Harmful and dangerous substances in cosmetics or what should not be in cosmetics. Should you believe the research? Lists of harmful ingredients

In 1994, Jacqueline Kennedy, the legendary First Lady of the United States, died of breast cancer. Neither money, nor connections, nor ongoing treatment helped. She was only 64 years old. It has been officially established that the development of the tumor was stimulated by the regular entry into the body through the skin of strong carcinogens contained in hair dye. Jacqueline often liked to dye her hair, usually giving preference to dyes from one of the very well-known companies.

But when Jacqueline used these paints, she had no idea how it could end.

A few years ago, a scandal broke out in Europe, which resulted in the withdrawal of products from sale well-known company NIKE, which produces sports goods. As it turned out, the black and yellow paints used in the production of NIKE products contained strongest mutagens, causing changes in cells at the gene level. In the CIS countries, however, no seizures of similar goods were carried out...

Every home has products that both children and adults use every day: soap, shampoos, toothpastes, creams, lotions, deodorants, perfumes, cologne... How safe they are can be judged by their composition. Go into your bathroom and take a close look at the products you use.

If there is no composition on the package, then there is no guarantee of safety. It is better to never buy products without indicating what they are made of. After all, in this case you have no information to choose from. But the more information on the packaging, the greater the chances of saving your health. Very often, not the full composition is indicated, but only the safest part of it, especially of plant origin. And many buyers make their choice in favor of a specific product precisely because of it: “Oh! Naturally based! ABOUT! Contains chamomile extracts!”

But any plant extract is added to the base of the product. If it is shampoo or bubble bath, then the basis will be surfactants = surfactants (those that allow the product to foam and remove dirt). But they can be quite harmful to health. Among dangerous surfactants, SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATE (SLS) or SODIUM LAURET SULPHATE (SLES) are very often used. Easily penetrating the skin, they gradually accumulate in the tissues of the eyes, brain, liver, heart, and upon reaching a certain toxic concentration, they cause various, serious disorders of the listed organs in children and adults.

In many households, among hygiene products, cosmetics, medicinal ointments, and household chemicals, you can often find ingredients such as PROPYLENE GLYCOL, ETHYLENE GLYCOL. They are introduced to create the effect of “moisturizing” the skin. In fact, they create an impenetrable film, which disrupts skin functions, gas exchange, and prevents the removal of toxins. But since their daily portion entering the body is small, they do not immediately cause the development of the disease, but act slowly, step by step approaching their insidious goal.

The list of potentially dangerous components most often found in hygiene and cosmetic products includes: PETROLATUM, MINERAL (technical) OIL, DEA (diethanolamine), TEA (triethanolamine), LANOLIN, ALUMINUM SALT (used in most deodorants, as they block sweating for a long time ).

KAOLIN, FLUORIDE (fluoride compound, fluorides), TRICLOSAN, PA-PHENYLENE-DIAMINE (found in many hair dyes) – this toxic substance should be avoided because it causes allergies and dermatitis.

METHYL-DIBROMO-GLUTAR-NITRITE (as a preservative is introduced into the composition of gels, masks, creams, tanning products, shampoos, etc.) – causes skin diseases, A allergy it's like an epidemic on him. Companies producing products with this substance (BOOTS, NIVEA, PANTENE and a number of others) were officially warned by European Commission experts back in 2001 about the dangers of methyl dibromo-glutaro-nitrite. But so far, none of the warned companies have excluded it from their products.

PHTHALATES – they should be avoided by pregnant, nursing mothers and all women planning to become pregnant. Experts from the EWG (Working Group on environment ") - one of the most influential in the USA, they discovered that this substance can cause congenital deformities, primarily in boys. Phthalates are found in many nail polishes (CHANEL, CHRISTIAN DIOR, MAX FACTOR, MAYBELLINE, OIL OF OLAY, KIKI, COLLECTION 2000, etc.), as well as in shampoos, conditioners, lotions, hair growth products, lipsticks, antiperspirants , sunscreen cosmetics and even chewing gum. In the fetus, phthalates cause development of genital defectss, children who are breastfed may develop over many years infertility and impotence. Judging by patent information, the company that likes to use phthalates in its products the most is PROCTER & GAMBLE. Although the number of fans includes: L’OREAL, SHISEIDO, REVLON, COLGATE, PALMOLIVE, HENKEL, ELIZABET ARDEN, etc. The danger of phthalates to health is also confirmed by our domestic experts from the Center for Independent Expertise of Cosmetic Products of the Institute plastic surgery

and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the list is far from complete, and it can be continued for a very long time. Today, a thinking person is faced with the question of searching, and ideally even self-made natural products

, free of chemical poisons and genetic mutants.

In the 90s, a scandal broke out in Europe and the USA. Well-known cosmetics and perfume companies are under the radar of doctors, toxicologists and environmentalists. In the course of serious research, it turned out that “enemy agents” are hidden in almost every jar, tube and bottle - chemicals about which there are serious suspicions. Having neither taste nor color, insidious substances act stealthily. It's time to recognize your enemies by sight. Greenpeace specialists summarized the results of research by European scientists. Glycerol

in excess amounts leads to dehydration and flaking. Strictly not recommended for dry skin.
Mineral oils:
- Vaseline (Petrolatum or vaseline),
- Paraffin (Parafinum liquidum),
- Ceresin, purified wax (Ceresin wax),
- Ozokerite, or mountain wax (Ozokerite)
Danger - they are substrates for oil refining. They cannot boast of having beneficial properties for health, but are harmful to the skin. Film made from mineral oil Detains toxins that are eliminated through the pores. In addition, it prevents the penetration of oxygen, dissolves natural sebum

and dries out the skin.
CPC or Cetylpyridinium chloride,
Triclosan, Danger - cause.
Phenyl mercuric acetate/borate – obtained from mercury. Very toxic.

Hazard - Supposed to be toxic.

Included in deodorants, eye shadows, etc.
Danger - causes an increased risk of inflammatory reactions on the skin and intoxication with heavy metals.
Presumably leads to neurodegenerative diseases.

Naphtol – hair dye.
Danger - causes allergies.

Xylene, dimethylbenzene (Xylene)
Danger - carcinogens.

Hair dyes should first be checked for the following content:
- lead acetate,
- mercury,
- arsenic.

Alarm No. 1

Agent. Paraben. Also known as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben.

Who does he work for? Shampoos, creams, face masks, hair products, nail polishes, deodorants, etc. Present in almost 90 percent of cosmetics.

The main weapon. Deodorant.

Suspected. Scientists have discovered the presence of this chemical in malignant breast tumors. Of course, this does not prove that he caused the cancer. But what was found in the tumors were precisely those parabens that were in deodorants. Scientists suggest that such substances contribute to the onset of the disease because they can behave in the body like estrogens - female sex hormones. If they are in excess, the risk of breast cancer increases. For men, this is fraught with reproductive dysfunction. Considering that there are many lymph nodes located under the armpits, it is very easy for parabens to penetrate the body.

Protection methods. Use deodorants only during active physical activity. You can also switch to antiperspirant creams. They are used once a week.

Alarm #2

Agent. Phthalate. Also known as dibutyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate.

Purpose of implementation. Provides softness to cosmetics, serves as a solvent for fragrances and denatured alcohol.

Who does he work for? Perfumes, deodorants, mousses and hair gels, nail polishes.

The main weapon. Nail polish.

Suspected. In harmful effects on DNA. These conclusions were made based on research conducted by the American organization Environmental Working Group (EWG). It is especially harmful to boys if their mothers were exposed to phthalate during pregnancy. This chemical blocks the processes that regulate male sex hormones - androgens, causing genital defects, infertility and impotence.

Protection methods. Avoid all medications that contain phthalates. Chanel, Christian Dior, Carpet Girl, Max Factor, Maybelline, Procter & Gamble, Revlon, L'Oreal, Shisaido, Kiki, etc. have been seen using it. .

Alarm #3

Agent. Toluene. He's toluen.

Purpose of implementation. A preservative that extends the shelf life of cosmetics.

Who does he work for? Perfumes, nail polish.

The main weapon. Perfumes, nail polishes.

Suspected. US FDA study medicines, as well as medical equipment, cosmetics, medicines for animals and food additives(FDA) showed that toluene can provoke asthmatic attacks, is a strong allergen, causes changes nervous system, impaired renal function, bone marrow, defects in newborns.

Protection methods. In Europe, strict restrictions on toluene were introduced five years ago. So choose a varnish that says “toluene-free.”

Alarm #4

Agent. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). AKA SLES.

Purpose of implementation. Used as a cleanser.

Who does he work for? Detergents.

The main weapon. Shampoos, toothpastes, facial products, liquid soap, shower gels, shaving foam, etc.

Suspected. Research from the Medical College of Georgia (USA) shows that SLS causes permanent vision changes in children. In addition, SLS destroys immune system

, and getting through the skin into the liver, heart, lungs and brain, accumulates in these organs. When SLS interacts with other cosmetic ingredients, carcinogens and nitrates are formed, which enter the blood.

Protection methods. It is almost impossible to eliminate SLS from use.

It is used in the production of 95 percent of shampoos. Whenever possible, choose products that contain no more than 1 percent SLS.

Precautionary measures

* Carefully study the composition of the tube or jar. In addition to the listed substances, you should, if possible, avoid components such as mineral oil, petrolatum, propilene glycol, solid oil, petroleum jelly (or lanolin), formaldehyde.

* Do not purchase cosmetics and perfumes from open trays. Sudden temperature changes contribute to the formation of harmful substances in cosmetics.

* Do not leave jars and tubes open; store them in the refrigerator.

Being, as a rule, toxic, preservatives and other ingredients of modern cosmetics enter the liver through the blood and accumulate there, causing chronic intoxication. According to Professor Belpom, a famous scientist in the field of carcinology, this leads to the emergence of “diseases of the century” - allergies, chronic dermatoses, cancer.

PEGs are obtained from poisonous gases, reactive and toxic, by “neutralizing” them through various chemical purification processes. The use of PEGs in a truly natural cosmetic product is excluded.

MYTH: if cosmetics were purchased in a supermarket, pharmacy or on the counter shopping center, then this cosmetics is safe.

FACT: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to require companies to test products for safety. The vast majority of products and their ingredients are not reviewed or inspected by the FDA before entering the market. The agency conducts preliminary market surveys only for certain colorants and active ingredients in cosmetics that are classified as drugs by manufacturers and are on patent.

MYTH: developed in the cosmetics industry efficient system control, so you can be sure that all cosmetic ingredients strictly comply with safety standards.

FACT: Over the more than 30-year history of the CIR (the Cosmetic Ingredient Review) study, conducted by an independent group of doctors and scientists, no more than 20% of cosmetics were evaluated and only 11 dangerous ingredients or groups were found. Their recommendations are not binding.

MYTH: government prohibits use hazardous substances in cosmetics for personal use, and companies do not dare to disobey these prohibitions.

FACT: Cosmetic companies may use any ingredients or raw materials without government review or approval, with the exception of dyes or certain prohibited additives.

  • More than 500 products sold in the United States contain ingredients banned in Japan, Canada or the European Union;
  • More than 100 products are considered dangerous according to International Union perfumers;
  • A wide range of nanomaterials may be unsafe for personal use products;
  • 22% of personal cosmetics contain dioxane, a substance that can cause cancer;
  • 60% sunscreen contain oxybenzone, which easily penetrates the human body and causes skin cancer;
  • 61% of lipsticks tested contained lead.

MYTH: cosmetic ingredients applied to the skin do not enter the body. If this happens, then their level is so low that you should not attach any importance to it.

FACT: People inhale cosmetics in sprays and powders, swallow them through the mouth, or they enter the body through the hands and are also absorbed through the skin. Research has proven harm from not quality cosmetics for good health. Biomonitoring of cosmetics has shown that cosmetics often contain parabens, preservatives, pesticides, triclosan, synthetic musk, etc.

Most of these substances are potential hormone disruptors. It is also worth taking into account that to enhance the effect cosmetical tools usually contain enhancers for the penetration of ingredients deep into the skin. Studies have shown that men who are constantly exposed to perfumes or sunscreens have very high risk occurrence of failures in the reproductive system.

MYTH: Cosmetic products for children or products that are labeled “hypoallergenic” are an absolutely safe choice.

FACT: Products labeled as natural or organic very often contain chemicals. And even truly natural and organic substances are not always safe. The pharmaceutical market, which is based on plant components, was valued in 2008 at $19.5 billion. It completely depends on the capabilities of “natural” chemical substances, significantly change the functions of the body, which is far from harmless. Also, products labeled as “organic” or “natural” may contain petrochemicals or not certified organic ingredients at all. Products certified organic may contain as little as 10% organic by weight or volume. The FDA attempted to provide an official definition of the term "natural", but this definition was challenged in judicial procedure. Research has shown that 30% of baby products that claim to be “natural” contain artificial preservatives.

MYTH: The FDA is immediately recalling all products found to be harmful to health.

FACT: The FDA does not have the authority to withdraw from sale harmful cosmetics. In addition, manufacturers are not required to report harm that cosmetics may cause to the agency. The FDA has information about the dangers of cosmetics that has been submitted voluntarily by cosmetic companies.

MYTH: consumers can become familiar with the ingredients contained in cosmetics and avoid purchasing products with harmful chemicals.

FACT: the federal law allows manufacturers to omit certain ingredients from the label, citing trade secrets. This applies primarily to nanomaterials, as well as components perfume aromas. The scent may include any of 3163 harmful components, but none of them will be listed on the label. Perfume tests show on average up to 14 harmful components in each fragrance.

MYTH: The safety of cosmetics is exclusively a women's problem.

FACT: Research shows that every woman uses 12 on average per day. cosmetic products, which contain up to 168 ingredients, men use 6 products with 85 ingredients, and children are exposed to 61 ingredients daily. So the problem is common.

Dangerous cosmetics

Safety regulations

There are disappointing unofficial statistics - even more than a third of cosmetics sold in Russia are counterfeit or expired. And the most dangerous are fakes, made without observing technology and quality standards, costing manufacturers very little and being sold cheaply.

According to statistics, it leads in the number of fakes decorative cosmetics, first of all - mascara, lipstick and eye shadow. In more than 90% of cases, such counterfeit products are sold not in stores, but in markets, stalls, underground passages, street stalls and other dubious places... And even if a miracle happens, the seller sells “real” cosmetics or perfumes (for example , stolen from a warehouse, which got to him in a “grey” way, bypassing customs, etc.), no one can guarantee that he complied with the storage conditions. And if mascara or lipstick is stored in the heat for several days, it can easily cause allergies, dermatitis, eczema, and conjunctivitis. But it will be almost impossible to make a claim, especially if the merchant has disappeared. So it’s better not to save money and go to the store. But even there you need to be careful: for example, there are even more germs on cosmetic testers than on door handles!

So listen to the advice of the program experts "Beauty without sacrifice." They will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and the purchase of expired products and counterfeits, tell you about the most dangerous cosmetic ingredients and how not to repeat the mistakes of the program’s heroes, for whom beauty experiments became the cause serious problems with skin.

If cosmetics inspire suspicion...

First of all, when purchasing, carefully study the packaging: it should be free of damage and traces of glue, the font should be even and clear, the words should be written without errors. For perfume sprays, be sure to pay attention to the design of the spray bottle: if the pump tube is too long and lies along the bottom of the container, it is most likely a fake. And of course Eau de Toilette should not be cloudy or have sediment!

Pay attention to the barcode. Products of the same brand, but produced in different countries, there must be different numbers. There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet where you can always check the compliance of barcodes.

Be careful: bad smell, strange consistency, uneven color cosmetics - all this can be signs of counterfeit or expired.

When buying cosmetics and perfumes online, pay attention to the price: usually cosmetic products in online stores it costs 30%-40% than in offline stores (this is the maximum discount that offline stores provide to VIP clients). If perfume or cosmetics on the Internet are two or three times cheaper, most likely they are selling off the remaining batch (possibly expired), “gray” goods, or, what happens most often, an outright low-quality fake. By the way, in bona fide online stores they will always present invoices and the necessary certificates, and provide the coordinates of official suppliers.

Channel instead of Chanel: this happens too!

Pay attention to the design: hallmark counterfeits may be supposedly a new design or shade, if we are talking about decorative cosmetics. On the official site cosmetic brand You can always see whether the design has really changed, whether new products and shades have appeared. In addition, do not forget that there are so-called replicas, versions or variations - these are not even fakes, but products that are similar to the originals, like twin brothers, and only slightly different from them. They are designed, first of all, for the most inattentive! For example, instead of Versace may be written Versase, instead of Chanel No. 5 - Channel No. 5 and so on. Most often we deal with luxury versions of products, the names of which are familiar to everyone. And such cosmetics and perfumes can be very dangerous, because they were made somewhere unknown and unknown by whom!

No allergies

Never forget: even the highest quality cosmetics and perfumes can cause allergies and irritation. Most often, allergic reactions are caused by decorative cosmetics for the eyes and lips (especially if they contain a lot of red pigments, designated as Red), hair dyes, perfumes with natural ingredients(it is no coincidence that the latter are increasingly being replaced with synthetic ones for safety reasons). So remember to keep an eye on the expiration dates of your cosmetics and get rid of them before they become hazardous to your health. It is also advisable to test all new products for tolerability. The simplest test is to apply a little product to the inner bend of the elbow (do not wash it off!), if after 24-48 hours there is no irritation and other negative reaction- that means everything is in order. Dermatologists advise being especially careful with hair dyes; they can cause severe irritation of the scalp and even hair loss. It is no coincidence that before dyeing your hair, it is always recommended to do an allergic reaction test: even the usual dye, if its formula has been slightly changed, can cause a severe allergy.

Shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam - every day we smear dozens of chemical compounds. Some of them can be truly dangerous.

According to Irina Korzun, a specialist in the field of cosmetic chemistry, manufacturers, as a rule, are disingenuous when talking about the naturalness of ingredients. Firstly, there are no “naturalness” criteria by which a product can be checked. Secondly, completely natural cosmetics cannot be stored for a long time, have a pleasant consistency and appearance. Therefore, natural and synthetic ingredients are usually combined.

There is a warning label on the cigarette pack. Not at all cosmetic products, there are no such stickers on personal care products. Therefore, the entire population of any country is exposed to numerous carcinogens without any warning.

Also, in my opinion,

...cosmetics and personal care products are more dangerous than tobacco!

This is because the effects of tobacco are constant and voluntary, while the effects of personal care products do not depend on a person's will. Everyone uses these products because they know nothing about the risk.

Another important point: tobacco exposure rarely begins earlier adolescence. Exposure to personal care products begins at birth. Because of smaller size and body weight and faster metabolism, infants, and even more so fetuses, are much more vulnerable to carcinogenic foods than adults. Other interesting detail this is that there are several carcinogens that are present in both tobacco and personal care products.

Samuel Epstein, professor at the Center for Environmental Medicine, doctor, published a wonderful book

"The Safe Shopper's Bible"(The Cautious Shopper Bible)

According to this book, 884 toxic substances are found on the list of chemicals used in the cosmetics industry.

Here is a short excerpt from this book: “Even in the 90s, the safety of cosmetics in America was not ideal. The FFDCA does not require safety testing before cosmetics are released onto store shelves. Therefore, the FDA sometimes requires inspection only after cosmetics hit the shelves. Because of this minimal control dangerous means may already be sold, which could be harmful to your health, or “dumped” onto the market of developing countries at bargain prices...”

Think about these words, and it will become clear to you why our markets are flooded with “real” and “famous” American, French or Swedish, completely synthetic cosmetics, which no one may have even heard of in these countries.

There is nothing surprising about this. Indeed, since the very beginning of the last century, when petrochemicals and petroleum synthesis products appeared, the entire cosmetic industry has been focused only on them. And note, nothing prevents you from using this product, so beloved by women and manufacturers. cheap cosmetics the term "natural".

Oil is also a natural product.

Currently, cosmetic products include a variety of ingredients - biologically active substances, dyes, extracts, emulsifiers, fatty components, fragrances. Previously, many of these components were natural (plant or animal origin), but thanks to “progress” in chemistry, now almost all components are of chemical origin.

When coming to the store for “good” cosmetics, which of you last time were you interested in the composition of the creams? We are often offered creams, shampoos, balms containing extracts of chamomile, aloe, calendula and others useful substances, assuring that this is the most “natural cosmetics”. But let’s try to look at the list of components ourselves, even if we have to arm ourselves with a magnifying glass.

In the first rows (which means that in this cosmetic product the share of these ingredients is from 10 to 20%) we can see:

. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS , Laurel, sodium sulfate, lauryl


. SodiumLaureth Sulfate (SLES , Lureth, sodium sulfate, laureth


Many cosmetic companies often mask products that contain SLS (SLES) under natural, indicating on labels in capital letters in the most visible place - " DERIVED FROM COCONUT NUTS "

And indeed, this inexpensive ingredient gets them coconut. But it should be taken into account that not everything natural is safe for humans. And yet, it is widely and widely used in the manufacture of cosmetic cleansers, shampoos, bath and shower gels, bath foamers, etc. And even in toothpastes. And experts consider this ingredient to be one of the most dangerous in dental, oral, hair and skin care products.

SLS (SLES) It is also actively used for industrial purposes, for example: for cleaning floors in garages, for degreasing engines and machines, in car wash products, because it has the ability to remove grease from the surface. However, it is a very strong corrosive agent.

In research centers and clinics, SLS is used for various experiments as a skin irritability tester. Scientists inject this ingredient and cause skin irritations in animals and humans, and then test various new drugs to treat them.

Medical research has shown that SLS (SLES) dangerous and, penetrating into the eyes, brain, heart, liver and other organs, accumulates there. It is especially dangerous for children, in whose tissues it accumulates in high concentrations. SLS has the ability to change protein composition eye cells in children can cause serious illness, incl. cataract.

On hair and skin SLS (SLES) leaves an irritating film, which contributes to the weakening of the hair follicle, thinning and hair loss, the appearance of dandruff, the hair shaft becomes dry and brittle, and the hair splits at the ends.

Besides SLS (SLES), coming into contact and reacting with other cosmetic ingredients, it forms NITROSAMINES (NITRATES). They enter the bloodstream every day and gradually have a devastating effect on human health.

. Propilene Glycol(propylene glycol)

Petroleum derivative - sweet, caustic liquid..

In industry propylene glycol used as antifreeze in the water cooling system and as brake fluid.

Widely used by cosmetic companies for the production of skin cleansers, creams, and moisturizers. Because, when applied to the skin, it binds fats, displacing liquid and components important for skin health, thereby achieving a temporary feeling of smooth skin. Cheaper than glycerin, so in cosmetics the typical composition includes 10-20% (it is usually one of the first in the list of ingredients, which indicates its high concentration).

Even at low concentrations is one of the main allergens and irritants. Petrochemical allergies are often accompanied by the formation of acne. Penetrating through the skin into the body, it behaves like vascular and protoplasmic poison, capable of causing dystrophic changes in the kidneys and liver.

. Mineraloil (mineral oil)

Technical oil, petrochemical waste. Seals and suffocates the skin. Slows down the growth of young cells. Increases dehydration and reduces barrier function skin. It is the most common cause of acne and allergic rash. Allergic reactions (petrochemical allergies) can lead to arthritis, migraine, epilepsy, diabetes. Contains in high concentrations of carcinogens are substances that cause cancer.

. P etrolatum(Petrolat) / Paraffin. Paraffin oil/

Petrochemical fat. It has the same properties as mineral oil, but is more toxic. By retaining fluid, it prevents the release of toxins and waste and interferes with the skin's breathing.

By the way, it is not fat, but moisture - a substance that is necessary for the skin - nourishes it, maintains elasticity and aesthetic appearance. Incorrect methods of moisturizing the skin are harmful and cause premature aging , not rejuvenation.

. Glycerin , Vaselin(glycerin, petroleum jelly)

Chemical compounds of fat and water in which the water separates the fat into small components. They are advertised as useful moisturizers. Calls skin dehydration, since when the air humidity is below 65-70%, they “pull” moisture from the deep layers of the skin to the surface instead of taking it from the air, which increases the drying of the deep layers of the epidermis, making dry skin even drier.

. Lanoline ( lanolin)

Sheep lard collected from sheep wool. It really softens the layer of dead cells, but suffocates living ones. Foreign (sheep) proteins can increase skin sensitivity and cause allergic rash. Lanolin of cosmetic grades is itself safe, but often reacts with carcinogenic substances, of which there are about 16, facilitating their entry into the body. Everything would be fine if it were not known that 49% of the carcinogenic pesticide DDT (Dust) is absorbed by lanolin through the skin.

. Kaolin, Bentonite , Blue clay (Kaolin, bentonite) .

Varieties of fine clay. Often included in face masks. Plastering leather. Clogs pores and strongly dries out (dehydrates) the skin, retains carbon dioxide and toxins, suffocating the skin. Calls her premature aging.

. Talk (talc).

Works in the same way as fine clays. It clogs pores and dries out the skin. Cosmetic talc is carcinogenic. It is especially dangerous in powder products applied to the face and inhaled by us.

. Bronopol (formaldehyde).

All these substances are preservatives, derivatives of formaldehyde. The names are so carefully disguised because formaldehyde is the most carcinogenic, neurotoxic, allergic and irritating of all preservatives. May cause dermatitis. Many cosmetic companies no longer use this preservative, since formaldehyde can severely irritate eyes and skin. Don't rush to use it. We still have time to get everything into formaldehyde.

However, release cosmetic creams, which are an excellent nutrient medium for microorganisms, without preservatives would, perhaps, be an even greater crime. Currently, many companies are developing preservative complexes consisting of 45 components, where each individual component is presented in quantities significantly below the toxic dose. Therefore, you should avoid cosmetics that contain only 1-2 preservatives.

. Aluminumsilicate (aluminum silicate, aluminum alum).

Very highly corrosive. It damages and dries out the skin. Harms internal organs. Tends to accumulate in brain cells, causing Alzheimer's disease (senile insanity).

. Collagen (collagen).

Some companies insist that cosmetic collagen can improve the skin's own collagen structure. Judge for yourself. Collagen is a protein (protein) that makes up almost 80% of the structural network of our skin. With age, it collapses, and the skin becomes thin and flabby. Cosmetic collagen is obtained by scraping it from the skins of cattle or the undersides of bird feet. Due to the large size of the molecules (molecular weight 3000 units), it is not able to penetrate the membranes of skin cells. In addition, it is a foreign protein that is biochemically different from human protein and cannot be used by the skin. As a result, it seals the skin and prevents normal breathing.

Note: The only exception can be plant collagen, the small size of its molecules allows it to penetrate into the cell, where it is decomposed into components necessary for the construction of the skin’s own collagen.

. Elastin (elastin)

The substance that makes up the structure that holds skin cells in place. It is believed that the formation of wrinkles is a consequence of the destruction of elastin molecules. Unfortunately, most companies use elastin, which is obtained, like collagen, from the skin of cattle, and it also forms a suffocating film on the skin due to its high molecular weight.

Only one type of cross-linked elastin is able to penetrate and combine with a human cell. It is a form of plant elastin containing " construction material"for the synthesis of natural, its own elastin, which is called desmosine or iso-desmosine (Desmosin and Iso-Desmosine).

. Albumin (albumen).

The main ingredient in facial skin tightening formulations. When dry, it forms a film over wrinkles, making them less visible. Tightens the skin, causing premature aging. Trick. Court cases have been initiated on this issue more than once.

. Alpha HydroxAcids(Alpha hydroxy acids)

Lactic acid and other acids. Acts as an exfoliant, removing the upper, protective layer skin. The skin looks young and less wrinkled, but environmental influences cause the skin to age faster.

. Carbomer (Carbomer 940, carbomer).

A thickener used to form gels. Due to its strong corrosive effect, it can damage the skin.

. Diethanolamine (D.E.A.)
. Triethanolamine (TEA)

Substances that balance pH in cosmetics. They cause severe irritation, and together with SIS (a combination often found in cosmetics) they form nitrates.

. LauramidDea (Loramide Day).

A semi-synthetic chemical used to form foam and thicken gels. May dehydrate hair and skin, cause itching, photosensitivity and allergic reactions.

. HialuronicAcid (Hyaluronic acid).

An excellent moisturizer. The latest in the cosmetics industry. Hyaluronic acid of plant origin (low-molecular form) is identical to human one and can be used externally. It is important that companies do not use it in a cheaper, high-molecular form (up to 15 million units).
Molecules hyaluronic acid animal origin is much larger than the spaces between the cells of the stratum corneum, so their penetration into the living layers of the skin is completely excluded, not to mention their exit into the connective tissue of the dermis (although wrinkles and folds arise precisely in this area). It stays on the skin and acts like collagen.

. SodiumChloride (Salf NaCl, salt).

Used to increase the viscosity of some drugs. May cause skin and eye irritation. In addition, salt microcrystals very harshly damage and dry out the skin.

. Seaweed (Agar-agar).

Used in microbiology to inoculate bacteria. Advertised as a nourishing and moisturizing product. By clogging the pores, it allows the skin to accumulate water, causing a temporary positive effect. Prevents the cleansing of the body through the skin from toxins and carbon dioxide. It is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms and bacteria.

. CacaoOil (cacao butter).

Contains 2% of the caffeine-like substance theobromine. Like caffeine, it is an intracellular diuretic. The moisturizing effect is associated with the removal of water from the cell into the intercellular space. In addition, theobromine is a strong stimulant that stimulates the energy processes of skin cells.

Popular wisdom says that if you urge a horse, it will plow faster, but it will die sooner. Temporary positive effect Cocoa butter leads to irreversible negative effects - rapid deterioration of skin cells.

Any cosmetics, if they are stored for at least several months, contain preservatives that prevent bacteria from multiplying.

For example, bronopol (2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol) is included in many products, but recent research suggests that bronopol is involved in the formation of carcinogens, so be careful.

Formalin (DMDM Hydantoin) also comes under suspicion - it negatively affects not only bacteria, but also living skin cells, and easily penetrates the skin. In Europe, its concentration in cosmetics is strictly limited. As well as the concentration of formaldehyde, the content of which Russian manufacturers regulate independently. Formaldehyde may cause skin reactions.

Products containing this preservative should be thoroughly washed off with water and not allowed to come into contact with the skin for a long time.

Expert opinion

Dermato-cosmetologist Karina Borisova:

— All components of cosmetic products, even those with noticeable side effects, are officially approved for use. Moreover, if you use these products for a short time, you may not encounter a negative reaction.

But, of course, the described negative features are a reason not to experiment on yourself, not to blindly trust advertising. Think about the price at which the manufacturer promises to make your skin smooth, your hair voluminous, your eyes and lips expressive.

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We solve many issues with cosmetics appearance and we add new problems to our “insides”.

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So, the main “enemies” of industrial cosmetics are:


1. Sodium Laureth Sulfate - cheap and harmful product oil refining, used in shampoos and other detergents. Causes eye irritation, flaking of the scalp, and allergic reactions.
2. Formaldehyde is a preservative and a carcinogenic substance with all that it implies: toxic, harmful bad influence on genetics, respiratory organs, vision and skin covering. Renders strong impact on the nervous system.


3. Parabens are preservatives. They are allergic and can accumulate in some tissues, which can lead to the formation of malignant tumors.


4. Propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol - a dangerous component found in creams. May cause allergies, hives, eczema.


5. Phthalates are odor fixatives in perfumes, hair products, lotions, and antiperspirants. Dangerous for children, pregnant and nursing mothers.


6. Glycerin - although used as a useful humectant, when air humidity is less than 65%, it sucks water from the lower layers of skin cells and holds it on the surface instead of taking moisture from the air.


7. Vaseline makes dry skin even drier.


8. Stearalkonium Chloride - Used in fabric softeners, hair conditioners and creams due to its very low cost compared to natural ingredients. Toxic, causes allergic reactions.


9. Copolymers of vinyl pyrrolidine and vinyl acetate are petroleum derivatives often used in hair styling products. Have a toxic effect on the lungs.


10. Triclosan chlorophenol is an antibacterial substance found in antibacterial soaps, toothpastes, and shaving creams that destroys both harmful and beneficial bacteria.


11. Synthetic fragrances contain chemical ingredients that may cause headache, hyperpigmentation, cough, vomiting, rash and skin irritation.

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Dangerous cosmetics: 10 toxic ingredients to avoid

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Cosmetics are our essential daily arsenal. However, they are not always as harmless as advertising portrays to us. There are components that can cause significant harm to our skin, causing deterioration of its condition and premature aging. This means that when purchasing, you need to carefully study the packaging, and if the product contains at least one of the elements listed below, look for a safer replacement.

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1. Methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens

Quite often they are used in products daily care as preservative stabilizers that inhibit the growth of microorganisms. They are absorbed by the skin and have a weak estrogenic effect, which is unsafe for women for whom this substance is contraindicated - in the presence of certain diseases and during pregnancy.

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2. Diethanolamine (dea, dea), triethanolamine (tea, tea)


These are foaming substances that belong to amines - they contain ammonia. They have a noticeable toxic effect when used for a long time and can cause allergic reactions, eye irritation, dry hair and skin.

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3. Propylene glycol (ppg), polyethylene glycol (peg)

These components are a mixture of petrochemical processing and are used as a gyroscopic ingredient. They can provoke eczema and hives.

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4. Sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate

This is a fairly cheap and very harmful detergent, which is used in shampoos due to its cleansing and foaming properties. The phrase "derived from coconuts" actually hides the fact that it is a petroleum product. Provokes eye irritation, flaking of the scalp and other allergic reactions.



5. Vaseline (petrolatum)


Vaseline is a mineral oil derivative that is used as an emollient and is widely used due to its low cost. It disrupts hydration processes and causes the processes that it is supposed to eliminate - dry skin, cracks, etc.

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6. Stearalkonium chloride

It was originally developed for fabric softeners, and only later found use in creams and hair products, since it is much cheaper than plant extracts. It is toxic and may cause allergic reactions.

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7. Diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea

Used as preservatives. Capable of releasing formaldehyde, which has a toxic effect. May provoke the development of contact dermatitis.



8. Copolymers of vinylpyrrolidone and vinyl acetate

These substances are derivatives of petroleum products, which are often used in styling products. They have a toxic effect on the lungs when particles are inhaled.


9. Synthetic dyes

Make cosmetics more attractive to customers. Many of them are strong carcinogens. Regardless of how expensive the product is, it can be dangerous.

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10. Synthetic flavors

They are usually labeled simply as “fragrance,” but they contain up to 200 chemical ingredients that can cause very unpleasant symptoms: rash, headache, cough, vomiting, skin irritation, hyperpigmentation.

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These were components that were better not to use, as the result may not be the most pleasant. Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the signs of quality natural cosmetics, which will not cause harm to your body.



1 package. It should be discreet and recyclable, without metal or glass. The simpler the packaging, the better its contents, respectively.

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2. Color. Good cosmetics should be white or colorless, since they do not contain dyes. And let it be juicy bright shade will not be a temptation for you.

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3. Smell. With high-quality cosmetics, it is rarely pleasant. Usually it is the aroma of herbs or a characteristic pharmacy smell. An exception is fruit and floral scents if the product contains essential oils.

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4. Since good cosmetics do not contain chemical thickeners or solvents, the liquid emulsion can be divided into layers. Therefore, it is better to shake the bottle before use.

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5. Good cosmetics have little foam, since the composition does not contain substances that form it. This may seem strange, but the absence of foam does not change the properties of cosmetics at all.

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6. Natural extracts, when they come into contact with the eyes, provoke strong feeling burning sensation, which goes away after washing with water.

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7. On the label of quality cosmetics you can find full list its components and certificate. Trusted companies always indicate all necessary information. You can peel off the label in Russian and check it with the list on the tube.

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