What are fingerless gloves called? Shingarts are reliable and comfortable gloves for mixed martial arts.

In the view of the layman, far from fashion trends in clothing, fingerless gloves are associated only with market traders in winter time. But this is far from the truth. So, fingerless gloves: what are they called, when to wear, what are they for?

A bit of history

Fingerless gloves have long history, originating somewhere in the time of the ancient Romans and Greeks, and maybe the Egyptian pharaohs. At the beginning of the nineteenth century in France, thin gloves made of light silk and lace were popular among ladies of high society. Going out or walking without these half-gloves was unacceptable.

Ladies decorated their well-groomed hands with such gloves, using this aristocratic accessory as an addition to everyday walking costumes and outfits for ceremonial receptions. Open fingers were richly decorated with rings and rings, and the gloves themselves were richly embroidered. As a material for the manufacture were used thin skin and velvet.

In the eighties of the last century, fingerless gloves firmly entered the culture of punk and rock movements, they were considered essential attribute bikers, and all supporters of an informal approach to life. Subsequently, in conjunction with the general appearance they came to be seen as a sign of rebellion.

Fingerless gloves are an accessory that not only protects hands, but also symbolizes commitment to a certain style and lifestyle. In combination with the outfit and depending on the material from which they are made, they can be used. all year round. And they call them mittens and glovelettes.

Mitts are gloves that are separated only thumb. Other fingers are located in the pipe without bridges. Alternatively, they may have a clip-on mitten or protective flap.

Glovelettes, on the other hand, are more like gloves that are familiar to us, only all the fingers are cut off, while the cut can open the finger to the full length, half or only a quarter. In length, both options can slightly cover the wrist, be up to the elbow, to the middle of the forearm or to the shoulder.

Regardless of what fingerless gloves are called, they can be used by everyone, but still in more considered women's accessory. Long mittens and glovelettes made of wool or leather are perfect for jackets, short-sleeved jackets, woolen tops.

Gloves made of lace and silk perfectly complement dresses, both lush and solemn, and strict. Some fashionistas dare to wear them even with T-shirts. Of considerable importance in the composition is the selection of shoes, a scarf, a headdress. Another nuance to using fingerless gloves is sensitivity. Open fingers do not lose sensitivity, thereby providing the ability to use in a cold room or on winter street touch screens on gadgets, and for a musician to play instruments. In addition, such gloves allow fashionistas to show their new manicure and the beauty of the fingers.

Sports gloves

Gloves in sports are, first of all, protection of hands from damages. Gloves used in martial arts are called shingarts. They have no fingers and have a reinforced striking surface. In fact, the protective shields worn on the shin when playing football have the same purpose and name.

Of great importance is right choice size, because the ease of use and the life of the gloves depend on it. Majority sports brands have lines for the production of fingerless gloves, which are in demand:

  • cyclists;
  • rollers;
  • motorcyclists;
  • motorists;
  • skateboarders;
  • fishermen;
  • arrows.

Sports fingerless gloves for fitness - an accessory designed to increase convenience and comfort, lower negative impact on the skin of the hands, protect the wrists and, in the end, promote hygiene. As a rule, sports gloves without fingers have a clasp, which adds to their grip on the hand and makes it easy to put on and take off. In addition to cut fingers, they are equipped with holes on the outside, which are necessary to increase heat dissipation and ventilation of the surface of the palms. For motorcyclists and motorists, such gloves help to hold the steering wheel tighter, shooters better feel the weapon in their hands.

With the onset winter season the question of how best to insulate and at the same time maintain maximum comfort becomes very relevant. Fingerless gloves, like the usual version of this wardrobe item, are irreplaceable thing in order to protect hands from hypothermia and to protect them during work.

What are fingerless gloves called?

This wardrobe item has entertaining story origin, it first appeared in Ancient Egypt and symbolized luxury and prosperity. Many would be interested to know what fingerless gloves are called? There are two variations of their names:

  1. Mitts- such a designation was given to them in France in the 18th century. characteristic feature is that they were kept on the hand due to small jumpers between the phalanges, or only due to the plasticity of the material from which they were made. Among the noble ladies, French products were performed aesthetic role, they were supplemented. In working-class neighborhoods, mitts were used to make work more comfortable.
  2. glovelettes- these are fingerless gloves that arose in America among "informals" already in the 20th century. Their difference from mitts is that these models have "fingers", but they are cut off to the middle and open upper part phalanges. big love and recognition of winter fingerless gloves, like summer version this thing deserved by bikers, motorists, cyclists, so these products appeared. Subsequently, they were chosen by show business stars for their performances, and then they began to be widely used on the catwalks during fashion shows.

Women's Fingerless Gloves

The accessory, which is used by the fair sex, performs not only a practical function, but also a decorative one, to create stylish images. This is due to the fact that the contrast of the fabric and the opening fingers and skin fragment look incredibly feminine. There are two variations of applied fingerless glove styles that are diametrically opposed:

  1. A somewhat brutal look, which is achieved by combining leather and jeans accessories with leather jackets.
  2. Delicate and romantic image, this effect can be achieved if you use openwork models. An interesting variation would be if you use warm, large and even coarse-knit fingerless gloves in combination with light dresses. With the help of such a contrast, you can achieve incredible femininity.

Depending on the style, the following types of products can be distinguished:

  • with jumpers, while the phalanges remain completely open;
  • with phalanges closed to the middle;
  • with a fastened mitten;
  • in the form of solid pipes that do not contain compartments for palms and fingers;
  • short, medium or long fingerless gloves.

Fingerless leather gloves

Leather accessories are associated with rocker or, and they are really popular among motorcycle enthusiasts. They are also good in combination with casual clothes. By using leather models you can create not only daring images. especially brave girls dress them with classic or light air dress. This contrast looks very stylish.

Much sought after women's leather gloves without fingers are used by the fair sex, who drive. But the leather that is used to make them differs from the material used for ordinary accessories in its strength and elasticity. With these characteristics, a maximum fit to the hands is achieved, which makes driving a particularly comfortable ride.

Knitted fingerless gloves

Knitted accessories are traditionally associated with winter wardrobe. They can be made from both soft cashmere and thick durable yarn. These models fit perfectly with knitted things different texture. They fit almost any outerwear: jackets, down jackets, fur coats and sheepskin coats. Long knitted gloves fingerless is used in combination with upper wardrobe items that have a three-quarter sleeve. The combination of high mitts with a sweater looks original. short sleeves, if this leaves an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on the forearm.

Long fingerless gloves

In recent seasons, the trend is the upper winter clothes with a short sleeve, which can have quite small length or three quarters. As an addition to them, they use long knitted fingerless gloves, which look incredibly organic in this case. Similar accessories are successfully used with, knitted sweaters and even warm sundresses. There are several options for how to wear mitts:

  • leaving an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forearm;
  • deliberately using products of very large length, leaving them half-mast and thereby creating folds.

Fingerless driving gloves

Driving products are designed to give you maximum driving comfort. The main function that gloves for a driver without fingers should perform is to achieve close contact with the steering wheel, which is made possible due to the softness of the material. This is what makes them different from conventional models. The leather that is used for manufacturing is characterized by special properties:

  • incredible softness (sheep skin possesses it);
  • elasticity, strength, high thermal protection (deer skin);
  • unpretentiousness in care, long term operation (goat skin).

Fingerless gloves for driving have a number of undoubted advantages, which include:

  • preventing hands from slipping on the steering wheel;
  • ensuring tight contact with the steering wheel;
  • freedom and ease of control of all levers and buttons on the panel;
  • protection of fingers from hypothermia;
  • contribute to the fact that the grip strength decreases, so the hands get less tired;
  • special cutouts on the knuckles eliminate discomfort when bending.
  • must exactly match the size;
  • tight fit, as they can stretch over time;
  • the material must be non-staining;
  • machine processing of seams.

Lace Fingerless Gloves

Lace accessories are traditionally used to complement evening dresses and light flying or chiffon. Their style can be both ultra-modern and retro. Depending on the style, openwork fingerless gloves can be of the following varieties:

Short fingerless gloves

If long accessories perform aesthetic function, then short ones are considered more convenient. They provide comfortable work that needs to be done in a cool room, very convenient when they are used while driving. Shortened fingerless gloves for training are very popular with athletes, they can feel as comfortable as possible during training. This style is versatile and goes with almost any outfit.

Fingerless sports gloves

Sports models have a special structure that is different from ordinary products. However, stylish design allows you to successfully apply them outside the gym, they are especially popular with lovers of extravagant images and bikers. Combined with jeans and fingerless sports gloves look simply unbeatable. characteristic features products are:

  • the presence of an inner part with a leather reinforcement that protects the hands from calluses;
  • performance of the hygiene function, which is very important when using sports equipment;
  • used for manufacturing modern synthetic material which allows the skin to breathe and makes exercise comfortable. So, fingerless cycling gloves are equipped with special holes for ventilation, which eliminates the likelihood that your hands will sweat during the trip.

Men's fingerless gloves

Not only women want to feel comfortable and look stylish, but also strong half humanity. For lovers of brutal images, men's leather fingerless gloves are designed. They can be perfectly combined with denim and leather clothing. Such accessories are extremely relevant among motorists, the problem of a cold steering wheel in this case will disappear by itself.

Children's fingerless gloves

With the onset of the winter season, it becomes very important for every mother to ensure that her child is protected from the cold while walking. Fingerless gloves for children perfectly cope with this task. They will not only save from frost, but also provide comfort to the baby during the game. Models have clip-on mittens that can be worn or removed at any time.

A lovely autumn-winter question about clothes that cover our hands from the cold and prickly wind that blows piercingly and long in periods late autumn and winters. Therefore, a reliable shelter, a refuge for our fingers, is simply necessary, because nothing freezes so quickly as hands and feet. But not about shoes now, now about gloves - mittens.

Have you noticed that gloves are a colder type of hand accessory than mittens? But this is so. For when four fingers warm each other in one "bag", they are obviously warmer than in gloves, where each finger is on its own. And only a thumb in a mitten is forced to live separately, so that, being in mittens, you can take the same bag or shovel in your hands, hmm.

But the clutch is not at all a practical little thing for hands. Why? Because only young ladies are comfortable wearing it, and even then only for those who ride in carriages and do not carry bags. He put his hands into the fur "pipe" and warm them, rubbing them together. And if you need to take something, then you have to pull out the palm completely, leaving the clutch on one side completely open, which is why the frost immediately sneaks into the clutch and causes concern to the second hand.

And the third option is a mitt, which is completely incomprehensible in terms of effectiveness from frost - a piece of clothing. Athletes, yes - it’s good to lift barbells in them. And for everyday demand, to warm your hands - in my opinion, not the most the best option. Here after all the palm is covered, and the fingers are all out, this is such an accessory - mitts!

In the cold season, our hands need protection. Except nourishing cream you should also take care to buy warm gloves. Many complain that they are inconvenient to do something, for example, use the phone or look for something in your purse. In this case, we advise you to replace ordinary gloves with a model without fingers. This option looks very unusual and stylish.

What are fingerless gloves called?

If earlier only one or two models could be found on sale, today everything has changed. On the shelves of markets and shops are presented the most unusual models! Here is how classic options as well as more modern ones. Especially popular among young people are fingerless gloves. Some people do not like them, since such an accessory does not protect the fingers, while others consider them very comfortable.

You will not believe it, but it turns out that this model has a rich centuries of history. They were worn back in the 15th century by needlewomen, a little later (18th century), this accessory came into fashion for ladies from high society. In fact, it is not known who came up with this model and most likely we will never know. In some sources you will find information that mitts were invented in France, in others - in America.

You can wear them both in cold and in warm time of the year. Young people wear an accessory even in summer, it is in perfect harmony with sundresses, shorts. Well, in the cold season, gloves are combined with anything - both with a coat and with a down jacket, fur coat, sheepskin coat.

Few people know what fingerless gloves are called. despite their popularity and demand. In our country and abroad they are called differently. In Russia, these are mitts, abroad - glovelettes. What title do you like best?

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The presented models differ not only in color, but also in design. Here is how short gloves, and elongated. Many models have a fastening second part (mitten) that will keep your fingers warm in the coldest weather.

Just a few years ago, this accessory could be seen mainly in those who trade in the market, as it frees the fingers and does not impair their mobility. Gloves were also popular with those people whose work involves performing any actions with their fingers, even in the cold season. Today, the model can be seen on anyone.

Difference between mittens and glovelet

In the mitts, all fingers are bare, with the exception of the big one, there is no fixation here. In the glovelette model, all phalanxes are separated and it seems that these are ordinary gloves, evenly cut.


In terms of material, fingerless gloves are made from different types fabrics. The warmest option is made of wool and fur. Lighter models - made of leather, silk, leatherette. For winter, choose the option of wool, for the off-season - from less thick fabric. Also on sale you will find summer mitts, models for solemn occasions from silk.

If you want to give your look an unusual twist, get a few pairs of mittens. They may differ in material and color, length and pattern. For clothes with short sleeves, choose long gloves. If you prefer classic style, opt for a model made of leather. Each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose something for themselves. We have presented photos of fingerless gloves below, check them out.

Martial arts MMA is a unique sport for those people who like to take risks, get adrenaline, compete and show excellent and desired results In sports. For the sake of such sensations, many men who wish to engage in this type of martial arts are ready to train hard and endure pain in training and competition.

For competitions and training, in mixed martial arts, special gloves called shingarts. They are protective mma equipment for the athlete's hands, guaranteeing safe training and productive victories in competitions.

Shingarts are reliable and comfortable gloves for mixed martial arts.

They allow the fighter to strike, do different grips, hooks, minimally injuring the opponent, while transferring the fight to the ground.

The shape and design makes it possible to keep it on the athlete's hand during intense exercises. For a soft hit, an additional lining for the thumb is used.
Due to the durable and elastic cuff on this type of sports equipment, a fighter can quickly and easily put on or take off a glove from his hands.

They produce shingarts from modern high-quality materials that make it possible to use gloves a long period in training and most competitions in mixed martial arts.

Inside shingard gloves equipped with a special lining that provides excellent supply of clean air to the closed part of the hands. The fingers and palm of the fighter are partially open, but at the same time, high-quality and durable filler guarantees excellent and reliable protection athlete's hands when striking.
