How to clean your face with a brush. Nivea electric face brush: reviews

Hello dear guests of my blog. Today we will talk about what a facial brush is, who needs it, and whether it can harm the skin. A large assortment of gadgets, questions about how to use and which one is better inspired me to write this article. I will analyze the most popular models, their advantages and disadvantages. And which is better to buy for home use.

Youth, beauty and well-groomed skin are the result of proper daily care for your appearance. The use of a facial brush in the process of cleansing the skin solves many issues and helps:

  • gently remove the stratum corneum, more thoroughly remove dust, sweat, secretions from the sebaceous glands;
  • peeling or facial massage;
  • strengthen lymph flow, remove dead cells, saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • prepare the skin for the application of cosmetics - serums or creams. For example, after the procedure, 60% is absorbed better.

Thanks to the use of such a device, our skin is protected from early aging, wrinkles, blackheads and comedones.

The procedure does not require experience and professionalism. You can do everything yourself, at home!

Beauticians have been using brushes for over 16 years. This tool exfoliates the skin, makes it smooth, velvety. Today, this device is equipped with different nozzles with bristles, foam rubber sponges. Its head rotates and/or vibrates.

Applying it without cosmetics (scrub, etc.), you can perform a skin massage. To get even more benefit, you can apply a cleanser or exfoliator to the brush. In combination with massage, the skin will receive cleansing of the pores from any impurities.

How to use at home

Regular use improves the appearance of the skin, makes the complexion even, activates the process of oxygen exchange. The lymph flow accelerates, inflammation disappears and the sebaceous glands are cleansed. As a result, the process of absorption of useful cosmetics becomes more efficient.

An ultrasonic massage brush will be useful if used correctly:

  1. be sure to remove makeup well - it can be milk, or. Do not wipe water off your face.
  2. then you should wet the brush and apply gel on it;
  3. select the speed and mode of operation;
  4. Clean the surface (cheeks, nose, chin, forehead) with circular massage movements. 1 minute is enough for daily care. Work on the chin and forehead for 20 seconds, on each cheek, spend no more than 10 seconds.

Then you can wash off the remaining gel from your face with warm water. Then apply a moisturizing cream.

If the skin is oily or prone to oiliness, brushes can be used for daily cleansing procedures. For sensitive skin or prone to dryness, use this tool 1-2 times a week.

After use, dead skin flakes remain on the brush. And this is an excellent environment for the reproduction of various pathogens of infectious processes. Therefore, after use, wash the brush with soap and water and treat with an alcohol-based liquid. Better to be safe than angry.

Observe the following rules for using nozzles:

  • choose attachments according to your skin type. At first, you need to use only soft tools and gradually increase the level of rigidity;
  • do not press the brush on the face - pressure reduces the effectiveness of the procedure and stretches the skin;
  • regularly change nozzles for new ones - each serves an average of 3 months;
  • for deep cleaning with fruit acids, use very soft nozzles;
  • it is necessary to drive the brush strictly along the massage lines (otherwise early wrinkles will appear).

And most importantly - it is a device for individual use. If you share the same device with someone (mother or sister), work with separate nozzles. Better yet, get your own device. For the price they are quite affordable.

Which brush to choose: an overview of models

The market is filled with different devices. You can purchase both a complex device with several functions, and a simple one without additional features. There are many electric massage brushes, for example, Skinvigorate (Mary Kay / Mary Kay), Pobling, Clinics (Clinique), Philips, Avon, Shiseido, etc. But I chose the most popular in terms of price and quality - these are Braun, Clarisonic Mia and Gezatone.

Braun SE 832n Face

This 2-in-1 device includes an all-in-one epilator to remove unwanted hair and a brush to clean the skin. You just need to change the nozzle. They write that Brown is an indispensable travel device. Lightweight and compact for travel.

The set includes 3 attachments: for epilation, a very soft brush for daily cleansing and a nozzle for deeper peeling cap. Comes with cosmetic bag and cover.

Quite a budget option for the price. You can also choose the color of the cosmetic bag and brush - blue, pink or purple.

According to the manufacturer, the epilator head can grab even hairs up to 0.2 mm. You can use the device in the shower, because the case is waterproof. I love it.

And with brushes, the face is cleansed 6 times more effectively than when washing! Microvibrations exfoliate, remove dead cells, restore the skin. According to the instructions, the facial brush should be used for no longer than 60 seconds.

The bristle length of the soft head is 8 mm and is designed for daily use. A nozzle with bristles 10 mm long for deep cleansing. The device runs on batteries. The charge lasts 40 minutes.

Watch a video on this device. It is better than any textual descriptions to tell about the features of this gadget.

Device Gezatone Sonicleanse AMG195

With oscillatory movements, does not stretch the skin. The kit includes brush and 3 replaceable nozzles with different levels of bristle hardness. That is, you can choose which nozzle suits you - for every day, for sensitive skin or for peeling.

In the kit there is also a charger, a stand, instructions, a cosmetic pouch. The case is waterproof, so the brush lasts a long time. The battery holds charge well. As the reviews show, the device is rarely charged.

Clarisonic Mia 2 device

This is an improved version of the first Mia. The difference is that there is a timer for face zones. The brush is soft and suitable for sensitive skin. Long tapered bristles effectively cleanse and moisturize the skin. Two speeds - normal and low. Can be used in the bathroom, the body is waterproof.

The timer for facial zones will allow you to properly care for yourself (20 seconds for the forehead and chin, 10 seconds for both cheeks). After that, the device switches off automatically.

The device is presented in two colors: pink and white. Upon purchase, you will receive a nice bonus - an additional Cashmere brush head.

Cryogenic procedures and many others. One of the not entirely new is brushing (brossage) of the face. This is a procedure for cleaning the epidermis of the face using various brushes and nozzles.

Why you need facial brushes

Brossage can be carried out independently at home, and not only in beauty salons. Brushes are effective in that they perfectly cleanse the skin from various contaminants, dead skin particles. Also relieves acne, cleanses and tightens pores. The brushes have bristles of different hardness and softness, which are designed for different areas of the face.

Such a device cleanses the skin much more effectively than simply washing with water. The procedure may well replace facial massage, peeling. The surface is leveled, fine wrinkles disappear, the complexion becomes healthier. Since the session can be carried out at home, there is no need to go to beauty salons. Due to cleansing, other means (, lotions, tonics) penetrate deeper into the cells of the epidermis and act much better and more efficiently.
You can use brushes not only for facial skin, but for everything. It only takes a couple of minutes 1-2 times a week. Brushes should be selected according to your skin type. They can also be used in tandem with cleansers,.

Face wash brush

Washing brushes can be ordinary or electric. They do their job perfectly. Before the procedure must be removed. After that, apply any cleanser (foam, mousse, gel) to the bristles of the brush and you can start processing the face. The skin should be damp so that the brush glides over it and cleans better. Allocate about 20-25 seconds for each area of ​​the face in order to avoid redness and injury to the epidermis. The area around the eyes is recommended to be avoided. Movements should be massage, circular.

Electric face brush

There are a huge number of electrical gadgets today. Different colors, shapes, brands with a variety of functions, nozzles and price categories. An electric brush does an excellent job of removing makeup, smoothing the structure of the skin, getting rid of acne. Also, the epidermis is cleared of dead cells.

Electric brushes are equipped with a special timer, at the signal of which it turns itself off. They offer a variety of nozzles - soft bristles, hard, as well as soft pumice. After cleansing the epidermis with brushes, skin care cosmetics (nourishing,) penetrate deeper and their effect becomes much greater.

Such devices, first of all, are perfect for the fair sex with problematic, oily skin. The electric version of the brushes is very easy to use, they rotate the bristles, nozzles themselves, you only have to move it over the face or body.
Due to the fact that procedures with the use of brushes get rid of peeling and keratinized particles, the balance of water in the skin cells is restored, blood circulation improves, tone and elasticity increase. Ideal for should only choose a nozzle with softer bristles.

In addition to all the positive aspects, there are also disadvantages. For example, it is not recommended to use brushes for dermatological diseases, severe acne. Also, these procedures should not be abused so that irritation and thinning of the upper layer of the epidermis does not occur, which in turn can provoke pain and inflammation. After each use, the brush must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. If you use dirty bristles, inflammation, acne, and skin diseases may occur.

Face brush: reviews

Looking through many forums, one can draw vague conclusions. Customer reviews are divided into two halves: some are for, and others are against. It is worth remembering that the skin type of all people is completely different, and everything is purely individual. Therefore, before you purchase and start using brushes, it is better to consult with a specialist in the field of cosmetology.

Some people admire brushes, both simple and electric with all sorts of gadgets. They write that the skin has become much smoother, more elastic, younger, some imperfections have disappeared. Other brushes did not help at all, they did not find any result after a long use. The third such devices did not fit at all, as new problems with the skin (irritations, acne, allergic rashes) arose.

Do you already have this brush? When they first appeared on the European and American market, they were a little expensive. Now we can say that this is already a fairly affordable tool, the same as an electric toothbrush.

Still, there are expensive options like the Clarisonic (over $250), there are cheaper alternatives like Mary Kay brushes (around $2000) or Librederm ($3250), there are even specific foot brushes or men's options… Choice huge.

And if you bought this new product and started using it, then for sure you will be interested to know if you are doing everything the way you should. Learn the main mistakes when using a portable electric facial brush:

Mistake 1. You do not take enough detergent.

If the product is not enough, then you will simply massage and scratch the skin, and not clean it. How to do it right? When using a brush, fill the entire inner circle with detergent. This is less economical than manual cleaning, but only in this way the detergent reaches every bristle. The remedy should match your skin type.

Mistake 2. You use little water.

Remember how you use your toothbrush? It must be thoroughly moistened before brushing your teeth. The same goes for facial brushes. Firstly, it will soften the bristles, secondly, it will allow the detergent to penetrate between the bristles, and thirdly, it will additionally clean the brush before it touches your face.

Mistake 3. Someone else uses your brush besides you.

It is unacceptable! Even if you are closely related. If you want to share the mechanism with a friend or sister, just buy an additional attachment. Everyone should have an individual nozzle. But if it so happens that you had to use it together, soak the nozzle in alcohol for a few minutes to avoid the accumulation of excess bacteria.

Mistake 4. You do not disassemble the brush if you need to wash it.

You need to wash the brush often, because it is a face cleanser. But it is not enough just to wash the bristles, at least sometimes you should wash the product quite thoroughly. To do this, you need to remove the nozzle. It is recommended to remove the brush head once a month and wash not only the bristles, but also all exposed parts of the device.

Mistake 5. You do not wash your brush with soap.

After each use, you must clean the bristles of the brush from skin oils and dead cells. It is best to wash the bristles with a mild shampoo or baby liquid soap.

Mistake 6. You take too long breaks in the application.

You can feel the results from using the brush only with regular use of this gadget. Positive skin changes should be observed after about 2 weeks of continuous use. It is advisable to use a brush twice a day, but you can limit yourself to washing with a brush once a day.

Mistake 7. Use a brush with a scrub.

Combining an exfoliating scrub and an electric facial brush is not a good idea. When using a brush, you should avoid any products with microspheres, granules and other abrasive particles.

Mistake 8. Pressing hard on the skin.

The brush will do everything for you, this device does not require additional effort. Just hold the brush in your hand and touch your face without pressure.

Mistake 9. You do not change nozzles.

Having bought a brush, you should not think that you will not need any more updates. Every 3 months, you should change the brush head. And it's not about bacteria - with proper care, you can constantly keep the brush in perfect cleanliness. The fact is that the bristles wear out, soften, deform - therefore, the effectiveness of facial cleansing is significantly reduced.

Mistake 10. You do not pay attention to the neck.

Brushes can and should be used not only on the cheeks and chin. She needs to treat all areas of the skin on the face (with the exception of the skin around the eyes), as well as the neck and décolleté. Soft peeling has a rejuvenating effect on these areas of the skin too.

  • The facial wash brush perfectly removes makeup residues, preparing the skin for further care procedures.
  • Delicate action with a soft surface ensures the removal of dead skin cells without damaging the surface.
  • Daily procedures with the device open the pores, they are more actively saturated with oxygen, more susceptible to cosmetics.
  • The facial brush not only cleanses, but also allows for a light massage that tones and tightens the skin of the face.

Facial brushes can have several modes of operation and several nozzles, for action from soft to more intense. In addition, this versatile skin cleanser is perfect for use in the shower. It will be a constant companion on trips, thanks to its optimal dimensions.

Features of the use of the device

The device is so easy to use that it will take you no more than 5 minutes to study it. Just charge the brush from the power supply or insert batteries. All! Now you can select the desired mode of operation and proceed to the skin cleansing procedure.

The effectiveness of the facial brush increases if you use special products for cleansing or peeling during the procedure. This will not only help to work out the surface more thoroughly, but also saturate it with nutrients at the same time.

Why an electric facial brush?

It's simple, this is a universal device for carrying out several cosmetic procedures at once at home.

  1. Deep pore cleansing.
  2. Peeling of the skin surface without injury.
  3. Massage and skin toning.

A compact and convenient face brush will get rid of oily sheen, blackheads, restore a fresh and blooming look to the skin.

Dermatologists, celebrities and beauty bloggers are praying for facial cleansing brushes. Have you already tried this gadget, but do not share the general enthusiasm? Let's check if you are doing everything right. ELLE is about getting the most out of your electronic skin care device.

Before we work on the mistakes, let's figure out why facial brushes are so good. After all, they are really good. So, the correct brush:

1. Removes dead cells on the "five plus"

2. Deeply cleanses and thereby shrinks pores

3. Solves the problem of acne and inflammation

4. Smoothes fine wrinkles and generally evens out the skin texture well

5. Helps skin care products to absorb better and faster, which means they work more efficiently

6. Relieves dryness and flaking

7. Improves complexion

8. Thanks to its smoothing ability, it facilitates the process of applying and blending makeup.


Sounds great, right? And yet you do not see the effect promised by the manufacturer and are not satisfied with the state of the face. We understand the errors in the use of the bristly apparatus. What are you doing wrong:

1. Choose a nozzle without worrying about the type and condition of the skin. The brush is designed for skin care, which means that you need to choose it based on the characteristics of the skin, and not design or cost. Dermatologists advise starting with the softest bristles, especially if the skin reacts unpredictably to innovations. Keep a few nozzles in reserve, because the condition of the skin can change unexpectedly for you.

2. You took too abrupt start. First use the brush once a day (preferably in the evening). After about a week, switch to a daily two-time cleansing.

3. Not using enough cleanser. For the first time, it is recommended to apply an amount of gel about the size of a five-ruble coin. Then adjust the dosage according to your skin type: the oilier, the more.

4. You are working too hard. When cleaning, do not press the nozzle on the skin, do not rub it. The effect will be the opposite: there will be more inflammation and peeling. The brush should slide easily over the face.

5. You stopped brushing due to inflammation. Yes, exacerbation of inflammation is a common side effect after getting acquainted with the electric brush. Active stimulation of the skin causes bacteria to rise to the surface of the epidermis in the form of acne. However, the main mistake is the complete rejection of the gadget. It is better to limit communication with him to once a day, avoiding problem areas. After about two weeks, the "bloom" will pass, and in the future, acne and clogged pores will hardly or not bother you at all.

6. Share your brush with someone else. No matter how your boyfriend, girlfriend, or sister asks you to try out your gadget, just don't do it. It is better to give an individual nozzle to your flatmate. If someone has already used yours, treat it with alcohol or a brush disinfectant.

7. Don't wash your brush often enough. Just like a toothbrush, the facial appliance should be rinsed thoroughly with water. Definitely after every use. Water alone is not enough, add a little shampoo to dissolve any remaining dirt on and between the bristles.

8. Use an exfoliating gel. The brush perfectly removes dead cells from the surface of the skin and does not need assistants. Therefore, use scrubs, peels and any other exfoliants on another day, separately from brushes.

9. You rarely change nozzles. All manufacturers are unanimous in the expiration date of the nozzle. It is equal to three months, after which you need to buy a new one. This is important not so much for hygiene reasons, but for the sake of the efficiency of the device itself. Over time, the bristles begin to stick together, so replacement is required.

ELLE's Choice: 5 Brushes We Love

The brush that started the brush mania. Unlike most followers, Clarisonic does not rotate, but moves at the speed of sound - 300 vibrations per second. The Aria model has three speed modes, and even more functions. Everything for perfect skin cleansing.

With this ultrasonic gadget 3-step skin care system Clinique will become even more effective (regardless of type and age, by the way). Color zoning is not just a designer's fad. White bristles are designed for the cheeks and cheekbones, and lime bristles are for the T-zone. And it can also be charged via a computer, the USB cable is included in the kit.

DermalBrush comes with four brush heads. One is designed for daily cleansing, the second - for peeling several times a week. The sponge nozzle will help in applying the cream. And after a hard day, give yourself a massage and relaxation with the help of "fingers". Not just a brush, but a personal beautician who is always at hand.

The patented Skinvigorate removes not only excess sebum and dead cells, but also makeup. All thanks to two modes of operation and four hundred revolutions per minute. Nylon bristles with rounded tips will make friends with the most sensitive skin. And it will be convenient for you to use it right in the shower.
