How many times a week should you wash your hair? How often should you wash your hair with dry, normal and oily hair: recommendations from professionals.

Not every girl knows how to properly wash her hair, at what temperature of water and how often. Mistakes lead to the fact that the hair begins to quickly get dirty, fall out, become greasy and dull in appearance. Some people are used to washing their hair once a week, making an exception only for a holiday, while others need such a procedure every day. It all depends on habits, individual characteristics, length and density of hair, their degree of damage. However, there are recommended rules that must be followed in order to have well-groomed hair.

The most pressing question that worries many is how many times a week you need to wash your hair. Experts answer it differently, because everyone's hair and skin are different. Some from childhood are accustomed to doing a cleansing procedure on Friday or Saturday, once a week, while others need to use shampoo every day to make their hair look neat, like on a holiday. Men are more fortunate in this matter - it is enough for them to rinse short strands and wash them a couple of times a week. Women, on the other hand, need to wash their hair more often, especially if they are thick and long.

How often you need to wash your hair, everyone decides for himself, but there are certain rules that help maintain the health and beautiful shine of the hair.

There is nothing complicated here, you just need to decide on the fat content, the structure of the hair, their degree of damage. Trichologists believe that severe pollution should not be allowed, it is harmful to the hair follicles and tips. Applying gel, varnish and other styling products for the holiday stains the strands, so you should take the hygienic cleansing procedure seriously. What will happen if you don’t wash your hair, it’s better not to imagine - the look will turn out to be untidy and repulsive.

It is best to wash the strands at least 2 times a week, doing this, for example, on Tuesday and Friday, or on Saturdays and Wednesdays. If the curls get dirty quickly, you can do it more often, every 2 days, or daily. Whether it is harmful or not, you have to decide for yourself. Before applying shampoo 3-4 times a month, you should make therapeutic and restorative hair masks, apply nutritional formulations. Such care is especially important for loss, split ends. It is impossible to neglect such simple tips, otherwise after a while the structure and appearance of the curls will deteriorate.

The better to wash your hair - an overview of the means

Many do not know other means for washing hair, except for the usual shampoo. However, some use gel, household or various natural ingredients for this purpose. these substances, depends on their structure and degree of health, so it is better to resolve the issue with a specialist. Let us consider in detail all the types to understand whether they are harmful or beneficial to the hair.

Shampoo/balm conditioner

There are many types of shampoos: for dry, oily, normal hair, against dandruff, brittleness, color loss. Balms are used for loss, damaged tips, frequent staining, supplementing with a suitable type of rinse. The packaging of these products always says at what temperature of water to apply the drug, how long to keep it on wet strands, how to rinse it off. Finding exactly your product “for every day” is not difficult, there are many brands.

If a holiday is planned, a disco on Friday or Saturday, another important event, you can use shampoos with the effect of volume, healthy shine.

There are also commercially available bottles "for every day", suitable for frequent use. Some change the brand once a month or less, others use the familiar brand for many years - everything is strictly individual, depending on preferences. Today there are no definite rules for choosing balms and shampoos, which is why their range is infinitely wide and varied these days.

Shower gel/foam instead of shampoo

The question of whether it is possible to wash your hair with gel will not come to mind for every person. However, such situations happen, especially if it's time for a holiday or an important event on Friday or Saturday after a couple of hours, and the shampoo at home is over. From one time, there will be nothing for curls, but it is not recommended to use foam or gel every day.

Shower products can damage the hair structure, they differ in composition. In addition, they are washed off at a higher water temperature, have a high acidity.

It has been proven that the frequent use of foam or gel makes the hairs naughty, hard. Having washed your hair on a holiday on Friday with this remedy, you can wake up on Saturday with shaggy strands sticking out in all directions, which will not cheer you up on the weekend.

Laundry/baby soap

It is not difficult to lather your head with any soap - the problem will arise when it is washed off. Due to the alkali contained in the composition, it will be very difficult to wash off particles from the hair even at water temperatures above 45 degrees. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to wash your hair with laundry soap, almost all experts answer in the negative. You can, of course, use it instead of shampoo one day a week - on Friday, Saturday, Wednesday if desired, but you can not use the product daily.

Alkali contributes to the formation of abundant foam when soaping, which greatly harms the strands. With poor rinsing, it contributes to the appearance of a grayish coating on the hair, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. So if a holiday is planned, it is better to use the usual “every day” shampoo.

Folk remedies for washing hair

Many girls use alternative products, grandmothers' folk recipes and food to wash their hair. It is better to experiment with such components on weekends, on Friday or Saturday evening, so that for the first time there is no allergy or unexpected effect. If there is a holiday or going out “in the light” ahead, it is better to postpone such hair washing for the next day.

Effective improvised means for washing

For every day, these components are not suitable for use, but sometimes they can be replaced with shampoo, cleansing balm.

For example, on Tuesday, you can wash your head with egg yolk, and on Friday of the following week, rub slices of rye bread into the roots.

For those who are looking for a way to wash their hair without water, dry shampoo in the form of an aerosol, or regular starch, is suitable. As an alternative, you can use rye flour, loose mineral powder. Substances are applied to the strands, then combed out, eliminating excess fat.

How often should you wash your hair? Which shampoo to choose from the great variety that exists on the market? Do I need to use hair balm and conditioner? Does drying and blow-drying really harm your hair? And how to help hair weakened after dyeing and perming? When it comes to hair care, we often ask ourselves these questions.

A single hair on the head lives from several months to 6 years. 30 to 50 hairs fall out per day. An adult human has about 100,000 hairs on their head. 97% of the hair consists of a protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, O.

To make your hair beautiful and healthy, you first need to correctly determine your hair type, and only then choose a shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and other hair care products. It depends on the type of hair and how many times a week you need to wash your hair.

Normal hair: Hair of a normal type shimmers in the sun, is elastic, strong, almost does not split, easy to comb, almost not tangled. This is healthy hair that needs to be washed as it gets dirty. On average, 1-3 times a week.

Greasy hair: Oily hair sticks together and seems untidy, has a dull sheen, looks greasy in the evening, even if you washed your hair in the morning. Oily hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. To some extent, the amount of sebum produced depends on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed with food. Such hair is usually washed every day or 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Dry hair: can be both from nature and due to frequent staining or after chemistry. The hair is dull, almost does not shine, is torn, tangled, difficult to comb, split at the ends. Usually such hair looks clean within a week, you can wash it 1-2 times a week.

Mixed hair: hair is oily at the roots and dry at the ends, dry ends are split.

Is frequent washing bad for your hair? This is not entirely true. Frequent washing is only harmful for dry hair types: shampoo and blow-drying “injure” the hair even more, as a result, it becomes lifeless, looks like tow, and dandruff appears.

Too frequent washing is also useless for oily hair: the scalp dries out, and this serves as a signal for an even more intense work of the sebaceous glands, a vicious circle is obtained. The more you try, the messier your hair looks. Cosmetologists advise doing therapeutic masks for oily hair 2-3 times a week.

How to choose a shampoo?

Foaming shampoo does not indicate that the shampoo is good. This suggests that the shampoo contains a lot of foaming substance - sutfactant. Pay attention to uniformity - low-quality shampoo has bundles in color and consistency. Choosing a shampoo by smell is also wrong, the tastier the shampoo smells, the more chemical fragrances it contains, and any “chemistry” only harms the hair. The unusual, bright, mother-of-pearl color of the shampoo indicates that the product contains chemical dyes.

The presence of vitamins and vegetable oils in the shampoo is just an advertisement, the main function of the shampoo is to wash the hair, vitamins and nutrients should be in hair balms, conditioners and masks.

Poor hair condition, dandruff, severe hair loss may indicate health problems: hormonal failure, impaired metabolism, and improper bowel function. If there is a problem with the hair, it is better to consult a doctor.

Whether a shampoo is right for you or not, you will see as soon as you try it once. If this is “your” shampoo, the hair will be lush, crumbly, shiny, easy to comb and lie obediently. If the shampoo is not suitable for you, the hair will stick out, look untidy. You will immediately feel that this is not what you need. Therefore, before buying a shampoo, it is better to wash your hair with a “probe” first.

There is an opinion that the shampoo should be changed every 3-4 months so that dandruff does not appear and the hair does not get used. Cosmetologists do not confirm this. On the contrary, they believe that if you have found a shampoo and other hair care products that are perfect for you, what's the point of experimenting again?

How to wash your hair properly?

Comb your hair thoroughly before washing. Hair is washed with warm water, and in no case hot. Pour a little shampoo into the palm of your hand, dilute it slightly with water and apply an even layer to damp hair. Massage your hair and scalp with your fingers, not your nails, so as not to damage the scalp.

Lather your forehead and temples especially carefully - these areas are most polluted. After washing, pat hair dry with a towel and apply conditioner or conditioner, lightly massaging the scalp and “combing” the hair with your fingers. Rinse your hair with cool water.

Don't wring out your hair, just pat it gently and wrap it in a towel. Hair should be in a towel for no more than 5 minutes. Hair should dry naturally.

Hair conditioners and balms

Why do you need a balm? It facilitates combing, eliminates the "dandelion effect", moisturizes the hair, nourishes it with vitamins and oils. There are special balms for straightening or shining hair. Balms that give hair volume, retain color after dyeing, make hair color more saturated.

If you recall effective folk remedies, then citric acid gives a beautiful shine to your hair. 3 art. spoons per 2 liters of water - an excellent rinse. After the “lemon”, the hair becomes a little stiffer, so it is easier to style.

For shine and a richer color, dark hair is rinsed with tea. For 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. tea, boil 5 minutes. This will give your hair a nice shine and bounce.

Blond hair is rinsed with infusion of chamomile. 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers insist 2 hours in 1 liter of water. Sunflower petals can be used instead of chamomile.

An excellent tool for strengthening hair are infusions of nettle, birch leaves, burdock, hop cones, yarrow.

How to style your hair and is a hair dryer harmful?

For combing, use a comb with sparse rounded teeth. To make your hair easier to comb, wet your comb.

Use a hair dryer only when you don't have time to dry your hair. Use a hair dryer to style your hair no more than 1-2 times a week. Straightening your hair with a blow dryer dries out your hair a lot.

It is better to style your hair with your hands using a huge arsenal of available tools: mousse and hair foam that add volume or model curls, hair straightening foam, sprays to add shine to hair, clay and wax for creative styling and lasting effect, hairspray to fix hair.

Again, we take styling products in small portions. Squeeze mousses and foams into the palm of the hand the size of a plum. If you "overdo it", you get the effect of a dirty head, and the hair will have to be washed again. According to experts, hair gel is no longer relevant: it is inconvenient to use, sticks hair together, using hair gel, you need to wash your hair every evening. However, wet chemistry gel is still in vogue.

Next time we will tell you how to choose the right nourishing masks for your hair type, what useful ingredients should be included in the masks, and how you can make masks at home.

Men's haircut or hairstyle is one of the elements of men's style. However, if your hair is not quite “healthy”, the ends of the hair split or become brittle, the scalp dries out and dandruff appears from this, then you can forget about a good haircut and hairstyle. Your stylish image will be at risk.

Today we're going to look at some men's hair care tips to keep your hair looking great and "healthy"!

Advertisement for damaged hair restoration

It's amazing how many shampoo and soap commercials we see on TV that promise us "healthy hair"! Let's face it. There is no such thing as "healthy hair". Hair is mainly made up of protein and keratin. The hair itself has neither a blood supply nor a nervous system. Hair is not alive, so it cannot be "healthy". Since hair is a non-living structure, it cannot be restored. Therefore, you must take care of them properly to keep their strength, elasticity and radiance.

Some shampoos and conditioners claim to "repair damaged hair." It is impossible to resurrect "dead" hair, no matter what the advertisement says. If the hair is damaged, the only way to "repair" is to trim the damaged length. Just like your car needs service, your hair needs maintenance.

How to take care of your hair

If you have big problems with your hair, it is best to immediately contact a trichologist - a specialist in the treatment of hair and scalp. In other cases, you can follow our recommendations:

Towel drying is one of the main causes of damage to men's hair. Guys love to grab a towel and use it to dry their hair like crazy. The problem here is that when the hair is wet it is very easy to damage it. By "rubbing" the hair with a towel, some of the hair gets tangled in the threads of the towel and pulled, damaging the ends. To minimize damage from towel drying, shake off excess water and then towel dry hair in the direction of hair growth. It may take a little longer, but it's worth it. Remember that damaged hair cannot be fixed, but you can wait until new hair grows to replace the old one (for example, after 1-2 haircuts).

Blow drying is also one of the main causes of hair damage. Hairdryer dries both hair and scalp. Men are not big fans of the hair dryer, but if you need to use it, then follow these tips:

  1. To prevent damage to your hair due to a hair dryer, use special sprays and combs. This will make combing easier and protect against heat damage.
  2. Make sure to keep the hair dryer 20-25 centimeters away from the hair and constantly move it all over the scalp. This will protect your hair from heat.
  3. Don't dry your hair completely. Leave them slightly damp. This will prevent dry hair.

When your hair is damp, you can prevent damage by using a wide-toothed comb or brush. This will limit the damage caused by the comb or brush pulling on the hair.

3. Wash in lukewarm water

Very hot water dries out the hair and scalp. Don't use too hot water.

The first step in maintaining a healthy looking hair is to maintain a healthy scalp.

4. Avoid strong chemicals

Repeated hair coloring and highlighting can damage your hair. The chemicals (such as ammonia) used in hair dye can be harmful to your hair and scalp.

A good hairdresser or stylist knows how to properly care for your hair and scalp. Ask him to choose the best product to protect your hair from damage.

You can safely wash your hair every day if you use professional shampoos. Otherwise - no more than 1 time in 2 days. Professional shampoos are designed to infuse emollients, moisturizers and protectors into the hair shaft, which is not the case with cheap products. In addition, hair can get used to being washed often, so it will get greasy faster and look dirty.

When you wash your hair, pay more attention to the scalp. It is enough to wash your hair, just rinsing it in shampoo.

6. Let your hair grow faster and stronger

Eating well, drinking plenty of water, taking your vitamins, getting enough sleep, and living a stress-free life all contribute to faster hair growth. Hair is a reflection of the health of the whole body.

Healthy nutrition is the key to strong and healthy hair

7. Avoid ponytails and baseball caps

Try to avoid the fashion for ponytails or baseball caps. Hair pulled into a ponytail can cause damage and hair loss. Damage can become permanent if you torture your hair further.

Did you let your hair down, and they climb into your face? It's time that suits your face shape and hair structure.

8. Control curls

Curly hair is caused by low moisture and protein. To style curls, use a good moisturizing conditioner. You can also apply a serum to add shine and manageability.

9. Refresh "tired" hair

Hair becomes dull when the cuticle (the outer layers of the hair shaft) is damaged. Well preserved cuticle layers lie flat (like fish scales) and reflect light. When the cuticle is damaged, light does not reflect well, resulting in a dull look. Follow the tips above to help protect cuticles and freshen up dull hair.

10. Watch the pool water

Pool water contains chemicals that dry, damage, and bleach hair. To minimize damage from chlorine and other chemicals, dampen your hair with tap water before entering the pool. This will help prevent your hair from soaking up pool water. Another option is to use a special hair conditioner.

11. Care for straight hair

Wash long hair every 2 days with a softening shampoo and conditioner. If you prefer a longer style of haircut, trim it every six weeks to remove split ends.

12. Care for thinning hair

Choose water-based products that don't leave a greasy residue or weigh down your hair, but instead provide volume and lightness. Strengthening shampoo and conditioner will help to solve the problem of thinning hair. Keep your hair cut short, straighten the ends and regrown hair will be stronger. Try not to leave your hair long as it will look thin and runny.

13. Care for wavy hair

To minimize excess volume, use a hydrating product and thick conditioner to add weight to your hair. A medium length haircut will look great. For styling, add oil-based products that add shine and weight.

14. Care for curly hair

The structure of curly hair can prevent natural oils from reaching the ends of the hair. Use a moisturizer to keep your hair soft. Choose short haircuts that will maintain a neat look. Longer styles should be layered to reduce bulk. Wash your hair no more than every other day and with a good conditioner. It will help add extra moisture. Style your hair with an anti-frizz serum.


We have reviewed the basic rules for hair care for men, which will not be difficult to follow. Of course, there are various masks, compositions according to grandmother's recipes, special healing shampoos. All this is certainly useful, but it is best to consult a specialist before using various means.

As always, we welcome your comments and questions.

Naturally spectacular hair is a luxurious decoration for both women and men. But even the richest hair looks pathetic without proper care. The quality of hair, its attractiveness and health are very much dependent on washing.

Living in the fast pace of the modern world, not everyone has the opportunity to pay enough attention to such seemingly trifles as. Many people prefer to shampoo their hair every morning to keep their hair fresh. This approach is still incorrect, and over time can harm the condition of the curls.

To the question of how often you need to wash your hair, trichologists do not give an unambiguous answer, arguing that everything in this matter should be individual for each person, depending on the type of hair, the degree of damage and other factors.

Care for increased dryness

If we consider option c, then in this case it is not recommended to wash them every day, even with the use of gentle neutral products. The fact is that such curls are almost devoid of a protective shell, which is formed due to the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. They hardly retain moisture, because of which the structure of the hair is disturbed, brittleness and tangles appear. As a result, the strands are difficult to comb.

Dry hair tends to have little to no shine and looks dull and lifeless. Frequent washing will not help here, rather, on the contrary.

Owners of such hair can be advised to wash their hair once a week, be sure to pamper the skin and hair along the entire length with nourishing and moisturizing masks prepared on the basis of healthy vegetable oils: castor, sea buckthorn, wheat germ or grape seed oil.

As with everything, it is also important to know the measure when using such means. Trichologists do not welcome their frequent use even on dry hair, one or two times a week is enough to revive a faded hairstyle.

Oily hair care

A very common phenomenon is oily hair type. How often can you wash your hair if, after the morning toilet, the freshness of the curls is barely enough until the evening? Everyone knows that greasy strands look extremely untidy and even tend to smell bad.

In addition, excess sebum is a real paradise for bacteria and a magnet for dirt from the outside. The owners of such hair often face the problem and irritation of the scalp.

Arguing about how often to wash oily hair, the experts decided that there was no choice. The state of pollution is much more harmful to the hair than frequent rinsing in water. There are a few tricks that will help reduce oily hair and heal skin prone to excess oil:

  • never wash your hair with hot water, as it provokes an increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • as little as possible to expose curls to thermal effects, if possible, minimize the use of a hair dryer, ironing and tongs;
  • once or twice a week it is useful to make a salt mask for the scalp, gently applying ordinary table salt along the partings and massaging very gently; salt will cleanse the pores, draw out excess fat and dry the roots a little, reduce the appearance of dandruff;
  • tea tree oil perfectly fights oily dandruff, gently cleansing the skin and preventing hair loss;
  • to reduce the secretion of sebum, it does not hurt to review the diet and exclude fatty, smoked, fried and spicy foods; healthy food in the most positive way affects not only the condition of the hair, but also significantly improves the skin of the face, eliminating such troubles as acne and oily sheen

Combination hair

When the hair tends to be oily at the roots, but at the same time split and fluffy at the ends, this, of course, complicates the task of proper care. The hairstyle usually loses its freshness and attractiveness within a couple of days after washing. How often you need to wash your hair with such a problematic hair is a completely solvable question, you just need to remember a few simple rules and not be lazy to follow them.

  • Using shampoo for mixed hair types, wash your hair and apply a moisturizing balm to the ends. After holding the right time, rinse the curls with lukewarm water.
  • Let your hair dry naturally without using a hair dryer. This applies to hair at the roots and ends: hot air is contraindicated for them!
  • For split ends, it is good to use special oils, and it is useful to apply them to wet hair, and after a while rinse with warm water.
  • For oily roots, a salt mask will again come to the rescue.

normal hair type

Those who are so unspeakably lucky with hair hardly face the above problems, and still want to know how many times a week you need to wash your hair so as not to harm the quality of the curls and the health of the skin. This question is very pertinent. Even normal hair can be damaged over time by washing too often or using a hot dryer.

Trichologists say that such hair is allowed to be washed as it gets dirty, avoiding excesses in everything in order to preserve, as far as possible, their natural beauty.

There are many subtleties in such a thing as, and all of them are important. For example, specialists are sometimes asked such a strange question: maybe you can not wash your hair or do it as little as possible?

Speaking of this, many people like to give examples from past years, when Saturday was the only bathing day, and this was enough for women to have chic braids. You should not compare those times with today, because so much has changed: traditions, fashion, ecology, and so on.

Trichologists are confident in the need to keep the hair clean and clean the scalp from impurities in a timely manner. Here's what they advise:

  • before washing your hair, it is important to comb the strands properly;
  • shampoo should not be applied directly to the head, it is better to beat a little product with water in the palms, and then distribute the resulting soapy solution through the hair;
  • you need to thoroughly rinse the curls from shampoo and massage the scalp with fingertips;
  • the choice of funds should be taken seriously in order to determine the best option that matches the type of hair;
  • do not abuse fixing foams, mousses and varnishes, do not torment the hair with too frequent staining;
  • forever get rid of bad habits and think over the right diet;
  • follow the regime and play sports, thus lowering the level of stress, which has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole, and hair is an indicator of its health;
  • in the cold season, do not neglect hats so that sudden changes in temperature do not damage the condition of the curls;
  • drink clean water.

By doing this, you can significantly strengthen the immune system, increase your tone and look your best.

Have you ever wondered how much to shampoo? How often should you wash your hair? Will the products harm the hair? We asked a trichologist about all this, who dispelled some myths and told how to properly care for your hair.

dermato-cosmetologist, trainer and leading specialist in hardware rejuvenation techniques, chief physician of the aesthetic medicine clinic L’art de la vie

Don't let your hair get dirty

The head should be washed as the skin gets dirty. As studies conducted by trichologists and dermatologists in different countries confirm, the scalp and hair are much more affected by impurities that accumulate at the base of the hair and are not removed from the head in time. Sebaceous secretion, dust, dirt create a breeding ground for the development of bacteria, do not allow the skin to breathe, the hair roots do not receive useful substances - all this disrupts the normal functioning of the scalp and slows down hair growth.

Don't be afraid of shampoos

Shampoos that indicate that they are allowed to use every day are as neutral as possible, delicate, hypoallergenic and have a non-aggressive composition. Accordingly, they can really be used daily.


Observe the frequency of washing

The frequency of shampooing should be selected individually, taking into account the type of hair and the quality of the water. If you have an oily hair type, then an abundant sebaceous secret will accumulate over a break of 3-4 days, which can lead to minor inflammation.

Apply shampoo correctly

The amount of shampoo depends on the length of the hair. It is not recommended to pour the product directly on the head. Firstly, it will be difficult to control its quantity; secondly, an overly concentrated agent will fall into a limited area. Therefore, you first need to foam the shampoo in the palms, and only then distribute it through the hair.

The correct hair washing algorithm

Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb your hair to wash it thoroughly. You need to wash your hair from ear to ear, along the so-called conditional lines, and then move on to the back of the head. Movements should be massaging and made with fingertips, but in no case with nails, so as not to scratch the skin. While washing your hair, it is recommended to do a massage, it is good for the hair roots.

How much shampoo to apply

It all depends on the frequency of washing and the product used. If you have to wash your hair daily, then double lathering is not necessary. For those who wash their hair 2 times a week, it is better to apply shampoo twice. The second time the amount of shampoo is recommended to be halved.

Water temperature

Many people make a big mistake and wash their hair with too hot water, which leaches the hair and activates the sebaceous glands. The optimum water temperature for washing hair is 40-50 degrees. It is this temperature regime that promotes good dissolution of sebum, easy removal of dirt, and also improves blood circulation.

Finish washing your hair with cold water

It is desirable to complete the washing procedure with a cool or cold shower, which stimulates the blood supply to the scalp, and makes the hair shiny.

Mask after shampooing

The frequency of use of masks depends on the condition of the hair, and on the desired effect, as well as on the composition of the nutrient. If your hair is badly damaged and in need of enhanced care, apply the mask every other day. After 8-10 sessions, the result will already be clearly visible, and you will be able to use this cosmetic product much less frequently.
If you plan to apply a mask on your hair for preventive purposes, do it no more than 1-2 times a week. This frequency is considered optimal.

Don't forget the balm

The balm is applied to the hair after shampooing. The balm not only stabilizes the pH level of the hair, but also gives it shine, makes it more silky, as it contains easily reflective elements. The balm also smoothes the outer layer, or cuticle, of the hair, which opens up when alkali gets on it - that is, hard water, and shampoo, and dye or permanent solution.

The balm CAN be applied along the entire length of the hair (some people think that it is only needed for the ends), including the roots, but do not rub into the scalp. Leave on for 5-7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. When applied to the scalp, it is likely that the balm will make the hair heavier and deprive them of basal volume.

What to do when you have already washed your hair

Depending on the type of hair, it becomes necessary to use hair oil or a protective spray.

Apply a drop of oil to dry or damp hair according to the instructions on the label, depending on how they react to the oil. Use very little oil so your hair doesn't look greasy or wet.

You need to know that the effect of essential oils on damaged hair is more effective when it is wet. Therefore, if you usually use oil on dry hair, dampen it with water and then apply oil to achieve the desired effect.

Always use thermal protection

As for the protective spray, it must be used if the hair needs constant styling with a hairdryer or other devices. The hair is vulnerable to heat, as it consists of a solid protein called keratin. When exposed to temperatures, the smoothed scales of the cuticle (the upper protective layer of the hair) rise, opening the cortex. The keratin softens and the water evaporates. With hot styling, especially on wet hair, moisture evaporates and the grease breaks down. Hair breaks, fades and becomes brittle.

It is important to note that the composition of thermal protection sprays, as a rule, includes natural proteins, vitamins E and B5, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. Thanks to these components, the hair is not only neutralized from thermal effects, but also acquire additional volume, which makes the hairstyle even more effective.
