or lemon.

After reading this article, one could be convinced that it is possible to accustom a kitten and even an adult cat to a tray or toilet in an apartment quite quickly and easily. The learning process in private homes is no different from that described above. Now you know how to train a kitten to use a litter box in an apartment, and you can easily apply this knowledge to your pet.
