Do-it-yourself folk cosmetics. What is the composition of nourishing cosmetic creams

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Do-it-yourself cosmetics, aka DIY cosmetics

No matter how sophisticated advertising gurus are, broadcasting about the miraculous properties of creams and cosmetics from famous brands, every woman should clearly understand - perfect cream does not exist! I mean - one that would suit absolutely everyone. Certain types of leather have many nuances, and it is very difficult to take into account each of them when developing a recipe for a mass product. Therefore, in last years a new direction in cosmetology called “diy-cosmetics” began to rapidly develop.

What does D.I.Y. mean?

The English abbreviation "do it yourself", meaning "do it yourself", began to come into use in the second half of the last century. It concerned all spheres of human activity at home - repair, manufacture of furniture, dishes, clothes, interior items - in a word, everything that allowed you to decorate your own house and make life in it pleasant and comfortable. Recently, this phenomenon has spread to home cosmetics.

What is the secret behind the growing popularity of DIY cosmetics?

  • This is a customized product.
  • Its cost is cheaper than branded by 30-60%
  • It meets the trends "thrifty lifestyle" and " healthy lifestyle life"
  • Ability to improvise with components
  • Rapid expansion of the ingredients market, their availability
  • Simple cooking technology
  • It is environmentally friendly, consists of natural organic components, does not contain preservatives, chemical additives and surfactants that destroy protective layer skin. In addition, the manufacture of cosmetics at home does not require special packaging materials, as on an industrial scale, packaging containers can be reused, which is important for the environment.

Approximately one third of the buyers of the ingredients of such cosmetics - professional cosmetologists, independently manufacturing cosmetics in their salons. Despite the lack of certification, their creams and masks have considerable success with visitors to beauty salons.

What individual cosmetics can you make yourself?

Before you start making cosmetics with your own hands at home, it is recommended to study the materiel. By the way, courses and webinars on diy cosmetics are a completely independent information product that is in steady demand and is actively sold.
At home, you can make almost any caring cosmetics: gels, creams, masks, lotions, scrubs, tonics, shampoos, soaps, balms, milk. She will have some features that need to be taken into account.

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics has:

  • Short shelf life (maximum - a week)
  • Possible allergic reactions into individual components
  • Slow effect on application
  • Specific, not always pleasant smell

Are there cosmetics that cannot be made from ingredients sold in DIY stores? There is. It is impossible to make creams with biologically active substances - enzymes, hormones, collagen.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a delicate, “airy” gel-like consistency of a cream, which we usually enjoy by dipping a finger into a jar of a commercially produced product. Most often, something unusually greasy, oily and odorous is obtained, especially at the beginning of the career of a home-grown beautician.

What can harm home-made cosmetics?

Everything has its pros and cons, including cosmetics that you make yourself at home.

The main enemy that can be hiding in a jar of homemade cream is, of course, bacteria. They can get into it with insufficient cleanliness in the process of making the cream and, in the future, actively multiply in it if no preservative is added to the product. Even a commercially made cream ceases to be sterile when we open the package and dip our finger into it to scoop up a portion for the next application to the face.

Particularly dangerous are compounds containing aqueous plant extracts and protein components such as yogurt, egg yolks and oatmeal - this is an ideal breeding ground for bacterial growth. After applying such a product to the skin, which has been stored for some time, even in the refrigerator, you can get a strong inflammatory reaction.

Another pitfall is allergic reactions. They can be caused by fruit and berry extracts, extracts from plants, essential oils; again with the same protein components.

An excess of oils has an extremely unfavorable effect on the condition of the skin. Oily creams good for dry, cracked skin on the feet, for the elbows, but not for the face, where they instantly clog the skin pores and prevent the skin from breathing, creating an air and waterproof greenhouse layer.

In order for the use of handmade cosmetics to bring joy to your skin, we follow simple rules:

We prepare products in conditions as close as possible to sterile.
We never collect cream from a jar with our fingers - for this there are special cosmetic spatulas, better disposable.
The cream is stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days.
Before introducing exotic components into a cosmetic product, we must conduct a sensitivity test.
We do not overload the composition of the cream - the more components it contains, the more difficult it is to balance them, we are especially careful when working with oils, their amount in the cream, exceeding 5-6%, will simply not be perceived by the skin.

Inventory for making diy cosmetics

Of course, no one prepares an individual anti-aging cream in a saucepan for semolina, stirring it with a tablespoon. Therefore, those who decide to go into production natural cosmetics at home, you will need necessary minimum equipment for this activity.

  • Electronic scales for accurate weighing of ingredients
  • Digital thermometer (more accurate than water thermometer)
  • Cosmetic thermostat for melting waxes and hard oils, for gentle heating of components
  • Whisk for whisking, or better - a cosmetic mini-mixer
  • Porcelain mortar and pestle for grinding dry substances
  • Metal bowls from of stainless steel with a spout (stainless steel does not come into chemical contact with the ingredients and can be heated without fear that it will burst like glass)
  • Glasses laboratory with graduation of various volume
  • Glass sticks for stirring
  • glass funnel
  • Cosmetic spatulas
  • Plastic disposable pipettes ("I collected - I dripped - I threw it away." Experience shows that washing a glass pipette from the collected contents, especially oily ones, is a thankless and unpromising task)
  • Measuring metal spoons, tweezers-holder
  • Product pH test strips
  • Vials and jars for the finished product

The main components for making diy cosmetics (home cosmetics)

base oils

These are highly refined vegetable oils. They are produced from the components and parts of plants - seeds, seeds, nucleoli - by pressing and cold filtration. There are liquid (olive, almond, jojoba, etc.) and solid (coconut, cocoa, palm, avocado, mango). Scope - the manufacture of soaps, creams, massage mixtures.

Cosmetic waxes

These are fat-like amorphous substances of plant, animal, artificial origin. There are fossil waxes (ozocerite, ceresin) that have medicinal properties. Waxes are chemically stable, waterproof, hard enough, have high temperature melting and are not subject to oxidation (aging, "rancidity"). Used for the manufacture of lipsticks, glosses, pencils, in depilatory products and emulsion creams.

Animal oils

Mink oil and lanolin (also sometimes called sheep wax). These components are closest in composition to sebum person and form the basis nourishing creams for dry, sensitive and aging skin.

Emulsifiers and thickeners

These are components that give cosmetics a stable, stable structure, preventing delamination. With the help of emulsifiers, a microemulsion is prepared from base oils, thanks to which the active components are evenly distributed in cosmetic product and are easily absorbed by the skin, reaching its deep layers. This category includes sodium alginate, gum arabic, xanthan gum, sucrose stearate, cetearyl alcohol, etc.

plant extracts

These are extracts from plants that have various cosmetic effects - skin nutrition, capillary constriction during rosacea, regulation fat metabolism, cell regeneration, antimicrobial and antiseptic action, etc. They can be in the form of powders, oil and alcohol extracts, fruit powder.

Essential oils

They give home cosmetics both healing and caring properties. These are components with a high degree of activity, which are added to the product in minimal amounts (2-3 drops). Essential oils aromatize the product, have a preservative effect, fight microbes and viruses, strengthen immune system and relieve stress. The most used are lavender, rose, neroli, tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, sage, patchouli, grapefruit, lemon, mint, ylang-ylang, cedar, etc.

Soap base

This is the basic product for making soap at home. It is an alloy of base oils, glycerin and organic surfactants.

Where do they get all this?

Buy ingredients for self-manufacturing individual cosmetics is completely uncomplicated. This segment of e-commerce is growing rapidly and offers almost everything you need for production. cosmetics"from scratch" - from measuring spoon to accompanying step by step instructions and recipes. All basic and active components are sold wholesale and retail at quite affordable prices.

Some technological features of the production of home cosmetics

  • The working surface on which the process of preparing homemade cosmetics will take place should be clean and easy to wash and disinfect. Agree that the kitchen table, on which meat or fish was cut before, vegetables were cut and seasonings were added to dishes, is not the best place for this. It is better if a separate table is allocated for cosmetic experiments.
  • The main point in the working process is perfect cleanliness. Dishes, especially those in which the finished product will be stored, must be sterilized, bearing in mind that preservatives are not placed in home cosmetics to protect them from the growth of bacteria. The rule of cleanliness also applies to the hands of the master. Facilitates the task of having a bottle of alcohol with a dispenser.
  • All components are carefully crushed (if provided), weighed and measured strictly according to the recipe. For those who put the ingredients of the product "by eye", the result is "something".
  • Base oils and wax are melted in a non-metallic vessel in a water bath or a special thermostat. Never use a microwave oven to prepare cosmetics.
  • In the manufacture of emulsions, the water and oil phases are mixed after heating to the same temperature.
  • Active components (extracts, essential oils, pigments, structure stabilizers) are introduced into the product last.
  • And finally, the main rule: "A quality cosmetic product can only be obtained using quality ingredients"

Do-it-yourself homemade cosmetics recipes

Simple night cream for dry sensitive skin

1 tablespoon cocoa butter
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
3 tablespoons olive oil(can be replaced with apricot kernel oil)
Essential oil of sandalwood

Such a recipe for natural cosmetics with your own hands is done as follows: you should place cocoa butter in a ladle in a boiling water bath or in a special thermostat. After complete melting, successively add the remaining oils, mix quickly for 5-10 seconds and place the ladle in a container with cold water for cooling. In the process of cooling, beat the cream with a mini-mixer and add 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil. Ready cream transfer to a clean glass jar.

Moisturizing anti-couperose cream

Couperose is a pronounced vascular network on some parts of the face (for example, on the wings of the nose), giving the skin an unhealthy redness and a problematic appearance. The components of the cream are divided into 3 phases:

A homemade cosmetics recipe is done like this: we place the solid components of phase A in a water bath or in a thermostat, hold until melted. Add the remaining oils from phase A and gently knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Phase B components (hydrolat, hyaluronic acid and panthenol) must be heated to the temperature of phase A, dissolve allantoin and pour into the oil in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Cool slightly and add essential oils (phase C). Transfer the finished cream to a glass container, store in the refrigerator.

Lip balm "Moisturizing"

Beeswax 7.2 g
cocoa butter 16.0 g
Castor oil 20 ml
essential oil tea tree(or rosemary) 6 drops

Do-it-yourself solid ingredients for cosmetics are placed in a water bath or in a special thermostat and kept until melted. Stirring constantly, add castor oil. To obtain a more uniform consistency, it is better to use a cosmetic mixer.
When the mixture cools down a bit, add the essential oil.

Make cosmetics at home, which consists of natural raw materials, is a fairly simple, but at the same time responsible process. home cosmetics With more likely can cause allergies than cosmetics from the store. Foods that cause allergies when taken orally should not be consumed outside. Especially people with sensitive skin you need to carefully use homemade cosmetics.

How to determine whether cosmetics prepared at home will cause an allergy? Take a test, apply a little cosmetic product, be it a cream or lotion, on the elbow part of the skin or on the back of the hand. If no signs of allergy appear within half an hour, you can safely use and prepare cosmetics at home. Allergy sufferers use cosmetics home cooking highly not recommended.

To get the right effect and not harm cosmetics, follow the basic rules of how to make cosmetics at home:

  1. Carry out the sensitivity test described above.
  2. Follow the rules
  3. Thoroughly wash the ingredients: vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.
  4. Decoctions and infusions are made in a water bath or poured with boiling water, and not boiled.
  5. Use only clean, sterilized utensils for cooking.
  6. To make gruel, rubbing and whipping food, it is better to use a porcelain or wooden spoon or crush.
  7. Do not use iron utensils.
  8. Prepare juice for cosmetics at home immediately before cooking.
  9. Homemade cosmetics are applied only to clean skin and hair.
  10. Be careful when preparing recipes based on alcohol, it can irritate the skin.
  11. Do not use concentrated juice, especially lemon juice, always dilute.
  12. The volume of a tablespoon is 15 ml, a teaspoon is 5 ml.
  13. on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Decoctions and infusions - 4 days, creams - 1 month, tonics, lotions - up to 2 weeks, masks are always freshly prepared.

At home, you can make a mask for the face, body, peeling, etc. Only fresh ingredients are used. Masks are always made fresh. Homemade masks moisturize, nourish, tighten pores and do much more for the skin. As a rule, the mask is done once a week.

An infusion is a cosmetic medicine made from water and herbal ingredients. The infusion is used to cleanse and prepare the skin for the cream. For infusions, plant materials are used, usually flowers, leaves, herbs of plants, most fruits and seeds in crushed form.

Decoctions are prepared for lotions, creams, emulsions. Used to cleanse, tone and relax the skin of the face. For decoctions, bark, rhizomes, roots, dense leathery leaves (except those containing essential oils) are used. Ready-made raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty stores.

There are 3 ways to make soap at home: from scratch, soap-based or baby soap. Also how to make massage tiles and bath balls. Using various molds, you can give soap original look. Soap can be used at home or given as a gift.

In terms of their effect, some home cosmetics are not at all inferior to expensive luxury products, and the composition in both cases may differ little. In addition, natural cosmetics have a number of other advantages.

  • You have no doubts about its composition.
  • This cosmetic does not contain chemical compounds and artificial colors. All this is important if you want to maintain and maintain your health.
  • In addition, by creating cosmetics at home, you control all stages of production.

And it is also very beneficial for your budget, especially in times of crisis. The ingredients that make up homemade cosmetics are individually much cheaper than the same tube of cream, the composition of which is completely unknown to you. And by purchasing which, you overpay for the brand and packaging.

Features of the production of home cosmetics

Actually, the ability to independently take care of your appearance, creating cosmetics at home, is just as important for modern woman like being able to cook or apply makeup. This is not difficult after some practice.

But still there are nuances that should be taken into account. Certain herbal ingredients should not be refrozen or overheated so that they do not lose their useful properties.

Natural cosmetics do not last long. Various masks, for example, are best used soon after production. Creams, lotions, shampoos can last several weeks if stored properly. Homemade beauty soaps or bath bombs will last for several months, but don't put them off for too long.

The inventory that you will need for work is most likely already at your disposal. And depending on what you want to make, it can even vary a little.

This includes a variety of bowls, measuring spoons and measuring cups or electronic scales, a mortar and pestle, a sieve, a grater, molds, a mixer. The most important production condition is that all tools and utensils are kept clean. As well as the desktop.

It is most convenient to make homemade cosmetics right in the kitchen, because you may need to heat treatment ingredients or water bath etc. Lay workplace newspapers or tablecloths.

It is very important to make sure that the components of home cosmetics do not get into food or vice versa.

The main components for the manufacture of natural cosmetics

You will need the following components:

  • Base oils or base oils. This is a product of plant origin. These include olive oil, grape seed oil, jojoba, avocado oil, etc. These oils have beneficial properties for the skin: moisturize, rejuvenate, have anti-inflammatory properties. They are often included in recipes for homemade creams, masks, massage tiles, etc.
  • Essential oils. These are fragrant volatile oily compounds. They are used to flavor your products. Essential oils also have beneficial properties, such as softening the skin, fighting cellulite (essential oils from citrus fruits), and have soothing properties (lavender oil). But they are not recommended to be used directly on the skin. Since essential oils are concentrated and can cause irritation.

    Cosmetic waxes. They are used to create balms, perfumes and, of course, creams. It can be beeswax, flower, oil, etc.

    Emulsifiers and thickeners. They are used to create creams. These include agar-agar, glycerin, lanolin, lecithin, etc.

    plant extracts. Base and essential oils, along with other ingredients, such as herbs, are included in the range of pharmacies. The rest of the components you can find in specialized stores for creativity. In addition, you can order them in popular Western online stores. You can even find something on the shelves of ordinary stores. However, the absence of one or another component is not a significant problem. You can choose one or another analogy. This is good home cosmetics.

The list of ingredients may be longer, or vice versa, something will not be needed. Just creating homemade cosmetics is a creative process.

Simple recipes for natural cosmetics

Let's try to make homemade cosmetics different types to take care of your appearance.

For facial skin care

Facial cleansing and nourishing products can be prepared at home.

Cucumber lotion for all skin types

Cucumber has long been famous for its properties: it perfectly moisturizes the skin.

The recipe is not complicated. A small cucumber must be peeled and then grated. Take one glass of boiled water. Next, add 3 tbsp. l. cucumber mass. Leave it there until the mixture has completely cooled. Then you need to strain the resulting solution, pour into a beautiful jar.

Cream with anti-aging properties

Expression " homemade cream” sounds unusual, but still, a face cream can be prepared independently. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. base oil(e.g. avocado oil), egg yolk and one teaspoon of honey. Whisk these ingredients. Squeeze some juice into the mixture and put one teaspoon of glycerin. Continue whisking the entire mixture. Add a little camphor alcohol to it (5-7 drops).

Fruit mask for dry skin

From time to time, the skin needs nutrients. Here is a recipe for a refreshing fruit mask, after which dry skin becomes smooth and tender. Mix sour cream in the amount of one tablespoon with a couple of tablespoons fruit juice to your liking. It can be apple juice or even the juice of an exotic fruit like mango. You can replace the pulp of a banana or persimmon. Apply a fruit mask on your face. You can wash off after 10 minutes.

For body

Bath product

This tool relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple and toned.

It is necessary to mix rosehip flowers, mint leaves and nettle leaves in equal proportions. These plants are in the form herbal preparations can be found in the pharmacy, although you can collect them with my own hands. Pour the herbal mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let her sit for 30 minutes. This solution must be filtered. And you can add to the bath.

Salt body scrub

Pour in 1 cup of salt. You can take sea ​​salt or cookery. This will not affect the quality of the scrub. Mix the salt with 200 ml of base oil, such as grape seed oil. And add 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. A few drops of your favorite essential oil will add a pleasant scent to the scrub.

For care yes hands

Hand cream

Hand care is just as important as facial skin care. To prepare the cream, take 2 teaspoons beeswax and 1 tablespoon base oil. You can also add one teaspoon oil solution vitamin A. After that, add a plant extract or a few drops of essential oil. Mix everything until you get a homogeneous mass.

DIY hair cosmetics

herbal shampoo

You can even make your own shampoo.

To do this, mix the following plants in equal parts: burdock root, calendula flowers, birch leaves. Pour in about 50 gr. this mixture with boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain through a sieve. Grate half of the baby soap into the mixture (or you can use a special soap base from the store). Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. base oil. Of course, in such a recipe one can feel the hand of a craftswoman and a creative approach.

Strengthening hair mask

Take one teaspoon of flaxseed oil and burdock oil, add 1 yolk and a few more drops lemon juice. Mix everything. Then massage movements Gently distribute the entire mixture through your hair. Leave this mask for 30 minutes, wearing a warming cap on top or put on a diaper. Then rinse. Hair will be shiny and strong.

Well, as you can see, it is absolutely not difficult to prepare a cosmetic product on your own. Do you have any proven recipes? How do you take care of your skin? Do you like being given natural cosmetics made by yourself?

Every second woman approaches the choice of cosmetics with responsibility, reading the composition and taking care of her body, face and hair. Today, rarely anyone chooses care products from the principle of "if only it would be cheaper." And if you can’t find safe products on store shelves, you have to make cosmetics at home.

Features of the preparation of natural cosmetics

If you decide to prepare cosmetics for yourself, you should heed these tips:

  • use only fresh juices;
  • choose recipes with components that are not allergic;
  • use sterilized dishes and label vials with ready-made products;
  • use measuring scales in the manufacture of cosmetics.

Making homemade cosmetics is a process that does not require much time and money. Often, each housewife already has the necessary ingredients and equipment. The most important thing is to keep the instruments clean and sterilized before use.

What components are required

Of course, each recipe is distinguished by its composition, but you need to familiarize yourself with the basic ingredients:

  1. base oil. It can be in liquid or solid form and is used to make soaps, lotions, and massage products.
  2. Animal fat. Essential for creating creams for all skin types.
  3. Essential oils. They are important for flavoring cosmetics and preventing bacteria. It is worth using oils in a small amount, up to 5 drops per 100 g. product.
  4. herbal ingredients. They are selected according to the type of skin and existing problems.

natural lotions

Lotions are used to cleanse and soften the skin, in addition, they are necessary to get rid of freckles. To make it more convenient to use ready-made products, it is necessary to pour them into store jars. In order to quickly prepare the product, you need to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber juice and almond oil. It is allowed to wipe the skin twice a day, paying attention to the area with freckles. The finished mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 6 days. Do not let the lotion long time contacted with air, it must be poured into jars immediately after preparation.

Advice! To soften the skin, it is necessary to wipe the face up to two times a day with watermelon and peach juice. This recipe It will help to overcome the retraction and dryness of the skin.

Many people have long since replaced regular shampoos with dry mixes, which also struggle with scalp pollution. A similar mixture can be prepared independently using the following ingredients:

  • rice flour - Art. the spoon;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • essential oil - 1 drop;
  • cocoa - Art. the spoon.

Cocoa should only be used by women with dark color hair. If you have light curls, then it can be replaced with chamomile. After the mixture is ready, it is rubbed through a sieve and oil is added. The agent is applied to wet hair massage movements.

fruit mask

Often used for face care fruit masks which are more indicated for dry skin. After the first application, the face becomes soft and fresh. To perform it, you need to mix a tablespoon of sour cream and twice as much as any natural juice. If there is no juice, you can use the pulp of a fruit, such as a banana. Finished mask applied to the face for no more than 10 minutes.

homemade soap

It is unlikely that you will be able to find soap in the store, which also performs the function of belongings. And at home, you can make a fragrant product that is allowed to be used to wash and cleanse the skin. For many women, this kind of activity is now a hobby, and there are even those who do it to order. Great recipe for daily care:

  1. Cut 200 gr. fragrance-free baby soap.
  2. Melt in a water bath.
  3. Add to the mass of 50 ml. boiling water.
  4. Mix.
  5. Add a tablespoon of honey and olive oil, half the amount of ground apricot pits, a little turmeric and 10 drops of orange oil.
  6. Mix.
  7. Grease butter molds with olive oil.
  8. Put soapy mass in them.
  9. After cooling, remove the soap from the mold and place on a dry cloth.
  10. hold on finished soap 2 days at room temperature.

The hands, like the face and body, need permanent care. In order to prepare the product, you need to mix a tablespoon of base oil and half as much beeswax. To enrich your hands with vitamins, you need to add a few drops of vitamin A and mix the mass well. Ready mix used as a regular hand cream.

We store ready-made cosmetics correctly

Do not use cosmetics after the expiration date. If there is a large percentage of water in cosmetics, then it is necessary to store such products only in the refrigerator. It is important to know that the duration of storage different means excellent:

  • scrubs and lotions - 2 weeks;
  • decoctions - no more than 4 days;
  • alcohol tinctures - up to a month.

Previously, women did not know such a variety of cosmetics and used the care products that they had at hand. And note that they were natural remedies, then why are we chasing so zealously and for which we are ready to give a lot of money! But, even when purchasing very expensive cosmetics, we get an effect that is directly proportional to expectations - allergies, irritations, skin problems. And we begin to sincerely wonder - what do manufacturers add to these scrubs and creams? After all, it is written on a jar in an accessible language - a 100% natural product! You may be surprised, but in fact, the shelf life of any natural product rarely more than a couple of months. And only thanks to chemical additives, creams can stand on the shelf and delight us with their "combat readiness" for years!

Have you ever wondered why spend money on scrubs of dubious production when your kitchen has everything your body needs - sour cream, vegetable oil, honey, raw eggs (as a base), as well as crushed nuts, ground coffee, oat flakes, salt, bran (as scrubbing components). You just need to mix them! But! Any scrubbing agent, even really 100% natural, cannot be fanatically used daily - no more than 2-3 times a week.

Or maybe you dream of a chocolate wrap? Try to reproduce the whole procedure yourself, at home. Melt dark chocolate (with a cocoa capacity of at least 70%), mix it with heavy cream, cool and can be applied to the skin of the face and neck (for 10 minutes). Rinse off the chocolate with warm water and enjoy the gorgeous effect!

Not that? Do you want to cook something non-disposable, something ... more serious? Please…

1. Serum with vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and collagen booster. Plus, this useful vitamin protects against the damaging effects of UV rays, eliminates small scars and wrinkles.

To prepare the miracle serum, you will need L-ascorbic acid. This is an unstable form of vitamin C, so it is recommended to do a small dose of serum at a time, for a maximum of a week and a half, because it oxidizes over time and loses its properties. magical properties(the first symptom is yellow tint). So, except for 1 tsp. L-ascorbic acid, you need: a teaspoon of distilled water and vegetable glycerin. Prepare a bottle for the serum in advance (it is very important that it is dark!).

Now mix acid and water in a cup (stir until the crystals are completely dissolved, and this is a long process). Then add vegetable glycerin, knead everything and pour into a bottle. At night, apply a small amount of serum on the face and hide the bottle in the refrigerator. If you are satisfied with the effect, you can use it twice a day.

Warnings: Some people experience backlash on vitamin C, so the day before the start of regular use, apply the serum to a small area of ​​​​skin (not on the face!) And watch the reaction. If there is a tingling and burning sensation, this is not your recipe and you will have to put up with it.

2.Lip balm

Lip balms and creams are indispensable not only in frosty and windy winters, they are essential at any time of the year. And those balms that we buy in pharmacies and supermarkets either do not moisturize at all, but only “lie” greasy spot on the lips, or have a disgusting taste and smell. Try making your own lip balm. You can vary the recipe below by adding oils you like the smell of or substituting for ones you are allergic to.

Ingredients: 35% almond oil (this will be our base); 25% beeswax (it creates the structure of the balm, so do not overdo it - the more wax you add, the denser the finished product will be); 14% shea butter; 10% castor oil (for shine); 14% cocoa butter; 2% of any essential oils

Melt the wax along with castor oil and almond oil in a water bath. Then add cocoa butter - let it sweat a little. After a couple of minutes, add shea butter in small pieces and wait until it melts. Shea butter should go last, as when overheated, it collects grains. Once the balm is off the heat, you can add essential oils (such as peppermint, cinnamon, or grapefruit) and pour finished work by jars.

3.Universal nourishing oil for beautiful body and shiny hair

This product is based on whipped shea butter, which has unique nutritional properties. Such an oil can be an all-purpose moisturizer - lip balm, hand cream, baby cream, after sun cream, moisturizer for hair in one bottle! How is it better regular oil shi? The fact that it is instantly absorbed, has an unusually pleasant light texture and at the same time does not lose its beneficial properties.

The preparation is pure oil shea (80% of the total composition) is softened in a water bath or microwave (just a couple of seconds) so that it becomes soft, but does not melt. Approximately, as lying in the warmth butter. Then lightly heat liquid oils (18% of total weight) until warm (from oils you can use: coconut, rice bran, jojoba oil or grape seed) and add it to the shea butter. Beat the mixture with a whisk (this will take at least 10-15 minutes), you can use a mixer until you get a stable creamy mass. If you are counting on long-term storage of the cream, add a little vitamin E (1% of the total mass) and any essential oil to taste (also with the calculation - 1% of the total mass). Pour the finished product into a jar.

Tip: if you want to reduce the effect of fat content, add 2-3% corn starch while whipping the cream.

Want to nourish your hair? Then, before washing your hair, apply whipped oil on them for 15 minutes and you will be surprised how silky your hair will become after this mask!

4. Ubtan is a chic alternative to soap for sensitive skin

If you are worried about the condition of the skin after washing, you just need to replace your soap with something softer and more beneficial! For example, ubtanom. Under such a complex name, there is just a powder of herbs and spices, which is diluted in warm milk, yogurt or rose water. This mass either wash the face or use it as a mask, leaving it on the skin for 5-10 minutes.

The advantage of ubtans is that they can be harvested for future use and you can easily make a mixture that will suit you 100% in composition. The main thing to remember is that the basis of any ubtan is chickpea flour.

So, the recipe for anti-inflammatory ubtan, actively fighting acne and its consequences: chickpea flour; chopped lentils (red); mustard oil; chopped turmeric; warm milk to dilute.

The cooking process is as simple as possible - you just need to mix all the ingredients and, before using ubtan, dilute it with warm milk.

5. Beer hair mask

Live beer contains a lot of vitamins (including vitamin B) and a whole bunch of microelements that are so necessary for our curls. Therefore, having at hand such wonderful remedy like beer, it's just a sin not to use it!

Ingredients: 50 ml unrefined beer (ideally German Haufbrau or Pauliner); egg yolk; 1 tsp honey.

Now mix all the ingredients, apply the mask on your hair, put on a plastic cap, and put a towel on top and sit down to finish reading your favorite book for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo and apply a conditioner. As a last resort, especially if you suffer from dandruff, you can use the same beer diluted 1/4 with water (that is, you need to take 3 parts water for 1 part beer). If the mask is too small (for example, you have very long and Thick hair) - increase the number of components.

Such a mask not only nourishes your hair and makes it much more obedient, but is also just a salvation from dandruff!

6. Balm for lip augmentation

Nothing supernatural! It’s just that in such recipes those oils are used (in our case, this is cinnamon oil) that promote blood flow to the lips and make them slightly swollen, which means voluminous. And the effect lasts for hours!

Ingredients: 15% beeswax (take white wax); 5% jojoba oil; 4% castor oil for shine; 20% shea butter, cocoa and apricot kernel; 10% squalane; essential oil of cinnamon (1%).

If you can't get squalane, replace it with another moisturizing ingredient - hemp oil, rice bran oil, or sasanqua oil.

Preparation: wax and solid oils(shea butter and cocoa) heat together in a water bath (until the wax is completely melted) and mix until smooth. shuffle everything natural compounds you need a wooden or glass spoon that does not come into contact with oils and does not allow them to lose their beneficial properties. Add squalane, jojoba oil and castor oil, mix again and immediately remove from heat. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, you can safely add your essential oil (we have cinnamon oil) and the contents of one vitamin E capsule (if desired) to extend the shelf life. Mix everything again and you can pour into jars. Until completely cooled, the balm should be kept at room temperature.

Good luck in this difficult magic!
