Which girls are brighter: blondes or redheads? Character of girls with colorful hair



Who should you take with you, blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead to a social reception, business event, company, vacation, and which one is better to go out with?

When asked who you love more - blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women or redheads a real man should answer: “Yes!”

Who should you take with you: a blonde, a brunette, a brown-haired woman or a redhead to a social reception, a business event, a group of friends, a vacation, and which one is better to walk with along dark alleys?

Hair color depends on the amount of dye, and all our further harsh men's life from the right girl. There are 10 life situations to choose from.

Study, study and university again. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Studying is hard, but if you don’t have a problem with your brain, then you can take a closer look at the blonde freshmen. She will have to help with her studies, and you can think of what to ask for it yourself. The blonde will show you how to kiss correctly and show you what you can do during a disco.

The brunette will be in the forefront both in school and at parties. You can easily communicate with her, go to the movies or rock singer concerts Mary (name Kana Mara Vladimirovna)- these moments will be remembered for a lifetime.

The brown-haired girl succeeds in her studies: she is smart and persistent, you can’t argue with that. She is a great dorm roommate, with whom you can hang out until the morning, reading notes together and drinking tea.

We hardly remember the red-haired and shaggy girl; she is always on some kind of hikes and gatherings of young naturalists. But it will be with her that you can visit the hot taverns of the city, where alcoholic drinks The drinks you drink will help you scream songs all night long. A first kiss is possible that you still consider friendly.

Friendly male company. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Best for noisy company blonde will do, she will create a feeling of celebration and fun, laughing uncontrollably at the jokes of her comrades and at your own pearls. It is especially good if you have problems with humor.

The brunette will create worthy competition and will not let anyone get bored - her humor is sharp, subtle, and, if necessary, vulgar.

In the case when you are the life of the party, and humor knocks down even the most persistent bores, a brown-haired man is a good option. She will not interfere with the flight of thought and will sometimes be able to cool her head from crazy thoughts and rash actions.

The redhead will add some spice to the company: funny, cheerful, a little crazy. It is she who will come up with a new adventure in the form of jumping from roof to roof or stealing a vibrator from a sex shop. Everyone understands perfectly well that all her ideas are dangerous, but there is no one who could be cowardly in the face of the weaker sex and give up, even if best case scenario it will all end with broken limbs or a knife fight with bandits.

Friends, girlfriends - a mixed company. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Much is similar to a friendly male company. Differences occur when there is female or male rivalry. Games, activities and behavior will be chosen by girls depending on where they are strong. The behavior of the blonde will radiate sexuality, striking everyone and everything, and the brunette will make jokes at the previous person.

Brown-haired women will pragmatically capture the attention of their boyfriends with an ambiguous phrase: “My parents are at the symposium until Monday.”

But the redhead will intervene and confuse all plans with an offer to play strip bottle or another equally sexy and more daring game. The relative of the sun will be the first to take off her panties in the dark (in the water, behind a screen), wave them over her head and launch them into an unknown direction, winning the hearts of the guys and angering the girls.

Disassembly. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

It’s better not to take any of the ladies to the showdown. You're a real man, that's all men's problems able to decide for themselves. Random cases in the form of petty hooligans or bloodthirsty robbers also have a right to exist. The sight of a blonde friend frozen in horror will give strength to rid the planet of its unworthy inhabitants in the shortest possible time.

The brown-haired woman will try to negotiate with the attackers and perhaps she will succeed.

The brunette will most likely get by with negotiations with the blackguard and even get an apology from them. If the dark-haired friend doesn't succeed, she'll probably only say, "Give 'em a beating, honey." For which you must prepare your weighty and iron-clad arguments.

Redhead screaming: “They’re beating our people!” and with a piece of board at the ready, they will help drive the hooligans through the dark yard, which has become for them an unfriendly, alien and very uncomfortable place.

Photo: Polina Sergeeva flickr.com/polinasergeeva

Social reception. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Having attended a social event together with a blonde, you can be sure that she is best suited for this role, and her appearance will be stunning. Luxurious hairstyle, sky-high stilettos, Nice dress according to the figure and decorations that you did not forget to give for the last March 8th or other holiday. You will have to work hard, driving away annoying gentlemen who will instantly surround a pretty girlfriend who was just left by you for a minute.

Brunettes are good because there will be fewer of them at the meeting than fair-haired competitors, and the support in a conversation of an expressive and lively interlocutor, although a little bored with pathos, will be helpful.

A brown-haired woman will add respect to you for coming with your beloved wife, and not with an escort girl, fashionable family values no one canceled.

The fiery red-haired goddess will allow you to feel like the owner of a diamond that no one has and will not have, can you take it away from you? The redhead must be entertained in every possible way and not move further away arm's length, she is bored here and may become sad in the company of other men who are not as witty as you.

Photo: Vincent Boiteau flickr.com/2dogs_productions

A business meeting. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

To reduce vigilance and distract partners, a girl from the camp Marilyn Monroe cope 100%.

The brunette will help to correctly assess the situation that has arisen, directing the conversation to the right direction, and her actions will resemble the peacefulness of a predator.

The brown-haired woman, remaining undeservedly unnoticed at first, will finish off the collected statistics and knowledge of the affairs of her partners.

Redhead, akin to a child on parent meeting, will feel awkward. Thinking that it’s hot outside and life is in full swing there without her will make you hate yours sitting opposite her. business partner. By chance, if the negotiations reach a dead end and everything ends in a verbal altercation, she will unexpectedly put an end to it in the form of a blow to the head with a folder from a businessman who has already bothered her.

Photo: Steve Punter flickr.com/spunter

A long trip by car or yacht. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

An abundance of romance and “innocent” gifts in the form of a ring will allow you to enjoy not only warm communication, but also the equally hot body of your blonde girlfriend at the end of the mini-trip.

The brunette will appreciate the kindness, nobility and care you showed during the evening, and the time spent can be recorded in the treasury of good and true relationships.

The brown-haired girl loves such events and will chat incessantly. Everyone will like everything and during a walk the brown-haired woman will finally allow herself to be kissed, so that you next time they took her again, and not “yours” ex-girlfriend- stupid blonde."

You and the redhead will be able to ride together on the roof of a car, fixing the pedal with a brick and securing the steering wheel with a T-shirt, and play hide and seek (catch-up) on the yacht. Requests and entreaties to abandon civilization, drink a little more rum and become a pirate must be nipped in the bud. On extreme case, tying her in a bikini to the mast of the ship or her to the mast, and her bra in the shape of a flag to the flagpole. You can threaten to land him on a desert island.

On vacation. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

If the beach, sea, discos, restaurants suit your taste, then your faithful companion, not lagging behind one step, will be a blonde, who, by the way, loves to sunbathe topless.

The brunette will be happy to wander with you through the mountains and go down the most dangerous slopes. Castles and cramped streets of European cities are no less interesting to her.

A brown-haired woman would rather prefer a comfortable stay in a good hotel, but she may turn out to be a lover of Tibetan Buddhism or be susceptible to the desire to walk under the gate with the inscription from the Koran “... enter my paradise” of the Indian mausoleum of the Taj Mahal.

Any new city or extreme vacation attracts redheads. You can go with her to warm countries with numerous beaches. The redhead will drag you to a nudist beach, about which winter evenings you will remember when looking through photographs with bodies bronzed from the merciless sun and bodies shiny from the sand.

Photo: diluvi flickr.com/diluvi

To bed. Sex! Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Always dreamed of Sharon Stone in bed? Are your instincts taking over? Drag, or rather, carry her carefully in your arms to the territory of love.

The brunette will show such sensitive and sophisticated sex that you will want to at least light a cigarette and throw everything to hell, having sex only with her.

The brown-haired woman will open the breath of the east and the “Vatsyana Kama Sutra” with 35 chapters collected in 7 sections will be studied to its core, and even improved with the missing information.

The redhead will bring back youth, and sex on the street will become a regular occurrence. 20 kilotons of TNT in the form of sex will happen every day and many times, and it’s impossible to do otherwise with her, the red-haired beast.

For a wedding. Blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead?

Everything will work out with the blonde top level, and your legitimate, beautiful wife will finally get into your Bentley.

Brunettes suit Wedding Dresses, especially if the darkness of her skin emphasizes her sex appeal and you are at her feet.

The brown-haired woman will follow all the traditions of her ancestors; after all, it’s cute, healthy and not scary. You are guaranteed a faithful, reliable and sweet life partner.

The red-haired beauty will not come or will run away, and Julia Roberts(Julia Roberts) has nothing to do with it.

We are tired of the eternal debate about the attractiveness of blondes and brunettes and decided to ask men: girls with what hair color they prefer. Mikhail Terekhin, Kolya Serga and Otari Gogiberidze participated in the survey. Read what conclusion they came to!

Who is who

Blondes have a reputation for being unencumbered and gentle creatures, but the proverb doesn't lie: there really are devils in still waters. In practice, sometimes blondes turn out to be calculating, prone to analytical thinking and exact sciences. Despite the fact that the most ridiculous jokes are dedicated to those with blond hair, many gentlemen claim that they prefer blondes. Apparently, the law applies here that any PR attracts attention.

It is believed that brunettes are the complete opposite of blondes; they are fatal beauties who are capable of destroying any man. They are incredibly smart and charismatic. This theory has been actively developed by Hollywood cinema almost from the cradle: remember the seductive dark-haired beauties of Disney princesses.

Red-haired girls make up only 2 percent of the world's population, so some scientists consider this hair color to be a mutation, and redheads are more likely than others to be born with unusual abilities, talents and characteristics. Red-haired girls are considered to be smart and cunning people. In the Middle Ages they were even burned at the stake! But all this is superstition: research by British scientists shows that owners of fiery hair do not differ from other female representatives in matters of IQ.

There are thousands of opinions and hundreds of refutations, but every girl is individual in her own way, and this does not depend on hair color. As singer Freddie Mercury believed, there is no need to try to understand, unravel and analyze a woman, otherwise it will be difficult to enjoy her. TOPBEAUTY found out what other men think.

From a man's perspective

Star opinion

Mikhail Terekhin,

showman, actor, fitness model

I had a number of very beautiful blondes, whom I may have loved. I always have a passion for brunettes, but redheads are just cuties!

Kolya Serga ,

musician, actor, host of the TV program "Heads and Tails"

I like bald girls because if a bald girl is beautiful, she will be beautiful with any hair: white, black, gray, crimson and so on.

And in general, in the light of current technology, it is difficult to trust the color and length of a woman’s hair. You'll never know what she really is like under those layers of paint.

Otari Gogiberidze,

famous plastic surgeon, husband of TV presenter Yana Laputina

Looking at my wife, Yana Laputina, you will find the answer to the question about best color hair. Both brunettes and fair-haired ones are good. What's important is what's in your soul.

“Hair color does not affect the mental qualities, character, or beauty of a lady. It doesn’t matter what color your hair is, the main thing is that it suits you and your overall style.”

"I'm most attracted to girls with natural color hair, maybe a little tinted ends."

“Brunettes are passionate, blondes are gentle, redheads are perky.”

“They say that brunettes are in fashion now. To be honest, I don’t have the slightest idea about this. Like most other men. I doubt that you have often heard compliments addressed to you from the series: “Wow! You have one fashionable color hair!" And if I heard it, and even from a man, then most likely it was your stylist!"

"What color her hair is is not so important. The main thing is that it is healthy and beautiful."

"Brunettes are friendly and interesting. And blondes are sometimes less interesting, but impressive."

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Some are sure that golden-haired people are red-haired people. There are quite a lot of those who think so...

What does Google return when you search for “golden hair”?

They explain it any way they want. Well, for example, there is such a concept as “red gold”. But there is all sorts of gold. Including white...

I recently had an argument with one blogger, who responded to my comment with the following content:

“Oh yes, it also seems to me that golden-haired women are more gentle and soft than brunettes or redheads,”

I was very surprised. If not even to say, I was indignant:

“Stop, Galya! Red-haired girls are usually called golden-haired, but not fair-haired girls! Where do you get the idea that fair-haired people are golden-haired? The hair color speaks for itself!”

I agree that the name of the color speaks for itself.

But I can’t agree with the rest, namely that golden-haired people are red-haired.

I don’t know what this has to do with fair-haired people - I didn’t even mention them. And I don’t call them golden-haired. Light brown is a very wide range of colors. It may be ordinary grey colour, without any goldenness. And golden too. Of course, if we divide by standard color types, then, of course, golden-haired people belong to fair-haired people, and fair-haired and golden-haired people, in turn, are part of a large group of blondes. But it is impossible to equate fair-haired people with golden ones, because the concept of “blond-haired” is much broader.

So what is golden hair? To do this, you first need to understand the basic types of flowers.

Blonde, brunette, brown-haired – three main hair color types

Redheads - it would seem that everything is clear with them. Redheads are redheads. Just redheads. Or bright red ones. Anything, but red.

What does Google return when you search for “red hair”?

However, hair stylists (presumably, those who understand the concepts relating to their profession) divide all hair colors into three main types:

Brown-haired - chestnut, red.

Brunettes are all dark, but without a red tint.

Blondes are all light (relative to the first two types, but not necessarily only with white hair, as is commonly believed).

It would seem much simpler. But nature has endowed humanity with such rich color scheme, which is sometimes true, considerable difficulties arise in determining the color type of hair.

Therefore, let's take a closer look.

Brunettes. Everything is simple and clear with them. Everyone who has black hair (it doesn’t matter, even if it’s already gray) is a brunette. Brunettes also come in different shades (only a specialist can tell them apart), but their hair is always very dark. There are no light or red brunettes.

Brown-haired. These ones are a little more difficult. But everything will become simple if you decide that brown-haired people are “not all brunettes or blondes.” The color scheme here is incredibly rich: brown, chocolate, chestnut, coffee, with a little red, red of all stripes (dark red, light red, bright red, fiery red, etc.)

Blondes. This, oddly enough, is where there is the most confusion. Although it would seem that there is nothing complicated - these are all light shades of hair, from white to dark blond (yes, dark blond somehow it doesn’t sound very good, but it is): bleached, wheat, beige, golden, with yellow tint, yellow, ashen... Simply put, blondes are everyone who is not brunette or brown-haired.

That's all! There are only three main types of hair colors. Everything else is just variations of the basic types. And if you remember this, you will never be confused about hair types. And there will be no doubt that Titian’s women are red-haired, and Goldilocks is blonde.

Oh yes, some people distinguish another color type - gray. All other types can transform into it over time. But, roughly speaking, gray is not a hair color type, but age change hair structure, associated with a decrease in melanin production by the body (by the way, this aging process can be slowed down very in a simple way, which I’ll talk about separately).

In fact, gray hair is completely separate type hair. But it is distinguished not by color, but by another characteristic. And if we classify it as a color type, then it belongs to the third group - blond (by the way, ashy and all shades of gray are also blond).

And this version is confirmed at least by the fact that in French ash color hair is called blond cendré.

Goldilocks is a blonde!

Of course, on Wikipedia you can find five main hair color types: brunette, red, light brown, blond, gray. But that’s what Wikipedia is for. 🙂 When appealing to this not very valid resource, you should never forget that articles for it are written by everyone: both specialists and complete amateurs. We are interested in how it really is, aren’t we? And in this matter... philology will help us.

We make up words for a reason. They always have an etymology. And often the origin of a word can explain its meaning.

In notation color types hair legislators are the French.

The word "blonde" is derived from the French blonde- a man with blond hair. Literally most often translated as: blond, light yellow, light, white. This also, as we remember, includes White hair, regardless of their shade (white, ash, gray and others).

The word "brunette" comes from the French brune t – “a person with dark hair.”

The word "brown-haired" comes from the French Shatain(and then, in turn, from chataigne– “chestnut”, comes from Latin castanea– “chestnut”) – “a person with brown hair.”

As we can see, the French do not have red among their hair color types. And it cannot be. The definition of “red” is ours, Russian. Related words: “rode” (cast red), “rusty” and “ore” ( iron ore has a reddish color).

And redhead is classified as chestnut, that is, all owners of this hair color are brown-haired.

Golden-haired animals are not included in this classification. But does this mean that they are redheads?

Of course not! Golden-haired people are those whose hair color is similar to gold. The color of classic pure gold. Not white, not red. Have a nice warm one yellowish color. It's always blonde hair. Therefore, they are unconditionally classified as the “blonde” type.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Look it up in dictionaries. For example, in "Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language" Efremova's synonyms for the word "golden-haired" are as follows: "blond-haired, white-haired, blond, golden-haired, golden-maned, golden-haired, golden-haired." There is no sign of a redhead.

If you don’t believe me and the dictionaries, look at how artists depict Goldilocks. Blonde with golden hue! Sometimes with yellow hair. But not red! Would you really deny artists a sense of color?

And if you type “golden hair” into Google, it will return pictures of blondes with golden hair, and not at all redheads. This, of course, is not an indicator, but still a marker of how most people imagine golden hair.

What Google returns when searching for “golden hair”

Why am I so partial to this issue? Yes, because I myself am golden-haired.

And if someone tells me that this means that I am a redhead, I will be very surprised.

Do you think golden-haired people are blondes or redheads?

Related posts:

© Galina Shefer, website "", 2015. Copying text and photos is possible only with the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.

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Hey everyone!

Today I have prepared another test for you. In it I will tell you how to determine your character by your hair. Everything written will be about girls, but I think that with the help of this test you will be able to find out the character of a guy :).

By the way, the test will only be true in relation to your natural color hair. And if you paint them, then this may indicate not only your desire to change your image, but that you are to some extent dissatisfied with your character.

So, the character of a person is based on hair color.


Signs: This category includes girls with hair shades from light brown to blond.

Character: Most people think blondes are beautiful and very stupid. And in vain! This is a stereotype that is completely untrue. Girls with blond hair are best at science and science (for example, mathematics).

Blondes are very sensitive, but they don’t show it, hiding their emotions and pretending to be cool. These girls know how to hear the prompts of their intuition. Blonde girls are to a certain extent distrustful, and practically do not allow anyone to get into their souls.

The most difficult challenge for these girls is the fight against cliches and stereotypes. Sometimes they play along with others, maintaining the image of a beautiful and stupid blonde. But quite often they surprise others with their intelligence.


Signs: very dark brown hair, black and blue-black hair.

Character: There are a lot of melancholic people among dark-haired girls. They are easily vulnerable, sensitive, very worried even after small failures, and look for the reasons for failure in themselves. Hence the lack of self-confidence and the rapid change of mood from good to bad. By the way, just as quickly as their mood deteriorates, it rises just as quickly. Brunettes prefer not to talk about their feelings and experiences.

Due to a very painful attitude towards their own failures and defeats, brunettes try to assert themselves in the most favorite way - breaking men's hearts. This is what allows them to get rid of the feeling of uselessness to other people and doubts about their attractiveness.

Brunettes are very fond of psychology, are fond of religion and know how to appreciate art. They are very purposeful and almost always achieve what they want. By the way, a feature of this type of girls is the following pattern: what lighter skin faces, the more clearly the character traits described above appear.


Signs: red hair color (from lightest to copper shades)

Character: Red-haired girls considered the most emotional. And for good reason :). Red-haired girls really do have an “explosive” character. It's all about anti-stress hormones, which girls with red hair produce in smaller quantities.

Such girls do not tolerate pressure on themselves and various restrictions. That is why redheads prefer to behave not as they should, but as they see fit. Their motto in life: “No one owes anyone anything.” For them there are no authorities and the only important opinion for them is their own. Such girls very often have difficulty joining the team because they do not tolerate crowds and monotonous decisions.

By the way, redheads very rarely “filter” what they say. Therefore, sometimes from such a girl you can hear the whole truth, which others do not always like.

Brown haired

Signs: all shades brown hair except very dark ones.

Character: These girls are made for family. They are gentle, flexible, caring. True, not all men can see this right away. Brown-haired women have a fairly calm character and are very pleasant to talk to. In addition, natural sociability allows them to be the life of the party.

The strong character traits of brown-haired women are resistance to stress and balance. The undoubted advantages also include the ability to solve the most complex tasks and find a way out even in hopeless situations. The disadvantage of brown-haired women is their dislike of routine and monotonous work, which makes them feel sad and even depressed.

Brown-haired women know how to be beautiful and pay attention sufficient time their appearance, but they still place the main emphasis on intelligence. Therefore, some guys perceive them as a “magic wand” or best friend, but not as a girlfriend.

The decision to repaint, as practice shows, most often arises when life begins to new stage or we are particularly inspired by some screen/runway image. A radical change of image requires both courage and a clear understanding of how comfortable the changes will be. To inspire you to experiment (or protect you from it), we have selected three dozen stellar transitions from the light side to the dark side and back.

Melania Trump

The first lady of the United States bleached her hair towards the end of 2018. The image turned out to be unexpectedly bright, because previously Melania for a long time preferred a chestnut-red shade close to natural, and the maximum she allowed herself was partial highlighting individual strands(booking). Theories immediately began to multiply as to why Mrs. Trump dyed her hair ─ for example, it was suggested that the blonde successfully disguises gray hair (look for all the funny explanations of this fact in the material “Why did Melania Trump become a blonde?”). We would like to point out that light shade definitely refreshed the wife of President Trump, but at the same time put too much emphasis on makeup - emphasized eyebrows and intense smokey eyes. If Melania decides to remain blonde, she will have to master the skills of natural make-up - there is no doubt that for fair-haired people it should be less bright. Also, Melania will now need to carefully monitor the lighting during photo shoots: electric light often gives the blonde an unaesthetic yellowness, and for Mrs. Trump this is fraught constant comparisons her hair with her husband’s famous hair.

Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie looks equally good on both light and dark shades. But still, the actress prefers blonde, and when she dyed her hair chocolate, she appeared at the Oscars in 2014 (at that time, The Wolf of Wall Street, with her participation, was nominated for best movie years), everyone gasped in amazement. Brunette Margot looks languid and sultry, but still this hair color, coupled with intense makeup, instantly adds a couple of extras to the girl extra years. We hope that at the upcoming film awards (don’t forget about the actress’s fantastic benefit performance in the film “Tonya Against Everyone”), Margot will not radically change her image.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid once surprised fans with a post on Twitter: in the photo the model is captured with hair of the same color platinum blonde and even with a pink tint. It’s good that the youngest Hadid did not allow herself more such liberties, visually equating her with Kim Kardashian (she, by the way, is also on our list): Bella is a miracle, how beautiful she is with dark hair.

Jennifer Lawrence

Dark color favors Jen: she dyed her hair brunette for The Hunger Games, which was highly acclaimed by critics, and with dark chocolate-colored curls she received an Oscar statuette for the film My Boyfriend Is Crazy. Let the blonde not be noted for such creative successes ─ “Joy” still remained in the Oscar nominees, but for “Mama!” the actress was nominated for the cinematic anti-award “Golden Raspberry” ─ still he suits the girl more.

Angelina Jolie

IN last years Angelina rarely experiments with style, preferring a “stable” vamp ─ dark hair and red lipstick. But it was not always so. For the film “Life or Something Like That” (2002), she tried on a look a la Marilyn Monroe and lost all her chic in platinum blonde. If it is true that Marcheline Bertrand, the actress's mother, taught her from infancy to tinting her hair in dark color, ─ hats off to her insight: the dark Jolie goes much better than the light one.

Amber Heard

Natural blonde Amber Heard dyed her hair both pink and red, and reserved dark hair for Johnny Depp, a big lover of contrasts. Interesting experience, taking into account the fact that the chosen color is not much darker than the actress’s own dark blond base. However, that's enough for a long time She sticks to her usual blonde.

Emma Stone

Neither dark nor light are completely ideal for Emma Stone's hair. The first makes her a double of Lindsay Lohan, and the second makes her similar to the former “spice” Emma Bunton. It’s wonderful that the actress, unnecessarily, does not part with her ideal shade of bronze shimmering in the sun.

Dakota Johnson

Coco Rocha

The Canadian supermodel is a famous experimenter. Getting a boy's haircut or a radical change of color is not difficult for her. We like both options, but note that in “ dark version“Coco looks much more “expensive and rich.”

Gigi Hadid

The story of Gigi Hadid's transformation is typical for all top models: what you won't do for the sake of a contract. I'm glad that modern fashion stylists They rarely fight with the original “summer” color type of the older Hadid and force her to repaint her hair. In general, both dark and light suit her, but still multifaceted, with “sunny” highlights, natural light brown ─ much more.

Victoria Beckham

In 2007, following Victoria Beckham Thousands of girls dyed their hair platinum blonde. This is perhaps the brightest beauty period for the former “posh spice”: it was difficult not to notice the former Adams then. And while we may miss Vicky's blonde bob, let's face it, she's right - there's a time for everything. Today is deep dark shade makes the British style icon and mother of four look more elegant and expensive.

Robert Downey (Jr.)

We don’t deny the opportunity for a radical transformation to men either: Robert Downey dyed his hair blond for the role of blue-eyed Australian Kirk Lazarus in “Tropic Thunder,” and this brought dividends in the form of an Oscar nomination and an additional portion of audience sympathy for Tony Stark.

Katy Perry

A tireless lover of change, Katie could easily have opted for a rich and dense shade of raven in her beauty experiments, which gave her face a noble charm and resemblance to the actresses of old Hollywood (admit it, looking at this photo, did you also think of Vivien Leigh?).

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon's natural hair color is dark brown. The actress has long preferred a golden shade and does not allow herself to appear in public even with a centimeter of growth. dark roots. But the moments when, on duty, she painted herself creamy chocolate clearly prove that it also suits her very well.

Kirsten Dunst

But who definitely benefited from the transition to the blonde category was Kirsten Dunst. The natural “mouse”-blond shade of hair was very simple for the pretty, but very atypical face of the actress. Blonde hair successfully emphasized the eyes and added lightness to the image. It’s good that even during pregnancy (in 2018, Dunst and her partner, actor Jesse Plemons, gave birth to their first child), she did not think of changing her chosen image.

Zooey Deschanel

But Zooey Deschanel is a natural brunette, and the radical change in color confirms this. The blonde hair discolored and took away the color from the actress’s face; even red lipstick couldn’t save her. As a blonde, the girl was no longer recognizable.

Olivia Wilde

For a very long time Olivia was faithful to her chosen style: natural light brown shade hair and long mirror curls. After the birth of her first baby, the actress was drawn to change: she cut her hair short and then dyed it. Behind a short time Olivia managed to be both a bright blonde and a burning brunette. We concluded that the well-known animal defender has a soft light shade that suits her face more than others.

Kendall Jenner

The Kardashians love to share color palette as clearly as possible ─ in black and white. Kendall is no exception, but we would really like to advise her to diversify her coloring techniques and try to wear more complex and multifaceted shades (and if she decides to go blonde, also lighten her eyebrows).

Elizabeth Olsen

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

The actress steadfastly remains faithful to the length and color of her hair, and we are ready to admit that she is right: the natural caramel-blond shade forgives and cheapens her image (as does her bangs).

Orlando Bloom

Not so long ago (in 2016), Orlando Bloom lightened up again, and fans immediately reproached the actor for looking like Justin Bieber (not a bad compliment for 39-year-old Bloom). The casket simply opened: radical change image required the filming of the film “Smart Pursuit: Fire and Earth.” The sacrifice was in vain - the film had a low rating and did poorly at the box office.

Ann Hataway

Anne as bright sexy blonde appeared at the Met Gala 2013 and blew everyone away. This happened almost immediately after the actress circumcised luxurious curls and cut her hair short for her role in “Les Miserables”: two bold beauty metamorphoses at once ─ and Hathaway was immediately labeled a revolutionary. But almost immediately Anne returned to the dark color, and we support her: it successfully and nobly sets off her pale skin and highlights warm brown eyes.
