Is honey good for face? Scrub mask for blackheads

In the line of facial skin care products, honey occupies place of honor. He is in demand because he has unique properties and is suitable for almost any skin. A face mask with honey is a popular homemade cosmetic product.

Everything is currently more women prefer home care to salon care. This is quite understandable, because folk remedies have long been proven to be natural and effective. Unlike salon procedures, home procedures do not require large time and financial costs.

Home care can include various procedures: from skin moisturizing to peeling. Masks remain the most popular facial skin care product. Folk recipes masks exist great amount, each woman can choose the right ingredients based on her skin type and the desired result.

Using honey for home skin care has a number of significant advantages over other products.

The acids, carotene and vitamins that are part of honey contribute to a number of effects that it has on the skin:

  • cleansing. Honey literally draws out any impurities from the skin;
  • renewal of skin cells and stimulation of their regeneration;
  • fight against inflammation and skin imperfections;
  • hydration. Especially effective for dry skin and microcracks;
  • improvement of blood circulation in skin cells;
  • food;
  • prevention of aging;
  • UV protection.

In addition to these beneficial properties, honey is used in cosmetology for any type of skin. With the help of honey, dry skin is saturated, and oily skin becomes dull. Honey is recommended for aging facial skin, it is able to smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Rules for using a mask with honey

For the purpose of obtaining visible result from the mask and to prevent undesirable consequences you need to follow some simple rules.

  1. Since, as a rule, the mask consists not only of honey, but also of other ingredients, it is important to clarify the type of skin in order to correctly determine the composition of the product.
  2. The mask must be used immediately after preparation and not reapplied.
  3. Heat treatment of honey leads to a loss of its qualities, so it is not recommended to overheat it or dilute it with boiling water.
  4. You can use the mask only after cleansing the skin.

Face mask with honey good remedy for home care. Since honey is the basis best recipes masks, you can choose the one suitable for each type of skin and, if necessary, replace related products.

Honey mask with egg

To make the product, two tablespoons of honey and one egg are mixed. If desired, heavy cream is added to the mask. After application, the product must be kept for 20 minutes.

If the skin is extremely dry, then moisturizing can be achieved by adding one yolk and any edible oil.

If the skin is oily, the protein is separated from the egg and mixed with honey. In this case, the mask will help in the fight against oily sheen.

Honey mask with Aspirin

Aspirin combined with honey is a powerful anti-aging agent. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than once a week, and the mixture should be left on the skin for 10 minutes.

To create a remedy, one tablet of Aspirin is taken and dissolved in two tablespoons of warm water. After the formation of gruel, a tablespoon of honey is added and mixed.

In addition to visible rejuvenation, this tool helps with a tendency to acne. It is quite effective in the fight against acne and acne.

The oil-infused honey mask is compatible with every skin type and also fights the signs of skin aging. Honey in combination with oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, tones, helps to cope with imperfections.

Honey mask with lemon

Lemon juice is considered to be the most active product to improve facial skin. It is indispensable for oily skin, makes it matte and tightens pores. For acne-prone skin, lemon fights inflammation and signs of acne. Lemon is even used to eliminate freckles and skin pigmentation.

But the lemon itself dries out the skin too much. Therefore, most often it is used in combination with other ingredients, in particular with honey.

Honey and lemon juice are taken in equal proportions - two tablespoons each. If the mask is used to whiten the skin, then honey is added cold. When a mask is needed oily skin, then honey should be slightly heated in a water bath.

The mask can be kept on the face for no longer than 15 minutes. Its use is possible no more than once every 3 weeks.

Honey mask with sour cream

A honey and sour cream mask is very easy to make, as the ingredients are in every refrigerator.

Sour cream is important for facial skin because it contains vitamins B, C, A, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Like honey, it supplies the cells with important trace elements and makes the skin velvety and hydrated.

To prepare such a mask, you need to choose high-quality fresh sour cream. Mix one tablespoon of each ingredient and lubricate the face.

This remedy is only effective for dry skin. When used on oily skin, it can clog pores.

Cinnamon stimulates blood circulation, so a honey face mask with the addition of cinnamon has a rejuvenating effect. Its use also helps to nourish the skin and eliminate redness.

To prepare the remedy, you should dissolve a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a tablespoon of honey and apply on the face. The mask must be removed after 20 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be repeated twice a week.

Honey mask with soda

The mask with honey and soda is great alternative salon procedures for deep cleansing of the skin. Soda has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates bacteria and normalizes water balance.

A few tablespoons of baking soda should be dissolved in half a glass of water. Add liquid honey there, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The mask must be washed off 10 minutes after application.

Honey mask with oatmeal

Oat flakes are used in cosmetology to achieve the effect of rejuvenation, making the skin soft and elastic. They are rich in amino acids, phosphorus, ascorbic acid and retinol.

A mask with honey and the addition of oatmeal demonstrates an anti-inflammatory effect, nourishes the skin, promotes deep cleansing and massage.

To make a mask, add a teaspoon of honey to one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal and leave it on your face for 7-10 minutes.

Honey mask with salt

Such simple ingredients, like honey and salt, are always present in the kitchen. But, despite their simplicity, they are extremely effective in home care.

Salt acts on the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Using a mask with honey and salt loose skin helps to restore her tone, even out the relief and make it more elastic.

The ingredients also help acne-prone skin.

In a tablespoon of honey, you need to dissolve a teaspoon table salt. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

Honey mask with salt has a prolonged effect.

Honey and aloe are an effective remedy for skin imperfections. Aloe has a more pronounced anti-acne effect than honey. Therefore, the combination of two products helps to achieve a pronounced anti-inflammatory result.

The mask is easy to create: you need to select a large aloe leaf and cut it in half. Then cut out the core and grind to a pulp. Two tablespoons of the resulting product should be combined with one spoon of honey and kept on the face for 15-20 minutes.

The procedure should be carried out as needed, there are no special restrictions.


Despite the undeniable benefits of honey, there are a number of contraindications to its use as a mask:

  • allergic reactions to honey;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • Availability vascular network on the face;
  • increased vegetation;
  • diabetes.

Before applying the mask, you can do a simple allergy test. It is enough to apply a honey mask on especially sensitive places - the bend of the elbow or wrist. You should wait at least half an hour. If the treated area does not peel off and there is no redness, there is no allergy to honey.

Such a miraculous substance as honey has long been recommended by cosmetologists as a means of facial skin care.

To achieve maximum effect for home care, you need to follow simple tips.

  1. Regularity of procedures. One time use any mask will have an effect, but it must be fixed with a subsequent course of procedures.
  2. Use of quality ingredients. Don't skimp on own beauty by buying expired or questionable products.
  3. Making products suitable for skin type. It is recommended to prepare facial products after determining the needs of the skin, since the same ingredient can be good for dry skin and harmful for oily.
  4. Pre-cleansing. In order for the mask to have the expected effect, the procedure should be carried out on cleansed facial skin. It's better to do it after hot bath or the soul, when the pores are still open and better absorb nutrients.


A face mask with honey has several advantages over salon procedures. It can be used at any time and the accompanying ingredients can be selected, while the effect will not be long in coming. It is important to pay attention to the skin of the face at least 10 minutes a week, and she will thank the owner with her healthy and radiant appearance.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I always try various means, ways, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

It's no secret that we get the most valuable products from nature. Among them is honey, which can not only strengthen the immune system, normalizing the work of the whole organism, but also rejuvenate our skin. If you remember, the honey face mask was Cleopatra's favorite beauty remedy.

Honey masks have unique properties that are quite difficult to overestimate.

Today, home-made honey compositions are also quite popular. Their miraculous ingredients help in the fight against wrinkles, cleanse and nourish the skin.

What effect does honey have on the skin of the face?

The healing substances that make up honey can transform your skin beyond recognition. She will shine with health, acquire an ideal even shade and elasticity. What functions does the bee product itself perform, being the basis of masks?

  1. Honey penetrates deep into the pores, saturates with moisture and prevents its exit. Thanks to this, the skin is always sufficiently hydrated, which is the key to maintaining its youthfulness.
  2. When found in the composition of masks, this product acquires the ability to absorb pollution. In this way, universal mild cleansers are obtained.
  3. Honey is widely used for facial skin rejuvenation, it is a tightening, astringent and tonic component.
  4. This product can help in the fight against acne, as well as the marks left by them, as it has a magical anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Honey cosmetics can be safely used for any type of skin - it perfectly moisturizes dry skin and eliminates peeling, and makes oily skin matte and elastic.
  6. Bee honey will become great helper when eliminating dryness and cracks on the lips.

Attention! It should be remembered that honey is a strong allergen, and if you suffer from intolerance to this product, then you should abandon masks based on it. And for those who want to make sure that they are safe, it is enough to conduct a simple test.

To do this, you need to drop a small amount of honey on the back of your hand and wait a while. In the absence of any reaction from the skin, you can safely apply the formulations to the face.

  • dilation of blood vessels on the face;
  • the presence of capillary stars on the face;
  • increased facial hair growth;
  • allergy to bee products;
  • diabetes;
  • exudative diathesis;
  • bronchial asthma.

The question often arises - is it possible to smear the face with honey, using it in pure form? It should be borne in mind that the product is used for skin care most often in combination with additional components. The exceptions are: a cleansing procedure and a honey lip mask.

Honey face masks

Honey is indispensable for the health and youth of the skin. But in order for the masks to bring the maximum positive results skin must be washed beforehand. The honey mixture itself should certainly be washed off with warm water without the use of soap or gel, as the effectiveness of the product will be minimized.

Honey for aging skin

Honey masks for wrinkles are applied very carefully, trying not to stretch the skin. The area around the eyes remains intact. With the fingertips, the composition is distributed with smooth movements in the direction from the chin and the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose and the corners of the lips to the ears. Doing such masks is not more than 2 times a week.
  1. Mix a dessert spoon of honey (10 g) and two tablespoons of olive oil (30 g). Heat the resulting mass slightly by placing the container with it in a wide bowl with hot water. Apply the mixture to the face and after 15 minutes rinse with warm water, while making light massage movements with your fingertips.
  2. If you combine raw yolk and a tablespoon of bee honey, you get excellent remedy, which will not only help smooth out wrinkles, but also perfectly moisturize dry skin. Keep this mixture should be no more than 15 minutes, after which it must be washed off with warm running water. You can use the mask every day, applying to the face before the morning toilet.
  3. If you have normal skin, then it is recommended to use the following composition for rejuvenation. Sift 35 g into a container wheat flour, add protein, whipped into a strong foam, and 5 g of liquid honey. You will get a fairly thick mixture, which is applied to the face for 15 minutes.
  4. For the next mask, you must first prepare freshly cut aloe leaves, which should be kept in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. Further, juice should be squeezed out of them and combined with 10 g of honey and 30 g of plum pulp, turned into gruel. Mix the ingredients and dilute with a small amount of olive oil (if this is not found, then vegetable oil can be used). After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm, and then cold water to close the pores.

Honey for skin cleansing

Honey not only helps with wrinkles, but also serves as an excellent cleanser. It perfectly tones the skin, opens the pores and absorbs all impurities like a sponge.

  1. This procedure will require pre-training skin. To do this, you need to brew the usual pharmacy chamomile, let it brew for 5 minutes and steam your face, bending over the bowl with the infusion. Then smear the face with honey and make a light patting massage. You will see the result yourself - at first, dirt will remain on your fingertips white color, and after a while the effect will be noticeable already on the face. After the procedure, honey is washed off with warm water and rubbed with chamomile infusion.
  2. The second mask is suitable for owners fatty type skin. To prepare it, you need to mix 30 g of chilled green tea, 10 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10-15 g of liquid honey. Keep the mixture for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Advice! As a rule, after cleansing the face with honey, only cold water, as warm will not close the pores and after a short period the skin will become dirty again.

Honey + cinnamon

Surely every housewife has a secret box with seasonings that help to make her dishes exquisite and original. And among these fragrant additives, there must be cinnamon, which, in combination with honey, can have an amazing effect on the skin. The healing properties of the duet are multifaceted - these components are used both for beauty and for the treatment of many ailments. We recommend that you read the article about, in which we talked in detail about the properties and application of this tool.

Important! It is necessary to calculate the dosage of cinnamon as accurately as possible, since its high concentration can lead to backlash from the skin - hyperemia and irritation.

When purchasing honey, it is necessary to ensure that it is not pasteurized. Otherwise, there will be no effect, since during this process all the useful properties of the product are lost.

Your skin will gain elasticity if you carry out the following procedure twice a week. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to combine honey and cinnamon in a ratio of 2: 1. With dry skin, one raw yolk is added to the mixture, with oily skin - protein, with normal - a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture on the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cold water.

Honey scrub

Honey scrub can be used for any skin type. Before using the product, the face must be moistened with water.

  1. Once a week, you can use a smoothing scrub, which consists of honey, ground walnut and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face, kept for no more than 5 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  2. Deeply cleanses the skin honey scrub with the addition of 30 g sea ​​salt and 15 g of olive oil. The components must be mixed and applied to the face in a circular motion. Hold for 4 minutes and rinse.
  3. Mint has an excellent restorative effect. Its dry leaves must be brewed by adding 3 tablespoons granulated sugar, 7 g of liquid honey and 7 g of olive oil. The scrub must be cooled in the refrigerator, then applied to the face and washed off. mint tea after 10 minutes.

Honey will help soften the skin of the lips

According to the results of sociological surveys, it turned out that the majority of men, when meeting a woman, first of all pays attention to her lips. Therefore, it is very important that they always remain seductive. But this is quite difficult to achieve in winter, when there are frosts outside. And since on the lips sebaceous glands absent, the skin on them often bursts and dries up. In this case, a honey lip mask will help.

  1. From cracks and peeling on the lips, the following composition will help, which can be applied before using makeup. Mix in equal proportions butter and olive oil, honey. Apply with dotted movements on the lips, remove with a napkin after 10 minutes.
  2. If the lips are very dry, then you can use bee honey in its pure form. It is applied to the lips light massage for 10 minutes and rinse with water.
  3. Lips will become tender and sensual if you use a special mask. Combine honey and melted pork fat in a ratio of 2:1. Apply to lips and remove cotton pad after 15 minutes. If the product is not fully used, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Using honey masks the mixture should be prepared immediately before use. If you have not found liquid honey, then it can be melted in a water bath, but do not overheat it too much, since at temperatures above +60 ° C the product can no longer be applied to the face - it will completely lose all its beneficial properties. Procedures should be carried out regularly - this is the only way to achieve positive results.

most useful and effective means to maintain beauty, nature gives us. All cosmetics will necessarily contain natural extracts, powders, infusions, extracts from plants or other natural components. Despite the abundance of natural cosmetics, homemade face masks are very popular. After all, it is much more pleasant to nourish your skin with clean natural product without any synthetic substances. One of the main components in skin care is honey, the benefits of which are simply priceless. This product is used for hair, body and face care.

In this article, we will look at how to properly apply honey for the face, what benefits it brings, what properties it has, and how honey can help solve many skin problems.

The usefulness of honey lies in its rich composition. It contains almost all trace elements: potassium, calcium, boron, manganese, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. It also contains a lot of necessary vitamins(group B, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc.) and of course fructose, glucose, natural acids, phytoncides, enzymes and essential amino acids. All this makes honey a truly unique natural product, and each of these elements has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

What is the benefit of honey for the face?

  1. Honey has excellent moisturizing properties, as it contains water (about 20%) and fruit sugars (polysaccharides), which bind water well on the surface of the skin and prevent it from evaporating.
  2. Honey nourishes the skin very well due to the high content of various vitamins and other substances beneficial for the skin.
  3. Honey has light exfoliating and whitening properties, because. contains acids and enzymes.
  4. It has a rejuvenating effect, due to mineral and other substances, accelerates cell growth and skin renewal.
  5. Honey is a good antiseptic and therefore has anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Honey is so versatile that it can be applied to any type of skin and will eliminate existing problems. So it moisturizes well and softens dry skin, helps eliminate peeling. At the same time, it is able to give dullness and freshness to oily skin. Perfectly smoothes fine wrinkles, tightens and gives elasticity to aging skin. And thanks to its antiseptic property, it will perfectly cope with various kinds of inflammation. An indispensable assistant in lip care, especially if dry, chapped and prone to cracks (read: what to do if lips crack).

But, despite the simply inexhaustible possibilities for maintaining beauty, honey has one big minus - it can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, it is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Also, before using honey in facial care, you need to do a test: apply a small amount of pure honey on your hand with inside(where the skin is tender and sensitive) - leave for 30 minutes, rinse with water. If there are no signs of irritation on the skin (itching, redness) - then feel free to use honey for cosmetic purposes.

Honey can be used both in its pure form and mixed with other components that will only enhance the beneficial effects. Honey should be used only natural, it is best to purchase it from beekeepers. Washing with honey is also useful, after which the face simply glows with health.

Recipes for face masks with honey

Before the masks, you need to prepare the skin: cleanse, do a light peeling and steam the skin a little (over steam or covering it with a damp warm towel). The mask is used in a warm state. You need to apply the mask not only on the skin of the face, but also do not forget about the skin of the neck. Keep the masks for 15 to 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water using a sponge and apply your favorite face cream. Apply masks 1-2 times a week.

FROM oat flour and honey - Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground oatmeal and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey. Mix and apply on the prepared face and neck for 15-20 minutes. Perfectly softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Face masks made from oatmeal with honey are an excellent tool that will bring the skin in order in the shortest possible time.

With apple and honey - Grate a small sour apple, sprinkle with lemon juice, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. The mask perfectly brightens the skin and fights against age spots, gives a matte, fresh and radiant color.

With pink clay and honey - Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon pink clay water to the consistency of yogurt and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mix well. The mask has a rejuvenating effect, tightens the contour of the face and gives elasticity.

With dry milk and honey - 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of powdered milk with water and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey The mask perfectly nourishes tired skin.

Banana-honey mask - mash half a banana to a puree state, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mix. The mask well moisturizes and nourishes the skin, saturating it with microelements.

Olive honey - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of high-quality olive oil mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Warm up in a water bath, mix and apply a warm mass on the skin. Perfectly nourishes, tightens, improves complexion, relieves peeling.

Kefir with honey - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir and 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of honey, warm it up and spread over the skin. Good for oily skin, gives a matte and rested look.

Aloe with honey - Grind a small stalk of aloe to a puree state, add half a teaspoon of calendula tincture and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Such a mask will help get rid of acne, dries, has an antiseptic effect.

Soda and honey baking soda Dilute 1 tbsp with water so that the soda dissolves, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey - apply for 10 minutes. Deep cleansing mask, use with caution sensitive skin. Clears pores, whitens the face.

Using honey for the face - reviews

Lady: For me, a honey mask is just a salvation and is in the first place of all homemade masks (and purchased ones too). I take a bath, put honey on my face, neck and décolleté. The result is excellent! I also love different clay masks and fruit.

Alice: I like the honey face mask too. But here, of course, you need to do an allergy test.

Kitten: Honey face masks are just super! I do this: 2 tbsp. I mix tablespoons of fresh, unsweetened honey with lemon juice, squeeze about half a lemon. I put it on my face for no more than 10 minutes. Well narrows pores, refreshes. For my oily skin, this is the best natural mask.

Maria: Yes, my mother also shared with me such a secret as using honey for the face. She often makes such a mask with honey and her skin, I tell you, is just great for her age! So I also began not to change my mother's traditions and often use delicious honey for face care. And I mix it with many products, and with yolk, and with oil, clay, herbal decoctions. Very like!

Despite many modern means, honey is still used in cosmetology. Thanks to unique healing properties, it is used to care for the body, hair and facial skin. The bee product is useful both in its pure form and as part of various masks, tonics and lotions that can be prepared at home. They help get rid of acne, fight dry skin and can even prolong youth by removing wrinkles.

  • scrubs, masks, creams for wrinkles and facial rejuvenation;
  • wraps, massages, creams or masks for body modeling;
  • as part of shampoos, masks to strengthen hair.

Honey in cosmetology, its properties and effect

Useful qualities of honey allow you to use it in cosmetic industry. It is 100% absorbed by the human body. Honey contains over 300 chemical elements and compounds that have positive influence on the skin:

  • Vitamin B1 is involved in the vital activity of the skin and maintaining its health.
  • Vitamin B2 protects the epidermis from free radicals.
  • Vitamin B6 moisturizes, heals it and promotes cell renewal.
  • Vitamin B3 effectively relieves inflammation, prevents acne, moisturizes and softens the skin.
  • Vitamin C has healing properties, eliminates dryness skin and speeds up collagen production.
  • Zinc slows down skin aging and fights wrinkles.
  • Polyphenols inhibit oxidative processes in epidermal cells.

How honey affects the skin is explained by its ability to penetrate cell membranes and be absorbed without significant energy consumption.

Cosmetic products with natural high-quality honey improve not only appearance but also the structure of the epidermis. Their regular use has the following effects:

  • narrows pores;
  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes;
  • removes wrinkles;
  • relieves inflammation, eliminates acne and blackheads;
  • improves cellular respiration;
  • tones the skin;
  • rejuvenates;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • stimulates blood circulation, saturates cells with oxygen;
  • promotes accelerated regeneration and tissue renewal
  • helps to retain moisture in the skin and prevents its dehydration;
  • accelerates cell division.

Thanks to honey masks, the skin becomes brighter, clearer and looks more toned. The elasticity of the epidermis is significantly increased. Greatest result can be achieved using means for withering or for problematic skin with enlarged pores. Compositions prepared at home smooth fine wrinkles and even out tone.

Honey is able to penetrate deep into the pores and extract impurities from there. Thanks to this, it remains clean, soft and supple for a long time. The antiseptic effect of compositions with honey is due to the fact that when it is combined with water, hydrogen peroxide is formed. This is a strong antimicrobial agent that effectively disinfects the skin, prevents acne and dries out inflammation that has already appeared. Not less than useful property honey - the ability to protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet. This helps prevent wrinkles and prevent premature aging.

Many are wondering if it is useful pure honey for facial skin? The answer to this question is in the affirmative. The easiest way to use honey for the face at home is to apply it in a thin layer with wet hands on the skin and work it in a little with the pads of your fingers. The mask is left to act for half an hour and washed off.

Indications and contraindications

Honey alone or mixed is extremely beneficial and can be used by just about anyone. But special indications for use are:

  • dry, sensitive skin;
  • inflammation on the face, acne;
  • skin aging;
  • peeling on the face;
  • dull color.

Despite its exceptional usefulness, honey should not be used by people who are allergic to this biologically active product. Therefore, before preparing and applying a mask of honey, it is worth doing a test. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the elbow or back of the wrist. If, after a couple of hours, redness or itching does not appear on the skin, then it can be used.

Means with honey is harmful to use in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • severe telangectasia;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • purulent inflammatory processes on the face;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diathesis;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes.

In order not to harm yourself, if you have these problems, you should consult your doctor before using honey for your face.

Honey Home Remedies

1. It is very easy to prepare a moisturizing face mask for dry skin with honey at home. In order to make a remedy that will perfectly nourish and protect against adverse factors in winter time, have to take:

  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • chicken or quail egg - 0.5 pcs;
  • cream high fat content- 5 ml.

The egg must first be beaten, mixed with honey and, if desired, with cream, if the skin is very dry and needs enhanced care. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

2. With peeling and increased dryness facial fit mask made at home:

  • honey - 15 ml;
  • jojoba or olive oil - 5 drops;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour.

3. A honey mask for dry skin often contains sour cream. This fermented milk product perfectly nourishes, saturates useful substances and permanently moisturizes the epidermis. The skin becomes soft and velvety. For the mask you need:

  • sour cream.

Ingredients should be taken 1 tablespoon, mixed and applied to clean face for a quarter of an hour, and then wash off.

4. You can moisturize the skin with a mask according to this recipe:

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l.

The ingredients are mixed and a honey-based mask is applied to the face for half an hour.

5. Due to the anti-aging properties of honey, masks for wrinkles are often prepared at home. One of these is done like this:

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • ground cinnamon - a bag.

The components are combined and stirred until a homogeneous consistency. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. The tool is used twice a week for a month. The components of the mask accelerate blood circulation, starting regeneration processes in the epidermis. The mixture removes redness, nourishes, improves elasticity.

6. Honey perfectly eliminates small wrinkles. It is also effective against acne. Prepare it like this:

  • Pour an aspirin tablet with 2 teaspoons of water.
  • When the tablet is wet, it is crushed.
  • Add a spoonful of honey to Aspirin and mix.

Apply the composition with honey on the face for just a few minutes. The procedure is repeated once a week.

7. Judging by the reviews, the following moisturizing skin mask softens, improves elasticity and smoothes wrinkles. The ingredients for it will be:

  • natural honey;
  • freshly squeezed aloe juice.

Aloe leaf must be crushed in a blender, wrapped in gauze and squeezed out the juice. It is mixed with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey. The mask is applied for a quarter of an hour and washed off. The procedure for sensitive, problematic, depleted and aging skin is carried out once a week.

8. Moisturizing mask for problem skin is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • yogurt - 15 ml.

Everything is mixed and used for the face. The mask helps to cleanse pores, relieve inflammation, restore skin balance, make it radiant.

Scrub mask is home remedy for effective cleansing and skin restoration. It can be used as a softening exfoliant. To prepare the composition, you need to mix honey with oatmeal. Massage movements The mask is applied to the skin for 10 minutes and then washed off. Together with it, the top layer of the skin is removed, the pores are cleaned.

9. Anti-inflammatory effect has a mask of the following components:

  • grated ginger root - 0.5 tsp;
  • kefir - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 2 tsp

The composition is applied massage lines. The mask has a warming effect. Ginger fights acne and blackheads, relieves irritation. After the procedure, the skin will look rested. It should be done once a week.

10. Soothe the skin, relieve inflammation will help such a home remedy:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • ripe banana - 1 pc;
  • citrus fruit juice - 5 ml.

The mixture is applied to clean dry face and leave to act for a quarter of an hour. The composition is removed wet tissue paper. After that, it is not recommended to use other cosmetics.

11. Bananas contain vitamins A, B 12, C and B 6, as well as magnesium and potassium, which enrich the skin. fruit acids improve color by removing the top layer of dead cells.

To improve and improve the condition of the skin will allow the following mask:

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • chopped apple - 1 pc.

The apple is peeled and grated, mixed with honey. The product is applied to the face and kept for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is repeated twice a week.

Judging by the reviews, honey-based face masks are often more effective than expensive ones. cosmetic products industrial production. The main thing is to choose the right composition to solve a specific skin problem.

If complex mask recipes are not for you (well, after all, not everyone has the desire and time to conjure in the kitchen), but you want to try cooking useful masks for face from natural products, then in this case honey - the best choice! Honey itself is already a great mask if you are not allergic to it. Honey has nourishing, skin toning and antiseptic properties, masks with honey help get rid of acne. There are a lot of recipes for masks based on honey. Try! The choice is yours…

Recipe 1 - Classic home mask from honey for the face - honey + lemon juice.
Spread honey in a thick layer on the face, neck and décolleté, and rinse with warm water after 15-20 minutes. For a better effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
Recipe 2 - A simple folk honey face mask with honey - honey + cottage cheese.
The mask nourishes and refreshes the skin of the face.
Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid honey with 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Apply a mask to the face, especially around the eyes and lips. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Recipe 3 - Rejuvenating honey face mask at home - honey + tomato.
Smoothes wrinkles and improves complexion.
Mash the gruel of one very ripe tomato into a gruel and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply nutritious cream.
Recipe 4 - honey tonic for face.
Makes the skin smoother and saturates with vitamins.
Dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water room temperature. Wipe your face with tonic 2-3 times a day.
Recipe 5 - Homemade honey face mask - olive oil + honey + egg yolk
This mask is great for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes.
Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of runny honey and half an egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
Recipe 6 - Simple honey face mask - honey + milk.
The mask nourishes and tones the skin of the face.
Honey, diluted in half with milk, lubricate the face with a thin layer and leave the mask for 15 minutes. After that, the remnants are removed with a swab with warm water.
Recipe 7 - Face mask with honey - sour cream + honey + egg yolk.
Great for any skin type.
2 teaspoons of honey are thoroughly mixed with the same amount of fatty sour cream and egg yolk. Apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Procedures are recommended to be done 3 times a week, up to 15 times. The course can be repeated after six months.

Recipe 8 - Honey face mask - honey + bran + lemon juice.
The mask perfectly nourishes and refreshes the skin. Suitable for any skin type.
Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of bran (grind in a coffee grinder). Add a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting slurry. Apply the mixture on the face for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.
Recipe 9 - Acne mask with honey - honey + cinnamon.
Mix three parts honey with one part ground cinnamon. Regular use of this mask will help get rid of acne. Also, a mixture of cinnamon and honey is useful to use inside, it will help against colds and to increase immunity.

Recipes for face masks with honey:

When using masks and creams, be careful: any remedy may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Face honey reviews: 22

  • Tonya

    Honey masks are a very good cleanser, if you apply honey on the skin and lightly pat it, there will be an effect like peeling - removing dead cells.

  • Jackdaw

    I made a honey mask according to recipe number 5, with olive oil, very good effect the skin is so nice...

  • Darina

    Honey for the face - excellent tool unless you are allergic to it, of course. I like the honey mask with milk. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of honey with a little warm milk and apply to the skin. Hold for fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water, the effect is super, the skin is like a baby's!

  • Olya

    After the honey mask, irritation on the skin went away, excellent.

  • Lily

    I once made a honey peeling of my face and tore off all the tan from my cheeks, the look was just hilarious, spotty. So be careful 🙂

  • Lola

    I breed honey not with milk, but with kefir, a very pleasant mask comes out. And to make it more convenient to spread honey on your face, you need to warm it up a little.

  • Lola

    My recipe for a honey face mask: warm the honey a little (you can use a water bath or just put it on a battery), add a spoonful of alcohol (vodka, cognac, etc.), mix well and apply on your face. The mask is good for oily skin.

  • Alla T.

    Cleansing honey face mask: mix a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of flour and beaten egg white, apply to the skin, wash off after a quarter of an hour. Very pleasant mask, honey cleanses the skin and softens.

  • Kira

    I started making a mask with cinnamon for acne. I felt the effect from the first application: in addition to the fact that the skin is cleansed, it also becomes very soft. I advise you, just be careful, many people have an allergic reaction.

  • dinar

    I love honey very much. Without diluting it with anything, I make a honey mask on my face, the result is soft, clean skin ..

  • catharina

    Super mask: egg, honey, aloe and alcohol, super, try it)))

  • Rina

    Katarzyna, what does it help with?

  • Evgenia

    I make a mask with honey and egg white, the effect is amazing .. Sometimes I can just apply honey on my face, without other components ...

  • Yulka

    Help me please! For the second year I can not get rid of acne and pimples on my face. At the appointment with a dermatologist, I was diagnosed with demodicosis ( subcutaneous tick), was treated with all sorts of different ointments (first sulfuric + baby cream+ candiderm), then smeared with Stop Demodex + drank dietary supplements for 2 months, took several courses of quartz, but nothing really helped ... Now I make masks with blue clay and drink fish fat, but the rash, if it goes away, is only partially and only for a couple of days. Please tell me some effective method combat this problem. Thanks in advance.

  • Malika

    Evgenia, try drinking aevit and erythromycin tablets 3 times a day and lubricate the skin of the face with 1% solicyl alcohol at least 5 times a day, if the skin flakes off, then use a moisturizer at night, I can’t say that my skin is perfect, but it has become much better, the red spots are almost imperceptible, I hope this will help you too.
