Birthday toast to a woman's boss. Congratulations in verses happy birthday and anniversary, wedding congratulations and cool toasts Toast non-standard wishes for the boss happy birthday

Happy birthday. I wish you a lot of happiness in life, things in your wardrobe, opportunities in activities, ideas in your head, love in your heart, money in your wallet, pleasant little things in your purse, charming smiles every day.

I congratulate you on your birthday! Happy life paths to you, health and unfading beauty, pleasant memories and a little bit of magic. So that a smile always shines on your face, loved ones pamper you with attention and care, and love brings only pleasure and a storm of positive feelings.

The beauty that you bring into this world is unique. Be always the same charming and dizzying! Let everyone admire you! Start every day with a smile and your dreams will come true! Good luck, fun and energy to accomplish feats!

Happy birthday and wish you family well-being, female happiness, professional success, new vivid impressions! Let your loved ones be a reliable support, and let every day bring something new! Harmony, good luck, energy and pleasant surprises!

This day, your birthday, is especially long and dear to us, so let every moment for you be like a ray of sunshine - warm and warming, joyful and bright! We wish you happiness, because you deserve it and, we know for sure, you will dispose of all its benefits in honor and justice! Happy birthday, have a long and wonderful life!

With wishes of sincere compliments, bright smiles and fulfillment of the most cherished desires! May the spring mood of this day always surround you! Harmony, lightness, pleasant surprises and the most faithful friends! Be happy and give happiness!

Happy Birthday! Happiness, health, good luck, love, prosperity, you probably already wished. I'll just join. And from myself I also wish love - mutual, happiness - dizzying, success - swift, victories - significant, dreams and desires - feasible, people nearby - reliable, goals - achievable, and obstacles - surmountable! Let your man pamper you and fulfill all your whims. And let everything be as you want. And even a little better!

We wish you real female happiness, comfort and warmth in your home, relatives and close people nearby. Let your beauty and youth only gain strength every year, wisdom knows no limits, and joy does not leave you for a second. Stay as sweet, understanding and kind!

Happy birthday! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course, warm wishes! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

It remains for me to wish that on your birthday and, of course, all year long you do not lose heart, do not give up even in the most difficult hours and minutes, so that people give you a piece of their faith, hope, love, so that all troubles dissipate like a haze! I wish you that all your dreams come true, all your enemies become friends!

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you decent income and pleasure!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you, I wish you that your dreams come true, your plans come true, and interesting people and things meet along the way. Many good words and wishes sound on your birthday, may they be heard by fate and may they return to you with small and big joys and happiness!

What to wish on such a wonderful day to such a beautiful flower like you? .. Let fewer weeds grow in your life field and more fragrant and heady roses. And the road along which you will walk will be covered with a carpet of multi-colored petals.

I want to wish you on your birthday that 4 animals accompany you on your life path: a mink on your beautiful shoulders, a Jaguar in the garage, a stallion in bed and a donkey that would pay for it all!

I wish you the most important thing in life - luck. The most beautiful person will not be happy in love if he is not lucky enough to meet the right soul mate. Even sitting on the stern of your yacht in the Canaries, you can go to the bottom. Therefore, I wish you good luck in everything. Always appear in the right place, at the right time. Walk the same streets with the man of your destiny. And a fair wind to you in life.

All my wishes come from the heart. And they sound like this: prosperity, joy, light, comfort, warmth, prosperity! May all your days be filled with inspiration and thirst for life! All the best to you!

In our world, a woman has to be strong, to take care of herself and her family on her fragile shoulders ... But real strength is not in leading subordinates or knowing physics by heart, real strength is in femininity. I want to wish you on your birthday to always remain, first of all, a real woman! Beautiful and graceful, a little mysterious! And, of course, be happy!

On your main holiday, on your birthday, I want you, a beauty, smart and reasonable, kind and talented, in a word, such an enviable bride! Wish to meet a real prince. True, fairy tales were written so long ago... let him not necessarily have a white horse and a castle on the mountain, but he must be kind, attentive, faithful and love you with all his heart! Be happy!

Happy birthday, wonderful and beautiful woman! May all dreams come true in life, may a wonderful and joyful mood never leave, may it be happy and truly cheerful every moment.

Sweet, beautiful, charming and inimitable - in a word, a wonderful woman, I wish you a happy birthday. May the whole world be at your feet on this day, may there not be enough hands for all the bouquets and gifts. I wish you to always remain a magnificent woman, inspiring the hearts of your loved ones with your radiant smile, filling your life with numerous victories, happy stories and joyful emotions.

I respect business people, their inexhaustible energy, hard work, creative streak, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties on the way. Everything I have said applies to the hero of today's celebration. So let's raise our glasses to him, to his success in the whirlpool of life!


Already asked the cobra:
- Why, when you sting a person, a person dies, and if a bee stings a person, a bee dies?
- It all depends on the degree of qualification. The bee is an amateur, and I am a professional.
So let's drink to professionalism in any business!


For you, Chief!

We congratulate you today
All our friendly glorious shop
And with all our hearts we wish
Cheers to you dear boss

You are our smart, noble
Strong bold like a lion
With you we are in fire and water
Our reliable, wise chief

God bless you much happiness
Peace, money full safe
We are ready to give you everything
Our Beloved Chef

Toasts to the boss, long

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Create a postcard

The father was on the plane. Just took off, he calls the stewardess:
- Girl, at what height are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The stewardess brings After a while, he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the stewardess brings. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what height are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the stewardess, passing through the cabin, herself turns to the priest:
- Can I get you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
- No, no, I can’t, - says the priest, pointing his finger up, - the boss is close.
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, etc.). So we can drink in peace.


We raise glasses and glasses for you!

Work for you is not a game, in spillikins,
A sharp and important question!

To your health, let's drink to the bottom!
We need a leader - vigorous and strong!
Let's drink to your wife,
Passion received steadily!

Let's drink to your good deeds!
For a good outcome of the meetings,
So that life is only sweet,
To give happiness, without delay!

Let's drink to our team,
I have always and truly needed you!
Give us more directives,
So that the company's success grows!


Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard


There is a commissioning of a new, newly built house. The foreman enters one entrance, his colleague enters the next one. Check soundproofing. And the first starts loudly - loudly shouting to the second:
Petrovich, can you hear me? Petrovich!!!
The second foreman calmly replies:
- Semenych, don't yell, I see you!
So let's drink to our clever builders and far-sighted superintendents!

Toasts to the boss, long

The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said: "We are people, born to help each other, as the hand helps the hand, the leg - the leg, and the upper jaw - the lower."
I propose a toast to our mutual assistance, to our friendship!


One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? I sent a telegram to my wife that I would come home on the tenth. I arrive on the tenth and ... I find her in bed with a man! Here is a prostitute!
- In vain you think badly of your wife, - says a friend. - Perhaps she ... simply did not receive your telegram!
Let's drink to the postal workers! The fate of the family sometimes depends on them!


People are different. Others do not live, but only exist. But there are those who have an electric charge in their souls, energy and joy come from them. The head of our company belongs to the category of such people. It boils with energy, and all its employees receive a powerful charge from it. Let's raise our glasses to the hero of tonight. We wish him good health, happiness and long life. So that he always carries the torch of a joyful attitude and gives us a piece of it.


Our boss is beautiful and wise,
In matters she is always competent, smart.
Today we are in a hurry to congratulate her on her birthday,
We will give her gifts, flowers from the bottom of our hearts.

I wish you tenderness, good luck and love.
Happiness and health, prosperity and warmth,
So that your life blooms like a rose.

Everyone starting in life path
Wants to achieve a lot.
And creates, hopes, lives,
Waiting for everything to come true.
But it's not easy, the path of life is difficult,
He is almost always tough and complex.
Pass everything, step over everything
Only one out of many hundreds can.
You got the hardships in full,
But you firmly went to the cherished goal.
Not broken, not lost in vain,
Everyone was able to overcome everything.
They did not tolerate meanness and lies,
Don't waste your energy
You have become one of hundreds!
This is clear to each of us today.
We want to congratulate you on today's day,
You deserve everything with your hard work!
Thank you for raising and saving
Our beloved, strong, friendly home!

My dear boss,
Happy Birthday!
Accept my congratulations!
I wish to live in harmony with happiness,
And with amazing, loyal people!
I wish all wishes come true
So that the crisis does not touch your affairs ...
You are a good caring woman!
Follow you so that success follows you!

The boss has a birthday today
We give her beautiful flowers and congratulations.
We respect her, we adore her,
We wish her health and good luck.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you a lot of happiness, joy.
Be loved and love always
And also success and family warmth.

Being a boss is not an easy art!
It's not for everyone!
And today is your birthday
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are not only a strict leader for us,
But also a friend, friend, patron!
I wish you the companionship of Fortune,
The ocean of happiness and smiles,
I wish you excellent health
And love is an inexhaustible fountain!

Our friendly team
We have come to congratulate you.
In this sweet environment
We want to say now:
“Congratulations on your birthday!
And we wish that worries
It was less, but luck
It multiplied from year to year.
So that health and wealth
A river flowed into your house,
So that you are constantly in it
The world would meet and rest.
So that love and comfort
You were surrounded
To make your home a haven
Kindness and silence.
Let it be in the cold and in the rain and in the cold
You will always be warm
There will be those who are needed,
Let the sun shine through the window.
Let the birds chirp for you
Let flowers bloom for you
Let leafing through the days of the page
Dreams come true.

The head of the woman leads us,
She is responsible, erudite in her work.
Always well thought out and correct.
And the team, besides, knows very well.
We wish her that she could solve everything,
Good luck solving all the problems.
And for excitement so that there were no reasons
And in the leadership surprised all the men!

Let us congratulate you
Happy birthday!
To give, without unnecessary pompous phrases,
Your tribute!
You have been a leader for many years,
A heavy load for women's shoulders.
For subordinates to be a teacher
Protect as part of a full team.
Be fair, albeit strict,
Employees are valued and respected.
To be punished is not fast,
Help and understand.
You have done a lot of this.
Leave a good mark.
And we wish you many new
Great achievements and victories!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you good health,
Happiness, joy, kindness!
May dreams come true
Warmth and earthly beauty to you!

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, changeable.
Still would! Roles three play:
Wife, leader, mother.
And always be on top
Look for joy in your work.
On the "five" to perform any action -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let warmth warm loved ones,
Let things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let dreams come true
And they will bring happiness. Those milestones to be achieved!
We wish you to achieve in a big way,
Stability, well-deserved victories!
So that all projects turn into a boon!
Happy days! And the best years!

Birthday toast to a female boss. In any situation, neutral, simply benevolent toasts will be appropriate, where the business qualities of the boss, her talent and experience are noted. And if the surrounding officials are not too official, you can add a cheerful and interesting compliment - let the “boss” never cease to feel like a wonderful woman even at work.

In verse

  • You are the head of our department
  • Respect all your employees
  • The position is rightfully deserved
  • A lot of effort has been put into production.
  • Let them never end
  • May all reports be easily obtained,
  • Let health not let you down.
  • My toast is this: May you be lucky!
  • It's a pleasure to work with you,
  • After all, you managed to achieve a lot,
  • We are not accustomed to being lazy at work.
  • The life of the company, with all my heart, penetrated.
  • You are rightfully in this position.
  • And you always express your thoughts clearly.
  • We'll drink to your charm
  • We would like to congratulate you!
  • You are destined to be the boss
  • After all, God has given you to lead,
  • You are doing great
  • And funny things, practically, do not happen.
  • We will drink to your mind and beauty,
  • Get more height.
  • We want to become a director.
  • We love you with all our hearts!
  • For your abilities I want to raise a glass,
  • I am very pleased to congratulate you.
  • You are worthy of the highest rating and all praise.
  • The whole team was waiting for your birthday.
  • Leadership is given to you by nature
  • And your mood does not depend on the weather,
  • And your beauty is able to conquer.
  • We wish you not to lose your "form"!
  • Our team wants to praise you,
  • The whole team loves you.
  • It's a pleasure to work and communicate with you,
  • Employees can enjoy their work.
  • All your reports are always summarized,
  • All amounts are accounted for and posted.
  • Do your work responsibly
  • And you rarely scold us for mistakes.
  • In addition to work, you are the best mother,
  • Worthy children you were able to raise.
  • We raise our glasses to your health,
  • We wish you great happiness!
  • We, your subordinates, in a manner
  • Guide your lovers.
  • You create the climate in the team
  • And you never get tired of leading.
  • We wish you not to change for the worse,
  • We wish only positive development.
  • May you never have problems
  • And insoluble dual dilemmas.
  • May beauty not fade
  • Let every employee respect you.
  • We raise glasses in your honor
  • And we wish you great success in your work!

In prose

Who will like it if the boss, after the meeting, dismisses all the men to their jobs, and closes himself with a couple of employees in his office, from which female laughter is then heard for a long time. And if, while relaxing in the sauna with the team, he, without hesitation, enters the women's room and stays there for a long time? And yet, he does not eat meat, does not drink hard liquor and prefers natural juice to black coffee. Clothes are light and airy, often in bright colors. Many will say that he is promiscuous, enjoys his official position and is very glamorous! But everything will immediately fall into place if the boss is a woman! My glass to these divine and resilient creatures!

Women bosses have also firmly taken their positions in business, as well as men. We have had equality in our country for a long time and there are no divisions by gender to move up the career ladder, along which they flutter like beautiful butterflies, bringing diversity and beauty to harsh everyday life. Dear bosses! May God keep you and help you in your difficult career at work and in household chores after work!

In your own words

Our boss is a confident independent woman. She achieved everything in life with her own strength and mind. It is impossible to bribe her with flattery, candy, and even more so with money. She has an expensive car that she drives to work every day. And let the evil tongue dry up in someone who, having signaled to her in a traffic jam, shouts out the open window: “If you slept with the boss for a wheelbarrow, then at least learn to drive!” With great respect and admiration, I raise a glass to the best female boss and just a charming woman! Every woman, at least once a week, arranges a fasting day for herself in order to always remain slim and attractive. Every female boss must add an extra day to unload from work and social affairs, so that, God forbid, she does not repeat the mistakes of the heroine of the old Soviet film Office Romance. Today, at the service of our good fairies, the doors of beauty salons and fitness clubs are open on every corner! I strongly recommend our indispensable boss to quit everything tomorrow morning and go towards the holiday arranged by her beloved!

Happy birthday to you,
I drink to your health
I respect you very much
I want to wish you happiness!

You are the best boss, really
From the heart to you the blessings of the earth,
So that everything works out for you,
To live life in abundance!

It's good when the boss is strict but fair. This helps subordinates to be more responsible and, at the same time, not to be afraid of an unreasonable reprimand. And when the bosses are happy, the light from this happiness illuminates everyone. So let's drink to an incredible wave of positivity from our beloved boss.

Chaos, incomplete reports and undermined workflow, confusion and malicious neglect of their duties. Here is all this and much more that would have happened if we had not had such a boss as you. In addition to your professional qualities, you are also a wonderful person, and I wish you always keep this brand, have nerves of steel and excellent health! Happy birthday!

You are the best boss
You are a good person
Here comes the opportunity
So that we drink for you!

We wish you health
Always be on top
So that all dreams come to life
Do not happen to trouble!

I drink to your health
I want to wish you happiness
You are a good boss,
Peace and understanding reign!

You joy, kindness, warmth,
To resolve all matters
For all dreams to come true
And so that the nerves do not end!

Our team is very lucky because we have the best boss in the world. We are behind you like behind a wall, so we want to wish you good health and happiness! I want to raise this glass to your years, which have become your wealth, so that any plans come true and goals are achieved!

It’s hard for the boss to desire material things, for sure, he has everything he wants. Wish love, happiness? Not professional. I wish you health, because this is something that money cannot buy, good luck, because this is something that is hard to keep. And the existing professionalism and intuition will help to conquer the planned peaks.

I want to drink for you today
You are the best boss with us,
I wish you great health,
So that your fuse does not go out!

To carry out the plans
So that only things go uphill,
To regret nothing
And they were always in good shape!

The wise say that one should not go where the road leads, because one cannot leave a trace along the beaten path! I want to raise this glass for our boss and wish him that the desire to leave his mark would not lead him to a dead end, let him not forget that we are following him - his team!

You can endlessly contemplate the pristine nature, watch how hardworking comrades work, and listen to how our inimitable and irresistible boss conducts meetings. With this inexpressible pleasure, you want to fill the whole day without a trace. For the oratorical and organizational skills of the birthday man!
