New Year's Advent calendar for children (with tasks). Advent calendar - "A do-it-yourself advent calendar, Santa Claus mail and many diverse ideas for a fun New Year's Eve." Homemade calendars waiting for the new year

About the calendar

How to play with the calendar

With a question from Santa Claus;
- with the answer of his interlocutor;

- a useful item - to the beast, ...

Read completely

About the calendar
This bright poster calendar will decorate the last ten days of waiting for the New Year. Work is in full swing on the magic tree - the animals have forgotten about hibernation and are preparing for the holiday. Badgers are wrapping gifts, a hedgehog is sending postcards, owls are baking a gingerbread house... Pre-holiday bustle!

And only Santa Claus wanders in confusion through the forest - he lost his hat, and without it, the holiday is not a joy. Help grandfather to find the loss, and help the animals to have fun in the coming year!

When Santa Claus climbs to the top of the tree and finds a hat, the New Year will come. May it be cheerful and joyful!

How to play with the calendar
Start the game on December 22nd. The starting point is Santa Claus, who decided to find out if the worm had seen his hat. The interlocutor will tell you where to go next.

Stick five stickers on the poster every day:

With a question from Santa Claus;
- with the answer of his interlocutor;
- grandfather figurine - to the animal on the next tier;
- a useful item - to the beast that asks for help;
- decoration - on the Christmas tree at the very top of the poster.

Go up one tier a day.

On the tenth tier, find the missing person and celebrate the New Year!

Calendar Chips
A gigantic calendar - 760x560 mm, almost like drawing paper!
A fascinating quest will turn the decade on the eve of the New Year into a real holiday.
A great gift for a child before the New Year.

Who is this calendar for?
For children 4-6 years old who are looking forward to the New Year.

about the author
Asya Vanyakina - author of the book "Advent calendar" How Santa Claus was looking for a hat ""
Asya Vanyakina is a famous blogger and a very creative mother of a beautiful boy, Osya, who found her calling in creating wonderful games for children. For several years, the curious mother Asya came up with a couple of hundred entertaining activities and games for her son, which she described in the book "Iceberg on the Carpet, or What to Play with a Child?".

The book contains a variety of games for children from 1.5 to 5 years old. Here are the games "Dinosaur Eggs", and "Starch Snow", and "Funicular Game", "City of Letters", "Web in the Doorway". For example, you can pour water into an ordinary balloon, put a toy dinosaur in it and freeze the whole structure in the freezer. When the ice hardens, you get a real ice egg with a dinosaur inside.

Asya learned from the simplest things to come up with interesting ideas for games with children that will interest any child. With paints and letters, ice, snow, games based on your favorite books, cartoons. The creation of each game is accompanied by a detailed master class with photos and tips. Your child will definitely not be bored!


Anticipation of the holiday can be no less exciting and joyful than the celebration itself. The fashion for creating advent calendars came relatively recently, along with other overseas traditions. The Advent calendar clearly shows how many days are left until the main winter holiday - Christmas, but these days it is more often done with indication of the days of December, i.e. counts down the days until the new year.

The main task of such crafts is to create a New Year's mood and decorate the interior. By the way, it will do a good job if you teach your child numbers and navigate the calendar.

You can create an unusual interior decor using a slate board. Draw numbers on it with chalk, pull the ropes under them, on which you fasten the Christmas decorations with clothespins. Complete the entourage with a garland or. The magical island of the holiday is ready!

Try making a calendar out of colorful paper cups with numbers. Every day you can leave unexpected “pleasures” for the household in them: sweets, funny notes, etc.

A great idea is to count down the days left until the holiday with the help of linen bags with numbers, you can also put small pleasant surprises in them. The photo shows both ideas in two versions.

Make it reminiscent of Christmas trees and glue a number on each. Inside you can put sweets or small gifts for children.

If there is one in the house, decorate it on top with multi-colored "coins" made of felt, with day numbers.

The calendar in the form of sweets looks beautiful and appetizing. They can be made from fabric or bright wrapping paper, reinforced inside with a cardboard frame.

But the product in the form of a garland of flags.

An interesting gift for kids is a calendar with (they will be an excellent decoration and educational material).

If you have plastic glasses with lids in your arsenal, wrap them in foil, stick the dates of the holiday month and place them in a pyramid.

If you cut out boots from red thick paper, glue white fur, eyelets and draw numbers on top, you will get a great Santa-style craft.

An edible advent calendar can be made with cookies garnished with icing or marzipan.

All the ideas presented in the photo are bright and outstanding, choose the one that you like best and start implementing it!

As soon as I learned about such an interesting tradition as the advent calendar, I immediately wanted to try to introduce this custom in our family. True, last year I was a little worried that my daughter, at her 2 years old, might not understand the whole essence of the tradition or would be too “tired of waiting” for the holiday with such advance preparation. But, as it turned out, all the experiences were in vain, the daughter was delighted with such an interesting preparation for the holiday and the surprises that awaited her every day in the advent calendar. Therefore, this year the miracle calendar will again decorate our pre-holiday days.

After all, the sweetest thing about any holiday is the anticipation of the holiday. And together with the New Year's Advent calendar, waiting is much more fun. Thanks to him, a festive atmosphere in the house will reign long before the New Year. In addition, it will help to better acquaint the child with the holiday, to involve in an interesting creative process. The advent calendar tells the child every day what interesting events await him today, what surprises and tasks Santa Claus has prepared for him on this day.

In this article, I want to talk about how you can design a New Year's Advent calendar, what tasks and gifts you can include in it. When my daughter was 2 years old, our advent calendar was calculated only for the last 10 days of the outgoing year. It seems to me that for this age this is the most optimal duration. This year, I plan to start early and stretch the pleasure for 20 days already.

Making an advent calendar

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of different ideas for decorating a calendar with your own hands. Basically, advent calendars make sure that for each day of waiting there is a small container in which you can put a small surprise for the child. The container can be pockets, and drawers, and socks, and jars, and cardboard houses, etc. If the gift does not fit in the box, you can put a note "Look for a gift under the pillow" or attach a photo of the place where the gift is hiding. All containers are affixed with numbers that correspond to the number of days left until the holiday.

Option 1

This year our advent calendar is a small town of cardboard houses. These are mostly small one-story houses, but there are also two-story and even three-story buildings. To make small houses, I used templates found on the Internet, for a change I used different ones, here are the ones that I liked the most: pattern 1, template 2, pattern 3. I deliberately cut the bottoms on all the templates, otherwise how can I get gifts from the houses if they are airtight? (Just in case, here the same patterns with bottoms). Layouts are printed on A3 or A4 color cardboard, cut out, glued with PVA glue and you're done!

I made two- and three-story buildings according to the logic of template 2, only changed the size of the roof and walls. Also inside the two-story houses there are transverse cardboard partitions so that a gift from the 1st floor does not interfere with a gift from the 2nd floor

Option 2

Last year our advent calendar consisted of 10 cylinder gnomes. Generally speaking, Santa Clauses were originally conceived, but the daughter found them more like gnomes, and I agree with her.

I will briefly talk about the process of making such gnomes (Santa Claus). The cylinder is made of A4 color cardboard, it is fixed at the back with adhesive tape and a stapler. At the bottom, the bottom is also made of cardboard and fixed with a stapler. It is not difficult to make a gnome's face - for this you need only colored paper, cotton wool and PVA glue. Well, on top, instead of a hat - the usual sock of an adult. Preferably bright, multi-colored and not too narrow, because. from sheet A4, cylinders are obtained with a rather large diameter. On the side we sign a number indicating the number of days left until the New Year.

Option 3

Here is our 2017 calendar. This is again a town but with significant changes. You can read more about it.

Tasks for the New Year's advent calendar

I put all the tasks in the advent calendar in the form of short notes. While my daughter couldn’t read and we only made laconic notes with large block letters, we read the assignments together. Now that he is already reading well, the size of the note can not be limited to 2-3 words . In general, you can still try to designate tasks in the form of pictures.

Also, every day, all the necessary props are put into the advent calendar or next to them to complete the task.

So the job options are:

  • Decorate a Christmas tree

  • Decorate your home for the holidays , for example: and other decorations, hang tinsel, decorate windows and mirrors with snowflakes, etc. We love decorating mirrors with these ready-made glass sticker sets.

  • cook together or .

  • Write a letter to Santa Claus. Just because your little one can't write yet doesn't mean you can't do without this fun activity. First, if the baby already knows the letters, you can try to make words together from the letters or syllables you have prepared in advance. If the letters have not yet been met, or there is no desire to play with them, you can compose a letter from pictures.

Sooner or later, almost every family thinks about the calendar-waiting for the holiday. Young children are not yet very aware of the time, so by receiving boxes of sweets and New Year's tasks for 30 days, they can better imagine how much time is left until. The problem is usually that parents remember the calendar too late, when there is very little time and energy to prepare surprises. In December, everyone is already buying gifts and finishing things. That is why we propose to start New Year's preparations well in advance and publish 31 task ideas for the New Year's calendar of expectations.

3 life hacks for those planning a New Year's Eve marathon

1. Take a good look at the to-do list before you start making the calendar and buy everything you need: little surprises for the kids, decorations, glitter and glue.

2. Don't try to make a calendar in 1 day. By the 25th task, you will get tired of gluing boxes or signing task sheets and practically hate the idea. Act without haste.

3. Do not do 30 tasks for children under 5 years old: they lose interest in such a calendar as early as the second week. 10 days are enough for kids so that the expectation of the holiday does not lose its charm.

30 tasks for the New Year calendar that will make the expectation of the holiday joyful

1. Write a letter to Santa Claus
Ideally, this task should be the first one so that the parents have time to buy the gifts ordered by the child. By the way, on there is a useful article on this topic “Writing a letter to Santa Claus: instructions for mothers and babies.”

Would need: envelope, colored paper, felt-tip pens, glue, glitter.

2. Learn about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries : about the names of Finnish, French, American, Spanish and other Santa Clauses, and how people celebrate the holiday. Prepare yourself, read the article "How the New Year is celebrated in different countries."

Would need: a selection of videos, cartoons, books on the topic (for example, the Book of New Year and Christmas from Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

3. Make your own hands snowflakes, Christmas decorations, garlands and decorate the house with them
This is where our tutorials and photo galleries with ideas can come in handy:
10 ways to make a garland
Snowflake cutting instructions
3d snowflake
DIY Christmas decorations
Christmas decorations with their own hands. Part II

Would need: colored and white paper, glue, decorations for crafts.

4. Start learning New Year's poems and songs
Focus on the age of the child and pick up verses that he can remember and love. Do not rush the baby: from New Year's songs, the child should receive positive emotions, not stress.

Would need: A selection of poems and musical compositions to start the day with. Here's a cheat sheet from
New Year's poems
15 main children's New Year's songs

5. Watch cartoons and family films about New Year and Christmas
An excellent occasion to show children the old cartoons "The Night Before Christmas", "The Snowman-Mailman" and others.

Would need: Internet access and a pre-designed list. Clue:
New Year in cartoons
Review of New Year's films for family viewing

6. Make a bird feeder

Would need: milk or juice cartons, paints or indelible markers, scissors, string, glue.

7. Go to the New Year's Fair or the most elegant New Year's Eve square in the city

8. Make a snowman , paint it with watercolors or dress it in a pre-tailored suit that you don’t mind leaving in the yard after a walk.

Would need: a hat and scarf for a snowman, a carrot, paints, brushes, a bottle of water and a glass.

9. Sign and send New Year's cards to friends and family in advance
Even if close people live in the same city as you, they will be pleased to receive a congratulation signed by a child's hand by mail.

Would need: find out the exact addresses of recipients in advance and buy a set of postcards with stamps.

10. Make an ice Christmas tree decoration and hang it from a tree or bush in your yard
Freeze a glass of water in the refrigerator, in which to place jewelry and a small piece of wire, for which you can hang a toy.

Would need: plastic cups, paints, tinsel or other decorations, a coil of rope or wire.

11. Release soap bubbles in the cold
Not all children think of trying to do this in the winter. Believe me, in winter they will have a lot of discoveries when blowing bubbles in the cold!

Would need: bottle of soap bubbles.

12. Bake Christmas cookies
Perfect weekend fun for the whole family. Children love to cut out dough figures and spend time in the kitchen with their parents.

Would need: good Christmas cookie recipe. For example:
We bake stars for the Christmas tree
Ideas for Christmas cookies and other sweets
Decorate Christmas cookies

13. Do a good deed and help someone in need
Did you see an ad that an animal shelter needs food? Grandma at the crossing does not dare to cross the road? A friend got a sore throat? You and your child have a great chance to do a good deed!

14. Wrap gifts
Do not leave this lesson for the last 2 weeks of the outgoing year: you still won’t have time. Take a look at some interesting ideas in our selection right now:
How to pack gifts: ideas for the New Year

Would need: kraft bags, kraft paper, packaging themed paper, glitter, adhesive tape, ribbons.

15. Make a small Christmas tree from non-traditional materials: painted pasta, napkins, wire, etc.

Would need: anything - depends on your idea. By the way, get inspired by our amazing photo gallery: What are Christmas trees made of?

16. Design, make and color Christmas decorations from salt dough or homemade clay

Would need: salt dough or clay recipes:
Salt dough crafts
New Year's toys from homemade clay

17. Make snow-covered tree branches

Would need: 2-3 tree branches, salt, glass jar or vase

18. Paint the candle with acrylics
Or make a candlestick:
Glass jar candlestick
Candle in lemon

Would need: depends on the chosen idea.

19. Recall and draw or write down the most interesting events of the outgoing year
This is a great way to teach your child to take stock of the year.

Would need: sheet, notebook, pen, felt-tip pens.

20. Blind from ordinary or hardened plasticine the symbol of the year, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Would need: plasticine or dough for modeling.

21. Make a sweet Christmas tree with your child
The main thing is not to eat it all at once! Step by step instructions from

Would need: Cardboard, scissors, glue / "liquid nails", candy wrappers (preferably paper ones), paints, brushes

22. Decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family, after purchasing the missing garlands or toys

Would need: Christmas tree, decorations, garlands, Christmas decorations.

23. Come up with and rehearse a New Year's performance that will be nice to show grandparents on the first days of vacation

Would need: scenario.

24. Watch filmstrips or arrange a shadow theater by cutting out fairy-tale characters from paper and inventing a New Year's story

Would need: projector for filmstrips, fairy tale plot, colored paper, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.

25. Go ice skating or skiing with the whole family
Or arrange fun winter games on the street.

26. Invite friends to your New Year's Eve party
Many kids are away on vacation, so meeting up and playing at home before the holidays is a great idea.

27. Learn to draw the main characters of the holiday - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Would need: our instruction:
How to draw a Snow Maiden
How to draw Santa Claus

28. Prepare handmade gifts for teachers or caregivers

Would need: anything that is commonly used for crafts.

29. Come up with little surprises for your favorite friends from kindergarten or school

30. Decorate your entryway and floor
Just do not forget to remove all snowflakes, garlands and balls afterwards!

Would need: Christmas decorations: toys, garlands, etc.

31. Arrange a family photo shoot
If possible, in a studio with a themed decor, if not, then invite friends and arrange a home shoot!

Would need: camera and good mood.

Anna Shumovskaya

Good day to all who visit!

A little more than a month remains before the New Year, and some mothers are already thinking about preparing the holiday. More precisely, I think everyone thinks about the holiday itself, but it is among young mothers (and not very young ones, that's me about myself) that in recent years there has been a tendency to arrange also advents, that is, to organize not only the holiday itself-gifts-treats, but also "centralized" preparation for it. What is advent calendar and where did he come from?

advent calendar(Adventskalender) is a special calendar in European countries showing the time remaining until Christmas.
By tradition, this is a postcard or a cardboard house with opening windows, where each cell contains a candy, a note with wishes (in religious families - with excerpts from Scripture) or small gifts. Calendars also come in the form of bags, sachets, handbags or bundles hung on a ribbon. The Advent calendar consists of 24 days, counting from December 1 to December 24, when Christmas is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar used by the Catholic Church.

Since we celebrate the New Year more, Advent stretches for 31 days.

In principle, I already talked about something about Advent last December, in a review of the Cute`n Clever Calendar, which made it easier for us to hold Advent and gave me a lot of ideas, but, in fact, everything was much more extensive.

I'll tell you my opinion right now. On the one hand, ready-made versions of advent calendars simplify the task for mothers, but at the same time they drive them into certain limits. Sometimes it is difficult and even impossible to complete a specific task from Advent on a certain day, you have to invent, replace, transfer something. Inventing everything on your own, you will have more options for maneuvers, if anything (it didn’t snow, frost hit, or vice versa, it’s pouring rain, the child is sick, not on the day of the week, etc.). The choice is yours. I am leaning towards a more independent option, especially since you can find a lot of non-banal ideas on the Internet.

Right now, I myself am starting to search for options for tasks for the future Advent 2019 (as usual, at the last moment), and I will share with you the ideas that we were able to implement last year, waiting for the onset of 2018.

And yes, I want to say thank you again for the review on the advent of the author PokaDetkaSpit, it was she who finally inspired me last year!

Initial data: Vika was 3 years and 4 months old, she doesn't go to kindergarten. We lived at that time in my mother's apartment (this is to rather cramped conditions).

Duration: 31 days, from 1 to 31 December. Again, comment. There were doubts whether it was worth starting at once for the whole of December, whether my imagination and strength would be enough, whether the interest and patience of the child would be enough. What is the result? In general, we did it! Yes, there were a couple of failed assignments that I rushed through and ended up having to do them myself. There were repetitions, but here it was precisely because, on the contrary, I really liked something, and my daughter constantly asked, “Will Santa Claus send another such task?”. Well, He is kind, he sent.

I really liked the idea of ​​​​creating entire New Year's villages on windowsills or in other places, with snow, houses, snowmen ... But I could not realize this just because of the lack of free space. We are not upset, we are trying to implement this year!

In the end we had this concept: receiving letters from Santa Claus, with various creative tasks, family activities. Fulfilling them, we bring the New Year closer.

Two methods were chosen as the reference system.

Firstly, the past day, after completing the task in the late afternoon, crossed out on the usual calendar for December with a cross.

Secondly, for each completed task, Vika received a “treasure” from Grandfather Frost (in the form of a pebble from the Fix Price store), which was thrown into the most unexpected place, but so that it caught the eye for sure. Naturally, at the end exactly 31 treasures were put into the box.

I will make a reservation that there were a couple of times, when for various reasons we did not have time to complete the task of Grandfather Frost, then we received the pebble the next day. The daughter was not upset, because she already knew that everything would happen later, Frost would not deceive)

About more big incentives during December Advent. They were, but not every day. Although Grandfather decently gave me such nonsense gifts at the expense of my wallet. These were chocolate Kinders, paints or Play doh jars, coloring books or small magazines with assignments, stickers, ready-made applications, inexpensive toys from the same FP store, New Year's books.

The daughter reacted calmly to the presence / absence of a gift on one or another day.

At the start of Advent December 1 there was just a ready-made calendar, and this is Lotto about the seasons (it seemed to me quite appropriate and symbolic).

By the way, as I already wrote in a review of the finished calendar, at first none of my relatives particularly shared my idea. Mom sighed that the child would get tired of all this long before the New Year. Not to mention the fact that “not ours” is a tradition ... The husband did not actively object (his forces go to fight the idea of ​​Halloween), but he did not particularly support either. But after a while, everyone joined! Both my mother and husband began to help DM buy small gifts, print out the necessary materials, and somehow we all together helped Vika make an application from glue and various cereals, covering the whole kitchen together)

If someone doubted the success of the idea, then everything became quite clear to me in the spring ... Some time after the noisy holiday, my daughter herself began to constantly remember the New Year and even more previous classes, asking if the New Year was coming again, what holiday was still you can “wait”, and this is how I got the idea to arrange a summer pre-birthday Advent, but that’s a completely different story ... Although, I note that in summer Advent (her birthday is in August) we had riddles for every day, And now I also want to pick up winter ones.

So, I’ll try to remember from the photos what exactly we did for 31 days)! And how it all went.

On the first day, my daughter received the most detailed letter, Grandfather asked for help and speed up the holiday. I printed the first few letters on the printer. Then my mother found old Soviet New Year cards, and the tasks were simply written on them with colored felt-tip pens. We have this whole package now. When we ran out of suitable postcards, we switched back to the printer. Together with the letters, they left blank assignments if necessary: ​​coloring pages, templates.

December 2 (I realized that it is more convenient to leave letters not just anywhere, but in a special mailbox) and the task was to build this same box together with my parents. The usual cardboard box from the parcel, packing shiny paper, colored tapes and stickers with puppies from Fix Price were used.

There was another application made of plasticine, a Christmas tree.

From plasticine (Play doh) we sculpted snowmen.

There was also a task that played with the symbol of the year - to make treats from play do for the dogs.

Coloring pages on the New Year theme. I printed the blanks on a printer, the note indicated what to paint: finger paints, gouache or watercolor (several times).

Two applications from cereals, also on printed blanks (one of them is a puppy - as a symbol of the year).

Drawing with a glass of multi-colored soap bubbles.

Application "bunny" from cotton pads.

The emerging picture. I drew a snowman in advance on half a leaflet with white wax crayon, my daughter had to paint over the entire sheet with watercolors and see what would appear.

I would call all these listed tasks “medium” because of their interest. Of these, I liked cereals more, but my daughter does not really like drawing.

Now I'll tell you about the tasks that I didn't like at all. This is to glue a chain of colored paper and cut out snowflakes. Maybe it affected that at that time my daughter was not very friendly with scissors, only then they began to train more to cut ... But I liked to cut the snowflakes myself instead of Vika, she led)

In order to somehow smooth this out, after some time closer to NG, Santa Claus left us a pack of ready-made shiny snowflakes from their FP, with which we just needed to decorate the apartment.

They also made Christmas decorations from self-adhesive paper, I cut and glued it, and my daughter decorated it.

And now let's move on to the tasks that caused complete delight. They are associated with ice.

Two or three times (repeat just at the request of my daughter) we rescued dinosaurs from the ice captivity that fell into the freezer and were frozen there in a block of ice (apparently, since the Ice Age). They melted ice, pouring hot water from a spoon, helping with salt (the development of fine motor skills is going very well here).

On the last day, the 31st, I simply froze the last of the treasure pebbles in water, which were previously located in other places after completing the task, but I knew that there would be little time, since we were going to visit.

Yes, on the 30th we decorated the Christmas tree itself. This was also a task.

And I almost forgot to note that on one of the first days we wrote a letter to Santa Claus about a gift. The letterhead and the envelope were bought by my mother in a bookstore.

Returning to the ice theme. The second hit was painting with paints on ice, I also really liked it, I also repeated it. Everything is simple here, just freeze the water in advance in the form, give it to the child, and periodically rinse the ice in the process so that you can draw several times, not forgetting to take a picture of the resulting beauty)

Isn't ice beautiful?

And there was also drawing with colorful ice cubes on sticks. But it didn’t work out very well here, perhaps I added a little paint to each cube, the ice painted a little pale ... (who did this, tell me in the comments how it went for you?). But then we cheerfully mixed the remains of multi-colored ice cubes in a glass (well, mixing colors is generally our trick)).

Another fun field experiment is painting snow with colorful water from ... no, not cans, but from bottles of hydrolates. The first attempt ended pretty quickly, we got into a snowstorm in the park, and the second time I matched my husband’s schedule and the right weather, and we managed to make such a creepy traffic light snowman)) all gloves (but you understand that you have never regretted it!))

I really liked the making of ice toys and hanging them on the street (they were made in FP ice cream molds, they resemble icicles in shape, supplementing with dry thuja branches, shiny foil).

And of course, a colorful ice garland! Here I give practical advice: pre-assemble plastic (not cardboard) egg cells and check for water permeability, some flow. Our garland hung in the yard for quite a long time, however, we did not find a Christmas tree close, we decorated the bush)

Another of the field events was a visit to the ice rink (the first for Vika). I think the impression is very memorable.

I'm sure I forgot something, but I think I conveyed the main idea. What we did not do that year was cooking various New Year's dishes, cookies / gingerbread. This year we will definitely be, my daughter has just awakened an interest in cooking. And I really want to include in the plan a visit to some beautiful place in the center of Moscow with New Year's illumination. In autumn, we really liked the walk on Chistoprudny Boulevard with projection lanterns!

And, of course, where without New Year's cartoons and books! This is already a traditional part of preparing for the holiday.

In conclusion, according to tradition, it is necessary to highlight the merits of the “object” of the review, in this case, the phenomenon advent calendar.

  1. Many different interesting activities that develop the creative abilities of the child.
  2. A magical atmosphere of immersion in a fairy tale, and not only for children.

I noticed, unfortunately, in recent years, that somehow I’m not really looking forward to the holiday, I’m not in the mood, hello old age. Routine, extra cleaning, inflated prices, eternal traffic jams, and then on the list of grumblers. But the New Year's advent calendar is able to resurrect faith in miracles even among adults, plunge into the atmosphere of expectation of magic.

3. Unity of the whole family, creation and preservation of family traditions

4. Helps the child better imagine the time left for the main holiday of the year.

5. It's just a lot of fun!

Mark as a minus the time spent on preparation and small funds, my tongue will not turn (more precisely, a hand))

Thank you all for your attention and have a nice pre-holiday fuss!
