Treatment of nail fungus with "Mikozan": reviews. "Mikozan": instructions for use, analogues

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies is the safest and cheapest method of getting rid of fungus. In this article I will describe several simple and effective recipes for the treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies.

Nail fungus

This infection, which is very easily transmitted from person to person. There are many ways of transmitting the fungus - through shared shoes (for example, indoor shoes used by guests), public places such as showers, swimming pools, gyms, baths, etc.
A nail affected by fungus may not be immediately noticeable. And having noticed, they often simply do not pay attention to the fungus until it reminds of itself with itching or loss of the nail.
It is very important to remember that in addition to the extraordinary survivability in environment nail fungus quickly develops immunity to the substances included in the main antifungal drugs.
That is, if the fungus was not treated, or re-infection occurred, for example through old shoes, then treatment with the previous drug will no longer be as effective. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example, the innovative Mikozan serum based on rye enzyme filtrate, which has high antifungal activity and does not form an addiction in the fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.
Meanwhile, the sooner a person infected with a fungus begins to treat it, the easier it is to get rid of it. Those who have suffered from nail fungus and gone to the hospital know that the doctor will prescribe an expensive ointment that will need to be used for several weeks or months, and then prescribe another one if the first one does not help.
Of course, you can treat it this way. Or you can help these ointments, or even replace them with the use of recipes traditional medicine. Moreover, there will definitely be no harm from them.

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies

- Mix 10 g of propolis and 100 g of alcohol. Make a foot bath in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, then dry your feet and try (as much as possible) to stuff a mixture of propolis and alcohol under your nails, and then tie your fingers with a bandage. This dressing should be changed every other day. Usually 3 procedures are enough for the fungus to leave you.
- In 1 liter of 9% vinegar you need to infuse 1 pack of pharmaceutical dry celandine. The longer it sits, the better (you can keep it ready for months). Then strain and add 3 - 5 tablespoons of salt. At night, after washing your feet, pour this infusion into the bath and soak your feet there for 5 minutes. Then dry your feet (do not scrub) and go to bed. First, the interdigital fungus will disappear, and then the nail fungus. To enhance the effect, you can do such baths twice a day.
- Nail fungus on the hands can be cured in a week by doing the following procedures at night: soap the nail tar soap, drop it in table salt and cover with a bandage overnight.

According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, nail fungus was quite rare a few decades ago.

According to researchers, the disease has become so widespread thanks to the benefits of civilization: the high availability of swimming pools, public saunas, gyms- what is created to improve human health. But while building up muscle mass or getting rid of excess weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat that is next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become one with a new “host”.

The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) are not long in coming. Darkened, loose, flaking nails, bad smell from feet and shoes are far from the worst manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to neighboring areas of the body, reduce local immunity and promote secondary infection - penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues and blood, and also cause infection of others. Members of the patient's family are at risk - people whose skin comes into contact with surfaces on which microscopic particles of infected skin remain. It is for this reason that purchasing an effective remedy for nail fungus for your home medicine cabinet is great idea, especially if you visit the gym, swimming pools and others public places where there is a high risk of fungal infection.

So, what are the best remedies for nail fungus that modern medicine offers us? pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine?

The best medicines for nail fungus



Cost of a 10 ml bottle. about 650 rubles, tubes weighing 30 g - 400 rubles.

The active substance of Exoderil - naftifine - has a high “cumulative” effect. This means that when using the drug, naftifine accumulates in tissues nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, destructive for mushrooms. The excipients included in the drug facilitate the penetration of naftifine into the nail tubules, through which the fungus actually spreads.

Advantages. In addition to its antifungal effect, the drug prevents secondary infection of affected tissues, relieves itching and short time removes inflammatory processes caused by fungal infection.

Flaws. Clinical studies of the drug that would confirm or refute its harmlessness have not yet been conducted. Therefore, today Exoderil is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with intolerance to any component of this drug.

Grade. The complex action of Exoderil is its only, albeit significant, advantage, which provided the drug with 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best remedies for nail fungus.

From reviews:“I treated fungus on the nails and on the skin between the fingers with Exoderil. Frankly, the fungus is survivable, but the itching it causes is not. This drug literally relieved the itching within a day, although the fungus itself was treated according to the instructions - until the nail completely grew back.”



The cost of a tube weighing 20g. about 400 rubles. Analogue - Mycozoral (15g/180 rubles).

The active ingredient of Nizoral - ketoconazole - has a strong antimycotic effect and is effective against most yeast-like, mold and other fungi. Penetrating into the nail tissue affected by the fungus, ketoconazole disrupts the metabolism in these organisms and destroys their cell membrane, which becomes a stopping factor for the formation of fungal colonies and their further reproduction.

Advantages. The high effectiveness of Nizoral has been confirmed by clinical studies, but the percentage of cure for nail lesions was taken into account last: the main attention was paid to fungal skin diseases. For this reason, it is difficult to say whether the cream is as effective for onychomycosis as for seborrhea of ​​the scalp. But what has really been proven is that when Nizoral is used topically, its active ingredients are not detected in the blood even with prolonged use of the drug. Therefore, this cream is approved for the treatment of nursing, pregnant women and people with any kidney or liver diseases.

Flaws. The not very convenient scheme for using the cream (twice a day) in combination with its consistency - not thick and oily, can cause difficulties. This is especially true for those whose treatment took them on the road or away from home.

Grade. Overall, Nizoral deserves 10 points out of ten. But not big enough clinical researches regarding issues that interest us here and now - treatment of nail fungus - still reduce its rating. Therefore, we will focus on 9 points.

From reviews:“I liked Nizoral shampoo when I was treating oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Therefore, when I discovered a fungus on my nail, I immediately bought a cream of the same name. I haven’t noticed any obvious results on my nails yet - I only started treatment a week ago, but the skin around the nail started to look healthier.”



The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 350 rubles.

The active substance - terbinafine - inhibits growth and activity different types fungi, including those that cause nail damage. At correct use the drug according to the instructions, a concentration of terbinafine is created in the nail, which for a long time prevents re-infection.

Advantages. The convenience of Lamisil lies in the choice dosage form in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All forms of Lamisil are equally effective. At correct use of the drug, obvious improvements are observed after 2 weeks.

Flaws. The high-quality treatment that this drug provides is due to the powerful action of terbinafine. But it is for this reason that Lamisil treatment of nail fungus in nursing, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age is contraindicated.

Grade. One of the best remedies for nail fungus, popular all over the world, but requires strict adherence to the “rules of the game.” Deserves 10 out of 10.

From reviews: “I think Lamisil is overpriced, although using it in spray form is really convenient. The fungus went away as the nail grew, I used Lamisil for about a month.”

The best varnishes for nail fungus


Varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus use various active ingredients, and the cost of such drugs varies widely:

  • Lotseryl (amorolfine). The cost of a 2.5 lm bottle is about 1300 rubles;
  • Batrafen (cyclopiroxolamine). Price for a 2.5 ml bottle is about 1570 rubles;
  • Demictene (formic acid aldehyde). The cost of a 2.5 ml bottle is about 280 rubles;
  • Mikozan (complex of active ingredients). The cost of the set is about 650 rubles.

These are the best and most popular nail polishes for treating fungal nail infections, and they all share the same advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages. Each of the active ingredients - amorolfine, cyclopiroxolamine, etc. - are strong antimycotic agents that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. The convenience of using varnishes leaves no doubt - periodic or one-time treatment of the affected nail before the first (or each) use of the product, and then all that remains is to follow the instructions: “touch up” the nail once or twice a day or even once a week (as Loceryl promises).

Flaws. Unfortunately, despite all the effectiveness of the antimycotic substances included in the varnishes, they are ineffective against deep fungal infections, as well as when the fungus is localized under the nail plate. This deficiency is to some extent compensated by the ability of the nail to accumulate medicinal substances, which spread deeper over time. But even taking this into account, there is no guarantee that a few months after completing the course of treatment, the fungus will not appear “out of nowhere.” It is known where: from areas of the nail into which the active substances could not penetrate.

Grade. The inability to predict the effectiveness of treatment immediately deprives even the best polishes for the treatment of nail fungus several rating points. But they immediately return, since Lotseryl, Batrafen, Demicten, Mikozan, etc. are the best means for the prevention of fungal infections. Therefore, those who visit public swimming pools, saunas and gyms will be interested to know the “dual” assessment of varnishes: we give them 7 points out of 10 as drugs for treatment, and 10 out of 10 as means for the prevention of nail fungus.

From reviews of varnishes against nail fungus: “I treated fungus on my big toe with Demikten - the effect was absolutely zero. True, I did not have the opportunity to steam my leg; I applied the varnish on a dry one. A few months later I bought Mikozan and did not regret it: the fungus had just begun to destroy the nail, I did everything according to the instructions. After 2 months there was no trace left.”

Tea tree oil
best folk remedy for nail fungus


The cost of a 10 ml bottle is about 140 rubles.

Oil composition tea tree includes terpenes, which serve as the basis for the antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects of the drug. And viridofloren, a powerful antimicrobial substance, has been identified only in tea tree oil to date, which makes it truly unique.

Advantages. Considering 100% natural origin oil, it can be indicated for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet, even in pregnant women, lactating women and children. It has a pronounced antimycotic effect, suppressing the growth of fungi, and thanks to the antimicrobial effect, it prevents secondary infection of areas weakened by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Flaws. Strong smell, which some describe as pleasant and fresh, while others find it somewhat “medical”. The spectrum of action of tea tree oil is wide, but some types of mushrooms are resistant to viridoflorene, which makes this remedy useless in the treatment of some fungal infections. Also, the oil is not recommended for persons with individual intolerance to the components of this product.

Grade. Practically complete absence contraindications, effectiveness, complex action - all this allows us to call tea tree oil the best folk remedy for nail fungus and award it 10 points out of ten.

From reviews: “I had to treat a recurring fungus on my legs during pregnancy. I was afraid to use synthetic drugs and preferred tea tree oil. I can say that the best remedy I haven’t had nail fungus in my hands yet: from the “root” the nail began to grow smooth and pink. Now I constantly disinfect the street and house shoes With this oil, I’ve already forgotten about the fungus for about 7 years.”

What you need to know when treating nail fungus?

The effectiveness of nail fungus remedies can be significantly increased if you use the following “tricks”:

  • Before applying the product, wash your feet thoroughly in moderately warm water and soap (it is better to use baby soap or regular laundry soap), then change the water to hot and steam the affected nail for at least 5-7 minutes. This procedure will “open” the cells of the nail, which will allow the varnish or cream to penetrate deeper into its tissue. Just remember that hot foot baths are contraindicated when varicose veins veins, hypotension, elevated temperature bodies.
  • Make sure that the overgrown nail is cut off in a timely manner. The protruding, “free” part of the nail plate should be removed as it grows in order to free up access medicine To soft tissues nail bed.
  • Treat not only the nail, but also the surrounding areas of healthy tissue. “Seize new territories” without hesitation, at least 1 cm from the nail: the fungus is able to survive a drug attack in nearby tissues, and at the end of the course of treatment return as if nothing had happened.
  • If the fight against fungal infections has become your way of life, and you live in the “remove the fungus - rejoice at the recovery - find the fungus again” mode, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely you will need microscopic examination nail sample in order to identify the pathogen and subsequently prescribe drugs to which “your” fungus has not yet acquired resistance.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Healthy legs are very important factor quality life. Many people have to deal with what many believe to be harmless calluses and corns that appear on the soles of their feet. They have an unaesthetic appearance and, in addition, can cause infection and pain while walking. Effectively treating corns at home is a difficult task and not everyone can cope with it. But it was invented by dermatologists and cosmetologists a large number of effective and safe methods.

Reasons for appearance

Corns are lumps that appear on the surface of the skin of the foot. Their appearance provokes constant mechanical impact, excessive pressure, rubbing, leading to the death of cells in this area of ​​​​the skin. The appearance of corns is most often observed in the heel area and on the pads of the toes. They look like solid rounded formations without a clear outline.

Corns on the soles of the feet are often confused with calluses, but these formations have significant differences. For example, unlike a callus, a corn only affects the top layer of skin. That is why it is much easier to get rid of it. However, people suffer from corns for years, regardless of the time of year. If such a problem on the foot bothers you often, you should definitely consult an orthopedist, since it may be a prerequisite for the formation of flat feet.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of corns is, first of all, wearing uncomfortable or narrow shoes on hard soles or very high heels. In such cases, the load and pressure on the feet increases, which leads to the formation of corns. Other reasons why they occur include the following:

  • impaired circulatory function in the feet;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • overweight;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • arthritis.

It should be noted that when shifting or increasing thumb Compared to the others, the load on it increases, as a result of which a corn may form. Women face this problem more often than men. This can be explained very simply: most of the fair sex prefer to see a beautiful leg on their legs, rather than comfortable shoes. Also at risk are people who are professional dancers, ballet dancers, and track and field athletes.

Ways to get rid of corns

At the first suspicion that a corn has begun to form on the foot, the traumatic factor should be immediately eliminated. Most likely this is uncomfortable shoes. In the event that the problem is anatomical features feet, you should consult a podiatrist. A specialist will help you choose orthopedic insoles, and also prescribe a set of special exercises to eliminate the problem.

After everything unfavorable factors, provoking the formation of corns, have been eliminated, you need to start eliminating the damage that has occurred on the skin of the foot. To remove dead skin, using a keratolytic cream is effective. In the evening, before going to bed, a small amount of this product is applied to the affected area and sealed with a band-aid. In the morning, after the upper layers of the dermis have softened, they can be easily removed using ordinary pumice. In the absence of deep roots, corns can be eliminated in just a few procedures.

In addition, you can purchase special plasters at the pharmacy, the method of use of which is the same as when using keratolytic cream. If pain occurs, you can use painkillers pharmaceutical products, for example, Nurofen, Aspirin or Ibuprofen. However, before using them, it is advisable to consult your doctor. It is worth contacting the clinic even when long-term treatment does not bring success. After all, we cannot exclude the possibility that we are talking about a viral pathology. In such cases, it is carried out complex therapy using antiviral drugs.

Surgical methods

If it is not possible to cure corns on the feet using conventional anti-callus agents, the doctor may recommend a more radical method:

  • You can treat corns on the soles by drilling them out. However this technique used if the callus does not have a very deep core. The removal procedure is carried out in a cosmetologist's office. A specialist can use drills with different diameters. During work it is used local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain. If the case is advanced, the cosmetologist may prescribe a course of softening baths.
  • Another effective method how to treat corns - cryodestruction session. To carry it out, a chilled a liquid nitrogen. The technique is used when there is a deep core in the callus. It is worth noting that after this procedure, the place where the corn was previously located hurts for some time. In this case, there is a risk of bacterial infection. Therefore, after cryodestruction it is very important that the feet are always clean.
  • There is another cardinal method for curing corns - removing them with a laser. This method is painless and effective. After the first session, pain and discomfort while walking disappear. However, there is also a disadvantage - high cost. The procedure is contraindicated for people suffering from oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as pregnant women and people who have open wounds or burns on their feet.

Before treating corns using any of the above procedures, the specialist must send his patient for an x-ray. The image will make it possible to determine the extent of the lesion and exclude other bone diseases or skin. Removing corns on your own is strictly prohibited! Such rash actions pose a particular danger to people with circulatory problems. In addition, after cutting the callus, an open wound will appear into which various bacteria can easily penetrate.

The use of folk remedies

There are traditional medicine recipes on how to treat corns great amount. The most popular of them are hot baths, for the preparation of which decoctions of various herbs are used, and compresses, which act on the principle of keratolytic creams, ointments and liquids.

It is very often practiced to steam the feet in a prepared solution containing soda or laundry soap and salt. After this procedure, the rough parts of the skin are softened, so they are easily removed when exposed to a pedicure machine or pumice stone. A good anti-inflammatory effect is obtained by taking a bath, for the preparation of which decoctions of calendula, chamomile, mint, celandine and tea tree oil are used.

An effective remedy for corns is milk whey, which nourishes and softens the skin. Before use, you need to warm it up a little and pour it into a small container. After this, you should lower your feet into it for about 20-25 minutes. Then the feet should be washed with water and lubricated well with baby cream. You can treat corns on the feet after steaming them and removing the upper keratinized layer with pumice. To do this, apply one of these products to the sole:

  • chopped onions;
  • lemon juice with pulp, with the addition vegetable oil;
  • a mixture that includes vinegar essence (1 tbsp.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp.) and egg(1 PC.);
  • gruel made from a small amount of softened oatmeal and olive oil;
  • a mixture containing equal amounts of glycerin and castor oil.

Simple but effective remedy for corns on the feet - vinegar essence. By lubricating the sore areas on the soles with it every day, you can get rid of the unpleasant formation. The procedure must be performed very carefully, trying not to touch healthy skin. However, if there are cracks in the foot, this treatment should be abandoned. In such cases, you can use furatsilin or a solution of potassium permanganate to wash your feet. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate your feet with a good fat cream.

Tags: Arthritis, Hyperhidrosis, Skin, Treatment of warts, Treatment of bones, Calluses, Corns

The longer the fungus lasts, the more difficult it is to get rid of the pathogens. Local remedies are effective on initial stages mycosis; in other cases, therapy must be supplemented with oral medications. "Mikozan" is indicated only for treating the affected surface.

This is an antifungal serum that is distributed over the surface of the nail like varnish. The product is packaged in a tube with an applicator brush for easy application. The drug was developed in 2011 by the Dutch company Serrix B.V., and in neighboring countries it is produced under the brand name “Invar”.

In addition to the tube with serum, the box contains ten disposable nail files and a special calendar in which each procedure for applying the medicine is recorded. As well as templates in the form of a nail, on which monthly measurements of the affected and “recovering” areas are noted. This is important to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.


The drug is different unique combination components. According to the manufacturing company, clinical studies have shown that all of them are absolutely safe for the body. The composition is as follows.

  • Rye enzyme concentrate. It is the main active ingredient. Contained in serum at a concentration of 40%. Active against all types of fungi that cause nail mycoses. Does not cause addiction to pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Water. It forms the basis of the product - 47.6%.
  • Pentylene glycol. Contained in an amount of 10%. Strengthens the effect of the main active component.
  • Dimethylisosorbide. A 1.5% concentration of this substance ensures maximum penetration of the drug into the deepest layers of the nail plate.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose. A 0.9% solution of this polymer thickener allows you to create a special protective film on the surface of the nail, and also determines the viscous consistency of the product.

Operating principle

When applying the serum, the components penetrate the nail plate, forming a water-soluble film. Thanks to this, the porosity of the nail decreases and it becomes denser.

The active substances of the drug destroy the lipid membrane of pathogenic microorganisms, without which the latter cannot exist. The action of the product not only leads to the death of fungi, but also creates an environment in which their development is impossible. This effect can be observed immediately as a healthy nail begins to grow.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed in the following cases.

  • Onychomycosis. This is a fungal infection of the nail plate on the hands and feet. The drug is active against dermatophytes (Epidermophyton, Microsporum, Trichophyton), most yeasts (in particular the Candida family, which cause thrush) and molds.
  • Prevention. Can be used when visiting “fungal” places (sanatoriums, baths, saunas, swimming pools) to prevent mycoses of the nail plate.
  • Strengthening nails. By changing the properties of the nail plate, the drug protects it from fragility and promotes rapid growth and improving appearance.

The drug is safe for human health. It may be contraindicated only in cases of intolerance to one of the components. It is also not recommended for use on children under four years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation

The instructions do not list pregnancy as a contraindication. But before using Mikozan during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. The influence of the drug components on mother's milk has not been studied, so use when breastfeeding It is not recommended without switching to mixtures.

Very in rare cases the product may cause irritation of the skin around the nail plate, accompanied by redness, burning and itching.

Schemes and application features

The drug is intended for external use only by applying to the nail. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  • Preparation . Before use, the nail must be cleaned of dirt and varnish, and dried.
  • Time . The instructions recommend using the medicine twice a day - in the morning and evening with an interval of 12 hours.
  • Technique . Apply like varnish, covering the entire surface of the nail. Afterwards you need to let the product dry for two to three minutes.
  • Prohibitions. In the near future after the procedure, you should not wet your limbs. It is also important to avoid physical activity. Otherwise, the drug may be partially removed from the surface of the nail, which will reduce its therapeutic effect.

Once every seven days it is necessary to remove the surface layer of the nail using a special file, which is included in the kit. It is disposable and must be disposed of after use, as fungal spores remain on it, which can later be transmitted to healthy areas.

Duration of treatment

The duration of the course is from three to six months. It depends on the degree of fungal infection and the rate of nail growth. After the first 30 days of use, the product is applied once a day until complete regrowth healthy nail. To consolidate the result, the serum is used for another two weeks after the nail plate has healed.

For preventive purposes and to improve nail health, the drug is usually used for no longer than one month.

special instructions

The serum should not be taken internally. There is no data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs and alcohol. But it is not recommended to use Mikozan in parallel with cosmetics, especially with varnishes.

Should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C. Shelf life - 36 months.


"Mikozan" is unique means according to its composition, accordingly, it has no structural analogues. But in terms of direction of action and indications, the following medications are similar to it.

  • "Mikozon". Antifungal cream with imidazole derivatives at a concentration of 2%. Apply twice a day until symptoms disappear completely. In addition to onychomycosis, it treats dermatomycosis.
  • "Exoderil" and "Mycoderil". The active substance is naftifine at a concentration of 1%. Able to fight skin and nail fungi. Release forms: solution and cream for external use.
  • "Nailexpert". The product has a similar effect to Mikozan thanks to the unique DS12-Complex. Also available in the form of serum-varnish.
  • "Loceril". Antifungal nail product. The active ingredient is amorolfine hydrochloride. Apply to the nail plate twice a week. Creates a protective film. Average rate treatment - six months.
  • "Batrafen". Another medicinal varnish. The main active ingredient is ciclopirox. In the first month of treatment, it is applied every other day, in the second - twice a week, in the third - once every seven days. The maximum course is six months. Also available as a cream for adjuvant therapy.
  • "Demicten". Varnish with antifungal action based on formic acid aldehyde. Most often used for skin mycoses. Apply once a day. The duration of the course depends on the degree of damage to the skin or nail plate.

"Mikozan" has enough high cost compared to other antimycotics. In Russia average price per package is 800-1000 rubles (data as of March 2018).

Fungal diseases of the feet especially often affect those people who lead healthy image life. And all because such people regularly visit the gym, swimming pool, sauna, etc. It is in such places that a harmful fungus lurks and is just waiting for the moment to attack our poor legs.

Nail fungus- a very tenacious infection, and over time it affects all parts of the nail, destroying it, and spreads to other nails or skin. Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is caused by fungal infections, easily transmitted from person to person. Nail fungus- a source of infection of other parts of the body. Even if all foci of fungus on the skin of the feet are cured, re-infection will occur from the remaining foci of infection in the nails. Very common infection nail fungus occurs in the family - through shared shoes, but sometimes through other household items. With equal frequency of infection nail fungus occurs in public places: baths, showers, gyms and gyms, swimming pools.

External manifestations nail fungus consist of a change in the color of the nails, their thickening, and subsequent crumbling or destruction. Nail fungus makes them white, gray, yellow, brown, sometimes black or green. The nail plate becomes opaque, since the fungi themselves are located between it and the base of the nail.

Thickening at nail fungus caused by increased keratinization of the nail bed, this is a reaction to the introduction of fungus. Horny masses in the nail grow over time and prevent effective treatment.

Untreated nail fungus leads over time to the penetration of the fungus into the entire thickness of the nail plate and to its delamination. Nail crumbling, that is, destruction of the nail plate from free edge, observed simultaneously with thickening. External changes caused by nail fungus, confirms mandatory laboratory test skin flakes or nail pieces.

Remember that fungal diseases of the feet are not among those that “dissolve” over time (if such diseases exist at all). On the contrary, over time everything only gets worse: nails affected by the fungus change their color, thicken and often collapse. So, as soon as you notice a problem, immediately begin treating fungal nail disease. Treatment of nail fungus Not so long ago it consisted only of removing the nail. The problem was that new nail often grew up with fungus too. Nowadays, surgical treatment of nail fungus can be used for some forms of severe onychomycosis.

Also, complex medicinal compounds For nail fungus treatment containing acids (salicylic, lactic), dyes (blue, brilliant green), iodine, vinegar and sulfur. All this was used in the form of various solutions, liquids, ointments, plasters, peel-offs and varnishes. The treatment lasted a year or more.

Folk remedies for treating nail fungus

It is very important to remember that in addition to its extraordinary vitality in the environment, nail fungus quickly develops immunity to the substances included in the main antifungal drugs. That is, if the fungus was not treated, or re-infection occurred, for example through old shoes, then treatment with the previous drug will no longer be as effective. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example innovative serum Mikozan based on rye enzyme filtrate, which has high antifungal activity and does not become addictive to the fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.

There is an effective folk remedy for treating nail fungus. Make an ointment from a raw egg, a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate, a tablespoon of vegetable oil or the same amount of 70% vinegar. Store this mixture in the refrigerator. At night you need to rub the ointment into problem areas, put on top plastic bag and socks. (A similar “greenhouse” is made for hands). At neglected form nail fungus The compress should be kept around the clock for 3-4 days. The fungus will go away, the old nails will peel off, making room for pink, young ones.

But all of the above cannot be compared in effectiveness with modern antifungal agents that destroy fungus, and sometimes - additional methods which help improve the condition of the nail itself. Truth, efficiency nail fungus treatment varies significantly even today, depending on the competence of doctors and their application of the latest advances, as well as on the stage of patients’ consultation with a doctor, compliance with the treatment regimen, sometimes for quite a long time, and compliance with preventive measures after the cure has occurred.

The newest antifungal drugs not only actively act on the fungus, stopping the development of mycosis, but also remain in the nails for a long time, which allows reducing the treatment period. Modern antifungal drugs are usually taken for 2-4 months (instead of 6-12), and in the most progressive regimens (pulse therapy) - several weeks.

Treatments for nail fungus are available in the form of oral preparations - capsules and tablets, and topical forms - nail polishes and peel-off patches.

Anti-fungus nail polish

Antifungal varnishes for local treatment nail fungus is applied only 1-2 times a week. For severe forms combine new external forms with treatment with capsules or tablets. Combination preparations have appeared in which antifungal components are combined with softening horny masses. This helps combat thickening of nails. This task is also accomplished by those that appeared in Lately devices for hardware processing - modified drills with special cutters for nails. The doctor selects a specific treatment regimen individually each time.

An important problem during and after nail fungus treatment is also the disinfection of everything that the fungus has come into contact with - floors, walls, equipment in baths, showers, bathrooms, as well as personal items: linen, shoes, skin and nail care items must be treated.

The walls and bottom of the bath should be treated with a mixture of equal parts washing powder and bleach or chloramine (the powder should be washed off after 30 minutes). It is recommended to treat shoes with formaldehyde solutions (25%) or acetic acid(40%). You should thoroughly wipe the insoles and side areas of the shoes with a moistened swab. Then place the tampon in the toe of the shoe, and place the shoe itself in a hermetically sealed plastic bag for 24 hours. Afterwards, the shoes are aired to eliminate the smell. Underwear, stockings, socks, tights can be disinfected by boiling for 15-20 minutes in a 2% soap-soda solution. Then they should be ironed with a hot iron. Nail scissors are disinfected by immersing them in alcohol and then burning them over a burner flame.

And yet the most effective thing in the fight against nail fungus is primary prevention. To avoid infection of nail fungus in the family, it is enough to follow simple hygiene rules and use only your own shoes. You should not walk barefoot in public areas. There, in order to prevent a possible disease, you can use antifungal agents - sprays and aerosols, with which it is convenient to treat the skin of the sole and interdigital folds. But the main thing is to always monitor the health of your feet by wearing comfortable, not tight or provocative increased sweating shoes, and regularly caring for the skin of your feet and nails, at least at home.
