Plastic bottle doll, box. Do-it-yourself doll from a plastic bottle: we disassemble the original version of the craft

Called a DIY Craft project, this awesome idea comes from Barcelona-based blogger doll designer Eva Monleon (Misako Mimoko). Not only is the plastic bottle doll itself a very beautiful and unusual toy, it also has one more unique feature: you can adjust the length of her hair yourself. Stylish doll can make any hairstyle, braid and decorate it, which will certainly please your children. In the humble opinion of the author of this article, at the moment this is the most outstanding craft that we were lucky to find and place on our website.

"I remember myself playing with one of these dolls (and my little pony toy too!). I loved them so much that I thought how wonderful it would be to make the doll have a stylish hairstyle of hair of all colors of the rainbow and especially a lot of fashionable pink.Other children loved combing her long colored hair, adjusting it, making it longer and shorter, using hairpins and elastic bands to create different fashionable hairstyles.

I hope you'll be as happy as I was creating and playing with this little sweetie doll!"

- from Eva Monleon's blog

So, how to make such a cute plastic bottle craft?

We will need the following materials:

Two transparent five-liter plastic bottles (bottle) with caps,

The rest of the colored yarn,

Paints and brushes (or spray paint),

Red felt (or a small piece of other dense red fabric),

Knife (office, for paper),


From optional:

Thermal gun (optional)

Electric drill or soldering iron (optional, for making large holes in plastic bottles).

We make a doll from plastic bottles.

1. Making the shoulders.

Using the photos as instructions, cut off the top of one of the bottles (cutting the bottle roughly down the middle). Then, at this upper part, we also cut off a neck with a lid. We get a blank that will be the "body" of the doll. We will then insert the neck of the second bottle into the hole of the first bottle, so you need to make sure that the hole is made the right size.

2. Making the head.

Now let's start creating the head of the doll. To do this, we need to take the second plastic bottle and make it shorter. You will need the top (it should be cut out large, as it will be the doll's face) and the bottom (it should be small, like a hat, since the doll's hair will be on it) parts of the bottle, that is, you need to take and remove the middle part, as shown in figure. The cover is removed from the top. You can, of course, leave the second bottle whole, but most likely it will be too huge for the head.

Check if the two pieces fit together well. Put them together and make sure they will hold tight.

3. Coloring and creating a face.

Now we need to color our blanks for crafts. You need to paint from the inside. There is no need to be afraid to paint somehow unevenly, on the contrary, distinguishable brush strokes create a unique image of the doll. It is best to paint plastic bottles with acrylic paint, but you can also use spray paints, which are convenient to use.

For the body of the doll, blue is chosen (you can choose another), and for the head - a calm yellow-sand.

We draw your attention to the fact that the paints must dry well before we proceed to the next step.

When the blanks dry out, it will be necessary to glue together the body (shoulders) of the doll and part of the head (face).

Next, we proceed to create the face of the doll. First you need to take the two covers we have and glue them where the doll will have eyes. Then you need to color them, as in the photo, adding eyelashes on top of the eyes with a marker. The nose (circle) and smiling mouth are cut out of red felt (or any other dense fabric) and also glued to the face with glue. However, you can simply paint them on with a marker or red nail polish.

4. Add hair.

The doll's hair will be positioned as shown in the photo. First, we attach the hair to the back of the "face" of the doll. We mark the head from the inside with a marker and pierce holes with a sharp awl. You can heat the awl over a candle or gas burner to make it easier to pierce and make holes more accurate. You can also make holes with a thin electric drill or with a small soldering iron. The closer the holes are to each other, the thicker the doll's hair will be, and the wider the holes are, the more threads can be placed in each of them. However, it is better to stick to the golden mean.

Now the most interesting and time-consuming part of the work begins - creating hair from yarn!

We cut three strands of yarn of the desired length. We thread them into the needle, tying a knot on the other side and fasten the doll on the head, starting from the bottom of the head. Each hole is filled with several tufts of hair. For the doll from this master class, it took 5-6 beams for each hole. You can also thread the doll's hair in large buns through wide holes using tape. We do not fill the junction of the two parts of the head with hair (that is, we retreat from the upper border by about one centimeter).

5. The top of the head and bangs.

After the main part of the doll's head is finished, the face is drawn, and the beautiful colored hair is already fixed at the back, you can proceed to the top part. There are two nuances here. Firstly, it is better to make holes smaller and more often (they look better), and secondly, you need to mark with a marker where you will need to make a bang. Bangs are made from shorter threads. The rest of the threads are long. Start attaching hair from the borders of the upper part of the workpiece to the center.

Natalia Kafanova

For work we need:

1. Plastic bottles of various configurations, the appearance of the doll depends on the configuration of the bottle;

2. Sculptural clay;


1. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle;

2. We cover the lid with a pancake from sculptural plasticine (it is better to warm it up on batteries first, it will become softer and easier to sculpt);

3. We roll out a large pancake and wrap a bottle in it;

4. We stretch the plasticine evenly over the bottle, thereby fixing it to the bottle;

5. We make a ball out of plasticine and fix it on the covers (this will be the head of the doll);

6. We roll a sausage from sculptural plasticine (these will be hands);

7. We attach the sausage to the lid;

8. To make a hairstyle for a doll, we roll thin sausages of various lengths, depending on the choice of hairstyle;

9. We put the sausages on the head of the doll and create a hairstyle that fits the meaning;

10. Sprinkle the doll evenly with flour, gently sweep the doll with a soft brush;

11. We select a color palette for painting the doll with gouache for various types of painting (Dymkava, Filimonov, Gzhel, etc. or in a free style).

I wish you creative success!

P.S. Get the kids involved, they love it. This develops fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, instills in children a love for Russian folk crafts and culture.

Thank you for your attention!

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Dear colleagues! Many of us probably had to invent and make various manuals and devices for.

Sewing a doll from nylon tights and a plastic bottle is absolutely easy, especially since you can always find all the basic materials at home. This process of creating a unique toy is very simple and exciting. It will be possible for almost every needlewoman who loves to create exclusive things with her own hands. You won't need much time and effort. Just the desire is enough.

Dolls are products familiar to mankind from time immemorial.. From time immemorial, people have been creating these toys for their children. Now you can make with your own hands not only an interesting toy, but also a doll that will become an amazing piece of furniture, an excellent addition to it, providing warmth and comfort in the house.

Today we offer you an interesting idea - sewing a doll from nylon tights and a plastic bottle, which are easy to find in every home. After reviewing the material, you yourself will see that it will be absolutely easy to create it.

To work on the product, we need to prepare tools and all the necessary materials.

  • Old nylon tights (it is better to take flesh-colored tights).
  • Plastic bottle.
  • Wire with cutters.
  • Scissors (sharp).
  • Sintepon to wrap the bottle.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Eyes for dolls (you can cut from any old toy or buy new ones in specialized stores, you can also make them yourself, but it will take more time).
  • Pieces of material for the clothes of the future doll.

First we need to make a frame, for which we need a bottle. In it, we need to cut the bottom.

After we cut the bottle, we need to wrap it with padding polyester. We fix the synthetic winterizer with a thread. To do this, we need to make simple stitches.

We will put on a nylon stocking on the prepared frame. Remember that its length should be twice as long as the length of the frame.

After we have prepared the base, we need to make our doll's face. First of all, we take a small sintepon ball and insert it inside. From it we will model the nose.

Now we need to tie the top of the tights. We take a needle and thread and proceed to the formation of the bridge of the nose. To make it, we need to pass the needle parallel to the surface on which the frame stands, stretch the thread and pull it slightly, as shown in the photo.

Then we drag the needle and thread from top to bottom on both sides of our nose so that we get nostrils. See photo.

In order for wings to form at the nose, we need to pass the needle and thread through the holes for the nostrils made earlier. Only in this case it is necessary to tighten the thread.

Now we definitely need to make our doll's forehead, cheeks, mouth. To do this, we need to add more pieces of synthetic winterizer under the nylon on the forehead, in the chin area and on both sides of the resulting nose for the cheeks.

Using a needle and thread, we make a strip for the mouth.

Using the same needle, we tighten the lips of the doll.

With the help of a tightening, as shown in the photographs, we model the cheeks, as well as the chin of our future doll.

After that, above the cheeks, we need to glue the eyes. With the help of the same tightening, we will form the eyebrows and bring them together in the region of the bridge of the nose.

In order for the doll's face to have a finished look, we definitely need to paint on her lips, cheeks and draw eyebrows. It turned out to be a very nice lady.

In order for our doll to be neat and beautiful, it is necessary to arrange it correctly. We will hide the bottom edge of the tights inside the plastic bottle. We carefully tighten the upper edge with threads, sew it and also hide it in the neck of the bottle.

The doll needs a haircut. We can make it from woolen threads or go the easier way - buy a wig-hairstyle in a specialized store and fix it on your head.

Now our lady needs to make hands. Wire will come to the rescue. We cut it into ten identical short segments and make two more segments long.

We need to bend the ends of long wire segments in such a way that loops form. We bend the ends of the short segments into a loop only on one side.

We take a synthetic winterizer and cut it into strips, the width of which is one centimeter. After that, we wrap each individual piece of wire as shown in the photo.

We need to model the doll's handle. On a large piece of wire, we will fix four small ones with a loop and wrap it with a padding polyester now and the palm resulting from these actions.

A little below the ring, we will fix the fifth piece of wire and we will have a “thumb”. Then we will continue to wrap the entire arm of the doll, only we will use wider padding strips for this.

We stretch a capron (square piece) on the palm of our hand and twist it with a jig. We need to flash the fingers of the hand twice.

We need to wrap the rest of the limb in nylon, pull it and sew it to the brush. We cut off unnecessary parts of the material.

We will need to perform exactly the same actions to make the second hand.

Now it remains for us to sew hands to the doll itself, its torso, and create an outfit for it. To make an outfit, you can take absolutely any material, make accessories and a headdress. It all depends on how much your imagination and your patience will last.

Having dressed the doll, we can use it for its intended purpose - to decorate the interior of any room with it.

Svetlana Kokina presents us her new creation - DOLLS ON PLASTIC BOTTLES. These dolls are extraordinary. They resemble dolls made from nylon tights, but the process of making them is much simpler, and the material that Svetlana used is, well, quite unusual. For work, she needed: plastic bottles of 1.5 liters. — 2 pcs. (head and torso), disposable forks (handles), as well as yarn (hair), nylon tights (leather on the face and hands), eyes, bought in the store, felt-tip pens, lipstick, as well as fabric for clothes, braid, jewelry (beads).
Let's open with you the secret of making such unusual dolls, which Svetlana Kokina shared with pleasure.

So, let's take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters, for this bottle the upper part goes, as it were, with a pinch, just such a bottle is suitable for us for work. We cut off the bottom. The recess that was mentioned above will be the neck of our future doll.
We begin to form the head and upper body. To do this, we wrap the prepared bottle with padding polyester, put capron on it (the open edge of which is located on the side of the neck of the bottle).
We tighten the neck with a rope, thereby separating parts of the body - this is the head and torso of the doll. We make additional balls from the synthetic winterizer of the required size for the nose, neck, chin, forehead. Carefully insert the balls through the upper open part of the nylon and use a needle and thread to form parts of the face, pulling the volume of the nose, neck, chin, forehead.
Svetlana calls this method "THE LOADING". When the main parts of the face are ready, we sew up the capron. The seam is obtained in place of the neck of the bottle. It needs to be closed for this we are doing a haircut. From the threads we form a "flower bed" around the neck, fix it, cut the bangs. We glue the eyes, draw lips with lipstick and brown the cheeks, draw eyebrows with a marker. Consider that you have coped with the main task. You have a look, character and, if you want, the type of doll. Now let's move on to the handles. To do this, take disposable forks, we will also cover them with synthetic winterizer and nylon. Sew between the teeth, gently forming fingers. We will make the fifth finger using the “LOCKING” method. Our handles are almost ready, it remains to attach them to the torso. In order for us to have them movable, we cut the fork in half (the cut edge will be the elbow), we make the upper part of the handle soft and sew it ready just below the neck.
Most of the work has been done. Now you need to connect the top of the doll with the bottom. To do this, we need a second bottle of 1.5 liters. We insert one bottle into another and our doll immediately grows before our eyes.
And now you can play fashion designer. We will dress our doll. Now your imagination will have no limits. Svetlana has done this very well. used white and printed chintz, braid for decoration

Creating interesting and useful DIY crafts is a great hobby and a way to calm your nerves. Hard work improves fine motor skills, develops attentiveness and perseverance.

In addition, this is a great way to spend time with a child: a common cause unites, opens up additional opportunities for communication, and the result sets in a positive way, inspires confidence in one's own strengths and capabilities.

Products made from plastic bottles are good because materials are found in abundance in every home, durable and unpretentious crafts can decorate a garden or balcony, they can be presented as a gift to relatives and friends. Today we will make a doll from a plastic bottle.

The doll is one of the most popular handmade motifs. A reduced copy of a person is capable of conveying various emotions, if you are making a gift doll, then give it the features of a friend, he or she will surely be pleased and amused by such a resemblance. The master class is not difficult, so we suggest getting started.

Video: how to make a doll from a plastic bottle with your own hands

doll box

This craft option is suitable for those who want to make not just a toy or decoration, but also a useful thing in the household. For the upper part you will need an old doll, you can take Barbie, a plastic bottle will serve as a storage container. For decoration you will need lace, chiffon stripes, satin ribbons 3 and 1 cm, a couple of cosmetic disks. We fix it all with glue, if you have a special gun - great.

We start by cutting off the neck of the bottle, and then the top. It turns out a kind of plastic skirt. From the same bottle we will cut off the bottom, it will come in handy for the box. Now we need to cut off the lower part of the doll, we will need the upper torso with the head and arms. Glue Barbie to the top of the bottle. In order for the box to be beautiful not only on the outside, we make an elegant interior upholstery. Sponges will serve as a soft layer, and chiffon will serve as a top layer. If not, a small piece of satin will do. We glue the lining. Having issued the halves of the box, we connect them with a thin strip of matter. Now our box is open. It remains to draw the outside.

We sew lace on a satin ribbon, make an assembly. This is the first layer of the fluffy dress. Sew the frill to the box. Layers must be done so that the entire box is closed. Don't forget to drape the doll's torso. To give the craft a special charm - create an elegant hat. We collect the lace in a circle, sew the ribbon and make the assembly. Now we glue the two parts, you can add a bow. This doll-box will be a great present. Especially it will appeal to young girls who can lay down all their jewelry.

collectible doll

If the previous version of the craft had a practical purpose, now we propose to create a doll with our own hands, which can become a worthy exhibit of any home collection. In the design of the costume and face painting, all your imagination is manifested, a creative approach is realized not only to this toy, but to life in general.

You will need a minimum of materials: a plastic bottle of any shape (it is better to use small ones), ribbons, lace ribbons and other fabrics if desired, yarn and fur, as well as a wooden spoon and paints.

We create a puppet outfit, for which we wrap the bottle with ribbons and ribbons. Let it be a small fashion masterpiece. The spoon will serve as a face for our crafts, paint it with acrylic paints, give it a personality. Hair is also not difficult to make: glue yarn or fur of the desired color to the spoon. It remains only to insert the spoon into the bottle neck and secure it well.

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