Eye makeup for a blue dress. Do-it-yourself makeup under a blue dress

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Many women love a wardrobe in blue tones for their tenderness, sophistication, mystery and versatility. Dresses in blue tones will always be appropriate both at a noisy party and at a secluded date, both in a strict office and in a nightclub. Here, the main component is the style of the outfit, a well-chosen tone of blue. The most important thing in the image - it is necessary to arrange everything tastefully into one whole.

Makeup under a blue dress

For clothes in blue tones, it is worth choosing a special make-up. The image will look quite cold, since the blue color is subject to the water element. Therefore, make-up should be softer warm tones. For example, pink, peach, golden, brown, beige or even coral shades. Otherwise, the woman will look too pale and cold, like the Snow Queen. However, in warm colors there are exceptions. For example, you can not use all kinds of shades of red in makeup. The eyes, made up with red shadows, look painful and resemble the eyes of a hunted rabbit.

In this color ensemble, professional makeup artists are categorically against blue shades in makeup. Blue eye shadow is not suitable for all women. In addition, choosing this kind of makeup, even the most gallant lady can turn into a provincial dummy. A big mistake is the opinion that light blue eyes should be emphasized with rich blue shadows. This kind of makeup will make the eyes faded and watery like the Little Mermaid. All natural beauty will be lost. Makeup should emphasize the features of a woman's face, and not depersonalize them.

However, for an adherent of blue shades in makeup, there is a way out of this situation. Use blue eyeliner only on the line of the lower eyelid. It would be more appropriate to make up the upper eyelid with shadows of bed warm tones. It is this kind of makeup that will be appropriate in a blue ensemble.

For a blue outfit, the most successful make-up solution is to focus on the eyes of a woman. And here you can not do without everyone's favorite. Makeup can be done both in the classic black and gray version, and in a softer style - a combination of brown and beige shades of shadows. But the mascara is worth picking up to your liking - both black and brown or gray.

For a blue dress in makeup, the gray tones of the shadows look quite elegant. You should be careful with the eyebrows, they should not be too contrasting compared to the hair color.

At blue dress makeup It is worth paying special attention to the skin of a woman's face. After all, it is on the skin that pallor and blue are visible, which is shaded from the blue dress. Do not underestimate the role of blush and high-quality tonal foundation in this case. After all, no woman wants to have an ashy or gray complexion.

Any makeup should start with a good cleansing and applying a quality base with retouching of all defects. Then the foundation comes into play, which should be chosen 1-2 tones darker than the natural skin color. This effect will make the face more golden and warm. In blush, soft pink shades are preferable.

Paying great attention to the makeup of the eyes, do not forget about the lips. You can not use lilac or dark brown lipstick if the woman is wearing a blue dress. The most advantageous are pale shades of orange or pink. It also looks good on the lips transparent gloss.

Thus, a woman in a wardrobe of blue colors should not underestimate her makeup. By focusing on the eyes, withstanding the make-up technique and successfully arranging the color scheme, any girl will acquire a mysterious mystery and originality. The image will attract and surprise with its magical freshness, and not scare away with the cold and lifelessness of the Snow Queen.

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Blue color attracts so many women due to its softness, tenderness and mystery. At the same time, it is quite multifunctional. So, for example, a blue dress would be appropriate on a date, in the office, in a nightclub, and at a social gathering. The main thing is to choose your style, a shade of blue, and, of course, properly arrange the entire ensemble. Today the site site will tell you about what features distinguish makeup under a blue dress.

Features of makeup for a blue dress

Blue is cold. It corresponds to the water element. Therefore, when choosing makeup for a blue dress, it is important to keep the color balance, otherwise you will look too pale and impregnable.

Traditional mistakes

The worst idea is to complement a blue dress with blue makeup.. Firstly, blue shadows are generally not suitable for anyone. Secondly, using them, it is very easy to overdo it, and as a result, your image will acquire a touch of provincial bad taste.

If you are the owner of light transparent blue eyes, then too bright shadows will extinguish their natural color, make them watery and faded. After all, the task of makeup is to revive your natural colors, and not to wash them clean.

The use of blue in an ensemble with a blue dress is quite acceptable, but moderate. Alternatively, you can use a blue stroke to emphasize the line of the lower eyelid. Well, make up the upper eyelid with the help of shadows of delicate neutral shades.

You should also avoid using red shades. Even though it is a warm color, they will create a rabbit-eye effect, giving the look a sore look. Preference should be given to soft pink tones.

The most successful solutions

Smokey eye makeup paired with a pale blue dress is just what the doctor ordered. True, it will look much more harmonious if it is performed not in the classic combination of black and gray shades, but with the help of shades of beige and brown. Mascara can be either black or brown.

However, gray shades also look noble and elegant in combination with a blue dress, especially when it comes to.

Eyebrows should not contrast strongly in color with hair.

When doing makeup for a blue dress, it is very important to pay attention to the skin. First, it is from her that beauty begins. And secondly, the blue dress is very pale. Therefore, if you neglect a quality foundation and blush, your face will take on an ash gray tint.

As always, make-up begins with high-quality cleansing, applying a base and masking all defects. Apply foundation. You can use foundation 1-2 shades darker than your natural skin color, thus making it warmer and more golden.

Blush choose natural shades - pale pink.

Lipstick is also very important. Worst of all with a blue dress are dark brown, lilac lips. Pale pink or pale orange, on the contrary, are the most winning options. If you are not confident in your abilities, a transparent shine will always come to your rescue.

But in general, makeup for a blue dress should focus on the eyes. Provided that you correctly selected its shades and withstood the technique, your look, shaded by clothes, will acquire mystery, depth and mysterious dragging. And even though you yourself will look like the majestic Snow Queen, you will still not scare those around you with excessive coldness.

Blue color attracts so many women due to its softness, tenderness and mystery. At the same time, it is quite multifunctional. So, for example, a blue dress would be appropriate on a date, in the office, in a nightclub, and at a social gathering. The main thing is to choose your style, a shade of blue, and, of course, properly arrange the entire ensemble. Today the site site will tell you about what features distinguish makeup under a blue dress.

Features of makeup for a blue dress

Blue is cold. It corresponds to the water element. Therefore, when choosing makeup for a blue dress, it is important to keep the color balance, otherwise you will look too pale and impregnable.

Traditional mistakes

The worst idea is to complement a blue dress with blue makeup.. Firstly, blue shadows are generally not suitable for anyone. Secondly, using them, it is very easy to overdo it, and as a result, your image will acquire a touch of provincial bad taste.

If you are the owner of light transparent blue eyes, then too bright shadows will extinguish their natural color, make them watery and faded. After all, the task of makeup is to revive your natural colors, and not to wash them clean.

The use of blue in an ensemble with a blue dress is quite acceptable, but moderate. Alternatively, you can use a blue stroke to emphasize the line of the lower eyelid. Well, make up the upper eyelid with the help of shadows of delicate neutral shades.

You should also avoid using red shades. Even though it is a warm color, they will create a rabbit-eye effect, giving the look a sore look. Preference should be given to soft pink tones.

The most successful solutions

Smokey eye makeup paired with a pale blue dress is just what the doctor ordered. True, it will look much more harmonious if it is performed not in the classic combination of black and gray shades, but with the help of shades of beige and brown. Mascara can be either black or brown.

However, gray shades also look noble and elegant in combination with a blue dress, especially when it comes to.

Eyebrows should not contrast strongly in color with hair.

When doing makeup for a blue dress, it is very important to pay attention to the skin. First, it is from her that beauty begins. And secondly, the blue dress is very pale. Therefore, if you neglect a quality foundation and blush, your face will take on an ash gray tint.

As always, make-up begins with high-quality cleansing, applying a base and masking all defects. Apply foundation. You can use foundation 1-2 shades darker than your natural skin color, thus making it warmer and more golden.

Blush choose natural shades - pale pink.

Lipstick is also very important. Worst of all with a blue dress are dark brown, lilac lips. Pale pink or pale orange, on the contrary, are the most winning options. If you are not confident in your abilities, a transparent shine will always come to your rescue.

But in general, makeup for a blue dress should focus on the eyes. Provided that you correctly selected its shades and withstood the technique, your look, shaded by clothes, will acquire mystery, depth and mysterious dragging. And even though you yourself will look like the majestic Snow Queen, you will still not scare those around you with excessive coldness.

A well-chosen makeup for a blue dress can enhance the focus on the outfit and create a complete look. It is believed that the blue color in clothes helps to concentrate on making business and important decisions, and people who focus on blue shades are real romantics and love to attract attention. In any case, the image of both a business woman and a romantic beauty should be completed with the right make-up.

Makeup Features

In all types of makeup, you need to create an emphasis on only one part of the face - on the lips or eyes. But many stylists and makeup artists agree that when choosing a blue dress, the eyes should still be in the spotlight. Bright lips will overload the image, make it evening, so you need to choose pastel colors for lipstick for a blue dress. It is better to take a little darker than your own complexion as the basis, the role of which is performed by the foundation. You should avoid deliberate artificiality in makeup and strive to achieve naturalness.

Color combinations

Make-up under a blue dress must be balanced. If eyelid products are used with the addition of mother-of-pearl, then it is better to apply gloss or glossy lipstick on the lips. The same goes for matte texture and glitter.

Important! The brighter the shadow, the calmer and more muted the color of the lipstick should be. For example, gray shades go well with a pink tint on the lips, and peach shades go well with ruby.


For this type of makeup, all the same rules are followed as with any other:

  • First of all, it is necessary to cleanse with a tonic, soap or a special lotion.
  • After that, apply a make-up base on your face.
  • The next step is skin smoothing. To do this, use a foundation, concealer or highlighter.
  • A small amount of powder is applied over the tone.
  • Next, makeup is applied to the eyes in the following sequence: eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara.
  • If required, the use of blush is acceptable.
  • The final action on the lips is applied lipstick or gloss.

Video tutorial on applying makeup for a blue dress

The video shows step-by-step instructions for applying cosmetics and the rules for their correspondences for a blue dress.

Makeup decorative cosmetics


There are two opinions among professionals - some argue that the basis of eye makeup is blue eyeshadow, but complemented by gray or beige shades. Others are inclined to believe that blue makeup shadows for the same color of the dress are unacceptable, and the choice should be made towards contrasting colors (shades of orange, brick, yellow-orange or gold). Opinions agree on one thing - blue shades that are not complemented by other colors (which soften blue) are not used under a blue dress.


As already mentioned, you do not need to focus on the lips. To avoid congestion of the image, you need to use light, calm colors in makeup. Do not forget about the correspondence of shadows and lipstick - if eye makeup contains gloss, then glossy is assumed in lip cosmetics, and vice versa - a matte texture is combined with a solid color on the eyelids.


This cosmetic item is only welcome when creating high-quality makeup for a blue dress. You can show your imagination by replacing the classic and ordinary black eyeliner with a bright blue eyeliner. This will refresh the image and add zest to it. Clear contours and slightly shaded lines (which can be created with a pencil) are acceptable.


In contrast to the blue eyeliner, this rule does not apply to mascara. It is permissible only in natural colors - black or brown (it depends on the color type of the face). Blue mascara will make the makeup pretentious (as well as mascara in other colors), so it is better to refuse it.


When choosing a blush, it is also better to lean towards naturalness and pastel shades. This is especially true for daytime makeup - the brightness on the cheekbones is useless when all the attention should be paid to the eyes. The best blush option is light bronze.

Makeup by eye color

Emphasizing the beauty of a dress with the help of a variety of cosmetics is influenced by many factors, and the main one among them is the color of the eyes.


Girls with expressive appearance and dark eye color can experiment with make-up to their heart's content. The main rule is to observe the line between two types of makeup: solemn and everyday. In the case of the first, you can use shades a little darker - juicy purple, as dark as possible, dark blue shades in combination with warm red lipstick, for example, burgundy.

In a daily make-up, instead of blue, you should try using its blue variation, and more muted options - soft gray, soft lilac is also good. In this case, lip cosmetics should also be chosen burgundy, but its lighter and softer shades, natural ones will also be an excellent solution.


If makeup is applied taking into account blue eyes, then the color type must also be taken into account. With blond hair and pale skin, light gray, lilac, beige eye shadows are suitable for a blue dress. It is allowed to use eyeliner on the eyes, including blue. With a color type with dark skin and dark hair, it is better to use darker shades of the colors listed above. In both cases, the image does not tolerate dark lipstick with any kind of makeup. Therefore, you need to choose a pale pink or beige shade of this cosmetic product.


Gold, brown, black, blue shadows are best suited for gray eyes, as they can make the eyes brighter. A great solution would be to use shimmery white shadows in the corners of the eyes, and instead of eyeliner, you can apply a darker shade of the chosen color and blend it along the very edge of the eyelid.

Solemn makeup under a blue dress for gray eyes allows the use of smokey eyes. And this will be the most advantageous option for creating an image.

Lipstick in the everyday version should be only beige, and in the evening it is permissible to use brighter cosmetics - pink or burgundy.


Combined with red hair, green eyes with the right make-up can make a stunning effect. You need to use green, black, ultramarine shadows. A casual look can create shadows of a more calm shade - beige or blue. Since the maximum emphasis is on the eyes, lip products should be very light, even transparent.

Makeup depending on hair color

For dark haired

A bright color type suggests a rich evening make-up and a calmer daytime one. To create an evening look, the choice should be made in favor of bright shadows and lipstick, and black arrows can become an addition to them. In the afternoon, the owners of dark hair need to soften the color contrast with softer shadows, or you can not use them at all. In this case, you need to pay special attention to eyelashes - mascara should be black. Pinkish blush will give freshness to the face.

For fair-haired

The blue dress itself creates a bright enough color patch that can neutralize too pale skin in combination with blond hair. To prevent this from happening, you need to take care of the tone of the face - apply pink blush or use a bronzer. Also, in order not to get lost against the background of a blue dress, accessories should be excluded from the image as much as possible.

Color combinations and shades

Makeup for a dark blue dress

As a rule, this color is chosen for evening and solemn exits. When choosing such a dress, it is not allowed to highlight the lips, they must balance the image. Eyes for evening make-up are bright, using eyeliner and thickly applied mascara. In the daytime - discreet shadows are used as cosmetics for the eyes.

Makeup for a white and blue dress

It is created using blue in the shadows and suggests a wide range of color palettes among lipsticks. A brighter version of make-up during the day is allowed using gray, purple shadows, complemented by blue or black eyeliner. This is the only shade of blue attire in which makeup artists recommend emphasizing the lips with a bright color.

Makeup under a bright blue dress

When using saturated blue, it is better to abandon the brightness in cosmetics. Gray and lilac shades and lipstick in nude shades will allow this to be done. Blondes can add a little shimmer to their eyes with mother-of-pearl and sparkles, brunettes, on the contrary, should avoid this effect.

Makeup for a blue-green dress

In the case of complementing blue with green, brown and greenish tones in eye makeup will be an excellent solution, and lips can again be emphasized with natural colors.

Makeup under a black and green dress

Shadows slightly lighter than the tone of the dress are superimposed on the eyes, but it is important to take into account the warmth or coldness of the color of the dress. Dark and gray colors are also acceptable, with which you can create smokey eyes. Dark lipstick will overload the image, so a light burgundy will be the ideal solution.

evening make-up

In addition to giving expressiveness to the eyes, you can also shade the lips, make them brighter than usual. A dark blue or black eyeliner will help to complement the image, with the help of which arrows are drawn on the upper eyelid. Blush is also allowed, especially if the dress is light blue.

In the photo you can see examples of evening makeup.

Prom Makeup

Although graduation is a solemn event, the dress should not be supplemented with too bright cosmetics, because it will be worn by a young girl, whose main advantage is her radiant skin. It is better to choose lipstick in light colors, and emphasize the eyes with the help of voluminous mascara and shadows, selected in accordance with the shade of the dress.

To make the image look holistic, when applying cosmetics, you need to take into account a few tips from professionals:

  • Be sure to take into account the color of the eyes and hair, so that the makeup complements the blue dress, and does not argue with it and is not lost against its background.
  • The second important factor - you should clearly distinguish between everyday makeup and evening makeup and choose colors and shades according to each of them.
  • Blue shades suggest the ideal tone of the face, so special attention should be paid to achieving it.
  • A blue dress is more suitable for girls with dark skin. Thus, it allows, and sometimes requires, the use of tanning products.
  • Puppet makeup should be avoided, focusing on only one part of the face. If the lips are the center of attention, then it is better to apply light blush on the cheekbones, or not use them at all.
  • The shape of the eyebrows should be clear, and the color should match the shade of the hair.

Basic Mistakes

Make-up for a blue dress must be flawless, to make it so, you should not make the following mistakes:

  • the shade of the shadows does not match the dress - it is important to take into account the warmth and coldness of the color scheme;
  • the color type of the face is not taken into account;
  • the measure is not observed in emphasizing the eyes during the evening make-up;
  • blondes with fair skin use foundation and powder of the same shade with skin (should be taken one or two shades darker);
  • brunettes overload the daytime look with dark shadows and lipsticks.

According to the latest fashion trends, if the dress is bright, then the makeup should be bright, and vice versa. Therefore, in order to meet the recommendations of professionals, it is better to choose a dark blue dress for ceremonial exits, and for daytime events

A sky-colored dress is in any collection of eminent fashion designers, and it is relevant at any time of the year. Blue, azure outfit gives a feeling of lightness, airiness. But many girls, choosing a color palette, create the image of snow queens. But this is an unoriginal and one-sided look at the selection of style. With the skillful selection of shades of cosmetics, you can create more delicate and romantic images. Properly selected makeup under a blue dress will create an organic look.

Basic principles

It is important to follow the basic rules for applying makeup under a blue outfit, because if you ignore them, it is unlikely that you will be able to make the image perfect.

The main mistakes in make-up

In makeup for a blue dress, there are common mistakes that many girls make.

  1. Heavy make-up - lipstick applied in several layers and covered with additional gloss, extended eyelashes, monochromatic shadows applied to the entire surface of the eyelid. Makeup under a blue dress should be light and airy.
  2. Dark tones. Black shadows and only suitable for Halloween. If you are going to another event, you should choose delicate shades.
  3. Use only warm colors. Golden shadows, beige blush - an unfortunate solution. Despite the fact that this palette is suitable for a heavenly outfit, its excessive use can spoil the image.

The combination of blue shadows and dresses: yes or no

Despite the fact that the use of the same gamut in make-up and outfit is not recommended, there are exceptions to the rule. Is it possible to perform makeup under a blue dress in the same color scheme? Makeup artists answer that when choosing shadows, you need to focus on the shade of the outfit.

You should not paint with shades of a blue-blue palette for owners of gray eyes. Because you will look like one spot and your eyes will look watery. Also, you can not use only blue shadows: they must be combined with other colors. Best golden or ivory.

How to make up blonde girls

Makeup under a blue dress for blondes should be done in a gentle and romantic style. Do not try to create a bold and extravagant image. After all, a sky-blue dress emphasizes the fragility of fair-haired girls.

For blondes, you can choose light and dark shades, both mother-of-pearl and matte. On the lips it is worth applying gloss or lipstick of pink or beige color. If a fair-haired girl has very fair skin, it is recommended to apply terracotta, coffee shades. The tone should be chosen a little darker than the natural skin tone of the face.

Makeup artists advise blondes to highlight one thing - eyes or lips. Arrows are drawn only if the dress is a saturated color. Instead, you can apply blue - this will be a great option for

How to make up dark-haired girls

Makeup under a blue dress for brunettes should be bright and rich. The palette of shadows can be from purple to indigo. The same goes for eyeliner, which ranges from pale blue to dark brown and black. If a girl has brown eyes, then a white shade should be applied to the inner corner of the eye. To give the look more depth, you need to use several shades of shadows.

Brunettes need to make a correction of complexion. For dark-skinned girls, blush is suitable for skin color. Lipstick shades can be chosen richer than pale pink. But you should be careful if a girl in eye makeup uses several shades of shadows.

Eye color should also be considered when applying makeup. For brown-eyed girls, gray and brown tones are suitable, to which you can add a little cornflower blue. Owners of green eyes can choose a gray-brown palette, blue, dark lilac, silver shades. To give the image of romance, experts advise applying peach, beige shades.

Girls with blue eyes need to exclude blue shadows from makeup under a heavenly outfit. Warm colors will do. Owners of gray eyes will suit silver, blue, light brown shades. The eyeliner can be made in black. Lipstick can be chosen cherry or pink.

You can see the makeup options for a blue dress in the photo. The sky blue outfit is very beautiful, elegant and mysterious. Properly selected makeup will create the image of a real romantic and elegant girl.
