Ceres in astrology. Ceres in the houses of the natal chart

Ceres is the only dwarf planet that is located in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, discovered by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi in the Sicilian city of Palermo (1801). At first, Giuseppe mistook the object he saw for a comet. But after defining German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss studied the orbital parameters of a cosmic body, and it became clear that this object was most likely a planet. A year later, according to Gauss's ephemeris, Ceres is found by the German astronomer G. Olbers. The body, named Ceres by Piazzi, in honor of the ancient Roman goddess of fertility, was located at the distance from the Sun at which, according to the Titius-Bode rule, a large planet should have been located solar system, which astronomers have been searching for since the end of the 18th century. This is how Ceres was discovered. The planet Ceres is believed to have a rocky core, an icy mantle and a thin layer of regolith on the surface. Moreover, the mantle consists of water ice, which accounts for up to 20-30% of the mass of Ceres. Ceres is almost spherical in shape and has a diameter of approximately 950 km, which is almost a third of the lunar diameter. There are some indications that Ceres's surface is relatively warm and it may have little atmosphere. You can see Ceres through a telescope - its brightness can reach approximately 7th magnitude, but alas, it’s difficult to see the details. After all, Ceres is regarded as a very dim object and is almost invisible to the naked eye. Even the all-seeing Hubble telescope is unable to examine Ceres in detail. Therefore, on September 5, 2012, the Dawn spacecraft, having completed its work on collecting and transmitting data about the asteroid Vesta, left its orbit and headed towards Ceres.

Ceres. Astrological context.

Ceres, like all divine characters of the Greek and Roman pantheon, has a dual nature. She happens to be " main reason joy" in the supply of grain, but it can also cause deprivation, hunger and cold. That is, it can both give something and take away something. Ceres in the horoscope represents the educational qualities of the mother, is associated with the reproductive cycle of a woman, which is tied to Moon. Dark side Ceres manifests itself in depression and loss. Ceres has a very strong connection with the Moon. In other words, Ceres can be considered as the external Moon, as a shield that reflects all external events and sends on the emotional level (Moon) only what is necessary for our development. It's like a duet of two sisters: Ceres is the older sister, the Moon is the younger. Ceres seems to constantly care about our emotions and feelings, but sometimes we don’t listen to her. In the birth horoscope, Ceres indicates those external events that occur in our lives and have an impact on our emotions, our inner world. The position in the house and the horoscope sign indicates certain types and the nature of the events taking place. Of course, aspects of the relationship between the Moon and Ceres (harmonious or tense) will be very important. In medical astrology, for example, the affliction of Ceres may indicate that there are problems with the reproductive organs. This directly affects fertility and can lead to infertility. Karmic aspects of Ceres or Ceres without aspects at all may be an indication of a woman’s tendency to miscarriage. It is also associated with gastrointestinal tract and tense aspects to it can cause digestive problems.

According to the mythological meaning, Ceres in the horoscope is associated with caring, nurturing, fulfilling one's duty to people, and the defeat of Ceres means passivity, failure, unwillingness or inability to care for others or emotionally support them.

Ceres in the horoscope

Ceres is an indicator of secret unrealized hopes, dreams, anxieties, and fears that are transmitted from mother to child. As a mother, she, in addition to Virgo, her ruler, reflects the sign of Cancer. And since the Moon is exalted in Taurus, and Pluto is the enemy of Ceres, it also contains the Taurus-Scorpio polarity: in the horoscope it describes the psychological experience of attachment, separation and loss, death and rebirth, sadness and the principle of separation.

The Great Mother has exclusive control over productivity and birth, and in this sense Pluto's act of kidnapping Ceres' daughter is the catalyst needed to break Ceres' monopoly on her child. Ceres also teaches us to share our mental<детей>- productive ideas, projects and creations, instead of jealously guarding them in the hope that no one else will have them.

What is Ceres responsible for in the horoscope?

Ceres is the goddess of grain. As the ruler of Cancer, she provides nourishment as a means of exchanging love and expressing acceptance. On a planetary level, it brings to humanity the knowledge that food must be distributed among all peoples. The food of the all-nursing mother, as the ruler of Virgo, becomes physical nutrition, which builds and maintains the structure of the body.

In the horoscope, the ability to work, productivity and efficiency of functioning depend on Ceres. Sociologically, Virgo rules the working class and Ceres symbolizes the work of the trade unions. In her extreme anger, Ceres stops the productive forces of the earth - therefore she controls strikes and other expressions of refusal to work, in negative aspects also unemployment.

The cyclical nature of Ceres indicates changing cycles of work and rest. An individual with good Ceres leads a balanced work life and does not have periods when everything is<горит>or falls out of your hands.

In medical astrology, since Cancer rules the stomach and Virgo rules the intestines, Ceres is associated with digestive disorders.

Ceres rules learning and parent-child relationships.

Ceres in Signs describes the 12 parenting styles and what we need from ourselves and those around us to make us feel accepted and loved. Ceres in the houses shows in which areas we are most successful in giving and receiving. She also points to experiences related to self-love, self-denial and criticism. Examples of people with corresponding asteroid positions are given in parentheses.

Ceres in the horoscope signs

Ceres in Aries

A person identifies education with autonomy and guaranteed independence; he also educates others, developing in them the ability to self-determination. Pathology occurs when the teacher dominates the child or pushes him towards autonomy before he can accept responsibility.

Ceres in Taurus

A person learns through material sensations or emotional involvement in business. During training, it is important for him to experience a sense of stability. Parents others in flexible ways while ensuring their physical safety. A sense of self-worth and worth comes from knowing how to provide for yourself financially. Imbalance occurs when a person becomes overly identified with matter and fear of material loss leads to excessive accumulation of goodness.

Ceres in Gemini

A person learns through education and communication. These people teach others mentally, passing on knowledge to them. A sense of self-worth is based on a sense of sophistication or intellectual competence. Imbalance arises from mental inadequacy, which leads to exploring difficulties or attempting to influence the environment intellectually or verbally. (Alan Leo, in the X house).

Ceres in the sign of Cancer

A person is brought up by communication with his mother, the feeling that he is loved and fed. These people exceptionally care about those around them physically and emotionally. Self-justification is based on the ability to express one's feelings. An imbalance occurs if the child has been deprived of love and affection, resulting in excessive emotional dependence and need for care. (A. Schweitzer, in the 9th house).

Ceres in Leo

A person identifies learning with self-expression: everything that a person knows, he must show. It is ideal for parents to encourage their child to have a sense of pride, trust in his own abilities and the ability to notice the successes of others. These people educate others by giving them creative example. A sense of worth comes from the ability to create or share with others something that they are proud of. Failure to do this can lead to loss of self-confidence and self-denial.

Ceres in Virgo

A person understands education as self-improvement and service. Ideally, the child develops a sense of competence and self-discipline that enables him to pass on his skills to others. Teaches others how to properly apply knowledge and talents. Self-confidence grows by mastering techniques and applying them to work or through a sense of usefulness to others. Disharmony occurs when a child is constantly criticized for his efforts, no matter how good they are. This can lead to an obsessive desire for self-improvement and criticism of the imperfections of others.

Ceres in the sign of Libra

Education is related to joint action. Ideally, it should stimulate consideration for others and the habit of interaction. Educating others is expressed in advice on how to behave so that relationships are equal.

A sense of self-worth is based on a demonstrated ability to create harmony in the environment. Disharmony occurs when someone behaves so differently that understanding them requires going beyond the norm. (Cezanne, in the XII house).

Ceres in the sign of Scorpio

The person identifies parenting with intense and deep emotional contact. Ideally, parenting should be intimate and promote a sense of emotional self-control. Nurtures others by being emotionally open to others, or by acting as a catalyst that transforms or heals them.

Self-justification can be achieved when a person succeeds in transforming someone's inner negativity and lack of faith with the healing power of love. Disharmony occurs when feelings of isolation manifest as selfishness, jealousy, envy, anger and vindictiveness.

Ceres in Sagittarius

Education is the freedom to explore and expand your horizons. Ideally, parents should encourage and stimulate this need. Teaches others how to expand their mental and physical horizons. A person with Ceres in Sagittarius can help others develop a philosophy or belief system that gives their lives meaning.

Self-actualization is based on the ability to find purpose in someone's life or spark an idea. Failure to do this can lead to the idea that life has no meaning (<это сказка, рассказанная идиотом, не означающая ничего>- Hamlet), and left to wander without direction.

Ceres in Capricorn

Education is identified with achievement. As a child, you need to teach your child how to be responsible, organize his time and make plans that will lead to results. Teaches others to be responsible for themselves, and gives them practical tools they can use to succeed in the outside world.

A sense of accomplishment comes through the completion of what an individual has been able to achieve through his own efforts. Disharmony occurs when a person believes that he is loved for what he has achieved in life (how he has settled). This leads to the desire to use external achievements in order to achieve recognition.

Ceres in Aquarius

Education is about individualization. Ideally, childhood experiences encourage self-determination and respect for the rights of others. Teaching others is expressed in developing the ability to realize one's uniqueness. Self-realization is about following your own original plan.

Disharmony arises if the child did not have restrictions and leaders, and he received more freedom than necessary. This could result in rebellion for no reason. The individual needs inner control and self-discipline so that he can take responsibility for his freedom.

Ceres in Pisces

Nurture is identified with compassion as well as an understanding of the transcendent. Educating others through the relief of their suffering - empathy, inspiration of universal love or a sense of higher reality.

Self-actualization is based on the ability to selflessly serve others without expecting anything in return. Disharmony occurs if in childhood the child did not receive support and did not gain self-confidence. This often leads to a feeling of helplessness, which provokes the victim-martyr syndrome.

Ceres in houses

Ceres in the first house of the horoscope

The person looks well-mannered, attractive and is in good contact with others. He can play the role of a father or patron. He has a need for self-education (George Washington,<отец своей страны>, in Gemini).

Ceres in the II house of the horoscope

A person acutely feels the need to provide for fundamental needs - food, clothing and money for loved ones. There may be an obsessive attachment to loved ones, which, on the other hand, creates a struggle for independence. Raising someone can take the form of buying them things and spoiling them.

Ceres in the third house of the horoscope

A person supplies others with ideas, a lot of thoughts and incentives, strives to create a network that would connect friends and acquaintances.

Ceres in the IV house of the horoscope

This situation contributes to the idealization of the image of mother and family, significant role parents in life. Emotional attachments are important; themes of loss and return of loved ones, or rejection and rehabilitation are of concern.

Ceres in the 5th house of the horoscope

This position indicates involvement in the arts, learning through play or exposure to risky situations.

Ceres in the VI house of the horoscope

The person pays great attention to performing daily responsibilities to maintain the functioning of the family. Inclined to work in the field of nutrition and health.

Ceres in the 7th house of the horoscope

A person feels the need to be protected and nurtured by a partner. One of the parents often plays the role of a model of life relationships. Sometimes it's hard to grow out of dependent relationships with a partner (parent). Selfless love provides the necessary foundation for equal interactions.

Ceres in the VIII house of the horoscope

Personality formation occurs through intense extreme experiences and deep emotional experiences. Sexuality - often necessary component education. An example of Ceres in the VIII house is a nurse for the dying in almshouses.

Ceres in the IX house of the horoscope

Personal development is helped by knowledge, adherence to the principles of freedom, truth and work. Here arises a philosophy that addresses the issue of providing for fundamental human needs (for example, Marxism), as well as a religion that is based on the worship of all the nursing mother, such as the Virgin Mary.

Ceres in the X house of the horoscope

A person cares about others through his professional or social purpose. Career and social work In children's services, health care and food supply evoke a sense of social responsibility. This position of Ceres may indicate that love is not selfless. These people must learn to love themselves for who they are, not for what they do.

Ceres in the XI house of the horoscope

Such people tend to belong to large families, support groups for mothers and children, communities. Humanitarian ideals. Raising friends and through friendship.

Ceres in the XII house of the horoscope

Karmic themes related to parenthood and developing an understanding of the suffering of others. Illness or loss of parents and children. Connection with higher reality through selfless love.

Aspects of Juno in the horoscope

Aspects of the Sun - Ceres horoscope

A person identifies himself with the image of a parent or educator. Harmonious aspects: desire to love and care. These people are involved in their families, raising children, preparing food, or serving the needs of humanity. Sometimes this aspect indicates work with the dying or the ability to be productive and fruitful.

Tense: conflict between self and helping others. This can lead to self-sacrifice for the good of the family or denial of intimacy and closeness with loved ones. The solution to the problem lies in realizing your self-worth so that you can relax and receive love and support.

In the horoscope Soviet Russia- November 7, 1917 - Ceres-Sun in conjunction: this is reflected by the hammer and sickle on the flag, as well as the primary task of feeding the people.

Aspects of Moon - Ceres horoscope

Parenting comes with emotional responsibility. A person needs to be needed by others and exchange emotional energy with them. Harmonious aspects: selfless giving and nurturing the environment.

Tense: conflict between one’s needs and the needs of the family (environment), fear of rejection and a feeling of isolation. This can be overcome if a person becomes sensitive to the emotional needs of others and establishes an emotional bridge that both parties can support. (Martin Luther King, who dedicated himself spiritual education of one's race and of all humanity - the aspect of connection).

Aspects of Mercury - Ceres horoscope

Combining the principle of education with the mental expression: to be loved is to be understood. Harmonious aspects: the ability to empathically communicate with others and have relationships with beings who represent different levels consciousness: children, mentally retarded, plants, animals.

Tense: Difficulty communicating about one's needs: the person expects others to understand what he wants without telling them, and is angry that they did not respond.

Interaction will be achieved when the individual develops new communication abilities that allow him to clearly articulate his needs, as well as the ability to listen and accept the responses of others. (Joan of Arc - conjunction in Capricorn: in her prayers she heard secret voices that inspired her to try to save France).

Aspects of Venus - Ceres horoscope

The task of education is connected with feminine- love and sexuality. The ability to link your attractiveness and self-realization together. Harmonious aspects: the ability to care for others through sensual tenderness and eroticism. Aesthetic perception that allows you to create a harmonious environment. A very fruitful aspect for artistic creativity.

Tense: Potential conflict between the need for intimacy and the needs of the family. There may be a feeling of sexual unattractiveness - hence dissatisfaction in relationships. Inharmonious patronage of a partner. The key to solving the problem is balancing the parent/child roles and creating equality in the relationship. It can be helpful to identify the inner feminine image to magnetize sexual interactions.

Aspects of Mars - Ceres horoscope

The principle of education is connected with the male principle of action and affirmation. The ability to act and be effective in the external world is associated with a subconscious image of self-worth. Harmonious aspects: energy is aimed at protecting others. Such a person may also play the role of sole or primary parent.

Tense aspect: may indicate that the child's need for independence and autonomy was threatened by a tyrant parent. IN adolescence- helplessness. If Saturn or Pluto are involved, one may experience harsh discipline as a child and inherit this quality as an adult. There may also be a tendency to become overly concerned about others. The solution to the problem is to balance your will with the desire to educate. It can be helpful to transform the subconscious self-image and replace thoughts of fear with ideas of courage, self-reliance and confidence (Marquis de Sade, in Aries).

The task of education is related to the needs of interaction. Sometimes the partner becomes the object of selfless love, in other cases patronage (training) serves as the focus of the relationship. Harmonious aspects: the ability to develop nurturing and equal cooperation in which both<дети>union.

Tense: disagreements with a partner regarding raising children and sharing responsibilities in marriage; dissatisfaction with husband, wife, mother or father. The key to integration is building a new role model. (R. Reagan, opposition: his wife Nancy is in conflict with the children from her first marriage).

Aspects of Vesta - Ceres horoscope

Harmonious aspects: devotion to family, development through work and spiritual practice. Sometimes it is a dedication of life to serving and educating others.

Tense: infertility, conflict between family demands and the need for solitude and dedication to work. It is necessary to strike a balance between your needs and obligations to others. That this is possible is shown by the example of parents who combine a rich family life with successful career. (Mao-Zedong: conjunction in Virgo).

Aspects of Pallas - Ceres horoscope

Mental productivity. The potential to bring powerful creative forces to the game. Harmonious aspects: energy for mental creativity and art, as well as for political activity. Sometimes a lofty view of learning passed on from parent to child.

Tense: May indicate rejection of the mother and over-identification with the father. Blocking creativity. For example, a woman may be forced to put aside her education to serve the needs of the family. It is necessary to integrate the insight of Ceres with the intellectual pragmatism of Pallas. More holistic interaction gives the individual a new and freer expression of creativity.

Aspects of Jupiter - Ceres horoscope

Relating social perspective and exploratory dispositions to Ceres values. Harmonious aspects: generosity, manifested through education, philosophy, religion and work. Involvement in large-scale production, supply, food distribution and other basic services.

Stressful: demanding parenting or over-identification with a role<родителя>. Failure to answer<нет>The needs of others can destroy one's own reserves and lead to self-indulgence as well as overeating. The solution to the problem lies in balancing personal and super-personal responsibility. It is useful to relate the view of education and care to social and cultural forms of provision.

Aspects of Saturn - Ceres horoscope

The principles of care are related to the requirements to create form and structure. This combination can mean a strong and realistic foundation for the activities of education and provision.

Harmonious aspects: mean stability, duration and depth of care and education. Traditional family values strengthen and form an emotional support system. Traditionalism of education.

Tense: blocking the educational function. The parents may simply not be there, or they may be too responsible, leaving everything to a child who is afraid to discover his own strength. A person may be bound by responsibilities towards children or elderly parents.

(Albert Camus - opposition to Saturn in Gemini, Fidel Castro - conjunction in Sagittarius: limited individual freedom, but improved education, well-being and care for people's health).

Aspects of Uranus - Ceres horoscope

Education is related to individuality and intuition. This connection has the potential to universalize educational principle and merge it with humanistic activities.

Harmonious Aspects: Supporting original and new approaches to caring for others and developing family structures. Such people often become advocates for human rights and support the individuality of children. This aspect can indicate a highly developed intuition that allows a person to establish relationships with people of different races and nationalities. (Connection: Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Alan Leo - teachers who encouraged the development of intuitive abilities).

Tense: means inapplicable experiences of raising a child from a “broken” home or one who protests against parents, a conflict between personal freedom and family isolation. In addition, this aspect may indicate difficulties in understanding one's own thoughts. The solution to the problem is to combine an individual view of change with the concepts and needs of loved ones.

Aspects of Neptune - Ceres horoscope

The impulse of nurturing and caring creates a depth of compassion and love for all living beings. Harmonious aspects: signify the desire to give freely, based on the experience of selfless love received through spiritual initiations. This aspect can also symbolize sensitivity to other people's emotions and artistic ability.

Tense: unrealistic perception of loved ones, and hence the feeling of disappointment. Predisposition to play the role of victim in order to receive care. Unable to bear emotional pain or a person may seek isolation different shapes care - drugs or alcohol. The solution to the problem lies in finding the source of education through one's own experience and unity with all beings.

(Conjunction - Marilyn Monroe, Carlos Castaneda, who provided the world with visions beyond our limited physical world (in Leo).

Aspects of Pluto - Ceres horoscope

A theme of loss and return that teaches that no one can be forever tied to the life they create and nurture. Harmonious aspects: the ability to share your creativity. There may be deep understanding here human soul and the physical world, which allows a person to help others in their transitions of life and death.

Tense: emotional crisis over the loss of a loved one or separation from him. If a person tries to grab hold of his creations, the result may be a power struggle. The solution to the conflict is the transformation of attachments according to the myth of Demeter and Persephone, which teaches that every death is followed by a birth, and every loss is compensated by gain.

Understanding this truth brings the fear of loss out of the unconscious into consciousness and replaces it with acceptance and joy. (Albert Einstein - conjunction in Taurus in the 2nd house: created a theory that globally transformed the previous concepts about the nature of the Universe.)

Demeter George, astrologer

Considered a dwarf planet. In addition to Ceres, this status is given to: Eris, Pluto, Haumea and Makemake. This is not only the first discovered asteroid, but also the largest known, and it is also the only asteroid with a spherical shape (other asteroids have a shape that is very far from spherical). The equatorial diameter of Ceres is 975 km. The period of revolution around the Sun is 4.60 Earth years. The structure of Ceres also distinguishes it from other asteroids; it is more reminiscent of the structure of the terrestrial planets. Inside this small planet is a rocky core surrounded by an icy mantle, which is covered with a thin, dusty crust. Radio telescope studies in 2004 and 2005 showed that large amounts of water were present on Ceres.

Ceres in the horoscope

In a person’s horoscope, Ceres indicates the scope and methods of his work, his business qualities and ability to work effectively. It also indicates what or who a person tends to care about and how he shows this care. In the country's horoscope, Ceres points to agriculture, the social sphere, raising children, education, medicine; it makes it clear how this state takes care of its citizens.

On January 8, 2015, Ceres moves from the sign of Sagittarius to the sign of Capricorn and will be there until October 27, 2015. And even though the influence of a small planet is not as strong as the influence of large planets, it can also be felt. If under Ceres in Sagittarius people often showed carelessness in their work, they lacked thorough execution and attention to detail, then under Ceres in Capricorn many will be inclined to plan and maintain discipline. The degree of responsibility and caution in all matters will increase. The subject of concern for many will be work, career, professional recognition, good attitude from superiors and authoritative people. Both individuals and various organizations, communities, including parties and states, will be forced to take more care of their reputation.

The influence of Ceres on the signs of the zodiac

As for the influence of Ceres on representatives of different signs of the Zodiac, Ceres can indicate additional areas of concern for each sign. It will also indicate what determines the productivity of their work.

ARIES. He will be more busy with career issues, searching for his purpose, or caring for older family members and parents. He will have an increased sense of duty, responsibility for everything he does, although sometimes concern for others will be expressed formally. The productivity of his work depends on the ability to organize his time and act without deviating from the plan.

CALF. May more often think about issues related to worldview, civic position, political or religious views. The question may also arise about obtaining an education or solving problems regarding foreign contacts and trips. He will show concern for others by giving advice. The productivity of his work depends on the ability to see the prospects of his activities.

TWINS. They may encounter serious problems, obstacles and opposition that will force them to change something in their lives or fight with circumstances and people. Showing caring will sometimes look like a feat, since it will require great volitional efforts. The productivity of their work depends on the ability to mobilize their strength and ability to self-criticize.

CANCER. Will be concerned about maintaining harmony in marriage, about fairness and expediency and legality in business partnerships, he will make efforts to establish strong relationships. But he himself will also feel the need to be taken care of and protected. The productivity of his work depends on the presence of reliable partnerships and harmony in his personal life.

A LION. He will pay more attention to fulfilling his duties at work and at home, he will become more attentive to the needs of family members, colleagues, subordinates and pets. He will also become more concerned about his health and nutrition. The productivity of his work will depend most of all on his physical condition, as well as on his attention to detail and thoroughness in performing the work.

VIRGO. Will be preoccupied with creative self-expression, achieving personal success, winning recognition or someone's love. Or he will devote himself almost entirely to caring for children, raising them and developing their talents. The productivity of her work depends on faith in her abilities and the ability to creatively approach any task.

SCALES. They will take more care of their home, parents, children, create comfort or improve living conditions. It is possible to return to the past, a desire to regain what was lost, to restore relationships or rights. The productivity of their work depends on their passion for the job: what more emotional person included in the case, the better it will turn out.

SCORPION. Will be concerned with connections and information, searching and using the knowledge he needs. He will more often show his concern for others, playing the role of a mediator, guide, for example, introducing people or informing. The productivity of his work depends on the ability to quickly adapt depending on the situation, as well as on competence and the ability to quickly absorb new knowledge.

SAGITTARIUS. He will be concerned about the material sphere, ensuring comfort and stability in his home and meeting the needs of his loved ones. His concern for others will also manifest itself mainly through material things: money, gifts, treats. The productivity of his work depends on patience, perseverance and a sense of security. No matter how much of a lover of change Sagittarius may be, to work he requires a calm environment and awareness of the security of his position.

CAPRICORN. He will become more collected and begin to care more about the development of his personality; he may engage in self-education or acquire useful skills. In relationships with others, he can play the role of a caring and strict educator. The productivity of his work depends on own strength and talents, from energy and the ability to separate the main from the secondary in business and life.

AQUARIUS. May be concerned about keeping their secrets or the need to get rid of illnesses, mental suffering, bad habits or feelings of guilt. Caring for others can manifest itself in unselfish secret help, but it is possible that the person himself will want to become an object of care and charity, to plunge into a state of carelessness. The productivity of his work depends on the ability to overcome his laziness and inertia, as well as on the absence of serious health problems and psychological problems.

FISH. They will search moral support among friends and like-minded people and to provide it yourself. Their concern for the other person will be expressed as friendly concern, but without unnecessary emotions. If they become interested in something, they will try to share their hobbies with others and find friends with similar interests. The productivity of their work depends on faith in their luck, in the feasibility of their plans, even if to others they seem far from reality.

Asteroid Ceres in the houses of the horoscope.

Ceres in houses:

Ceres in the first house:

People will always mistake you for their mother, even if you are a guy. This is because Ceres is in the 1st house. This effect is reduced if Ceres is still at the end of the house, or in the second sign from the Ascendant. There may be a problem if you are lucky enough to have many planets in the sign of Gemini, like my friend. She prefers to talk than to educate, but emotionally needy people want to strive for her constantly.

Ceres in the second house:

If well aspected, your nutrition and financial situation was always good. And you will tend to care about people in the same way. You will feel more confident when you have a large bank account and a full refrigerator.

Ceres in the third house:

Brothers and sisters, and even neighbors, could be involved in upbringing. And vice versa, it was possible to raise them alone. Your words, as a rule, often refer to problems of education. This may be good for a therapist or counselor.

Ceres in the fourth house:

Everyday life feeds the home. You have a tendency to educate everyone and everyone in your home. It is so simple. You can also work well in real estate.

Ceres in the fifth house:

fueled by fun - sports, games, romance, children, gambling and speculation. There will likely be a need to feel good about having romantic partners. Be careful to curb your gambling urges.

Ceres in the Sixth House:

Work EDUCATES YOU. And you yourself are a good mentor at work. Provides good healthcare workers.

Ceres in the seventh house:

Family business or attracting partners into business. Training them and the opportunity to use the work of people in business.

Ceres in the eighth house:

You need sex, . Well, each of us has a cross. This placement is also good for educating people who are in the process of rehabilitation. Demeter George points out in her excellent book Ceres that the 8th house can also be found in the horoscopes of those who work in a hospice - providing care for those who are dying.

Ceres in the ninth house:

. Travel, solving philosophical questions.

Ceres in the tenth house:

Well, this posting can make you popular (even if you don't want to be). As soon as you speak in public, people will start coming to mentor you. Not in private, fortunately. By at least, you will be safe in private. Even the boss may come to you for this (or you may have a tendency to groom the boss). Conversely, such people attract bosses who would like to patronize them. You may also be attracted to the career of the ruler of Ceres, namely anything related to food or clothing.

Ceres in the eleventh house:

the trends here are to patronize your friends or have friends who want to patronize you. The 11th house also rules your hopes and desires, you may easily have a desire to develop large groups of people, perhaps by joining a humanitarian group of some kind.

Ceres in the twelfth house :

This is the house of hidden things, psychological problems and "restrictions". Everything in this house shows what we don't want to show to the world, or even to ourselves. Ceres in the 12th house can show that educational needs have been suppressed. It can also make it difficult for you to parent others. WITH positive side, this placement can channel these frustrations into charitable activities where you provide education and care to the poor, sick and unfortunate.

Zipporah Dobyns


Ceres or Demeter (her Greek name) was the great mother of the earth. She patronized fertility and agriculture, especially cereals, and domestic animals.

She had an only dearly beloved daughter. The most famous myth about her tells of the abduction of her daughter, Persephone, by Pluto, the lord of the underworld. Ceres neglected everything to search for her lost daughter, crops failed and famine reigned until Zeus (Jupiter) intervened and forced Pluto to release Persephone.

Ceres's nature is portrayed as fundamentally kind and helpful, but her personal affection for her daughter exceeded her commitment to work for humanity, for people in general.

Vesta or Hestia (her Greek name) was the keeper of the sacred fire in the temple and at home altars. She was given virtually no role in the often brutal Greek myths, and few references describe only her devotion to duty and purity. She remained a virgin in her complete devotion to the sacred task, and so were the priestesses who served her. In some times, priestesses who violated their vow of celibacy were burned alive.

Despite her unsociable, almost colorless nature, Vesta played big role in the Greek faith. Any meal began and ended with a sacrifice to it. Safety depended on the preservation of her sacred fire.

Pallas either Pallas Athena or Minerva appeared armed and in full bloom from the head of Zeus (Jupiter). Like Zeus, she threw lightning, but in addition to her warlike nature, she was associated with wisdom and crafts. She was credited with the invention of weaving, the potter's wheel, spinning, embroidery, and was also associated with navigation and agriculture, especially the olive tree. One of the myths describes Pallas taming the winged horse, Pegasus.

Pallas Athena was the special patron of Athens, as her name suggests, defeating Neptune in the rivalry when her gift of the olive tree was recognized more useful people than Neptune's horse. While Minerva's name indicated her wisdom as an advisor to her father, Zeus, her sacred bird was the owl.

She was given the name Pallas because she killed the famous giant of that name. She was also called "Hippia" because she tamed horses. Although she is often involved in battle, Pallas is considered less aggressive and bloodthirsty than Mars.

She usually fought for justice.

Juno or Hera (her Greek name) was the wife of Zeus, who reigned on bright Olympus. She is considered the only truly married goddess on Olympus, having celebrated her marriage to Zeus (Jupiter) in the presence of all the gods. She was the patroness of brides, marriages and female virtue; it was believed that every woman had her Juno, as a form of guardian spirit, just as every man had his own guardian spirit.

People made sacrifices to these guardians on their birthdays.

Juno is also associated with ornaments and feminine finery; her sacred bird was the peacock.

But Juno was also a warlike goddess, and especially vengeful in her jealousy of the goddesses and mere mortals with whom Zeus constantly entered into love affairs.

Among the many myths associated with the two warlike goddesses, Pallas and Juno, there are curious stories about their dispute with Venus and its consequences, the Trojan War. Paris was the judge of this rivalry between Pallas, Juno and Venus, in which the most beautiful of them was determined.

Juno promised Paris power and wealth if the choice fell on her. Pallas offered him military glory and victories if he chose her. Venus promised him as a wife the most beautiful woman in the world, if the prize, the golden apple, goes to her.

Paris chose Venus as the winner, and as a reward he received Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, whom he took to Troy. Naturally, Sparta declared war on Troy, and Athens supported the Greeks. Among the gods, Juno and Pallas supported the Greeks, and Mars and Venus supported the Trojans. Jupiter, Apollo (Sun) and Neptune were also involved in battles from time to time, with Neptune siding with the Greeks and Jupiter and Apollo at times supporting different sides in the battle.

Let us summarize the consideration of the natures of these four goddesses. Myths show them as very important. Three of them were sisters of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, the main gods, and Pallas Athena was the daughter of Jupiter. Ceres and Vesta are shown focused on their work, hinting at Virgo's rule, and Ceres also introduces a note of motherly care in contrast to Vesta's avoidance of personal commitments. Pallas and Juno are warrior goddesses, both associated with sacred birds (air connection?), both related to justice and relationships. Pallas adds an involvement in knowledge or wisdom, while Juno emphasizes appearance and personal affection, sometimes to the point of possessive jealousy. The areas of concern of Pallas-Juno suggest the possible control of Libra.

All four goddesses had some connection with crafts and art.

Verification by experience

The most we can expect from these myths is to receive hints or clues, some theories to begin with in our search for possible meanings associated with asteroids.

A serious test is always an experience. In astrology, this means finding natal charts in which one or more of these new bodies is in a prominent position, i.e. placed on angles or forming strong aspects to major planets, and noting the character of that individual.

Since character is always an abstraction derived from actions, it may be more effective to begin with by observing periods when asteroids are prominent in current configurations (transits, progressions, direc- tions) to note the events at those times, and then from there tracing the character likely causing or allowing such events.

Astrology has grown in this way, from events to the induction of the principles involved, to the deduction of the application of these principles to future events, to the observation of the next round of events and the refinement of the formulations of the principles.

So far, over four years of working with asteroids, their basic nature as suggested by the myths has proven remarkably close to my experience.

Indeed, it is much closer than the correspondence of the mythical nature of Jupiter to my understanding of Jupiter in horoscopes, in human nature and life.

Ceres and Vesta seem to represent the two sides of Virgo, while Pallas and Juno symbolize the two sides of Libra.

Ceres has proven so reliable as a key to our ability to "mother, protect" or "be protected" that I have begun to regularly use it as a key to an individual's experience with his mother or his propensity to take on a nurturing role. It consistently occupies a prominent position in current configurations where people have children or are involved in nurturing and caring roles or have other caring roles.

Conflict aspects indicate problems in this role: difficulties with childbearing or communicating with children; conflicting feelings (which may be subconscious) towards one's mother or the state of motherhood.

Among recent examples, I can mention a woman whose secondary progressions showed a Moon conjunct her natal Ceres at the time I plotted her chart, and an expected conjunction with progressed Ceres six months later, all in the ninth house. Since she was past the age of motherhood, and one of the many meanings of the ninth house is grandchildren (5th house from the 5th house, therefore children of children), I asked her if she was expecting grandchildren now or in six months. It turned out that her daughter was due in about six months, and her son, the last unmarried child, had just announced plans to marry, thereby giving her another child in the form of a daughter-in-law.

A similar case involves the conjunction of the progressed Ascendant with the natal and progressed Ceres at approximately five-year intervals. In both cases, the woman had a child.

A couple expecting their first child had the following configurations: the husband's progressed Ceres was conjunct her natal Mars in the tenth house in Leo, the wife's progressed Ceres was conjunct her Midheaven. In another case, progressed Ceres was conjunct a woman's MC when she was working on a book with an older woman who played the role of "mother" to her. The relationship ceased after the completion of the book, just about the time when the aspect of Ceres lost its effectiveness (the orb exceeded one degree).

I have often seen progressive dividing aspects to Ceres (opposition or quincunx) in miscarriages or when a person leaves home to become independent from their parents. Ceres in Aries was often found in the charts of women who had only child. Ceres in the “fertile” signs (Taurus or Cancer) in the fifth house was present in two women who had eight children.

Descriptions of the qualities of the sign, house, and aspects of Ceres seem to usually provide clues to a person's childhood experiences with his or her mother, as well as to his or her attitude and ability to be a nurturer. However, this is also the key to finding the right type of job. It serves as a sign of slightly greater strength than the Moon, the other major key to motherhood. Virgo's desire to act effectively is present here, along with nurturing overtones. In many cases, progressive aspects to Ceres coincided with a change of job.

Vesta will also likely be in aspect to other factors when it comes to work.

If an individual loves work and is dedicated to his work, then outstanding success is often possible. Dislike for one's job, on the other hand, can lead to poor health, which makes it possible to get rid of work.

Both Ceres and Vesta can be involved in health issues, but Vesta has been found to be significant in many more cases, in my experience. Virgo's theme of "effective functioning" applies to both work efficiency and body functioning, and loving your work is one way to stay healthy. Individuals with an emphasis on Virgo and/or Capricorn factors (planets, signs or houses) may have health problems in childhood, while they are not yet able to work, and then again towards old age if they are forced to retire.

What's at stake is a sense of competence, accomplishment, productivity, not money, so an all-consuming hobby or volunteer work can provide the necessary sense of getting some tangible results from one's efforts.

Vesta probably symbolizes the true Virgo “work-aholic” (work + alcoholic), a person who works practically for the sake of the work itself, and not for any other rewards. For people with significant Vesta, it is especially important to find a job to which they can devote themselves. Naturally, sign, house and aspect positions must be taken into account to determine the appropriate type of work.

Carl Jung had a close conjunction of Pallas and Vesta with the Sun, Pallas almost exactly on the cusp of the seventh house, if the time of birth is accurate. Juno formed a broad conjunction with Neptune in the sixth house of Jung's chart, and he was always associated with the spiritual dimension of life.

Alfred Adler had Pallas in Aries and Juno conjunct Venus in Pisces. Adler is less famous than his contemporaries, Freud and Jung, but his contributions to psychology were very extensive, including the concepts of the inferiority complex, female rebellion, fraternal rivalry, etc. Like Jung, he was a humanist and recognized the importance of spiritual principles, hopes, and dreams.

Freud, like Jung, had Pallas within two degrees of the seventh house cusp, a sign of a potential lawyer.

Fritz Perle had a Pallas conjunction with Neptune and Pluto in the eleventh house, he created a new type of psychotherapy - Gestalt analysis.

Among politicians, the significant position of both asteroids, Lada and Juno, seems to be common:

Jimmy Carter has Juno rising in exact conjunction with Saturn in the first house, potential to work with his spouse. We see the same message in his wife's chart, the conjunction of Pallas and Vesta. President Carter also has Juno trine Pallas in Pisces in the fifth house, suggesting a harmonious marriage.

Maurice Udale has Juno in Aries in the tenth house, while his Pallas is in exact conjunction with Saturn, linking his status role to the Juno/Pallas attraction to law and politics.

Henry Jackson has Pallas conjunct Neptune in the eleventh house and exact Juno conjunct the Moon in Sagittarius.

Walter Mondale has Pallas just on the cusp of the eleventh house, partly in both houses (Placidus), and Juno in Virgo in the seventh house, trine the stelly mind of Capricorn. His wife was also a true “same team player.”

California Governor Brown, a 39-year-old bachelor, has Juno in Sagittarius and Pallas in Pisces squaring each other. In his youth he was briefly a Jesuit monk, a role sometimes described as "married to the church", and he may still be searching for the "perfect" wife.

Richard Nixon has Juno conjunct the Sun, with strong emphasis on the fourth and fifth houses, and has maintained a close-knit family despite public disgrace.

Tom Bradley, the mayor of Los Angeles, has Pallas conjunct his local Ascendant.

Turning to lesser-known psychotherapists than those | mentioned above, it can be noted that Pallas and/or Juno are represented characteristic feature most natal charts:

Juno is on the cusp fourth house one of them, and Pallas forms an exact conjunction with the Ascendant.

Another has Pallas, Vesta and Ceres in the first house.

In another case, Pallas forms an exact conjunction with the Ascendant and a broader conjunction with the Sun. Juno is located in the tenth house.

Another representative of this profession has Pallas in moderately close conjunction with the Ascendant, Juno in the seventh house, as well as Ceres in the first house and Vesta exactly at the Midheaven.

Another therapist has Pallas in the first house and Juno in conjunction with the Moon.

The other has an exact conjunction of Pallas and the Sun, with Juno forming a trine to them.

And, at the risk of repetition, we can say about one more person who has a conjunction of Pallas with the cusp of the fourth house, and Juno is in the tenth house in conjunction with Pluto.

A woman with Pallas in exact conjunction with the Midheaven was on the council of NOW (National Organization for Women) and founded a local branch of this organization; hosted her own television show; taught elocution and drama at the university level for many years and was also a teacher in the Methodist missionary program in Africa for four years.

Another feminist, big one, Strong woman, has Pallas exactly on the Ascendant plus a conjunction of Uranus and Ceres in Aries in the first house. She is a physical education and self-defense teacher for women.

Another feminist is actively involved in many social causes, including working with international students. She seems to act as a shared mom in addition to raising her own eight children with her husband's help. Her Pallas is conjunct the Sun in Gemini in the first house.

Another leader of the feminist movement has Pallas conjunct the Moon and Pluto.

For another representative of the women's movement, Pallas forms an exact conjunction with Mars in addition to a broad opposition to the Ascendant.

People fighting for social change:

The progressive, socially conscious Unitarian minister has Pallas conjunct the Ascendant.

A university professor who heads the teachers' union and defends their rights.

Moving towards the realm of art:

A young actor specializing in mime has an exact opposition of Pallas to the Ascendant, while his Juno forms a conjunction with Venus in the fifth house.

Another Juno/Venus conjunction is found in the chart of a psychotherapist who has a magnetic effect on women.

A brilliant young musician has Juno conjunct the Ascendant.

The skilled portrait photographer has Pallas exactly conjunct the Ascendant, while Juno is conjunct Mercury.

Another excellent photographer has an exact conjunction of Juno and Mars within two degrees of opposition to the Ascendant.

An original architect designing houses for clients has Pallas conjunct Uranus in the fifth house.

Thomas Edison also had an exact conjunction of Pallas and Uranus in Aries.

Overall, Pallas seems a little more emphasized in social affairs, and Juno is in art.

One case of perceptual problems involves a child who has an exact conjunction of Pallas and Mercury in Scorpio in the first house. This problem appeared from birth, the disorder joint activities eye muscles. The girl underwent four surgeries to cut the muscles, but still has to wear glasses with very thick lenses to prevent the effect of double vision.

An interesting case of an exact conjunction of Pallas with the Ascendant in Capricorn was associated with a normally hearing child born into a family where both parents and a brother were deaf. She became their ears. The significance of a factor in a chart indicates the importance of the aspect of life it symbolizes, but there may be special talents or serious problems, or both.

Life Events and Current Configurations: Ceres and Vesta

A number of characteristic events were already given in the initial description of the theoretical nature of asteroids. Current aspects to Ceres are centered mainly around work or some type of nurturing. For example, just by looking at the charts of the political leaders who rose to or lost power during the 1976 presidential election, it can be noted that newly elected President Jimmy Carter, former President Gerald Ford, and their wives have their respective divisive (opposition or quincunx) aspects to asteroids.

Throughout 1976, President Carter had a progressed Midheaven quincunx on Washington with progressed Ceres and progressed Vesta - a "yod" configuration that places strong emphasis on the likelihood of moving in a new direction in life. At the same time, his progressed Midheaven at his place of birth was in quincunx with natal Vesta in the fourth house, hinting at a change of location along with a change of job, and his progressed Ascendant was in quincunx with natal Ceres, repeating the statement about the likelihood of a change of job. Aspects to angles, either natal or progressive, serve as the most expressive pointers to obvious changes in life.

During the same period, Roselyn Carter had progressed Vesta conjunct natal Ceres, and progressed Venus squared it. Her progressed Ascendant was sextile to progressed Ceres, while progressed Mars was sextile to natal Vesta. The Ascendant and Mars always serve as keys to personal identity and action. Venus shares this meaning as it has progressed into the first house. Thus, the aspects connect her personal activities with these work asteroids.

Gerald Ford held good fight for holding onto the presidency in 1976, but his map also shows the likelihood of changing jobs and places of residence. Progressed Ceres was in quincunx to progressed Pluto, while progressed Saturn had just reached one and a half square to progressed Vesta in the tenth house. At the same time the progressed was in quincunx to the natal and progressed Ceres in the fourth house; again the dual theme of separation from home and work. Her progressed Moon was conjunct her natal Vesta at the time of the election. Naturally, there were many other aspects of the planets to each other, but the asteroids offered clear support for the messages of the rest of the chart.

During that same election year, Nelson Rockefeller, the outgoing vice president, had the progressive Midheaven linking up on Washington with the progressive Vesta; progressed Ceres was square progressed Venus in the tenth house (he was blocked from achieving the power he really wanted, the presidency), but Ceres was also sextile progressed Juno (his wife was happy as she never liked his involvement in politics).

Henry Kissinger, the world-famous US Secretary of State, also resigned during the administration changes. His progressed Vesta was at this time square Mars in the first house and sesquisquare to natal Ceres, while progressed Ceres was quincunx to progressed Venus and natal and progressed Pluto on the second house cusp. He moved from traveling more towards writing and teaching, alternating between ninth house activities.

Vesta was equally important in the chart of the previous president, the man responsible for the administration of Ford and Rockefeller. Richard Nixon, the first US President forced to resign in disgrace, had both of these Virgo asteroids in aspect to the Virgo Ascendant in his natal chart: Ceres sextile him and Vesta square, in addition to opposing the Midheaven. During the Watergate crisis, his progressed Vesta was conjunct his natal Sun and square his Washington Ascendant, while in solar arc directives Vesta was conjunct his natal Moon. When Nixon was elected President of the United States in the fall of 1972, transiting Vesta changed direction to conjunct his natal Midheaven. A planet in a stationary state, either moving forward or into retrograde motion, marks a time of increasing emphasis in the part of life that it symbolizes. Transiting Vesta went direct and crossed back over Nixon's tenth house MC at the same time as transiting Ceres forming an opposition to his MC in March/April 1973; At this time, the Watergate scandal became front-page news in all publications. His forced resignation occurred when, in the direction of the solar arc, Vesta reached a quincunx to his Midheaven on Washington, a typical aspect of separation from work. During this period, progressed Ceres was in aspect to natal Mercury, ruler of the Midheaven and Ascendant, and progressed Midheaven was square natal Ceres from about mid-1972 to mid-1974, depending on the exact minute of birth.

The contacts of these two Virgo asteroids with the angles, rulers of the angles, and luminaries (Sun and Moon) certainly draw attention to Nixon's professional role. His natal and progressed signs of Ceres and Vesta - Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn - indicate issues related to respect for the rights of others (Scorpio), ethical principles or values ​​(Sagittarius) and the treatment of executive authority (Capricorn). It is worth remembering that Vesta's potential is an "all or nothing" focus on work to the exclusion of everything else. Nixon apparently felt that the question of his presidency was so important that any means to achieve the goal were justified. His natal chart suggests that executive power was both a primary value (Saturn in the ninth house and Jupiter in Capricorn indicate the same danger) and an ego-stimulus (the Sun in his own home in Capricorn). Mars (my will) in Sagittarius (search for the first cause - God in some form) conjunct Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant (again my will), in Capricorn (law), and both in conjunction with Jupiter (again search for God) manifesting as "My will is God and Law,” rather than trusting that if he does his best, God will take care of the rest.

Vesta is the most dramatic example in my work with asteroids; there are too many of them to list in the available volume of the publication. Here are just a few illustrations noted during my first few months of working with these minor planets.

A woman who had been financially supported all her life went to work when progressed Vesta reached her natal Moon.

A woman with natal Vesta in Pisces in the ninth house. When the progressive Vesta reached the Midheaven, her biological father ended up in the hospital, then in a sanatorium, where he died, so she never saw him again.

When the progressed local Ascendant reached a conjunction with Vesta in the twelfth house, the man's brother committed suicide, and he broke off all relationships with people around him for a year and a half, feeling guilty that he could not protect his brother.

Man with strong Leo and Scorpio in the natal chart decided to remain single when his progressed Midheaven reached a conjunction with Vesta and Venus.

When progressed Vesta was conjunct the natal Midheaven, the woman had an abortion, divorced her husband, and allowed him to take custody of another child.

The man got divorced when the progressed Midheaven was conjunct natal Vesta.

The woman, with the conjunction of progressive Vesta with the natal Midheaven, stopped painful relationships and completely plunged into work, achieving great success in an area where she had neither training nor experience.

Two women had progressed Vesta conjunct Saturn in Capricorn when their husbands became impotent.

A woman with a long-term conjunction of progressed Vesta with the Ascendant (Vesta changed direction, so she moved very slowly) divorced her husband and spent all ten years of the exact (with an orb of one degree) aspect in a painful and continuous struggle to feed herself and her child. When the aspect ended, her sister died, leaving her with enough money that she did not have to continue working.

A man with a long eight-year conjunction of Vesta with the Descendant left his wife and children, but achieved great success in his work, moving from a low-skilled worker to a manager, and then became the owner of his own business.

A man with progressive Vesta entering the fifth house in Virgo was thinking about taking a vow of celibacy and entering a monastery. At this time he was in his fifties.

When progressed Vesta was conjunct natal Ceres, a woman gave birth to two children and gave them up for adoption; her husband divorced her and received custody of the other two children.

A woman with natal Vesta in the fifth house had a hysterectomy when progressed Vesta formed a conjunction with natal Mars in the sixth house and progressed Midheaven was in opposition to her natal Vesta.

A man with natal Vesta in Aquarius and a progressed Ascendant conjunct progressed Vesta in Pisces has developed a mysterious illness that has baffled doctors. When discussing his life

he admitted that he had always been a loner, but found satisfaction in his work. Now the work seemed uninteresting and unpleasant, it had lost all its attractiveness, but he still felt unable to form lasting personal attachments to enrich his life.

The illness forced him to face the fact that he was blocking his energy and turning it against himself. He spent a summer in another country learning and updating his approach to work, and was able to return to it with renewed enthusiasm. The disease has disappeared

and did not return for four years after that

episode. "

A woman with an exact conjunction of Vesta with the Descendant in her natal chart remained unmarried at the time of my interpretation of her chart, at which time she was already over forty years old, and she was firmly convinced that she would never marry again. She also had Ceres in Cancer conjunct Pluto and the fourth house cusp, which exactly held the latter position for a number of years in progressions. She solved the problem of her need for warm personal affection by staying with her mother. The mother had died two years before our discussion, and now this woman had stomach problems that medical research could not explain. She needed another “object of protection” and her stomach was letting her know that her dependency/care needs were not being met. She rejected the idea of ​​replacing a partner with a pet because she wanted the freedom to travel, but she would have to find some source of warm companionship to satisfy this Cancer side of her nature.

Life Events and Current Configurations: Pallas and Juno

As in the case of Ceres and Vesta, there are only a few cases in which asteroids have aspects corresponding to life events, but, apparently, with Pallas and Juno the focus is on the relationship of equals:

A woman with Taurus rising (seventh house rulers Mars and Pluto) became engaged when the progressed Sun and Midheaven formed a T-square with Pluto and progressed Mercury and Mars were in aspect to Juno. However, the man changed his mind and terminated their relationship. She married two years later, when progressed Juno reached sextile to natal Mars, and progressed Pallas reached semi-sextile to natal Pluto.

A woman began to live under the same roof with a friend when her progressed Moon was in opposition to Juno. But, as often happens when something new begins with divisive aspects, this relationship did not last long.

Another woman got married while her progressed Juno was conjunct Neptune. Her husband was a musician and later became an expert on flying saucers.

It is believed that Adolf Hitler, the dictator and instigator of World War II, married Eva Braun, his longtime acquaintance whom he had mistreated over the years, just hours before their joint suicide in 1945. At this time, Hitler's progressive Sun and Mars were square to natal Juno.

Both Pallas and Juno were involved in progressive aspects in the charts of many US political figures at the time of their marriage:

At the time of Henry Kissinger's first wedding, he had progressed Mars and progressed Ascendant conjunct natal Juno, progressed Juno just shy of semi-sextile natal Mars, progressed Venus conjunct natal and progressed Mercury, both of which were sesquisquare to natal Pallas, and progressed Pallas formed a sextile trine to the Lunar nodes. During his second marriage, Henry Kissinger had progressed Pallas opposite Pluto, tripping Vesta and sextile progressed Jupiter; progressed Juno formed a semi-square to the natal Ascendant, a trine to the progressed Midheaven, a semi-sextile to progressed Venus and a square to progressed Jupiter; the progressed Lunar nodes were sextile trine natal Juno.

Former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, at the time of his first marriage, had a progressed Moon semi-sextile progressed Pallas and progressed Juno sextile his natal Moon. At the time of his second marriage, Rockefeller had progressed Pallas square his natal Sun conjunct progressed Neptune, but Pallas was also sextile natal Jupiter and Vesta; progressed Venus was sextile natal Pallas; progressed Juno remained conjunct the south node for a number of years, showing tension in personal relationships until the end of his first marriage.

Former President Gerald Ford at his marriage had the progressed Sun quincunx to natal Juno (they were in trine in the natal chart), and progressed Pallas was quincunx to natal Venus and square to Uranus. This marriage continues and appears to be successful, but is interrupted by frequent separations due to his work, including frequent trips around the country to lecture.

Betty Ford at the time of her wedding had a quincunx of progressed Sun to progressed Pallas (in the natal chart they were in trine); progressed Pallas was trine natal Juno and square natal Moon; the progressed Moon was forming a conjunction with progressed Juno. Until a person makes real changes in his character, quality natal aspects, appears to appear while the progressive aspects mark the time of action.

At the time of President Jimmy Carter's wedding, his progressed Mars was trine his natal Juno and conjunct his progressed Pallas; progressed Saturn trine natal Pallas; progressed Juno sextile the natal Sun. His wife, Roselyn, had her progressed Ascendant sextile her progressed Pallas; progressive Midheaven in quincunx to progressive Pallas; progressed Mercury sextile natal Pallas; progressed Neptune semisextile natal Juno; and progressed Juno was just leaving semi-sextile to the natal Ascendant, but was in square to the natal Moon. IN in this case, also, the marriage was truly successful, but during it her house was repeatedly “broken down,” especially at the beginning, when Carter was a naval officer.

The event cards are also very interesting and offer clues to the nature of the situation:

When Nelson Rockefeller was sworn in

inauguration of Vice President Pallas

was just above the Ascendant in Aquarius with a stellium in Pisces in the first house: Moon, Ceres, Jupiter and

Juno. Vesta was located in Capricorn between Sol

cem in Sagittarius and Venus in Capricorn conjunct

both of them. Such combinations indicate high

hopes and dreams, some of which are obvious

were not implemented.

Former President Gerald Ford's natal chart features a Uranus/Vesta conjunction in the tenth house in Aquarius. Vesta remained in progressed conjunction with Uranus within a one degree orb for many years of his life. In his inauguration chart, when he was sworn in as President of the United States, Uranus and Vesta were conjunct on the Ascendant.

Of course, Pallas and Juno may be describing events other than marriage. Indeed, they are often significant when political leaders enter or leave office, just as they are often significant in the natal charts of such leaders:

Jimmy Carter had his progressed Moon aspecting his natal Pallas when he was elected president, while progressed Juno was square his progressed Moon. Lunar nodes and in trine to Uranus. At the same time, Roselyn Carter had a progressed Pallas conjunct natal Saturn, the key to executive power, while progressed Juno was semi-sextile to the progressed Midheaven, another key to executive power and status in society.

Walter Mondale's Progressed Pallas was conjunct Progressed Mars when he was elected Vice President. Remember that all progressive aspects are limited to an orb of one degree.

Gerald Ford had a progressive Pallas opposition to his natal Ascendant when he became president.

Nelson Rockefeller, when he became Vice President, was aspected by progressed Pallas and progressed Sun and progressed Ascendant.

Maurice Udale had his incredible Leo stellium (progressed Ascendant, Sun, Neptune and Mercury exactly conjunct each other) sextile progressed Pallas as he sought the presidency. Pallas was also sextile to natal Mars.


Even though humanity has been observing the “clock in the sky” for thousands of years and trying to decipher its writing, there are still an endless number of questions to which we do not have definitive answers. We know that astrology works. We have theories about how and why it works, but no evidence. We also have conflicts regarding aspects and orbs; regarding house systems and even zodiacs. But we are not alone in our conflicts. As noted in the case of Patricia Hirst, "scientific" disciplines that study the same subject, the human mind and life, are equally torn by conflicting theories. Psychology and psychiatry are divided by the same gulf between a materialistic worldview and a view that accepts reason and meaning as fundamental realities. Research will resolve some of these questions, but basic metaphysical principles will probably always be, to some extent, a matter of faith.

Meanwhile we learn through personal experience, to the extent to which we are prepared, to look at the world, leaving all theories, as they deserve, as theories to be tested. The day is fast approaching when we will have many more asteroids to test. It is possible that there is no "unoccupied" sign or house or "unaspected" planet. It will only be a question of relative strength, and we may need computers to weigh a variety of factors.

But this is an exciting time for people involved in astrology, as astrology will break through the stronghold of science and command attention and respect in the coming years. The materialistic premises of science are discarded, but more than ever we need scientific method, when we venture into the uncharted world of the mind and its powers. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as you reach out to the stars.

Key phrases for house combinations<->sign<->planet

(+)1st house or Aries or Mars (Fire, cardinal)

Free expression; self-will in spontaneous actions; proactive, impulsive, courageous, exploratory spirit, vitality, skillful coordination, enthusiasm for new things, willingness to fight against any restrictions on personal freedom.

"I'm doing my job."

(-)2nd house or Taurus or Venus (Earth, fixed)

Pleasure in controlling the physical sense world; comfort, security, contentment, love of beauty in material possessions; cautious, stubborn determination, slowly irritated or forgetful,

"I enjoy the tangible world."

(+)3rd house, or Gemini or Mercury (Air, mutable)

Conscientiousness, ability to learn and communicate; thinking, speech, contacts with close peers, dexterity, curiosity, versatility, many interests, flexibility, cheerfulness, wit, frivolity.

“I see, I understand and I speak.”

(-)4th house Cancer<>Moon (Water, cardinal)

Subconscious; memory; trust or guardianship; absorption, protection, preservation, sensitivity, empathy, the need for cordial and emotional intimacy and support.

“I guard, protect, nourish.”

(+)5th house Leo<>Sun (Fire, fixed)

Ego expansion and creativity; incentive to outperform

past, to be the center of attention, to achieve admiration,

applause, love; enthusiasm, joy, drama, li

boldness, magnetism, generosity, pride.

“I enjoy reflecting my power on the world.”

(-)6th house Virgo<>Mercury (Earth, mutable)

Effective functioning in your business and your body; focusing on shortcomings in order to correct them; service; productive work; analysis, insight, pragmatism, calm efficiency, attention to detail, restraint, modesty, interest in health and healing.

“I work skillfully.”

(+)7 Libra<>Venus (Air, cardinal)

Partnership, cooperation or competition with peers; justice, balance of both sides; harmony, arbitration, enjoyment of grace, line, form, sense of space and interaction with equals; the need for “other equals” in order to feel perfection.

"I enjoy balance."

(-)8 Scorpio<>Pluto (Water, fixed)

Self-knowledge gained through mirroring the partner, and self-control gained through respect for the rights of the partner; the ability to give, receive and share mutual satisfaction; passionate energy; learning what is ours and what belongs to someone else, how to love and still let go, when to stop, how to abandon the past from which we “grew out.”

“I share the tangible world with others for mutual enjoyment, the pursuit of self-knowledge and self-control.”

(+)9 Sagittarius<>Jupiter (Fire, mutable)

Search for intellectual absolutes, philosophical, religious and ethical belief systems; determining what is genuine, true, morally right and valuable, the basis for choices and goals; trust, optimism, humor, generosity, expansiveness; love of books, travel, nature or sports, which depends on the definition of value; incentive to achieve more.

“I trust, value and direct my life in accordance with

with my understanding."

(-)10 Capricorn<>Saturn (Earth, cardinal)

Laws - karmic, natural, created by people - what we can do, what we cannot do, what we must do; the nature of the world, which sets external boundaries to self-will, and consciousness, which sets internal boundaries; Puritan virtues - duty, responsibility, frugality, practicality, realism; the need for power and achievement, either to feel safe from the threat of the world and to achieve a sense of self-worth, or to avoid guilt.

"I follow the law."

(+)11 Aquarius<>Uranus (Air, fixed)

Voluntary community without coercion; equality for everyone; search for new knowledge; resistance to tradition or any other restrictions to facilitate growth; a fierce struggle against routine or restrictions.

“I strive to expand knowledge and freedom for all mankind.”

(-)12 Pisces Neptune (Water, mutable)

Search for the emotional absolute, boundless love and beauty; mysticism, sensitivity, empathy, compassion, creative imagination, fantasy, artist, savior or victim seeking easy road to a great vision through drugs, alcohol, psychosis; moving towards a vision or waiting for the world to provide one.

“I dream of love and beauty and I am dissolved in the whole.”

House/planet/sign combinations


Each combination has a joint key value. For example, the first house, Mars and Aries are cardinal, fiery and symbolize direct self-expression, self-will in actions.

The use of the terms (+) "positive" and (-) "negative" in astrology is similar to the use of these terms in electricity, without associating them with the meanings of "good" and "bad". It is believed that positive signs (air and fire) are active, open, spontaneous, oriented towards external expression, while negative signs (earth and water) are counteractive, hidden, cautious, serious, oriented towards conservation and retention.

Although three external, recently open planets control of three signs has been transferred, the traditional lords of these signs must still be taken into account when considering the chart houses ruled by them. This applies to Jupiter as the co-ruler of Pisces, Saturn as the co-ruler of Aquarius and Mars as the co-ruler of Scorpio. Four asteroids discovered between Mars and Jupiter have also proven useful. Ceres and Vesta appear to share the rulership of Virgo with Mercury, while Pallas and Juno share the rulership of Libra with Venus.
