How to end a relationship if you love it. What's the best way to end a relationship?

How to break up if you don’t see any prospects for yourself and your other half? What to do if at some point there is an estrangement between you? Is it worth trying to save your couple at all, or maybe it’s better to end the relationship as soon as possible and start looking for new love? Let's talk about this today.

First, figure out whether it’s worth ending the relationship at all. Almost every couple experiences difficult times from time to time. better times. Under the influence of a variety of circumstances, disputes and misunderstandings arise, but this does not mean that love is over - just from time to time we are all irritable, tired, overly principled, but at the same time we continue to love the person who is next to us. Therefore, think again about how much you want to break up with your other half. Maybe you have a chance to fix the situation and stay together?

Regardless of your decision, you need to call him straight Talk. This is how you can find out exactly what is going wrong in your relationship. You should not immediately blame the other half for all mortal sins. First, just talk about why Lately the relationship between you has deteriorated. Ask what you need to do to keep your love. Take criticism normally, because it will help you improve.

If you decide to propose breaking up, tell your partner about it right now. And don't give false hope. As they say, when you go, go away.

Are you afraid to talk about your decision to end the relationship directly? Write a letter and suggest breaking up - expressing your own thoughts on paper is much easier.

If you can't openly say "No", try just being kind to the person. less attention, than usual. A partner always notices such moments of cooling in a relationship. Perhaps he will understand everything himself...

Invite your significant other to live separately for a while. Then you can deliberately prolong this period, and after about 2-3 weeks your partner will understand for sure that independent life he likes it too. After this, it will be quite easy to talk to him about the breakup.

Finally you can start new novel and appear in front of your partner with your admirer. It’s cruel, but it guarantees you a breakup without the opportunity to restore the relationship. The choice is yours!

Breakup of relationships - psychology

If you decide that it is better to communicate your desire in a personal meeting, then be one hundred percent ready for it. Think over a strategy of behavior, how you will behave; it is important that the words are supported by certain gestures and facial expressions.

Being able to clearly state your position and make a clear speech is great, but if at the same time you look around in despair, as if calling for help, or twitch like a fish out of water, then the guy can sense your insecurity and seize control of the situation .

Of course, it will be difficult to hide your emotions when you decide to end the relationship. After all, with early childhood girls are taught to be kind, open, smile and generally produce pleasant impression.

However, this time, strictly control your physical reactions, behave as indicated in next list:

  • breathe deeply and calmly;
  • give your face a neutral expression;
  • sit up straight;
  • look your interlocutor straight in the eyes.

Most likely your boyfriend will urge you to remember old passion, trying to play on the weak strings of your soul, do not listen to him under any circumstances, do not deviate from the original intention.

This is quite a difficult task, especially if your partner is discouraged and makes you feel sincere sympathy. But even if every cell of your body strives to feel sorry for the loser, do not give in to the first impulse. Just remember and repeat often: “I am not responsible for his reaction.”

You really don't have to help him deal with pain, anger, disappointment or embarrassment, because ending a relationship without such feelings is generally a rare success.

You should be prepared for another type of reaction (many losers often resort to this): he will simply shrug his shoulders in response to your message about the breakup, as if making it clear that he is not going to fight for you, contradict, dissuade. Perhaps you yourself used similar tactics at some stage in your relationship to demonstrate your unapproachability and thereby inflame his desire to be with you.

The desire to possess what does not belong to you, and irritation at the inability to get it, is another characteristic, albeit unpleasant, human reaction. Therefore, faced with complete absence resistance, coldness and indifference of your friend, you may feel rejected and unnecessary. And it doesn’t matter whether his dispassion is ostentatious or real.

In this case, you will have to cope with your feelings so as not to fall into the trap: you don’t need to conquer him, because your goal is to end the relationship with him, remember?

What can happen after a relationship ends

It is worth saying a few words about in rare cases, when the loser turns out to be not so hopeless. Besides, you have a lot of experience communicating with losers... And suddenly you realize that your message about the breakup acted on him like shock therapy: he realized that he was not living at all as he should. And he is able to change himself if he really wants to.

Just don’t confuse such a case with the so-called “sex = sympathy” syndrome. Many of us sometimes sin with this: you resolutely warn him that you are ready to leave forever, time passes, and then both of you, fueled by a feeling of intimacy forgotten during the months of separation, suddenly find yourself in bed. And you have to start all over again.

But if your heart and mind tell you that he can really improve and the relationship can be revived, suggest that he go to a psychologist together. Very often the patterns (even unconscious ones) by which we live can be changed even with a minimum of effort, but it is important to know where to apply them. If he is serious about you and really wants to improve the relationship, he will certainly agree.

Be careful. Yes, you consciously decided to end the relationship and are the initiator. But this does not mean that you do not worry or experience less pain than he does. Perhaps even your best friends (knowing how long you have wanted to leave him), when they rush to congratulate you, will be very surprised at your upset.

At the break own model and your schedule, and if you want to survive it with the least losses, you will have to go through all its stages with dignity, step by step.

As you know, the end of even the most terrible and unpleasant relationship is accompanied by a feeling of losing something important. And it will take you time to accept the new state of affairs. You not only lost - you had to part with all the plans and expectations that concerned you two, not to mention mutual friends, hobbies and perhaps even place of residence.

Don't try to hide or block feelings from yourself, no matter how unexpected or unwanted they may be. And if your parents and friends don’t understand why you became so sad, sad, show them this page and share your feelings. Explain that you need their support because you recently had to end a relationship.

Write encouraging notes to yourself and post them all over the apartment: on the mirror, refrigerator, door, near the bed... Let it be something like: “I deserve better,” “I feel better without him,” or “I will never find A prince if I end up with a loser.”

Open your heart to all the good things that happen to you every day: a cup of cold, foaming winter morning, the smell of flowers summer evening, someone's laughter, a cat or dog sitting comfortably at your feet. In a word, allow yourself to enjoy the little things in life.

Is it possible to remain friends after a breakup?

Why do so many people try to remain friends?

cause. You worry that he is sad, or rather, you feel guilty. Perhaps you yourself don’t realize it, but you are offering him friendship for selfish reasons - to drown out own feeling guilt. Being with you in friendly relations, he will not only fail to understand himself, but will become even more confused. In addition, his process of experiencing loss, and at the same time recovery, will slow down. So think about it, are you acting honestly?

cause. Some treacherous part of your heart has managed to remain unknown to you and to this day cherishes the hope that he will change, you will be transformed, the whole world around you will become different - and your relationship will resume. But the pieces of the puzzle called “life” will never come together in full accordance with your dreams - it’s time to understand this and say goodbye to foolish hopes.

The ability to end a relationship is one of the skills needed by a modern woman.

100 years ago, the ability to end a relationship with a man was practically not required - if a guy and a girl liked each other, they immediately got married and started living together, and then did not get divorced. If courtship reached the stage of intimacy, the guy was morally obliged to marry. Until the middle of the last century, even schools were separate for boys and girls.

Today the situation is developing differently. Already at school, girls begin to communicate with boys and create couples. Sometimes this communication is innocent, but quite often teenage friendship turns into sexual intercourse. Regardless of what you think about it, whether you approve or not (I, of course, would like my daughter to preserve her innocence longer), this is the reality of today's life.

Therefore, already from young age girls need the ability to end relationships (with or without intimacy).

Why is it important to end a relationship that has no future?

The longer you are in a relationship that has become a burden, the sadder your life will be. You might even get depressed. The same thing if you understand that your partner has stopped loving you and no longer wants to be with you, but for some reason does not tell you about it. In such a situation, if there are no children together, the sooner you separate, the better for both of you.

To be in a relationship where you are not in love with the person or he does not love you is robbing yourself. You could spend this time with the person you love and who adores you, perhaps get married, have a child, set up your own home. Both you and the man deserve to be with someone you want to be with.

How to understand that a relationship has no future

Ask yourself:

  • If I were choosing a partner today, would I choose the same person?

Very often, when I ask women this question, they answer without thinking: of course not!

When you ask divorced people if they think they made the decision to separate too late, most people say yes. The length of time it took for them to end the relationship usually varies from 3 to 7 years.

That is, for 3-7 years people live unhappy, suffering and irritated in communication with their partner. They knew for years that the relationship had no future, but were afraid to end it. Is it worth torturing yourself?

Give yourself 1 week to think about it for every full or partial year you spend together. During this time, try not to quarrel, swear, talk less and listen more. If a conflict arises, simply remain silent and give your partner the opportunity to speak. Don't respond to his accusations, say that you have nothing to say in this moment. If, after the allotted time, you still feel that the relationship has no future, it may be time to end it.

How to end a relationship with a man peacefully

Naturally, the right way depends on the duration of the relationship, the presence of children, living separately or together.

(If there are children in the family, it is worth discussing this issue with your mother, since separation will affect all family members. Remember that you are connected with the father of your children forever and your psyche and future depend on how you separate family relationships your children. Planning a divorce is different from trying to end a relationship with a man with whom you are not related.)

If you don't live together, just disappear for 1-2 days, turn off your phone and don't respond to SMS. If you live together, you can do the same by going to visit your mother or friend for a few days. If you see that a man is very worried (according to the texts of his messages and the number of calls), then answer once, but briefly, that everything is fine with you. The goal here is to change the usual order of communication in order to create a platform for serious conversations, which men terribly dislike and usually avoid.

Your man will become worried and will already know something is going on. After this, you can organize a conversation in which you say something like the following: I’ve been thinking about this for several weeks, but now I’ve given myself time to think carefully and decided that I can’t give you what you need, and I don’t see the point in the continuation of our relationship. You - great guy, wonderful person, but I don’t have the same feelings for you that I had at the beginning. It’s very hard for me to tell you this and I really struggled with how to say it all, but I realized that you deserve more, you deserve to have a girl who truly loves you.

Here (or earlier) he will ask: are you leaving me?

Reply: yes, I think we should break up.

Then listen carefully to what he has to say, don’t argue, don’t cry, don’t swear, don’t have sex. Just listen carefully and don’t object (even if you don’t agree), you can nod or make non-committal “Mmm” sounds. If he demands that you answer something, repeat in other words what you have already said: you deserve more, I cannot give it to you.

If he says, no, I really want you, I don’t need anyone but you, answer: “I’m very sorry” or “I understand, but I can’t give you what you want.”

That is, stick to the same line as at the beginning:

  • It’s hard for you to talk about it;
  • you don't know how to say it, but you are not able to give him what he needs;
  • you have made a decision;
  • there is no reason other than that you do not see a future in your relationship;
  • you both deserve better in life.

Don't give him any reason why or what he did wrong. It's best to end this conversation quickly.

Safety precautions when ending a relationship with a man

Ideally, talk to former partner need it in person. This will be more respectful and allow him to have his say, which is important. But this option is not always suitable in a real situation.

  • If you do not live together and your relationship is no more than 1-2 months old, then you can talk on the phone.
  • If you live together, it is better to do this in person, unless you are afraid that the man may react aggressively.
  • Tell someone you trust 100% about the upcoming conversation (mom, grandmother, decent friend). You can also call her and put the phone in your pocket so she can hear what's going on.
  • If your partner is capable of aggression, have someone with you when talking - your mother, father or other responsible companion, this person may be in another room. If you are not sure of your own safety even in this case, you should not do this personally.
  • Never send a text or message via e-mail: At a minimum, we need to talk on the phone.

In my youth, I used this method when I decided to end my relationship with a guy: I stopped doing all the good things for him, began to deliberately irritate him, and when he exploded and said unpleasant things to me, I was demonstratively offended and left, leaving him to blame. Today I understand that it was cowardly and such manipulation leaves bad feelings, so it’s better to part ways peacefully and kindly. But then I didn't have suitable words, and I didn't know how to do it.

How to take care of a man's feelings during a breakup

It’s strange for men if a breakup happens “out of the blue.” Therefore, it is better if he takes care in advance and understands that something is happening and prepares himself mentally for the changes. It is precisely these goals that are achieved by silent, calm and detached behavior, leaving for a few days to visit mother, and lack of telephone contact.

This way, your relationship will already be broken, so it's easier to turn temporary into permanent. You should not reproach a man for his misdeeds or explain to him the reasons. After all main reason is that you don't want to be with him anymore. No matter what exactly he did wrong, you have made a decision and do not expect any action from him.

Some girls think that it is necessary to tell the man the “reason” for breaking up so that he can “correct.” What, you didn’t tell him about this problem before? If you did, then he already knows very well what you don’t like. At the moment of separation, the most important thing for you is to end the relationship. This is where you need to concentrate your efforts. Talking about his mistakes and misdeeds will only get in the way here: showdowns, excuses will begin, the conversation may turn to a raised tone - as a result, you will have a quarrel, but you wanted to leave peacefully. Leave the re-education next woman, which may be able to achieve desired result. You've already tried and it didn't work out - that's why you decided to end the relationship.

The relationship between a man and a woman is separate world, which concerns only two. However, one fine day the novel comes to its logical conclusion, and you need to be able to put an end to it beautifully.

If the relationship was long-lasting, and behind you there are a lot of memories and living together, then it’s very difficult to separate completely. A woman clings to the past with all her might, and a man, seeing and feeling the inner turmoil now ex-lover, tries to spare her feelings. Such frozen relationships can last for more than one month, interfering ex-lovers move on. This is why it is so important to be able to finally part ways.

As a rule, the question of how to end a relationship worries more often women who are stopped by pity and held back by habit. In this situation, it is important to remember that you should never feel sorry for a man, and everything that is not done is done for the better. So it is important to understand your feelings and decide on your desires, and only then act without a grain of doubt.

Below is a whole action plan that a girl should implement when solving the problem of how to end a relationship with a man forever. These simple steps will help you get started faster. new life With clean slate, and leave the past behind.

Act one. The first thing you need to do is weigh the pros and cons, and not just jump into it. It is best to make the final decision in the morning, and not at night, so that your head is clear and sober. If the desire to separate is final, then it is very important not to delay a serious conversation.

Act two. It is important to inform your boyfriend about your decision as soon as possible so that he does not make plans for the future in vain. During such a serious conversation, behave with restraint, coolness, confidence and calm. He must understand that these, alas, are not female emotions, but a firm, balanced decision that he can no longer change. During a dialogue, you should not use the following words: “probably”, “maybe”, “who knows”, “anything can happen in life”. Such phrases give hope, which in this situation would be completely inappropriate.

Act three. After such a serious conversation, you need to immediately move on to action, and to do this, collect all the things and household items of your ex-lover and return them to him at the next meeting. If the girl lives in his apartment, it’s time to pack up and move out, preferably without delay.

Act four. Do everything possible so that he no longer has questions and offers that provide the opportunity to call or come visit again. It is necessary to resolve all common issues so that, as they say, there is nothing more in common.

Act five. Left alone with my thoughts and splendid isolation, collect all the common photographs and put them away at least on the balcony, as if deciding for yourself to start a new life. Send all gifts and souvenirs there, as well as CDs with joint videos. The final break in a relationship implies the rejection of all feelings and emotions, and these include pleasant memories.

Act six. When answering the question of how to end a relationship with a guy, do not forget about mutual friends and acquaintances who will express my condolences and take an interest in women’s well-being. So, it is also important to eradicate such sentimental conversations, making it clear the futility and monotony of this topic. Moreover, it is not worth discussing ex-lover with mutual acquaintances, because, as you know, the world is a small place, and one day rumors will reach him.

Act seven. It is extremely important to change your usual route in order to intersect with your “beloved” as little as possible. For some time you will have to forget about visiting those places that once served as a haven for two lovers.

Act eight. The first time after breaking up, you will have to fight with all your might against nostalgia, which will force you to dial your favorite number or write a message. It is best to avoid such rash actions, otherwise it will not be possible to end the relationship gracefully. It's best to visit more often crowded places, communicate with friends, help parents and find a new hobby - anything, just not to remember a long affair.

The last action. Fall in love! And what, as they say, “knocks out a wedge with a wedge.” Maybe, new passion will allow you to forget about it once and for all previous relationships and look at the world completely different eyes. And the ex, having learned about the new fan, will disappear from sight.

So now it is reliably known how strong-willed women end relationships with men. In any case, this is a rather painful process that requires considerable willpower.

Are there rules for breaking up? There are and, of course, they are the ones who will help a person cope with difficulties. It is the rules that help you withstand difficult trials and start over with a clean slate. You rarely have control over anything in life. Just yesterday happy couple aroused admiration among those around her, and today the day has come when close people become strangers to each other, just acquaintances.

Is it worth looking for the reason for the breakup, and is it necessary to look for those to blame? The question is individual. However, someone will definitely feel guilty, and often this someone is someone who did not initiate the separation. Is it easy for someone who himself decided to leave the relationship in the past and start all over again?

For each of the parties, there are almost the same rules for separation; naturally, the attitude towards the situation for both men and women may be different.

He loved her, she loved him

It is difficult to imagine, when you are in a happy relationship, a future separation from your significant other. And you don't have to do this, but it's worth noting that ending a relationship doesn't depend on people's initial feelings. However, it is precisely the memories of the first stages life together prevent you from starting life again after a breakup. Therefore, for those who are already at the stage of a complete breakup, the main thing is not to start feeling sorry for yourself and your partner; happy relationship that are left in the past. If a decision is made to leave a lover or beloved, then there are reasons for this. You shouldn’t feel sorry for the person and make sacrifices while continuing to live together.

It’s not worth being selfish in this situation, why be selfish? The answer is obvious, because by doing so the partner takes away precious minutes of a person’s life. For example, a girl will live with a young man who does not love her, she will only waste her time, but a representative of the fair sex probably has a desire to give birth to a child, to create strong family. It’s better to tell the girl about your plans earlier and break up with her, and give another man the opportunity to make her happy. In turn, a girl should not hold on to an outdated relationship; a broken cup can be glued together, but its service life may not live up to expectations.

Therefore, the first rule is really common for both sides - let's leave the past in the past. By allowing yourself to start life from scratch, everyone gives themselves a chance at a truly happy relationship.

A serious conversation is a step towards a new life

After the guy or girl decides that the current relationship is worth ending, and the feeling of pity is hidden in a distant drawer where doubts and remorse are already stored, it is necessary to take a step towards the upcoming changes. Serious conversation with a partner must be carefully thought out.

The second rule of separation - We report a gap in comfortable environment . The most common mistakes that cause pain when a partner finds out about the breakup:

  • By phone
  • In an SMS message
  • In social networks
  • Doesn't know, partner just disappears

You should not treat your ex-lover or lover with disrespect. Yes, both partners are often to blame for a breakup, but you should not offend the person or cause him pain. In life, everything comes back, and you need to part with dignity; cowardice is inappropriate here.

When meeting, it would be good to state the reasons for such a decision. In most cases, partners remain in the dark, making the same mistakes in in the following respects. If a guy is jealous and cannot accept that the girl does not respond to his comments about her behavior, maybe you should tell her about it, but you should not give hope that she can fix something, but perhaps in the future she will listen more to the wishes of your loved one.

In turn, a girl, having decided to break up with a man, can give him a good hint on what can help him in a relationship with another woman. However, here it is very important to keep balance, because making claims against each other is not an appropriate solution. If there are no reasons for separation, and the decision to break up is made spontaneously, it is worth thinking about the problems that are happening inside and perhaps coming to the conclusion that dissatisfaction with life is caused by poor work, the behavior of loved ones, the absence of interesting activity in life and so on.

Let's hold our positions! Selected route without stops

If the first step is taken, it is worth moving on to the next stage. The conversation with your partner has taken place, there is no reason to turn away from the path, because you will never regain your former trust. Moreover, the injured party should not try to renew communication. Convincing arguments will not help, pleasant surprises, romantic actions and even a change of image will not bring back your loved one. If your feelings have changed, then you should come to terms with it and move on.

The third rule of separation - confidence in yourself and your actions. Only the person himself can help himself. Advice from loved ones will not help, and even convincing arguments from your ex or ex that it will be better this way will not save you from disappointment in everything. You need to pull yourself together and feel confident in your actions. If you want to break up with a person, you need to break up and not torture yourself. But the one from whom they left must draw conclusions for himself and move on through life with his head held high, without turning around and looking for his exes behind him; most likely they have not been there for a long time.

What to tell relatives and friends?

Living together, people accumulate not only property, but also acquaintances. The parents of the girl and the boy begin to become friends with each other, jointly coming up with names for their grandchildren. Neighbors and friends guess the date upcoming wedding. Breaking up can be really sad news for all your friends and family. After all, the companies have already been formed, and best friend The girl has been dating the guy's best friend for a month now. And everyone wants everything to remain as before. But, naturally, a successful relationship between two people does not depend on the opinions of others, so it is worth determining the official version of the breakup; it will help to avoid gossip and invented stories that are not true.

Fourth rule - We independently inform relatives and friends of the reason for separation. The most truthful version, naturally, from the first source will be convincing to everyone. There is no need to go into details; it is enough to name one reason for the separation.

Let's celebrate the victory over our fears and start a happy life

And now the main stages have been completed and the real thing begins. difficult period, adaptation period. Over the months or years of living together, common habits and interests are formed. It is very difficult to change everything in one day; if both a man and a woman previously attended the same gym, is it worth quitting classes in order to avoid meeting with your ex? Of course not, because you can find another place to train and continue to enjoy active image life.

Fifth rule - we give ourselves gifts, change for the better, appreciate changes. A person who has decided to break off an exhausted relationship also deserves a gift. Feelings of guilt should not torment if everything is done during separation, as it should be for this and must be adhered to certain rules. Only a weak person can leave a partner without an explanation, but a self-respecting person will not be afraid to tell his beloved or beloved the truth and defend his position. By the way, you shouldn’t take the position of a victim, self-pity only causes pain, but a fresh look addressing the problem will allow you to really not give up and move on.

Either way, regardless of the length of the relationship, in many cases it was worth it. All that remains is to smile and turn the page, because something exciting and beautiful is sure to await everyone ahead.

Sooner or later in life the question arises of how to end a relationship. Knowing how to properly end a relationship with a man if it has already outlived its usefulness will undoubtedly be useful.

One of the most emotional scenes in the life of any woman is parting with a once loved one. Whatever the reasons for the breakup, the memories remain and there is little pleasant in this procedure.

The very first thing to remember is that ending the relationship is really necessary and necessary right now. If a woman feels that in a conversation her emotions, good or bad, are likely to prevail over reason and the conversation will turn into an ugly scene - better conversation postpone. The need for separation must be carefully weighed - and if separation is inevitable, there are several rules on how to end a relationship with a man correctly and with the least losses on both sides.

Confidence that these relationships will not change in the right side and will not be able to bring anything good - the main circumstance for starting this conversation. Under no circumstances should you use threats of separation as a means to force your partner to do something. Such dishonest manipulations only destroy relationships. If there is hope of reaching a compromise and continuing to live together, this should be discussed openly, without mentioning separation.

If both partners agree to compromise and are ready to voluntarily change some things in their behavior, this is good, but refusal of this on the part of the partner should not be perceived as betrayal. The problems that led to the separation should certainly be discussed, and this conversation should be voluntary for both parties. Refusal to dialogue also has a right to exist, although it is very painful, since after parting you will be haunted for a long time by thoughts about why this could have happened. Direct conversation alleviates this suffering in many ways.

Calmness is another necessary component from the list on how to properly end a relationship with a man. If anger predominates in feelings and there is a lot of unspoken complaints, it’s better to postpone the conversation. It is unlikely that you will be able to remain friends after such an emotional conversation. After some time, the severity of the moment will pass and emotions will begin to be controlled, then it will be possible to calmly discuss everything.

Time and place are also important. Regardless of who the initiator is, the dialogue should take place on a voluntary basis and not ruin anyone’s plans. It is best to choose a secluded, quiet place for this, where there will be no prying eyes and there will be enough time. Psychologists in many countries recommend choosing Friday for separation - this way the partners will be able to recover a little by the beginning of the work week.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide to have a conversation; it is especially difficult for a woman to take this step, since from childhood she is taught that she is the keeper of the home. But this idea should not be taken to the point of absurdity. Of course, everything possible should be done to preserve the relationship, but, hand on heart, it is worth admitting that such thoughts do not come to mind on their own. You should not underestimate your own self-esteem - most often everything possible and impossible has already been done, and the similarity of relationships only interferes and does not give strength to normal life. It is worth showing all your determination, since most often a man is the initiator of both the beginning and the breakup of a relationship. If this is not the case, it means that the man is simply comfortable in this relationship, and he uses it without giving anything in return, and therefore does not want to leave.

You shouldn’t allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself in a conversation and give the relationship another chance, to believe that your partner will change with tomorrow. It will not happen. If a man really decides to overcome his bad habits, the woman’s departure will not affect this in any way. No one can forbid him to meet her from work in order to demonstrate the further seriousness of his intentions and the desire to start all over again, but for female self-esteem this care will be very useful. By agreeing to understand and forgive everything not for the first or second time, a woman gives a man every right to doubt her mental and logical abilities and level of self-sufficiency.

Ending a relationship over the phone, over the Internet, or without any explanation at all (especially if these reasons are well known and have been voiced more than once) sometimes the best way out. And sometimes the only possible and safe one is if a man manipulates a woman well or is hot-tempered to the point of assault. If, however, for a conversation on the topic of the inevitability of parting with such a person, a woman nevertheless chooses a personal meeting (there may be a lot of objective reasons), one should, as the saying goes, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. You should not be overzealous with tenderness in such situations - this will only convince a person that he is stronger.

It is better to choose a place for conversation where within walking distance large cluster people and security present. If a man does not want to calm down, there is no need to enter into a debate with him. It’s better to remain silent or briefly say that continuing the conversation in this tone is not part of your future plans, and leave. The lack of response and grateful viewers is the most reassuring thing. It may be necessary to have more than one or two such meetings that end in nothing.

If the partner is ready for constructive dialogue, you should definitely discuss the following things with him: A banal phrase the fact that from now on there is only friendship between you is not enough. Future boundaries need to be discussed specifically. You need to firmly and unequivocally make it clear to the man that the relationship is over and there will be no return. You need to leave on time. Big mistake- continue explaining the reasons after everything has already been said. Be sure to try to become after separation good friends- also an error. If meetings occur by chance or spontaneously, this can be considered the beginning of friendship. Under no circumstances should you impose communication on a person or encourage such behavior towards you with silence.

If a man asks if he still has hope for friendship, he is not really asking about that at all. The answer “yes” will be followed by obsessive communication in order to seize the opportune moment and return, and the relationship, from which it is so important to leave, will not end - the last certainty and obligations will simply disappear from them, which is so convenient for men and much less welcomed by women. Therefore, you need to say directly that it will be difficult to be friends right now, and perhaps this will happen only in a few years.

It will be especially difficult for those women who have a common company with a man - in order not to give him a reason to return, it is the woman who will have to distance herself from these people. So that you don’t have to use all these tips and lose your precious time For long conversations, you should have a good idea of ​​how this or that relationship might end. Women have a very good imagination and developed intuition, and therefore, most often, even at the first meeting, they are able to predict the development of relationships 80% accurately.

Why this doesn't stop them is a separate question. Most often this is due to low self-esteem, and sometimes, on the contrary, overpriced. In any case, a woman rejects the arguments of common sense, so as not to seem too pragmatic to herself and others, and gets involved in a relationship from which she cannot then extricate herself without a serious investment of time and effort. However, you should never place all the blame for what happened on yourself, or on your partner. Both partners are always to blame for the breakdown of a relationship.

The easiest way to prevent the question of how to end a relationship is to use prudence and common sense. You should not start a relationship that is obviously doomed to failure.
