How to end a relationship with the man you love. How to end an addiction

Love is one of the most beautiful and inexplicable feelings on earth. Thanks to her influence, many famous personalities created their masterpieces. As the popular French prose writer and critic F. Begbeder said: "Love lives for three years." You may agree or think that this expression is complete nonsense. But, paying attention to modern statistics, about 40% of couples break off their relationship after so many years.

How to break off a relationship and save your nerves

To begin with, I would like to note that throwing your partner using a phone or mobile messengers is very low and mean. Have the courage to communicate your difficult decision by looking him in the eye. Put yourself in the place of this person and think about whether it would hurt you to receive the usual message about the breakup? After all, the very process of ending any contacts is already difficult and painful in itself. The tips in the article will help you find the answer to the question of how to break off a relationship with a guy without unnecessary tantrums.

  1. The first point is to be honest with yourself. Understand yourself, think about the whole situation, consider the pros and cons. It should be understood that in most cases a woman is quite emotional, and most often her thoughts are thoughtless and chaotic.
  2. Try to sensibly evaluate future prospects with your young man. Perhaps ending the relationship is too drastic a decision. Suddenly, everything can be fixed with a sincere and honest conversation.
  3. If the first point did not give the desired results, then you should confidently and without hesitation put an end to it. There are couples who break up every week, and then return to each other again. Such actions only torment both partners and do not give them any positive emotions.
  4. Be determined and endure the withdrawal caused by the habit. That’s when you can let go of the person and begin to look at life in a completely different way.
  5. During the very process of disconnecting, keep your emotions in your fist. Don't cry or scream. Maintain tolerance and a neutral tone of voice. Explain to your partner the detailed reasons why you came to this decision.
  6. Don't stand still - move on! Ending a relationship doesn't end your wonderful life. You can still do what you love, travel, hang out with friends and visit your parents.
  7. Start learning something new, sign up for a foreign language or cooking course. Keep yourself busy with interesting things, because you have much more personal time. Don't waste it, expand your horizons!

How to end a relationship with a husband or wife

A more difficult parting is for couples who, among other things, have children. Indeed, in this whole process, it is they who are most subject to suffering and experiences. Sometimes confused parents keep the illusion for the sake of the child. But more often than not, such a theater ends with the same break in relations.

Use the tips from this article in order to break off relations with your lover. But it is worth paying attention to additional points that should be followed by broken families.

  1. Allow your child to see the other parent. A fulfilling relationship is necessary for him to grow up healthy and prevent childhood traumas that may appear in adolescence.
  2. Accept financial help from a former partner. Put your pride away and think about the growing baby. Give him everything that is necessary for a fulfilling life, let me help you with this.
  3. If the child is of a conscious age, discuss the current situation with him and let him speak on this matter. Always be an open and honest parent to your child, and you won't have a confrontation later on with a rebellious teenager or an embittered adult with childhood trauma.

Remember that many relationships can be saved. To do this, it is enough to always open up and understand each other, conduct a direct and honest dialogue, give advice and follow it. Listen to your couple, because it was not in vain that you chose his name among the many billions of people.

Of course, ending a relationship isn't easy. It can be equally emotionally draining for both parties. Before deciding to end a relationship, you need to think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons. And only after that you can finally make a decision about the break. When you are sure of the outcome of the relationship, you need to remember that your just about ex-boyfriend (or girlfriend) was once very dear to you. Be honest but don't be cruel, be compassionate but don't give him false hopes. By choosing the right words and gathering your strength, you can end the relationship, causing a minimum of emotional pain to your partner. Be careful, because the breakup, of course, will affect your feelings as well.


Part 1

Prepare for a break
  1. First, think again about whether you really want to end the relationship. You should not threaten your partner with a break if you just had a fight. If you have said that you want to end the relationship, be prepared to stand by your words. Talk, discuss the problems and the current situation, and then make the final choice. Many men and women are unhappy in relationships for years because they do not discuss the problems that arise between them. In the end, this inevitably leads to a break in relations.

    • If you really want to end the relationship, make a list of reasons why you think you are unhappy in the relationship. These should be problems that cannot be fixed.
  2. Make a decision with a clear mind. Don't try to end the relationship in a fit of anger, at the moment of a quarrel, or after a difficult week when you blame the relationship for all the troubles. Before making this important decision, ask a trusted friend or parent, people who may have helpful thoughts about your relationship.

    Choose the right time and place to tell your partner about your decision. It should be a place where you can be alone. Don't end your relationship with your partner before some important event in his life! For example, before a serious exam or interview. Friday is best suited for this, because over the weekend, your already almost former young man (or girl) will be able to at least recover a little.

    • Not a good place to end a relationship is your favorite cafe, restaurant or park where you used to walk. Choose a neutral and quiet place that won't mean anything to either of you.
    • Choose a time when you will be in a relatively calm emotional state. Don't announce a breakup if you know you have an important meeting at work the next day.
  3. It is very important to tell your partner about your decision personally (in most cases). Tell him that you want to end the relationship in person, no matter how frightened you are by such a prospect. This way you show him your respect.

    • Terminating a relationship by phone is acceptable if you are on a long trip and will not be able to meet for a very long time. Another circumstance in which this is acceptable is a relationship in which you are being manipulated. Of course, it will be much safer to end the relationship over the phone if your partner is prone to violent outbursts and temper tantrums.

    Part 2

    Communicate your decision
    1. Make it clear that you want to end the relationship. Speak confidently - if you mumble in the vain hope of gently breaking up with a person, this, in the end, will only hurt him even more. Breaking up a relationship shouldn't be too dramatic. Just calmly and directly say that you want to end the relationship, that you no longer see yourself in it. If you do it differently, you risk leaving the door open to start a quarrel.

      • Be direct and don't give your partner a reason to think that this is a temporary break, after which you may return.
      • It may be hard for you and you don't want to hurt your partner, but you shouldn't give hope that this is just another quarrel. If you really have decided everything, you will only hurt the former young man (girl) with false hopes.
    2. Be honest, but not cruel. Your ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) should understand exactly why you want to end the relationship, but do not make it so that after the breakup he considers himself a complete nonentity and becomes depressed. Be honest, tell what you don't like. Be direct, don't beat around the bush.

      • The hardest thing to end a relationship is because you just stopped loving the person. After all, it's not his fault. Even then, be as honest as possible, but try to soften the blow.
      • Once you have talked about the main reason for the breakup, do not go over all the details again and confuse your partner. It is not necessary to raise all past problems and quarrels, and even more so to stoop to insults.
      • Do not insult people and humiliate him. Don't say, "I want to be with a normal man." Instead, say, "I think you just need to work on yourself."
      • Whatever the reason, your decision should not come as a surprise to your ex. If you regularly keep in touch, most likely, your young man (girl) has already suspected that something is wrong.
      • Do not read him a huge list of reasons why you want to end the relationship. Reduce it to a couple of major issues. For example: “we have absolutely nothing in common”, “I’m tired of being torn between relationships and a career, I don’t feel your support” or “I want a family and children, but you don’t consider such prospects.” The reason must be specific and main.
    3. Be prepared for backlash. The person may become angry or panic. If you notice a hint of aggression in his response, remain calm and try to calm your partner. Even if your ex-young man (girl) starts screaming, try to speak calmly. If the situation gets out of hand, let him know that you will end the conversation later, when he comes to his senses.

      • You may need to console your ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) after a breakup, but don't go too far. If comfort develops into something else, express your opinion on this matter. You don't want to talk about the breakup again. Show mercy, but be honest and act confidently and firmly.
      • If you are worried about your ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) and afraid to leave him (her) alone, call his (her) friend and explain what happened and that you do not want to leave him (her) alone. Apologize for the inconvenience and thank your friend for their help.
      • If your ex suddenly starts yelling and trying to hold you back, calmly say, “There is no point in yelling at each other. I have already made a decision, we will continue the conversation when you come to your senses. Let's talk after a while." Try not to turn the conversation into a melodrama. Speak briefly and clearly, do not hurt the person.
    4. Discuss your communication in the future. Once you've communicated your decision, set boundaries for future communication. Be polite, first you should discuss the current situation. Try to look at your past relationships as a lesson. Think about what you need to work on and what kind of people you need.

      • If you have friends in common but want to avoid each other for a while, come up with a plan where each of you can see your friends while avoiding each other.
      • If you all go to a cafe, gym, or park together, make a schedule to avoid each other's company. Don't take it too seriously, but a schedule will really help you.
      • If you live together, quickly figure out how to collect and transfer things without meeting each other.
    5. Think ahead about where to go. One of the biggest mistakes in ending a relationship is pulling the cat's tail. There is no way you can take the last decisive step, and this series of incomprehensible meetings goes on and on. Immediately think about how to pick up things, where to move, how to divide joint property (if any). Don't pull the cat's tail.

      • When the topic of conversation has dried up, and you have already discussed everything, it's time to say goodbye. Arrange when you will pick up things and so on.
      • If your ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) still does not understand the reason for the breakup, try writing him a message or a letter. In it, express again and in order everything that you feel. It is much easier to understand yourself when no one is pulling you.

    Part 3

    How to live after a breakup
    1. Don't try to be friends. Trying to make friends immediately after deciding to end the relationship is likely to fail. It is best not to see each other for some time after parting. After a while (maybe after a few months or six months), when neither you nor your partner will be so hurt anymore, you may want to try to start communicating again. Be respectful of the feelings of your ex-boyfriend (girl). He/she may need more recovery time than you. Do not impose your communication on him (her).

      • If your ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) asks if you can remain friends, answer no. Say, "I think it's best for us not to talk at all for a while now." If he puts pressure on you, explain why staying friends is not a way out. Remember, you must go ahead. You need to pause before starting a new relationship. End the relationship and give yourself some time to unlearn the person. Perhaps sometime in a year or more, you will be able to start talking again and even become friends. But now you need a break and complete indifference to each other's lives.
      • If you have mutual friends, tell them about the breakup. Be sure to draw their attention to the fact that you will communicate as before, even if your ex-young man (girl) is in the company. They should not choose any "side".
    2. Give yourself some time to unlearn past relationships. Of course, the breakup was your initiative, but that doesn't mean you won't get hurt a little. The initiator of a breakup very often experiences a breakup as hard as his partner. In some cases, the initiator of the breakup is even more difficult because it was he who hurt the partner, he is tormented by guilt, even if he knows that this was the only way out.

      • After a break, you will need some time to recover. Think about what you are going to do in life next, how you are going to behave, what to do.
      • It's perfectly normal to spend a couple of weeks in a depressed state, writing in a diary, listening to sad music, looking through your shared photos. But time goes by, try to calm down and start over from scratch.
      • Talk to a friend or friend about it. Do not rush to indulge in all serious alcohol and casual acquaintances - this can lead to consequences that you will regret later.
    3. Learn to enjoy life again. After a few weeks or months, the pain will begin to subside. It is best to try to avoid meeting with a former young man (girl) during this period. Over time, you will begin to feel better, begin to connect with friends and family, and find new hobbies.

      • If you want to quickly wean yourself from past relationships, try not to visit places where you often walked with your former young man (girl), try not to do anything for a while that you would associate with the past.
      • Make some changes in your life. Buy new furniture, rearrange, find a new hobby, sign up for volleyball or art classes.
      • Do not try to immediately find yourself a new young man (girl). First you need to wean yourself from the old relationship and prepare yourself for something new.
    • If you have definitely decided everything, be honest and speak clearly and firmly so that your ex-boyfriend (girl) does not think that you will soon return.
    • Do not try to start an argument or showdown after a breakup. Wait for your partner to come to his senses.
    • Do not ignore a person before breaking off a relationship. If you want to end the relationship, say so right away.
    • As mentioned above, try not to communicate for a while. Give a person time, you should not immediately appear in front of him with a new lover (lover). Wait at least a week (although this depends more on how long you've been dating). If you have been together for about a year or more, the breakup will be quite painful, in which case you should not try to "wipe your nose" with your partner. If you're going to get into a new relationship right away, try not to visit the places you've been with your ex. Try to leave in the past as many places and objects that you somehow associate with past relationships. Such behavior will express your respect for the former young man.
    • Don't end the relationship right after a date or sex - it's very selfish and will hurt your partner a lot.

One day, the feeling comes that the relationship has become obsolete, and we begin to look for ways to break off relations with a man. Someone chooses a way not to answer the phone and ignore the flow of SMS messages. Someone finds strength in himself and long and painfully explains to the once beloved person why there will no longer be long joint evenings, beautiful declarations of love and general happiness. It is difficult to say who is more difficult in this case - the one with whom they break off relations or the one who takes this difficult step.

How to end a relationship with a man you don't love

If you have firmly decided that the relationship is no longer possible to continue, that you and your life partner are completely unsuitable for each other, you should not continue to be together out of a sense of pity and compassion. Being close to a person whom you do not love, you will torment not only yourself. That is why you need to make a decision to break off relations as soon as possible.

Way. For the honest

You arrange a farewell dinner (breakfast, lunch) and talk about your decision at it. Dry, reasoned and without unnecessary emotions. The phrase “it’s better for us to part” should be rehearsed in advance in front of a mirror so that at the moment of parting, under the influence of surging emotions, you don’t do stupid things and change your mind. You can give some kind of parting gift or if you received an expensive gift from your soulmate, ask if it's time to return it.

What you should not do: you should not stoop to mutual reproaches and insult the dignity of the person with whom you are parting. Do not list the entire list of his shortcomings. Do not try to talk about how good he is and how you will miss such a wonderful person in your life. Do not become a parody of the joke "you are so wonderful, I do not know how I will manage without you, but from tomorrow I will try."

Way. For the cowardly

We write a letter (regular, by e-mail or in the form of SMS messages). In no case do we send a message via ICQ or other forms of chats in which it is possible to start a dialogue. Your goal is simply to convey to the addressee the information that you are no longer together. The letter may contain general phrases about what your relationship has given you, what you have learned from this person. You can just thank him for being in your life.

Way. For the deceived

Sometimes we do not want to part with a person, but life circumstances and the information that we receive from a loved one becomes an argument for separation. Treason, an insult that we can never forgive, or just a blatant lie. Few people can just accept that their loved one could do this to them. It is time to decide what to do in such a situation and how to end the relationship in order to free yourself from the emotions that have washed over you.

It is necessary to formulate as clearly as possible what does not suit you in a relationship and what you will never be able to forgive even a very close person to you. You should not stoop to threats like “I will never forgive”, “I will still remember”, “you will regret it”. It is worth being softer and showing tolerance and honesty in such a situation instead of threats and blackmail. “I can’t understand why it was possible to do this,” “I can no longer live with a person who is deceiving me,” and “I didn’t expect such an act from you” sound much more humane even in relation to a person who has committed an ugly act.

After you have expressed to your partner everything that you have accumulated, do not stay in one room, leave. This is necessary for both you and the one with whom you part. No need to torment a once loved person, no need to give hope that you can still return.

You have made the decision to leave a man with whom there is no future. Now it is important to bring the matter to the end, not letting it take its course. This is an emergency situation, and in it you must adhere to the plan - as in a fire, they are guided by the evacuation scheme. Plan your care down to the smallest detail.

If you carefully develop a strategy of behavior, you can easily bypass the traps that your man has set to keep you. Then he will not be able to manipulate you and will not force you to change your mind at the last minute if you are hesitant to break off relations with him.

How to tell a man about breaking up a relationship

In order for everything to go with the least emotional cost, you must follow a number of rules:

First of all, you need to decide whether a gap is really necessary. It is possible that the differences are temporary and surmountable. If the problem does not arise for the first time and it cannot be solved, then it is better to end the relationship all the time. In the event that there are still doubts about the correctness of the decision, you can visit a psychologist or consult with a good friend.

Often a decisive conversation, in which one of the parties planned to put an end to the relationship, drags on and goes in a completely different direction. Therefore, it is worth limiting its duration in advance by scheduling some kind of meeting at the scheduled time. However, it should be understood that if the relationship lasted more than a year, then it will not be possible to explain in less than an hour.

No matter how difficult it is, you need to talk about your decision only in person, and face to face. In no case should you use ICQ, email or phone - this is a manifestation of cowardice. In addition, the information obtained in this way will be much more difficult for an abandoned person to “digest”. If the couple does not live together, it is ideal if the break occurs on the territory of the “half” that they decided to leave. Familiar surroundings will help you recover from shock faster and behave more confidently.

Before you end a relationship, you need to be prepared. First, as mentioned above, you need to understand for yourself that this is the only possible way out. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare weighty arguments that fully explain why the decision was made to part with the partner.

Having reported your decision, you need to be prepared for non-standard reactions:

  • Tears. This is how women tend to react. Crying and hysteria is the most common way to influence a man in an unusual situation;
  • Arguments. This is the prerogative of men. However, having made a firm decision, in no case should one succumb to other people's arguments.
  • Threats. This is a manifestation of bad manners and restraint. You should not react to such attacks, the best way is to stop the conversation and leave.

Psychology of breakup

It is worth considering the scenario of the conversation: what exactly and how you are going to say. No matter how much of a loser you think he is, he has his own reasons to continue the relationship and, accordingly, make you change your mind.

His reaction might be:

He will criticize all your arguments, will try to prove their failure.

He will convince you of an incorrect assessment of the situation, he will blame you for the discord in your relationship. He will swear that things will get better if you give him another chance. Having a clear idea of ​​what exactly you will be talking about, you will not get involved in endless explanations, self-justifications and other “charms” that can lead you astray. The Do's and Don'ts list on pages 80-81 will help you plan your conversation.

Try to realistically assess the outcome of the meeting, especially if you are trying to break off relations with a man not for the first time. Of course, a face-to-face conversation is more honest, but if you are not sure that you can handle your emotions, withstand his response, or are just afraid of falling under his influence, send him a letter or text message.

If you understand that you can only part with a guy in absentia, without making an appointment, then do it that way, it's better than complete inaction.

You NEED to focus on yourself. If you talk about how you feel and not about how he does, he will have less opportunity to cling to words. For example, say: “I really hate it when you don’t come on a date” - instead of: “You are always somewhere, but not with me!”

If there is a breakup at the initiative of a woman, you NEED to be firm. Naturally, I want to embellish some moments, round off sharp corners, so that both are comfortable. But, if you do not speak directly, he will smash your arguments to smithereens.

You NEED to write a script and rehearse it several times. This will allow you to keep control of the situation during the conversation.

If your partner interrupts, you can insist that he listen to the end.

If you decide to break off the relationship, then the man CANNOT be blamed. Both of you are responsible for the relationship. You had your reasons for going out with him, and so did he. Mutual accusations will lead to a dead end.

DO NOT mix all the claims in one heap. Talk only about the main thing.

DO NOT enter into a dialogue that leads nowhere. A pointless discussion can undermine your resolve.


Very often, relationships with a person turn into attachment. This is not the best scenario for the development of love, which can be compared with a makeshift prison, because such a person makes himself dependent.

Unhealthy relationships and attachments keep you close to those who hurt us. Very often, such relationships are accompanied by a strange feeling that you give everything to a person, but you do not receive anything in return.

Breaking off such relationships can be very difficult, because addiction in any sense of the word is a kind of illness. No one is immune from such problems, but there are no people who could not overcome all this.

How to become a free person

Step one: relationship analysis. Love means the absence of excessive affection, control and rudeness. Think about whether there are hints of any of the above in your love? Pay attention to yourself and your partner. Try to be impartial when identifying the source of problems. If this is you, then work on yourself, but if this is your soulmate, then you will have to try to give up such love.

step two: The second step psychologists call trial gap. Your task will be to reject exaggerations and accept the truth. Look at everything with a sober look of an outsider. If there is even a hint of flaws and problems, then this is a serious reason to think.

Trial break, because it is not always possible to get away from your attachments the first time. To begin with, give up everything that makes you look at the world drunk: drugs, other bad habits. Next, surround yourself with positivity. This can be expressed both in the people with whom you communicate, and in the hobby that interests you. Set an important goal for yourself and go for it.

Step Three: acceptance of independence. To make life easier for you, be prepared for the fact that:

  • you may meet this person in the future - never dismiss it;
  • depression can break into your life. Dealing with it is quite realistic - for this, do not forget about the second step and its specific points;
  • you will need to take care of yourself. Choose an interesting sport, change your image, read a motivational book;
  • You will definitely find yourself a new love. Learn from the mistakes of the past and don't repeat the scenario of the past.

It is not always the man who leaves first ... Nowadays, all relationships in couples have somehow changed, now the man is not always the head of the family, and he has become much less right. Women were given every opportunity equally with men. And being the first to leave is no exception.

So what should a woman do if she decides that she will be better off alone? Yes, exactly one. I do not consider options when a woman leaves for another man, for me it is impossible. After all, in fact, they do not go to someone, but from someone ... How to explain to a man that nothing binds you anymore, that all these relationships are a burden to you, that you have forgotten what happiness is? How not to offend him, because the departure of a woman for a man is very difficult to perceive. And it doesn’t make sense to drag out the relationship anymore ... How to choose the words? How to convey this to the society, which will certainly be interested in where the other half has disappeared?

Breaking a relationship is never easy. And it does not matter at all whether you left on your own, or you were abandoned - you will still feel emotional exhaustion. Before breaking off a relationship, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. You must have a good reason to leave. However, you should always remember that your ex is the person you once loved. Be honest/honest with him, but don't be cruel, and don't leave any hope behind. Below you will find tips on how to end a relationship in the least traumatic way.

Method 1 of 3: Preparing for a breakup

1. Make sure you really want to end the relationship. Do not use the threat of a breakup as a means to achieve your desires. If you say that you have decided to leave - do it, otherwise - immediately take your words back. Before you make a decision, talk honestly and openly with your partner. Many men and women suffer for years without discussing problems with a partner, and in the end everything leads to separation.

If you decide to break up, make a list of the reasons that you are not satisfied with the relationship. And these should be those things that can no longer be fixed.

2. Make a sober decision. Do not make a decision in the heat of rage during a quarrel, and also do not blame the relationship for your problems at work (study, family). Before taking this step, consult with friends or parents, with people who have their own view of what is happening in your relationship.

If you decide to break up, do not tell everyone around you right away. It's okay if you consulted with close friends or parents, however, once you have made a decision, you should first talk with your partner.

3. Choose the right place and time. Don't end a relationship before an important exam or before going to work. Both of you should have time to digest the information and be alone with yourself. It's best to break up on a Friday so your partner can recover a bit over the weekend.

Don't break up at your favorite restaurant, bar, or favorite place in the park. Choose a neutral place that means nothing to you.

Choose a time when you will be emotionally relaxed. It's not the best time to break up with a partner if you've just left a tense meeting.

4. End relationships personally (whatever the circumstances). Show respect to your ex-lover(s). You can only end the relationship over the phone if you are in a long distance relationship and you don't see each other for a long time, or if your partner is manipulating and controlling you. If your partner tends to be violent or cruel, it's best to stay away from them.

Method 2 of 3: Breaking up a relationship

1. Be firm in your intention to end the relationship. Communicate it firmly and unwaveringly. If you are indecisive and soft, in the vain hope of softening the gap, you will only make the person more painful. Don't be dramatic. Just calmly and confidently tell the person that you no longer want to build a relationship with him. Make sure that the person does not think that you are talking about a temporary breakup and that you can change your mind after the breakup. Everything means everything.

You may think that phrases like “I'm just not ready yet” or “Maybe things will work out in the future” will help ease your partner's pain. However, if you don't really mean it, you will only make things worse.

2. Be honest, but not cruel. Of course, you don't want your partner to be completely in the dark about the reason for the breakup, but also don't tell him the top 20 things you don't like about him. Just explain why you want to end the relationship (maybe you feel oppressed or disrespected, or feel manipulated), rather than beating around the bush.
The hardest thing is explaining to a person that you are no longer in love with him, because it is not his fault. But you still have to be honest. Say it as carefully and carefully as possible.

Once you have named the main reason, you do not have to go into details and recall old grievances. (Only if the person is not still confused). There is no point in discussing past problems and hurting a person even more.
Don't leave the person feeling worthless and insecure. Don't say "I just need a real man", rather say "I think you still need to work on your self-confidence".

Whatever the reason, it should not take a person by surprise. If you try to discuss problems with your partner, you may not be faced with such a difficult decision.

Try to avoid a long list of reasons why you want to leave a person. Stop at the main reason: “We are too different”, “I don’t feel support from you on my life path, but I don’t want to change this path”, “I want children, but you don’t” or something like that.

3. Be prepared for backlash. The reaction can be different: anger, shock, surprise, panic. If the person is angry, try to stay calm and calm your partner down. Speak quietly, even if the person is screaming. If things start to get out of hand, just walk away and let the person cool off, but reassure them that you will return when they have calmed down. Don't say, "Okay, forget it. I went / went.”

Reassure the person if necessary, but don't go too far. You do not want to re-enter the path that will lead you to the same result. Be sympathetic but firm and try to cut off all contact after a breakup.

If you are afraid of leaving the person alone, call his/her relative or friend, tell them everything, tell them where your former partner is, express your concerns and ask if a friend/sister/etc. be with her/him. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your help. After that, also break all contacts.

If your ex is angry and it's useless to explain anything to him/her, just say, “Yelling at each other won't change anything. I have made my decision and will not change it, but I can talk to you if you calm down. Cool down, and then call me and we will discuss everything again.” If he/she calls back, keep your promise and answer the call. Answer all questions honestly and calmly and end the conversation so as not to prolong the pain.

4. Set clear boundaries for your future communication. Make it clear that you won't change your mind. It is best to cut off all contact so as not to give him/her a chance to discuss what went wrong. Consider a failed relationship as a valuable experience for the future. Think about what you have learned and what type of people you should avoid.

If you have friends in common and don't want to run into each other, try to see each other separately.

If you both have a favorite coffee shop or fitness club, try to make sure your schedule doesn't overlap. This is not necessary, but it can help you avoid unnecessary pain from constant meetings.

If you lived together or you still have each other's things, try to pick them up immediately so as not to see each other in the future.

5. Leaving means leaving. The biggest mistake at the end of a relationship is giving it its last breath. And one more. And further. And further. This is already a waste of time.

When you notice that the discussion revolves around one point and does not lead to any solution - stop and leave.
If the person doesn't understand why you're dumping them, write them a letter or email explaining why. Say everything you wanted to say, let the other person explain and stop there. Sometimes it's easier to solve everything, being at a distance from each other.

Method 3 of 3: Life After a Breakup

1. Don't try to be friends right away. Trying to remain friends will only prolong the pain. More often than not, it's best to cut all contact and not cross paths. Over time, after 3 months, or a year, when you see each other, the pain will subside, and you can try to become friends from scratch. But even then, treat your ex with respect, he or she may need more time to recover.

If your ex asks, "Can we still be friends?" answer, "No, I don't think we should talk for a while." After the announcement of the final decision, break off all contacts.

If you have mutual friends, tell them about the breakup and warn them that you don't want to be where your ex will be. And if it gets to the point where they have to choose sides, so be it.

2. You will need time to deal with the loss. Even if you're the one who initiated the breakup, you probably don't want to spend the evening hanging out in the city and celebrating your new freedom. People do not always understand that the initiator of a breakup suffers no less than the one who was abandoned. And sometimes even more, because guilt is mixed with the feeling of pain, even if the person knows that he did the right thing.

After parting, reconsider your views on life and think. What will make you happy in the future?

It's okay if you spend the first two weeks sobbing in bed or pouring your heart out in a diary. Over time, everything will return to normal and the world will sparkle with bright colors again.

Call your best friend to make you feel better. However, going to a club with guys to forget immediately after a breakup is not a good idea.

3. Enjoy your life after the relationship. It will take a few weeks, or even months, and you will be able to enjoy life again. Now that you've separated things and learned to avoid each other, the recovery process will go faster. Once you find yourself again, start enjoying your time with your friends or family. Return to your old interests. Also get new ones.

If you want to recover faster, don't do the things you used to do with your ex, whether it's rock climbing or drinking alcohol during happy hours.

Make some changes. Try something new, make a change, do something you haven't done before.
Slowly start dating again. However, do not enter into a new relationship if you are not yet ready. The gap does not mean that you are ready to immediately rush into a new pool with your head.

Don't play games or ignore the person before you've broken up with them. If you want to put an end to everything, sooner or later you will have to do it.

Try not to blame the person or be aggressive. If necessary, wait for everyone to calm down and start talking about the breakup.

It is better to break up than to be in a painful relationship.

Don't break up with a person after sex. This is selfish and cruel.

Be decisive and honest from the start so that the person doesn't think you can come back to them over time.

Don't go on dates the first week or even a month after your breakup. Unless you want the person to hate you or ruin your reputation.

Spend some time apart. Give the person time to work through this before seeing other people. Usually a week is enough, but it all depends on how serious the relationship was and how long it lasted. If you're dating again, take your new partner to places you haven't been with your ex.

How to Break a Relationship: Warnings

Don't give up even if your partner cries. Remember what he/she is going through right now.

Do not give hope that everything can be returned. If you decide to move on, you must make it clear. If you can still fix it, don't leave. Instead, focus on how you can change things for the better. Don't use the gap as a ploy to intimidate or get your way.

In general, never send a letter - do it in person. Don't be a "bastard" unless there is some kind of danger from your partner.

Don't say, "It's not about you, it's about me." Many people see this as, "I won't tell you the real reason, but it's all about you and I don't have the courage to admit it."

Never shift all responsibility for a breakup onto another person.

We hope that these tips on how to end a relationship and how to break up properly will help you get away from unnecessary relationships without injuring the psyche of either your or your ex-partner. Good luck on the love front.
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