Cinnamon for abortion. Can pregnant women eat cinnamon

Cinnamon is a commonly used spice for liqueurs, pastries, mousses or confectionery. Its aroma and taste are loved by many and are often used as a tint contrast for dishes. But is the seasoning so useful during pregnancy, and what should be remembered before using it?

Spice native to the tropics or bark of the bay tree family during pregnancy

Cinnamon in our regions is mainly used as a seasoning for baking or meat dishes, for the preparation of fragrant and healthy mulled wine or spicy cocktail.

However, many do not know that there are several varieties of such a spice, differing not only in the country of origin, but also qualitative composition, taste notes. There are 4 types of cinnamon:

  1. Chinese with a sharp spicy aroma, slight sourness in the aftertaste.
  2. Ceylon s delicate aroma, but slightly burning aftertaste and sweetness.
  3. Malabar - the most bitter cinnamon, which is not suitable for sweet pastries, but rather for meat and oriental cuisine with its addiction to everything spicy and spicy.
  4. Cinnamon is also used as a fragrant and spicy seasoning, used in oriental cuisine as an excellent food antiseptic.

In the shops of our regions, Chinese or so-called Indian cinnamon is most often sold, it has a traditional taste in our understanding with a slight sweetness and floral spice.

Cinnamon during pregnancy: is it possible or not

The beneficial properties of seasoning during pregnancy should be considered in terms of safety and a moderate ratio of quality and consequences.

It is important to understand that any seasoning used in cooking is a mixture of vitamins, oils and ingredients. AT ordinary life they can be useful, but for a pregnant woman they pose a risk varying degrees difficulties.

Cinnamon, due to the fact that it contains oils, muscle-toning elements, is dangerous for use during pregnancy on different terms. During gestation, of course, you should not think that a bun with poppy seeds and cinnamon can provoke complications in the form of uterine contractions and miscarriage. But the use of such spices must be controlled.

Recent studies have shown that cinnamon oils, containing the element euginol, counteract the formation of microorganisms. Thus, it is a powerful antiseptic.

In the early stages

During the formation of the placenta in the uterus (up to 16 weeks), cinnamon is contraindicated. Its use in any quantities can provoke muscle tone of the uterus.

As a result, there may be Negative consequences as:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • muscle contraction;
  • miscarriage;
  • anomalies in the development of the placenta and its attachment to the wall of the uterus.

If, before determining pregnancy, a woman regularly consumed cinnamon, not knowing about the onset of fertilization, it is worth additionally consulting with a doctor. The gynecologist will additionally prescribe studies confirming or refuting dangerous consequences such a treat on the fetus or placenta.

Do not worry about the possible harm to the fetus until the tests are received. Stress and worries in the early stages will only increase the likelihood of pathologies during gestation.

At a later date

Late gestation is the period from the 20th week of pregnancy until the end of gestation and the beginning labor activity. Given the risk to the fetus in the formation muscle tone uterus, refuse the regular use of such a spice until the birth of a child.

Advice about inducing labor by eating cinnamon after 41 weeks is dangerous. It is impossible to accurately predict the effects of products and folk ways stimulation labor activity on the fetus and maternal organs. In any case, all stimulating actions are taken by the doctor, based on the results of the tests and the history of the existing diseases of the woman in labor.

For pregnant sweet tooth

Baking or sweets made from flour and sugar for a pregnant woman is not a very healthy treat in itself. Excess yeast, oils and fats contribute to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the blood, weight gain.

Besides, excess weight mother negatively affects the nutritional supply of the placenta. If the baking contains a large amount of cinnamon, then such a delicacy should be discarded so as not to provoke a complication of pregnancy.

If the amount of cinnamon is insignificant, and the seasoning is added solely for flavor (and not as part of a paste with sugar for a layer of dough), then there is no need to worry. A small amount of spicy oil will not hurt, as the regular use of cinnamon in its pure form is a threat.

Benefits and contraindications

The spice contains a lot useful components, minerals and vitamins. Among them are tannins, choline, pantothenic acid, vitamins A, C, E, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron and zinc. Cinnamon helps:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • helps to remove excess fluid;
  • relieves headache and muscle pain;
  • eliminates colic and renal spasms.

However, there are contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer and others inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • threats of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • lactation.

All these contraindications do not allow you to enjoy the spicy and aromatic taste of the bark of a tree from the laurel family. Especially dangerous is the use of spices in case of a threat of miscarriage with direct contraindications of the attending physician.

Cinnamon is a spicy spice with hints of musk, vanilla and floral fragrance. However, not always such a seasoning can be used during pregnancy and lactation. In any case, you need to consult a doctor if you can sometimes eat products with the addition of cinnamon or not.

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Cinnamon is one of the most common spices. It is used for cooking pastries, meat dishes and desserts. Cinnamon pairs well with chocolate. But during the period of bearing a child, not all spices are equally useful for a woman's body. Therefore, they cannot be used for cooking. Today we will talk about whether cinnamon is useful during pregnancy.


Cinnamon is a spice that is obtained from the bark of tropical trees. They belong to the laurel family. Cinnamon varies by type:

  1. Chinese. The spice has a sharp aroma and taste. It is sometimes called an Indian spice.
  2. Ceylon. The spice has a burning taste, as well as a fragrant shade. The most expensive of the other types of cinnamon. Its origin is India, Ceylon, Brazil, Indonesia.
  3. Malabar. The spice has a sharp and slightly bitter taste.
  4. Cinnamon. The birthplace of this type of cinnamon is Indonesia. It has a spicy smell and a pungent taste.

Before including this spice in the diet, it is necessary to determine whether cinnamon can be consumed during pregnancy, as well as learn about its effect on the woman's body.

Spice composition

Cinnamon is successfully used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It includes such substances:

  • cinnamaldehyde;
  • organic acids;
  • ethers;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • resins;
  • vitamins C, B, A and E, niacin;
  • macro- and microelements.

Vitamin A in cinnamon is involved in the formation of the baby's organs of vision. It also promotes the production of collagen and elastin, improves appearance skin and hair.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on circulatory system. He actively takes part in the production of hormones that support pregnancy and ensure the formation internal organs baby.

Ascorbic acid strengthens the immunity of the mother and fetus, and also prevents the development colds.

B vitamins are essential for normal course pregnancy.

Is it possible to cinnamon in the early stages? During pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, the spice will be especially useful, since it contains many substances, without which the laying and development of the internal organs of the baby cannot occur. However, it should be used with caution.

The benefits of cinnamon

Aromatic spice has many positive properties. Cinnamon during pregnancy is capable of:

  1. Cleanse the body. The spice has a diuretic, choleretic and laxative effect. As a result, the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines are cleansed. Cinnamon, as a natural diuretic, removes excess fluid from the body. Thanks to its laxative properties, it prevents the development of constipation.
  2. Reduces pain. Pregnant women are not recommended to take medications to reduce pain. Cinnamon helps to get rid of negative symptoms.
  3. Reduce glucose levels. Cinnamon is prescribed for pregnant women with type 2 diabetes and at risk of developing gestational diabetes.
  4. Strengthen blood vessels. The spice dissolves cholesterol plaques and ensures normal blood supply.
  5. Normalizes digestion. The spice irritates the receptors of the stomach, which stimulates peristalsis and digestion.

Here are the main positive properties cinnamon. However, it must be taken by the pinch. A large amount of cinnamon can lead to miscarriage, and for more later dates- to premature birth.

How to use cinnamon?

Most often, the spice is an additional component to all kinds of dishes and drinks.

Honey with cinnamon is considered remedy against many diseases, therefore it can be used to treat colds. The combination of these products contributes to:

  • activation of metabolism and digestion;
  • improvement skin;
  • protection of the heart and blood vessels;
  • activation of immunity.

Cinnamon drink with honey should be consumed in small quantities - 1-2 tbsp. l. per day. Otherwise, it may harm the body of the mother and child.

Most often, the spice is used to give tea a special taste or aroma. Not many people know that the drink can have a powerful effect on the body.

The interaction of the active components of tea and cinnamon with daily use helps to improve the condition of the expectant mother, as well as increase the overall tone of the body. Vital activity and well-being of the pregnant woman increases. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups a day.

Kefir is a drink that is considered the basis proper diet pregnant woman. AT fermented milk product contains a large amount of calcium, as well as protein for proper growth and development of the unborn child.

You can add a pinch of cinnamon to kefir, as a result of which it turns into a valuable drink. It helps fight overweight and improves the condition of the skin and hair. You should not abuse the intake of kefir with cinnamon, so as not to cause Negative influence on the woman's body.

Precautionary measures

So can cinnamon during pregnancy or not? Experts do not recommend the expectant mother to use the spice in in large numbers. The optimal rate is a pinch or 0.5 tsp. cinnamon 1 time per day.

It can be used to bake pies, buns, which will not harm mother and baby. Although it is also not recommended for a woman to get involved in flour during this period.

In order for the spice to bring only benefits to the body future mother You should follow the dietitian's recommendations.

Is it possible to take cinnamon during pregnancy? It is forbidden to carry out aromatization with spice during the period of bearing a child. Volatile ether can cause active stirring fetus.

If cinnamon is taken to stimulate labor, then treatment should take place with the permission and under the supervision of a specialist.

The spice should be chosen correctly, because under its guise, cheaper and less useful cassia can be sold. The use of spices in bags in ground form should be avoided.

A cinnamon stick will be of particular benefit. Preference should be given to spices from India or Brazil.


Cinnamon should not be used in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( hyperacidity stomach, gastritis, ulcer);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • uterine or vaginal bleeding;
  • problems in bearing a fetus;
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the spice;
  • increased blood clotting.

If there are no contraindications, then a small amount cinnamon will not harm the health of a woman and an unborn child.


Cinnamon during pregnancy is an important spice for a woman's body, which is able to saturate it with nutrients and activate metabolism. However, expectant mothers should use it with caution and after consultation with an experienced therapist. Otherwise, it can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Among the most popular spices will definitely be cinnamon. It is used in the preparation of desserts, as well as meat dishes. It pairs well with chocolate and liqueur. Cinnamon - also cosmetic product, it is also added, for example, to henna, to give beautiful shade hair. Cinnamon essential oil is used for aromatherapy sessions.

Is it possible for pregnant women to cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice. The spice is obtained from the bark of tropical trees from the genus Laurel. This spice is represented by several types - Chinese, Ceylon, Malabar, cinnamon. The taste qualities of these species are different. Cinnamon itself contains a sufficient amount of saturated fatty acids and more carbohydrates than proteins and fats. There are monosaccharides and disaccharides in this spice.

The resin contains:

  • Vitamins C and E;
  • calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus;
  • Niacin;
  • Cinnamaldehyde;
  • Resin;
  • Eugenol.

tannins and essential oils are also contained in cinnamon in sufficient quantities. Of course, the spice has useful properties, which can positively affect the condition of the expectant mother. For example, cinnamon is a diuretic, it has a good effect on the digestive tract. This makes it easier for expectant mothers to resist constipation.

Is cinnamon harmful during pregnancy

Cinnamon has analgesic properties - it can soothe headaches and muscle pain. And since a lot of drugs are prohibited for pregnant women, then at this time just such remedies as cinnamon can come to the rescue. And cinnamon is considered the strongest antiseptic.

Now for the harm. And this is worth knowing for all pregnant women - the abuse of cinnamon will cause uterine contractions. And the activation of the smooth muscles of the main reproductive organ can end sadly.

Harm of cinnamon:

  • In the early stages, this is fraught with miscarriage;
  • In the third trimester, cinnamon addiction can provoke premature birth.

If there are no contraindications, then a little cinnamon will be useful for headaches or colds. But any, even the slightest obstetric pathology, is already a ban on cinnamon. Of course, if you bite off a piece of a cinnamon bun, nothing bad will happen, but during pregnancy, still look less often into a bag of this spice.

Is cinnamon allowed during lactation

If cinnamon is abused here, then the taste breast milk will definitely deteriorate. Therefore, only when the baby is four months old, you can start trying cinnamon. Just add a pinch to tea or kefir. It is better to do this in the morning - according to the condition of the child, you will understand whether this product is normally perceived.

But even if the baby responds well to cinnamon, nursing mothers should not eat this spice every day. Cinnamon sticks are a good lactation stimulant, but there should be a measure in everything. Remember that cinnamon causes uterine contractions, and intensify them by hastening natural course events cannot.

Drink to stimulate lactation:

  • Add a little sugar and a tablespoon of milk to a teaspoon of cinnamon, mix everything until smooth;
  • Grind a handful of walnuts, pour them into 200 ml of milk, put it on a low fire and keep it on fire for 15 minutes, but do not allow it to boil;
  • Add cinnamon with sugar to hot milk, stir the mixture all the time, boil everything for five minutes over low heat;
  • You should drink such a drink before night feeding, but you can’t do it more than twice a week, optimally once a week.

In short, cinnamon is a product that, when used in moderation, can be very beneficial. As well as other spices and spices. By the way, some of them are stored at home for almost years. But they also have their own expiration date.

Safety Question: Can expired spices be used?

The worst will not happen - spices with an expired shelf life will not bring much harm, but their taste and aroma will clearly fade. Do you know what the expiration date is? For example, herbs can be stored for one to three years.

How long do seasonings last?

  • Ground spices - no more than 2-3 years;
  • Whole spices - 3-4 years;
  • Mixtures of seasonings - no more than 2 years.

You can determine the expiration date by color and smell. As soon as the characteristic aroma disappears, they are no longer suitable for cooking. But you don't have to throw them away. For example, thyme, oregano, and coriander can be moved into linen bags and hidden in an area of ​​the house where there is dampness and mold.

Much has been said about the benefits of spices and spices. But not everyone thinks about their effect on the body, they add, rather, for the sake of taste and aroma. For example, cardamom is useful when there are problems with digestion. Curry is a mixture of spices, and any mixture is already potential danger(many components, incomprehensible composition). Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse it, especially during pregnancy. Cilantro is also classified as a conditionally dangerous seasoning.

What is definitely contraindicated, especially in the first third of pregnancy, is parsley. Bay leaf also affects the muscles of the uterus, so discard it while carrying a baby. Turmeric is possible, but only in very small quantities. But it is better to refuse mixtures of spices and spices altogether - the reaction may be unexpected.

Is it possible to cinnamon during pregnancy (video)

If some herb or spice causes a sharp disgust in a pregnant woman, remove all bags from kitchen cabinets, no need to tease your body. Food during pregnancy should be clear, simple, varied and fortified.

Happy pregnancy!

One of the most effective means to induce miscarriage is Black Cohosh (Black and Blue Cohosh). This herb stimulates muscle spasms, which leads to emptying of the uterus. Black cohosh is often used by doctors for late stages pregnancy, it also helps to provoke a miscarriage. Be sure to consult your doctor before using this remedy. Incorrect can lead to toxic poisoning.

Angelica Chinese

The root of the Angelica chinensis plant is widely used to regulate menstrual cycles, improve blood circulation, etc. It is also effective in inducing miscarriage. Its reception should begin with consultations with doctors. To prevent undesirable consequences the correct dosage must be observed.


Another means of stimulating the activity of the uterus is cinnamon. At the right dosage, taking it can lead to miscarriage. To achieve desired result, in no case do not subject the cinnamon to processing (for example, cooking), this will deprive it essential substances. Look for foods that have cinnamon as an ingredient.


Highly strong remedy to provoke a miscarriage is juniper. Taking juniper is more likely to cause severe pain so try not to leave the house. It also helps to get rid of dead tissue left after incomplete miscarriage. Such a miscarriage can lead to infectious disease causing bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Consult your doctor before using this remedy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a popular means of inducing miscarriage. A gradual increase in the diet will lead to errors in menstrual cycle which will cause a miscarriage. However, vitamin C should be taken with caution, limiting its intake to 6000 mg per day. good source vitamin C is, for example, parsley. Tie the parsley into a small bunch and place in a glass of boiling water. Let it brew a little and drink throughout the day.

surgical procedure

If there is a need quick release from the fetus, you can consult doctors and. However surgical intervention can be extremely painful and cause complications in the future. The most common method of abortion is the method of dilatation and curettage. It consists in the direct cleaning of the uterus with the help of surgical instruments, which causes not the most pleasant sensations.

Being in " interesting position”, Any woman begins to feverishly review her diet, now and then deleting harmful and dangerous products. Committed to proper nutrition during pregnancy - a thing, of course, laudable, but only if it does not border on panicky fanaticism. Any beautiful lady who is preparing to become a mother for the first time should understand that pregnancy is not a disease at all.

This is a magical period of waiting for a miracle, which should not be overshadowed by groundless experiences and extreme caution. A sharp change in the menu when carrying a child puts additional stress on the mother's body. But he is already undergoing a merciless load! Therefore, some obstetricians and gynecologists are of the opinion that practically nothing needs to be excluded from the usual menu, but it is worth observing the measure in the use of products.

Are all spices the same?

The issue of choosing spices becomes especially acute for mothers.

Many of us revere cinnamon, especially in sweet baked goods. And so, you open the browser, you see the stories of panicking pregnant women that it is potentially dangerous to use cinnamon during pregnancy, and you are already afraid to even look in the direction of this spice.

In fact, some women obstetric pathologies really contraindicated cinnamon. But in no case should this apply to everyone else! Moreover, some spices are even recommended for expectant mothers, as they are very useful for pregnant women.

More about cinnamon

It is even useful to use cinnamon during the gestation period.

Firstly, it has powerful antiseptic properties, which is literally necessary. future mother during epidemiological periods.

Secondly, it stimulates the excretory processes in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, being a real detoxifying medicine for the body. Cinnamon is famous for its mild laxative and diuretic properties, thanks to which it has gained fame the best doctor from edematous phenomena.

In general, the use of cinnamon during pregnancy is even beneficial, but ... only in the amount of one pinch, or 1/2 teaspoon per day!

Unfortunately, the question "is it possible to eat cinnamon during pregnancy" Doctors can't give a definitive answer. One thing is known: when it is used in large quantities, such a familiar and “innocent” spice can provoke contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Activation of motility in this organ, as you know, is crowned with disastrous outcomes. On the early term this may cause spontaneous abortion(miscarriage), and in the late - a stimulant of premature birth.

Doctors allow the use of this spice only with a completely healthy course of gestation, and only if reasonable amounts of cinnamon are consumed. You can take it, but only a little.

The spice is absolutely contraindicated for those women who have already encountered obstetric pathologies and were on the preservation of pregnancy. Spice is especially dangerous with a tendency to bleeding and a risk of miscarriage in history.

It is also worth emphasizing that you should not eat expired cinnamon or of dubious quality.

For example, a cheap spice imported from China, Vietnam or Indonesia, as a rule, contains a substance dangerous to human health - coumarin. The real Ceylon spice contains it at a concentration of 0.02 g / kg, and the "fake" one - 100 times more. This element cannot be called potentially life-threatening, but in high dosages it provokes headaches and severely damages the liver tissue.

benefits of cinnamon after pregnancy

Cinnamon, taken in small amounts daily after childbirth, is extremely beneficial for a woman in labor. It restores her strength, strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency, which is so important for the future. "sleepless nights".
