Metrosexual - the most famous metrosexuals. There is no own style, he follows the fashion

The concept of "" first appeared in fashion glossy magazines at the end of the last century, but even today the meaning of this term causes an awkward smile for many.

Some perceive the word as a compliment, and some react as an insult. Let's see who a metrosexual is and how he differs from an ordinary man. help you find answers to your questions.

What is metrosexual - good or bad

Translated from American slang, the word "metrosexual" arose as a result of combining two words: metropolis and gender.

A metrosexual is a man who carefully looks after himself - his figure, appearance, style of dress. The main difference between such men and ordinary men is the improvement of themselves and their appearance - this is their goal in life. Synonyms - dandy, dandy, dandy. In many ways, men with this lifestyle are similar to women - they like to go to stores, monitor the condition of their skin and hair, use expensive perfume and even use decorative cosmetics.

Interesting fact!Not every man who uses decorative cosmetics, is called metrosexual. the main objective- create perfect face, for this, expensive, cosmetic products are used, mostly colorless.

The term "metrosexual" first appeared in 1994 in a British publication. Journalist Mark Simpson came up with this designation for men with a pronounced aesthetic and stylistic taste.

There are other meanings of the term "metrosexual":

  • a man who is the opposite of macho, chooses everything elegant and beautiful, cares about appearance, follows fashion trends and visits beauty salons;
  • a man - a resident of a metropolis, who has an excellent artistic taste and aesthetic perception, does not spare money and time to improve his body and appearance.

There are more chances to meet a metrosexual in large cities, because here more possibilities support perfect appearance, because for this you need to visit beauty salons, shops, a gym.

Undoubtedly, life with such a man brings certain inconveniences and discomforts:

  • they do not want to start a family;
  • the main object of his attention and care is himself;
  • he will have to share a place in the bathroom and in front of the mirror.

It is important! Quite often, a metrosexual is mistaken for a yuppie. However, there is a significant difference between them. Yuppies strive to take leadership in society, it is important for them to succeed in everything - career, personal life. The metrosexual is only interested in himself. It is quite normal for him to spend his entire salary on clothes and cosmetics.

Many girls note that communication with such a man is pleasant, because it is not a shame to visit with him public places and crowded events, he shares his girlfriend's hobbies, visits a stylist, masseur, hairdresser with pleasure.

Girls, take note! If you want to find a metrosexual, pay attention to the nuances that distinguish him from ordinary men:

  • choose a profession related to communication with people;
  • the wardrobe consists of dozens of pairs of shoes and a huge wardrobe;
  • often visit cinemas and theaters.

Interesting fact!Psychologists distinguish metrosexuals into a new social stratum, located between brutal machos and gay guys.

According to statistics, over the past few years in Europe, sales have increased by 18% male cosmetics- shower gels, shampoos, lotions. The percentage of male visitors to beauty salons and gyms is also increasing.

The origins of the concept of "metrosexual" must be sought in the 19th century, when dandies appeared in society, and one of the classics said - you can be worthy man and think about the attractiveness of nails.

Learning to distinguish metrosexual

First of all, a metrosexual is a guy of average height without bright signs brutality. Strong, beefy guys and bikers are unlikely to agree that they are metrosexuals. In communication, such a guy is sweet, carefree and friendly, he is not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

There are 10 signs by which you can identify a real metrosexual.

1. Loves shopping.

Spend five hours shopping? Easily! Moreover, he devotes any free minute to shopping, because beautiful clothes is an opportunity to emphasize your individuality and originality.

2. No standard clothing.

The wardrobe of the metrosexual is huge, but there is not a single standard thing in it. In the closet of a man there are several dozen trousers, no less than shirts, jackets, jackets, suits. Not surprisingly, choosing a kit for a walk or meeting with friends can take several hours. We must pay tribute - the metrosexual perfectly combines things and selects them better than a stylist.

3. Many, many accessories.

Watches, scarves, hats, gloves, bags, ties, cufflinks - a man approaches the choice of every detail with special attention, thinks through possible options clothing combinations.

4. Well versed in brands.

A man can easily distinguish one trademark from another, will distinguish a fake from the original. He keeps up to date with the latest fashion trends. Believe me, a modern dandy is a wonderful stylist with excellent taste.

5. Perfect hairstyle and well-groomed facial hair.

The life philosophy of a metrosexual is this - if nature has rewarded him with vegetation, you need to take care of it. That's why men go to the hairdresser, their hairstyles are always not only perfect, but also fashionable. If we talk about facial hair, among the metrosexuals there are clean-shaven men with a beautiful, well-groomed beard and sideburns. Of course, we are not talking about a long beard to the waist.

6. Tight, athletic body.

The gym is a place where you can meet a metrosexual with almost one hundred percent certainty, because it is vital for such a man that his body looks sporty and attractive.

7. Healthy lifestyle.

This is one of the rules of the life philosophy of the metrosexual. It is important for him to eat right healthy food. This is largely due to caring for the body, and the reluctance to gain weight.

8. Attention to own housing.

The metrosexual is fascinated not only by the appearance, but also by the place where he lives. His apartment or house turns into a work of art, all items are aesthetically well-chosen and arranged according to Feng Shui.

9. Cultural passion or hobby.

There are many admirers among metrosexuals theatrical art, painting. Do not be surprised if a man likes to grow exotic flowers or cook original dishes.

10. Special life philosophy of the metrosexual.

Such men are maximalists in everything, it is vital for them to achieve success and achieve excellence. That is why they are demanding own appearance behavior, hobbies. The metrosexual makes no less demands on the people around him.

Knowing about distinctive features, you can easily make a plan for yourself - how to become a metrosexual.


Men who carefully look after their own appearance have always existed - French nobles, dandies. As a result of wars and revolutions, this trend was lost. However, in modern world the desire to look well-groomed and stylish is gradually returning. Certain features of the metrosexual undoubtedly deserve attention, because a little gloss and sophistication will not interfere and even complement the image.

Now you know who this metrosexual is and how to distinguish him from an ordinary man. If you aspire to emulate such a philosophy of life, take the test: And be sure to share the material on social networks.

Modernity has given rise to many new concepts, many of which are erroneously equated with others, older and more well-known. This happened with the concept of metrosexual - often metrosexuality and unconventional sexual orientation are considered the same.

Who is a metrosexual?

In fact, everything is a little different. A metrosexual is a man who gives his appearance more time than is customary among other men. He is always well-groomed, does not see anything shameful in visiting beauty salons, SPA centers and other institutions designed to create and maintain external beauty. Such men love shopping no less than the beautiful half of humanity and understand fashion trends better than many ladies. The term was coined by Mark Simpson in 1994 and comes from English words"metropolitan" (capital) and sexual (sexual).

Metrosexual - psychology

Exists misconception that such men are necessarily interested in their fellow sexes as objects of desire. It's not like that: metrosexual is normal phenomenon having nothing to do with such sexual deviation as homosexuality. Another erroneous opinion in this regard is that metrosexuality is characteristic only of our time. What will history say about this?

  1. The most famous metrosexual in Russian literature can safely be called Eugene Onegin. “You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of nails ...” Pushkin emphasizes that Onegin's habits were not something special and abnormal. Then such men were called dandies.
  2. No less famous is the name of Oscar Wilde, the genius English writer, poet and philosopher. He was a legislator male fashion at the end of the 19th century, his outfits aroused admiration and a desire to imitate many men of that time. Colored waistcoats, silk stockings, lace gloves and frills... Mr. Wilde had a truly huge wardrobe and was perfectly able to combine all the things from it.
  3. In France, a country at all times considered a trendsetter, King Henry III ruled at the end of the 16th century. His royal majesty was famous for his bold and sophisticated outfits, promotion of personal hygiene and shocking innovations. He was the first of the men of that time to start wearing earrings (perhaps this achievement will seem doubtful to some), promoted the usefulness of sewage (an indisputable achievement!) And brought forks into fashion (also good).

Where to meet a metrosexual?

To understand where you can meet a metrosexual, you first need to answer the question, who is a metrosexual? Based on what such a representative of the stronger sex is interested in, you can understand where to look for him.

  1. A metrosexual man may well be a businessman. In this case, self-care is not an end in itself, but a way to maintain an image. successful person keeping pace with the times. You can meet them at various conferences, forums, business meetings. In gyms and beauty establishments.
  2. The metrosexual consumer is passionate about the very process of buying new fashion items. The main habitat shopping centers and boutiques well-known manufacturers clothes and accessories.
  3. A narcissist is a man who is addicted to narcissism and for this reason diligently looks after himself. Can be found almost anywhere.
  4. Esthete. This person exalts beauty and seeks to surround himself with it, treats himself and others as works of art. It is found not only in shops and beauty salons, but also in theaters, art galleries, etc.

Metrosexual style

Metrosexuals do not have a separate style as such. The metrosexual appearance is achieved through careful tracking and strict observance fashion trends. It is obligatory and careful to study the images of media persons and a little imitation of them, wearing stylish hairstyles and accessories.

How to become a metrosexual?

Metrosexuality is not some special human property. If you suddenly want to become one of those who are called metrosexuals, you just have to start dressing according to the recommendations fashion stylists, visit beauty salons and SPA centers and use all the products that are needed to maintain skin and hair in perfect condition.

metrosexual stars

That David Beckham metrosexual, does not know, probably only lazy, but he does not the only man closely monitoring their appearance. Who is famous metrosexuals in Russia?

In the modern world, there a large number of new concepts, which can sometimes be confusing. Not everyone can say for sure who a metrosexual is and how he differs from all other members of the stronger sex. However, it is still worth learning about this, because, according to psychologists, there are more and more such men.

Who are metrosexuals?

The modern world dictates its own rules. Now, in order to succeed, you need to look good and be able to win over others. That is why an increasing number of men are beginning to be interested in their appearance.

A metrosexual is that man who devotes a lot of time to his appearance, style, behavior. He tries to do everything in order to look more beautiful.

The term itself was introduced in 1994 by journalist Mark Simpson. He combined the words metropolitan (metropolitan) and sexual (sexual). Thus, a new word "metrosexual" appeared. Its meaning has not changed over the years.

Simson gave detailed interpretation what "metrosexual" means. According to him, this man lives either in the city center or in an area close to it. It is important for him that there are beauty salons, shops where you can find the best goods, gyms and nightclubs nearby. After all, it is there that most of the life of a metrosexual takes place. Most often, these men earn good money. They achieve great success in the service thanks to the ability to win over people.

Taking care of appearance above all else

Metrosexuals are always up to date with the latest fashion trends. They can confidently talk about new collections, their main ideas and ideas of designers. But at the same time, such people are not only interested in fashion, but also dress in strict accordance with its laws.

The meaning of the word "metrosexual" will be revealed only half, if not to say, men pay great attention to your body. Flabby muscles, unkempt nails and dirty hair are unacceptable to them. That is why metrosexuals devote a lot of time to sports, visiting beauty salons.

Such a man will always have a cosmetic bag that will not yield to a woman's. In it you can usually find creams, products for hiding skin imperfections, nail and hair care. Sometimes you can find lip gloss or chapstick.

Character traits

In order to better understand what "metrosexual" means, you need to learn about what is inherent in such a man. Metrosexuals are confident in their beauty. They consider appearance one of their most important virtues, they know their worth and will not be humiliated. Such men understand that people like and attract their attention, which, of course, flatters them.

Metrosexuals love to be the center of attention. They know how to keep up the conversation, so they will not be at a loss if they are contacted with a question. A greater number of such men prefer to develop not only their external data, but also their intellect in order to conquer others with their education.

It is impossible to understand who a metrosexual is if you do not see his ways of communicating with girls. With the fair sex, such men very easily find mutual language. Metrosexuals will be able to discuss with fair half humanity celebrity clothing style, last news from the world of fashion and show business. In addition, such men can make great company while shopping. This kind of pastime is really interesting for them.

sexual orientation

Some people, when asked about who a metrosexual is, answer with confidence that this is a man who feels for men. But it's not. Not all metrosexuals are homosexuals. And vice versa. A man's love for his own appearance does not mean that he is attracted to people of his own gender. Most often, metrosexuals remain heterosexual. But modern psychologists are sure that such a man is not able to love anyone as much as himself.

Relationship features

Women who want to connect their lives with metrosexuals will have to come to terms with some of their character traits. Metrosexuals are in love with their appearance, and therefore will not allow criticism from the woman they love. She should admire and be proud of her partner.

Near well-groomed man must be metrosexuals present high requirements towards your other half. If she does not answer them, then the man may start looking for another companion. He is sure that he deserves the best.

Metrosexuals are very careful. It is important for them that the clothes are clean, well-ironed and do not cause complaints. If a man is neat, then he will expect the same from his woman.

Metrosexuals are used to spending a lot of money. fashion clothes, weekly visits sports clubs and beauty salons are expensive. Therefore, one should not expect frugality from such a man.

Famous metrosexuals

You can best understand who a metrosexual is on concrete examples. Fortunately, there are many such men in Hollywood.

The most famous metrosexual is David Beckham. Now few people remember him as a talented football player. Much more often the name sounds in connection with fashion news. This man not only takes care of himself, but is also ready to give a couple of tips to others on how to do it right.

Favorite girls Brad Pitt is also considered a metrosexual. He is well-groomed, has his own style and never allows himself to look untidy. Even the beard, which in former centuries was considered a sign of masculinity, is brought into perfect order.

Another famous metrosexual is Justin Bieber. A young performer is sometimes confused with a girl, but this did not stop him from finding millions of fans around the world. Justin, wanting to help others become more beautiful, even launched his own line of cosmetics.

So far, many are not ready to treat metrosexuals with respect. But is it so bad if a man takes care of himself? Not at all, unless this hobby turns into fanaticism.

Metrosexual - a man who loves and is proud of his body, does not deny himself the pleasures associated with different kind care procedures, shopping. He is dressed to the nines, according to the latest "peep" of fashion and cannot imagine his life without a manicure.

What does metrosexual mean?

In the modern world, the number of men who are concerned about their appearance has increased. For many women, this trend is frightening and suggests that soon all men will be transferred. What happened to the brave and courageous men? They were replaced by others - no less bold, but in a different capacity. What does metrosexual mean? frequently asked question that occurs in girls who have become acquainted with elegant and well-groomed guy. Metrosexual (from the English words metropolitan - metropolitan, and sexual) - sexual and means a resident of a big city.

metrosexual man

In ancient times, such men were called: dandy, dandy, dandy. Who are metrosexuals in the modern world? This is not gay, as many people think. Yes, they care about their appearance and may look feminine, but unlike homosexuals who love men, metrosexuals are traditional orientation. There are also metrosexuals among gays, so sometimes it's hard not to confuse.

Signs of a metrosexual

The first thing that catches your eye when looking at a metrosexual is grooming in everything: in appearance, clothes, shoes. They are unusual, but pleasant to look at, and metrosexuals are aware of this, because considerable attention is paid to the appearance and figure. Other character traits metrosexual:

  • his bathroom is filled with various tubes of creams and other care products;
  • uses expensive perfume;
  • loves fashion magazines;
  • well-groomed hands;
  • in his arsenal there is a place for a hair dryer, hair straightener, eyelash curler.

Metrosexual style

What is important is what a metrosexual man looks like. The style preferred by heterosexual metrosexuals has evolved and evolved since the early 1990s. Conscious Attitude metrosexuals to their appearance, use current trends in body care - what makes up their lifestyle. Metrosexual clothing style:

  • tight, tight pants, jeans;
  • polo shirts;
  • light sweaters and T-shirts with a V-neck;
  • short, tailor-made coats;
  • use of pink and purple hues, floral motifs and horizontal stripes;
  • chinos;
  • boots;
  • cardigans;
  • use of accessories: brooches, bracelets, rings, hair clips.

How to become a metrosexual?

Metrosexuality does not consist of long and intense self-grooming in front of a mirror. Facial care, metrosexual hairstyle - these are external components that distinguish a person and allow you to recognize metrosexuality in him. In order to become a true metrosexual, one must understand that this is a certain way of life. Recommendations for those who decide to follow the path of metrosexuals:

  • in good sense the words "fixate" on healthy way life;
  • love your body (fitness clubs, spa treatments);
  • striving for excellence in everything;
  • love shopping and going to the stylist;
  • learn to understand brands and follow fashion trends.

Are metrosexuals gay?

One of the common stereotypes is that metrosexuals are not heterosexual men, but the most ordinary gays, some simply hide the fact that they love men, others have not yet decided - these are latent gays. This myth is more supported by men who believe that a real man does not need anything other than a razor and a comb. The reality is that there are men who like to look after their appearance, and they are not gay, but the very concept of a metrosexual man can include any sexual orientation. There are also metrosexuals among gays.

Today on the site "" I would like to raise, in my opinion, a very sensitive topic - about metrosexual men. I understand that any man is inherently selfish and loves himself, takes care of himself and looks great, it's easy to understand, but when it becomes fanatical, it complicates the life of his woman to some extent. Perhaps I am too biased towards them, although I have always preferred well-groomed, neat and stylish men.

Metrosexual is a class of men that can be of any orientation, and it is quite natural for them to be heterosexual, despite the fact that they have a very attractive appearance and great connoisseurs of subtle matters which women are more susceptible to. As a rule, these are men from megacities and "advanced" cities.

As a term, this word arose in 1994, thanks to the journalist Mark Simpson, and as a social phenomenon continues to develop rapidly.

Metrosexuals: all about them

  • Are metrosexuals interested in women? Sometimes it is so unexpected that it just leads to a dead end and destroys all your ideas about. I remember my surprise when my work colleague, whom we all considered gay, began to show interest in me precisely as a boyfriend, and at my hint that I was of the opposite sex, not for him, he was even offended, but surprised for some reason it wasn't.
  • Simple guys don't take a metrosexual as their own. It is useless to prove it, in response you hear: "Don't make me laugh, what kind of women can he have", and even if such communication is necessary for any reason, ordinary men not happy with him, and as a rule, in male friendship it doesn't outgrow. Metrosexuals also prefer friendly communication more with the guys of his circle.
  • The metrosexual constantly follows fashion and devotes an incredible amount of time to it. It's certainly good when your companion is always up to date with new fashion trends, there is an opportunity to take advantage of good advice when choosing and updating wardrobe, accessories, etc. On the other hand, you can get into an uncomfortable situation when he, confident in his competence in matters of style, can speak unflatteringly about your outfit. It looks funny when, at a meeting, men begin to look at each other's clothes as thoroughly as on a mannequin in a store, looking at brands, seams, etc. on things. In my opinion, a man should do it a little more restrained.
  • Metrosexuals are prone to emotional and moral experiences. Maybe it comes from the metrosexuals' unhealthy passion for psychology, or it's from such a fragility of the soul, in general, what it is from, I don't know, but there is every chance to become the cause of his psychological disharmony. It's terrible to sit all evening listening to him about how you became the main seed in the development of his sexual frustration and about methods of dealing with this ailment, otherwise it will develop into an intimate phobia, etc.
  • The nutrition of a metrosexual must be healthy and refined. Sometimes it feels like these men with infancy they fed in fashionable restaurants and ate nothing but foie gras, seafood cocktails, asparagus, truffles with overseas sauces, and all other food is not food. Yes, and it is necessary that it would look very aesthetically pleasing, I certainly agree with this. For a metrosexual, it is important to be able to cook a culinary masterpiece yourself. Since, in their opinion, this has a positive effect on the breadth of consciousness. Of course, he expects delight from those who have tasted his divine food, so that it is eaten, it is not even discussed, otherwise he may be offended, upset and run away to mommy.
  • Metrosexual closets are bursting with myriad cosmetics. As already mentioned, such men are very scrupulous about their appearance and in order to take care of their bodies, all shelves and cabinets are filled with a variety of care products. It's just a whole collection of different new products that they never miss. Any woman would envy such diversity. Beyond the usual male set for shaving, several perfumes and antiperspirants, the metrosexual always has creams, tonics, masks, depilators, liftings and much more. You can even see how the metrosexual does facial skin massage!
  • Metrosexuals spend a lot of time near the mirror. The gym and massages for the relief lines of the body are a very important phenomenon in their life for such guys. The owner of such a man can be proud of his moderately inflated figure and excellent posture. But for the guy himself, this is apparently not enough, he constantly looks at himself in the mirror. It is simply sometimes impossible to approach this subject in an apartment, as it is constantly occupied by a male reflection. You might think that in an hour his fat will grow or the press will disappear.
  • The metrosexual has a very serious attitude to shopping. Shopping for such men is a pleasure, and they can easily devote an incredible amount of time to this favorite pastime. I used to think that I was a terrible shopaholic, but somehow I took part in choosing clothes for the upcoming social entertainment event, and I realized how I go shopping - these are just berries compared to how the metrosexual does it, here are flowers, so flowers!
