Paper carving templates for beginners. Openwork paper cutting: schemes and recommendations

ancient art woodcarving has always been considered an exciting activity, with the help of carved ornaments erected unique beauty towers and huts, most of which are still classified as architectural monuments. Wood carving, or wood carving, is becoming a popular craft, used to make large and small masterpieces. Beginning craftsmen are helped to create masterpieces by ready-made stencils for woodcarving - special templates for creating three-dimensional ornaments and patterns.

The ancient art of wood carving has always been considered a fascinating pastime.

Stencils for woodwork are used to transfer ready-made identical patterns to a three-dimensional plane. Most often, such work is done to decorate walls and window casings, which is why sketches for working with wooden surfaces are considered the most common.

Carved patterns made using a stencil are divided by craftsmen into several types:

  • ribbon carved ornament;
  • carved platbands;
  • carved balusters;
  • pilaster;
  • towels
  • brackets.

According to such ready-made templates, even a novice master can compose and independently create a unique drawing and real masterpiece carved art. With the help of a ready-made stencil, you can easily decorate any wood product. Artistic cutting and openwork drawings, as a rule, will come in handy when decorating:

  • pieces of furniture;
  • dishes;
  • frames for paintings or photographs;
  • caskets.

In the event that the master wants to convey certain national motifs or features of the subject in his work, you should first study the subtleties and nuances of ornaments and patterns.

How to learn woodcarving (video)

Sketches for patterns: instructions

Those masters who not so long ago picked up tools, experienced craftsmen It is recommended to consider the following nuances when preparing for work:

  • the engraving template should be as simple and understandable as possible, without complex and ornate elements;
  • for each type of thread there are templates for work;
  • lines from the existing template to the material for work are transferred as accurately as possible, since this is the only way to achieve accuracy in work.

When choosing a drawing for its subsequent transfer to the material, it is worth considering a number of subtleties that will help to make the product professionally and skillfully.

  1. For a large product, you should not choose an openwork ornament or a pattern with small details. Such a pattern will be lost on the finished item and will not make it unique.
  2. Small things are not decorated with patterns with large elements and ornamental details, so as not to hide the shape and uniqueness of the product.
  3. The proportions when transferring details to fragments of the product should be observed to the finest so as not to violate the integrity of the finished ornament.

You should not start work without first creating a sketch, which you can make yourself or download finished photos from the Internet.

Carved mirror frames: an interesting idea

Art Nouveau interior lovers will love carved frames framing paintings or mirrors.

Such interior items not only look rich and unique, but add a special “zest” to the interior of the room. For cutting frames for a mirror, experts recommend using several basic styles for work.

  1. The double baroque style contains two contours inside and outside, represented by openwork curls. The craftsmen included a feather profile in this style, it reflects some lightness and elegance of a rectangular piece.
  2. For mirrors, the feather profile with a back is ideal, providing for a dense back where the mirror is attached.
  3. The refined profile also has the style of a dumbbell, despite the somewhat massive frame. It is these frames that hold a heavy and massive mirror well.

Art Nouveau interior lovers will love the carved frames framing paintings or mirrors.

For the manufacture of mirror frames are used and special methods decoration:

  • gilding with preliminary polishing;
  • varnishing with a transparent composition;
  • patina, or artificial aging of wood;
  • antique decoration with cracks called craquelure.

In order to transfer the pattern from the stencil to the product, soft pencils are used, transferring the ornament as accurately and accurately as possible.

Stencils for woodcarving in pencil: how to make

Those craftsmen who are just starting to try themselves as a woodcarver should understand that high-quality cutting can be done only after the template has been properly prepared.

  1. Initially, it is worth deciding on a blank for carving. Beginning craftsmen better fit geometric carving on a plane or a simple wooden figurine.
  2. A sketch is made on paper with a pencil, while the main zones and places where carving is planned are clearly defined on it.
  3. By using special devices for drawing the image is transferred to graph paper.
  4. Repeating parts are made of thick paper or thick cardboard.
  5. The finished paper pattern is fixed on a wooden base and copied.

In the manufacture of stencils for carvings made in the slotted technique, craftsmen recommend initially using thick paper for patterns.

Geometric and flat-relief carving: what is it

Name geometric carving on wood comes from the main details and elements at the heart of the pattern: geometric shapes, figures and their elements. Use such ornaments to decorate furniture, household utensils.

To create this engraving, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • a piece of board made of soft wood;
  • special knife-jamb;
  • simple soft pencil;
  • ruler.

In the manufacture of the product, an invoice paper blank is not required, since the elements geometric pattern can be applied directly to wood.

relief carving is done in a similar way, but the pictorial elements are not geometric figures, and images of animals, elements of nature, people. This type of carving is also used for making backgammon.

The finished product can be treated with a colorless varnish

For such a wood engraving you will need materials:

  • a set of cutters for wood;
  • soft wood blank;
  • sandpaper, pencils.

A product is manufactured in accordance with a certain sequence of actions.

  1. The wood is pre-cleaned and prepared for work. The drawing is applied to carbon paper and transferred to the workpiece.
  2. The contour carving is made according to the drawing, the relief and the frame of the product are pre-selected.
  3. Upon completion, the work is processed with stain, dye, or simply watercolor paints. Cleaned up with sandpaper.

The finished product can be treated with a colorless varnish.

Flowers: Wood Carving for Beginners

Flowers are one of the main elements of many wood carving patterns. Cutting this element is not difficult, it is important to follow the sequence of actions and the principle of operation.

  1. On wooden surface a drawing is applied in the form of circles and the details of the future flower are marked.
  2. The central circles are cut in a circle, after which they are cut from the outer circle to the center.
  3. After marking the petals, they are cut along the contour, cutting off the triangles between the petals, after which the outer contour of each petal is cut.
  4. An incision is made inside the flower, rounding the center of the drawing element.

You can decorate the picture with any additional motives, wide opportunities for toning gives geriolacquer base of the product

Wood carving for beginners (video)

You can make templates and stencils for carving yourself using your own Creative skills can be downloaded from internet ready-made templates. Most of the ready-made stencils can be found on the Tatyanka website, some, no less interesting options offer other online resources.

IN modern time applied art is the most exciting hobby for many. Who draws pictures, who knits openwork patterns from threads, who is enthusiastically engaged in wood carving, and someone simply makes paper vytynanki.

The concept of vytynanka

The term "vytynanka" comes from the Ukrainian word "vytynat", which defines the action of cutting.

Paper vytynanka is one of the directions of Ukrainian applied cutting of the most beautiful patterns, ornaments, images, figures, landscapes and other plots on paper. One of the most simple species protrusion is christmas snowflake, cut from any paper material.

Few people can answer the question of what vytynanki are, despite their wide distribution. Many people practice this art in free time without even knowing it interesting name and origin.

Cutting out the vytynanka has gained particular popularity in modern times. Today, for the implementation of ideas, you can choose absolutely any paper material, the varieties of which cannot be counted on the fingers.

Many people will learn about what a vytynanka is (photo below) only after visiting exhibitions of applied art.

You can't go wrong with such beauty.

The historical past of the vytynanka

What are bulges and where do they come from? The first examples of this art were made in China during the appearance of paper as such and the first primitive scissors. Since paper was an expensive and rare material, animal skins, dried plant leaves, wood, and dishes were taken as the basis for carving in Ukraine. Paper vytynanki spread in Ukraine only in the middle of the nineteenth century. Their main purpose was decoration.

Vytynankas of the nineteenth - twentieth centuries are distinguished by high artistic skill. In each isolated region and in different strata of the population, the most beautiful works acquired individual features of the presentation of material, form, technical dexterity, a sense of rhythm, proportions, silhouettes, and richness of ornament.

The purpose of the vytynanka in modern times

Knowing what vytynanki are, many masters find them the most extraordinary purpose. They decorate crafts, Greeting Cards, photo albums and photo frames, shelves in the kitchen, large vytynanka are used as paper decorative curtains for windows, paper tablecloths for tables, they are made of most beautiful pictures And wall panels, they are used as a stencil for inscriptions or for applying ornaments and patterns to another surface, with the help of protrusions they paint the facades of modern houses.

Tools and material for making a vytynanka

For the skillful work of making original beautiful openwork patterns professional masters of the vytynanka use the tool of their ancestors - incisors. Modern craftsmen of applied needlework prefer industrial special sets, which include a dense rug, often wooden, several types of sharp scalpels with different blade sizes, scissors, spare blades, a metal ruler.

The basis for the vytynanka is paper of different density and dimensions. It all depends on the master's wild imagination. You can cut on xerox, white, colored paper, cardboard, corrugated sheets, wallpaper. You can make not only vytynanki on paper, but also use wooden bases, clay, stone, metal or fabric for this purpose.

Design options for works made using the vytynanka technique

Depending on the execution technology and artistic style, vytynankas are classified into the following types: openwork - these types of products are made from a sheet of paper, the image is contained in the slots; silhouette, in which the image is the silhouette of a tree, a person, and the like.

Depending on the complexity of the work on the manufacture of vytynanka, they are divided into simple single ones, performed on one sheet of paper, and complex colored appliqués - on several sheets of multi-colored material.

Depending on the technique of execution and the method of presenting the image, complex protrusions are divided into coordinated ones (large-scale products, the integral image of which is made of several elements folded in turn, make up a harmonious ornament) and overhead, which are stacked on top of each other in a slide.

The shape of the vytynanka can be varied - oval, square, round, triangular or rectangular, often there are works in which there is a uniform uniform variety that creates a complex structure of the product.

Depending on the plots cut out on paper, the following groups of protrusions are distinguished: figurines - silhouettes of birds, riders, dolls, natural contour elements are depicted on the canvas; sockets - an openwork type of execution, composed of stars, rhombuses, suns, squares; trees - parts of trees are depicted - branches, trunks, crowns with the presence additional elements- berries, fruits, birds; ribbons - an image of various one-sided or two-sided ornaments; wallpaper - free canvas filling beautiful patterns; firankas - complex ribbon protrusions; tsatsanki - works with a pronounced decorative and thematic character; exhibition copies - produced specifically for participation in exhibitions of printed products.

Having understood what protrusions are, many people who are predisposed to fantasy seek to learn as much as possible about the technique of performing work and product patterns. There are a lot of those. An attractive protrusion (example diagrams are shown in the photo below) is performed on the basis of the most various pictures applied to paper by any type of writing object (marker, felt-tip pen, pen, pencil). The complexity of the drawing depends on the skill of the manufacturer of the work.

Vytynanka, the schemes of which were invented by the master himself, turns out to be original and not repeatable in any detail of the plot, and such works often end up on exhibitions. The more imagination you show when drawing up a template, the more refined the result is.

A lot of needleworkers, of course, use standard examples paper carvings in the "vytynanka" technique, the schemes of which are drawn from various sources. Great option The template for the vytynanka is an overhead pattern for satin stitch embroidery.

A variety of paper vytynanka templates (schemes - as professionals call them) can be taken from beautifully illustrated books. You can cut out all sorts of details on paper - both large and small, a special sharpened scalpel copes with any piece different kind base material.

Professional masters most often take on complex plot compositions, but beginners in this business should start learning the art of vytynanka with simple simple ornaments and landscape images.

How to make a stencil vytynanka?

Vytynanki from paper - schemes for creating a picture and on other bases (wood, metal, stone). A flat surface is not always taken as a basis; ornaments are cut out on cylindrical shapes, spherical and oval spheres. Vytynanka stencils in this case help to apply the pattern evenly and beautifully to perform symmetrical work.

A stencil is made by cutting out the necessary curly holes on paper.

How can a stencil be used?

Any vytynanka can be used as a stencil. What can be done with so-called stencil templates?

Yes, anything: apply a drawing on paper, fabric, walls with paints, resulting in the most beautiful art paintings, for dishes - plates, jugs, cups, glasses, vases, shades of lighting fixtures - chandeliers, sconces; decorate hedges with ornaments using one standard pattern of some kind of pattern; apply in carving pictures on wood and drawing them on metal.

Vytynanki for windows

A very interesting and most extraordinary version of the vytynanka is carving on newsprint. This practical method has led so many craftsmen to do things on paper like making paper curtains that can be used in place of blinds.

The canvas of the newspaper is large, it can be folded into several layers and create examples of original ornaments and plots, which can later be repeated on clean beautiful paper.

Vytynanka on the windows look very original and fun.

While admiring the beautiful works made in the style of a vytynanka, there is a desire to do something similar with your own hands. Where to start for a newbie?

First, you need to purchase special set tools because regular scissors, with which they cut everything in a row in the house, do beautiful work Not sure it's going to happen. The paper should be cut clearly along the line. Very many small details require the use of scalpels for paper carving.

Secondly, pick up a very simple template for the future product, decide which parts will be cut out of it, mark them with a pencil so as not to mistakenly cut out a detail of the main drawing of the protrusion.

Thirdly, you should choose the basis on which the finished vytynanka will be glued. It can be cardboard or velvet paper, or cloth woven base.

Fourth, evaluate your perseverance, since work requires attention and composure.

Fifth, to get started, you should choose plain white xerox paper, which is easier to cut than corrugated or cardboard.

From carved wood and plywood, you can make so many decor items and useful little things, which is stupid to limit the scope of the work. In fact, it can be absolutely everything that your imagination has enough for: caskets, covers for decorative and collectible books, lampshades, panels, shutters, furniture elements, platbands, cornices ... But the most attractive thing in creating exclusive works that everyone can fulfill them if they make a certain amount of effort.

Slotted wood carving: photos, drawings and sketches

The main key to success in creating interesting gizmos with slotted carvings is the choice of pattern. It is he who conveys the general concept and sets the aesthetic tone for the entire product.

The easiest way for beginners to complete patterns geometric shape as in the photo.

Carved drawings of floral and animalistic themes are classic ornaments for any application.

Inscriptions - modern version application of carving on wood and plywood. At the same time, you are unlikely to be able to find drawings and sketches on the net - they will have to be compiled purely individually for personal requirements for sizes, fonts, words.

Stencils for slotted threads

However, unlike cut-out inscriptions on plywood, drawings with plant, animal and fantasy themes can be found on the net. So feel free to choose your favorite stencils in the album, and there will be enough ideas for creativity for a long time!

Most simple sketches suitable for training at the very beginning of the way of manufacturing products, and can become separate elements complex design. For example, this is how carved houses are decorated.

More complex templates will require some skill and patience, but the result is worth it. Such pictures can serve as an independent product, even a gift.

Whole compositions with an idea and meaning usually serve either as a separate work or form the basis of the work.

Tools for slotted carving: jigsaw or router

However, the choice of drawing is only a third of success. Another important aspect, which must be considered before proceeding with the work itself. Namely, the choice of a tool that will be used for carving wood or plywood.

Equipment depends on:

  • how thin the thread will turn out;
  • the complexity of the pictures;
  • cutting speed;
  • accuracy of work.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate all the pros, cons, capabilities and limitations of each of the traditional sawing tools:

Jigsaw - a device for curly cutting out parts. It is quite laborious to work with a hand tool, but it allows you to very accurately cut out according to the drawing. The power tool allows you to quickly produce figured products from plywood, but requires caution.

A milling cutter is a tool that makes flat relief slotted carvings look thinner and more complete. It is with its help that it turns out to round the edges, remove chips, make gaps, and carry out the most difficult cutting.

Theoretically, a milling cutter can perform the same work as a jigsaw, and even more, but in fact such handling of the tool is fraught with its fast exit out of order, frequent replacement of the frieze.

Materials for slotted threads

In most cases, plywood is chosen for this type of work - it is uniformly thin, has a pleasant color and structure, and does not lead to further use or storage as opposed to a tree array. It is the choice of material that becomes the third pillar of successful work.

The modern market abounds different types materials, so it's easy to get confused. For such work, you should choose:

  • plywood FK - harmless to humans and the environment, durable, easy to cut, practical;
  • FB plywood is also safe for humans, but resistant to aggressive environments, since it passes special treatment and gets protective covering, because of which it can cost an order of magnitude more.

Note! In no case do not choose FSF class plywood for interior work - it is treated with carcinogenic preservatives and is only acceptable for use on fresh air- they are perfectly lined with a bathhouse or a house outside.

Photo of carved wooden houses

For Russia special meaning has a slotted carving as a decoration for the facades of buildings. Since ancient times, ornaments carved on birch bark and other similar materials have been decorating huts, baths, churches, which is colorfully demonstrated by photographs.

Wood milling video with a manual router

If you just decided to try your hand at figure slotted thread, it would be useful to watch a video with a master class. It will help to better understand how drawings are created, and how such house beauty appears.

Vytynanka (from - "vytinati" - "vitinati" - "vytsіnats" - "cut") is an ancient Slavic type of arts and crafts, openwork cutting out of paper, birch bark, foil, fabric and leather.

It differs from the application in that the whole work is a single piece of paper, while the application is usually glued together from several individual parts. The most famous vytynanki to us are snowflakes.

And yet, not all works made in the technique artistic carving, are called vytynanki.

Distinctive features of the protrusions are that the images in them:

  • symmetrical, because in their manufacture, a sheet of paper is folded a certain number of times, after which various patterns are cut out on it,
  • relatively few colors, because, in addition to the background, usually no more than 1-2, less often 3 colors of paper are used,
  • contain national folk symbols.

In this form, this cutting technique existed in Eastern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia).

In Western Europe it was common silhouette cutting . It is characterized by a black image on a white background, the absence of slotted parts. Subjects: portraits (most often - profiles), landscapes, domestic scenes.

Modern works made in the technique of artistic paper cutting, which do not contain traditional folk symbols and symmetry, are called cut-out images, paper graphics, openwork (filigree) cutting.

In this technique, you can make many beautiful things: paintings (panels), postcards, paper napkins, window decorations, shelves, frames, mirrors and more.

To cut patterns, use scissors or knives (stationery, breadboard).

Read about the features of cutting such works with scissors and how to transfer the diagram to paper in the article:.

This time we will talk about cutting with a clerical or mock-up knife.

  • It is safer for children to cut with scissors, because. a knife is still a knife. When cutting, they need to protect their hands, do not keep their fingers on the cut line, do not go beyond the cutting mat. A rug is needed so as not to spoil the table. Sold special mats for cutting. If there is no such rug, it can be made from a piece of linoleum or thick cardboard.
  • The scheme is drawn and cut out from the wrong (back) side of the future tenderloin.
  • Just like when cutting with scissors, work begins with the most small parts, then cut out the details in the center, then along the edges, and only then - the outline, if any.
  • If necessary, smoothly rotate the paper so that it is more convenient to cut.
  • When cutting straight lines, you can use a ruler.
  • Using stationery knife break off the dull end of the blade more often.
  • You can not leave parts of the cut areas uncut, and then tear them off with your hands. The work will look sloppy and thus it can be inadvertently torn.
  • Depending on the purpose of the clipping and the chosen plot, choose a suitable background and stick the work on it.

Video lesson on cutting with a knife (not in Russian, but since this is a video, it’s clear how to cut it)

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Enjoy your creativity!
Especially for blog readers, with sincere respect, Julia Sherstyuk

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