Transfer to another mixture Komarovsky. Did the child fit the new composition? Consider the scheme for introducing a new mixture

Breastfeeding has always been, is and remains the healthiest choice for a newborn baby. If the child eats breast milk, and all complementary foods are introduced in a timely manner, then he receives absolutely everything necessary for healthy growth and development of the body. But there are often cases when breastfeeding for some reason becomes impossible, and it becomes necessary to transfer the baby to artificial feeding.

But even here there are enough pitfalls: not every mixture can suit a child. And if it suddenly turned out that nutrition should be reviewed, then a reasonable question arises: “How to switch from one mixture to another?”

Principles of artificial feeding

If it is possible to feed the baby natural way, then the question of artificial feeding it is better to postpone as long as possible. But if this is not possible, and for one reason or another the child still needs to be transferred to the mixture, contact your pediatrician. He, knowing the characteristics of your child, will advise suitable mixture. And also the doctor will explain how to transfer the child to another mixture if the previous one did not suit him.

By going to, you should determine the volume and frequency of feeding. The volume primarily depends on the age, but also on the body weight of the child. As for the frequency of taking the mixture, for babies from birth to four months, it is six times a day. From six to ten months - four times a day. And kids older and up to a year - twice a day.

What are the mixtures?

Mixture selection is tricky. After all, they are all different, and not everyone is suitable for your child. First, it all depends on the age of the baby. And according to this criterion, all existing ones can be divided into three groups. The first is for children of the first 6 months of life. The second is up to a year. And the third group already includes mixtures for children over one year old.

One of the most widely known is the "Baby" mixture. Also, the mixture is selected, taking into account the characteristics of its health and development. For healthy babies standard mixtures are suitable. And for children with certain digestive problems there are hydrolyzed, sour-milk, anti-reflux, soy and others. The "Baby" mixture, in addition to the option for newborns, can offer some other varieties. For example, in the menu for children under one year old, this manufacturer offers to include cereals with the addition of various grain mixtures. In a separate group can be attributed In general, so that the question of how to transfer the child to another mixture, with more likely bypassed you, you need to immediately treat the process of choosing a substitute mother's milk seriously enough.

Rules for the use of any mixture

The first thing to remember is that the temperature of the mixture that you give to the child should not be higher than thirty-seven degrees. Observe everything carefully hygiene rules during the cooking process. Use only purchased or filtered water. But it should also be boiled first. Boiling time should be at least two minutes.

Carefully follow all the proportions that are mentioned on the package. Do not mix products from different manufacturers. Always prepare the mixture only fresh and study everything especially well for any of its conditions.

Feeding mode

A child who uses formula rather than breast milk is much easier to accustom to the regimen. What does the mode give? Well, first of all, it gives more freedom to parents. And secondly, it is much easier to understand how to switch to a different infant formula, if necessary, for those parents who fully or at least partially control the processes of eating their child. When accustoming the baby to the regime, wake him up during the day, not letting him sleep between feedings for more than three hours. Then night sleep will be longer. And he will wake up, most likely, no more than once.

How to determine that the mixture is not suitable?

Thinking about how to switch from one mixture to another should be in a number of cases. The child may start crying after eating. After each meal, vomiting or incessant stool disturbances follow. Abdominal pain caused by colic that comes with bloating and tension. The child is very irritable during the day and wakes up very often at night. A rash may appear on the face, and the skin will become rough and feel like sandpaper. If you find one or more of the above symptoms, then you need to contact a specialist to explain how to properly switch to another mixture, and advise which one the best way will suit your child. He, of course, will take into account all the features of the body of your baby.

How to switch from one mixture to another?

It is not necessary to change the mixture without a good reason. Also, do not unreasonably use hypoallergenic or other special types. If, nevertheless, the transition to another mixture is necessary, then it should be carried out the right way. For example, you are seven times.

Then, at the first feeding, you should give the baby ten milliliters of a new mixture, and leave everything else as it is. Just remember that you can not mix the mixture in one bottle. First we give one, and then the second. All other meals remain on the old mixture. If all is well, then the next day give twenty milliliters of a new mixture in the first and fifth feedings. Every day you increase the volume of the new formula by 20 milliliters until both feedings are completely replaced. Now replace one more feeding with a new mixture every day, but already immediately in full. Such gradual transition help the best small organism adapt to changing diets.

This article looked at how to switch from one mixture to another. You don't have to do it just for the sake of variety or colorful advertising. Changing the mixture should be fully justified, because this is a kind of stressful situation for the child's body. And do not forget that for any questions that in one way or another relate to the health of your baby, you should contact your pediatrician. And then the child will be healthy, and his parents - happy and calm.

When a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby, infant milk formulas come to her aid. It is very difficult to choose food for a baby, because there is a risk of harming his health. For this reason, a new mixture should be introduced carefully. It must be prepared correctly (only from fresh and high-quality products) and meet the requirements for digestive system child's temperature.

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    Reasons for the introduction of mixed feeding

    Artificial feeding of babies is introduced in the absence or with small amounts of mother's milk within two to three days after birth.

    Another reason to add formula to a baby's diet is postpartum weight loss. If the daily weight gain is less than 20 g, a mixed diet should be introduced.

    Mixtures are administered at a time when there is not enough mother's milk. If it is enough, then it is preferable to feed the baby with it.

    What mixture is suitable?

    For mixed feeding compositions that recreate the properties of breast milk are suitable. They can be divided into several types:

    • partially adapted;
    • adapted;
    • standard;
    • specialized;
    • fresh;
    • fermented milk.

    Adapted mixtures are similar to the composition of breast milk, partially adapted are suitable for children from 6 months. Standard are intended for children who do not suffer from certain diseases. Allergic kids and premature babies should be fed specialized mixtures.

    Product names

    Select a mixture based on individual characteristics newborn. Choose the right one baby food You can use the table:

    For allergies to cow's milk prescribe mixtures that contain soy:

    • Heinz;
    • Enfamil;
    • Tutelli;
    • Nutrilon.

    Cheaper products include Malysh, Nutrilak, Agusha, Grandmother's basket, Malyutka, Semilak, Nestozhen.

    Nutrition composition

    The presence of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lactose, prebiotics, probiotics with artificial feeding is mandatory.

    What works for one child may not work for another allergic reactions, indigestion. When feeding, you need to focus on the preferences of the baby.

    Transition Order

    Transfer the child from breastfeeding possible within a few days. Food should be changed gradually. The exception is children with allergies, they are transferred instantly.

    Adaptation to new milk occurs according to the following scheme:

    Every day, the amount of the mixture is gradually increased, replacing it with breast milk. Adaptation to a new food takes about two weeks, sometimes accompanied by intestinal disorders. For this reason frequent change children's diet Not recommended.

    Products of two different brands cannot be mixed in one bottle, even if they are from the same manufacturer.

For full development Newborns and babies need breast milk. But breastfeeding is not always possible. In the absence of lactation or with its low quality, adapted infant formulas come to the rescue. They provide babies with the necessary resource of nutrients.

What to do if the selected mixture does not suit the baby

If an allergic reaction occurs to a particular type of baby food, it is necessary to replace it with a suitable one. How to change the mixture correctly:

  • Show the baby to the pediatrician, find out the reason for the rejection of nutrition by the body;
  • With the help of a medical specialist, choose a new food that meets the requirements of the child;
  • Assess the baby's condition. You can not change the mixture during illness, during the vaccination period.

The scheme for replacing the old food with another mixture consists of several stages:

  1. On day 1, we offer the child 10 ml of new food in the morning feeding. We feed the rest with the old mixture;
  2. On day 2, we offer 20 ml of nutrition in the morning and evening feeding, provided that it is well tolerated. We feed the rest with the old mixture;
  3. 4-5 days we introduce 20 ml of nutrition in the morning and in the evening, until the complete replacement of feedings;
  4. The remaining days are replaced by one feeding with a full portion of the new food. For example, today the third feeding was replaced, tomorrow the fourth, and so on.

Parents should know! New and old mixtures are diluted in SEPARATE bottles.

Changing baby food must be justified. You can’t change it just out of the whim of your mother or the advice of outsiders. Each replacement is a strong stress for children's digestion. And the constant stressful situations can lead to malfunction digestive tract. Therefore, before this procedure, evaluate all the benefits and risks, and then make a decision.

Infant formula is natural substitute breast milk or an additional product in the baby's diet.

Depending on the composition, it is of several types:

  • Adapted. It is almost completely similar to mother's milk.
  • Partially adapted. It does not contain whey, but otherwise it is the same as mother's milk.
  • Unadapted, in other words, whole cow or goat milk.

Reasons why you should switch your baby from one mixture to another

The first mixture of the child should be chosen by the pediatrician, and only this specialist can decide on its replacement. Many children's doctors, based on the degree of influence of the mixture on the child's body, compare it with a medicine.

Therefore, in order to make a decision to switch to a new mixture, there must be very good reasons.

These include:

  1. Intolerance to milk proteins.
  2. Allergy to components.
  3. lactose deficiency.
  4. Planned transition related to the age of the child.

The following signs will tell you that you need to replace the mixture:

  1. Violation of the intestines and, as a result, the stool. The kid is tormented by constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. There may also be bloating, which is accompanied by colic and gas.
  2. Frequent and profuse regurgitation after feeding and during the day.
  3. Reddish rash, irritation on different areas skin.
  4. Constant hunger, even though the child eats enough.
  5. The baby drinks the mixture too eagerly or refuses it completely.
  6. Changes in the child's behavior: whims, drowsiness, impaired attention and motor skills.

Rules for changing milk formula

First of all, remember that only a doctor can choose a new mixture! This is not an ordinary product for an adult, so amateur activities can harm your child's health!

The transition time from one mixture to another takes about one week. The table below shows servings of the new mixture for each day. Practice has shown that it is better to give a new mixture during the morning feeding.

On the 7th day, you can completely abandon the previous mixture and transfer the baby to a new diet. Please note that every day after the introduction of a new mixture into the diet, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of the child.

If you notice a deterioration or change in behavior, you should stop giving the new mixture.

What not to do when switching to a new mixture:

  • Deviate from the stated amount of new formula consumed daily.
  • On the second or third day, abruptly transfer the baby to a new mixture.
  • Ignore profuse regurgitation, as well as rash, bloating.
  • Give more than one kind of new formula at the same time.

How do you know if a new formula is right for your baby?

Sometimes, mothers are so obsessed with the health problems of their child that even after replacing they see side effects.

There are four signs by which you can understand that the mixture is completely suitable.

  1. Normal chair. You don’t need to read the reviews of other moms on the forums, all the more so to form conclusions about normality based on them. If there is a dense stool at least once within 48 hours, then the intestines are working properly.
  2. Healthy skin. The absence of rashes and irritations indicates that there are no components in the mixture that harm the child.
  3. Healthy hunger. The baby wants to eat no more than once every 3-3.5 hours. According to experts, it is this time that indicates that the digestion process takes place without deviations.
  4. Correct weight gain healthy sleep, lack of whims, interest in the world around.

When a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby, infant milk formulas come to her aid. It is very difficult to choose food for a baby, because there is a risk of harming his health. For this reason, a new mixture should be introduced carefully. It must be prepared correctly (only from fresh and high-quality products) and correspond to the temperature necessary for the child's digestive system.

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    Reasons for the introduction of mixed feeding

    Artificial feeding of babies is introduced in the absence or with small amounts of mother's milk within two to three days after birth.

    Another reason to add formula to a baby's diet is postpartum weight loss. If the daily weight gain is less than 20 g, a mixed diet should be introduced.

    Mixtures are administered at a time when there is not enough mother's milk. If it is enough, then it is preferable to feed the baby with it.

    What mixture is suitable?

    For mixed feeding, formulations that recreate the properties of breast milk are suitable. They can be divided into several types:

    • partially adapted;
    • adapted;
    • standard;
    • specialized;
    • fresh;
    • fermented milk.

    Adapted mixtures are similar to the composition of breast milk, partially adapted are suitable for children from 6 months. Standard are intended for children who do not suffer from certain diseases. Allergic babies and premature babies should be fed with specialized mixtures.

    Product names

    The mixture is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the newborn. You can choose the right baby food using the table:

    In case of allergy to cow's milk, mixtures containing soy are prescribed:

    • Heinz;
    • Enfamil;
    • Tutelli;
    • Nutrilon.

    Cheaper products include Malysh, Nutrilak, Agusha, Grandmother's basket, Malyutka, Semilak, Nestozhen.

    Nutrition composition

    The presence of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lactose, prebiotics, probiotics in artificial feeding is mandatory.

    Food that suits one child causes allergic reactions, stomach upsets in another. When feeding, you need to focus on the preferences of the baby.

    Transition Order

    It is possible to transfer a child from breastfeeding within a few days. Food should be changed gradually. The exception is children with allergies, they are transferred instantly.

    Adaptation to new milk occurs according to the following scheme:

    Every day, the amount of the mixture is gradually increased, replacing it with breast milk. Adaptation to a new food takes about two weeks, sometimes accompanied by intestinal disorders. For this reason, frequent changes in children's diets are not recommended.

    Products of two different brands cannot be mixed in one bottle, even if they are from the same manufacturer.
