Rating: The best children's sunscreen. Sun milk Bubchen

The stay of young children in the sun must be organized carefully so as not to harm the health of the child. The skin of babies is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation: it is too thin, and its own protective functions are still poorly developed. 15 minutes under the burning rays is enough for a crumb to get a serious burn. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to apply the sun on exposed skin during active sun. protective cream for children of any age. But how to choose not only an effective and high-quality product, but also a safe one that will not cause allergies and is suitable for any baby?

Modern children's cosmetology offers wide selection products with which sun protection for children will not cause problems for parents. However, when choosing such cosmetics, you need to know certain nuances that will help you not be disappointed in the purchase.

  • Age

Carefully study the label of the product you like. The first information that you should read from it is at what age you can use it. It is especially difficult to find sunscreen for children under one year old, because many pediatricians categorically do not recommend at this age either sunbathing nor the use of cosmetics. Buy only the product that suits your baby by age.

  • solar filter

On the package sunscreen three magic letters should be indicated, which will tell a lot wise parents. SPF, the so-called "sun protection factor", is a parameter that indicates how long this drug will protect your child's skin in the sun. There are numbers next to the abbreviation, the range is from 2 to 100 units. Accordingly, the more of them, the longer the cream will work.

  • Contraindications

When studying the label, pay attention to the contraindications indicated there. Many parents frivolously bypass this item, although very often the skin of the child responds to such products with allergic reactions.

It is imperative to take into account the expiration date of the product you have chosen. But even if it suits the baby in all respects, do not rush to buy it if it is not urgent. Read the reviews first to make sure it's actually the best sunscreen for kids: the opinions of others will help you identify all its advantages and disadvantages even before purchasing.


Quality and effective cream- reliable protection of the child from the sun, but does the brand always mean quality? What brands to choose for young parents before the hot summer season? Which firm to entrust the delicate and sensitive skin of your baby?

  • Sanosan

German-made sunscreens can be purchased without fear for the health of your child. They do not contain mineral oils, preservatives, dyes, fragrances and other dangerous ingredients. The environmentally friendly, almost flawless composition of the cream was appreciated by both professionals and users. Extra waterproof sunscreen with SPF 50 is enriched with aloe vera, tocopherol, panthenol, which allows it to moisturize and prevent dry skin little man. They quickly (immediately after application), very reliably protect against burns, are well tolerated by children. Under this brand you can find sunscreen for one year old baby and older. Advantages: does not create the effect of sticky skin, does not cause allergies, is easy to apply.

A popular brand with SPF 35, effectively softens and moisturizes children's skin, reliably protects it from sunburn, intense ultraviolet radiation. The product also does not contain dyes and preservatives. It is enough to apply a little cream on dry, clean skin baby half an hour before going out into the sun - and the time of his safe stay on the street will increase significantly. Advantages: odorless and low cost. Disadvantage: not immediately absorbed.

  • "My Sunshine"

This concern offers a sunscreen for children from 1 to 3 years old with SPF from 20 to 30. Safe, enriched with calendula extract, tocopherol, at a low cost - this cream becomes a real find for everyone who likes to sunbathe in the sun with their children. The product guarantees long-term protection of the child from ultraviolet radiation. It softens the skin, does not allow it to dry out, and prevents inflammation. Among the shortcomings, allergic reactions occasionally occur in the form of a skin rash and tearing, although this is already due individual characteristics every child.

Good reviews can be heard about the sunscreen La Roche Posay Antihelios for children with spf 50. It perfectly protects against sunburn, has a natural composition that does not cause allergies even in the smallest sunbathers. Among the shortcomings can be noted only enough high cost compared with other similar means (about 1,000 rubles).

Children's sunscreens of this company have nice smell, have a delicate texture, safe for the skin of a child of any age.

  • Mustela

One of those few sunscreens, which is allowed to protect very small crumbs who are not yet a year old. Among the advantages are hyperallergenicity, naturalness and water resistance.

Despite such an abundance of children's cosmetics, the labels of which indicate that they are suitable for protecting the skin of very young children (up to a year, from a year to 3 years), parents should remember that at this age children are highly discouraged from being in the sun. Even under the protection of sunscreen. Active exposure to ultraviolet radiation harms developing organism and can serve as a basis for serious problems with his health in the future. Even doctors do not advise children to stay until three years under the influence of sunlight. Only after this age can it be completely safe to use special children's sunscreen cosmetics.

by all favorite summer gives heat, swimming in natural reservoirs and, of course, a tan. However, too much ultraviolet light can do a lot of harm, so we use different skin protection. Particularly careful study requires sunscreen for children, because everything that concerns a child is chosen more carefully. Yes, and the requirements for children's caring cosmetics are set higher than for adults. In our article, we will look at which sunscreen for children to prefer and what should be followed when choosing.

For children's skin, ultraviolet is a strong test, so you need to use the cream constantly.

Criterias of choice

Children's sunscreen should have two main properties:

  • firstly, it must protect well from ultraviolet rays;
  • secondly, he must take care of delicate baby skin.

A thick cream does not rinse off as quickly as gels, sprays and mousses, so it creates a longer lasting and reliable protection. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use a cream, and not other forms of release.

We have identified 3 main criteria that you should be guided by when buying sunscreen for children. We invite you to study them in order to choose the most suitable one when buying.

Child's age

First of all, remember that any sunscreen is contraindicated for a newborn child and up to 6 months. If the package says "children", it means that this cream can be used by children from 3 years old. The inscription "from birth" indicates that the remedy is only valid from six months. Only after 5 years can a child use those products with spf protection that are available for adults.

Before 6 months, the baby's skin should not be treated with sunscreen.

Despite this, experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetology advise not to rub the child with any means of sunburn until one and a half or even up to 3 years. AT last resort you can use those marked "baby" or "infant".

Degree of UV protection

This indicator is written on the packaging in the form of an SPF index and numbers from 2 to 50. Here you should also know that children's sunscreen spf 50 is only allowed from 3 years old. The degree of protection does not depend on age, but on other factors. To determine it, consider the following:

  1. What kind of skin does your child have? If it is light, then you need a cream with SPF 30-50. If the skin and eyes are dark, then 15-30.
  2. Where do you walk. For normal daily walks, 15-20 protection is enough. If you go on a picnic to the local river, then 20-25. If you have a vacation at sea, then you need to take 25 and above.
  3. How long is your walk. If the number in the index is multiplied by 5, you get the duration of the sunscreen, but experts say that any protective sunscreen lasts no more than 3 hours. If the child bathes, then this time is reduced even more.

After bathing, the protection of the cream is noticeably reduced, so it needs to be applied again.


Another important factor is quality.

Means for children should be of natural plant origin, without chemical additives, fragrances and alcohol. The first indicator of their absence is a pleasant unsharp smell. An additional UVB filter is desirable, protecting not only from UVA rays, but also from permanent short UVB rays.

In addition, at quality product homogeneous consistency. It absorbs well, does not leave greasy marks and does not feel like something superfluous on the body.

Do children need cosmetic products with UV protection?

When choosing a sunscreen for children up to a year and older, always read the ingredients carefully. Refuse to buy if it contains:

  1. Oxybenzone. Although this substance is acceptable by the standards and is a component of many drugs, it is known that it can change the hormonal background.
  2. Octyl methoxycinnamate and butyl methylbenzenemethane. These substances are also allowed, they block ultraviolet light and even moisturize the skin, but there is Great chance their effect on the production of free radicals.
  3. Retinyl palmitate. It is an antioxidant that is added to cosmetical tools in order to improve their performance. It is used in anti-aging cosmetics, and in the sun it can have a mutagenic effect.
  4. Nanoparticles (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide). These substances accumulate in the body and can cause allergies, even change the structure of tissues.
Titanium dioxide is used in most sunscreens, but it's hard to call it harmless.

The opinions of experts about the harm of these components differ. Some are categorically against their use. They are especially concerned about nanoparticles, since their effect on the human body is poorly understood. For example, reduced zinc oxide particles (less than 100 nanometers) have a toxic effect on the large intestine, so if a child accidentally tastes the cream, he is exposed to big risk. The global danger of such funds is that they negative impact manifest itself in future generations.

There is another category of specialists who are more loyal to these components. According to them, the use of sunscreen does not have a tangible effect on health. Ronald L. Moy, chairman of the American Academy of Dermatology, says most products are safe and the greatest harm children and teenagers get from excessive sun exposure.

Statistics show that half of the cases of skin cancer are not confirmed, because it is often mistakenly diagnosed instead of melanoma.

What to give preference?

Let's see at what age you can use different sunscreen for children:

  1. 0-6 months. Until six months, no sunscreen is allowed. Any components will be absorbed into the skin, penetrate into the bloodstream and adversely affect the liver.
  2. 6-12 months. These are hypoallergenic products sold in pharmacies. They do not contain chemical additives. Although their price is above average, they are very economically spent. Recommended brands: Avene, Klorane, Mustela, Ducrey, Institut Esthederm, Bioderma, La Roche-Posay. Cheaper alternatives: Sanosan, Johnson's And Johnson's, Our Mom. In an urban environment, such means should not be used. In extreme cases, it is permissible to apply them on the cheeks, nose and shoulders, and after a walk, be sure to wash the baby.
  3. 1-3 years. The use of Bubchen, CHICCO, Vichy brands is already allowed here.
  4. 3-4 years and older. Now you can buy for the child any product marked "children's". Don't forget to do a mini allergy test anyway. Dyes are added to some lotions and sprays so that you can visually check whether all areas of the skin have been treated. After contact with the skin, they gradually become colorless.

Now you have become aware of the main criteria for choosing children's sunscreens and you can make the most right choice. He will bring maximum benefit your child and save money.

Overview of popular tools

So, let's review the sun protection products that are considered the best. This list will consist of five positions. We will give not only characteristics, but also prices. This will help you find the best value for money, and your children will get good protection from excessive exposure to sunlight.

The cream protects the delicate skin of the baby from the sun's rays of all spectra. It is well absorbed, moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis, while maintaining its protective properties even when swimming. Any redness and tightness quickly disappear. The moisturizing effect is provided by the cream extracts of sea buckthorn and pomegranate. The product smells good. The tube is equipped with a convenient dispenser that allows you to use the cream very economically. The price is not the lowest, but quite affordable - 1200 rubles.

Mustela Bebe Mustela Sun Spray SPF 50+

This sunscreen is noticeably more expensive than the previous one (1800 rubles), but its manufacturers made sure that it consisted of 100% natural substances. It contains the richest and most gentle oil - jojoba, which will care for children's skin better than any other. Avocado extract will also moisturize and protect the epidermis. No alcohol, parabens or artificial colors. The spray is not washed off when bathing and creates long-term protection for the skin. Thanks to natural ingredients, the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.

The Mustela Bebe children's line is great for skin care and sun protection.

Avene Baby & Children Sun Spray SPF 50

The manufacturer notes that this baby sunscreen is suitable for children from 3 months. It is hypoallergenic and consists entirely of harmful components. Protects from the sun perfectly, because the spray is intended for the smallest. It is formulated with a patented mineral shield and pre-tocopheryl. These substances are able to neutralize free radicals. In addition, they allow the product to protect the skin well even in water and are not lost under the influence of sweat. Spray costs 1200 rubles.

AVÈNE SPF 50+ baby lotion

This sunscreen lotion provides skin cell protection with pre-tocopheryl. The base of the lotion is thermal water, which acts primarily as an anti-inflammatory agent. The lotion has a colorless, non-greasy texture. The manufacturer writes about the absence of parabens in the composition, but does not completely exclude the presence of chemical additives, indicating only their minimum content. The lotion is available in an airless tube with a dispenser. Such packaging makes it possible to spend the right amount of the product and does not allow it to come into contact with air. Price - 1200 rubles.

La Roche-Posay Anthelios Dermo-kids for children spray, SPF50+/PPD20

The spray is made on the basis of thermal water rich in selenium, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. The texture of the product is non-greasy, non-sticky, it is well absorbed and does not remain on clothes in the form of white marks. It is convenient to apply on the skin. Water, sweat and sand do not wash off. The spray contains no parabens or fragrances. In conditions of intense sun activity, the product provides a high degree of protection. It costs a little more than the previous two - 1300 rubles.

How to apply sunscreen?

Always remember to use baby sunscreen in summer season when it is very hot and sunny. At the same time, any manufacturer warns that from 12 to 17 hours it is better to beware of walking in the sun, even with special means. Try to choose clothes for the child that are light and light, made of breathable fabrics.

When buying, be sure to look at the composition, manufacturer and certainly the expiration date. Before using any sunscreen, test your skin's reaction to allergens, even if the manufacturer claims it's 100% natural and hypoallergenic. To test the reaction, you need to apply a small amount to the skin of the wrist or elbow and wait a bit. If an allergy manifests itself, then the skin will turn red at the site of application of the cream, a rash, peeling or burning may appear. If there is no reaction, then after a day you can use the remedy.

Unlike adults, babies' skin is very sensitive, especially to external factors. It is much thinner and more delicate, and its protective functions are still poorly developed, so children's skin needs additional protection, especially in sunny weather. Which sunscreen for children is better to choose, and what should you pay attention to when choosing?

What is UV and why is it dangerous?

Often, 15 minutes of exposure to the sun is enough for children to get a sunburn. To avoid this kind of unpleasant embarrassment, it is necessary to use a special cream with a UV filter.

Unfortunately, the influence of ultraviolet radiation can cause not only sunburn, but also penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, becoming the root cause of serious diseases. Experts say that constant or frequent exposure to the sun without special protective equipment can provoke such serious illness like skin cancer. How do rays affect human and children's skin?

In total, there are two types of ultraviolet rays, which have their effect on the dermis:

  • UVB type rays affect the epidermis (upper layer of the dermis), contribute to the formation of burns, and can cause skin cancer;
  • UVA rays are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis, provokes its dehydration, as a result - premature aging, can cause the appearance of melanoma - this is one of the types of dermal cancer;
  • type UVC rays - the safest for children and adult skin type, since it is absorbed by the ozone layer, protection against it is not required.

Interesting fact:

UVB rays do not penetrate glass, while UVA types easily overcome this barrier.

The ideal sun protection product for children should contain filters from two types of rays. But unfortunately, almost all sun creams, foams and emulsions intended for children contain only one filter - from UVB rays.

What is a sunscreen?

A sunscreen is an ingredient that is part of a product that does not allow ultraviolet radiation to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. The degree of this protection is determined by a special SPF mark.

Today, on many children's and women's cosmetics, you can see such a mark. But not all mothers know what it means. SPF indicates the level of protection only against UVB rays, which can only provoke the appearance of burns on the baby's skin. There are several levels of SPF protection. The most popular are 15, 30, 50. This figure determines how much children's skin will be protected from the negative effects of the sun. With what level of protection is it better to choose a children's sunscreen?

Video "Why do I need children's sunscreen?"

Demonstrative video in which the pediatrician will answer the most common questions about why children's sunscreen is needed.

SPF 30 or SPF 50 - which one to choose?

When choosing sun protection products for your child, pay attention to the level of protection against UVB rays. Each figure has a certain percentage of protection, which you need to focus on.

Based on the data available in the graph, we can conclude that products with SPF 50 protection are only 1% more effective than products with SPF 30. Pediatric dermatologists and pediatricians say that for young children under the age of 6 years, it is better to use products with protection from 20 and up to a maximum of 50. A large concentration of sunscreens can adversely affect children's skin, causing irritation and other dermatological problems.

At the same time, products with a filter with a concentration of 30 cost significantly less than with a concentration of 50. And there is practically no difference from their use.

Which type of baby skin filter should I choose?

In addition to the concentration of active substances, when choosing sunscreen cosmetic products for children, you should also pay attention to the type of filter itself. It directly depends on the active components that protect against UV.


  • chemical filters;
  • physical, they are also mineral.

Chemical filters begin to protect children's skin after absorption, acts due to chemical reaction. Using products with a chemical filter, it is necessary to apply them to the child's skin in advance, about 30 minutes before going outside.

Physical, they are also mineral, sometimes called reflectors. They, unlike chemical ones, protect while being on the skin of a child. That is, they have a very simple function - they reflect light. Physical filters have a higher degree of protection. In addition, due to more natural composition of these components, they are more gentle on children's skin, therefore they are considered the least dangerous.

Therefore, for children it is better to choose a cream with a natural, mineral sunscreen. Active cosmetic product with this kind of protection immediately. However, products with a mineral filter have their drawback - they have a dense texture. Because of this, the products do not easily apply to the skin and can leave white marks on clothes, they are poorly absorbed, but are great for long walks under the sun.

Baby cream with a physical type of filter can be used even on the beach, but after taking water procedures it needs to be reapplied.

Which filters can be used for children's skin, and which ones can't?

Whatever sunscreen you choose for your child, be sure to pay attention to the composition in order to avoid harmful components that can cause allergies or irritation.

Name Description Grade
Zinc Oxide I. Filter type: physical;
II. UVB and UVA protection;
III. Pros: can independently provide the necessary protection against UV;
IV. Cons: products with this component have a dense texture.
From 2 to 4, a harmless filter for children's skin.
Titanium Dioxide I. Type: physical;
II. Protects only from UVB;
III. Pros: has a lighter texture, easier to apply;
IV. Cons: No UVA protection, can cause clogged pores.
1-3, harmless filter, as popular as Zinc Oxide.
Tinosorb S I. Refers to chemical form;
II. Protects from exposure to both types of rays;
III. Very similar in texture and quality to Zinc Oxide.
1 point In terms of quality and properties, it is very similar to Zink Oxide, but it is a chemical one. For children, it is better to use natural, physical ingredients.
Avobenzone I. Belongs to the chemical type;
II. Protects only from UVA rays;
III. Cons: the filter is only from one type of rays, therefore it is often combined with other protective substances.
2 points. Non-natural component, protection against one type of UV.
Octisalate I. Chemical type;
II. Protection against UVB waves;
III. Pros: resistant to moisture;
IV. Cons: Not hypoallergenic.
4 points. Chemical, allergenic.
Octinoxate I. Chemical type;
II. Filter from UVB rays;
III. Cons: an unstable effect, therefore it is added to the composition along with other substances, it can become the root cause of endocrine system disorders.
6 points. An unstable ingredient, a chemical, can cause organ problems.
Oxybenzone I. Type: chemical;
II. Filter: UVB waves;
III. Pros: works as a stabilizer for other filters;
IV. Cons: can be the root cause of hormonal disruptions.
8 points. Not recommended for children.

The last three components are recommended to be avoided in the composition of children's and even adult cosmetics. Dermatologists advise girls, when choosing children's sunscreens, to carefully study the composition. It is better that it does not contain these ingredients.

To date, the most commonly used filter in children's cosmetics is Zinc Oxide, as well as Titanium Dioxide. Both filters are of the physical type. If both components are included in the composition, then you can be calm for the baby's skin, since Titanium Dioxide will perfectly cope with UVB waves, and Zinc Oxide - with UVA.

Basic requirements for a product for children

When choosing a sunscreen for a child, in addition to the composition, you need to pay attention to the shape, manufacturer, expiration date.

Basic requirements for children's sunscreen products:

  • the presence in the composition of filters, better than physical ones, from waves of two types;
  • it is better to choose the form of an emulsion, milk, cream or lotion, it is better not to use sprays so that the child does not inhale its particles;
  • the absence of hazardous components and substances, preservatives, chemical dyes and flavors.

At what age can sunscreen be used?

Many pediatricians, dermatologists and other specialists recommend using sun protection products from the age of 6 months.

This is due to the fact that up to six months the skin of a child is too vulnerable and can react negatively even to the safest cream. In addition, at the age of up to 6 months, you can use umbrellas, cotton clothes, and so on, so as not to once again expose the child to solar exposure and do not smear it with unnecessary creams.

From six months, you can start applying sunscreen, if necessary. Also, dermatologists do not recommend going outside at noon, so as not to expose the skin to the most harmful rays.

Rating of popular children's sun protection products

Below are the most popular products from various manufacturers, which relate to different price category. As expected, at the top of the ranking are the most expensive, organic and pharmaceutical products, mainly foreign manufacturers.

Budget funds turned out to be of lower quality and less safe for children. Funds are evaluated on a five-point scale, where 5 points is the best score, and 1 is the worst.

Babo Botanicals - 5 points

The tool has SPF filter 30, and the physical one is Zinc Oxide. Supplied in cream form. It is in the leading positions in terms of safety and efficiency. It has high level protection from harmful UVA and UVB waves. great dignity is the absence of age restrictions, so the tool can be used in the first months of a child's life. It has a hypoallergenic formula and a delicate structure.

Badger Company - 4 points

Form - children's sunscreen, with the property of repelling insects. SPF 30, physical type Zinc Oxide filter. Also, like the previous remedy, there are no age restrictions, it can be used for infants.

It occupies a leading position in terms of quality, safety and efficiency. It has protection against both types of harmful rays. The peculiarity is that the company's catalog contains a whole line of sunscreens, almost identical in composition:

  • with calendula and chamomile;
  • with the smell of vanilla and tangerine;
  • with toning effect.

It is worth noting that in the reviews, some mothers noted that the cream works great on skin that is not particularly sensitive to light. With excessive sensitivity and too white skin, sunburn can occur. Therefore, for children with too sensitive skin to light, this cream is not the best option.

Thinkbaby - 4 points

Has SPF 50, physical - Zinc Oxide. Consists of relatively safe components for children. Designed for any age. In form, this is a cream that, despite the physical filter and SPF 50, has a rather pleasant texture, albeit dense, and easy to apply. Protects from both types of rays, soothes the skin.

Alba Botanica Very Emollient Sunscreen - 3 points

This remedy has the form of a cream and a filter with a concentration of 30 units. The main filters are the same Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. Age restrictions are not indicated, which means they are absent and the product is suitable for children under the age of several months. It has high protection against two types of ultraviolet, but contains preservatives with a moderate level of safety. This tool can already be attributed to a more budgetary one, while the manufacturer managed to make the quality clearly higher than the price.

Magic Herbs baby cream - 2 points

This is already a budget children's cosmetics, which dermatologists and pediatricians do not recommend using at an early age (up to 6 months) and for children with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

SPF 30, chemical but safe - Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane. There is also a physical type from UVB waves - Titanium Dioxide. There are no recommendations for its use in childhood, so the tool is best used at the age of 3+.

Has the form of a cream. The composition contains natural elements (lavender, plantain, rosehip, aloe and chamomile), but also contains non-recommended substances - mineral oil, preservatives, flavorings. The cream has substances that are average in terms of safety.

Bubchen Baby Sunscreen Milk - 2-3 points

The composition has two filters - chemical, related to the average level of security and physical. It has the form of milk, light emulsion. Easy to apply and absorb. There are also no age restrictions.
The composition also contains substances that are not recommended for use on children's skin, for example, Alcohol Denat, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Hydroxide, and so on. However, this is not the only drawback of milk.

The product has a very low degree of protection against UVA rays, but alcohol, that is, alcohol, is in second place in the composition, which indicates its leading amount in the cream. This can provoke irritation, allergies, dry skin and peeling.

Baby milk with sun protection "Our Mom" ​​- 1 point

The tool is very budgetary, but the quality is fully consistent with this. The composition is replete with unsafe substances, a chemical sun filter, which is also of little use. Moreover, the level of protection against UVA waves is minimal. It is better to use milk at the age of 3+. It also contains a lot of parabens, preservatives, fragrances and other components that are not needed in children's cosmetics.

Identical in assessment, properties and composition is the tool "My sun".

Which baby sunscreen you choose is up to you. But remember that children's skin is much softer than adult skin and requires special approach in care.

Video "Doctor Komarovsky's advice - which protective cream for a child to choose?"

A useful informational video that will help you make the right choice without harming your baby's thin and delicate skin.

  • Criterias of choice
  • Application rules
  • Overview of funds

Why do kids need sunscreen?

For children, sunscreen is as much, if not more, a necessity than it is for adults. Children's skin should be protected as much as possible, since skin immunity is formed by about 12 years, and babies do not have the specific protection that adults have. And which, by the way, is also not absolute.

True, there is one problem: to prove all this modern mothers, in every possible way protecting children from unnecessary "chemistry", is incredibly difficult. What arguments to give so that they understand: children's sunscreen is not the intrigues of marketers and not the result of a conspiracy of beauty companies to enrich themselves?

Baby sunscreens go through strict controls during development and production.

“The main argument is concern for the safety and health of the child,” says Marina Kamanina, expert dermatologist at Garnier. “Today, when there are quite a lot of dangers in the world around us, we want to be sure that we can protect our dearest creature at least from the harm of ultraviolet radiation.”

It is important to understand that the sun is not our enemy. On a sunny day we better mood and higher tone due to the pleasure hormones endorphins, which are produced under the influence of sunlight. Ultraviolet light also promotes the production of vitamin D in the skin, without which it is impossible to correct formation bone skeleton."

But an excessive amount of UV radiation, especially on the skin at noon, when the penetrating power of the rays is high, can lead to detrimental effects, ranging from sunburn and up to the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Remember: skin burns suffered in childhood greatly increase the risk of skin cancers, including melanoma, at an older age.

Types of sunscreen for children

Basic textures of children's sunscreens.


This is the most commonly used release form. One of latest developments Laboratories L "Oréal - formula "aqua-cream", which can be applied even to wet skin without compromising the effectiveness of protection.

Aqua cream is the most waterproof texture. Suitable for those who spend holidays at the sea or engage in water sports in an outdoor pool or pond (for example, sailing). The water transmits the sun's rays, so you need to be especially vigilant with protection here.


This form is usually used for babies from 6 months. Thanks to its light texture, the milk is quickly applied and well distributed over the skin.


AT recent times a special form of dry spray appeared with the formula "anti-sand". If the skin is treated with such a tool, sand will not stick to it. This format is useful on a sandy beach or in a sandbox. An option very convenient for quick application and renewal. Saves time.

Criterias of choice

The two main parameters that parents take into account when choosing children's sunscreen cosmetics are the degree of protection from UV rays and the age of the child.

Baby sunscreen can be used on babies from 6 months of age.

Degree of protection SPF

Delicate baby skin burns very quickly. Therefore, for kids, they produce products with a sun protection index of 50 and 50+. And if adults can get a sunburn after 15-20 minutes of exposure to the sun, then children risk getting burned after 5 minutes.


Parents often look in pharmacies and stores for sunscreen for children of a certain age: 6 months, 1 year, one year and six months, and so on. Today there are two main age categories sunscreens for children:

  • after 3 years.

That is one year old babies SPF is suitable for children under 3 years old. Although there are also funds labeled "after 6 months." This is, for example, at La Roche-Posay. I wonder if there is a big difference between sunscreens intended for infants and three-year-olds.

“There are strict requirements for formulas designed for babies. These cosmetics are hypoallergenic and do not contain components that can potentially provoke allergic reactions (parabens, perfumes, dyes).”

Testing of products for the smallest is carried out under the supervision of pediatricians and dermatologists. These funds meet more stringent requirements.

“Products for children under one year old contain more physical filters that reflect the rays, working like screens. In addition, children's products, as a rule, have a “application control” function: the mother sees which areas of the baby’s skin are treated with cream, and where protection needs to be applied/renewed,” says Natalia Medvedeva, dermatologist, medical expert of the La Roche brand -posay

The skin of children is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, in order to avoid burns, dermatologists strongly advise not to expose children under 3 years of age to direct sunlight.

Composition of sunscreen for children

Unlike sunscreens for adults, children's products have a more gentle formula. But this does not mean that some other substances play the role of UV protectors in them.

Types of sun filters

“Children's sunscreens use a filter system consisting of mineral (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide) and chemical filters that are synthesized in laboratories,” explains Marina Kamanina. - It's a big group chemical compounds(cinnamates, Parsol 1789, octocrylene, mexoril, tinosorb), which are resistant (they are not erased from touch and during bathing).

These filters protect against UVB rays - the main culprits of pigmentation and burns, as well as UVA rays - provocateurs of allergies and skin aging.

Both types of filters are allowed in child formulas. Together they provide maximum efficiency. The use of only mineral filters leads to a weakening of protection, as they do not adhere well to the skin, are washed, washed off, and require constant renewal.

Additional components

In addition to filters, products may contain emulsifiers, preservatives. There are moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin. The composition may contain alcohol as a component-conductor and stabilizer of the formula.

Also, the composition of children's products often includes:

    thermal water;

    corn starch is a natural absorbent that softens and protects the skin;

    vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Renew sunscreen for children every two hours.

Application rules

Using baby sunscreen is not much different than using adult sunscreen. Here is a detailed instruction.

    Treat all exposed areas of the child's skin with a protective agent. Special attention give the protruding parts of the face and body - these are the ears, nose, shoulders, knees. They tend to burn first, so sunscreen these areas generously and reapply protection more often than other areas.

    It is advisable to apply the cream 15–20 minutes before going out into the sun, so that it has time to absorb and reach “working power” by the time you go out.

    The amount of cream should be sufficient to cover all areas with a dense layer (1-2 mm). This roughly corresponds to the volume that fits in the palm of a child. In practice, this amount seems large to parents and in fact they apply half or a third of the required volume. There is a simple way out: apply one layer of cream, and when it is absorbed, another one.

    After you have applied sunscreen, ask your child not to touch the skin with their hands so as not to weaken the protection.

    You need to renew sun protection every 2 hours, as the photostability of the filters and, accordingly, the photoprotective properties of the product decrease over time.

    It is also necessary to renew funds after bathing. Look at the marking: the inscription "water resistant" means water resistance up to 40 minutes, "very water resistant" - water resistance 1 hour 20 minutes. If your child likes to splash, look for products labeled "very water resistant".

Even if you are protecting the child from solar radiation with the help of special means, in the heat, choose clothes for him that cover the body as much as possible. And don't forget the headgear. By the way, now they produce clothes from fabrics with sunscreen. True, they have one drawback: after a certain number of washes, the protection comes to naught.

Overview of funds

The best baby creams with SPF, according to the editors of the site.

Sun creams for children

The best sprays with SPF for children, according to the editors of the site.

Sunscreen sprays for children

Name Composition, SPF Peculiarities Water resistance
Anthelios Dermo-Pediatrics Spray, La Roche-Posay

Mexoplex filter system, senna alata extract, La Roche-Posay thermal water,

For children from 3 years old. Provides very high protection against burns and sun allergies, does not leave white marks. stable for 40 minutes
Ambre Solaire Kids "Anti-sand Expert protection", Garnier

free of fragrances, dyes and parabens,

Not felt on the skin. Spraying is possible in any position of the bottle. Sand does not stick to spray-treated skin. waterproof
Capital Ideal Soleil Spray Douceur Enfants, Vichy

Mineral filters, Vichy thermal water, safe fragrance,

For children from 3 years old. Leaves no oily film or sticky feeling. Sand does not stick to spray-treated skin. withstands up to 6 baths of 20 minutes

The best sunscreen milk and foam for children, according to the editors of the site.

Sun milk and foam for children

Name Composition, SPF Peculiarities Water resistance
milk Anthelios Dermo-Pediatrics Lotion, La Roche-Posay

Mexoplex filter system, senna alata extract, La Roche-Posay thermal water,

For children over 6 months old. Provides very high protection against burns and sun allergies, does not leave white marks. stable for 40 minutes
Foam Capital Ideal Soleil Super Mousse Enfants, Vichy

mineral filters, Vichy thermal water, safe fragrance,

Suitable for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, delicious fruity scent. waterproof
Ambre Solaire Kids Moisturizing Sun Milk, Garnier

without parabens,

Protects and moisturizes. Sand does not stick to the skin treated with milk. waterproof

Lay on the seashore warm sun both children and adults love it. The benefits of such a holiday are undeniable: the sun promotes the production of vitamin D, strengthens the immune system and even improves mood.

In order for a holiday by the sea to bring only benefits to your child, it is very important to follow the rules of sun exposure, and also use sunscreen. And although, according to many pediatricians, the best sunscreen for children is Lightweight clothing and shade, additional protection during games on the beach will not hurt.

Read our article on what to consider when choosing a baby protector cream and how to use it, so that the summer sun was only a joy.

Children's sunscreen: what is the use

Our skin knows how to protect itself from the sun. This function is performed by melanin, which absorbs ultraviolet rays, preventing them from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. The accumulation of melanin in the skin under the influence of sunlight leads to the formation of sunburn.

However, this mechanism works in adults, but not in children. The baby's body begins to produce melanin only after 3 years, which means that until this time the child is practically defenseless against the sun.

Therefore, the most correct answer to the question of which sunscreen is best for a child is this: the one you bought, applied in a timely manner and do not forget to renew. Below we will tell you what marks children's sunscreens should have and how to choose them depending on age.

But not only the age of the child affects the right choice. The fact is that The effectiveness of protective equipment depends on many factors:

  • from the activity of the sun (it varies depending on the season, time of day, climate zone);
  • from the color of the skin and hair (snow-white or pinkish skin in combination with blond or red hair burns out very quickly);
  • from medications taken (antibiotics and antiallergic drugs can reduce the protective properties of the skin);
  • from the activity of the child on the beach (the cream is washed off during swimming, rubbed off on the sand, comes off with sweat).

Therefore, when you are looking for sun protection products for children, the reviews of other buyers are unlikely to be useful to you. It will be more important to determine your child's skin type, take into account the latitudes in which you are going to spend your vacation, and do not forget that for children who run and swim a lot, the cream layer needs to be renewed.

  • Read also:

How to choose sunscreen for a child

If you stop at a grocery store or pharmacy window and ask how to choose sunscreen for your baby, the first thing to do is look for those products that say “family”, “children's” or “from birth” on the package.

Usually, these creams contain mineral filters that hold harmful ultraviolet, - zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. There may also be chemical filters in the composition, but their concentration is much lower than in products for adult skin.

It is advisable to choose a cream marked "waterproof": yes, the cream layer will still need to be renewed after swimming, but it will protect your child during swims and water fun.

Some creams are resistant to sand - this is useful for relaxing on the beach, so look for information about this on the package.

Some children's sunscreens, when rubbed into the skin on a short time turn white. There are also sprays that, when applied, paint the skin in a bright color.

This is convenient - untreated areas immediately become visible, and the child is happy to undergo the spreading procedure. Soon the product will become transparent and will not be noticeable.

A good cream for children does not contain fragrances - such additives can only increase the photosensitivity of children's skin.

Tip: products for protecting children's skin from the sun are available in the form of creams, mousses, gels, sprays. It is believed that creams, due to their dense texture, provide better protection than liquid mousses or sprays. However, it is worth choosing the tool that will be convenient for you to apply.

Children's sunscreen: choose the degree of protection

What kind of rays does the sun send us? They are divided into 3 types. Type C rays scatter in the atmosphere and our skin is not affected by them. We meet with rays of type A and B. Type B causes a tan, but it also causes sunburn.

The influence of type A rays does not appear soon and is expressed in skin aging, the appearance of new moles and age spots. Children's sunscreen is required to provide type B protection (UVB mark will indicate this) and it is desirable that it provides protection from type A rays (UVA, IPD, PPD).

  • It will be useful:

But you can not go into such details, but pay attention to SPF - a sun protection factor. The number next to these letters shows how many times you can increase the time of safe exposure to the sun.

For example, if a fair-skinned child can safely sunbathe for up to 5 minutes, then SPF cream 15 will increase acceptance time sunbathing up to 75 minutes.

Sunscreens for children have an SPF of 15 to 50. In temperate latitudes, during urban walks, you can use an SPF 15-25 cream. On the beach you will need a product with a higher protection factor. It should be the higher, the lighter and more sensitive skin The child has.

However, the use of funds with SPF above 30 is not always justified. A cream with such a protective factor makes it possible to stay in the sun for 2.5 hours - it is unlikely that you are going to spend so much time on the beach.

It is impossible to be with a child in the open sun from 11 to 17 hours, even with the use of a cream with a high degree of protection.

Tip: use the cream even on a walk. Treat them with all parts of the body that are not covered by clothing, including the nose, ears, arms and legs of the child.

How to use sunscreen

The cream is selected - which means that half the battle is over. It remains to learn how to use it correctly. Here's what to keep in mind:

1. Perform a tolerance test before first use. Apply a little cream on the elbow or on the popliteal fossa of the child. If there is no irritation, the remedy can be used.

2. Apply sunscreen 15-20 minutes before going outside, or as directed.

3. Regardless of the degree of sun protection your chosen cream, renew it after each bath. Before applying, dry the child's skin.

4. Cloudiness is not a hindrance to the sun's rays, so on a gloomy day you need to use the cream as actively as in clear weather.

5. Apply sunscreen for babies in any case, even if you are relaxing in the shade.

6. Two coats of a low SPF product will not turn it into a high UV protection product. In other words, if your child with white skin and blonde hair You need SPF 50 baby sunscreen, you can't replace it with a thick layer of SPF 25 cream.

7. Re-applying sunscreen does not extend the amount of time you can safely spend in the sun. If the SPF 30 cream allows you to sunbathe for up to 150 minutes, count down from the time you and your child went outside.

Tip: Protector cream allows you to stay in the sun longer, but cannot neutralize the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Keep your children away from the sun between 11:00 and 17:00, and prefer shady places for outdoor recreation.

Sunscreen for a child: choose according to age

On sale, it is easy to find sunscreens that are marked “children's” or “family”. But you need to know that such funds are intended for children over 3 years old.

After 5 years, you can buy a regular cream for adults. If you are choosing a remedy for a baby, you need to look for other information on the tubes.

Sunscreen for children up to a year

Sunscreen for babies should be marked "from birth" or "0+" on the packaging. However, this cream can only be used for children older than 6 months. Until this age, the child should not be shown in the open sun.

Sunscreen for children under 3 years old

If your child is not long before the age of three, you can test for sensitivity to the agent and, if there is no reaction, use such a baby cream. But still, it is advisable to use products intended for infants before reaching 3 years of age.

Advice: light clothes from natural materials also saves the skin from UV exposure. Do not forget about the headdress for the child.

What to do if the skin is still burned

Although the use of the right sunscreen minimizes the risk of sunburn, it is desirable to be able to recognize a sunburn and quickly manage the discomfort associated with it.

The main indicator of a sunburn of the first degree will be reddened, hot to the touch baby's skin. Having noticed this, immediately take the child away from the street, and at home put him under a cool shower (water temperature + 25-28 ° C).

Since burned skin is very sensitive, drape a towel over your child's shoulders while showering to help soften the sensation of water on the skin.

After that, spread the reddened areas with an anti-burn cream containing panthenol or aloe. In no case should be used to lubricate the skin oily creams, dairy products, alcohol-based products.
