How to remove mildew stains from colored fabric. The main causes of mold

With improper care of things made of natural and synthetic fabrics, shoes, mold appears on them. Spores eat into the material and destroy the structure of the fibers. But you can save your favorite shoes, jacket or jeans.

What is dangerous mold for humans

Mold spores affect humans through direct skin contact and the respiratory system. They are toxic and multiply rapidly, and when they enter the body, they cause serious diseases. With prolonged exposure, damage to the liver and kidneys, the development of emphysema of the lungs is possible. But even a short exposure to mold adversely affects people's well-being. They appear:

  • allergic dermatitis, fungal skin lesions, mycoses;
  • dizziness and frequent pain;
  • digestive disorders;
  • various diseases of the upper respiratory tract - sinusitis, cough, runny nose, asthma;
  • depletion of the body.

The most susceptible to the effects of mold are people with weakened immune systems (the elderly, who have had serious illnesses, after taking antibiotics or a course of chemotherapy) and children.

Why does mold appear

If the humidity is high in the room, then microscopic fungi actively multiply. Spots of white or black mold form on various objects, shoes and clothes. This happens if:

  • places where clothes are stored are damp;
  • the clothes were not dried enough after washing;
  • mold was already in the cupboards where things are stored.
If ventilation is disturbed in the house and humidity is high, mold may appear not only on the walls or in the bathroom, but also on clothes.

How to get rid of mold on shoes and clothes

There are popular methods for solving the problem. They are based on the use of available substances, most of which are always in the house. Their choice depends not only on preferences, but also on the type of fabric. You can also purchase chemical products to eliminate mold. There are general recommendations, adhering to which it is easier to achieve a positive result:

  • wash moldy items after removing stains: if you do the opposite, rusty or yellowish stains will remain on the fabric;
  • check the selected product for safety on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material;
  • remove pollution as soon as you find it - even a specific smell should alert in the absence of stains.

Table: mold cleaners for different materials

Ways to clean clothes

Most of the products that remove mold stains from things are available and often already in the house:

  1. Vinegar or lemon juice. 9% vinegar is poured onto a product with a stain, and after 20 minutes, salt is sprinkled on top. After another 10-15 min. clothes are washed with powder. The method is suitable for removing mold marks from any natural fabrics of light shades. Lemon juice is also used.
    Vinegar is used to clean mold from cotton clothes, home textiles and any items made from natural fabrics in white or light colors.
  2. Bura. Suitable for natural fabrics, wool, suede products. It is also safe for people and pets. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and applied to the soiled part of the fabric for 20 minutes. Then the substance is removed and the thing is washed.
  3. Baking soda. This tool is universal. It is used to clean clothes, bed linen and home textiles. From soda and water in arbitrary proportions, gruel is made and applied to pollution. Lightly rub with a brush any fabrics except delicate ones (silk, synthetics), then rinse with water and wash by hand or in a typewriter. Soda does not emit pungent odors, does not irritate the skin and is completely safe for humans.
    Soda - a universal remedy for removing mold stains from clothes
  4. Ammonia. It is suitable for cleaning mold spores from silk fabrics and colored synthetic materials. It is diluted with water (1 tablespoon per 2 cups), then applied to the contaminated area, and washed off after 10-15 minutes. After that, the products are washed. Some fabrics deteriorate from such exposure. Preliminary testing will help evaluate the effect of ammonia on the material. Ammonia is also used to clean natural fabrics, but in a higher concentration - 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of water.
    Ammonia removes mold stains from synthetic and silk fabrics
  5. Turpentine. Copes with stains on wool, drape and silk. Turpentine is poured onto the contamination, then talc or soda is poured and the clothes are ironed through a layer of white clean cloth or gauze. After that, things acquire an unpleasant pungent odor, which is removed by washing with any powder.
  6. Onion juice. A gruel is made from this vegetable, for example, rubbing on a fine grater or chopping with a blender. It is applied to the stain for half an hour. Use and juice without pulp. If the stains are old, then it will not work to remove them.
    Fresh mold stains on bedding and silk fabrics are removed with onion juice.
  7. Milk serum. The clothes are soaked in it for 10 hours, after which they are rinsed and washed using a powder. The method is effective for removing fresh stains.
  8. Laundry soap. It is used to remove mold marks from all types of fabrics. A gruel of grated soap and water treats the stain. Just rub the contaminated area well with a bar. After 2 hours, things are washed in the usual way. Large and old pollution can not be removed in this way.
    Mold from any fabrics is cleaned with laundry soap, but old stains are not removed this way.

For leather and suede items, try cleaning with a shoe polish of a suitable color or sprinkle with baking soda, and then rub the stain with a brush.

Use of bleaches and chemicals

If it was not possible to cope with the spores of the fungus with folk methods, try bleaches. Natural and synthetic white materials are cleaned with chlorine-containing products, for example, Whiteness:

  1. Prepare composition: 2 tbsp. l. bleach to 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Soak soiled items for 30 minutes or 1 hour.
  3. Rinse and wash things.

Boil items with stubborn stains in this solution for 15 minutes. For colored and delicate materials, use any manufacturer's oxygenated bleach as directed.

Oxygen-containing bleaches can remove mold stains from clothes from any fabric

It is good to remove mold from fabrics with disinfectant cleaning gels for toilet bowls - Domestos, Dosya and others. But they act aggressively on fabrics, so use them carefully, do not leave them on the product for a long time and work with gloves.

Video: cleaning mold from strollers

How to remove stains from shoes

Even if the room is dry, mold will appear on shoes or boots, for example, if a pair was stored in a bag or a rarely ventilated closet. To combat the fungus, use disinfectants - Diabak, Alaminol, Amixan. They not only clean the tissues, but also kill spores. But if you couldn’t buy them, use folk methods:

After treatment with these products, it is important to carefully remove them from the surface and dry the pair well in natural conditions. To speed up the process, stuff your shoes with crumpled newspapers and other paper.

To return the attractive appearance of shoes after removing the mold, use restorative agents - cream, impregnation, wax.

Mold is removed from shoes with a solution of vinegar, soda or laundry soap.

Preventive measures

Mold is a living organism, its colonies grow and quickly render things and shoes unusable. And this is not only an aesthetic problem, because the structure of the material is violated. Therefore, it is better to prevent infection:

Many women wonder: how to remove mold from clothes? Small dark spots often appear when fabric is stored in tightly sealed cabinets or in a humid environment such as a washing machine or backpack. In order to remove mold from clothes, you need to find it in time. This will prevent the fungus from spreading to nearby tissues.

Mold is a fungus that thrives on organic matter, and it appears in a wide variety of forms. Some forms are deliberately cultivated to make cheeses and some antibiotics. Other forms affect food on the counter, inside the refrigerator, or on soiled carpets and clothing. Many forms are photosensitive and die in bright light.

Read this article:

Mold on fabric: how to prevent

As you already understood, mold spots can form when clothes are stained with food or left for a long time in a damp and dark place. When clothes are smeared with food, it is best to clean them immediately with soap or powder. This is how fungus stains can be prevented. Removing mold stains from fabric is not difficult, but it is better to know how to prevent it.

When washing clothes, make sure all clothes are completely dry before putting them in the closet. Store clothing in a well-ventilated area.

If the mold hit your clothes, bedspreads or curtains, you need to immediately take measures to remove it. It is important to note that fabrics are different. Some are dense, others are light and airy. The coloring of the fabric is also different. Quite often, many mold removal methods cause discoloration, so make sure that you do not damage your clothes while getting rid of mold.

Methods for removing from tissues

How to remove mold from clothes? Let's look at the most common ways to get rid of dark spots without much cost and effort.

Unpleasant spots sometimes appear on clothes, shoes, bed linen and even baby strollers. It's mold.

Mold is very dangerous for health, especially for children with weakened immunity. If it is not washed, for example, from bed linen, spores can infect the respiratory tract and cause severe coughing. That is why it is so important to know the secrets of high-quality mold removal.


It seems like a strange idea, doesn't it? But vinegar is great for removing mildew from fabrics. Add about ¾ cup of vinegar to the hot water containing the affected tissue.

Do not use detergents, only vinegar.

The vinegar will kill the fungus, as well as the musty smell. Think vinegar smells worse than mold and have doubts about this method? Fortunately, the smell of vinegar is washed off very easily. Removing mildew stains with vinegar is not difficult, just put the garment back in the washing machine and run a normal wash with your favorite laundry detergent. You will receive your clothes back in good condition as soon as possible.

pine oil

It has the same properties as baking soda - it is safe for fabrics and completely absorbs the musty smell. You can add oil to the laundry in the washing machine with clothes, then rinse. After drying, store in a closet with scented sachets or scented soap cubes to protect clothes from bad smells.

Laundry soap

It is effective against mold at home, and it is worth noting that laundry soap removes any kind of stains (vegetable, fruit juice, wine, glue). He can handle any pollution. How to remove mold from fabric with laundry soap? Everything is simple. To effectively remove stains, soak the dirty thing in a basin of warm water and begin to carefully rub the area affected by the fungus. After that, rinse well with conditioner and dry.


If the mold has hit a colored or snow-white fabric, alcohol will help to wash it off. How to remove mold from clothes with ammonia? Apply a few drops to the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse the clothes in cool clean water and load them into the washing machine. In order not to spoil the clothes, first test the alcohol on the discoloration of the fabric (somewhere in an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric).

All these methods are effective for any tissue.

Mold on baby stroller

Another thing is if the fungus hit the baby carriage. Often this happens when, after the birth of the first child, the stroller becomes unnecessary, but you don’t want to sell it either. We put it in a closet, where it is dark and damp, and literally, after a while, dark spots appear on the fabric of the stroller. How can mold be removed from the fabric on the stroller? Here you can try a gentle method using vegetable juice.

So, three onions on a grater and squeeze the juice. We wipe the stain first with serum, but on top we grease it well with onion juice. This is a safe and non-aggressive way, however, it does not always help. Therefore, if it was not possible to remove the stain, put on rubber gloves and proceed.

You will need:

  • turpentine;
  • an aqueous solution of washing powder;
  • peroxide 3%.

First, rub the turpentine with a sponge. From above we apply a solution of powder and peroxide. Good three. Rinse afterwards with warm clean water. In order to remove the unpleasant chemical smell, you can use a fabric softener for baby clothes.

Mold is an aggressive fungus that can appear in rooms, on furniture, and food. Clothing is no exception. The fungus may be present on those things that lie in dampness for a long time.

There are several types of fungus, so it may vary in color. The most common colors are white and black. To remove such a fungus with ordinary washing will not work. It is necessary to pre-treat the affected areas of clothing. Therefore, many housewives are interested in the question: how to remove mold from fabric?

A few words about the problem

If mold appears on the fabric, you must immediately get rid of it. Otherwise, the clothes may be badly damaged. Any fabric can be affected by the fungus, whether it is simple knitwear or synthetics. The cause of mold can be that dirty laundry is not washed for too long. Therefore, many are lost on how to remove mold stains from fabric.

The tactics of action will depend on the type of fungus and the degree of tissue damage to it. There are several ways to get rid of mold on fabric. The most famous among them are laundry soap, lemon juice, borax, vinegar, fermented milk products.

How to remove mold depending on the type of fabric

To remove mold from fabric, you need to consider what materials the clothes are made of. Silk and wool require more gentle care. Delicate fabrics can be treated with saline, chalk, hydrogen peroxide.

Basic remedies for mold on fabric

Not everyone knows how to remove mold stains on fabric. But there are several simple ways that are available to everyone. The most famous of them are:

All these tools are so simple that their use is not difficult for anyone. Especially carefully you need to monitor things that are made of delicate fabrics, because they are much more prone to the appearance of fungus than a simple fabric.

Underwear and bedding can also often be affected by the fungus. The thing is that they are made from more delicate fabrics that require proper storage. In order to remove mold from fabric at home, you can use the following methods:

It is important to remember that the fungus is afraid of high temperatures. That is why, in order to quickly remove it from the fabric, it should be washed at the highest temperatures. By following these simple and useful tips, you can control the state of your belongings. This is very important in order not to breed dirt and dampness in the house. After all, the fungus loves moisture and heat. And if things lie in the basket for a long time, they will acquire an unpleasant smell and the possibility of mold on them will immediately increase.

Preventive measures against the appearance of mold on clothes

It is quite possible to prevent the appearance of fungus on clothes. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • keep clean clothes separate from dirty ones. As they get dirty, all things must be thrown into the laundry basket, and then sorted depending on the type of fabric and color of the product;
  • if the closet with things is in the corner room, it cannot be placed close to the wall, since it is on the walls that the fungus can most often appear;
  • after ironing, you need to check whether all things are completely dry;
  • it is advisable to ventilate closets and wardrobes well at least once a week to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant musty smell.

Thus, the question of how to remove mold from fabric can be resolved fairly quickly. All this is done with elementary improvised means that are available to everyone. hostess. It is really possible to fight the fungus on clothes at home.

At the same time, it is important to follow the basic rules of hygiene and storage of things. Monitor the degree of soiling of clothing. Wash it promptly. After washing, it is important to make sure that all things are completely dry. After all, if moisture gets into the closet, the fungus can appear quite quickly.

Agents that can be used to quickly remove mold from fabric should also be carefully sorted. Their choice will depend on the type of fabric, the degree of soiling of the clothes and the type of mold that has appeared on the fabric. Black mold is considered the most aggressive. But you can get rid of it by following simple tips available to everyone.

Mold can grow in any home, whether it's clean or not. The main cause of the fungus is high humidity and poor air outflow.

Most often, mold accumulates in cabinets, shelves, on the ceiling and walls. Many housewives put off-season things there, and then find that they are covered with an unpleasant coating.

This not only harms the appearance of things, but also endangers the health of the whole family. Therefore, you need to know how to remove mold from fabric.

Folk ways to get rid of fungi

As soon as a greenish coating appears on things, it is urgent to start processing the fabric.

How to remove mold from clothes? There are several effective folk ways. The advantage of such funds is that they are always at hand, are inexpensive and do not have a toxic effect on humans.

Application of vinegar

If the question arises of how to remove mold from clothes, a remedy that is available in any home will come to the rescue - vinegar. It will help not only to eliminate dirt at home, but also to remove fungal formations and.

The method of using when washing by hand is as follows:

  1. About 10 liters of water is poured into the basin.
  2. A mug of 9% vinegar is added.
  3. The solution mixes well, and then things are soaked in it and left for one to two hours.
  4. To complete the procedure, clothes must be washed with powder.

The machine wash method is as follows:

  1. A cap of powder is placed in the tray.
  2. A glass of vinegar is added to it.
  3. It is necessary to wash things at a temperature of 40 degrees.

This technique is more suitable for things that are made from natural fabrics.

Borax application

How to remove mold from fabric? You can use a natural mineral substance called borax. This component is often used as an antiseptic, an impregnation for dyeing fabrics, and a hard water softener.

To remove fungi, you need to make a solution. For cooking, you need 300 milliliters of hot water and 2 tablespoons of borax. The components mix well with each other.

In the resulting solution, you need to put a thing and leave it there for two to three hours. After the expiration of time, the product is washed.

Borax is also added during machine washing. 100 grams of the product is poured into the powder compartment.

Laundry soap effectively copes with any kind of dirt. If you don’t know how to remove mold from clothes and remove unpleasant odors, but you have laundry soap on hand, you can quickly eliminate the trouble.

To remove stains from the fabric, it is necessary to lather the places where the stains have formed. Leave things in this state for an hour, and then wash with warm water.

This method is more suitable for work clothes that are made of dense material.

Combination of lemon juice and salt

Fungal spores can appear in the most unexpected places. How to remove mold stains at home with lemon juice and salt:

  1. Squeeze juice from one lemon.
  2. Then rub the resulting stain with it and cover it with salt.
  3. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  4. As soon as the mixture dries, the clothes are washed with the addition of powder.

This method is suitable for both white and colored linen.

With the help of aspirin

This method is considered one of the simplest and most affordable. But you can only use it.

How to remove mildew stains from fabric? To perform the procedure, you should take three to four tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, grind to a powder state and mix in 50 milliliters of alcohol or vodka.

The finished solution is applied to the stain and left to dry. Remove dirt with a soft brush.

Use of dairy products

How to remove mildew smell from clothes? This method is considered a little unusual - fermented milk products will help eliminate moldy spots: yogurt, sour milk, kefir and whey.

To get rid of fungi, the selected product must be poured into a bowl. Put a thing in the resulting solution and leave for 10-12 hours. The procedure is best done at night.

In the morning, clothes should be washed well and hung out in the air, preferably in a sunny place.

Removing fungus from clothes made of white and delicate fabrics

How to get rid of the smell of mold on things if they are made of silk or wool? This type of product requires the use of gentle means.

Salt based solution

If you don’t know how to remove mold stains on fabrics, then you can use an improvised salt-based remedy.

For its manufacture, 200 milliliters of warm water, 3 tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon of ammonia are taken.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on the stove. Wait until boiling, and then remove and allow to cool to a temperature of 40 degrees. To eliminate contamination, apply the mixture to the resulting stains and leave for two to three hours.

Cleaned things after the specified time must be washed in the machine with the addition of powder.

Chalk use

How to remove mold on clothes? You can use chalk. Only this method is more suitable for colored things.

The application scheme is as follows:

  1. You need to take a piece of chalk and crush it to a state of powder.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirt, and put waterproof paper or cotton cloth on top. Iron.

Under the influence of high temperature values, the chalk will saturate the fungal deposits, after which the laundry will become clean.

With the help of turpentine

How to get rid of mold on shoes? Can it be removed and how effective will this method be? To easily solve the problem, you should soak a cotton pad in turpentine. And then they wipe those areas on the shoes where a greenish coating has formed.

After drying, greasy spots will remain on the product. But they can be removed with dry white clay, talcum powder or baby powder. Any selected product is poured and left for half an hour. To complete the procedure, you need to wipe everything thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to remove mold from shoes? A solution based on hydrogen peroxide will remove a greenish coating.

As soon as the fabric begins to mold, dilute three tablespoons of peroxide in a glass of water.

Apply the resulting solution to areas of clothing that have been exposed to fungi. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes. To complete the procedure, the laundry is processed in the washing machine with the addition of.

Getting rid of fungal plaque from bed linen

How to get mold out of fabric?

If fungi appear on bedding, then they can be dealt with using the following methods:

  1. Removes quickly and effectively the fungus - onion juice. You need to take one onion, peel it and cut it in half. The slices are rubbed into moldy spots, after which the bed linen is washed in hot water.
  2. Soaking in yogurt will help remove mold from the fabric. Fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria that destroy fungi of any nature. To remove mold from the fabric, the linen must be soaked in yogurt and left for 13-14 hours. Then wash in the washing machine.
  3. We fight pollution with ammonia. This technique is more suitable for bed linen that is made from linen or thick cotton. In two liters of water we dissolve 10 milliliters of ammonia 40 grams of rock salt. Boil the resulting solution for about 30 minutes. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then we wash it in the washing machine.

Fungi do not tolerate high temperatures, and therefore things should be washed from stains only in hot water.

There are many ways to remove mold. But before using the product, you need to determine the type of fabric and the resistance of pollution.

Preventive actions

In order not to wonder how to get rid of the smell of mold on clothes, you need to take care of the observance of preventive measures in advance.

Experienced housewives give some useful tips:

  1. We regularly look through the cabinets and clean them with a vinegar solution.
  2. Get rid of high humidity. This reason is one of the main ones. To prevent mold from appearing, you need to regularly ventilate the room. And no matter what the weather is outside: cold, wind, snow. Check all hoods. They must be open.
  3. Keep clean clothes away from dirty ones. This is a simple hygiene rule.
  4. The cabinet should not be located close to the wall. This advice is especially true for corner rooms.
  5. All clothes in a tidy closet should be dry. Before you put something, you need to iron everything, and then check for moisture.
  6. If the linen stinks, then it should be dried on the balcony. Better if the weather is sunny.

When fungi appeared on the fabric, how to clean clothes? If you do not know how to deal with dirty things and how to remove stains, then it is better to take them to a dry cleaner. There, professionals will process the products with special means.

Fungus on linen is one of the unpleasant phenomena. But if you follow a number of rules, you can avoid its occurrence.

The fungus often settles on the walls of the bathroom and kitchen. Housewives use a lot of proven remedies for misfortune, but not everyone knows how to remove mold on clothes. Harmful molds appear less often on synthetic and natural fabrics than on the joints between tiles, but problems with things sometimes happen.

How to properly process clothes? What means will quickly and efficiently get rid of the fungus on things made of cotton and linen, terry towels, leather products? Useful tips and recipes for mold will be useful to all housewives.

Why does fungus appear on tissues

Dampness and mold often coexist. High indoor humidity increases the risk of rot spores developing.

The main causes of mold on fabrics:

  • poorly dried clothes in the closet;
  • high humidity in the apartment;
  • drying clothes in cold, poorly ventilated areas;
  • residual moisture on bed linen after ironing with the "steaming" mode;
  • dirty clothes in the closet, especially those with sweat stains.

How to remove mold from clothes: effective methods

How to get rid of mold on clothes? The easiest option is to take things to the dry cleaners. The method is reliable, but often expensive. A great alternative is to fight mold at home. Pharmaceutical preparations, bulk products and liquids are suitable for removing fungal spores, removing dark spots. Folk recipes with natural ingredients will also get rid of fungal spores.

Proven remedies for mold on fabrics:

  • recipe with ammonia number 1. Combine water at room temperature and ammonia in equal proportions, wipe moldy places on things made of synthetic fabrics. After processing, rinse the product well. Do not wipe contaminated areas with an undiluted product;
  • recipe with ammonia №2. Method for removing mold colonies from linen fabrics. Heat water, pour 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, add the same amount of salt, stir. Soak areas affected by dangerous fungi for 30-40 minutes. The next stage of processing is washing products with laundry soap, thorough rinsing, drying things in the fresh air to remove the smell of mold and ammonia;
  • curdled milk. A valuable product of the hostess has been used to destroy mold for more than a decade. How to use: pour curdled milk into a basin, put things that have previously been under running water. After 6-8 hours, the acid will corrode the stains, the mold will disappear;
  • onion juice. Grind a couple of onions, apply gruel to the problem area, hold for 5 minutes, rub the cloth, rinse with running water. After washing the thing with powder, rinse well, iron if the quality of the material allows;
  • crushed chalk. Sprinkle powder on a cotton cloth, cover with a clean paper towel, iron with a hot iron. Chalk will absorb particles of dark spots. Repeat several times. After the procedure, wash the thing with laundry soap or powder;
  • soap solution. Create a lot of foam in a bowl of warm water. The easiest way to remove mold fungi is with laundry soap. Grate the shavings, dissolve, soak things for half an hour. With active reproduction of the fungus, before immersion in the foamy liquid, it is good to rub the black spots of mold with laundry soap. After washing, rinse the thing, hang it on the balcony or in the yard: the smell of soap should disappear. If desired, you can add a rinse with a pleasant aroma;
  • hydrogen peroxide. Pharmaceutical agent is suitable for processing white things. Moisten a cotton swab, walk several times in places covered with colonies of mold fungi. The disinfectant composition does an excellent job even with large stains;
  • soda. Pour a little water into a container with a bulk product, prepare a slurry, apply a mold remedy to the infected areas, rub lightly, leave for 10 minutes. This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. Rinse the material, wash with powder, then iron with a hot iron, if allowed;
  • bleach. Boiling in water with the addition of an active composition is suitable for durable fabrics from which pillowcases, duvet covers, and sheets are sewn. Terry towels can also be boiled with bleach for 15 minutes. Before the procedure, rinse the moldy items well, remove the fungal spores, then put the laundry in a bucket and boil it with any bleaching agent. After processing, washing and ironing with a hot iron is mandatory.

A few more resources available:

  • ascorbic acid plus alcohol. An excellent disinfectant for linen fabrics. Combine 1 tablet and 200 ml of a strong product, moisten the stains with a solution, after drying, wash the thing, iron it well on both sides;
  • lemon juice. A simple, effective method. Rub the contaminated surface with a cut half of a lemon, sprinkle with fine salt, wait 15 minutes, shake off the grains, rinse the treated area. Wash the thing well in a typewriter or by hand, of course, with a high-quality powder;
  • turpentine. The tool is suitable for processing silk fabrics and woolen linen. You need a quality product. Moisten a cotton pad, gently walk over the infected areas, rub lightly, sprinkle with white clay, cover with paper, iron with an iron. It is important to choose the optimal temperature so as not to completely spoil the silk fabric. After processing, wash things, dry in the air;
  • table vinegar. After rinsing things in soapy water, many housewives advise wiping problem areas on the fabric with ordinary table vinegar diluted with water. For 1 st. l. the active substance will need a glass of warm water.

On a note! Mold on clothes appears when the rules for storing things are violated. Excess moisture provokes dark spots on the fabrics, activates the growth of rot spores. Mold not only worsens the appearance of products, but also adversely affects health. A little attention to things, and dangerous mushrooms will not appear in the home.

The recommendations of experienced housewives will help remove mold without damaging tissues:

  • before processing, sort the clothes according to the quality of the fabric, type of material. Synthetic things must be processed separately;
  • The first test of the agent on clothing is carried out on an inconspicuous area. If the composition is too caustic, then the stains after treatment will not spoil the look of the dress or shirt;
  • the portion of the composition for removing the fungus should be small: it is important to follow the reaction of the material;
  • exact adherence to the recipe is one of the conditions for the success of the "operation";
  • after processing the material, thoroughly rinse the area where the dark spot used to be with water, iron it with an iron at an acceptable temperature;
  • bed linen must be boiled with bleach in order to completely destroy the spores of harmful fungi;
  • Vanish for colored or white clothes or fabric softener will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of pharmaceutical preparations and soapy water.
  • with an abundance of gray-black spots, a strong smell of dampness, you should not wear a thing infected with mold spores. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely eliminate the dangerous phenomenon; if you inhale microscopic particles, you can seriously undermine your health. You will have to throw away the thing without regret, in the future to prevent such situations.

Prevention of the appearance

In most cases, the housewives themselves provoke the reproduction of the fungus on fabrics and leather products. The cause of mold is dampness. Simple measures will prevent the development of fungi on things.

How to proceed:

Available folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations will help eliminate mold on fabric. If, for various reasons, colonies of mold fungi are noticeable on clothes, you will have to remember about proven recipes based on natural ingredients and pharmaceutical preparations. Subject to the instructions for use, the result will please the hostess: black spots will disappear.

More useful tips on how to remove mold from clothes in the following video:
