Why Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie broke up: the main versions of the tabloids. She has had experience with unconventional relationships in the past.

Leap year turned out to be fruitful for high-profile divorces: a few weeks after the separation of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, everyone who followed the lives of Hollywood celestials was in for a new sensation unearthed by the tabloids - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt also had their marriage annulled. On Tuesday, September 20, the actors confirmed the rumors. But before that, information about their breakup was overgrown with the most incredible versions. Lenta.ru studied all the “reliable” statements from sources “close to the couple.”

“This decision was made for the sake of a healthy atmosphere in the family. She [Jolie] will not comment and requests privacy for the family at this time,” said the actress’s lawyer, Robert Offer.

“I am very saddened by this, but what is really important now is the well-being of our children. I ask the press not to bother them during this difficult time,” Brad Pitt, in turn.

Unofficial versions are much more interesting. We invite readers to independently assess the degree of their realism. Let us remind you that the stars, who have been married for two years (previously there was a 10-year relationship), will have to divide their fortune of $450 million and resolve the issue of custody of six common children (three biological and three adopted).

Search a woman

According to Page Six, the divorce was caused by Angelina's jealousy of Brad's partner in the new film Allied. According to the publication, the homewrecker is 40-year-old Frenchwoman Marion Cotillard.

“She [Jolie] hired a detective because she felt she was being deceived. And it turned out that it was so,” an anonymous person “who knows the couple well” told the American tabloid.

A similar story was offered to readers of Morning News USA and The National Enquirer. They also informed about Brad's infidelity, but 43-year-old actress Gwyneth Paltrow was appointed as his mistress.

This version was reinforced by the fact that the traitor allegedly said the name of Paltrow, whom he dated in the early 1990s, in his sleep. This, according to a media source, prompted Jolie to initiate divorce proceedings.

Because Jolie

Is the marriage doomed? Blame your wife. This is what several celebrity publications decided at once, placing responsibility for the upcoming divorce on Jolie.

In particular, the portal about the lives of celebrities Inquisitr said that Angelina is addicted to a glass, suffers from anorexia, and smokes constantly. Meanwhile, the Morning Ledger recalled in its article that the actress has too many health-related fears. Well, Angelina’s weight loss, according to the editors of IBTimes, completely turned her once loving husband away from her.

Because Pitt

There is also information that the marriage collapsed due to the antisocial and unconscious behavior of the father of the family.

The TMZ portal, for example, claims that Brad has problems with anger management, alcohol and marijuana.

At the same time, writes In Touch Weekly, it is quite possible that everything is to blame summer trip Pitta with friends to Croatia. Allegedly he skimped family vacation in favor of male company, heading off to the Adriatic for several weeks.

Because children

Having changed its mind about blaming Marion Cotillard for the couple's divorce, TMZ reported that it all comes down to the difference in views between Jolie and Pitt on raising children.

Photo: Junko Kimura / Globallookpress.com

According to editorial informants, Angelina fundamentally disagrees with pedagogical methods Brad. So much so that in her divorce petition she asked to be given sole custody of the children and to limit their communication with their father to weekly visits.

This is Aniston's multi-move

The sites Gossip Cop and Enstarz are sure that Pitt’s ex-wife was involved. In 2005, the actor left Jennifer Aniston for Jolie. According to media reports, Brad is in love with his 47-year-old ex friendly relations, which drove a wedge between him and his current wife.

Jolie is an alien

At the end of this hit parade is another version: from an Internet user who, back in 2010, described in detail why, in his opinion, Angelina Jolie is actually an alien. This theory seems to Lenta.ru the most likely of those proposed.

0 21 September 2016, 16:48

The whole world is shocked ( in capital letters!): on Tuesday, September 20, it became known that she applied for s after 12 years life together. Already appeared on the Internet great amount rumors about disagreements in the Jolie-Pitt family, they say, Angelina was not satisfied with how her husband raised the children, did not like the fact that he abused alcohol and dabbled in marijuana. the site has collected the facts that we already know about the divorce of the most famous Hollywood couple, and some interesting rumors.

What's in the Divorce Papers

On Monday, divorce documents appeared in a Los Angeles court, initiated by Angelina Jolie. The 41-year-old actress cited “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the divorce from Brad Pitt. It is noted that Jolie does not claim financial support after the divorce from her husband, but insists that her “jewelry and personal belongings,” as well as everything she earned and acquired before the divorce, will belong to her (the same conditions apply to in relation to Brad Pitt).

The couple will also have to split their $400 million fortune: whatever the couple earned during their marriage will be split six ways between their children Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shyla, 10, and 8. summer twins Vivienne and Knox. Also some part of the condition will go away charitable foundations and orphanages.

What Jolie and Pitt say

Details from one of the most beautiful married couples There is not much Hollywood yet... Angelina Jolie's lawyer Robert Offer confirmed that the divorce proceedings have started:

This decision was made for the good of the family. My client will not comment on the situation and asks everyone to respect her family’s right to privacy during this difficult time.

52-year-old Brad Pitt commented on everything that was happening with a rather formulaic phrase:

I am very saddened by what is happening, but the most important thing right now is the well-being of our children. I wholeheartedly ask journalists to leave our children alone during this difficult time.

Angelina Jolie's unexpected child custody demand

It came as a surprise to many that Jolie wants to achieve sole custody. The actress leaves her husband the right to vote in the decision important decisions regarding education, health and other similar issues, but wants all six children to live with her.

They raised their children together for so many years... It is very unexpected that one of them asked for sole custody. I can assume that there was some incident or series of incidents that made Angelina doubt that her husband has the right to take care of children. This is a rather aggressive step on the part of one of the partners,

— Nina Tankha, a lawyer with extensive experience in celebrity divorces, commented on the couple’s divorce.

What does Brad Pitt think about child custody?

Brad Pitt does not agree with his wife’s demands for sole custody: the actor noted that he will fight with Angelina Jolie for joint custody of their children.

Sources told People:

Angelina may not dream of taking Pitt's children away.

Pitt himself in his statement called his wife a “great mother” and noted that he does not want to harm her during the divorce, but will insist that he has the same right to raise children as Angelina Jolie.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with children

How Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's prenup treats child custody issues

It is not yet known for certain whether any conditions for child custody are specified in marriage contract Jolie and Pitt. Reputable lawyer Lois Lieberman argues that the terms of the contract regarding the children, in any case, will not carry significant weight with respect to the custody issue.

The custody clauses will be taken into account by the court, but are unlikely to greatly affect the outcome of the case. Jolie and Pitt became parents long before they formalized their relationship (the couple got married only in 2014, at that time their romance had already lasted 9 years - editor's note),

- Lieberman believes.

Wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Why this divorce seems so much more shocking than other celebrity breakups

Attorney Joshua Foreman told USA Today:

This divorce is no different from others, Brad and Angelina are just breaking up. People love to read about the tough times in the lives of Hollywood couples, but here we have some of the worst ones in the spotlight. famous people our time. In addition, they have six children, which is not very typical for star marriages, for example, I don’t even know such couples anymore.

Lieberman continues:

Their family is simply obsessed with children. Obviously, they are the ones they care about most now. But a divorce is a divorce. It’s just that here we are talking about a couple with a huge fortune, world fame and a unique family.

Rumors of cheating

In the wake of news of the divorce, the tabloids rushed to accuse poor Pitt of all mortal sins. Alcoholism and drug addiction are all right, but in an attempt to find the culprit in this situation, journalists began to attribute numerous novels to the actor. So, Pitt was accused of cheating on him, with whom the actor recently starred in a spy thriller, where they played lovers.

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard in the movie "Allied"

Note that the 40-year-old French actress is married to the famous actor Guillaume Canet.

Another reason to accuse Pitt of treason were rumors that earlier, during the Golden Globe ceremony, the actor flirted with 24-year-old Selena Gomez. Then the singer shared a photo of herself with Pitt on Instagram, after which insiders spoke about the reaction of the actor’s wife:

Angelina was furious when she saw this photo.

Brad Pitt and Selena Gomez, Instagram

Another reason for the divorce is considered by journalists to be Pitt and Jolie’s nanny, whom the “jealous” Angelina fired in March of this year for flirting with her husband.

Marion Cotillard's reaction

Actress Marion Cotillard is at a loss after news that she was the reason for Pitt and Jolie's divorce.

I'm absolutely devastated and very upset by the fact that I was dragged into all of this.

- said the 40-year-old actress.

And an anonymous source, who is close to the family of the French woman and her husband Guillaume Canet, said:

The allegation that she cheated on Guillaume with Brad is completely baseless. This is absurd.

Reaction on the Internet

After the news of Jolie and Pitt's divorce, there were a huge number of memes on the Internet. It is noteworthy that the heroine of most of them was ex-wife Brad, Jennifer Aniston.

On top of that, rumors spread online that Jen commented on the couple’s divorce - briefly and clearly:

This is karma

— the actress allegedly said.

Later it turned out that the actress did not allow herself such gloating...

World has gone mad

In pursuit of sensations and comments about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, journalists cling to every little thing. For example, the Daily Mail tabloid took a modest comment from the singer Sinita, with whom Brad Pitt briefly dated 27 years (!) ago.

The 52-year-old star of the 80s briefly answered journalists’ questions about the reason for the Hollywood couple’s divorce:

I have nothing to do with this!

We are not at all surprised by this comment.

The actor's ex-wife remains silent. By the way, she was recently left alone after

The news of Pitt and Jolie's divorce shocked the whole world. It really seems like the end of an era...

Source USA Today

Photo Gettyimages.ru

The news of the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt sounded like a bolt from the blue. For the second day now, all media without exception, including business and serious ones, have been writing about the main breakup of the year, as journalists have already dubbed it. And although reports of the dissolution of the star marriage began to appear regularly in the press from the moment the actors were painted, no one attached any importance to them. Like, the dog is barking, the caravan is coming. No one seriously believed that they could separate. As it turned out, in vain. And there were many reasons for divorce. Woman's Day put together possible reasons separation of Jolie and Pitt.

1. Marion Cotillard

Western media unanimously call Marion Cotillard the culprit of the discord. According to rumors, it was she who took Brad away from the family. The French actress and Pitt became close on the set of the film Allied, where they played married couple. According to members of the film crew, Brad even saved the life of his partner. Without thinking, he jumped into the water when the boat with Marion capsized. Considering the fact that Pitt left Jennifer Aniston for Jolie after starring together in the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the information about the affair with Cotillard may well be true. Although Marion assures that the gossip about Brangelina’s involvement in the divorce shocks and annoys her. She is happily married, albeit civilly, to actor Guillaume Canet, with whom she is raising her 5-year-old son Marcel.

2. Governesses

This is not the first time Pitt has been accused of cheating. In the spring of this year, Angelina suspected her husband of having an affair with one of the 12 governesses who are raising the couple’s children. The actress caught her husband having a nice conversation with the nanny in the kitchen. And everything would have been fine, but the only thing the actor was wearing was a towel. Pitt, without hesitation, flirted with the girl, and she reciprocated, giggling at his jokes and making eyes.

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“She literally showed off her friendship! Wherever Brad went, the nanny was there. As soon as he went to the pool, the girl was already swimming in it! Angelina understood that nothing could happen between the nanny and Brad, but at some point she began to feel stressed increased attention girls,” a source close to the star family told reporters. - Angie's suspicions turned to paranoia. Well, the story in the kitchen just became the last straw.”

As a result, the nanny was thrown out of the star's house in disgrace, and Brad received a decent beating from his jealous wife.

3. Explicit scenes and total control

After Jolie and Pitt formalized their relationship, the actress began to follow her husband’s every move. It was rumored that she even hired a detective to spy on Brad on set. You never know. Film in bed scenes She categorically forbade Brad. In addition, Angelina threw her husband into scenes of jealousy with or without reason, believing that it was better to prevent adultery. Not surprisingly, Brad soon grew tired of total control and began to lash out at his wife.

4. Alcohol and drugs

In an official statement, Jolie called the reason for the divorce “irreconcilable differences,” but friends of the couple say that it is due to Pitt’s addictions, which frighten the actress. Although in her youth Angelina herself was not distinguished by her love for healthy image Life, having tried all possible drugs from marijuana to heroin, after the birth of children, she dramatically changed her worldview.

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Now Pitt has decided to hit the hardest in his old age. Not only does the actor constantly smoke weed and drink alcohol, but he also becomes very aggressive when intoxicated. And Jolie, like any normal mother, worries about her children. No matter how they get caught hot hand furious father. Now the actress is asking the court for sole custody of her offspring, calling Brad a disgusting father.

5. A large number of children and their upbringing

Several times information appeared in the press that Jolie plans to adopt another child, increasing total offspring up to seven. At first, the actress wanted to adopt a baby from Haiti, then from Ethiopia or South Africa, and most recently she hoped to adopt a Syrian child. But every time she encountered a dissatisfied husband along the way. According to the actor’s friends, he believes that six children is enough for them and he doesn’t want more. In addition, disputes often arose between spouses regarding upbringing. Angelina is a supporter of democratic methods: she allows her children to eat anything, she has transferred them to home schooling and allowed them to independently choose the subjects they would like to study with tutors. Brad, on the contrary, is a supporter of strict discipline. He can shout at the children if they don’t listen and scold them. Often different approach to raising children became a reason for quarrels between spouses.

“The 41-year-old Hollywood actress filed for divorce from her 52-year-old husband, demanding sole custody of their six children.” What is actually hidden behind the dry formulation of “irreconcilable differences” that Jolie indicated in the documents as the reason for the separation? It is unlikely that the press will ever know the truth. And yet - what versions are put forward by Western tabloids? Let's figure it out.

Version number 1. Jolie brought Pitt

Angie and Brad's relationship, or rather their possible problems and quarrels, in Lately were a favorite topic of foreign tabloids. The “yellow” press, with visible pleasure, exaggerated the noticeable thinness of the actress, and her tired and sickly look, and refusal to go out regularly, seeing in all this .

According to The Enquirer, for example, Angelina in April, which horrified Brad: he allegedly began to beg his wife to seek help from specialists, but she refused to monitor her health. Then Pitt was afraid for the younger members of the family (the couple, we recall, are raising six children, three of whom are adopted) and, they say, decided to leave. However, considering everything that he had previously gone through in the fight for his health, as well as, the version does not look entirely viable.

Version number 2. In fact, it’s all Pitt’s fault. And his betrayals

While some tabloids, “spinning” Brangelina, promoted the theory that Jolie was to blame for everything, others, on the contrary, threw stones at Pitt. So, according to Page Six, the actor recently allegedly had an affair with, who starred with him in the film “Allies.” According to the publication, Jolie even hired a private detective to keep an eye on Pitt, as she was haunted by thoughts of betrayal, and eventually the affair with Cotillard was confirmed. However, those close to the Frenchwoman herself, who has long been happy with actor Guillaume Canet, have already denied the news that Marion allegedly destroyed the Jolie-Pitts’ marriage.

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Movie trailer with Pitt and Cotillard

Version number 3. Angelina didn’t like the way Brad was raising his children.

It seems strange - they have been together for so many years (the couple got married two years ago after almost ten years of relationship), but complaints about raising children have only appeared now? Nevertheless . She was nominated by TMZ magazine, which was the first to report that Jolie had filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for her separation from Pitt. The version is supported by the fact that the actress asked the court for sole custody of all six children whom she and her husband are raising. In addition, Jolie's official representative said that her "decision was dictated by concerns for the health of the family."

People magazine later confirmed Pitt's "aggressive parenting style" as a source.

Version number 4. Pitt drank a lot and could not cope with bouts of rage

This is again information that TMZ magazine broadcasts. The publication, reporting that Angie’s decision to separate from her husband was dictated by concern for the children, added: “Angelina is tired of Brad’s abuse of weed and alcohol. In addition, she is sure that Pitt does not know how to control his anger. She thinks it’s dangerous for the children.”

By the way, TMZ categorically denied the version of its colleagues from other magazines about the betrayal that allegedly caused the couple’s separation, noting that there was no “third party” involved in the story.

Version number 5. It is Angie who endangers children, not Brad.

Since the couple has many children, many tabloid theories revolve around them. The same TMZ, a few days after the publication of sensational news confirming the divorce of Jolie and Pitt, reported that it had contacted sources close to the actor, who said: they say, in fact, it is not he who is “dangerous for children,” but Jolie. According to this report, Brad wanted to divorce amicably, but Angelina decided to create a scandal. Pitt is worried about the fate of the children and, according to insiders, intends to fight in court for joint custody of them.

Version number 6. The couple was separated by Jolie's father, Jon Voight

Version number 7. Happened "something terrible"

This is perhaps the strangest version of all. US Weekly magazine claims that Jolie decided to divorce her husband just a week ago because “some incident happened that turned everything upside down.”

“She finally made the decision when something happened that forced her to act,” the insider said. What was so terrible that happened? The tabloid’s source does not specify, but adds that the incident “affected the whole family.” Well, the same insider said that in fact Angie still loves Brad. In general, this is probably perfect version for big fans of the Hollywood couple who still can’t truly believe the stars are breaking up.

Version number 8. They are just tired of each other

Celebrities are constantly under pressure from society - they are filmed without permission, stories are made up about them, and fans are sometimes ready to sell their souls to get into their bed and find out more intimate details... According to one of the US Weekly reports, in the end, not We endured all this, and besides, we were simply tired of each other. As the magazine writes, they have long had disagreements about everything: raising children, politics, work.

Many tabloids also recall that at the beginning of 2016 it was released, for which Jolie wrote and directed the script herself. It tells the story of a couple (starring Angelina and Brad) who are gradually moving away from each other. Even then, many fans and the media decided that Angie described the story of her own marriage in the film.

The exact reason for the termination of the engagement is unknown. Some sources claim that James, despite his wealth, was not ready to put up with the extravagance of his bride and spend millions of dollars to satisfy her whims. Other insiders claim that Packer is overly interested in this relationship.

In any case, the 46-year-old singer did not suffer for long due to her irretrievably lost love, and already in December information appeared in the press about the artist - dancer Brian Tanaka, who is much younger than the pop diva.

Bella Hadid and The Weeknd

In November, it became known that the relationship between Bella Hadid and musician The Weeknd (under this pseudonym is Abel Makkonen Tesfey), which lasted a year and a half, had come to an end. The reason for this was a simple lack of time: both Bella and The Weeknd are completely busy with their career ambitions, so these two simply have no time left for their personal lives.

Last December, the couple already broke up for the same reason, but the lovers could not live without each other for long and soon resumed their relationship. So it is possible that this time the gap is not final.

Kristen Stewart and Soko/Alicia Cargile

True, after parting with Yegor, the star quickly found herself in the arms of Greek businessman Denis Papageorgiou. Details of Tarabasov’s personal life are unknown.

IN recent months we see only one girl - Nina Agdal. But this does not mean that the actor spent the entire outgoing year of 2016 with her.

In January, the "Survivor" star dated model Kelly Rohrbach, whom he dated for about nine months.

After breaking up with Kelly, Leo was credited with many novels: with, and other beauties. And in June it became known that the heart of 42-year-old DiCaprio was again not free and now belonged to 24-year-old.

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston

Note that the separation of Taylor and Tom came as a surprise to few people: many suspected that the couple’s romance was just another PR stunt to attract attention. Later, by the way, Hiddleston did it himself.

The youngest participants in our ranking star breakups— Chloe Moretz, 19, and 17 Brooklyn Beckham. In fact, these two sometimes converged, sometimes diverged, but it was in April of this year that they decided to openly declare theirs and recognized themselves as a couple. This time everything was serious for the young people: they met each other’s parents (Victoria and David Beckham, by the way, they approved of their son’s choice), supported each other in all endeavors and went out into the world together.

But like most youth novels, this one also ended before it began: already in September the couple. According to one version, the reason for the separation was that Brooklyn returned from Los Angeles to London, where he is studying at school. According to other sources, the couple broke up because Chloe wanted Serious relationships, for which Brooklyn was not yet ready.

Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson

What was the reason for the separation after almost four years of marriage, Kopelman and Barrymore chose not to say. The couple has two children together - daughters Olive and Frankie.

Elon Musk and Talulah Riley

The love story (also the story of divorce) of billionaire Elon Musk and actress Talulah Riley is more like the plot of the series: in 2016, for example, this couple decided for the third time.

A little history: Elon and Talulah got married in 2010, but the couple divorced in 2012. After another year and a half, the lovers, unable to bear the separation and realizing their mistakes, got married again, and in 2015 they again decided that they were not made for each other and filed for divorce. The quarrel did not last long and a few months later the documents were withdrawn, and Musk and Riley were reunited again.

And in March 2016, this couple again decided to divorce. At this rate, it is possible that next year We are waiting for the next wedding of Tallulah Riley and Elon Musk.

In addition to all the above stars, several more couples decided to end their relationships this year. In early December, information appeared in the press that after two years of marriage, singer Sia and film director Erik Anders Lang. The stars refused to comment on the situation and emphasized that they remain friends.

December was marked by another stellar breakup: after five months of relationship, Hilary Duff and her boyfriend Jason Walsh. The couple ended their relationship peacefully, deciding to remain friends.

The relationship between Marc Anthony and Shannon de Lima seemed ideal, but nevertheless, in November, this couple announced theirs after two years of marriage. According to rumors, the reason for the divorce was the infidelity of the loving Anthony. It is noteworthy that shortly before this Mark and his ex-wife on stage, giving fans hope for their reunion. But Anthony himself hastened this theory.

Shannon de Lima and Mark Anthony

In the fall of 2016, Ryan Phillippe and Pauline Slagter's five-year relationship came to an end. In November, the couple got engaged, without specifying the reasons. Handsome Zac Efron, who is with model Sami Miro after a two-year romance, has also returned to the ranks of bachelors. The reason for the separation is not specified.

In May of this year, we were also seriously worried about Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, who decided after 33 years of marriage. The reason is the inconstancy of Ozzy, who, even at 68 years old, still cannot calm down and periodically “goes to the left.” Sharon, having learned about her husband's infidelity, kicked him out of the house, but after a while she calmed down and forgave her negligent husband.

For several years now, Rihanna and Drake cannot decide on their feelings for each other and then converge, then diverge again. 2016 was no exception - literally in August the musician Rihanna was in love, and already in October the couple was in Once again.
