When the baby's kicks are felt. How to feel the baby move? Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist on self-diagnosis of the fetal condition based on the nature of movements

Surely every woman who has given birth at least once remembers how impatiently she waited for the moment when her baby would make itself known with weak kicks. Just so you know, the first movement of the fetus during pregnancy occurs with the onset of the 2nd month, but this does not mean that the mother will immediately feel it. Every woman strives to find out when the period of active fetal movements begins and how often they should occur.

Why are body movements so important in the womb?

Ideas about ideal conditions existences are formed from the moment life begins. They help to correctly navigate the stimuli and incoming signals. Over time, the little man understands on a subconscious level that through the movement of his body he is able to regulate the degree of impact external factors on it, as well as:

  • close yourself off from unpleasant ones, strongly loud sounds;
  • get rid of discomfort;
  • eat;
  • provide oxygen nutrition.

Not everyone knows that in conditions of lack of nutrition or oxygen, the fetus begins to actively move. Thus, it stimulates the placenta to secrete additional portions of blood, which is always saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

Active movement of the fetus may also indicate that the mother has taken an uncomfortable position, namely, she has pressed large vessels located along the spinal column. This reaction is aimed at ensuring that the mother takes a position that is comfortable for both. The same thing happens when the umbilical cord loop is compressed.

The first fetal movements during the first pregnancy

Doctors emphasize that a woman should feel activity inside her abdomen for the first time in the second trimester. Special meaning is correct from the start deadline. Too early/late movements may be evidence of pathology. Just as with a second pregnancy, an erroneous due date can become an unnecessary cause for concern for the expectant mother. It is worth noting that thin female representatives experience unforgettable sensations earlier than those with a fatty layer in the abdominal area. More precisely, the second boy/girl can manifest itself in the 16th week.

The proximity of the placenta to the anterior wall of the uterus is important. If she is very close, then early movement It's not worth counting on. The factors that determine the duration of movements also include the weight of the fetus; you probably already guessed that a large child will make its presence felt earlier. It is difficult to say when movements will be felt during the third pregnancy, because everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body. One thing is certain, this should happen between 16 and 24 weeks.

It is believed that a woman who is expecting a child not for the first time feels movements earlier, but this is also the norm. It is customary to associate this only with the fact that her senses are heightened, and the available experience helps to determine changes in the physiological state as accurately as possible.

How does the woman feel?

Those who are about to give birth for the first time in their lives are very interested in what this feeling is like? In fact, the baby begins to move as early as 10 weeks after conception. But! Swimming in amniotic fluid Oh, the woman just can’t feel it. At 12 weeks intrauterine development noticeable changes occur. The child becomes stronger every day, gains weight, and accordingly increases in size. The already formed basic systems begin to fulfill their functions. At week 13, the baby’s skin on the heels becomes sensitive, and he begins to move periodically, he even manages to push away from the walls of his abdomen.

If you are pregnant for the first time, you will feel your baby’s movements no earlier than at 18 weeks. But if this is not the first time you are in a position, then you will experience these unforgettable sensations already at 14 weeks. This is very important for every woman, because movement is the main indicator intrauterine life, this is how communication with mom improves. By the way, at first these will be subtle vibrations, you may even mistake them for the usual bowel movements. But over time, around week 15 or week 16, when the baby gets larger, the movements will become more noticeable.

Is it possible to determine gender by movements?

When ultrasound had not yet been invented, people, not knowing how to recognize gender, turned to folk signs. It was believed that girls usually behave much more active than boys and move future daughter mother feels early. The degree of activity was the main criterion by which the gender of the child was determined.

Modern medicine has managed to prove the opposite. Frequent movement of the fetus has nothing to do with its belonging to any gender. Simply due to their character traits, some children are more active than others. Not everyone knows, but too much activity in the womb, frequent movement may indicate hypoxia, which is caused by insufficient oxygen supply.

Periods of movement by week

At week 17, you can feel not only movement, but also a noticeable increase in the abdomen, which is associated with the growth of the uterus. This means that the child's development is happening correctly. At week 19, the baby sleeps for approximately 4 hours, after which he wakes up, begins to move actively and falls asleep again. What this sensation is like has already been said. It may be gurgling, rolling from side to side, and someone may feel tremors. Over time, you will feel more clearly when your baby is awake. At week 21, and also closer to week 23, the baby’s brain and spinal cord are formed, and therefore its movements become regular.

When a woman is pregnant with twins, she not only feels movement earlier than those with one child, but she also gains more weight. In general, weight is determined by factors such as body type, height, taste preferences and weight before conception.

Fetal mobility in the womb depends on various circumstances, For example:

  1. experienced physical activity- the calmer he behaves future mom, the more active her child is;
  2. nature of nutrition - the fetus is activated if its mother is hungry or, on the contrary, has eaten something sweet. This also happens in the evening and at night;
  3. psycho-emotional state - strong tension contributes to the fact that the child can behave restlessly or vice versa.

The question of when you can feel the first fetal movement during your second pregnancy is actively discussed on forums and asked to obstetricians-gynecologists during routine examinations. . On this subject there are so many different opinions and speculation that even the most sober-minded pregnant woman begins to get confused, doubt and worry. And this does not benefit either her or her baby.

So, many are sure that when the onset must necessarily be recorded much earlier than when. And if this does not happen, it means that something is going wrong: the child is not moving because he is lagging behind in development, etc. Of course, it’s time to panic from such thoughts... In this article we will try to dot all the i’s.

The answer to the question about , at how many weeks the second baby begins to move will surprise many. Exactly the same time as the first one. This happens approximately 8 or 9 weeks from the moment of conception.

The time at which the first movements begin does not depend on the type of pregnancy. But the baby’s early movements are not felt by the mother. The baby is still too small and does not even touch the walls of the uterus. Therefore, there cannot be shocks, and movements can only really be recorded at .

But during the second pregnancy, fetal movements begin to be felt when the baby is already large enough: he periodically squeezes his fingers and pulls the umbilical cord. And women who have already given birth once actually often detect tremors several weeks earlier. If during the first pregnancy the baby’s movement begins to be felt approximately in the middle of the term, then during the second pregnancy the mother begins to feel it towards the end. fourth month can feel the baby. In any case, the norm, no matter what kind of child we are talking about, is considered to be the beginning of movement in the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Reasons for earlier sensations during the second pregnancy

Thus, the length of time between when fetal movements begin during the second pregnancy and when the mother feels them may be less than when carrying the first child. Sometimes the difference is a week, and sometimes a month. The explanation is simple: experience!

When a child begins to move, it is very similar to the sensations during intestinal peristalsis. Primiparous women simply take the baby's timid kicks as signals from the digestive system. Only towards the middle of the term the baby’s movements become so active that the expectant mother understands: this is it.

When the baby begins to move during the second pregnancy, it is easier for a woman who has already experienced all this once to understand where the peristalsis is and where the tremors are. That’s why she often records the baby’s first movements earlier. But this is not at all necessary. Sometimes sensations appear at the same time, and sometimes later. Indeed, in addition to the order of pregnancy, there are other factors that influence the ability to feel the kicks.

Why does it feel different?

The timing of recording the first fetal movements during the second pregnancy (as, indeed, during any pregnancy) depends on many factors. Not all expectant mothers, even those with experience, know about this.

The period of occurrence of noticeable movements is influenced by:

  1. Mother's weight. The larger it is, the later woman may feel tremors. The fat layer on the abdomen does not allow the pregnant woman to feel the still rather weak activity of the baby.
  2. Fetal weight and height. How bigger baby, the sooner it will begin to make itself felt.
  3. A woman's sensitivity threshold. If it is too high, then the mother will feel the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy earlier, and if it is too low, then this event will happen closer to the middle of the term.
  4. Amount of water The more there are, the later the baby will make itself known.

In addition to these four main reasons, the baby’s temperament and the lifestyle of his mother and her also play a role. In any case, it should be remembered that the timing of the baby’s movements during the second pregnancy does not necessarily have to occur earlier than during the first.

Yes, this happens often, but not always. If the baby does not make itself known even halfway through the term, there is no reason to worry. After all, the norm for the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy is considered to be the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Motor activity of the child and sensations of the mother

It is important for expectant mothers to know how and at what weeks the second child should move. It has already been said that its first movements begin at 2 months, but the pregnant woman does not feel them. Closer to the middle of the term, weak signals are already being recorded. They are barely noticeable and look like fermentation in the intestines.

From the 7th month, the baby learns to breathe and swallows amniotic fluid, which causes hiccups. Mom feels it as fairly strong, rhythmic tremors. On this period The baby's activity peaks. Further movements will not be as frequent, but more noticeable.

Ways to count movements

So as not to miss possible complications, the expectant mother must constantly monitor the baby’s movements: during the second pregnancy, the first or the third – it doesn’t matter. There are several ways to count your baby's movements.

Here are the main methods:

  1. Pearson technology. From 9 am to 9 pm, movements are counted daily and every 10th is recorded on paper. Abrupt schedule disruptions should cause concern.
  2. Cardiff method. Anytime within 12 hours convenient time the pregnant woman records the movements, indicating the interval between every tenth in a special table.
  3. Sadowski's method. You need to start counting at 7 pm, lying on your left side. There should be 10 or more movements within an hour. If there are fewer of them and they do not become more frequent, you should contact your doctor.

All of the above methods can be used starting from about 28 weeks, when movements during the second pregnancy are already clearly felt. For more early stages these methods are ineffective. The child's movements are still too timid and chaotic.

Child's behavior before birth

Many pregnant women begin to panic when they notice that at the very end of the term the baby has practically stopped moving. In fact, this is normal and suggests that it will begin any day now. The baby is preparing for birth and, freezing, saves energy. In addition, he is already very cramped in the uterus. But we are not talking about complete silence. The movements, although rare, should be felt.

But sometimes, on the contrary, just before the contractions, the baby begins an unprecedented motor activity. This is also a normal option . When the baby during the second pregnancy began to move very much the day before, perhaps he is trying to take the most convenient position for birth.

The movements suddenly disappeared: causes and actions

Sometimes movements suddenly disappear even at earlier stages. The duration of silence is very important here. Normally, each series of active movements is replaced by rest. At this time the child is sleeping. If he hasn’t moved after three hours of calm, you need to be wary. If movements are not felt for more than 12 hours, it’s time to sound the alarm.

The long absence of movements may be explained for various reasons. And in most cases everything ends well. But it’s better to be safe once again. After all, the reason for the disappearance of tremors can be both, and when measures need to be taken urgently.

To give birth safely healthy baby, it is important not only to know when the fetus begins to move during the second pregnancy, but also to carefully monitor its motor activity. And from the 28th week - count the kicks and fill out a special table.

Useful video about fetal movements

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The baby begins to actively move literally in the second month of its intrauterine existence. But expectant mothers are always concerned about when they will feel the first movements, and how often the baby should make itself known throughout pregnancy.

When does fetal movement begin during pregnancy?

First you need to understand how a child’s motor activity develops in utero.

The first organ that begins to actively contract in the fetal body is its heart. It begins to form and beat already from 20-22 days from the moment of conception. The first muscle fibers are gradually formed, which initially contract independently of the nervous system, chaotically and separately. These contractions are necessary for the full formation of all muscle groups in the future.

As the nervous system is laid down and formed and the fetal stage of development begins, this is the end of the 8th week of pregnancy, already nervous system takes charge of physical activity. At this point, the nervous tissue gradually takes over control muscle tissue and their contractions due to incoming impulses.

First motor reflexes in the fetus are observed already at 10-12 weeks, and the fetus begins to actively move in the uterine cavity.

What can a fetus do in terms of movements at different times:

  • at 9 weeks can swallow
  • at 10 weeks, changes the trajectory of movement, pushing away from the walls of the uterus
  • at 16 weeks, responds to sounds and voices with movement
  • at 17 weeks he squints and blinks
  • at 18-20 weeks, he unclenches his fingers, clenches his fists, touches the umbilical cord, touches his face, and can cover it with his hands.

Gradually, the movements of the fetus become more coordinated and clear, due to motor activity the development of the fetus occurs, both physical and neuropsychic. His movements are closely connected with the senses and perception of the surrounding world.

Why are fetal movements needed in the womb?

From the very first months of intrauterine life, a child develops ideas about ideal conditions. They can help the baby navigate the signals and stimuli coming to him. Conventionally, the fetus realizes that through movements it can change the intensity of influences on it, shield itself from loud sounds, eliminate discomfort, and receive nutrition and oxygen.

During this period, the unborn child needs a lot of nutrition and oxygen; if they are not enough, the fetus moves more actively, as if stimulating the placenta to release additional portions of blood saturated with oxygen and nutrition.

If the mother takes an uncomfortable position, squeezing large vessels along the spine, the fetus reacts to this with movements, forcing the mother to take a more comfortable position on her side. If he accidentally presses the umbilical cord loops, this also forces him to move, changing his body position to a more advantageous one.

The same can be said about the mother’s nutrition, which definitely goes to your baby. Therefore, in Mom's Store, pay attention to the correct balanced diet for pregnant and lactating women. These will help you eat quality food and nourish the baby in your tummy.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

At what stage can you feel fetal movements?

A woman can feel the first real movements of the baby starting from the 16th week. It is difficult to describe the sensations precisely - they are similar to water pouring, gurgling, stroking, fish swimming, slight twitching or fluttering in the stomach, as if butterflies are fluttering inside. Gradually, the movements become more and more distinct, and after a few weeks they can be felt by others by placing their hand on the pregnant woman’s stomach.

The initial movements of the fetus will be barely noticeable, without clear localization. As pregnancy progresses, they become more clear and coordinated.

It is advisable to remember the date of the first movements so that you can tell your doctor. This date plays a role.

It must be said right away that not all expectant mothers hear their baby at this stage.

  • More often, at 16-19 weeks, the first movements of women who are going to become mothers again are recorded.
  • But those who carry within themselves new life The baby's movements are first noticed at 20-24 weeks.

Sometimes a little later. This is the average data. And a lot depends on the woman’s sensitivity, complexion and many other factors. Slender women, and future mothers with developed abdominals, feel movements earlier than plump ones.

Don't worry if you don't feel anything yet - for now, this is completely normal. It is likely that during your first pregnancy you will not immediately understand that it is the baby that is moving. The sensation is similar to the movement of air in the stomach. Only when they begin to repeat regularly do you realize that it is a baby tumbling!

As we have already said, this is due to the fact that all women are different, and the ability to sense movements within themselves is also different. Therefore, some expectant mothers hear movements earlier, others a little later. Everything is very individual!

We must warn you that when you first feel the baby’s movements, you don’t need to practice, since most of them are barely noticeable and only a special device can record them.

Some pregnant women say that they observe protrusion of the abdomen, which means they feel fetal movements literally from 8-10 weeks. We will have to disappoint you, all kinds of tremors, movements and “gurgling” that the expectant mother notices are nothing more than fermentation of gases in the intestines. Because under the influence of hormones, the body is rebuilt and a decrease in tone occurs in all muscles female body. This also applies to intestinal loops, they increase in size and swell. The digestion process takes longer and is sometimes accompanied by similar “knocks” in the stomach.

The second reason why you may feel movement is incorrect. IN modern world This happens extremely rarely.

Up to 16 weeks, the child weighs at most 100 grams, and reaches a length of approximately 10 cm. These sizes, as well as the baby’s strength, are simply not enough to physically exert any visible impact on the mother’s stomach. Of course, the baby touches its arms and legs, swims, frolics, tumbles and pushes off the walls of the uterus, but the mother does not feel this. This is also due to the fact that the child is reliably protected amniotic sac, amniotic fluid, uterus and fat layer of the female body. Therefore, it is too early to listen to yourself and try to guess when the baby will make itself known.

20-25 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movement

By 20 weeks, the baby’s brain and spinal cord are formed, they coordinate actions with each other, which allows the fetal movements to become regular, strong and active. It is these relatively ordered movements that the expectant mother feels.

It is important to remember that at 20-26 weeks the baby is still very tiny. Despite his height of 16-17 centimeters, he weighs about 300 grams. Of course, the baby is already more than actively tossing and turning and tumbling inside your tummy, but you still cannot control every movement of the fetus.

The baby may sleep for a long time, gaining strength, or scurry around near the back wall of the uterus. In addition, the baby still has very little strength to thoroughly push you from the inside, or turn around, touching the walls of the uterus.

The position of the child must also be taken into account. Active blows may not be so noticeable if the baby lies backwards and her limbs are closer to back wall uterus, as if “inside”.

Keep in mind also individual characteristics child. The innate temperament of a child is not much different from that of an adult. Look around: someone around you is a pronounced choleric person who needs to constantly move, sort out something, touch something, strive for somewhere, and someone is a thoughtful, dreamy contemplator who doesn’t want to move again. Children behave the same way.

Pregnant women describe the first movements of the fetus colorfully and unusually, like swimming fish, like fluttering butterflies, like the shimmering of water. Such sensations are remembered by expectant mothers almost forever. It is from this period that many women become fully aware of their future motherhood, and the movements of the fetus for them become a kind of signals of its well-being, tracking the rhythms of the baby and even its character by its movements.

By about five months, the baby moves “with a certain meaning”, his movements are orderly and clearly distinguishable. A fetus at 5 months moves approximately 20-50 times per hour. From this time on, movements may already depend on the time of day, external factors, the mother’s nutrition and many other conditions.

From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the fetus can be felt by others; from this period, the fetus can “inform” the mother’s well-being with its movements or react to her emotions. If the mother is excited, the fetus may freeze; if she is happy, it may move more actively and forcefully.

Fetal movements after 26 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, the baby is still very small and still not strong enough. Therefore, when he moves closer to the back wall of the uterus, his movements can be almost imperceptible.

The size of his current home allows him to be not very close to the walls of the uterus, so if he tightly folds his arms and legs and snuggles up comfortably, you can only feel slight swaying inside. In addition, the child can sleep soundly for several hours, gaining strength, especially if you move a lot.

If the mother is tired or very nervous, the baby may also become overtired and rest for a long time.

Active fetal movement

Keep in mind that too strong, frequent tremors the fetus, on the contrary, is not always good sign. They may be a sign that the baby is not getting enough oxygen. In such situations, expectant mothers are advised to take more walks and breathe fresh air.

Expectant mothers should always dress according to the weather (not get too cold or overheat). For ease of walking, it’s worth looking at Mom’s Store. It’s important that your back doesn’t hurt during long walks, so it’s time to buy one.

Too strong, sharp and painful jolts or rare, weak movements will be dangerous. They may indicate that the child is suffering from acute or chronic hypoxia.

The nature and frequency of movements changes when the amount of amniotic fluid changes. With oligohydramnios, the fetus moves noticeably more, and its movements can cause pain. With polyhydramnios, fetal motor activity may become barely noticeable.

If the fetus moves for a long time and very actively, even to the point of pain, it is necessary without delay to inform the doctor about this fact.

Important! By the third trimester, pain may develop in the area of ​​the liver and lower ribs; this is acceptable, since the fetus can rest its legs there.

Normal fetal movements

IN in this case the word “norm” speaks of average indicators, so you should not worry too much if at some point you were distracted and did not notice the next movements.

So, the fruit:

  • during the waking period in the mother's womb it constantly moves, it can freeze for a while if it is sleeping;
  • at 20 weeks of age, moves about 200 times a day;
  • at the age of 26 to 32 weeks, moves up to 600 times a day;
  • after 32 weeks of pregnancy, it reduces physical activity due to its size; they amount to up to 400 per day.

It is worth remembering that the expectant mother will not feel the vast majority of these movements, but she will feel the main shocks and movements.

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Good afternoon, for some it’s already evening or even morning! My special greetings to all pregnant readers, because today’s topic is again about them. Well, I love you, what can I do, that’s why I pay so much attention. I know how many worries, worries and questions expectant mothers sometimes have. I will answer one of them today. Many people ask: “When can you feel the fetus moving?” I’ll answer this: everything is purely individual.

Experienced mothers will confirm: the timing when they felt the first cherished push of a tiny hand or foot inside the tummy varies. Differences of a week or two from the norm of the appearance of the first movements are considered insignificant. But about the norm itself, and when you should start worrying if the baby “sits” too quietly, read on...

Early movements: are they possible?

During your first pregnancy, it seems that the little life inside is about to make itself known. Inexperienced girls already at 12 weeks are trying to catch some movements within themselves. And they succeed! Only it’s not the baby that’s moving, it’s being displaced due to the growing uterus. internal organs or accumulated gases make themselves felt. Understand that at such a short time the baby is still swimming inside the tummy like a fish, and you simply cannot feel his movements.

But when it becomes a little cramped for him, namely, from about 18 weeks of pregnancy, you yourself will understand. Either with his elbow, or with his head, or with his knee, he will “stretch” your belly in one direction or the other. It is generally accepted that a first-time mother should feel the first movements from 18 to 22 weeks. During the second pregnancy, the baby begins to move earlier - already from the 16th week.

Why do multiparous women feel movements earlier? Well, firstly, their abdominal wall is already quite stretched and more sensitive. And secondly, they already know what the baby’s first movements are like. By the way, many compare it with the “fluttering of a butterfly”, which only barely touches the walls of the abdomen with its “wings”.

During the third pregnancy, the baby moves at about 15 weeks, possibly a little earlier. It is believed that fat women They feel movements later than skinny ones. This is all due to the fact that the fat layer on the abdomen prevents you from clearly “hearing” the baby’s signals.

At how many weeks can you feel the baby’s obvious, strong kicks? In the second trimester, that is, from about 18 weeks, the baby’s movements are still quite chaotic. He has not yet taken a certain position and is “walking” in the amniotic fluid, so you will feel small tremors with different sides. Stronger movements, when you can already feel the protruding tiny knee or elbow with your palm, will begin in the 3rd trimester.

Don't hit me in the ribs, baby

At how many weeks does the baby finally settle into the stomach with its head down ( cephalic presentation), or up ( breech presentation) and no longer changes position? After 32 weeks, the baby will become clumsy, gain weight, and it will be more difficult for him to move. True, get ready for active attacks with your feet in the right hypochondrium (with cephalic presentation) or... in bladder(with pelvic).

Both are not pleasant, especially closer to childbirth. Personally, my 4-kilogram son immediately pushed me in the ribs and pressed him down with his head. I remember waking up at night because the child was bored and was playing “football” inside me, kicking my bones. And I constantly wanted to go to the toilet, my bladder was being disturbed. Almost always the urges were false, in a word, the baby was making fun of me. So get ready, moms.

Closer to childbirth, it’s not butterflies fluttering inside the belly, but small elephant foals pushing. In addition, children have a habit of hiccupping often after swallowing amniotic fluid. As I remember now: you are trying to sleep, you just close your eyes, and your belly begins to shake, as if with the first tremors of an earthquake. When I tell my son about this now, he laughs fervently. And then it wasn’t funny to me at all.

Before the birth itself, about two days later, a noticeable calm is felt. The baby no longer pushes, but freezes, as if at the “start” before a race, or rather an “escape”, which he is about to complete. Although some livelies, on the contrary, begin to move even more actively than before, warming up, so to speak.

Are you moving normally?

Many mothers wonder how much movement should be normal? This question is correct and very competent. The number of movements of the baby is an indicator of its normal functioning in the womb. Therefore, count it! From the very beginning, from the first tremors, that is, from 20 weeks to 26, the baby will not move often, or rather, you will not always notice his activity. He's still small for you.

From 26 to 28 weeks, the baby should move about 10 times every 2-3 hours. Gynecologists advise mothers to keep a calendar of movements, where they need to note how many times the fetus moves in two hours. If the baby “does not fulfill the norm”, but moves, for example, not 10, but 6-7 times per specified time, no need to worry.

When no movements are felt at all, you should change your body position, walk a little, eat something. It has been proven that after eating, the fetus noticeably perks up. You need to be wary if the “lull” lasts more than 6 hours: immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

The gynecologist will listen to the baby’s heart; it should beat at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute (read the topic “”). Even if the heart beats within normal limits, after listening you will have a CTG (cardiotocography) to determine whether the baby has

Calm is a sign of hypoxia

If it is discovered that the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen, the mother will be prescribed special medications to improve blood circulation and the supply of nutrients. CTG and Doppler measurements will be performed periodically again. Unfortunately, it happens that everything Taken measures do not help, and hypoxia begins to increase. Then an emergency birth is prescribed so that the baby does not suffocate. Will it be or natural childbirth, the gynecologist will decide.

To avoid this and bring the baby to due date If you have the slightest doubt, run to the doctor. Sometimes delay can be too costly. If the baby sits too quietly in the stomach or, on the contrary, “dances” around the clock, you should check if everything is in order!

Have an easy pregnancy and childbirth! Write in the comments at what time you felt the first movements of your children, describe what these sensations were like for you. And now I say goodbye to you for a while, see you soon!

The fetus is already beginning to move actively at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. But the expectant mother does not feel this yet, since the fetus is still too small and moves freely inside the uterus.

However, by the middle of pregnancy, its mass has already reached a significant size and the shocks against the walls of the uterus become noticeable to the mother. This usually happens at 18-23 weeks.

More often Women feel the first movements of the fetus during pregnancy in a calm state in the evenings, before bed.

Some compare this exciting moment to the fluttering of a butterfly or a swimming fish. Well, others describe their sensations more prosaically: it looks like gas passing through the intestines.

IN further baby He grows more and more, and his movements become more regular and noticeable to his mother. At 27-30 weeks they can already be heard and felt by placing a hand or ear on the tummy, future dad and other close relatives.

Often, it is from this moment that many parents begin to solemnly call the belly a child and actively communicate with it. After all, now the baby can respond to the sounds of voices and music with his movements.

May respond with a slight kick at the point of contact mother's hand to the stomach, and maybe shrink in fear if the hand is foreign and unfamiliar. Almost all belly-dwellers express their dissatisfaction with active kicks if the mother has taken an uncomfortable position for them.

This usually happens if a woman sits with her legs crossed, or lies on her back or stomach. In such positions, the access of oxygen to the fetus is limited and, naturally, he does not like it.

More often active movements fetal growth during pregnancy occurs during periods of maternal calm.

When a pregnant woman sits, lies, or tries to sleep, the baby often begins to “warm up.” And vice versa, when mommy moves and is busy with something, the baby, lulled by her movements, sleeps peacefully.

One to two weeks before giving birth Fetal movements noticeably decrease and this is normal. Baby taking desired position, begins to prepare for her first life test - childbirth.

During your first pregnancy

Women expecting their first child, as a rule, are more sensitive to any changes in their bodies associated with pregnancy. And they carefully “listen” to their tummy in anticipation of the first movements.

And they often begin to worry if they are absent by the 20th week. Especially if others are actively interested: how is the baby, is he pushing?

However, if the observing gynecologist claims that everything is in order: the baby is growing, the heartbeat is good, then there is no need to worry. For primiparous women the former may be the norm palpable movement fetus only by 23 weeks.

The reason may be:

  • woman's physique: thin mothers usually feel the movement of the fetus earlier than plump ones;
  • woman activity: if the expectant mother is always on the move and active, then she may simply not notice the movements (or take them for prestatic) as long as they are weak.

The following method can help you feel your baby. Drink a glass of milk or eat something tasty and lie quietly on your back, carefully “listening” to your tummy. After a hearty portion of food and in such a mother’s position, the baby usually makes itself known by moving.

The fetus grows very quickly and its movements will soon become clear and understandable to the mother and she will no longer confuse them with anything.

During the second pregnancy

Usually, a woman who has already given birth knows how fetal movements should feel, and her uterus is more elastic and sensitive. Therefore, during the second pregnancy, the first “movement” can be noticed at an earlier date. In some cases, as early as 14-15 weeks.

It is believed that a woman expecting her second child begins to feel his first movements on average two weeks earlier than she did with her firstborn.

During the third pregnancy

Many mothers of many children note that with each pregnancy they begin to feel the first “movement” earlier and earlier. For example, I felt my firstborn at 20 weeks, my second at 18, and my third at 15-16 weeks.
