How to understand that a married man is in love. Behavior of a married man who fell in love with another

Falling in love is a feeling that people cannot control, even if they really want to. This often brings difficulties in their lives, since coping with unwanted love (when you are already in a relationship with someone, for example) can be very difficult. If a married man falls in love, what are the signs of this, and what should a girl do in such a situation?

Enter into a relationship with unfree man not worth it under any circumstances. Even if the sympathy is mutual, and the attraction is strong. You'll get in a lot of trouble best case scenario, or you will shake your psyche and make money nervous breakdown- at worst. We’ll figure out how to refuse without negative consequences for ourselves.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a married man by accident

It sounds incredible, but it happens. Many dishonest and philandering married men not only do not advertise their status, but carefully hide it. Therefore, it may well happen that you accidentally find out about him some time after the start of your romance.

The question of what you should do in such a situation cannot even be raised in such a situation. Run, and as quickly as possible. What can a relationship that begins with such a monstrous deception lead to, and how can one characterize a person capable of such actions?

So give thanks higher power that everything did not go far and did not have time to develop irreversible consequences (in the form of an accidental pregnancy, for example). And break off contact, and under no circumstances renew it. And there cannot be two opinions here.

If it's your colleague or boss

The most difficult situation is when a girl falls in love with her married colleague, or, worse than that, the boss on whom her career depends. You need to act here very carefully, and first of all, make sure that you are not mistaken about him. Maybe this is just a fantasy for you, and he just allows himself to freely communicate and flirt with girls.

Do you know what your compatibility with a man is?

To find out, click on the button below.

Signs of a married man in love

1.Eye contact.

If a man holds his gaze on your eyes for more than 10 seconds, this is the first sign of his caring attitude. If he looks at you when he laughs with everyone else. If you notice his gaze on you when he thinks you don't see him.

2.Tactile contact.

If a man touches you casually so often that you notice it. If he sits next to you in meetings and planning sessions, stays close to you in the break room, in general, he is nearby all the time.

3.He helps you

With work, or with something else. Drives you home or to business meetings. Offers help when he knows you have a problem. Delays you at work (if he is your boss), inventing all sorts of reasons for this. Goes with you to trainings. He tries to spend as much time as possible with you, in a word.

4. He is trying to bring you into personal communication that does not concern work issues.

He writes messages, tries to involve him in correspondence. Specifies personal and awkward questions. .

A woman usually feels when a man falls in love with her. Therefore, if you have any suspicions that your married boss has fallen in love with you and is trying to get closer to you, you should be wary and keep your ears open.

How should a girl behave if a married man falls in love with her?

If there is no way to stop communicating, as is the case if this is the case, you will have a hard time, especially if the man persistently draws you into communication and flirting. Try the following algorithm.

Keep your distance

Behave correctly, but be extremely cold. Move away, if he comes close to you, cut him off eye contact, gently refuse any help. Reduce your work communication to a minimum, and interrupt non-work communication completely.

Invent yourself a lover

Sometimes cold behavior can only provoke a man. In this case, even if you have no one, you can come up with a relationship, a budding romance. Tell other colleagues about it, show photos. Ask one of your friends to play along with you. Let him meet you after work sometime and play a tender lover.

Have an affair with another, single colleague

An option if you don’t want to invent anyone. And everything will not only be reliable, but at close range from your married admirer

If a married man confesses his feelings

Make it clear to him that there will be no relationship between you under any circumstances. If he continues to insist, threaten to quit. Don't leave him the slightest hope that he might even have the slightest chance of winning you over.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

What are the dangers of having an affair with a married colleague?

If you yourself are drawn to embark on this dubious adventure, think carefully about the consequences. Everything happens at work, and sooner or later everyone will start whispering. His family status will be a separate reason for condemning you.

A damaged reputation will not bring anything good to your career. Damaged nerves will not make your health and your psyche stronger. His love will quickly pass (after all, he is married), but what will happen to you and your feelings? I assure you - nothing good.

Try to imagine someone else you love in your place, like your sister or your best friend. Would you advise her to enter into such a relationship? Try to imagine yourself in the place of his wife - how would you feel if your husband had an affair with a work colleague.

Deciding what to do if a married man falls in love with you, of course, is up to you, but remember the consequences of any decision you make. About the fact that in our life everything comes back to us like a boomerang, and that even the most powerful sensory experiences are not worth your tears and future ones. negative consequences decisions to enter into a relationship with a married man. Even if you both fell deeply in love with each other.

If he can't cope with his feelings, set an example and deal with yours. We don't always get what we want from life, but we always get the lessons we need. Reconsider your view of the feeling of falling in love, become aware of it dark side and danger.


Relationships with married men are very expensive for girls - disappointments in their romantic expectations, frayed nerves, and a damaged reputation (if such relationships become public knowledge). Think twice – do you need it? If you still think yes, think again.

If you want to be with the man you love, you need to figure out whether you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out your exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

You have been married, perhaps for more than a year, routine does its job. Everyone says that it’s time to settle down and live in a “home-work-home” mode, earn money and increase your income. It would seem that this is what will become your further principle, but then she suddenly appeared - and you can no longer help but think about her, looking for any ways to see her. Why does this happen? What to do about it? How to live and behave further? Let's analyze and come to a solution to the current situation together.

I'm married and fell in love with someone else, what should I do?

Let's start with the fact that you are far from the first who, being married, fell in love with another. And to answer the question “what to do?”, let’s figure out why this happened. There may be many reasons, but in the end it all comes down to one thing - you are missing something:

  • freedom;
  • personal space;
  • passions;
  • love.

According to statistics, there are much more women than men, so there are wives who are everywhere with their husbands, in addition, they are trying to establish prohibitions: don’t drink; don't go out with friends; don't smoke and stuff.

If this is your case, then your freedom and personal space are simultaneously limited. As a result, you get depressed and nervous condition. Whether you want it or not, you will subconsciously desire a different attitude towards yourself. That’s why it turns out that he has a wife, but fell in love with a girl who doesn’t limit him.

Now what about passion and love? I deliberately separated these concepts, since their totality is an ideal, but does not always occur.

By passion I mean sex and everything connected with it. “You guys only need sex!” - I’ve heard this more than once, right? If you heard this from your wife and she said it quite seriously, then things are not too happy. Will explain. The saying that only men need sex is complete nonsense! Women need it to the same extent, if not more. Why doesn't a woman want sex? There are several options:

  • too “correct” upbringing;
  • diseases such as frigidity and others;
  • she is not interested in you as a sexual partner;
  • fatigue and nerves.

In any case, to solve a problem with sex, you should never remain silent, you need to talk and look for compromises. For example, you lack something in bed, and your wife does not make concessions, the simplest thing is to be offended and quarrel, but will you really get what you wanted in the end? No. Try to come to an agreement, explain why this is unpleasant for you. Or maybe you are asking too much of her? Dialogue will help resolve this issue. What is needed is a calm conversation, it is necessary not only to prove that you are right, but also to be able to listen to her arguments.

You can often hear a story about a man who was married and fell in love with a young woman. Why? Yes, because sex with her is interesting, there is more passion.

Now let's talk about love. Everyday life is capable of destroying even the most strong love, and it is unknown what would have happened to Romeo and Juliet if they had gotten married and lived in marriage. Shakespeare created a story about love that should not have broken family life. I am not advocating dying young at all. I want to convey to you that love alone is not enough for happy life. Wisdom is needed, and both must be wise enough.

So if a person is married, but fell in love with another, then maybe she is simply wiser and is not trying to educate an already formed personality?

We've sorted it out possible reasons why you, being married, fell in love with another, now let me help you solve this problem.

I have a wife and fell in love with a girl on the side, what should I do?

The very first thing you have to do is decide who to stay with. And this choice will be very difficult, but you can handle it.

To make a decision, you need to weigh everything carefully. You have two women, you live with one and know her very well, the other you know much less. Even if the object is yours new love familiar to you since childhood, do not forget that in communication and in everyday life the same person is completely different.

The choice will be much harder if you have a wife, although it should not become a hindrance, even if his mother turns him against you, when he grows up, he will understand everything.

If you are married and fall in love with a young girl, then condemnation from the outside is inevitable, as, indeed, in any other case. Try to take criticism from outside as calmly as possible.

Ready to make a choice? Before doing this, answer yourself a few questions:

  • Which one are you more confident in?
  • Which one can you rely on?
  • Who in to a greater extent Are you satisfied with sex?
  • Who do you like best as a hostess?

If each of these questions points to the same woman, it would be wiser to choose her. It’s more difficult to decide when you fall in love with a girl you don’t know well, you haven’t had intimacy, or she doesn’t even know about your feelings. In this case, try to test the waters before taking quick solutions. Talk to her as much as possible, invite her to go somewhere together, look at her reaction. I know it will be difficult, but try to soberly assess her reaction to your advances. Very often, people in love see only what they would like to see, wishful thinking, that is, they engage in self-deception. But you are a married man, which means you are experienced, you will succeed.

Maybe stay with my wife?

This correct question. It may be better to stay with your spouse, because she has already accepted you for who you are. What will happen to the one you fell in love with? Will she accept you with all your interests, antics, bad habits and others? It’s not a fact, not all people have similar personalities and not every woman can tolerate banal snoring.

In addition, both men and women can make mistakes and mistake falling in love and fleeting passion for love. What to do in this case? How to find out if this is serious? Time will help here; if you gradually notice that the object of your desire is becoming not so desirable, and other girls begin to interest you, then most likely this is not love. Rather, it is a short-term passion that suddenly flared up. Why did this happen? You and your wife have some problems in your relationship and if you solve them, then you won’t need anyone else.

How to identify and solve the problem? Think about what you don't like most about her? What doesn't she like about you? You probably live a monotonous life - change your surroundings, relax somewhere together. After you have relaxed a little, the conversation will go easier and the problem will be solved.

Should you tell your wife about your crush? If you didn’t cheat, then it’s better not to, not everyone is ready to forgive this. But if an affair on the side ends in an intimate adventure, then there are only two ways out: tell it - and come what may; remain silent, giving yourself up to be devoured by your conscience. It’s up to you to decide, someone can forgive and forget, and someone will never forget, but will be with you, and the worst case scenario is that you will lose your wife because of a fleeting romance. So think about it carefully, is it worth it? Get rid of illusions, think soberly, you can do it.

Well, if you still decide to choose another girl, then try to leave your wife less painfully.

How to leave your wife?

If you have finally and irrevocably decided to leave your wife, you need to act firmly and tactfully, remember that she loves you, believes you and most likely has no idea about anything. Think about how you yourself would react to such news? It will be painful and difficult for her, there is no escape from it.

It won't be easy for you, and even harder for her. Try to mentally prepare her for serious conversation. Say everything directly, as it really is, speak softly, don’t raise your tone. Most likely, she will cry, be prepared for this, try to calm her down, but don’t be led. Some women, in a fit of hysterics, drag their husbands into bed, trying to “rekindle” their feelings. Don't be fooled by just having sex old feelings won't flare up with new strength, you will only hurt both yourself and her.

When the conversation is over, leave, don't hesitate. If possible, take all your things at once so as not to return.

It will be very cool if you remain friends and continue to communicate. But at first, try not to remind yourself. Both you and she need to get used to the new life; constant calls and conversations will interfere with this.

Before the conversation, as well as before making a decision, it is best to talk with a psychologist. It is very difficult to understand even yourself, and in such matters everything needs to be weighed carefully. The help of a specialist will definitely not be superfluous.

New wife: life from scratch

Well, you made a choice, everything worked out for you, you are happy and breathing again full breasts. The feeling of guilt that bothered you at first has disappeared and you can enjoy life again.

However, do you remember what you had to go through? And perhaps you don’t want this to happen again? Then always talk about everything with your wife, don’t hide your resentment and don’t swear, solve everything calmly, look for compromises. Can't do it yourself? Go to a psychologist. And everything will be fine, you'll see. Although if such a situation does happen again, then you know what needs to be done.

And finally. You are a man, you are strong both physically and mentally. You are able to solve any problem, no matter how difficult it may seem. Remember this.

“I have two children, I lived with my wife for more than 15 years. But it so happened that for 6 years now I have been in love with another woman. I'm really tired of deceiving my wife and I want a divorce. I don’t know how to make sure that it doesn’t hurt my wife too much, and try to at least remain not enemies. In any case, she is a good and dear person to me...”

“We have a child and a marriage that is 8 years old. Over the course of three years, I truly love another woman, my wife knows about this and does her best to restrain my impulses to leave the family. But I know that this is all serious, and I have very little time left to mature to take a responsible step.”

“I left as soon as I realized that I fell in love with someone else, because I think it’s much more honest than deceiving the mother of my children for several years. The divorce was very difficult, but we got through it, and after 5 years ex-wife forgave and understood me. I’m happy in my new marriage, I don’t regret anything.”

Here are just some excerpts from letters from our readers; the situation is not easy, would you agree? And what to do, what is the best way to act - decisively and irrevocably, or wait and hope for chance? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that the case when a married man falls in love with another woman is not at all isolated, and in order to try to answer the question “What to do and how to be?”, Let's figure out why this happened.

Possible reasons, or what you were missing in your marriage:

  • freedom or personal space;
  • passion and love;
  • care and respect;
  • understanding and trust.

If a person constantly experiences at least one of the above, then someday as a result he will develop depression or a nervous condition. And this is quite normal if he wants a different attitude towards himself. And when a woman appears who does not limit him in all this, then, naturally, feelings arise.

What to do if you love someone else

Let's start with the fact that if you realized that you fell in love with another woman and can no longer give this feeling to your wife, then you will agree that you are acting dishonestly towards her. It turns out that you provided yourself with the choice to love and be loved, but you didn’t even provide it to your wife.

By hiding behind caring for the child, you are masking your fear of taking responsibility by saying that when the child grows up, he will not understand or forgive you. But remember, it has long been proven that in families where parents live without love, but only for the sake of raising a child, nothing good happens, and children grow up only with unstable nervous system. Because children are more sensitive and receptive, and even without understanding what exactly is happening between their parents, they feel coldness, lack of love, tension, etc. And from this they begin to suffer greatly and attribute the blame for what is happening to themselves. So it’s better to choose honesty, and explain to the child that mom and dad are breaking up because they no longer love each other. But this has nothing to do with him, as they loved him, they will continue to treat him, and besides, dad, for example, can be called at any time.

Nobody argues, the fork in the road is very difficult, and deciding where to stay is very difficult.

The first option for the development of events is to stay in the family, continue to live without loving and constantly think about another woman, who, by the way, will also be unhappy, suffer in silence and be afraid to make a choice. With your fear of hurting your wife and “punishing” her with the fact that she is not allowed to be near you, and the child, who will observe all the problems between the parents.

The second option is to take responsibility for the current situation, talk to your wife and child, and resolve financial and organizational issues. Allow your wife to meet another man, make the woman you love happy, and, in the end, find happiness yourself.

Well, now let's see what you have to comprehend, take into account and live in practice:

  • Wife's reaction– few people accept such news calmly and with dignity, so no matter how balanced your spouse is, it’s quite normal to prepare for scandals, hysterics, slamming doors and throwing things from the balcony .
  • The degree of your dependence on your spouse, her relatives and friends– if you depend on them in any way (income, career), then this is a big reason to think about it. Or urgently start looking for a replacement for all this.
  • Attitude to this situation own parents and friends– it is quite possible that everyone will treat it as a law of life, but misunderstanding, alienation and open confrontation may arise.
  • Number of children and their ages- it is clear that the more of them there are in a marriage and the younger they are, the more reproaches of conscience and not only you will have to endure.
  • Children's attitude towards your care– if the kids already understand everything and are trying with all their might to leave you in the house, then you are faced with a difficult task; you will have to talk a lot and for a long time, convince, and look for a compromise.
  • Your age - it will be much easier for a man from 23 to 40 years old to survive all this, but lovers over 40 years old should think three times already - is all this worth it or not?
  • Health status– it is clear that the stronger your health, the more confident you will go into new life, but if you have some heavy chronic diseases or disability, then you should think twice about it. Will you really be accepted there with all these nuances, will you be looked after, etc.
  • Own living space for further residence – This is also worth thinking about; it’s good, of course, if you or your wife have alternative housing, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.
  • Income level- it’s much easier if you don’t have problems with this, but if you lived “close to each other”, then think about it, because in new family At first there will be even more expenses than now, plus alimony will be added.

Consider all these points, but remember that any obstacles and circumstances pale before true love And sincere relationships. Your task is to get out of the situation gracefully and with dignity, remain a man, a human being, and try to make the situation of your loved ones as easy as possible. There is only one life, and you must try to live it happily, which is what we wish for you!

A married man is also a candidate for romantic relationship, as well as single. After all family life gets boring over the years, but men love adventure. If a married person falls in love, then all his actions will be cautious. For example, he will never stop to talk to his beloved if his wife or friends are watching him. In relation to the new lady, the man will show tenderness and some constraint.

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Signs that a married man is in love

There are certain behavioral characteristics that indicate that a married man has fallen in love with another woman. There are three main signs that he really loves.

  1. 1. Communication. Men who are in legally married, can express themselves differently with girls who arouse their sympathy. Reaction depends on temperament a certain person. If a male representative does not want to betray his spouse, then he will not make rash contacts. Then it may turn out that there will be some restrictions in the relationship with the girl you like. But sometimes a man still does not want to go against the surging feelings and attraction. Then he will not hide his sympathies for new passion. Such love also has a dismissive character, because it is quite difficult to accept the fact that his wife is not very interested in him as a woman. But it’s impossible to escape feelings, and for this reason romanticism begins to appear more and more often.
  2. 2. Behavior. Over time, it will reveal his sympathy for another woman. It must be taken into account that sincere feelings Few manage to hide it. If the lady he likes needs help with something, he will do everything possible to provide assistance. Even if he decides not to enter into a relationship, a way to help will be found through friends.
  3. 3. Eloquent gestures. Sometimes real emotions break through through movements and facial expressions, features of a person’s self-expression that are difficult to control.
  1. 1. Clothes with open sleeves indicate relaxation and mental comfort.
  2. 2. A guy shows interest if he tries to take the same body position as a woman (leaning on the back of a chair, sitting on the edge of a table, etc.).
  3. 3. If a married man falls in love, he will periodically fiddle with his ring ring finger. This gesture suggests that he is not against an affair on the side.
  4. 4. Eyes can tell a lot. If a young man is in love, but he hides his feelings, his eyes will give him away. The pupils may be slightly dilated if he wants to attract the girl's attention.
  5. 5. A long look symbolizes secret desire both of them to become closer, even if they try to overcome their feelings.
  6. 6. Eyebrows can give away sympathy. A guy in love makes an uncontrolled movement with them for an instant.
  7. 7. Any man wants to look his best in the eyes of any girl. For this reason, in her presence, he will try to monitor his posture and remove his stomach. Such actions indicate a desire to be liked.
  8. 8. Traditional intimate gesture is position thumb hands under the trouser belt. The man sits with his legs stretched out in front of him. This situation demonstrates physical strength and the desire to be with the girl you like.
  9. 9. A man tries to get closer if he touches a woman’s hair or gently takes her hand. This means that he enjoys being around her.

Even if it seems that mutual language You can’t find it right away, you need to follow the gestures and think about why the interlocutor is so playfully showing interest.

It is necessary to pay attention to the signs that a man shows at the beginning of communication. Then you can immediately conclude whether this is really love. It is necessary to understand that if emotions are absent and everyday life is not colored bright colors

falling in love, then there will be no other relationship.

How to understand that a man is in love but hides his feelings

Is it possible to know a fan's intentions? Men behave differently, and only some of them are not against big changes and getting closer to the object of their sympathy. Situations when a marriage breaks up because a man has a passion that he adores are extremely rare. In most cases, the lover is not going to get a divorce. But this may not be necessary if he fell in love with married woman

. But if a man’s marital relationship is unsuccessful, then the chances of starting a romantic relationship with a new lover increase.

But first you need to find out whether the married gentleman is so partial to the girl. A woman needs to understand what goals a married man pursues. To do this, it is recommended to make friends with your chosen one and find out the situation in his family and relationship with his wife.

If a girl has just found out that her new boyfriend is married, then it is recommended to end such a relationship. If unmarried girl If the married admirer really liked him, then he will go for a divorce. But this will not happen if he always finds excuses different reasons against divorce. He will never take a serious action. You can be in a relationship like this certain time

, but it will quickly become clear that there will be no continuation. Hello! I am 26 years old, married and have a 4 year old daughter. My wife and I have been married for five years, but we started dating in last years learning at school. Married for love. Until recently, we were planning a second child and I wanted to start building a house, but... I have a girl at work, she is four years older than me and was also previously married, but now she is divorced and has been for a long time. We have been working with this girl for three years and I have always felt sympathy for her, but no more. A few months ago we started a relationship with her, I don’t know how it all happened. I think I fell in love with her. I started lying to my wife, often saying that I was late at work, but I was at her place. In intimate terms, everything is fabulous with her. When I come to her, every time she prepares for the meeting, cooks deliciously and all that. When it all started knew that I was married. But recently, she began to ask me a question about who I would choose, and she made it clear that she would not be in second place. I feel very good with her, as it seems to me now even better than in the family. I began to think about the current situation. My wife began to notice my detachment. My wife has a friend to whom I tell everything about my relationship and I’m not afraid that she will tell my wife everything, we are in very good terms. good relations like brother and sister. My wife’s friend told me that my wife began to notice my apathy and began to worry about this. My wife loves me very much and I love her, we have a wonderful daughter. My wife’s friend told me that my wife even once told her in her worries that she thought that I had fallen in love with someone else, but then she laughed it off, saying that this couldn’t be true and I was probably just very tired at work. As my wife’s friend says, my wife dotes on me and I never leave her lips, she constantly talks about me: Maxim this, Maxim that, Maxim needs to buy something, etc. In general, she is gold to me and I know it. Now let's go back to the girl from work, her name is Natasha, by the way. I have repeatedly talked to her friend, who says that she has never seen Natasha as happy as with me, even when she was married. She says that Natasha loves me very much and I can’t get out of her head and she even annoys me by talking about me. We tried to break up several times. The initiators of the distance were either me or her. At first she said that she did not want me to leave the family, but then she began to say that she loved me very much and wanted me to be only hers. Every time I left her home, I noticed how tears welled up in her eyes. I feel very much for her strong feelings. A week ago she wrote to me that she decided to put an end to our relationship, since I would never make a choice in her direction. I agreed with her decision reluctantly, thinking that it would really be better and right. This was the hardest week of my life. When I meet her at work, I see with what pain and emotion she looks at me and I admit the same. Every time I passed by, I really wanted to hug her to me. A few days after she put an end to our relationship, she wrote to me that she missed me very much and loved me, even admitted that she would like to give birth to my child. I'm on vacation now, but I can't get rid of thoughts about her. It seems to me that I love her too, but I also love my wife. I am very confused and don’t know what to do in this situation. I go to her VKontakte page just to see her, all my thoughts are about her now. I love my wife and don’t want to leave my family, but at the same time I want to be with Natasha. Please help, I don’t know what to do, sometimes it seems like I’m going crazy. Thank you in advance!

Answers from psychologists

Hello, Maxim! It is impossible to sit on two stools. Therefore, you are experiencing a state similar to insanity. It sounds like the birth of your child has had an effect on you. I really want to regain my former youth through passion for a woman. Instead of responsibility for family, wife and child. It happens.

Have you thought that if another child appears from another woman (by the way, a well-known trick to hook a gentleman), then history might repeat itself? In terms of feelings? Loving two means loving no one. It is advisable for you to understand the understanding of love and your desires. What would you like? Families (since they started?) and certainty or passions and instability?

If you continue in the same spirit, you will come to the second option, which is modern world quite acceptable. Just what then? Responsibility is a sign adult personality. You always have to live up to life. There is a stage of childhood, adolescence, growing up. There is no escape from this. You will always have to answer and pay for everything, and at the most inopportune moment. This is the law. Even for your throwing today, you will be asked. In the most unexpected this moment.

You can connect with new woman, and again with a new one and another. And in the end, you will understand that an unmarried woman is different from a married woman, who has completely different tasks: not to drag a male into her bed (meeting him in full parade), but to maintain peace in her world, which is constantly replenished ( lawful husband, children, worries, everyday life, parents). It seems that your too soft wife simply spoiled you. Your behavior resembles behavior youngest child in family.

Another question is, why do you go to work - to earn money or to indulge your passions?


Timofeeva Galina Anatolyevna, psychologist Ivanovo

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