What can you want from a guy list. VIPMan - Men's magazine, men's style, men's haircuts and hairstyles, cars, women, money, travel, and much more

Although all girls are different, yet very often they are united by common preferences. If you want to win a girl's heart, you must understand what she wants from you. However, do not put on a mask, trying to seem better than you really are. Always be yourself.


Communicate Right

    Be honest, but not completely honest. Girls like guys who tell them honestly about what's going on in their lives. However, you should not tell the girl everything if you see that she is not too interested in this. Keep in mind that sometimes there are days when a girl may not be ready to listen to you.

    Ask her what makes her happy. Ask the girl directly what your actions can upset her and vice versa make her happy. Relationships based on open communication and honesty tend to be long lasting.

    Be empathetic. The girl wants you to understand her without words. Be empathetic and strive to understand her thoughts and feelings.

    • Do not dismiss her problems and difficulties.
    • Remember even the little things that can upset her.
    • Be willing to give up your interests in order to do what the girl likes.
  1. Be an active listener. Girls love to talk; they want their interlocutor to actively participate in the conversation. Communication is a two-way street. Remember that both participants in the conversation should listen carefully and speak.

    • Let the girl talk about what is bothering her.
    • Listen carefully without trying to solve her problems.
    • Paraphrase her words by repeating what she said. Thanks to this, the girl will see that you listened to her carefully and understand what is at stake.
  2. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. Girls communicate not only with the help of words. Therefore, pay attention to the non-verbal signals that she sends you during a conversation.

    • Watch her body language. You will be able to see the reaction to your words and actions.
    • Pay attention to the tone of her voice, not just the words.
    • Look into her eyes when she smiles. The sincerity of a smile can always be seen in the eyes. Therefore, look into the eyes of a girl, and you can understand what really gives her pleasure.
  3. Give compliments to show that you are interested in this girl. However, do not limit yourself to compliments related only to the appearance of the girl. Girls like it when they pay attention to her abilities and praise her for them. Therefore, say that you like the girl's intelligence, her athletic abilities and sense of humor.

    Don't take it for granted. Girls like to be appreciated. Be grateful to the girl even for the insignificant things that she does for you.

    • Pay attention to what she does for you and thank her for it.
    • She needs to know that you are grateful to her. Talk to her about it and show it with your actions.
  4. Share your interests with her. The girl wants to be a part of your life. If you want to get her attention, share with her what you like and what gives you pleasure.

    Learn more about art and culture. Girls like guys who are not limited to knowledge of only one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. If you are only interested in sports, it is unlikely that a girl will be interested in you. Learn about art and music. it great way show that you are a versatile person.

    Learn to cook. It is important for a girl to know that she will not the only person who is responsible for preparing the kitchen. Even if you only know how to cook one dish, learn the recipe by heart so you can surprise her with a delicious treat without looking into a cookbook.

Behave right

    Bear good feeling humor. Being fun and outgoing is essential if you want other people to be comfortable with you. When we laugh, endorphins are released that help reduce stress. Girls are attracted to guys they feel comfortable with. Therefore, do your best to make the girl laugh in your presence.

    Treat others with respect. If you allow yourself to be rude and rude to others, you are showing that other people's feelings mean nothing to you. Girls like guys who show respect for them, their friends and other people.

    Encourage her to pursue her goals and desires. Be ready to help her on her way to achieving her goals. It is important for girls to know that someone is interested in them achieving their goals.

    Be prepared for the fact that the girl can change her mind. Every person changes his mind from time to time. Even if a girl liked something before, this does not mean at all that tomorrow she will not be indifferent to it. Be ready to accept changes and do your best to make the girl enjoy talking with you.

Naturally, people perceive the surrounding reality in different ways due to various factors: character, upbringing, environment, habits, etc. At the same time, a number of criteria can be identified that affect the assessment of life and relationships, in which representatives of both sexes are similar. So, if you ask several women to describe the “man of dreams”, these characteristics will be similar in many respects. In this article, we will talk about what a girl needs from her lover, what kind of relationship she usually strives for, and what is most important for her in matters of the heart.

Relationship matters!

It is not for nothing that girls are called the weaker sex: they, as they say, often “think with their hearts”, being more emotional, sentimental and vulnerable than males. That is why they need a lot of attention. The girl needs a manifestation of care and support, both in words and in deeds.

If she falls ill, and you constantly only tell her that she will recover soon, but you are too lazy to go to the pharmacy - this is terribly little! And, conversely, if you take care of all the household chores, buy her medicines and make tea every half hour, but do not tell her kind words and do not support, so to speak, “verbally”, she still perceives it as indifference. Don't stop proving girl own feelings everyone possible ways, remember that she needs maximum confidence and stability in a relationship much more than you.

Personal psychologist

Most men are rather skeptical about the need for a woman to speak out more often. By virtue of their nature, guys do not need to discuss all the little things in life, even with close friends or a beloved woman. Firstly, they really do not see the point in this, and secondly, they often simply do not want to bore their girlfriend with their own problems. However, girls, being again more sensitive beings, periodically feel a simply irresistible need to speak out.

Try to be for her best friend, or rather, a personal psychologist to whom she can tell anything without fear that he will misunderstand her or she will simply get bored with him. Such an opportunity is given, alas, not to everyone, so your girlfriend will definitely appreciate it. In addition, she will spend less time with chatty girlfriends and will subconsciously reach out to you more and more.

Feeling protected

It is not necessary for a girl to be attacked by a maniac in the stairwell or angry dog neighbor so that she needs protection and help. The need to constantly feel loved and protected in any life situation- that's what a girl needs from her lover. You won’t have to hire bodyguards or follow her around: the girl first of all needs to believe that you will always be there, no matter what happens.

She wants to be sure that you will rush to her house at one in the morning to destroy the cockroach, do not be afraid of her annoying admirer and run to deal with her unfair superiors. If you consider cockroaches to be completely harmless animals, do not want to interfere in other people's relationships and are not in a hurry to blame her boss, your girlfriend will decide that she needs to deal with problems on her own. In that case, why would she need you?..

Understanding is the key to a long-term relationship

What does a girl need? This will help you understand famous quote Bettina Arnim: "I want to be loved or to be understood - which is the same thing." She explains a lot in women's perception love relationships. A girl, as a rule, is sure that if a guy truly loves her, he must understand her. And it does not matter that she herself does not always succeed, she does not get tired of wishing, and then, if she does not receive it, she will demand maximum understanding from you.

Let's make a reservation that this is not as easy as it seems, because female emotionality often leads to changes in moods, opinions, principles and whatever. But if you really feel for a girl strong feelings, then the acceptance of her sensitive essence will be regarded by her as a genuine understanding.

There are not many compliments

Yes, a girl needs to hear more often that she (at least for you!) Is the most beautiful, smart, interesting and attractive. If not, what are you doing next to her? Do you tolerate it while waiting for a suitable candidate? A girl needs confidence not only in your feelings for her, but also in her own uniqueness.

Therefore, compliment her and tune in to romance as often as possible. In return, you will receive so much love and warmth that you will definitely not regret it.

I will write some articles for you about what girls want from guys. I am writing them so that you do not repeat common nonsense like “girls are mysterious”, “you won’t understand what she needs”, “all girls ...”, “girls only need money”, etc. If you want a girl and plan to build with her normal relationship, you need to learn to understand what a girl wants from a guy.

In fact, the girls are quite simple. At 80%, everything they need can be expressed in one phrase "We need a real, reliable man nearby." This is the answer to the question of what a girl wants from a guy. So if you want a relationship with normal girl become a real man.

Now it's not so easy to become such a man. But if it does not work out, then this is not at all an excuse for repeating common nonsense. Understand that if you say them, then no one in reality will sympathize with you, except perhaps the same loser as you. When you say stupid things, you only show your stupidity and inability to live.

If something doesn’t work out in your life, then try it differently, study something, work on yourself, but don’t whine and don’t spread snot. If you want to look like a loser among men and sink below the plinth in the eyes of girls, then repeat common nonsense and, in addition to this, whine and whine.

Now specifically about what is a real reliable man next to a girl? This is not at all the same as what men think about each other, although something intersects. A "real man" who enjoys authority in the company of men may not be so for women. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce an amendment for the perception of girls.

In this series of articles, I will tell you what kind of man is the dream of most girls and what a girl really wants from a guy. It is clear that the ideal cannot be. But I'll give you a map that you can follow. I'll show you where and what works, and where you'll just waste your time. I myself went this way, having once made a lot of mistakes.

I will write like useful rules, as well as errors. So if you want to conquer a girl - go for it.

Error. You think that the figure of a bodybuilder will help you in communicating with girls and what exactly this girl wants from a guy.

Many come to the gym in the hope of becoming more attractive to girls. I want to say right away that a lot of swinging is one of the most ineffective ways like a girl. You will spend a lot of time and effort, and the effect will be quite insignificant.

The exception is men with overweight, belly, or too flimsy, similar to concentration camp prisoners (not thin). If you are like that, then, of course, run to the gym and throw off your extra hundred kilograms of weight or gain a dozen.

But if your figure is ordinary, then the set muscle mass will not lead to the expected effect. At one time, I began to swing. One of the reasons for this was the desire to please women more. In a year I gained about 30 kg of muscle mass.

Adding 30 kg of muscle mass is a lot. My figure has changed dramatically. I had to change all my clothes, as things became several sizes larger. Muscles were visible in almost any clothing, even if I tried to hide them. However, I hardly felt any change in perception on the part of the girls, and I thought that this is what girls want from guys. It turned out that they don't really care that you have an awesome figure.

Do you read and think that I am against gyms and getting pumped up? You're wrong. I like sports and have been doing them more or less for almost my entire adult life. I believe that every man needs to do some kind of sport, at least a couple of times a week (minimum). But we are not talking about that now.

We're talking about what a girl wants from a guy. If he talks about them, then with the rarest exception, pumping a figure does not lead to any significant changes in the relationship between a man and a woman. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.

If you want to become stronger, if you want other men to perceive you better (not much), if you want to feel better, go to the gym. If you want to pump up so that the girls like it more, then do not waste your time.

You need to be active, persistent and proactive.

A very gross mistake of some men, or vice versa, a huge advantage. Let's say that you are beautiful, like Apollo or someone else there, you have wonderful figure, a lot of money, intelligence, like Einstein at least, you dared and something else with a dozen qualities.

However, you think that since you are such a “hero”, you don’t need to run after girls, try hard, endure their refusals, etc. You just need to appear somewhere and they themselves will be hung around your neck in dozens. After all, everything is logical. You're handsome, rich, smart and something else there.

If you think so, then you are a real idiot. Of course, a certain number of women will hang around your neck if you really have all of the above qualities. However, what kind of girls they will be, that's the question.

If you want to find a really wonderful girl for yourself, then they will not be among those who hang around your neck. Per wonderful girls and women need to run, persuade, try. It doesn't matter if you have a million dollars or not. Your million dollars, even if you have it, is just a tool that makes it easier to run around, persevere, and simplify many things.

I don’t know from where, but such men who think that women will run after them have become recent times much bigger.

understand one simple thing. If you do not run after a girl, then you are doomed to be content with only the worst of those you could get. You will constantly complain to others that they demand a lot, but they themselves are nothing. You will be surprised that some stupid freak, without much money, lives with beautiful and smart girls, and they don’t especially look at you.

Now suppose you are not Apollo, not as smart as Einstein, and not as rich as Rockefeller. Then what is there to talk about. You need to learn how to run twice as fast after girls.

Remember what I said in the first paragraphs of the article about what a girl wants? The girl needs a real man. And when you court her, then you pass the first test for a real man.

A real man is confident enough in himself to endure rejection. A real man is persistent enough to continue actions when nothing works and the girl does not respond to his advances. A real man is persistent and patient enough to break through the wall of distrust towards him on the part of the girl. A real man does not wait for prey to come running to him. He goes and runs after her until he catches up.

How to do this, I will write in other articles. But the first thing you have to remember is that if you wait for attention and initiative from a girl while dating, then you can only get girls of the lowest quality that you can claim with the intelligence, finances and appearance that you have available. .

Do not be surprised also that the most beautiful and smart girls, who you like, leave with some stupid guys who don’t even know how to make money. Do not complain that girls demand something from you, but they themselves are nothing. After all, you yourself cannot find that girl who represents something. Because of its inertia and it is not clear where the convictions come from that a girl who is something of herself will be hung around your neck.

If, on the contrary, you will take the initiative, you will seek attention, showing perseverance and ingenuity, then you will be able to achieve a girl that you never dreamed of. If nature forgot to endow you with appearance and intelligence, then still run after women and let a small part of them, but they will still agree to spend time with you.

Understand one thing. Guys do not like it when women run after them, constantly confess their love, etc. Don't take it to girls. Think about what girls want, not men. Girls love it when they run after them, declare their love, achieve. They will remember this with gratitude, even if you fail (and maybe you inadequate self-esteem its value to women).

You can't be rude.

Each person puts his own meaning into this word. Some almost equate strength of character and rudeness. To some extent, this is true. An extremely insecure person, that is, essentially a weak character, is unlikely to be rude, since for this you need to have a certain self-confidence.

But this is only to some extent. In fact, a confident person is also sometimes rude, but he knows how to control his rudeness. He demonstrates it only when necessary, and not with or without reason. And most importantly, he is not rude to girls.

understand that strength and rudeness are different things. If you are not confident in yourself, then develop confidence, including sometimes rudeness when dealing with men. And I'm not talking about the constant use of obscenities, etc., but about the courage to tell another man that you don't like something, to threaten, etc.

Okay, you'll figure out the details yourself. But general rule is: "You must not be rude to girls and women, you must be affectionate and considerate."

If you don’t learn this, then more than half of the women will immediately put you on “ignore”, and for the remaining half, your value will drop by at least a few points.

Understand simple truth. If you are rude, then you will disgust most women. Do you understand the word disgust? If that's what you want, then go ahead. If you seek love, trust, then forever forget about rudeness with the female sex.

What is rudeness. For those who do not understand what rudeness is - a few examples below.

Adjust these examples to suit your social level and the level of the girls you want to hang out with. If you're a daily drinking hard worker with an unfinished high school, then some requirements. If you are in the mood for beautiful and smart women, the requirements are much higher.

Example 1

- Shut up. “It's very, very rude.

“Wait, don't interrupt me. “Better, but not sweet.

“Wait until the woman let it out, if necessary, being normal about the fact that you were interrupted, listen to what she was sick about. When she calms down, even if it's in a couple of days, then tell me what you need. - So much better. This is what girls want from you.

Example 2

“You always do things wrong. - It's very rude. Doing it wrong is direct criticism and already rude. Constantly - this means that the girl in general does everything and always does it wrong. Harder to imagine.

Why did you do something. - It's just rude.

“I don’t feel comfortable if you do it for such and such a reason. Please do so. “It’s okay, but it’s not kind.

- If the question is not fundamental, then say (and do, of course) that “Well, since it’s more convenient for you, then I’ll try to adapt.” - Well done, you catch on the fly.

It is clear that any criticism is almost always rudeness. The opposite of criticism is a compliment. The ability to give compliments is, although simple in a primitive version, but a skill. That is a skill that takes time to master. I will talk about how to give compliments in another part of the article.

Most importantly, remember that this is a skill, as well as a habit not to be rude. You need to learn to compliment in advance and not be rude, and not at the moment when you need to have sex with a woman.

Example 3

- You are going to have dinner with a girl in a cafe or somewhere else. Without waiting for your girlfriend, who went, for example, to wash your hands, you start eating quickly. At the same time, you swallow too much food and something falls out of your mouth back onto your plate, table or pants. Then from gluttony you start to spit up. If the remnants of food interfere in the teeth, then you take it out of your mouth with your fingers. Having eaten, and even better, drunk alcohol, you wipe greasy hands about trousers and you start talking dirty stories and jokes. - This, as you understand, is very rude or even disgusting for a girl.

- You wash your hands. You wait for your girlfriend to come, if she is late, and only then do you start eating. Eat slowly and without gluttony. If he got his hands dirty, he wiped them with a napkin or washed them. While eating, you try to keep up a conversation with a woman. This behavior is more or less normal.

- Wash your hands. Helping your girlfriend before you sit down at the table. That is, you help to remove and hang outerwear, pull out a chair, choose something from the menu, set the table if you are not in a cafe. You help to choose something from the menu, if necessary, calling the waiter. Do not lean on food, but try to keep the conversation going. If necessary, you remove empty plates from her or help to clean something, refill, etc. - As you already understood, this is the most the best option from those listed in the example.

Example 4

- You like a girl. Look at her with an undressing or, as the girls say, “greasy” look. It is advisable to say something like "Oh, what a priest." If you suddenly managed to get acquainted with a girl, then it is advisable to try to get drunk at the first meeting and immediately get under your skirt. Take those parts of the body that you like, and with the strength of their mind. “That, as you can imagine, is very rude. Disgust for you is guaranteed for many decades from this girl and all her friends. And someone will go in the face.

In general, remember. Rudeness disgusts the vast majority of girls. A brave man is sometimes, if necessary, rude to others, but a rude person is not necessarily brave at all. Do not confuse these two concepts. Therefore, you can sometimes be rude, but almost never do this with girls (any) and definitely cannot be done with the girl you are courting or living with.

So if you don't want to call vomiting reflex with your words and actions, then learn to be confident without rudeness and rudeness. It is better, of course, not just to learn not to be rude, but to be affectionate and attentive. But about this in other parts, read the second part.

Summarize. The girl is not the man. To please a girl, you need to be, or at least learn to show external behavior that pleases her deepest instincts. Some people do it better, some worse. However, if you move in this direction, then you will definitely get better and better. Along with this, your relationship with girls will be simplified. And it doesn't matter what your task is - to find a girl or keep a good relationship with an already existing one. Continuation .

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

He and She are eternal contradictions, misunderstandings, but in the end - the desire to be together, despite the apparent difficulties. It's no secret that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. That says it all. Sometimes it is very difficult for men to understand the female gender, there are differences both in mentality and purely in physiology. But still, how to understand what is needed for a girl in a relationship? Before starting serious relationship with a partner, every representative of the weaker sex knows for sure what she wants from a guy. Gradually, this list of desirable qualities of a partner can be transformed and changed.

Men and women look at the world differently and perceive reality differently. Women are more sensitive natures than men, and this has already been proven by science. For a girl, the emotional side of a relationship is very important. For girls, the support that a man can become has always been important. Trust is one of the main qualities that a woman appreciates in a man, the ability not to be cunning and not to dodge, and this is possible only if she is sure. If a girl doubts the decency of her chosen one, in the future it will be very difficult to win her trust again. For the fair sex, trust between partners is important, because it is on it that further, already joint, plans for life are built. If you follow psychology, then the father is the prototype of the man who can earn this trust. Not always, of course, the father is an indisputable authority, a model. But still, some features will become a guide, and this is already unconscious. They say fathers love their daughters more sons. This can be a favorable factor in shaping the girl's worldview.

Now there is a trend towards female independence. Every woman strives to be not only loved and unique, but also to remain independent. Bring your ideas to life, pursue your career, spend time with your acquaintances and friends. In other words, have personal space in a relationship. Women do not like being banned, they laugh at their ideas, they do not like girlfriends and friends. Therefore, remember, men, a woman is also an individual and has the right to always remain her, otherwise the relationship will end.

AT modern world in the endless race for money and other benefits of civilization, people have lost some part of their essence. As if everything is as it should be, but the depth and integrity of the soul is lost. Probably, you need to think more often about what happens to you out of habit and not be led by primitive instincts.

So what do girls need? For a girl in a relationship, subtle, hidden depth is important. Trust, confidence, calmness, but at the same time - emotions and a feeling that everything is just beginning, some intrigue is important - this is what a woman wants to see in a relationship. A woman should feel that she is loved, protected and expected.

Any girl dreams of plunging into the arms of a loved one, knowing that he is her support, love and hope. And most importantly, remember that a man should solve women's problems, and not create new ones, then you will really know what a woman wants in a relationship! Every man can find the key to the soul of a woman, the main thing is to want.

What do girls want from guys in terms of relationships?

    Stability, care, tenderness, attention, understanding, fidelity, generosity - I want it all from a guy.

    Most of any relationship in reality wants well-being, stability, housing, security, which they achieve by all means that have enough imagination and courage (among which, dear, I'm pregnant! Not yet the peak of creativity). And only those who have it yet or already have it want the romantic part. Still, as history shows, paradise in a hut ends with the advent of autumn.

    And how many do not list everything will not be enough :))) In fact, women want EVERYTHING! And that's okay :) We want affection and tenderness, but what passion do we not want? We want. We want a man to be generous, but not to lend everything to everyone. To think about earnings and prosperity, but not to be greedy, etc. etc. Just everything that a man gives to a woman, everything will return in double size :))

    Looking at what age girls goes speech.

    If these are young ladies 15-17 years old, then for them relationships are like in a movie. Romance and other crap. Plus show off in front of your friends.

    If these are older girls from 18 to 25 years old, then they either want to just spend time for their own pleasure, or get married as soon as possible (again, for various reasons).

    And if these are girls aged 25 and older, then creating a family and having a child is a priority for them.

    Of course, everything is not determined only by age. For some, relationships as such are important, while for others, status and money are just important. Everything is very individual.

    Lord, what do we want?

    Caress, love and simple human understanding!

    In general, we don’t really want much, and, probably, without lying, we don’t like it, and say so about it.

    In my experience, priorities change with age:

    For example from 13-16 I only needed a guy attention (calls, sms) and romance (walks, flowers on holidays).

    From 16-18 already more... attention, tenderness, romance(but already more, for example: candlelight dinner, gifts, walks under the moon, what would you meet from school, see you home, if you have a car, then drive around the city).

    From 18-22. At this age, girls do not stop wanting attention, tenderness, romance... but at this age, girls become smarter, and therefore she already wants to sincere love, not fake. They already want more serious relationship, for example, total lived. area, common concerns, chores. In general, they are already starting to want a serious relationship, something like civil marriage . But at the same time, do not mind going to a club or a restaurant!

    From 22-25, already want a family, i.e. get married.

    From 25...already want to have children, and have a reliable, hardworking and loving husband.

    In relationships, such traits and feelings of a man are valued as: love, respect, trepidation, restraint, diligence, generosity, and the ability to make decisions.

    depending on what kind of girl and what her goals. most want love, respect, affection, complete reciprocity. a smaller part want money, prosperity. an even smaller proportion want sex and only sex. Well, a very small part is simply chosen, compared.

    In the relationship of a man and a woman, the desire of those who play this game is the desire of their unborn child to be born. It is he who pulls the string of cupid's bow.
