How to iron men's trousers with arrows. Soap solution with vinegar

The most important part business wardrobe both men and women wear trousers. Often classic models require proper care. It’s hard to imagine a formal outfit without trousers with perfectly ironed creases, and that’s what we’re talking about today. Let's figure out how to properly iron trousers with creases after washing so that the creases look like new. The science is not easy, but it is possible to master it. You just need to apply a little patience and diligence.

The history of the arrows

The development of the clothing industry occurred in the mid-19th century. At this point, pants began to be sewn in factories. Long way from manufacturer to retail outlets contributed to the fact that in tightly packed boxes, products acquired a crease at the bend. The person who afforded such an expensive purchase flaunted these creases for a long time to show others that the item of clothing was new, in other words, “brand new.” Over time, it was noticed that the folds in the trouser legs make the wearer look slim, respectable and well-groomed.

So the fashion for classic pants with thin and straight arrows. Festive outfit systematically updated, armed with an iron.

How to properly prepare pants

To begin with, you need to properly organize your workplace.

  • Install ironing board, and if it is not on the household, then it is permissible to use any horizontal surface: floor, closet, chest of drawers, sofa or table.

Important! If you are using an unsuitable covering, be sure to protect it by covering it with several layers of fabric.

  • Before you start ironing, pay attention to the label on the product. It should be stated there that the fabric retains the ability to wrinkle under the influence high temperatures.

  • If you have an ordinary iron without steam and additional functions, use protective material in the form of any thin cloth or gauze.
  • Inexperienced housewives prepare pins in advance, with which they pin the trouser legs to the board in order to fix them motionless and, accordingly, perform ironing correctly.
  • It is better if the material of the product is wet. This will help prevent the item from returning to its original position after ironing.
  • The temperature depends on the information about the composition of the fabric that is indicated on the product label.
  • For insurance: natural fabrics ironed at high temperatures, and synthetics at low or medium temperatures.
  • First turn the item of clothing inside out and smooth out all the wrinkles.
  • Having completed all the preparations, you can begin leveling from the “face”.

How to smooth out wrinkles correctly

By style men's trousers significantly different from women's. In the latter case, the use of darts is provided. They visually slim, emphasizing all the curves of the female figure. In addition, for the convenience of women they make: straight, narrow and cropped trousers.

If you need to quickly solve the problem of how to iron trousers with creases, all the features of the item of clothing are taken into account. Preparing items for ironing is identical for all male models.

Women's styles

Iron the product from the inside. At the same time, do not ignore such complex elements as darts, pockets, and belts. Next instructions is this:

  1. Turn your pants inside out front side, level it on a flat surface.
  2. Women's tapered trousers are laid so that not only the fold line is connected, but also the darts.
  3. To ensure that the item lies flat, attach it with pins.
  4. Place damp gauze over the cloth.
  5. Start ironing.
  6. Once you have finished ironing the first leg, carefully move it to the side and iron the second leg.

How to iron men's models correctly

Initially, it is better to iron all difficult areas - pockets, zipper areas and waistbands. It's better to do this from the inside out. The execution scheme is the same as for female models. The difference is that men's ones do not have darts. If a male novice gets down to business, it is better to look at a photo or video of the process before starting.

Important! Use a spray bottle periodically to moisten the material. Please note that straight bending takes quite a long time, and under the influence of high temperatures the gauze dries out quickly. It is better to keep it wet at all times.

Where are the arrows

Pay attention to a number of rules on where it is better to place beautiful kinks on the legs.

  • the fold passes strictly along the shared thread;
  • the strip must be located in the middle of the knee;
  • the arrows run along the entire length from the very top to the bottom section.

How to fold pants for ironing

  • Focus on the position of the step and side seams. If the task is to iron the creases, then try to ensure that the pant legs match as closely as possible along the sides and bottom edge.
  • Make sure that the outer and crotch seams lie neatly on top of each other.
  • For security and insurance, pin up the trouser legs with pins.
  • Women's models are much easier to iron, because they have darts, and for men's options Control and constant attention to the position of the seams is important.

Important! Pins sometimes do not solve the problem of fabric skewing, especially if you iron on a curved surface.

How to extend the life of shooters

Even if you tidy up your suit and make perfect folds, the very first wash will nullify your efforts. To save the result to for a long time, you should inquire about the intricacies of saving arrows. To prolong life, the arrow can be easily and simply used folk recipes, their cost is cheap, but the effect is long-term.

  • Using soap. Take laundry soap or any remnant and draw along the ironed lines with wrong side. After this, simply iron the front of the trouser legs again.
  • Use of starch. On areas of the knees or buttocks (where the bends do not hold well) you can treat them with starch paste from the inside out. After it has completely dried, turn the product inside out and iron it off the face.

  • Table vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. Soak in this solution cotton fabric, place it on the items and begin the ironing process.
  • After completing the procedure, you should not immediately put on the product. Let it cool for 6-7 minutes. In this case, the item will remain neat longer.
  • If you ironed your trousers in advance, then store them on a hanger, or hanging, without folding them.

Now you already know how to iron perfectly straight lines on the pants, so there are several for your attention useful tips for proper ironing or in emergency situations.

  • If the fabric on your knees has stretched and lost its shape, then go over the fabric with a damp cloth using tangential movements. Give it back to them the same form, and only after that iron.
  • If the material is natural, then sew the arrows with thread before washing. This way they won't fall apart. Iron as usual.
  • You can try to remove the crease in the trouser leg left after lengthening with damp gauze. Iron from the inside out to prevent the fabric from becoming shiny. Set the maximum permissible temperature for a certain type of fabric. Place the iron on the gauze and wait until it dries completely. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the crease disappears completely.

The fact that I meet people by their clothes has long been known from folk wisdom. If you steam and iron your pants correctly, you will look brand new. Perfect arrows they add a plus for your karma in the eyes of others, and double or unclear ones will spoil the opinion of you. The acquired knowledge and constant practice will help you keep your wardrobe in order.

Video: How to iron creases on trousers correctly

The arrows on the trousers make the latter more formal and elegant. This style is worn not only by men, but also by women. Pants are perfect clothes for business style. However, not everyone manages to iron them correctly.

The history of arrows on pants

This thing dates back to the 19th century. The history of trousers is very interesting, as they were invented by accident. The pants were folded very tightly for transportation, and creases appeared on them. Fashionistas liked the arrows so much that they began to smooth them out additionally.

First of all, such trousers entered the men's wardrobe, and only then into the women's wardrobe. IN modern world this item is basic for any classic set. On girls, trousers with arrows look very strict, while at the same time adding grace and solemnity.

Designers suggest wearing classic pants in Everyday life, adding bright blouses and shirts to them.

Preparing the trousers

Symmetrical creases on the trousers create an effect of style and sophistication. business man. Before ironing, the item is washed in warm water and dried.

Then the trousers need to be ironed. To do this, turn the product inside out and iron it, or you can use a steamer. It is important not to smooth out the arrows right away, as they may not work out.

How to iron

There are several ways to properly iron an item. How to make arrows on trousers:

  • The ironing board should be comfortable. If it is not there, use a table covered with a thick cloth.
  • It is important to remember that the product is ironed from the wrong side first. If necessary, use damp gauze.
  • Having prepared, we begin to form the arrows. To do this, take the trouser leg by bottom part and fold to match side seams.
  • The trousers are placed on an ironing board and the fold is carefully ironed through damp gauze. Start from the front and end at the back.
  • The pants are given time to rest. Then they are hung in the closet on a hanger bar.

This way you can iron both men's and women's pants with arrows.

Secrets of easy ironing

Every housewife has her own secrets on how to make the creases on your trousers perfectly straight. If you do several important rules, the thing will always look perfect.

How to iron trousers with arrows:

  1. Be sure to iron the product through damp gauze or thin fabric. This makes it possible not to damage the material and not leave marks from the iron.
  2. All elements are carefully ironed. Pockets, belt loops, clasps and belts require a special approach.
  3. It is important to ensure that the side seams of each pant leg match. This makes it possible to make the arrows on the trousers even.

In addition to the secrets of ironing, there are traditional methods, which will help keep the item in perfect condition for a long time.

Traditional ironing methods

Young housewives often wonder how to properly iron trousers with creases. To ensure that an item is perfectly ironed, there are proven methods. So, how to iron trousers with creases using folk methods?

  1. The trousers are ironed from the inside out very carefully. Then the product is turned inside out and folded so that the side seams match. The gauze is dipped in a solution of 1 liter of soapy water and 1 tablespoon of vinegar and wrung out. While it is wet, iron the arrows with a hot iron.
  2. The second method will require you to prepare soap, water and a comb. The trousers, turned inside out, are laid out on an ironing board, and a line of arrows is drawn with a piece of soap. After this, turn it right side out. The comb is dipped into water, a line of arrows is inserted between the teeth and drawn with light pressure along the entire length.
  3. The most in a simple way is to use wet soap. A piece is passed over the place where the arrows will be. After this you need to iron it with front side through a wet cloth.

Using each method will make creating creases on your trousers much easier and will preserve them for a long time.

What to wear with dress pants

When buying trousers with arrows, the question arises of what to combine them with to create a stylish and practical look. Stylists recommend first of all using the rule So, to dark trousers choose white blouses or shirts.

If the dress code is not strict, you can choose more bright colors. For example, pink, blue or green shirts look stylish with black trousers with arrows. Classic style will make a man's or female figure slimmer and more graceful.

Shoes are selected in black leather. For men - classic shoes. It is important to remember that socks should not be visible from under your pants.

For women - black shoes with heels or stilettos. They will make your legs even slimmer. A jacket to match your trousers will help complement your business look. It is worn to meetings and conferences.

Black is a staple in any wardrobe. The trousers go well with a white, blue or yellow top. This contrast emphasizes rich shade dark item and adds completeness to the image.

For men the best option would be White shirt and a tie. The accessory can be leather belt. For footwear, choose black classic shoes.

For women, there are several options for trousers:

  • Classical a white blouse. It is tucked into trousers, thereby visually lengthening the figure and legs.
  • Cropped models with arrows go well with denim or cotton shirts. A leather jacket will help complement this set.
  • A jacket will complete your business look. It should be matched to the trousers. A fitted jacket is selected for straight models, and a classic wrap jacket for loose ones.

Don't forget about accessories. For trousers, choose a neat belt without large plaques. Girls can complement the set with a neck scarf bright colors. Men can use cufflinks and ties.

Shoes and accessories for trousers

Classic shoes look good with straight styles. For women, shortened models can be paired with moccasins. To go with tapered trousers - ankle boots with wide heels.

The color of the shoes is matched to the clothes. Best options is a black shade. For everyday wear - gray, red, brown, beige.

Girls can match the sets business clothes fashionable and modern accessories:

  • Belts bright colors and shades, complemented with rhinestones, beads or beads.
  • Neck scarves.
  • Handbags are an integral element women's wardrobe. These can be either small clutches or large office briefcases.
  • Beads, gold chains, thin bracelets, neat rings.

Black classic trousers with arrows occupy place of honor in the wardrobe of every business person. This item will require careful care and correct ironing. By using tips experienced housewives you can make quality arrows.


Trousers are an item for both women and men's wardrobe. Representatives of both sexes look great in ironed clothes, so you need to know how to iron crease trousers. They give presentability and rigor to the image, defining business style. A special detail is the ironed arrows. Smooth, sharp arrows indicate a scrupulous attitude to appearance.

Most models are sold with clearly visible arrows, which disappear immediately after the first wash. To restore them to their original presentability, you need to know how to iron trousers with creases. If you have this type of clothing in your wardrobe, you should be able to iron it, giving the arrows symmetry. We will tell you the nuances of proper ironing: what to pay attention to, how to create even, stylish arrows.

Where to start ironing?

At first glance, the process does not require much effort. Turn on the iron and move it over the fabric. This impression remains until you actually pick up the iron.

Each item must be pre-prepared before ironing so as not to spoil it.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with five points that will eliminate mistakes.

  • Iron clean trousers.

Regardless of the type of fabric or type of clothing, it should be ironed only in pure form. Any particles of food, dust, dirt, stains and other stains penetrate deep into the structure of the thread under the influence of heat. When heated, the elements heat up and become saturated into the fabric. in home reality it is impossible. To prevent this from happening, take the time to wash before ironing.

  • Mode selection.

The temperature should be set depending on the type of material of the product. Wool, cotton, nylon and silk are ironed on different temperatures. If you choose the wrong mode, you risk leaving scorch marks on your trouser legs.

Do not set the setting more than necessary, and if the iron begins to have difficulty moving across the fabric, you should stop ironing and set it to a lower setting. temperature regime. You can find out what the heating intensity should be in each case by looking at the label. It indicates how many points to select on the iron.

  • Thin fabric or iron on

For high-quality ironing and “pointing the arrows” you will need an ironing iron. This is the thinnest cotton fabric or gauze. It will protect the fabric of the trousers from the effects of hot metal. For these purposes, choose a cloth white or light tone to prevent accidental staining.

  • Turn it inside out or not?

Talking about the technology of ironing trousers with arrows cannot be missed important question: iron inside out or not?

By turning the product inside out, you protect it from greasing and the characteristic shine that appears after exposure to a hot surface.

  • Pulverizer or nebulizer

Ironing trousers and ironing creases is easier when the fabric is damp. Some iron models have a water spray function, but as a last resort, can be used plastic bottle with a spray cap or a spray bottle. If you iron often and a lot, purchase a steam generator. It acts with hot air and perfectly smoothes the fabric without leaving wrinkles.

What is required for ironing?

So, in order to iron your pants you will need:

  • an ironing board or any flat surface that should be covered with a thick cloth or a special cover;
  • steam generator or iron;
  • gauze or thin cotton cloth;
  • water sprayer, soft pillow and pins.

Before the main process, carry out preparatory work:

  • turn the product inside out and iron the lining, pockets, waistband and codpiece area;
  • Press the back seam carefully.

Technology: how should you iron?

After ironing the wrong side, lay the trousers on a flat surface. Straighten with your hands, connecting the side seams of the trousers on the inside. To check if they match, place the pant legs on top of each other. On each leg, check that the side seam on the front side matches the seam on the inside.

It is more difficult to unfold the upper part correctly. There are many purl seams that should be ironed with care. At standard actions internal seams may appear, giving the product an unaesthetic appearance.

To obtain excellent result, use a special pad. Place a pad in the difficult area and cover the fabric with moistened cotton.

Now feel free to iron. Since moisture evaporates quickly under the influence of a hot iron, spray the fabric with a spray bottle. If the iron has a steam function, turn it on, but periodically wet the fabric with a spray bottle.

After top part trousers have acquired an even, dignified appearance, move on to the trouser legs. Iron the trouser legs, but avoid the creases. Once you've done one side, turn the pants over and do the same process on the other side.

Straight arrows

The creases on the trousers slim the figure and add formal style to the look. The creases are smoothed on classic-cut trousers. They are sewn in a special way - two straight stitches are used in front and behind. This is where you should start ironing your trousers.

To understand which lines to lay the arrows on, find the back and front dart. They are the start for the arrows. Secure the pant leg to the surface using pins. Double-check that the seams match both between the legs and on each leg. Cover the marked lines with a damp cloth, pressing lightly with your hand, and begin ironing.

Under the influence of hot air the product will take the required form and will keep it for a long time. Will help strengthen the arrows vinegar water. Add 3-4 drops of ammonia or vinegar to the spray bottle at a concentration of 9%. The solution fixes the ironed arrows, preventing them from creasing.

How to iron trousers with creases if they have darts? Smooth out the right dart first and only then start working on the left. Next, start working on the arrows, performing the above steps. After ironing, the trousers must cool down, otherwise the material will quickly wrinkle and the creases will become invisible.

January 15, 2014

A business image requires a person to maintain the same style. This look is best emphasized by trousers with arrows. In order for the creases to be even and the trousers to look perfect, you should know how to iron them correctly.

First of all, you should prepare:

  • ironing board or table, etc. (if the fabric on the ironing board has become unusable, you can look small master class How );
  • iron - best with a steam humidifier;
  • ironing - thin cotton fabric in several folds;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • a small flat pillow.
  • There are several secrets to quickly and easily ironing trousers with arrows

    It is necessary to remember that trousers always begin to be ironed from the wrong side - the lining of the pockets, the lining itself, the top and legs of the trousers.

    When the fabric is completely leveled, turn the trousers inside out and continue ironing from the right side, but always through a piece of thin, damp fabric. Otherwise, it may remain on your trousers. shiny spot from a hot iron. If the iron has a humidifier, you can iron it through a dry cloth. We leave the trouser creases untouched for now.

    Then we start ironing the top of the trousers. We carefully iron the pockets, belt loops and belt, placing a special pad under them, which is included with the ironing board. If you don’t have such a pillow in your house, roll up a thick cloth in several layers.

    Carefully iron the fastener on the trousers - first in open form, and then - in closed.

    We iron the bottom of the trousers through the iron, inserting a special pad into the trouser leg (so that the seams do not print on the other side).

    To get even creases, fold the pant legs so that their side seams match.

    In addition, the right cut trousers also have the same front darts. The resulting fold line on the trouser leg must be smoothed by hand. Then use an iron to iron the arrow through a damp cloth.

    In more detail and clearly how to quickly iron trousers, you can watch the video:

    How to iron creases on trousers

    There are several ways to make the creases on your trousers last longer and not disappear during the first wash.

    Method 1. You should prepare the following solution: dilute 1 tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. Soak an ironing cloth in this solution and thoroughly steam the creases of your trousers. It is usually recommended to add soap to such a solution. We do not recommend that you do this to avoid the formation soapy stains on the trouser legs. Ideal arrows never double; on the legs they look like even, sharp folds.

    Method 2. From the wrong side, draw lines along the arrows with a piece of damp soap. And then iron the arrows from the front side through a damp cloth.

    Ironed trousers with creases are allowed to dry for some time (at least half an hour) on an ironing board.

    As you can see, ironing trousers with creases correctly is not that difficult.

    There are styles of trousers that look decent only if properly stroke them with arrows. Not everyone knows how to do this correctly, so in our article you can find recommendations and secrets that will help you iron trousers with creases correctly.

    So, here is a list of what will be needed in the process of ironing trousers:

      iron with steam function;

      sprayer with water;

      ironing board;

      cotton tablecloth moistened with water.

    Having prepared everything necessary items, carefully inspect the pants you are going to iron: determine in what mode it is best to iron them, since if handled improperly, you can lose your pants once and for all. You can often find out this information by looking for a tag on the waistband of your pants. If there is none, but you feel that the fabric is very delicate to the touch, then you should iron it exclusively at low or medium temperature.

    In order to iron your trousers as correctly and beautifully as possible, they must be turned inside out and carefully ironed in the pockets, lining and back seams. After that, turn them back inside out. Now we can begin the main ironing process.

    Place your trousers on the ironing board and straighten them so that all vertical seams and legs are parallel to each other. Smooth out any unevenness with your hands, after which you can begin ironing.

    There is one secret: so that the contours of the seams do not appear, a large number of which is located at the back of the trousers, you should put a towel folded several times in them, and only then iron the front of the trousers, after covering it with a damp tablecloth.

    After this you can start working on the trouser legs. Don't try to iron the creases yet, iron both sides of the trousers first, then pull the top leg up. Inner side The second leg of the trouser leg, which opens to your eyes, needs to be ironed using the “steam” function. Do the same with the second leg.

    The first trouser ironing session has been completed successfully! Now we can proceed to a more important and responsible activity: ironing the arrows.

    To properly and beautifully iron your trousers, you need to find a thin convex strip in the middle of each leg. We will use this as a contour for our arrows. Before you start ironing the creases, you need to make sure that the seams of the trousers are parallel to each other, otherwise you may iron the creases unevenly, which will have an extremely negative impact on the appearance trousers

    The trouser legs should be covered again with a damp tablecloth, and then ironing should begin. With one hand, pull the edges of the trouser legs where the expected creases will be. If you want to consolidate the result and make it more durable, then you should rub the soap on the inside of your trousers in the place where the arrows will be.

    It is advisable to wet cotton tablecloth using a spray bottle. It is advisable to add a little regular water to the water. table vinegar, as this will help shooters last longer.

    Ironed trousers must be stored only on a hanger, at full length, otherwise they will become very wrinkled, and the result of your efforts will be invisible. IN additional materials You will find very detailed and clear video instructions.
