How to use a facial cleansing brush. What products to use during cleansing? How to use ultrasonic facial brushes

Any girl knows how important it is to carry out daily procedures for cleansing the face of remnants of decorative cosmetics, dust, sweat and secretions of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the skin requires regular peelings and massages to help increase lymph flow, remove dead epidermal cells and saturate the skin with oxygen. Even the most advanced ones often fail to cope with these tasks. cosmetic products, which leads to early skin aging, the formation of wrinkles, comedones and blackheads.

Facial brush replaces hardware cleaning in beauty salons

A special cosmetic brush comes to the rescue. This universal device makes it possible to cleanse your face in just a couple of minutes, just as professionals do in special clinics and beauty salons. Let's understand how a face brush works and find out what the pros and cons are similar procedure cleansing.

What is a face brush?

Facial brushes are far from new in the beauty industry. American cosmetologists adopted it back in 2001. Brushing allows you to perfectly exfoliate the skin, making it smooth and velvety, so it quickly won a whole army of fans. The brushes have become so popular that their creators have launched production on an industrial scale, and now the device is often used in routine home care.

A modern face brush is an item with a variety of attachments in the form of bristles or foam sponges. The brush head rotates and vibrates easily during use. If you use it without any special cosmetics, then the action of the brush is reduced to a regular massage. For greater effect, apply a peeling or washing agent to the brush so that in parallel with massage treatments conduct a session of cleansing the pores of any, even the smallest impurities.

Many representatives of the fair sex are so accustomed to using a brush that they cannot imagine facial care and cleansing procedures without it. But remember that any beauty devices must be used correctly and follow clear instructions! Any violation of the rules for using a face brush can cause irreparable harm to the skin.

Pros and cons of using a brush

Cosmetologists highlight the following as the main advantages of using a brush:

  • the ability to completely clean pores of dust, dirt particles, sebum and cosmetics;
  • getting rid of peeling and blackheads (in the case of using peeling and scrubbing agents);
  • gradual improvement appearance skin, eliminating fine wrinkles and achieving a uniform tone due to better oxygen exchange and accelerating lymph flow;
  • relieving inflammation due to the inhibitory effect on the sebaceous glands;
  • increasing the effectiveness of creams and masks that are better absorbed by the skin after the procedure deep cleansing.

The negative consequences of using a brush include disruption of the barrier properties of the epidermis. This can happen when the brush is used too often, for a long time, or without using a softener. Girls who are excessively keen on cleansing procedures sooner or later face problems with thinning of the stratum corneum, increasing the risk of infection or causing inflammation.

Regular use of a facial brush relieves your skin of many problems.

A face brush is not a panacea for all dermatological problems, so you need to use it wisely. Before buying and using a brush, analyze the condition of your face. Contraindications to the use of a cleansing brush are:

  • irritated skin with acne and massive rashes. People with dermatological diseases should not use the brush under any circumstances! Many girls with problem skin they often complain that using a brush only aggravates rashes, leading the skin to a state of deep wounds and scars;
  • period of exacerbation acne. In this case, the brush will not only cause a painful reaction, but will also lead to the spread of acne throughout the face;
  • very dry and sensitive skin that reacts sharply to any mechanical damage. There is a risk of further increasing the sensitivity of the skin by irritating it with the bristles and removing the top layer of the epidermis. During winter cold girls with this skin type are advised to use peelings extremely carefully and apply a brush to their face;
  • skin prone to rosacea (the appearance of blood vessels). Using a brush can provoke the appearance of new blood vessels, as well as aggravate the condition of existing ones;
  • the presence of raised moles, warts, papillomas on the skin;
  • herpes in the acute stage.

You should not use a face brush if there are any contraindications.

How to properly cleanse your face with a brush?

To achieve good effect from using a brush, consider the following rules:

  • Brush attachments must be selected strictly according to your skin type. Test the most on your face first. soft options nozzles If the skin reacts normally, the stiffness can be gradually increased;
  • When carrying out procedures, the brush should be moved over the face without pressure. Pressing too hard will not make the procedure more effective - it will only cause irritation;
  • After each use of the brush, the head should be washed with antibacterial gel or soap to prevent the proliferation of bacterial colonies. If you neglect the cleansing procedure, bacteria will multiply in the bristles of the brush, leading to the appearance of acne;
  • attachments need to be replaced regularly, as over time they wear out and injure the skin. The lifespan of one nozzle is about 3 months;
  • girls with oily skin can use brushes during nightly procedures, and those with dry and sensitive skin should limit themselves to 1-2 procedures per week;
  • when performing deep cleansing with a product based on fruit acids, it is better to opt for the softest nozzle;
  • Remember that brushing is a different procedure from makeup removal, so one of them will not replace the other. The brush can only be used when you have already previously cleansed the skin of cosmetics.
  • The brush should be moved over the face, strictly adhering to the main massage lines. Otherwise, you will not only not get rid of wrinkles, but also provoke the appearance of new ones.

Regular facial cleansing is necessary for everyone. Habitual washing is not always enough. Waste products, external pollution, and cosmetics accumulate in the pores, contribute to the formation of inflammation, and worsen the appearance of the skin. For deep tissue cleansing, you can visit a cosmetologist or use tools available to everyone. One of universal options is a facial cleansing brush. Exist various models this simple device. Choosing the right device often confuses consumers. Let's understand the intricacies of the options and the nuances of their application.

Tool overview

The name “facial cleansing brush” hides not only classic version on a wooden (plastic) base with natural (artificial) bristles for manual manipulation. Such models have long been replacing modern electrical devices. Although the choice is a personal matter for everyone.


The Swedish brand Foreo offers a compact cosmetic brush. This option is ideal for skin care at home, replacing professional procedures. The Luna device is available in 2 configurations: play, go. The first option is considered a simplified model with a lower cost (from 3.5 thousand rubles).

The device is designed for deep cleansing of the skin. The Luna 2 model is complemented by the ability to perform a rejuvenating massage (this option sells for 7–8 thousand rubles).

The device is the size of cotton pad covered silicone case. The outside of the device is strewn with bristles. different sizes made of silicone. On the reverse side there is a power button and massage ribs (for the go model). The devices operate from a built-in battery, which is periodically charged via a USB cable from the mains.

The brush is used to remove makeup, deep cleanse pores, exfoliate the stratum corneum, and polish the surface. Moisturize the skin and apply a mild cleanser. A little water is also poured onto the bristles of the device. The device is turned on by pressing a button. The device is brought to the skin and gentle movements are performed along the massage lines.

Important point! A beep sounds every 15 seconds to indicate the end of work. specific area. Full facial treatment time: 1 minute. The device will indicate completion of work with a triple beep.

Processing different zones carry out on the right side brushes. Small bristles are intended for areas with thin skin, large - suitable for problem areas. After cleansing the face, the device is turned off by pressing the button. Residues of detergent are removed with water. A clean surface can be subjected to a rejuvenating massage. The device is turned on again with the button. Along the wrinkles, moving along the massage lines, the ribs on the back of the device are passed.

After the procedure, the face looks aesthetically pleasing. Rehabilitation, special care no skin care required. The brush can be used daily. Procedures are abandoned if damage, inflammation, irritation on the surface, or dermatological diseases occur.

The advantage of the Foreo brush is its compactness, ease of use, and effective results. The disadvantage of this option is the high price of the device.


The German-made ELLE by Beurer FCE60 electric brush is compact and easy to use. The device is equipped with 3 nozzles: regular with silicone bristles, for sensitive and oily skin with nylon bristles. The device operates at 2 speeds without rotational movements from the built-in battery. The option is similar to the Swedish Foreo, but has a lower cost.

The device is convenient: fits in the palm of your hand, suitable for regular use, has interesting design. The device for thorough skin cleaning is sold at a price of 2.7 thousand rubles. Consumers cite the rapid wear of the bristles on the attachments as a disadvantage of the device.


The electric brush from the Korean brand Pobling is suitable for removing makeup, exfoliating, polishing, light massage. The design of the device is simple: the active part is on a handle that hides the battery. Control is carried out by a single button. The option is sold at a price of 3.5 thousand rubles.

Attention! The procedure with SONIC PORE CLEANSING BRUSH is carried out on healthy skin.

The device is universal for owners of any type of cover. To perform the procedure, the skin is moisturized. A mild cleanser is dosed onto the bristles (scrubs or gels with abrasive granules cannot be used). The device is turned on with a button, brought to the surface, moved along the massage lines, lightly touching the epidermis.

Proper use of the brush does not leave negative marks (redness, damage). Bristle heads need to be changed periodically. The device is easy to use independently. The device is not used for active rashes (the situation may worsen).

Mary Kay

Classic brush with safe rounded nylon bristles in a plastic case Skinvigorate by Mary Kay runs on batteries. The device is equipped with a waterproof casing, which allows you to use the device even while taking a shower. The brush operates at 2 speeds. The option is sold at a price of 2.5–3.5 thousand rubles.

The brush is easy to use. The skin and villi are moisturized, a basic cleanser is applied to the integument, and the button is pressed to turn on the tool. The brush is passed along the surface, taking into account the stretch lines of the tissue. The covers receive thorough cleansing, polishing, and massage.

After using the device, slight redness on the surface is possible. The procedure is carried out with healthy skin. The device from Mary Kay is simple and easy to use - this is the positive side of the device. The disadvantage of brushes is the need to periodically change active attachments.


The Sonicleanse electric brush from the French brand Gezatone differs slightly from its analogues. The tool kit includes 3 attachments: standard, for peeling, for sensitive skin. The device operates at 3 speeds: moderate, fast, pulse mode. The device is controlled by a single button. The brush can be used daily. The operation of the brush is soft: as a result of use, thinning and stretching of the skin does not occur. The instrument is used on healthy skin. The price of the device ranges from 2.5–3.5 thousand rubles.

The advantages of the device are ease of use, careful operation, and advanced capabilities. The disadvantage consumers point out is the inconvenient change of nozzles and the need for frequent replacement.


The Mia 2 electric brush from the American brand Clarisonic is similar to its analogues. The option runs on a built-in battery, which is enough for 25 minutes continuous operation tool (about a week of daily use). The device includes 2 attachments: regular, for sensitive skin.

The device operates at 2 speeds. The device comes with a travel case and a small tube of cleaning product. The instrument is housed in a waterproof casing.

Important! The work of the brush is based on light oscillatory movements. The absence of active rotation eliminates damage and stretching of tissues.

The advantage of the device is its simplicity, ease of use, good quality of the device, and good equipment. The disadvantage is the high price (from 5 thousand rubles).


Brush Italian brand Medolla - a classic option in modern design. The tool contains 2 types of bristles: thick ultra-fine nylon bristles and silicone pimples. This option is used for standard cleansing, mechanical peeling and polishing, and light massage. The brush is used in a standard way for thorough cleansing of the skin. The instrument is intended for performing procedures on healthy skin.

The advantages of the brush are ease of use and an attractive price (from 200 rubles). The disadvantage is the difficulty of caring for the bristles and the impossibility of changing the attachment.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors prefer to use more advanced techniques in their work. Cosmetologists consider the use of brushes to be an outdated technology. Doctors also do not recommend such devices for home use. Cosmetologists are concerned about the hygiene of procedures.

The cosmetologist considers the use of brushes to be a violation of hygiene standards.

Positive assessment of professional brushing by a cosmetologist.

The cosmetologist claims that there are more effective procedures.

If you have been thinking about buying this useful gadget for washing your face for a long time, but have not yet chosen a specific brush for cleaning your face, read our review; we have tested the most popular samples and share our impressions.

Cleansing brush Clarisonic Mia 2

The Clarisonic brand is a pioneer in the market of gadgets for washing. It was this brand that was the first to come up with a soft face brush that makes about 300 vibrations per second in different directions. That is, the nozzle does not rotate in a circle, but makes translational movements left and right. Clarisonic Mia runs on a battery, it just needs to be charged sometimes, like a mobile phone.

This brush has a timer that tells you every 20 seconds that it's time to move on to another area of ​​your face. As a result, you spend only a minute washing your face with this device: 20 seconds on your forehead, 20 seconds on your nose and chin, and 10 seconds on each cheek. It is important that after using the brush, your skin becomes more receptive to various creams and serums: the pores are cleaned, dead skin is removed, which means the effectiveness of the products and their penetration into the layers of the epidermis increases.


Facial brush price: about 10,000 rubles.

Braun Face Beauty Brush

Another quality facial cleansing brush is Face Beauty from Braun. It is good because the kit includes 4 attachments at once - for different types skin and various tasks: a peeling attachment with combined bristles from 8 to 10 mm, a softer attachment for sensitive facial skin, a brush for deep cleansing of pores (it is best used on well-steamed skin), as well as a sponge attachment (with its help you can apply cream or serum so that it is absorbed more thoroughly and deeply).

Price: about 5000 rub.

Facial brush Beurer FC45

The simplest version of an electric facial brush is a model from the German brand Beurer. The set includes only one attachment with medium-hard bristles, which rotates in a circle, but there are two speed modes: for delicate cleansing and for deeper cleansing. The brush does not have a battery; it runs on regular batteries, but the charge will last you for several months.

Price: about 1800 rub.

Erborian facial cleansing brush

Another great option for those who love conciseness and simplicity. This brush is not electric - it's similar to a foundation tool, but with more dense and softer hairs.

With the help of a cleanser, you can do a light massage yourself using circular movements. We liked it stylish design brushes - glossy red handle and metal. And its bristles are so soft and thin that they will not harm even the most sensitive skin. We recommend!

Price: about 700 rub.

Facial cleansing brush Luna 2, Foreo

Meet the universal assistant in home skin care! You can immediately choose a brush for your skin type for more personalized care, as well as get anti-aging care - all in one gadget. On the back of the device there is a massage surface that reduces the visibility of fine wrinkles and, as the manufacturer promises, even slows down the formation of new ones. The device settings allow you to choose from 12 available power levels. And the built-in timer tells you when to move to another zone and complete cleaning. Other features of the Luna 2 facial brush include a completely waterproof body, a built-in battery (up to 450 uses on a single charge), an impressive 8,000 pulsations per minute and a 10-year quality guarantee.

Price: about 11,600 rub.

Cosmetologist's comment

Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatocosmetologist and trichologist Kraftway Clinic

The facial skin brush can be used up to 2 times a day

It all depends on the electric brush itself and on the cleaning technology that underlies its operation. Some machines use a rotation method or vibration method in combination with scrubs, so these brushes are not recommended for regular use. But, for example, the Clarisonic device uses Sonic technology, and cleansing occurs without vibration or rotation of the brush head: it can be used 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Choose the right cleanser

With a facial cleansing device, you can use any gel products that do not contain abrasive particles, that is, it should not be a scrub. The main thing is that the texture of the product is light and allows the bristles to glide freely over the skin. If for any reason the use ordinary water It is not acceptable for washing; it can be replaced with micellar or mineral. In addition, electric brushes can be used with cosmetic milk, the result will not be worse.

If you have rashes, be careful with cleansing

Everything is very individual. In case of a serious exacerbation of the disease, in the presence of a large number of purulent elements, all procedures should be extremely gentle, and the use of any device is contraindicated. During this period, you should definitely consult a doctor. During the period of remission, the use of the device is, on the contrary, indicated, since electric brushes fight problems such as hyperkeratosis, active work of the sebaceous glands, which are one of the leading factors in the pathogenesis of acne.

The brush partially replaces cleaning

Professional cleansing It is carried out only as prescribed by a specialist and consists of several stages and procedures. Often, when cleansing the skin, the cosmetologist also removes the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis. Therefore, electric facial brushes cannot completely replace a salon procedure, but they make facial care at home much more effective.

Facial cleansing - main daily procedure, which allows you to rid your skin of accumulated impurities and dust, restore a healthy appearance and relieve fatigue. Manual methods have long been familiar to everyone, but it is much more effective to use a new achievement of technological progress - electric cleaning brushes.

These are special devices that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of makeup and impurities, cleanse pores and give your skin the opportunity to breathe freely. The rating of high-quality electric brushes for cleaning and massaging the face includes models that have already won recognition and love among buyers.

Special wash brushes are designed to deeply cleanse pores of impurities. Used in combination with cleansing gels and scrubs. Electric brushes have nylon bristles at their core. Using vibrating movements, the brush thoroughly removes blackheads and excess sebum, and also stimulates blood circulation with massage movements.

Brushes differ from each other in a number of parameters:

  • case size;
  • the presence of removable attachments included;
  • length and thickness of the pile;
  • number of speed modes.

The electric device has an automatic timer built into it that turns off the brush after the procedure is completed. This function avoids damage to the skin and reduces the risk of injury. The main attachment of any brush is round, with medium-hard bristles. This standard option, which is used to remove makeup, cleanse impurities, and massage.

Acting on the deep layers of the epidermis, the brush removes the dead layer of skin, copes with acne, massaging movements prevent the appearance of wrinkles, increase tone and elasticity. It is enough just to move it across the face, moving from one zone to another, the vibration is carried out automatically.

After using the brush, creams, tonics, and vitamins that are applied to the skin are better absorbed.


  • deep cleansing of pores without special effort, unlike conventional brushes;
  • effective massage and restoration of regeneration;
  • the ability to remove makeup more thoroughly than with your hands;
  • enhanced perception nourishing creams and active ingredients, vitamins;
  • Constant use allows you to even out your complexion tone and get rid of greasy shine and also prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Review of some models

One of the most effective and progressive electric brushes. Charges from the USB cable included in the kit.

Its convenience lies in the proper distribution of zones on the bristles - top part consists of green bristles, denser, suitable for working on the nose and forehead, the lower white part consists of soft bristles for massaging the cheeks and cheekbones. The device is very compact, fits comfortably in your hand, and is easy to move around your face.

When using a cleansing gel of the same brand, you can get a quick and amazing effect - they smooth out fine wrinkles, the tone of the face is evened out, even the most severe impurities are removed.

The model is waterproof.

Clinique Sonic System Purifying Cleansing Brush


  • separate zones for different zones;
  • compactness;
  • USB charging.

average price– 6000 rubles.

Video review of the brush:

VisaPure, Phillips

The Phillips brand has always listened to consumer needs, which is why launching its own line of pore cleaning products became a great gift, VisaPure has gained popularity in the most short time. This is an effective device that provides improved cleansing compared to the usual way of washing.

The nozzle vibrates during operation. different directions– from top to bottom, from right to left, and in reverse side. It only takes a minute to work on the entire face - 20 seconds for each zone. The timer warns with a signal about the need to move to another zone, which is very convenient. It is better to follow the instructions and not increase the cleansing time, as this can injure the skin.

The device is waterproof, so you can use it in the shower. Suitable for combination with gel or scrub or used separately from additional products.

The set includes 2 replaceable heads - one standard with medium-hard bristles and one for sensitive skin. The attachments must be changed every 3-4 months and cleaned thoroughly after the procedure.

philips visapure advanced sc5370


  • waterproof case;
  • timer;
  • changing the directions of the nozzle in different directions.


  • accelerated mode creates a lot of noise.

The average price is 4000 rubles.

A new model from a Chinese manufacturer, which can be ordered on sites such as Aliexpress. Made of high quality plastic. With active use, it can significantly improve the condition of the skin, even out the color and get rid of rashes.

Medium-hard bristles do not injure the skin, but the massage time should not exceed 30 seconds for each area.

Minimalist design, attractive shape and suitable for full care The set of functions allowed this model to be included in the rating of high-quality electric brushes for cleansing the face.


  • standard nozzle of moderate hardness;
  • wide range of equipment.


  • waiting for the order.

The average price is 3000 rubles.

Model with unique system, developed using ultrasonic technology. This procedure is usually carried out in a salon, but modern cosmetic companies have been able to adapt the development for daily use.

But before you start actively using an ultrasonic cleansing brush, you need to check how your skin reacts to it. Individual intolerance can cause rosacea, irritation, and acne. This is a powerful technology that gives 10 times more effect than a regular brush.

At correct use an ultrasonic brush can get rid of problems such as uneven tone, dark spots, blackheads, rashes, fine wrinkles. The brush adapts to a specific face and its features.

The brush runs on a battery and is charged using a USB cable. Also included is a charging base, three replacement attachments and a special cleansing gel.

Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System


  • salon procedure at home;
  • effective removal of skin imperfections;
  • USB charging;
  • wide range of equipment.


  • Possibility of problems due to improper use.

The average price is 3000 rubles.

Mary Kay Skinvigorate

Powerful brush with the ability to rotate up to 400 rpm. The speed is adjusted with one button on the side of the case. Resistant to water. Nylon bristles with rounded top part can be used without division according to skin type - both for normal and sensitive.

Regular daily use allows you to even out your complexion tone, restore radiance, and qualitatively narrow pores.

Like all products Mary Kay, electric brush has undergone clinical trials and confirmed its effectiveness and safety - it makes it possible to get smooth skin without irritation and dryness.

Mary Kay Skinvigorate


  • effectiveness proven by clinical trials;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • high speed brush.

The average price is 3000 rubles.

Video review of using the brush:

The German device for cleansing facial skin is a professional device. This is an excellent alternative to salon cleansing and massage procedures.

The main difference between the brush is the presence of a two-stage massager. Replaceable attachments and several massage modes increase blood circulation, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and ensure reliable access of the care product to the deepest layers of the epidermis.

The set includes three attachments: for peeling, for active massage, and for cleaning.

The device holds a charge for a long time, as it is equipped with a powerful 22 W battery. When the battery is low, it is notified by changing the backlight. Waterproof.


  • powerful battery;
  • several massage modes;
  • salon procedure at home.

The average price is 2700 rubles.

The manufacturer of this brush promises complete renewal and cleansing of the skin after the first use. AND positive feedback there really is a lot about her.

In addition to the brush and bright case, the kit also includes an attachment for delicate skin and a body attachment. The standard nozzle is quite rigid, this must be taken into account with increased sensitivity. Two speed modes make it possible to regulate the degree of impact on the epidermis. It is not recommended to wet the device, only apply a cleanser to the bristles.

To polish and renew cells, it is recommended to use a hard attachment no more than once a week. During the procedure, the brush removes dead cells and allows the product to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin to give softness and radiance.

Cleaning can be done every day, no more than 1 minute for the entire face.

Cleansing & Polishing Tool, Sigma


  • polishing and cleaning;
  • two speed modes;
  • bright case;
  • body scrub attachment.


  • not resistant to water.

The average price is 2300 rubles.

The inexpensive device has a convenient shape and fits well in the hand. The kit also includes a special cream-gel that actively penetrates the epidermis, softens the skin and nourishes it. useful elements. Can be used with water; it is better to wet the fibers before cleansing to soften them.

Having chosen from two modes - fast and for hypersensitive skin, rub over the face for no more than 1 minute, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Gets rid of deep blackheads even in hard-to-reach places, exfoliates the dead layer of skin.

The compact model is easy to carry with you when traveling and does not take up much space. Powered by 2 batteries.

Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System, Olay


  • waterproof;
  • cleans hard-to-reach places;
  • There is a mode for very sensitive skin;
  • price.


  • cannot be used with oils;
  • splashes water around a lot.

The average price is 1500 rubles.

SkinPro, Oriflame

The slogan of the Swedish company’s products is “Flawless skin in just 1 minute.” This is a great device for saving time and improving skin condition. Deeply exfoliates, cleanses, massages.

The device comes with several replacement attachments: for normal skin, for sensitive skin, with soft bristles for gentle massage, and a nozzle for deep weekly cleansing.

A fairly convenient and mobile accessory, for which there is also a travel case.

SkinPro, Oriflame


  • compactness;
  • travel case included;
  • several replaceable nozzles.


  • nozzles get dirty too quickly.

The average price is 1000 rubles.

The bristles are of acceptable hardness for all skin types, the attachment is securely attached to the body and can be easily removed if necessary. But a replacement nozzle is not included in the kit; you will have to buy it separately.

The device has several rotation speeds, but, as customers note, the difference between them is not too noticeable.

The set includes a cleansing gel for normal or sensitive skin along with the brush.

Nivea "Ultra-Cleansing System"


  • you can choose a cleansing gel;
  • low price;
  • ease of use.


  • no replaceable nozzles;
  • speeds do not differ from each other.

The average price is 800 rubles.

Which brush did you like?

The skin is a very sensitive organ and therefore requires constant and careful care. Due to the application of a large amount of cosmetics, various contaminants and dust, pores can become clogged and rashes may appear. High-quality cleansing is a prevention and guarantee of the health of your skin. The effect of radiance and youth can be achieved using special brushes for facial care.

Purpose of face brushes

Unfortunately, not everyone devotes enough time to daily facial care. If you only remove cosmetics using mecellar water or a special foam, then such cleansing cannot be called thorough and deep. Every day our skin must breathe, saturating itself with as much oxygen as possible. With the help of washing, dead particles fall off, and the skin begins to fully absorb useful material contained in previously applied creams and other products. To increase the efficiency of the washing process, it is recommended to use special brushes. What are these interesting devices for?

  • You can achieve complete, deep and thorough removal of accumulated impurities, as well as narrowing of pores.
  • During the procedure, a light facial massage occurs, which significantly improves blood circulation and evens out the tone.
  • This treatment perfectly fights the smallest expression wrinkles.
  • This facial brush does a great job of removing flaky skin and acne.
  • There is an increase and increase in the impact of previously applied cosmetics.

Classification of cosmetic brushes

Today, many cosmetic stores offer a fairly wide and varied range of facial brushes. All of them have slight differences in cost, as well as in the technology of exposure to the skin surface. Such devices are divided into three main types: mechanical, ultrasonic and electrical.

Mechanical brush

The brush, operating on a mechanical principle, is designed to care for facial skin without the use of any modern technologies, that is, the purification process occurs in manual mode. This option is considered the most economical and affordable. With all this, this mechanism copes with the task perfectly. It is allowed to use it daily. This device is used for superficial cleaning of the skin. Perhaps the only drawback of this type of device is its inability to smooth out wrinkles, but despite this fact, the mechanics serve as an excellent massager.

hand brush

Ultrasonic brush

The ultrasonic type of this device is powered by vibration, which can accelerate the regenerating functionality of the skin. With the use of such a device, the metabolic process improves, and the supply of oxygen gradually increases. Ultrasound combats the appearance of secretions from the sebaceous glands, as well as acne. This brush is powered by a foundry battery. The kit includes replaceable cartridges. There are several different operating modes and adjustment of the intensity of the rotating head.

ultrasonic brush

Electric brush

Facial brushes powered by electric current are perhaps the most popular models of this device. They have soft nylon heads that cause absolutely no microtrauma to your skin. The bristles are slightly rounded, making them glide quite easily over the skin surface. Most electrical appliances are made waterproof, so they are ideal for use in the shower or bathroom. The functionality of this brush includes a mode for adjusting the rotation speed. The floating head can be removed and washed using any non-aggressive detergent.

electric brush

Using brushes according to skin type

How often you can use such a facial massage brush will directly depend on your skin type, as well as on its characteristics. It is by this criterion that they first choose this device for themselves. So, which brushes are suitable for each skin type?

Sensitive skin type

Ideal for this type of skin ultrasonic brush. Due to light vibration movements, it will not injure the skin, but rather care for it and improve blood circulation. How do you know if your skin belongs to this type? Here are a few main signs.

  • The skin has a rather unhealthy appearance and is very pale.
  • At light touch changes color dramatically.
  • After washing, there is a feeling of tight skin.
  • Every day strange rashes and irritations appear.
  • Even light tan leads to severe burns.

To care for sensitive skin use cosmetics that do not contain alcohol or other alcohol-based irritants. On decorative cosmetics The sign “anti-comedogenic” must be present. Apply nourishing creams and masks daily to improve the condition of the skin.

Oily skin type

If you have oily skin, then in your case you are allowed to use absolutely any type of brush for facial care, but not more than once a day. How do you know if you have oily skin?

  • Present a large number of blackheads and pimples.
  • The skin is very oily and shiny.
  • Within an hour after washing, the skin became moist again.
  • Peeling occurs periodically.
  • Due to the oily shine, makeup cannot last for a long time.

To care for fat type skin it is important to observe food diet. Exclude coffee drinks, spicy and salty foods from your diet, prohibit the consumption of smoked meats, and so on. Try to change as often as possible bed sheets, and especially the pillowcase. Use various creams and other care products specifically for oily skin.

Dry skin type

If your skin is dry, then it is recommended that you use any type of cleansing brush, but no more than two or three times a week. Such measures are necessary to avoid injury to the skin surface. How can you tell if your skin is dry?

  • The surface of the skin is very pale and has a whitish tint.
  • Constant peeling and rashes appear.
  • The skin is deprived of its natural elasticity.
  • You suffer from constant itching and irritation.
  • The skin reacts very strongly to the sun's rays.

In order to properly care for dry skin, it is enough to use various moisturizing creams, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and wash your face several times every day.

Normal skin type

For cleansing normal or combination skin It is allowed to use all of the above types of brushes at intervals of every other day. For proper care For normal skin type, it is enough to use moisturizing creams and masks.

Precautions and possible contraindications

It turned out that using brushes to cleanse the face is not always possible and sometimes even unsafe. In order to start using this device, you should study all possible contraindications. IN following cases The use of this device is strictly prohibited.

  • There are any wounds on the face that have not yet healed or closed.
  • There are boils or herpes rashes on the skin surface.
  • Have a disease subcutaneous mite demodex.
  • The presence of eczema of various etiologies.
  • There is a pronounced vascular network.

Method of using brushes

Before using this device for the first time, you must carefully read the instructions for its use.

  • First, thoroughly clean the surface of the skin from cosmetics and oily sheen. This can be done using various foams, gels and other things.
  • Try to moisturize the skin as best and thoroughly as possible with ordinary water to avoid the formation of microdamages.
  • Apply some product to the brush itself. Proceed with the procedure.
  • Massage your face with smooth and circular movements. Do not press on the brush under any circumstances.
  • Take about twenty seconds to treat each area of ​​your face.
  • Choose the slowest operating mode, and then gradually increase the speed.
  • Do not use this device on the skin around the eyes. The layer of skin in that area is very thin.
  • For the first procedure, the softest nozzle is suitable.

The best brush models

Brushes for facial care appeared on store shelves relatively recently. The very first model was released back in 2001. The number of brands is growing rapidly every year. The best of them will be presented below.

Luna mini 2

The Luna mini 2 brush was produced by the Swedish company Foreo. This model belongs to the electrical class of such devices. This brush has T-Sonic technology, as well as eight intensity levels. The device is designed for use in three facial zones at once. Available on store shelves in five colors. The main advantages include its water resistance, the quality of the material (ultra-hygienic silicone), and the absence of the need to purchase replacement attachments. average cost about eight thousand rubles. The device contains a special timer that informs you about the transition to the next area of ​​the face.


Clarisonic Mia 2

The Clarisonic Mia 2 brush is capable of rotating in several directions and producing up to three hundred vibrations per second. Its operation is completely autonomous and is powered by a foundry battery. This model is made in the USA. The average cost for this device is about ten thousand rubles.


Philips Visa Pure

The Philips Visa Pure care device allows you to delicately cleanse the entire surface of the skin. Combines two at once useful features, namely vibration and rotation. The set includes two nozzles with different operating speeds. Country of origin - the Netherlands. The average price is about four thousand rubles. The ability to charge from a USB cable is included.


Brown Face Beauty

The Braun Face Beauty facial care brush is new among all other models. It comes with four attachments designed for various types skin. You can use them to complete tasks of different nature. There is a nozzle for peeling. The device body is completely waterproof.


The main goal of facial care is to ensure its normal appearance and the performance of important natural functions. Our skin reflects our entire internal health. Do not neglect to treat it with care. Take care of your health, and newfangled means and devices will help you with this.
