Characteristics of the patriarchal traditional family. The classic type of patriarchal family

What a patriarchal family is, many can only guess, without delving into its essence and importance for society. A family is called patriarchal where patriarchy rules, that is, the husband, man, father plays the leading role.

Origins of the patriarchal family

AT Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, the right to inheritance was transmitted through the male line. A woman during the patriarchy remained the guardian of the clan.

AT modern orthodoxy the patriarchal order has changed, but the fundamentals have remained the same. Perhaps for whom the word "patriarch of the clan" sounds like a combination referring to antiquity, however, this is not so. Happy is the family in which the man dominates. God originally created patriarchal family, where the man played a dominant role, remained the breadwinner and protector.

patriarchal family- type of family relationship, where the last word belongs to a man.

Several generations live under one roof in a patriarchal family

It is logical that if there was a patriarchy, then there was a matriarchy. Matriarchy arose during the period of protection, the birth of children, the continuation of the family, but it did not last long, the family could exist with the organization of production and protection.

Distinctive features of the patriarchal family

  1. The patriarchal way of life is characterized by patrilineality, when the heritage, title, position in society is transmitted through the male line.
  2. Only two types of family relations are characteristic of a patriarchal society.
  3. With monogamy, we observe a picture - one husband and one wife, with polygyny - a husband and several wives.
  4. The main sign of patriarchy is the presence of many generations of native people living in the same estate. Three or four generations live under one roof, while all management belongs to the oldest man clan or family council.

A wise steward developed the economy, managed wisely, directing life at home in a “peaceful direction” and not interfering in women's affairs. Bolshak or house builder - this is how the Slavs called the head of the family, emphasizing his position.

The main disadvantage of such relationships is the hyper-responsibility of each member of the genus, often leading to low self-esteem.

Important! A huge plus patriarchal relations one can name the attitude towards the elderly in this house, where there cannot be an abandoned child, and all problems are solved by the world, by the whole family.

Traditional patriarchal family

On the part of relations under patriarchy, which exists even in modern society, the primacy of the father and husband and the pronounced dependence on him of the rest of the family members are clearly visible.

In a patriarchal family, the wife is secretly subordinate to her husband, and the children to their parents.

In such a family, the man remains:

  • the owner of unlimited authority;
  • earner;
  • breadwinner;
  • host;
  • chief financial officer.

The parental power of the father has no limits and is not discussed. Men have almost all the rights, unlike women. The authoritarian interests of the clan are much higher than personal feelings.

The house builder, as a rule, rarely participates in household chores and raising children, while placing all responsibility on female half at home.

Important! Patriarchal family type does not mean the tyranny of its head, but the skillful leadership of relatives. The Bible says that husbands are required to love their wives, and they must be obedient (Eph. 5).

A woman in a patriarchal way remains the creator of comfort and coziness in her, a wise educator of children, living with her husband in mutual understanding, maintaining strength and durability family marriage. The virtue of a wife is valued no less than the headship of the owner of the house, her wise upbringing of children in piety and respect for elders brings forth wonderful fruits.

Modern families are mostly nuclear, this is when two generations live in the house, less often three. A sign of patriarchy in nuclear births remains the primacy of the man in solving important issues.

Types of the patriarchal modern family

  1. A family built on mutual understanding and trust, where the man is the main earner and breadwinner, and the wife is the organizer of coziness and comfort in the home, the wise educator of children, is the strongest and happiest.
  2. Surviving by odd jobs, a man cannot provide his wife and children with everything they need, but at the same time he tries to remain a commander and leader for them, he dooms family existence to conflicts and quarrels. Financial and moral instability often lead to a break in family relationships.
  3. AT modern world Another variant of communication arose when a rich oligarch marries a beautiful, young woman, dooming her to the role of Cinderella. suits her financial position his is having a beautiful wife.

The desire to live under the guardianship of a man does not mean the infringement of women's rights.

How to create a strong patriarchal family in the modern world

The modern cell of society can hardly be called traditional patriarchal, because in it the wife can earn more, spend most of her time at work, but at the same time the main principles are not violated. biblical principles about respect and obedience to a man and a husband.

In a traditional family, husband and wife live in fidelity and respect for each other.

Every woman dreams of a man providing the family with everything necessary, or remaining the main adviser and organizer of the house, having the right to decide.

Advice! Wise wife, even earning more man, will always respect her husband, and leave him the guiding right in deciding family matters.

In a happy traditional family:

  • the man maintains the authority of all its members;
  • the husband is responsible for the children and the wife;
  • the father of the family is its main provider or manager of the family budget;
  • parents raise their children in respect for the elders of the family;
  • husband and wife strive to live in fidelity and respect for each other.

God has built a hierarchy, at the top of it stands Jesus, below Him is a man, to whom his wife is reproached. A woman who wants to rule in an Orthodox family automatically turns everything upside down, placing both her husband and Christ under her feet.

Patriarchy or male dominance nuclear family on the foundations of Christianity was and remains the basis of its strength, happiness and prosperity. A husband, a father who takes care of his family, like the Savior of the Church, remains its protector, cover and wise guide. A woman, a wife who knows how to reproach her husband, will always be the ruler of the clan, a loving and beloved wife and mother.

Important! Bible promise happy family living according to the patriarchal Orthodox canons, remains the fifth commandment given by the Creator to Moses on Mount Sinai. Honoring parents from generation to generation will benefit future generations.

Principles of the Traditional Orthodox Family

Unlike the ancient patriarchy, where total control and power, modern Orthodoxy preaches respect for a man, honoring him as a father and breadwinner.

The total control that lived in the old days is destructive to marriage in the modern world. AT Orthodox marriage, where the father is the head, and the mother is the keeper of the hearth, are brought up harmonious personalities who grew up in a calm environment.

A man who has taken on the role of head of the family wisely:

  • manages the family budget;
  • protects the honor of his wife;
  • involved in the upbringing of children.

In such families, children are brought up in strictness and love, parents for them are models of behavior in all situations.

The authority of parents is based on their own position in life, they must constantly monitor emotions and words so as not to sin. Care for children cannot suppress their own initiatives, but wisely direct offspring to right direction so that the child believes that he made a decision on his own.

You can criticize patriarchy as much as you like, but it should be noted that such families practically do not get divorced, remaining the basis of a healthy society.

patriarchal family

The child has a special ability to think and feel,
There is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.
J. J. Rousseau

Family is part public system. Society, influencing the family, forms a certain type of it. The family also influences the processes and relations in society. A teacher working with a group of students should have a good idea of ​​the historical types of families that differ in their value orientations. With this information, one can foresee how family relationships will affect personal development child, his character, behavioral reactions. Many leading psychologists and educators deal with this problem. Russian psychologists distinguish several types of families.

The family is patriarchal (traditional).

This is the most archaic form of family relationships. It relies on the dependence of a wife on her husband and children on their parents. The headship of the husband lies in the fact that in his hands the economic resources, and because of this, he makes the main decisions.

Intra-family roles are strictly distributed; in a patriarchal family, absolute parental power and an authoritarian system of education dominate. What kind of people most often grow up children in these families? First of all, with the predominance of low self-esteem: they are unsure of themselves, in their abilities. If parents ignore the interests and desires of the child, deprive him of the right to vote, he does not develop interest in expressing his own opinion, self-esteem is destroyed. Children's emotional problems that arise in patriarchal families are divided by psychologists into four groups:

  1. “I'm not good enough” - and as a result, shyness, shyness, chameleonism may appear.
  2. “I am helpless” - the child has no search activity, he is indifferent to his own successes and failures, constantly looking back at the one who is stronger, luckier.
  3. “I am a stranger” is the position of an emotionally outcast child who very early lost contact with his parents, and above all with his mother. Such children do not find contact with their peers, they are unsociable, do not share their problems with anyone, refuse help in resolving them, do not trust people, often experience various kinds of problems. sexual problems showing cruelty and aggression.
  4. “I am super responsible” - this group includes children who
    often experience anxiety, fear that they can get a low rating. They are afraid of punishment and therefore sometimes commit
    unmotivated actions. Such childhood problems often arise in the families of modern wealthy people who believe that the degree of their wealth determines the level of intellectual capabilities and moral qualities of their children. They demand submission not only at work, but also at home. The frame construction into which they try to drive their child sometimes turns into suffering not only for the children themselves, but also for adults.

Children and parents in such families exist under the same roof, but as if in parallel dimensions: everyone lives their own life, but obeys the power of the elder and the main one.

Of particular importance is the typology of families, which contains information about The structure of power in the family, about the predominant family functions of men and women, about the specifics of intra-family leadership. According to these criteria, there are the following types families: Traditional patriarchal, traditional matriarchal, neo-patriarchal, neo-matriarchal And Egalitarian. The first four types of families can be called asymmetric, the last type - symmetrical.

AT Traditional patriarchal In a family, the husband is its indisputable head, the dependence of the wife on the husband, and the children on the parents, is pronounced.

The role of “owner”, “provider”, “breadwinner” is assigned to a man. Male authority is recognized without question or accepted under pressure. The dominance of paternal authority is unlimited. The authority of other family members depends on their gender and age: the elderly are most revered, men have more rights than women. Clan interests prevail over individual interests. Therefore, such a family is called Authoritarian-patriarchal.

A man makes a fundamental contribution to the material support of the family, manages its financial and economic resources, determines its status and social circle, makes responsible decisions on critical issues. He sorts out intra-family disputes and represents the family outside. Male sexuality assigned active role, this attitude is concentrated in the concept of "potency". The spouse is released from household duties. The wife is either a housewife or earns very little. The organization of normal life and consumption falls on her shoulders, and she is required to conduct an exemplary household, create a cozy and comfortable environment in the house. Her responsibilities also include looking after children and raising them.

In his classic version the patriarchal family is briefly characterized as follows: the husband is the sole head and patron of the family, women's obedience is the wife's natural duty. Marriage was perceived as a state established by God, in which a man and a woman live together, in mutual understanding, giving birth to offspring and thereby avoiding fornication. Thanks to the consecration by the church, marriage in the eyes of society acquired the features of constancy and longevity. The vitality of marriage was determined by pragmatic goals: it allowed to strengthen the material position of the husband's family.

Famous patriarchal image- virtuous wife. The social activity of a woman was limited to household chores and daily care for the spiritual and physical needs of children. Children should be brought up in obedience and piety. best qualities women were the recognition of a dependent position and the service of marriage to their husband. It is appropriate here to recall the native Russian words "get married", "married". The meaning of female sexuality was seen in childbearing. The spouse is a representative of the fair sex, possessing natural physical and intellectual strength.

This cultural stereotype was supported by religious and legitimate formulas of male domination, which localized the social space of a woman.

The hallmarks of a patriarchal family are Patrilocality And Patrilineality. Patrilocality It consists in the fact that a woman follows her husband, that is, she settles in his father's house. Sons, married and unmarried, live in parental home; daughters leave him only when they get married. This shows respect for the paternal family. In modern Russian families, the question of the place of residence of the newlyweds is decided much more freely. Patrilineality Means calculus of kinship through the male line. Consequently, material values are passed down to the heirs of the male line, and the father has the right to decide whether to reward his sons or not. The fathers of families are still interested in the birth of boys, "continuers of the surname", according to at least, as the first child. This position of young Russian men is subject to the unconscious "pressure" of centuries-old traditions.

In science, there are conflicting views on the problem of the relationship between the patriarchal family, society and the state. Outstanding Psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich In the work “Psychology of the masses and fascism”, he unequivocally expressed his point of view: “... an authoritarian society reproduces itself in the individual structures of the masses with the help of an authoritarian family ... In the person of the father, the authoritarian state has its representative in every family, and therefore the family turns into essential tool his authority." For sons, a deep identification with the father is the basis of emotional identification with any form of authority. In an authoritarian family, there is not only competition between adults and children, but also competition among children in their relationship with their parents, which can have more serious consequences.

According to another point of view, the patriarchal family protected the rights of the individual from encroachment on them by the state. Primary in it were the relations of spontaneous cooperation in the process of family production, thanks to which individual egoism was overcome. views Elton Mayo, One of the creators of the famous theory of human relations, can be attributed to the so-called neopaternalism.

The idea of ​​paternalism suggests that relationships in an enterprise, in a firm should be built on the basis of patriarchal, family ties, when the leader performs the function of a "father".

Up to the middle of the 20th century. traditional values maintained their influence both in Europe and in Asia. But the process of transforming the family into a “moderately patriarchal” was steadily gaining momentum. In the 1950s, in post-war Europe, there was a weakening of the dominant positions of fathers in almost all social strata.

Acceptance/rejection of the patriarchal model by contemporaries It is largely determined by the decrease in the social and economic dependence of the wife on her husband. At the same time, working women perform the vast majority of chores in the household and provide psychological relief to the husband and children. German historian R. Zider He writes that the wife's attitude towards her husband is still of a service nature: “As before, the satisfaction of the objective and subjective needs of the“ main earner ”has absolute priority over the needs of the wife and children. Patriarchy has not yet been overcome. In any case, however, the patriarchal basic relations of family members, which are essentially socio-economic and determined by cultural tradition, are overlapped by increasingly partner forms of address.

AT Traditional matriarchal The personal headship of the family belongs to the woman. Matriarchy, like patriarchy, did not exist among all peoples. But many nations have maternal lineage, For the reliability of the mother is objective. At all times, the mother has played an exceptional role in maintaining family ties. Woman's capacity for reconciliation interpersonal relationships and use indirect methods influence on others helps to win the struggle for power. AT individual families under the formal leadership of a man AT In fact, the dominant position is occupied by a woman.

If we are talking about Russian family Then the feminine, maternal principle is more pronounced in it. I. S. Kon Reminds that Russian wives and mothers in the pre-revolutionary era were often strong, dominant, self-confident individuals. This is reflected in Russian classical literature: "He will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut."

Under Soviet rule, the “strong woman syndrome” was preserved and even intensified. Women are primarily responsible for family budget and addressing key issues home life. Typical for Soviet times is the image of a peasant with a ruble or a three-ruble note in his pocket, daily given out by a compassionate, but powerful wife. This is not the fault, but the misfortune of a woman whose husband brought home a salary, the size of which could have little effect. The wife had to contrive and “stretch” this amount until the next salary. She had to take the reins of government into her own hands. Such was the price of the stability of the existence of the socialist family.

The claims of a Russian woman to headship in the family can be understood on the basis of general trend in history Soviet society- tendencies of demasculinization of men. The most authoritative specialist in the field of gender psychology and sociology, I. S. Kon He says that neither professional activity, neither in the socio-political life of the average Soviet man could traditionally show male traits. The stereotypical image of a man includes such qualities as vigor, initiative, courage, independence, self-government. Social and sexual lack of freedom was exacerbated by the feminization of all institutions and was personified in dominant female images: mothers, teachers, etc. Under such conditions, the strategy of transferring family responsibility to the wife was psychologically justified. From deformation male character the woman hardly won anything. Where the husband rebelled against the power of the wife, she either endured rudeness and humiliation, or sacrificed her abilities and professional achievements. In a family where the husband accepted his subordinate position, the wife was deprived of the necessary support.

More harsh in their judgments V. N. Druzhinin:“... the dominant role was imposed on a Russian woman Soviet authority and communist ideology, depriving the father of the main fatherly functions. Relations in the family in a totalitarian society become psychobiological, not socio-psychological. A man is deprived of social and economic opportunities to provide for his family and raise children, his role as the main agent of socialization is reduced to nothing. The totalitarian state assumes the entire burden of responsibility and replaces the father.

At the same time, the importance of the natural psychobiological connection between the child and the mother is increasing. Breaking this connection leads the family to disaster. Then the state and society are again forced to turn to the problems of motherhood. Arises " vicious circle imaginary causes and real consequences": "... in modern Russian family woman wants (and is forced by the force of circumstances) to rule undividedly and completely. A man is not able to provide for his family, be responsible for it and, accordingly, be a role model.” Way out of the current situation V. N. Druzhinin Sees in creation social conditions for the manifestation of male activity outside the family.

The division of family power is also realized in modern married couples. In order to prevent destructive conflicts, it is necessary that such a separation suits both spouses and contributes to the fulfillment of the family's functions. The traditional model of the family may be quite acceptable if the spouses' positions regarding the power structure are consistent. With regard to the family, the famous question of power is Question about family leadership Or, more precisely, Supremacy. The head of the family combines both the leader and the manager.

AT Neopatriarchal family The strategic and business (instrumental) leader is the husband, BUT Tactical and emotional (expressive) leader- Wife. The spouse determines the long-term direction of the development of the family, sets the priority goals for its existence, chooses ways and means to achieve these goals, formulates appropriate instructions and instructions for family members. He knows the present state of affairs well and foresees possible consequences decisions taken. It is the spouse who performs the role of the authorized representative of the family in society; the position of the family in the world around him depends on his actions. Extra-family activity of the husband (father) - professional, social, political, etc. - is encouraged by the household. The man himself has high claims in this area, is distinguished by a business orientation, pragmatism, cares about material well-being and social status their loved ones. The worldview and life strategy of a man serve as a guide for all family members. He sets the style of family life and ensures its implementation. The younger generation sees in the father an example of strong-willed qualities and organizational abilities.

The father is impressed by the desire of children to express their opinions, a realistic assessment of people and events, and the successful mastering of independent activity skills. The wife finds life support in her husband, and his labor achievements become a source of pride for the whole family.

If a The spouse is responsible for long-term family planning, the spouse develops short-term plans, Which are easily and quickly correlated with the specific actions of adults and children. The prerogative of a woman is to build everyday contacts between family members. It develops relationships of mutual assistance and cooperation. Being interested in increasing the cohesion of family members, organizes joint activities, the spectrum of which can be extremely wide, from general cleaning and Sunday dinners until anniversary celebrations. Admire her competence in the intricacies of domestic life. She is also in charge of family leisure. She is endowed with sensitivity to the needs and emotions of all family members. The wife corrects the psychological climate in the family, creates an atmosphere of emotional and moral support, develops its own leadership style and "support style". The wife (mother) ensures the functioning of the family as an environment for emotional release. In a neopatriarchal family, the father acts as an expert for children in business and production issues, and the mother - in intimate personal relationships.

AT Neo-matriarchal The family is the opposite. A common feature of the considered variants of families - Joint leadership of husband and wife while dividing their spheres of influence. Conflict in a marital dyad may arise as a result of an indistinct distribution of spheres of influence or claims of one of the spouses to a different role.

egalitarian family assumes Full and genuine equality of husband and wife in all matters of family life without exception. In the current constitution Russian Federation and Family Code The Russian Federation declared the principle of equality between men and women, which is the legal basis for the development of an egalitarian family.

Husband and wife contribute (proportionally) to wealth family union, jointly lead household, jointly make all the most important decisions and are equally involved in the care and upbringing of children.

The role and importance of each of the spouses in the formation psychological climate families are equal, the status of the family is established by the spouse having a higher position. The circle of communication is formed by both spouses. This marriage is called Biarchal, Or Cooperative-symmetrical marriage. Being spouses means "running in the same harness." Apparently, it's more convenient to do it this way?!

In an egalitarian family, the principle of consistency in the positions of spouses takes on special significance. It is necessary to come to an agreement on a very flexible division of spheres of influence, on a high degree of interchangeability. Everyone should be ready to become a leader, business executive or educator. Disagreements should be resolved through mutual agreements, compromises or mutually beneficial exchanges.

Children are full members of the family, as far as possible participate in the discussion and implementation of decisions. In their upbringing, humane methods are used, based on trust in the personality of the child, recognition of his rights. The initiative and independence of the child is encouraged, his needs for autonomy, development of individuality, and creativity are respected. Children who come from such families may tend to use a similar relationship model in their marriage.

The ideal model of an egalitarian family is presented in the concept of open marriage, according to which it is believed that in marriage each of the spouses can remain himself, reveal his abilities, and preserve his individuality. Spouses should not be "one body and one soul." Marriage is built on mutual attraction and trust, spouses do not seek to manipulate each other's behavior, subjugate their partner.

Principles of open marriage:

· One must live in the present, proceeding from realistic desires.

· Respect your partner's privacy.

· Communication should be open and based on the consideration: "say what you see and feel, but do not criticize."

· family roles must be mobile.

· Partnership should be open: everyone's right to their own interests and hobbies should be respected.

· Equality is affirmed as a fair division of responsibility and benefits.

· You should give the other the opportunity to live according to his ideas; know your worth and maintain your dignity.

· Trust each other and respect extra-family interests.

The creation of an egalitarian union is a complex undertaking, since it requires, firstly, a careful and scrupulous description of the rights and obligations of the spouses; secondly, a very high culture of communication, respect for another person, mutual information and trust in relationships.

Some scientists speak of an egalitarian family as a conflict one: power functions are distributed, but their distribution is a constant ground for conflict. The egalitarian model in Russia is given the role of a transitional one. Its appearance is due to the growth of the economic independence of the family from the totalitarian state, the growth of the economic, social and political role of men. It is considered preferable for our country to have such a family in which, along with equality of rights, the father will take responsibility for the upbringing and maintenance of children, while maintaining other family responsibilities for the mother and children.

In Russia, younger and better educated men are more egalitarian and take on more domestic and parental responsibilities than was previously the case.

The most common type of family is patriarchal. The name speaks for itself - the man is the head of the clan. In a global sense, he makes important decisions, decides the fate of his children, manages funds, etc.

According to the periodization of the ethnographer M. M. Kovalevsky, the patriarchal family replaced the matriarchy. The headship of a woman in the family took place during the hunting life, about 2 million years ago, but with the transition to agriculture and the formation of communities, the woman lost her rights as the head, the property began to become the property of the family, after which the man received the right to dispose. Kinship began to be celebrated along the male line, the entire community was subordinate to one person - father, husband. At the same time, the concept appeared as the right of inheritance, which has been preserved in some countries to this day.

Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt existed on the sole right of inheritance: royal families, as you know, passed their throne and crown from father to eldest son. The same principle continued into the Middle Ages. Even if the heir was only a few years old, he was still crowned, and until he came of age, the country was ruled by an assigned guardian. Any woman, despite even the highest position in society, was just a woman - the keeper of the hearth.

Despite the fact that much has changed since then, the patriarchal family is still quite common today. The right to inherit ordinary families sunk into oblivion, society has become much more civilized, but still patriarchy means the primacy of men in the family.

If you do not go into scientific terms, a family with a man at the head is a common thing in the modern world. Despite the democratization of society, the equality of men and women, the spouse is often the only breadwinner in the family, and a woman, according to a globally established stereotype, must give her all free time household chores and childcare.

In a patriarchal family, the wife is secretly subordinate to her husband, and the children, in turn, are subordinate to their parents. The basis of the supremacy of a man is his economic independence - he works, receives a salary, and provides for his family. By virtue of the fact that he is the breadwinner, he makes the main decisions: which circle to enroll the child in, when you can buy a fur coat for your wife, where to go on vacation in the summer. Even if the spouse has a job and brings enough large sums, the husband still manages the finances.

In the patriarchal family there are divisions into types. Suppose that the husband brings the main income, the spouses have common topics for conversations, interests and understanding. Such a family will be quite happy, and both parties will be quite satisfied with life. In the case when a man is interrupted by odd jobs and wants to seem like the main one, but the woman still brings the money, the wife will rebel sooner or later. She wants to be provided by her beloved, but he is not able to fulfill her dreams, demanding submission. Such a marriage is practically doomed to failure, or constant quarrels. Another possible variant the patriarchal type of family is the oligarch and the Cinderella, whose relationship does not go beyond economic gain. This option is suitable a woman who needs a rich sponsor and, say, a lover.

One way or another, patriarchal families have a place in the modern world. Many women are quite satisfied with the supremacy of the spouse. After all, the fact that a man is the backbone of the family does not at all mean an infringement of the rights of a woman. But there is someone to rely on.

Time does not stand still, and social relations change with it, including the types of families that replace each other. So, among some ancient tribes, a woman was an indisputable authority - such a unit of society is called matriarchal. Now the era of an egalitarian family has come, in which partners are equal. But the most widespread in the history of society was the patriarchal type.

This family way empowered the man, leaving the woman the role of a subordinate, and existed in most countries from ancient times until the 20th century. Of course, now patriarchy is a thing of the past, however, we still experience its influence. So what is a patriarchal family?

Definition and general description

First of all, it is worth saying that the patriarchal family is a type of family structure corresponding to patriarchy. The very word "patriarchy" in Greek means "power of the fathers" hinting at the main feature of this form of social organization. Under her, a man is the main bearer of both political power and moral authority. So, in Rus', the head of the state was the monarch, and the head of the family was the autocrat in miniature - the father. The country was subject to one, the household to the other.

Thus, patriarchal families are cell of a patriarchal society where the man dominates, the woman is dependent on her husband, and the children are dependent on their parents. In it, the man fully provides for his relatives, the wife obeys him unquestioningly and monitors life. Moreover, spouses can never switch roles. In a patriarchal family, under no circumstances will a woman go to work, and a man will not begin to devote time to household chores. They raise their children, as a rule, in severity, instilling in them a sense of respect for their parents from their youth.

Features and signs

The classic patriarchal family is characterized by the following features:

Traditional patriarchal family

People who follow the traditional patriarchal canon live by strict rules: all life decisions are dictated by reasonable causes and goals that lead to their prosperity. In a traditional cell of the patriarchal type:

It should be noted that these characteristics are of a generalized nature and, to one degree or another, are applicable to any patriarchal people. However, the cultural characteristics of each of them endow the patriarchal family with its own characteristics. For example, in ancient Rome, the head was pater familias, who had the right to a woman as a thing or a slave, while among the Slavs he did not have the right to interfere in women's affairs at all. In our article, we will touch on the description of the patriarchal Russian family in more detail.

Patriarchal family in Russia

The Russians, like many Slavic peoples, for a long time there was a large patriarchal family. Several married couples owned property and ran the household. led the family house builder or otherwise big - the most experienced, efficient and mature man. The power of the head of the family extended to all its members. Usually he had an adviser - a big woman. This is the eldest of the women who was engaged in the household. However, her position was little better than that of the less important female family members. Recall that in Rus' widows, for example, did not have the right to inherit.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, an individual patriarchal family, consisting of 2-3 generations of relatives, became widespread. In the lower strata of society, she completely took the form of an Orthodox one - from 3 people: father, mother and son / daughter.

At the beginning of the 20th century in Russia there were cardinal changes in the economy and industrial relations, and with them the patriarchy that dominated the family began to decline. The power of a man in the house often led to intra-family crises. This trend is easy to see in classical Russian literature. Just remember "Anna Karenina" by L. Tolstoy!

One way or another, and already in the 80s, the position of women has improved markedly. For example, financial management has become the norm for her. The power of men was this stage only regulatory.

Patriarchy and modern society

Now the patriarchal family - not uncommon except in the countries of the East. In Europe and Russia, this type of family structure has completely outlived itself. According to psychologists, it is extremely detrimental to the individual, and only an insecure person with low self-esteem can grow up in such a family. Nevertheless, the influence of the era of patriarchy is still felt. After all, there are still isolated exceptions in which there are several signs of patriarchy.

It is worth considering: maybe this is not as bad as it is commonly believed in modern society? After all, under patriarchy there can be no abandoned and destitute old people or children left without supervision. And an adult will never be left alone with his problems. And the upbringing of responsibility and respect for elders has never harmed anyone.
