Loving cats. The kindest cat breeds in the world

The article offers answers to frequent and most popular questions about cats, kittens and cats. We will talk about the best and most popular pets with whom it is pleasant to spend free time and who will really please their owners.

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with other articles that are available on this project, as they pay no less attention to special cat breeds and consider groups of popular questions and detailed answers to them.

The most beautiful cats of the breed

To say that some breed of cat is the most beautiful is a thankless task, because there will definitely be people who are more fond of animals of a completely different type.

Some like fluffy Angora or Siberian cats, others like hairless sphinxes or elf cats, and the third seems to be the best and most beautiful in the world, their mongrel pet. And surprisingly, they are all right in their own way.

longest living cat

The Guinness Book states that the longest-lived cat in the world existed for 38 years and 3 days.

Not so long ago, another longevity record was entered in the same Book, which belongs to the cat Tiffany, who died at the age of 28 (more precisely, she lived 27 years 2 months and 20 days).

The smallest, largest cat breed

The Savannah cat breed is considered the largest today. The growth of its representatives reaches 60 cm.

The smallest cat breeds are called, such as Singapura and Munchkin. The growth of adults of these breeds barely reaches 15 cm in height.

What breed of cat is the smartest?

There are no exact criteria for assessing the mental abilities of cats of a certain breed. However, the top five most intelligent cats included the breeds of Balinese, Bengal, Munchkin, Oriental and Simskaya.

The rarest cat breed in the world

Rare cat breeds include Munchkin, Serengeti, Caracal, Toyger and Elf, but the rarest are representatives of the Serval, Savannah and Chausie breeds. The account of the latter goes to 10 individuals worldwide.

Which cat is the most aggressive, loyal, hypoallergenic, stupid, angry

The most aggressive and angry cats are the Siamese. Mekong Bobtail, Maine Coon and Abyssinian cat breeds are famous for fidelity. Hypoallergenic cat breeds stand out Balinese, Oriental and Devon Rex. Persians and Exotics are recognized as the most stupid among cats, however, due to external attractiveness, many people tend not to notice this and forgive them for what others would be fully rewarded for.

What breed of cat is the healthiest, unpretentious, playful, tame and attached

Outbred cats are considered the healthiest. Among the purebred representatives of cats, Bengals, Siamese, Maine Coons and Siberian cats stand out for their excellent health and unpretentiousness.

Oriental, Siamese, Savannah and Canadian Sphynx are famous for their activity and playfulness. However, these qualities largely depend on the lifestyle and nutrition of animals. The most devoted and tame mustachioed pets are Siberians, Maine Coons and Sphynxes.

Which cat is the most dangerous, talkative, calm, fat and heavy

The most dangerous breed of cats is the Siamese cat, the talkative cat is the Thai breed, exotics and Persians are calm.

The largest and heaviest felines are Maine Coons, Ragdolls, Bengals, American Bobtails, Siberians and Turkish Vans.

Which cat is the strongest in the world, cunning, clean

The strongest in the world are cats of the Savannah and Maine Coon breeds, the most cunning are the Balinese, Bengals and Munchkins. Well, such a character trait as cleanliness cannot be taken away from any of the breeds known to man - the love of cleanliness in cats is in the blood.

The cutest cat breed

The cutest in the opinion of most people are fluffy and big-eyed exotics and Persians. Fewer people like cats without hair - sphinxes and elves, but for their owners they are the very best. And you can't argue with that...

The most popular, fluffy cat breed devoted to man

The most popular and widespread fluffy breed of cats in our country are cats representing the Siberian breed. Siberian cats are also reputed to be very loyal and devoted to their owners.

The kindest cat breed for children, at home, suitable for an apartment

British cats are considered the best friend for children. The British have a patient and slightly phlegmatic character, they do not need special freedom, so cats of this breed can be kept in an apartment or house, not letting them out on the street promenade.

What is the most expensive cat breed in the world?

The most expensive, it is also the largest breed of cats is the Savannah. The price of a kitten of this breed can exceed 20 thousand dollars.

What is the oldest cat breed?

The most ancient breed of cats that have survived to this day and are known to residents of any corner of the planet is called the Siamese breed. Mentions of these amazing creatures are found in the manuscripts of the 14th century.

Not so long ago, the Siamese were so highly privileged that they lived only next to kings and presidents.

The article focuses on the features of this breed, and also presents its characteristics with answers to all frequently asked questions, including about ...

When choosing a kitten, both external indicators of purring and character traits are important. After all, every person wants to acquire a kind and affectionate friend. The purpose of the article: to talk about the kindest cat breeds. Two factors also influence the character of a cat: living conditions and genes.

Shorthair exotic. Representatives of this breed will not get off their knees. Pets are distinguished by tenderness and slowness. Any manifestation of kindness and affection from the owner will be a joy for an exotic cat. Sometimes they get used to strangers for a long time, but having trusted, they will be faithful throughout their lives.

Abyssinians. Unlike exotics, these pets are smart and extremely active. Easily make contact even with strangers. The Abyssinian cat is ideal for families with kids.

Persian cats. There is a similarity with their closest relatives - exotics, the same calm and absolutely tame. They do not shine with playfulness, but they will willingly accompany their master around the house.

Russian blue. There is a false opinion regarding the love of these cats for loneliness. Pets look at their new "parent" for a long period. After that, they fall in love with him without memory. Purrs will turn into a "tail", which will accompany everywhere and everywhere. Animals will actively play during the daytime, but at night they will sleep side by side. Cats are more wary of strangers than other breeds.

Burma. Representatives of this breed can boast of high tenderness and sociability. Burmese cats really want the attention of their "parent". Kindness always pays in full. Pets love to do "purr" climbing on their knees. Can't stand being alone.

Siamese. The breed represents many positive qualities. One of the most interesting is curiosity. In addition to the need for constant attention, these cats also have the following feature - they try to recreate almost every action performed by the owner. Sometimes they are compared to submissive dogs.

Regdoll. Translated from English as "rag doll". Cats are kind, imposing and very affectionate. Good with small children. Great option for a single owner.

Burmese cat. Representatives of the feline family are distinguished by an interesting syndrome similar to the bifurcation of personality. Cats can have fun from the heart, and then instantly turn into a completely relaxed creature, located on their hands. No problem making contact with strangers.

Manx. Tailless cats with a lot of kindness and caresses towards their owner. Pets tend to spend every second in the company of the owner. Once having won trust, you can get an exemplary friend for centuries.

Scottish lop-eared. Possessors of a peaceful disposition. They easily get along with children and get along well with other types of pets. Affectionate and good-natured creatures.

European Shorthair. They have a calm demeanor. Often, Celtic cats are smart, affectionate, quiet. Animals are unpretentious in care. They quickly become attached to the owner and easily get used to new conditions.

Maine Coon. Behind the frightening appearance of animals lies a friendly creature. Perfect for any family. The behavior of the purr depends on the mood. They can be playful and very active or affectionate and tame.

Sphinx breed. Recent studies have shown that sphinxes are the most loyal cats. Due to certain features of the skin, pets dream of manifestations of warmth from the owner. They cannot be alone.

Egyptian Mau. The breed can be described with one phrase - “desperate devotion”. Do not communicate with strangers. The chosen people are adored and try to participate in all matters. Smart, playful, active and curious cats. Not too chatty.

American Curl. The nature of the cat is a cocktail of the following components: curiosity, devotion, devotion, tenderness, playfulness, mysterious simplicity.

American Shorthair. Representatives of the breed are friendly to people and small children. Affectionate. Favorite pastime - lie down and purr on your knees. Good hunters. Very playful.

Balinese. Characteristic features - sensitivity and sociability. An incomparable pleasure for purrs is a conversation directly with the owner or any member of the family. Balinese cats are affectionate and gentle, very peaceful. Get along with children without problems.

First of all, it is necessary to define the terms. Under cat kindness we mean the absence of aggression, restraint, utmost calmness, affection and friendliness to people, both to the owners and to strangers. It is important to realize that a cat, regardless of breed, is a proud, independent animal that is more complex than good-natured. Therefore, we will try to note the most “kind” breeds of cats, which are traditionally distinguished by the greatest tolerance and sympathy for people.

Siberian cat

Sometimes it seems that there is simply no limit to the calmness of this animal and its patience. It is for this reason that Siberian cats are recommended to homes with children and other animals - a balanced, somewhat lazy character and a complete lack of aggression make it easy for Siberians to find a common language with people and animals. Their kindness is manifested in calmness, restraint, the ability not to be offended by the antics of the owner. Breeders assure that Siberian cats do not remember insults and easily forgive inattentive and even rude attitude towards themselves. Only now it is strongly not recommended to abuse the trust and indulgence of fluffy good-natured people.

Despite the more than impressive dimensions, this fluffy handsome man also has a calm, absolutely non-aggressive character. Children adore cats of this breed and Maine Coons love them back. Animals show aggression extremely rarely, in extreme situations or in case of a clear threat. The Maine Coon is also friendly towards other animals - it is not uncommon for them to be friends with dogs and even guinea pigs. Some breeders note the attachment of cats of this breed to people, but this is more the exception than the rule.

British Shorthair

The British are extremely reserved, to some extent even educated. it good-natured cats who are condescending towards people and other pets. With rare exceptions, they do not show aggression, they are affectionate, moderately active. They are great with children, allowing the latter to play with themselves, they are ready to endure even petty hooliganism against them. They are often compared to plush toys precisely because of the short "plush" coat and calm, even character. This is not to say that British Shorthair cats are too attached to people.

Scottish lop-eared

Talkative, understanding and exceptionally friendly animals. Differ in accuracy and high intelligence. Breeders believe that the Scots feel their owners, do not annoy them and are able to understand the human mood. Some representatives of this breed can even be trained. The Scottish Fold cat is aristocratic and not prone to aggression at all. There is also no jealousy in her character (for example, towards children or other pets). An extremely friendly and positive animal, ideal for both a large family and single people.

Russian blue

A distinctive feature of this breed is the extreme calmness and high level of intelligence of a purebred animal. These are truly blue-blooded cats who know their own worth and know how to behave with dignity in a society of people. Moreover, the Russian Blue is prone to aggression only in exceptional cases, for example, when a cat with kittens or an individual animal is in danger. Even the males of the Russian Blue breed are not prone to violence, including against relatives. Breeders believe that cats of this breed are easy to educate, instilling in them the qualities that the owners need.

Surprisingly, miniature tigers are, against all odds, one of the kindest representatives of domestic cats. Moderately playful, affectionate, not annoying, they are wonderful with children and adults. They have nothing to do with a real tiger in their habits and habits. Exclusively kind and smart cats which, with rare exceptions, do not show aggression. The only caveat: do not test the patience of the toyger. When dealing with this cat, the rule of “direct dependence” traditionally works - the better you treat the animal, the better it treats you and vice versa.

Outbred cat

Here we immediately make a reservation: outbred animals have a variety of characters, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to each specific cat. However, practice shows that for the most part they are surprisingly cute, sincere, kind and grateful animals. A riot of blood, unique genetics, which all outbred cats without exception possess, sometimes gives rise to real good-natured people. The easiest way to learn about the nature of an animal is by observation. So if you want to get a good purebred cat - go to the shelter and watch them. Rest assured: good cats visible immediately.

Many dog ​​owners, either on their own initiative or at the tearful pleas of children and relatives, are thinking about getting a cat. And although long-standing misconceptions about the irreconcilable enmity between these two animals have long been dispelled, still some doubts remain. Well, how will they live that cat and dog?

In fact, any cat taken into the house with a dog, with the right behavior of the owner, will not cause any trouble. But some breeds are said to be particularly suited to becoming man's best friend's buddy. Here are nine of the friendliest cat breeds, "dog-resistant" so to speak.

Abyssinian - #1 among the friendliest cat breeds

Abyssinians are very social cats that are able to get along with any equally active four-legged. And dogs are especially impressed by their activity and playfulness, so if you are not afraid of constant joyful running around in the apartment and do not own a lot of antiques placed everywhere, then you can opt for the Abyssinian.

And it’s not for nothing that the Abyssinian tops the list of the friendliest cat breeds - for your dog, this will be an excellent companion both at home and in the yard, given that these cats get used to the harness very well.

American Shorthair Friendly #2

These cats are distinguished by an agreeable disposition and intelligence that allows them to accept the situation as it is and adapt to it.

If your dog is not spoiled by the slavish worship of everyone around and is able to respect the boundaries of communication set by the cat, then they are quite capable of making friends and, if mutually desired, will play together.

Burmese - 3rd place of honor in the ranking of the best friends of dogs

One of the most docile breeds with a soft and friendly character. The Burmese will only be glad to the attention of the dog and will perceive it not as importunity, but as a natural desire to make friends with such a wonderful creature as she herself.

Burmese love company, and soon you will be able to notice that your cat and dog are doing everything together: eating, sleeping and playing pranks.

Bombay - 4 on the list of cat breeds that are friendly with dogs

Bombays are playful and active, which in itself makes them good companions. But the main thing is that they have a great affection in common with the dog.

Bombays are distinguished by truly canine devotion for everyone in the family, of which the dog is a full member for them.

Bobtails (Kuril, Thai, Japanese) -5th place

If you get a cat of this breed, you will, as they say, get another dog. Bobtails lend themselves perfectly to training, are accustomed to a leash and love to walk.

The owners of these friendly cats claim that their pets perform the “fetch” command in a way that the dogs never dreamed of. So the bobtail is a great choice for anyone who considers himself a dedicated dog lover.

Maine Coon - 6th place

These cats are called gentle giants, and all the lucky ones who have such a treasure at home assure that they are surrounded by truly canine worship and love.

Coons follow their owners on their heels, share all their activities with them and get bored when they are alone. But if you have a dog, then the latter does not threaten them - your pets will get along great, and you will find another "tail".

Norwegian Forest - 7th place

Pictured is Int.Ch. Claus Norwood. photographer Andrey Medvedev. Breeder Diana Bibikova, Novosibirsk. Nursery Norwood.

This incredibly beautiful cat, like all beauties, has a difficult character. Large, strong and self-confident, she, of course, will not allow herself to be pushed around. The first time your dog tries to establish dominance, the Norwegian Forest Dog will immediately display the spirit of its wild ancestors. But nothing terrible will happen - dogs have an innate respect for strength.

Very soon, they will both appreciate the benefits of spending time together, and will happily indulge in fun together.

Ragdoll - 8th place

Quite rare in our country, but extremely popular in the USA breed. The translation of its name into Russian - "rag doll" - speaks for itself. Compliant, calmer and more gentle than a cat can not be found.

And where there is softness of character, there is a complete readiness to reconcile with everyone around. Ragdolls with complete equanimity will treat even the most obnoxious dog, which will plunge her first into complete bewilderment, and then simply force herself to fall in love.

Siberian cats - 9th place

With these animals, only one form of relationship is possible - complete submission. The will of Siberians is unbending and inflexible, but like all strong-minded beings, they are generous and fair.

They will never offend the dog on purpose, and if she accepts them for who they are, they will find the best friend of all cats. With a different mind, complex forms of behavior, phenomenal ingenuity of Siberians, your dog will not only have fun - it will be interesting!

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Each cat is characterized by special character traits that go beyond the standards characteristic of the breed. But if you decide to have a pet that will become your friend, check out this list of the friendliest cat breeds.


Do you want a cat that will lie quietly and warm your knees on long winter evenings? The Exotic Shorthair cat will gladly take care of this. This breed is famous for its affection for the owners. Cats follow humans in circles and are happy to accept pets when they get the chance.

These animals are wary of anything that is too active. Therefore, it often takes some time for the Exotic Shorthair cat to get used to children and guests in the house who strive to cuddle it.


Unlike exotic shorthair cats, Abyssinian cats are very active. They are very smart and playful. And it doesn’t matter who will keep the company in the game, they equally quickly find a language with people of different ages, family members and even strangers.

These qualities make the Abyssinian a good choice for parents who want to have a pet that their children can enjoy.


Persian cats are very gentle, as if born for affection. They quickly become attached to the owner, but just as quickly cool down if he treats them rudely.

Persian cats do not like noise, but still they like to be the center of attention of others.


Russian blue cats are real aristocrats. Gracefulness and intelligence allowed them to become one of the most popular breeds in the world.

These cats love to play and be a part of everything the owner does, and even share the bed with him. It is worth a cat of this breed to feel your warm attitude towards her, and she will not leave you a single step. By nature, Russian blue cats are very cautious and are not in a hurry to become objects of attention at "social events" in the house. But as soon as they get used to the environment, they go out and gladly accept the caresses of others.


The Burmese cat, like no other, depends on the attention of others and quickly receives it thanks to its charm. Cats of this breed are grateful listeners: they can lie on your lap for hours and calmly listen to everything that you tell them.

Their dependence on attention is so great that they are ready to accept it from absolutely anyone who only offers (even from other pets). For this reason, experts strongly recommend getting another animal to keep the Burmese company if the owner is away from home for a long time.


Siamese cats are very similar in character to Burmese (they also crave communication), but they also have a distinctive feature - increased curiosity. Siamese cats not only require the attention of the owner, but also want to be a part of everything that he does. They are happy to share household chores, eating and watching television programs.

Due to the presence of a wide range of interests, these cats easily find a common language with others and often resemble dogs in their behavior. By the way, cats of this breed are often walked on a leash.


Somali cats are very active. They love to play and do it with anyone who shows interest. The high level of energy and attention makes this breed ideal for training.

Although Somali cats love attention from others, they are not happy to receive it from other pets. The ideal conditions for this cat are when she is the only animal in the house and only she gets all the attention.


Ragdoll in translation means "rag doll". This name was given to the breed because its representatives tend to relax to the state of a rag doll when she takes any poses that you choose for her. In this state, the cat can be stroked, squeezed, and it will not resist.

These cats are strongly attached to the owner, do not tolerate loneliness and are smart enough to understand intonation and get used to the toilet.


Burmese cats are playful in nature and at the same time very devoted to their owner. They quickly adapt to new conditions, love to play with children, cuddle and caress. Very easy to find a common language with the guests.

It is worth noting that cats of this breed do not like to lie on the owner’s lap for a long time, but they enjoy being stroked on the head.


These cats do not have a tail, but they have no complexes about this. They are very sociable, intelligent and observant. They like to take part in all the activities that take place at home. They love to play with new toys. These cats need company and especially appreciate those who show them attention.


Maine Coons are happy to spend time with everyone who only offers, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a person or an animal.

These cats easily move from a state of playfulness to complete relaxation and enjoyment of the owner's caresses. They are great travel companions and get used to the leash very easily.


These hairless cats are ready to flirt with everyone, just to get affection and attention. This makes them one of the friendliest breeds.

Sphinxes do not like to spend time alone, so they tend to "help" the owner in everything he does. Hungry for love, cats of this breed are famous for their stupid deeds, committed only in order to get the attention and affection of their owner.
