The difference between epilation and depilation. What is the difference between epilation and depilation, how to understand the vast world of hair removal procedures

On the body resorts to such procedures as epilation and depilation. Currently, this procedure is carried out for both women and men. Many mistakenly assume that these two procedures are identical, but this is far from the case, although they have the same result.

Differences between epilation and depilation.

If we compare epilation with depilation, then the difference between these two procedures mainly lies in the fact that epilation is able to get rid of unwanted hair for a long period of time.

In addition, the following differences between hair removal from:

  1. Price. Epilation is considered a rather expensive procedure, so not everyone can afford it, especially since you have to pay for several sessions;
  2. Epilation is considered a less painless procedure compared to depilation;
  3. Epilation is carried out exclusively in beauty salons, and depilation can be easily done at home;
  4. During depilation, only the upper part of the hair is removed, when the hair follicle is completely removed during the epilation process.

Several types of depilation.

Depilation is the process of removing hair on the surface of the human body, which must be systematically repeated after a certain period of time.

The main advantages of this procedure are its reasonable cost and the possibility of carrying out even at home.

Currently, depilation is of the following types:

  1. Wax depilation. It is carried out using hot wax, which is applied to the surface of the body and then removed along with the hairs. Such a procedure is now performed in almost any beauty salon, and you can easily do it yourself at home. The effect of such a procedure lasts approximately 14 days, after which it must be repeated;
  2. Shaving. This method is considered the most popular, but also the shortest. After the procedure, new hairs appear the very next day;
  3. Depilation with depilatory cream. This method is very similar to shaving in that it cannot provide permanent hair removal;
  4. Depilation using a depilator. The principle of the procedure is that during the rotation of the depilator, the hairs and their roots are pulled out, which ensures smoothness of the skin for a significant period of time;
  5. Shugaring.

This is the most new process depilation, which is carried out using caramel, which is melted and applied to the body. After cooling, the caramel breaks off along with the hairs.

Epilation has a long lasting effect.

Epilation is special way removal of unwanted hair on the body, during which the complete destruction of the structure of the hair follicle occurs.

Thanks to this procedure, re-growth of hair will not occur for quite a long time. Epilation is of the following varieties:

  1. Photoepilation - is carried out using a special apparatus, which, thanks to thermal energy, irradiates certain area. The procedure is considered completely safe and requires several tricks to completely get rid of hair;
  2. Electrolysis - the procedure consists in inserting a needle into the hair follicle and exposing it to a light current charge. Due to this procedure, the hair root dies off. As in the first case, the procedure requires several times;
  3. Laser hair removal - is considered the most popular method, despite the rather high cost services. The effect is achieved by laser irradiation with a special apparatus. In the process of irradiation, the hair roots are killed and ideally achieved smooth skin. For achievement desired result the procedure requires repetition, but after that you can forget about the hairs for about a few years;
  4. Elos epilation - this method of hair removal is the most modern.

The effect during the procedure is achieved due to the influence of current and a light beam.

Which hair removal procedure to choose

Two completely different procedures.

The choice of hair removal method depends not only on individual preferences and desires of a person, but also on the characteristics of him and his skin. So give universal advice choosing a hair removal method is quite difficult. The choice will be yours.

Many people still prefer a simple razor, despite the fact that it must be used daily.

And there are those who prefer the option of quick and long-term removal.

As everyone understands, the difference between these two procedures is tangible, and which one to give preference to is a strictly individual choice, which depends not only on the characteristics of the skin, but also on financial capabilities.

It is also worth remembering that before visiting the salon and doing hair removal or depilation, you should consult with your doctor to eliminate possible risks and complications, which include the following:

  • current intolerance;
  • the development of an allergic reaction;
  • the occurrence of pustular disease.

This video will show you how it's different laser hair removal from photoepilation.

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People are interested in epilation and depilation, what is the difference between the procedures. Let's figure this out and delineate the phenomena along the way. Let's start with two definitions.

Epilation is a procedure in which both the hair and the bulb, its “root system”, are removed.
Depilation is destruction only external signs vegetation on the body. With this procedure, the "root system" remains intact and intact.

A logical question arises, the difference between epilation and depilation is obvious, why does such confusion in concepts arise? The answer has two parts:

People do not enter into the subtleties, and therefore they confuse concepts.
With a strict definition of depilation, it loses in terms of the effectiveness of epilation, so it is not uncommon for one to be passed off as another in order to make a profit. After the main points are analyzed, the questions will disappear.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation? What is "true" hair removal?

Those who are used to saving will not be happy when they hear the answer. Conventionally, “true” hair removal includes salon procedures:

Photoepilation or laser hair removal. Both procedures are based on the same principle: the hair is heated from the inside and dies. Light reacts with melanin and a microexplosion occurs, as a result of which the hair follicle dies. reliable in the sense of fighting unwanted vegetation on the skin, but not 100% safe. Burns are possible on those parts of the body that are being processed. Besides, there are others.
Electrolysis is a method of influencing the hair follicle with the help of an electric current. The method is not suitable for those who in childhood (or in adulthood) were afraid of doctors and needles. The procedure lasts 2 to 4 hours each time. To completely rid an area of ​​skin of hair, 6 to 8 such tests will be required. Pro pain It's hard to say during the procedure, because everyone is individual.
Epilation with ultrasound. This method uses both "old" and "new" technological means of getting rid of hair. If a person intends to ultrasonic hair removal, then he should free the intended place from the hair first with wax or cream, and then go to the salon. There it will be rubbed with gel, which will enhance the effect, and the sound will destroy the bulbs and slow down the formation of new ones.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation? While it is difficult to say without coverage of depilation. But the essence of epilation cleared up. Let's move on to the procedures that rumor equally refers to both epilation and depilation

Waxing and sugaring - is it epilation or depilation?

Proponents of waxing and sugaring, if asked, will say: these are methods of hair removal. The master in the salon tells the client that he is doing waxing. Maybe it's part of the marketing, or maybe the master himself doesn't know the difference. However, let's leave this aside for now, let's find out what? A matter of taste, but

If you do, then you must first of all choose the right wax. It can be of three types: hot, cold, and warm. Beauticians recommend the latter. Prepare tools ( paper napkins or piece suitable fabric, wooden spatula, oil that soothes the skin after the procedure). The ceremony does not need a description. The main thing is that after the procedure, the skin becomes inflamed, reddens,.
(if you cook at home) they will say that natural composition The product does not involve allergies, inflammation, and is not harmful even to delicate skin.

It's time to take the ace out of the sleeve and the question is right wax depilation Or epilation? Feel free to say: it is correct to say "wax depilation". Like it or not, wax, just like sugar, fights visible signs of unwanted vegetation on the body. These methods do not affect the bulbs, i.e. reasons for hair growth. The answer to the question posed in the subtitle, wax and shugaring is epilation or depilation, is obvious. The opening will upset the ladies.

Epilation and depilation. What is the difference? Types of clumsy depilation

These include:

Shaving is the best old method fight against visible signs of lush vegetation on the body. The method became ineffective in the light recent achievements science and technology. It is worth saying the same about his physical danger. No, this does not mean that a person who does shaving depilation will open his veins. The razor is dangerous even when it is used on the skin of the face, legs or arms, because it causes micro-wounds to the epithelium. Bacteria enter the body through them. But not because of this, the razor as a depilation tool was rejected by beauties, but because it is useless. After her hair, although they leave their habitat, they do it for a while, and return powerful and black ( blonde hair, as a rule, do not interfere with anyone).
Women still use tweezers, if they do not have "increased shaggyness", but only sparse hairs above upper lip. Then they arm themselves with tweezers and torture themselves. True, with proper skill, according to the girls, it does not hurt. In any case, precautions must be taken during this procedure: before the execution, the place that is being tested is wetted hot water. The latter helps to open pores and reduce pain. After torture, it is recommended to put a cold compress in place.
Is it worth using? The question is subtle and highly individual. The tool is not natural, and it removes only the visible part of the hair. Possible allergic reaction or inflammation.

Epilation and depilation: what's the difference if the hair continues to grow?

As long as the human body is alive, it grows and changes. The question, epilation and depilation, what is the difference, is by no means idle. People are not deceived when they say that with the help of epilation, the hair is removed along with the bulb and does not return. But many dormant bulbs are stored in the skin, which replace their “defeated comrades”. In addition, hair growth plays an important role hormonal background. Even super-modern methods do not guarantee complete and final hair removal in one go. Any cosmetic procedure is repeated several times, and it depends on individual features.

Therefore, there is no need to ask yourself, epilation and depilation, what is the difference when the latter is not immediately noticeable. She is. The body is a tricky thing, and the results cosmetic procedures not always visible to the naked eye.

Which is better - depilation or epilation?

Let's summarize the comparison of the two procedures.

Time of procedures. Here you can not talk about the unconditional victory of depilation or epilation. Procedures take different time. After all, it all depends on the hairiness of the area, the level of hormones and other individual characteristics, which each have their own.
Depilation can be done at home, and epilation is possible only in a beauty salon. It is easy to replace that epilation includes procedures that are done in the union of man and machine. And the elimination of bulbs is not as easy as it seems. As for depilation, it can be done at home. All methods (starting from shaving and ending with sugaring) are calmly carried out in the conditions of personal housing.
Efficiency. Epilation is more effective than depilation. This is also evidenced by the figures for the period of a person's life without hair during depilation - 2 weeks. If you do hair removal in the salon, then the period is already calculated in years. In addition, there is a real prospect of getting rid of hair forever. True, how many sessions it will take is unknown.
But depilation outperforms epilation in terms of consequences. For example, with hardware hair removal, burns are possible, which cannot be compared with the results of inaccurate wax handling. True, and last, if it is hot, people get burned seriously.
Money. Depilation is cheaper than epilation. Salon procedures not cheap - this is an argument in a crisis. And hand-made depilation is more economical, although it loses in terms of results.
Independence and dependency on others. If you look for advantages in depilation, then you can find them in autonomy, when a person is his own master. When a woman wants to do hair removal, she depends on money, the skill of a beautician, his workload. And depilation frees her, she copes by herself.

Question what better depilation or hair removal, does not imply a clear answer, so each person will have their own arguments for and against.

What is correct, epilation or depilation?

The answer depends on what is meant by procedure. If the method involves the removal of not only the outer, visible part of the hair, but also its bulb, then this is epilation. Otherwise, we are talking about depilation, no matter what advertising or people say. The difference between the procedures is not only technical, but also in many other parameters, as shown above. Such a conclusion suggests itself when the types of hair removal and depilation have already been analyzed.

Depilation and epilation: folk remedies

Regardless of how hair removal or depilation is correct, you can not think about these procedures and touch the heritage of mother nature and the wisdom of tradition.

Ash walnut. The cooking method is almost witchcraft: burn the walnut shell, then add a little water to the ashes. And apply to those areas of the body that suffer from excessive hairiness. The ceremony is carried out at least three times a day.
Befuddle your hair. To do this, you need to boil 150 grams of dope in one liter of water. Decoction lubricates unwanted parts of the body. The recipe has a serious drawback: if a person is not sure that he can handle poisonous plants, then it is better not to resort to the method. Datura is poisonous.
Nettle on guard of beauty. You will need: 40 grams of nettle seeds, which must be ground into powder, then add 1/10 liter to it sunflower oil. The resulting mixture languish in a room where neither daylight nor electric light passes for two weeks. And yes, the bottle in which the composition is stored must also be dark, otherwise nothing will come of it. Then, when the agreed period has passed, strain the composition and pour it into a tightly closed container and smear the areas in need of aestheticization twice a day.
Honey and lemon. These products can be found in any refrigerator in the country, even if no one is sick at home. And the recipe is as follows: honey - 20-25 grams, juice from half a lemon (pitted citrus). Mix and heat. Apply the composition to the skin while it is warm, when it dries - remove. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week. Of course, this is depilation, but over time, the hair will stop growing.

April 26, 2014

Epilation and depilation are two ways to remove body hair. Often both these words are perceived as synonyms, but this is not correct. What is the difference between epilation and depilation? Let's try to figure this out.

The result after both procedures is the same - smooth skin without unwanted vegetation. There are differences in the method of implementation and the duration of the desired effect.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation? Mechanical methods

Depilation is a method in which hair is removed only on the surface of the body. After a short period of time, the procedure will have to be repeated. Nowadays, not only women's, but also men's depilation is popular.

Significant advantages of this method are low cost and availability of application at home.

Shaving. This method is the most popular. However, the procedure will have to be repeated often, because after 1-2 days bristles already appear. To avoid cuts and under the skin (and, as a result, redness and inflammation), shaving must be combined with the use of other protective cosmetics.

Laser epilation. During the procedure, the laser beam affects the bulb, destroying it. Unfortunately, the method is only effective for dark hair, light laser does not see and passes.

Photoepilation. This method considered universal, it will help remove vegetation of any shade. It can also be used on any part of the body.

Electrolysis. During the procedure, a special needle is inserted into each hair and the bulb is destroyed under the influence of current. This method takes a lot of time, therefore it is designed for processing small areas of the body (above the lips, armpits).

Most modern method. During the procedure, two types of energy are exposed simultaneously (current and light beam).

If there are difficulties in choosing a hair removal method, you should contact a beautician who will tell you which method is best suited for your needs. specific case. He can also explain once again how epilation differs from depilation.

Depilation and epilation are terms that can often be heard in treatment rooms cosmetology clinics. Non-professionals consider them synonyms. But these words have completely different meanings.

What is depilation

Depilation is the removal of the hair shaft that is above the surface of the skin. If the hair can be removed at the root, then the follicle remains intact. The presence of a hair follicle under the skin will sooner or later lead to the growth of a new hair.

There are several main types of depilation:

What is epilation

Epilation is a method of hair removal in which the complete destruction of the follicle occurs. When epilating, you don't have to worry about the hair growing back. After one or more procedures, the hair follicle is completely destroyed.

What is better to choose

The most important difference between depilation and epilation is the degree of damage to the hair structure. During epilation, the hair follicle is destroyed, which allows you to permanently get rid of body hair. Depilation will need to be carried out constantly, as it allows you to cut only upper part hair or remove it from the root without damaging the bulb.

Light hair removal, electrolysis and ELOS hair removal are procedures that cannot be called cheap. They are carried out in cosmetology centers and beauty salons. You can carry out depilation at home, but you will need to spend money on consumables. It is better to spend money on epilation once than to periodically use shugaring, waxing and other short-lived methods.

Epilation has certain contraindications. It should not be done to people with hypertension, varicose veins, serious skin diseases, benign epilepsy and malignant neoplasms skin. The disadvantage of depilation is excessive irritation sensitive skin. But modern cosmetical tools allow you to quickly remove redness.

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Nature has laid down that skin a person is additionally protected by hairline. Hair grows almost all over the body, somewhere more actively, and in some places more passively. If men are decorated with body hair, then women, on the contrary, make them unattractive. Every girl and woman strives to correct the situation and produce epilation or depilation. hairline. But just what is the difference between these two identical-sounding words? Maybe there is no difference? We will look into this today.

To begin with, we will consider separately what epilation and depilation is, and then we will derive the main differences, if any.

Epilation is a procedure by which excess vegetation on the body is removed by destroying the hair follicle. The epilation procedure can be carried out different ways: from chemical to physical effects on the follicles. main feature This procedure consists in the fact that not only body hair is removed, but also their bulbs or roots. The consequence of such a complete removal of the follicles leads to the fact that the hair does not grow. long time: two to five years.

To achieve complete removal of vegetation on the body, it is necessary to repeat the epilation procedure every 3-4 weeks. This will require from 5 to 8 sessions, depending on the type of hair removal chosen. What are the types of hair removal, as well as their main methods, we will briefly consider.

Epilation refers to expensive procedures, which also requires certain skills and special equipment. The advantage is getting positive result on for a long time. To find out how epilation differs from depilation, you should consider the latter procedure.

Depilation and its types

Now let's figure out what depilation is. This is the process of removing hair, but only the visible part of it. The roots or bulbs of the follicles are not destroyed during depilation, whereby the positive result does not last long. Often, the effectiveness of depilation (depending on its type) does not last long: from several days to 2-3 weeks.

Depilation is called home procedure removal of vegetation on the body. After all, the types of depilation that are known are often performed at home and require minimal skills and knowledge. The simplest way depilation is the use of a machine with a blade, and effective is shugaring. In order not to get confused, we will consider each type of depilation separately.

Now you imagine what depilation and epilation are, as well as what types belong to one and the other procedure. Now, to find out the main difference between hair removal and depilation, let's look at the main differences.

Main difference

How can epilation differ from depilation? First of all, epilation is characterized by a large investment of time and money in order to achieve a positive result. To obtain the expected result, you will need to repeat the procedure in the salon every month for six months. Depilation is characterized by less time and money, but the result lasts very little time.

To understand whether hair removal or depilation is the difference between them, you just need to remember that the first option refers to salon ways hair removal, and the second - to home. Women often confuse these two procedures, so if you have the goal of removing hair in one way or another, then you should understand which kind is right for you.

After all, there are many contraindications for epilation. Contraindications can be found in the relevant materials on this site, but for now it is worth noting that it is not so much important to distinguish between these two procedures, but to choose the right one for yourself and optimal view vegetation removal.

What to choose

There are no special recommendations for choosing the optimal method, since each has its own differences, contraindications, disadvantages and positive traits. Each woman is individual in relation to herself, therefore the choice of the optimal remedy is a personal decision for everyone. The only thing I would like to note is that in order to choose the optimal method, you need to try each of them or most of them.

Each method differs in cost, principles, effectiveness. Therefore, to choose best way for yourself, you need to decide what is more important for you - a lasting effect or the safety and cheapness of the procedure.

It is only worth noting that the cheapest method of depilation is not always the least effective. Indeed, despite the effectiveness of hair removal, only a few girls and women prefer the procedure. Depilation is becoming increasingly popular - a long-known and popular way to remove vegetation on the body.

Now that we have covered the main options for hair removal and depilation, it will not be difficult to choose the preferred option for yourself. Every new year, new technologies are invented and introduced not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Therefore, it is not known, perhaps soon it will appear new way vegetation removal, even more effective, safer, in demand and simpler.
