Bollywood star Aishwarya Rai's beauty secrets. Aishwarya Rai Makeup Secrets

November 1 is one of the most beautiful actresses celebrated her birthday. How does Aishwarya Rai manage to look so young?

1. Discipline. In her student years, studying to be an architect, Aishwarya Rai worked as a model. It was thanks to this that in 1994 she was invited to take part in the competition. "Miss India" However, victory in it, as the star assures, has become for her complete surprise. But her modeling past taught her to be strict in everything that concerns own appearance: never go to bed without washing off your makeup, moisturize your skin daily, use a scrub or peel every 7-10 days ... All this, in the opinion of Aishwarya Rai, is simple and available ways preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. Everyone knows about them, but not everyone follows these rules.

2. Proper nutrition. Aishwarya is a vegetarian. Only sometimes she can afford some fish curry. She eats only healthy food, does not smoke, and practically does not drink alcohol, making an exception only for good French wine. The maximum that the actress allows herself at a social event is a glass and a half of dry wine.

3. Correct Mode day and healthy sleep. Aishwarya calls her main secret of beauty good dream and believes that chronic sleep deprivation is the easiest way to get wrinkles around the eyes, "bags" and bruises, which immediately add a few years even to young girls. And after thirty years, in the opinion of the star, the minimum eight hours of beauty sleep should become binding rule for every woman who wants to look good.

4. Diet and fitness. Like many indian women, being reeds in early youth, after the birth of children gain weight, Aishwarya tends to be overweight. However, the star of Indian cinema herself does not make a tragedy out of this, she even jokes: “We don’t like too thin people, and this thought always relaxes me, especially at home when we have dinner.”

However, as an actress, she willy-nilly has to monitor her diet and figure. And when, six months after the birth of her daughter, it became clear that the thirty-eight-year-old star, who had gained more than two and a half dozen kilograms during pregnancy and continued to feed her daughter, was not losing weight in any way, this jeopardized her career. India, closely following the fate of its national heroine, has split into two camps.

Some argued that the actress, who had grown fat to the point of disgrace, with her double chin shames Bollywood and even staged pickets against her appearing at any film festivals. Others, on the contrary, in every possible way expressed their approval that the actress does not follow the fashion lead and, first of all, thinks about her daughter's health. But, despite the fact that supporters promised her the status of a style icon for obese women, offers to act in films became less and less.

It is not known how the story would have ended, but Aishwarya finally began to lose weight and met her thirty-ninth birthday almost in former form. How she did it, the Bollywood star does not specify, but it is known that it was not without a strict diet with the rejection of flour and sweets and daily exercises with a fitness trainer.

At the Oscars, 2011

5. Sufficient amount of water. Every morning the actress starts with a glass clean water With lemon juice- this rule, which is followed by many models, she has not changed since her modeling youth. And nutritionists approve of this idea: it helps the body wake up faster and speeds up the metabolism that has slowed down overnight. Other binding rule Aishwarya Rai - drink eight to ten glasses of pure water daily.

6. Skin protection from the sun. Aishwarya never goes outside without applying it to her face, neck, hands and other exposed skin areas. sunscreen. This allows her to do without bleaching agents and at the same time maintain fair skin, especially valued in India. An actress who is one of the messengers of beauty L'Oreal Paris, calls herself a cleanser junkie and her favorite face cream is Derma Genesis(of course from L'Oreal Paris).

7. natural masks for hair. The actress mixed skin, prone to oiliness in the T-zone, therefore, with oils and oil masks so beloved by her compatriots, she is very careful: many oils clog her pores. "It more tradition than necessity,” says Aishwarya Rai about natural cosmetics for the skin based on oils. As a child, my mother often made various masks for herself and her, and then the girl “felt like real princess". But now, for facial care, the star prefers “ready-made” cosmetics. But hair is another matter. Aishwarya loves to put oils on them, especially coconut and palm oils, before washing her hair or rubbing oil into the roots of her hair before going to bed.published

The beauty of Aishwarya Rai is legendary all over the world: the iconic Indian actress is admired not only at home, but also far beyond its borders. Aishwarya has been one of the most beautiful women of our time for a long time after she became the owner of the Miss World title back in 1994. This is not surprising, because her appearance does not need additional special effects and is well understood in all languages ​​of the world.

In addition, Aishwarya Rai has always been famous for being girlish. slim figure: With a height of 170 centimeters, a celebrity has never weighed more than 55 kilograms. However, after the birth of her daughter in 2011, the star recovered greatly: it took Aishwarya about two years to lose 25 kilograms gained during pregnancy.


Opponent strict diets, Aishwarya was looking for a nutrition system for herself that would not drive her into a rigid framework. The choice fell on the traditional Indian diet, which involves a complete rejection of meat. The diet of the 43-year-old star is based on foods familiar to any Indian family, including rice, vegetables, fish and seafood. During the day, you need to drink at least two liters of pure drinking water and traditional Indian tea without limitation. Of the fruits, only lemon is allowed, the zest of which can be added to porridge in the morning, and the juice can be used to dress salads, as well as dried fruits. However, the main secret of the diet are spices - curry, turmeric and cinnamon. They help to speed up metabolism and start the process of fat burning in tissues.

Right lifestyle

Apart from proper nutrition, which turned from a diet into a habit over time, Aishwarya also leads healthy lifestyle life. She never smoked, but alcoholic beverages can only afford a glass of dry wine during a social event. Also, the beautiful actress tries to sleep for at least eight hours: high-quality healthy sleep not only improves mood and preserves youthful skin, but also helps in maintaining weight. Lack of sleep inevitably entails overeating and generally negatively affects the performance of the body, slowing down metabolic processes.


An active lifestyle and regular exercise are not as popular in India as they are, say, in America or Europe. However, being a public face, Aishwarya after the birth of her daughter, following the example Hollywood stars I had to hire a personal trainer. Instead of functional training, the main focus was on two-hour yoga and meditation sessions, and cardio training replaced walking with my daughter. By her example, the actress proved that getting back into shape after childbirth can and should be enjoyable, if not turned into daily torture in order to deal with overweight in the shortest possible time.

The right attitude

For the past 10 years, Aishwarya Rai has been happily married to hereditary Indian actor Abhishek Bachchan. According to the actress, it was her husband's support that helped her avoid postpartum depression associated with major changes in appearance. In addition, the star likes to joke that India is not a country where people are chasing model parameters, and men here primarily appreciate the ability to cook and, as a result, rounded feminine forms. “This thought warms me up every time we have a big family dinner at our house,” shares Aishwarya. However, the most important thing, according to the 43-year-old star, is the ability to self-irony, as well as faith in own forces that best help you on the way to your goal.

Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachcharan, 2010

Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachcharan, 2014

The image is scaled down. Click to see original.

1 advice. A glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey.

Many stars use this recipe. It is necessary to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey on an empty stomach. This cocktail is tasty and healthy. Firstly, by its content of natural vitamin C. And secondly, the combination of lemon and honey removes toxins and has a good effect on the skin.

2 advice. 8 glasses of water a day.

Aishwarya drinks eight glasses of water. Daily. And the water is clean in a special way prepared.

3 advice. Healthy food.

Aishwarya is a vegetarian. Doesn't drink alcohol or fast food.

4 advice. Regular Face Masks.

Aishwarya has skin problems. Maybe that's why she regularly does cucumber mask, which is known for removing excess fat and tightening pores. Aishwarya makes a clay mask for exfoliation.

5 advice. Hair care - oil mask for the night.

Aishwarya is famous for her gorgeous hair. She never brightens them up. Sometimes she dyes her hair in chestnut color. But makes it natural vegetable paints, and black from birth hair acquires a noble chestnut shade. At night Aishwarya like all Indian women does oil masks. The oil is rubbed into the roots of the hair, and washed off in the morning.

6 advice. Start your morning with exercise.

Aishwarya does gymnastics every morning. And of course he continues to dance!

7 advice. daily ritual beauty.

Aishwarya Rai performs a beauty ritual every day. That is why she always looks well-groomed. She always has makeup and hair styling.

8 advice. Regular Yellow Clay and Turmeric Mask to tighten pores and nourish facial skin.

For the “Yellow” mask, you need to take the following composition:

Clay - 1 tablespoon
Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
Yogurt - 1 tablespoon
Milk or water to dissolve.
Apply the mask on the face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Clay draws from the skin harmful substances and when dried, it tightens pores, and turmeric and yogurt nourish it. Turmeric is a well-known source of vitamins, especially vitamin E.

Aishvaria Raione of the most beautiful women on the planet. She has beautiful skin, luxurious hair and seductive figure. One might even say that it indian beauty in pure form. As it should be beautiful woman She has her own little tricks and secrets. And today we will reveal them for you!

"Stars" is a great example of how to take care of yourself, put on make-up and present yourself. Why not learn from them?

Most main secret lies in the fact that Aishwarya Rai uses primordially Indian wisdom, giving preference all natural.

Aishwarya Rai's beauty secrets

How does this recognized beauty take care of herself?

  • Every morning she drinks on an empty stomach warm water with lemon and honey. This mixture helps to remove all toxins from the body, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Also, Aishwarya Rai drinks 8 glasses of water a day. As a result, she supports water balance in the body, and her skin is always in excellent condition.
  • Aishwarya Rai favors fruits, vegetables and dairy products, and tries to stay away from alcohol and fast food.
  • She uses cucumber in order to relieve irritation; clay for skin exfoliation; a milk and natural yogurt - to moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • She is does not color or bleach hair. That is why they look healthy.
  • Beauty does not neglect exercise.
  • Every morning Aishwarya Rai makes whole ritual of beauty. Thanks to this, you will never see her untidy. She is meticulous about cleansing her skin, applying makeup and styling her hair.
Aishwarya Rai face mask

Here one ofmasksfor face, which is used Xia Aishwarya .

To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon clay, 1 pinch turmeric, yogurt, milk or water in the amount necessary to make sour cream. Apply all this on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Aishwarya Rai Makeup Secrets

At famous beauty They also have their own make-up secrets. Aishwarya Rai always emphasizes her amazing eyes . Here's how you can replicate her makeup at home:

Step 1. Apply a light liquid foundation with a sponge.

Step 2 Using a large brush, apply shimmery powder to your face.

Step 3 Take a creamy, shimmery pink eyeshadow and use your fingers to apply to the eyes perpendicular to the lash line on the entire upper eyelid.

Step 4 Apply a little golden shadow under the eyebrows, then gently blend so that they go a little over the pink.

Step 5 Line your eyes with brown liquid eyeliner or pencil. The line should be thick enough.

Step 6 Apply 2 coats of brown mascara to upper and lower lashes.

Step 8 Use lipstick or caramel-colored gloss.

Aishwarya Rai Hair Secrets

Aishwarya always watches not only her face - on her head too full order. One of her hairstyles is ponytail with whom she looks very sexy. You can try this hairstyle at home.

To get started, you need straighten and dry your hair. Then comb them back in the tail and secure with a rubber band. Spray your hair varnish so that there are no protruding hairs. To add shine to your hair, use hair serum.

These are the secrets of Aishwarya Rai. Let them be useful to you!

At forty, Aishwarya has fine skin, seductive graceful forms, chic hair and simply magical charm. Find out more about how she does it.

"Hardening" of the model. As a student, Aishwarya began to work as a model and thanks to this work, she was invited to the Miss India contest, where the victory became the most pleasant surprise. So, working as a model, the girl received a very good and strict discipline, especially with regards to appearance. Daily it moisturizes the skin, regularly nourishes and cleanses. by special means, thanks to which it retained youth, beauty and radiance of the skin of the face.

Dream- this is the main weapon of the Indian beauty. Because poor unhealthy sleep leads to the formation of bruises, wrinkles and bags. So, she recommends that all ladies get at least eight hours of sleep.

Healthy food. The actress is a vegetarian, but sometimes she indulges herself with curry fish dishes. Prefers exclusively healthy food, and from alcoholic drinks only French good dry wines, but no more than one and a half glasses per evening.

Water. Every day, the star starts his day with a glass of water with lemon juice. This recipe many models are used, since it helps to rid the body of slag, toxic stagnation and speed up metabolic processes.

Fitness and diet food. The Indian beauty, like many representatives of the charming sex, is inclined to be overweight. Despite the fact that women in the body are preferred in her homeland, she always follows her figure and nutrition because of her career as an actress. The actress adhered to a particularly strict diet and exhausting workouts after the birth of a baby, when her forms were far from the current ones.

Sunscreen cosmetics. The star does not leave the house without applying a special cream that protects delicate skin from impact sun rays. So, she retains the fair skin, valued among Indian women, and dispenses with bleaching agents.

Secrets of Aishwarya's well-groomed appearance

Every day you need to drink the required daily water norm
"Morning cocktail" - water by adding juice squeezed from lemon, you can also add a spoonful of honey, it will help cleanse the body and improve skin condition
The actress has never dyed her hair.
More Healthy Natural Foods
Physical exercise
The actress daily conducts a whole ritual dedicated to beauty, starting with cleansing, nourishing the skin, applying makeup, styling, in the evening - removing all applied cosmetics, cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin
Use natural products self care. For example, clay will help with skin peeling, a cucumber mask for irritation, dairy products for nutrition and hydration.

Makeup from an Indian star

The girl shared her unique secrets makeup, so she prefers to focus on her charming eyes

1. Apply foundation with a sponge
2. With a large makeup brush, apply powder with sparkling micro-particles
3. Use your fingers to apply pink shadows all over the eyelid (the base should be creamy)
4. Apply some shadow under the eyebrows golden tone, gently blend to smooth out the transition without "touching" the pink shadows
5. Line your eyes with a thick dark brown line using liquid eyeliner or a special pencil
6. Apply two coats of dark brown mascara to the top and bottom lashes
7. Highlight cheekbones with peach blush
8. Powder your face a little
9. Apply caramel lipstick

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