Etiquette rules in different places. Rules of conduct on the street

Our article will be devoted, long forgotten by many, to the rules of conduct in in public places and institutions. Today, the principle often operates in society: politeness is weakness. And, unfortunately, gone are the days when the culture of behavior was familiar to almost everyone. People who think this way are actually covering up their fears and contempt for others. Let's not be like them and remember the good old etiquette of behavior in public places. We will start with general rules, and then we will look at how to behave in the elevator and in the store, on the stairs and even on the escalator.

Culture of behavior in public places

Here I will tell you about how to behave at the door of almost any establishment. According to etiquette, one should not persuade each other for a long time to go first. If they let you through, go through. If two peers or people of approximately the same age meet in front of the door, the one who is closest to the door should go first. And so: the man must let the lady go ahead of him, the younger - the elder, and the subordinate give way to the boss. Very often I see the predicament people are in when they need to go through a double-leaf door, which is also balancing. First of all, you need to go through right side.

If you are walking with a lady, then the woman should go to the door and pull it towards her, and the man should then intercept and hold the door, waiting until a woman will pass. If the door opens inward, then the man enters first and also holds the door so that the lady can freely enter the room. If you drive a lady or a high-ranking guest around the house or office, you need to jump ahead and open all the doors that she or he meets on the way. In addition, if the owner of the house is a man, he should let the guest go ahead, but the woman should enter the room first - and only after her guests. However, if the guest does not know the way or the room is dark, the male host should always enter the room first, even if he has a female guest.

How to behave in the store

Continuing the "door" theme, we note that, first of all, you need to let people out of the store. This applies not only to the store, but also to any public institution and is dictated by simple logical considerations. If you don’t let people leave, a crowd of people can form inside the institution, so make it a rule to always let people who leave a store, club, cafe or any other institution.

Now about other norms of etiquette in the store. In large department stores or other large stores, you can go in full outerwear, that is, without taking off your hat. As for personal service shops, etiquette dictates not only to take off your hat, but also to say hello to the employee who will serve you. When choosing a product, do not forget about other buyers and do not be too picky so as not to tire the seller.

Etiquette does not recommend choosing a product for a long time, clinging to various trifles, unless it is possible to move away from the counter in order to examine this or that thing in detail. It is also advisable to prepare the money in advance, and meticulously recalculate the change all the same “departing from the cash register”. Now let's look at other rules of behavior in public places. We will talk about stairs, escalators and elevators and other similar structures.

How to behave on the stairs

First of all, let's say that, contrary to old traditions, a man should go up the stairs first only if the stairs are dark or steep, in which case, to give a hand to a lady. In other cases, the woman should be the first to climb the stairs. But the man must go down first. On a narrow staircase, you need to let a person walking towards you, standing sideways. If, thus, they let you through, you need to bow and say “thank you” or at least “thank you”. If a man and a woman meet on the stairs, then the woman should walk on the side of the stairs where there is a railing. It doesn't matter if it's right or left side.

How to behave on the escalator and in the elevator

When a man enters a moving escalator, he must let the lady go ahead of him. Exceptions are cases when the escalator is short or full of people, and the man will then need to help the woman get off. In other cases, the man must then get ahead of the lady and help her down the escalator. As for elevators, the man enters first, and the woman exits first.

If there are several people in the elevator, then a man standing near the panel with buttons should ask everyone (first of all, women) who is going to which floor and press the corresponding button or buttons. In the event that a lot of people ride in the elevator, and you are standing close to the doors and you rise high, then when other passengers leave on their floors, do not press close, letting them through, but go out and then re-enter the elevator. As for the question of whether to take off your hat in an elevator, old etiquette was that a man had to take off his hat or cap if a lady entered the elevator, but nowadays this is no longer mandatory. But it is highly desirable to greet the neighbors.

Behavior in public places of children

Any parent should remember that his child is judged, first of all, not about the child, but about himself. That is why you need to teach your children not to make noise, not to shout and not to make scandals in public places, but to solve all problems at home. It is also considered bad form to publicly punish children - scold them, spank them, etc. All conversations and more educational activities should be postponed until you get home.

If a child is dissatisfied with something, it is necessary to teach them to express their dissatisfaction in a different form, and not by stamping their feet or screaming. As you can see, the norms of behavior in public places with a child do not require anything special from parents. And finally, about how men should behave if they see a woman with a stroller without another man accompanying her. In this case, any normal man simply obliged to assist the woman in lifting the stroller.


In the textbook "An honest mirror of youth, or Indications for everyday behavior" were indicated following rules behavior on the street: “No one has the right to hang his head and downcast eyes down the street or look askance at people, but straight, and not bent over to step and keep his head straight, and look at people cheerfully and pleasantly with graceful constancy, so as not They said: he looks at people slyly.

rules modern etiquette prescribe: all people on the street should be mutually polite, tactful and behave with dignity.

When leaving the house, even for a moment, you should be dressed in clean and decent clothes.

You should move along the street, keeping to the right side. Take moderate steps, keep your back straight, step gently - from heel to toe, do not stomp your feet or drag them. Don't swing your arms too much, but don't hold them still either. Active and violent gestures are not allowed, especially if you have any objects in your hands (umbrella, briefcase, bag, etc.)

The main commandment of behavior on the street is respect for the one you meet. You should not rush along the footpath from side to side and convulsively cross the roadway. Especially beware of crashing into an oncoming dense flow of pedestrians. In addition, you need to be very careful in transitions, at the side of the road and at intersections - here you should not dream about anything or “go deep” into your thoughts. In addition, by “disconnecting” from control over your behavior, you run the risk of colliding with other people, because the street is not the most unsafe place.

If you unwittingly caused inconvenience to someone (pushed, stepped on the foot, etc.), then you should immediately apologize politely and clearly. If this happened to you and the person who caused the inconvenience apologized, then it is acceptable to answer: “Please”, “Don't worry”.

Having met his acquaintance on the street, older in age or social status, or simply in a hurry and wanting to talk to him, a tactful person should join him, and not stop him. However, before that, you should ask if he objects to such "accompaniment".

When meeting a friend who is accompanied by a person you do not know, it is necessary to greet both. If in such a situation you met a familiar woman or a person of high rank, do not enter into a conversation with them. In a similar way should also be done in the event of a meeting close friend engaged in a conversation with a lady you do not know. If your friend is in the company of a man, he decides for himself whether to talk to you or not. A simple hello is enough. But if your friend responds to the greeting, and he continues to communicate with his companion, do not interfere.

Perhaps when you meet, you do not have the desire to enter into a conversation. Then you can limit yourself to one greeting, unless, of course, the person you meet understands your intentions. It is tactless to turn away, pretending that you have not noticed a person you do not want to see.

On the street, a man should walk to the left of a woman, a subordinate - to the left of the boss, a young one - also to the left of the elderly. In general, the place on the right is considered privileged. If there are three people walking down the street, then the place in the middle is considered the most "honorable", the second - on the right, the last - on the left. A lady walking with two men takes her place in the middle. A child must always be between two adults, and an adult with two children between them. Remember that the child should always be where it is most safe.

A man walking with a woman, only in the extreme, can speak with the one he met. The exception is when this is a common acquaintance of yours. However, you cannot leave a woman alone: ​​she must be introduced to your companion. But a woman walking down the street with a man is not obliged to introduce him to an acquaintance she meets.

It is unacceptable to talk with an acquaintance you met on the street in the center of the sidewalk. It is also impossible to occupy the entire sidewalk in width if you are walking in a group of several people. It is better not to go in line, especially arm in arm - everyone should go separately or, in last resort, in pairs.

Indicators of lack of culture and bad manners of a person, his ignorance of the rules of etiquette - the habit of looking at people from head to toe (especially disabled people), criticizing aloud. their appearance, shout out lines different kind remarks to unfamiliar women.

In the case when the lace is untied, the button comes off, or something similar happens, then you should not correct the situation in front of passers-by - it is better to step aside.

Tactful and well-mannered person Shows respect for strangers on the street who need help. You should address such passers-by in this way: “Let me help you?”, “Can I help?”. These appeals should be made impersonal, i.e. don't name unknown men and women who need help "father", "grandfather", "grandmother", "girl", "woman". If you hear a refusal in response, do not offer help a second time.

Here are a few "don'ts" in street etiquette:

you can't spit;

you can’t eat on the go (ice cream, pies, sandwiches, etc.);

you can’t litter with papers, leftover food, cigarette butts - there are urns for this;

women should not use cosmetics, comb their hair, straighten stockings;

both men and women should not smoke on the go.

In the door.

If several people went to the entrance to the room at the same time, you should linger a little in front of the door, letting the older ones go first and social status, women and children. So the younger lets the elder pass, the owner of the house - the guest, but the guest - the hostess. In the case when the elder offers to go forward to the younger - do not argue. If the statuses or ages of people are equal, then the first to cross the threshold is the one who is closer to him.

However, in an unlit room, as well as in restaurants, bars, casinos, a man enters ahead of a woman.

If the door was closed, it must also be closed behind you. It is impolite to close the door in front of the person following you. If he is a short distance from the door, then hold it open until he comes.

In city public transport.

When entering the salon of urban public vehicles, it is ugly to make your way forward, pushing other passengers, crowd at the entrance, lean with your whole body on other passengers and block the passage.

Covers urban public transport general rule etiquette: a woman, older and occupying a higher position, should be let in front of you at the entrance. The opposite should be done when leaving: a man and a younger one go out in front of a woman and an older one.

When entering the cabin of a bus, trolleybus, tram or metro, they do not greet. You can smile friendly and bow your head only if you meet passengers with whom you often travel on the same route.

Another important rule- it is prescribed to give way to the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women and passengers with small children.

When inviting a person to sit down, politely point him to a seat and address with such words: "Please" or "Let me invite you to sit down." It will be ugly to just stand silently, especially turning your back on the one to whom you are giving way. If you have been given a seat, thank you. If you decide to refuse this courtesy, then explain the reason for the refusal and say: “Thank you.”

Sometimes one has to watch how one of those standing in the transport loudly and unfriendly makes remarks to those sitting, especially young ones, for not giving way to an elderly passenger or a woman with a child. It is better to politely remind that you need to give way in a low voice, without attracting the attention of all passengers.

In urban public vehicles, you can not gnaw seeds, eat ice cream. Rules of etiquette prohibit littering in the cabin of public vehicles, shaking off drops of rain or snow on other passengers.

Seeing acquaintances in the passenger compartment of a bus, trolleybus, tram or metro, greeting them or saying goodbye, you do not need to call his name loudly through the entire passenger compartment. Also loudly, attracting the attention of others, you can not discuss family problems and business affairs. It is not nice to read someone else's book or newspaper.

On the escalator in the subway, a man is two or three steps lower than a woman, both when going up and down. But down the stairs, the man goes down ahead of the woman, and during the ascent follows her.

Rules of conduct in the train and plane.

On the train, you travel with other passengers for several hours, therefore, when entering a compartment, you must greet them, regardless of the intention to communicate during the journey. If there is a need for this, then the man should help to arrange things for elderly fellow travelers and women.

Clothing during the trip should be neat and comfortable so that you do not have to change clothes several times a day. Special meaning during the trip, attach to your shoes. It is not recommended to go out into the corridor in pajamas or a T-shirt.

The lower seats are common areas. Therefore, you need to come to terms with this and “let” other passengers into your “territory”. Upper bunk passengers should go to bed first. If someone is getting ready for bed, then the rest should leave the compartment in order not to interfere with changing clothes.

On trains, it is not advisable to eat foods that emit pungent odor. Your food, with the exception of dessert products, should not be offered to fellow travelers. It is also not worth it for good intentions to impose “your treat” on others. Clean up after yourself after eating.

It is considered bad manners to smoke in a compartment. It is rude to occupy the toilet for a long time.

Some passengers traveling by train cannot stay without communication for a long time and try to impose a conversation on others. However, not everyone wants to talk to strangers and therefore lovers of chatting should not be offended by fellow travelers, and even more so indignant. If they test you increased attention overly sociable passengers, then politely apologize and go out into the corridor or get rid of the "chatterbox" with some excuse (tired, you need to prepare for the upcoming work, etc.).

It is not tactful to always make comments to other passengers who cause you minor inconvenience. It is not nice to be indignant at the whole car about a busy toilet, any actions of the conductor, etc.

When the train arrives at its destination, leaving the compartment, be sure to say goodbye to the passengers with whom you have traveled, and wish those who are traveling on a happy journey.

On the plane, you need to say hello to those sitting in neighboring chairs, as well as to greet the stewardess who invites you to get on the plane.

If your seat is taken, then politely point out to the unlucky passenger his mistake. Otherwise, if you are rude, your journey will be less peaceful and enjoyable.

If a flight attendant asks you to fasten your seat belt, do so immediately. It is impolite to make fun of passengers who are scared or ill during takeoff and landing. It is also ugly to groan loudly and scream in fright at unexpected rolls of the aircraft.

The most common activities during the flight are reading and talking. Talk should be quiet, trying not to disturb those who are busy reading or taking a nap. It is perfectly acceptable to enter into a conversation with other passengers, but only on the condition that it is not about something purely personal and you have something to add. Do not entertain other passengers with stories about plane crashes.

When leaving the plane, you should thank the flight attendant for the service and pleasant flight.

Rules of conduct in cafes and restaurants.

The choice of a restaurant is determined by a number of criteria. These are, for example, your clothes and the availability of funds with which you this moment you have, as well as the cuisine to which you gravitate.

Each restaurant or cafe has its own atmosphere and own style that must be taken into account. Accordingly, there should be a difference in behavior in a top-class restaurant and an inexpensive cafe where you can quickly "skip a hundred grams." It would be very absurd, for example, to appear in a decent restaurant, dressed in tracksuit. It's just as weird to put on a tailcoat while thinking about going to a diner. Therefore, clothing should correspond to the level of the institution to which you are going to go.

If a couple approaches the restaurant - a man and a woman, then the man opens the door in front of the lady. Having gone forward, she must stop behind the door and let the man go ahead.

Upon entering the lobby, a man first removes his hat, gloves and outerwear, and then helps to undress the companion. You are not allowed to bring clothes or bulky bags into the hall.

If a table is not booked in advance, then it is best for a man to ask the manager at the entrance to the hall. In a crowded room, this will help to avoid unpleasant discussions with other possible contenders for the table. If the table is large, the man sits to the left of the woman, at a small table - opposite.

If, having entered the restaurant, you saw your acquaintances, do not rush to sit down to them - wait for an invitation. And having received it, you can invite your companion to sit at their table. If the lady does not want to join this company, then the invitation should be refused. If two people who meet in a restaurant or cafe different ages, then it is the elder who must decide whether to sit down together. He himself must decide whether to approach the person sitting or wait until he is invited. You can sit at the table of a superior person only at his invitation. The same applies to the situation when a man meets women he knows in a restaurant. If you see your acquaintances at the table who have already started the meal, say hello to them, but do not start a conversation - it will be inappropriate.

When choosing dishes from the proposed menu, a woman should adhere to the rule: do not order either too expensive or too modest dishes. It is also ugly to say: "The same as for yourself", or "Take what you want."

If one person invites another to a restaurant for the first time, then the invitee should be guided by the inviter. When, for example, he immediately offers the main course, then the invitee should not order salad first, and then vegetable puree soup to then select the main meat dish. If an appetizer is ordered at the expense of the inviter, and he himself does not want to take it, then the inviter offers to order it to everyone except himself; the same is true for the main meat dish. The guest, of course, may not agree with the proposal, but should not choose the most expensive dish.

As a rule, in reputable restaurants, a special wine waiter, before accepting an order, can offer a man to taste this or that wine. If his companion is better versed in alcohol, then let her make the choice. In this case, the waiter must serve the bottle to her, so that she examines the label and then takes a sip to sample. To do this, the waiter opens the bottle, pours a drop of wine and gives the lady (or the man, if he chooses the wine) a taste. Only after encouragement does the waiter fill the glasses - first the lady, then her companion ..

It is not customary to refuse the ordered wine, except special cases(sour wine, the taste of cork is felt in the liquid, etc.), - for the reason that the mentioned sample has mainly a ritual purpose. Claims can only be made about the temperature of the drink.

It is customary to order an appetizer and a main course together. If something is ordered that takes much more time to prepare than other dishes, the waiter should draw the attention of visitors to this circumstance. Dessert should be chosen after the main course is eaten. In this case, you can decide what it will be - a sweet dish, fruit or something else.

Wines are poured and topped up only on the right. You can ask to put the wine so that you can serve yourself. The attention shown by the waiter should be answered: “ Many thanks”, and this can be done by a lady, and not just a man.

At the table, you can’t comb your hair, put yourself in order, and women can’t paint their lips, powder, etc. You can only correct an insignificant detail of clothing or hairstyle.

The rules of etiquette forbid smelling the dishes brought, and even more so expressing your displeasure with their appearance and taste to the waiter, who is not to blame. Claims can be brought against him only if he mixed up the order. You can make a complaint about what you don't like - but not after you eat the dish - otherwise how to determine the validity of your complaint?

It's hardly worth making a big fuss about a waiter's oversight. After all, he does not make comments to you if, for example, you soiled the tablecloth. Of course, if your clothes are damaged through his fault, then the restaurant is obliged to clean them. In general, a lot depends on the behavior of the waiter - whether the visitor will make a complaint or forgive the trouble he has caused.

On the other hand, if a visitor breaks any of the dishes, he is obliged to compensate for the damage (at the discretion of the owner of the restaurant).

At the table of a restaurant or cafe, it is indecent to drink or eat anything brought with you. This kind of behavior can be regarded as a hint of the high cost or poor cuisine of the institution.

If the diners have finished their meal, then they are followed by items cutlery put on a plate parallel to each other. Usually the waiter can ask if the guest wants more. If he has already cleaned the dishes, and you want to order something else, then you can call the waiter without hesitation.

In many restaurants, smoking is prohibited in the hall, because. it may disturb other visitors. The absence of ashtrays on the tables indicates that this place is non-smoking. If smoking in a cafe or restaurant is allowed, then, firstly, you need to ask permission to smoke from your table neighbors, and secondly, smoke only after dessert. At mutual consent all those sitting at the table are allowed to smoke before eating. However, this cannot be done between regular courses or when at least one of those present is eating.

Who has to pay the bill? Every man for himself; if a man came to a restaurant with a lady, then the one who invited him pays. If this is a woman, then she should not entrust her purse to a man. If you want to get a bill, then you need to discreetly make a sign to the waiter. It is tactless to call him loudly and even more so to knock something on the table. If the bill is served on a plate, it is viewed and put into it. required amount and the waiter takes the money. The account must be studied quickly, as an error is possible. But you should not turn this into a recalculation on a calculator with a reconciliation of the cost on the menu. If the service is not included in the bill, ten percent of the amount paid is added to its amount. If it is included, it is customary, despite this, to leave the change to the waiter. It is indecent to argue about the bill in the presence of a lady, even if the amount presented for payment seems too large to you.

Almost all over the world, the tradition of restaurants and cafes is the tip, which has become an element of etiquette. Although tips are not documented anywhere, they have the force of law. Lower bound, i.e. minimum size tip is determined by the rules good manners, top - your intuition. But some principles for estimating the size of the tip still exist. Wherever services are not included in the bill, both the owner and service staff consider tips as part of the wages, and so if you don't tip, you deprive the person of a significant share of his salary.

Leaving the restaurant the man is walking in front of the lady, comes with her to the door, opens it and steps back a little, letting his companion through. In the lobby, he dresses first and, already in his coat, helps the lady dress. He puts on his hat when he goes outside.

Rules of conduct in theaters and concert halls.

A performance, any other performance is always a holiday and therefore the following rules must be kept in mind.

If you are going to a performance on a day off, it is better for a man to wear a dark suit. If you are expecting a premiere or a gala concert, then the clothes should be elegant. For those who will sit in the boxes and the first rows of stalls, a tuxedo or tailcoat is required, and the ladies should be in evening dresses and long gloves.

On weekdays, both women and men can go to the theater in the same costume in which you were at work, since most people go to the play after work and do not have time to change.

When attending performances, concerts, exhibitions and other public events, one should not attract the attention of other visitors - neither by clothing, nor by loud conversations, nor by violent gestures.

Enter the theater or concert hall 20-30 minutes before the start of the performance or performance. If you are late due to unforeseen circumstances, then you do not need to make your way to your seats during the action. It is necessary to wait until the end of the act or part of the musical work being performed (if it is a symphony concert) and take your seat during the intermission. Don't forget to apologize for any inconvenience.

In front of the mirror in the lobby, you can fix only minor details of the toilet, hair. Thoroughly put yourself in order should be in a specially designated place for this - the toilet room.

In the hall, the first to take his place is a man. His companion follows him. At the same time, one must pass by the already seated spectators, turning to face them. If two couples came to the theater, then the man should go first to his place, then two ladies, after them - the second man. A man always leaves a lady the best place. For example, he should take a chair located at the aisle.

If a whole company of men and women came to a concert or theater. In this case, be the first to the chair in your row a woman is walking, then a man, then again a woman, etc.; the last one to sit down is the one who invited everyone to the theater (if this is not a woman).

When you meet someone you know in the hall, greet them with a nod of your head, but do not start a conversation with them over the heads of other spectators. You can not sit down to them for a conversation during the intermission. The desire to communicate with them can be satisfied in the lobby.

It is considered a violation of etiquette rules to discuss the performance during its action, sing along to the performers, beat the beat with your hand or foot. It's rude to talk to your neighbor. in a bad tone it is considered to inform others what will happen in the next scene and which of the artists should appear soon.

It's not nice to look at the audience through binoculars. It is even worse to bring with you and view the artists through large field glasses.

It happens that the viewer is attacked by an attack of coughing or runny nose. Then it's best to apologize and leave the room. You should do the same if the child with you has found a more interesting but noisy activity for himself.

It is rude and uncivilized to eat during a performance. There is an intermission for this. Treat yourself or treat your lady to drinks, ice cream or confectionery. Remember that you should not have a heavy dinner during the break in the performance.

Leaving the hall before the end of the performance is considered a violation of the rules of good manners. It's not nice to get ready for the exit during the final scene in order to arrive at the wardrobe before the others. After all, before the audience is obliged to applause to thank the artists for the pleasure.

Applause in the theater should be: at the end of the last act, at the end of a scene that was especially successful for the performers, at the exit of a particularly famous actor. In the concert hall, it is worth expressing gratitude with applause only when the conductor and soloists appear. It is indecent to start clapping during a performance, in a pause between parts of a symphonic or chamber work. When listening to a vocal cycle, applause should be after the end of the last song.

At the end of the performance, the man sitting on the edge is the first to get up. He pauses a little in the aisle to wait for the lady. If there are a lot of people in the aisle, he lets the woman go ahead. In most cases, it is the woman who leads the way. However, this rule does not apply to cases when there are a lot of people and it is difficult for her to make her way to the exit on her own.

There are also rules of etiquette that are mandatory in any country:

First of all, respect the leadership of the visited country, its traditions and religion.

Don't compare with your country.

Don't criticize anything or anyone.

Especially in business relationship be punctual, consider traffic and crowds on the streets.

Don't brag about big money.

Familiarize yourself with the country's monetary system.

In some countries, when addressing people, it is necessary to use titles. Therefore these important points acquaintances and greetings must be carefully studied and used correctly in communication.

Be sure to have it with you Business Cards in the language of the country you are traveling to. In some countries, their absence during partnership negotiations can be a serious cause of business disruption.

Stand up when the national anthem is played. Pay attention to how the locals behave in similar cases.

It is not worth it because of the desire to demonstrate your respect for the people of the country where you arrived, to put on National costumes like a toga or a sari.

It is impossible in a foreign country to demand that everything be at home.

Learn to pronounce names. However, keep in mind that names should not be called until the person himself offers to call him.

Learn a few words, phrases in the language of the country where you are going. However, in serious business contacts, it is preferable to communicate through an interpreter.

If I offer you National dishes it is impolite to ask what they consist of. How disrespectful to the country and its culture may be perceived by the refusal of food.

Do not tell jokes and indecent jokes.

Clothing should be neat, discreet, well-tailored and High Quality. Remember that in Buddhist temples, Muslim mosques, Japanese houses and restaurants, Indian and Indonesian houses, it is not customary to wear shoes. She is left at the threshold with socks to the door.

Welcome to different countries have their own characteristics. However, in most of them, a handshake is accepted as a greeting. The exceptions are, for example, India and Japan. And in Latin America, you can greet your partner with a hug.

Show special respect for your elders in age and social status, as well as women.

In most countries of the world, religion has a great influence on the schedule of the working day and week, as well as on other aspects of the organization of life. Therefore, when going on a trip abroad, learn as much as possible about the religion and religious customs of this country, so that you do not offend its people with your ignorance. For example, in Thailand you can not step on the threshold of the house - good spirits live under it. The person facing Mecca should not be distracted. In addition, you should not take pictures or touch religious attributes without permission.

A special rule that is valid on the territory of all states is that one cannot enter into debates on religious issues and express one's comments on this topic.

Questions for self-examination

What does it mean to be friendly during a presentation, introduction, greeting? What are the main rules of introductions, greetings, acquaintances?

Why is it important to comply with the requirements of etiquette in choosing, giving and receiving gifts? Describe these rules.

What does it mean to behave culturally during a feast? What are the etiquette rules for conducting conversations at the table?

Describe the correct behavior of people in public places from the point of view of etiquette?

How are status-role relations embodied in the norms of modern etiquette?

Do you follow the rules of modern etiquette? In what situations did you violate these requirements and why?

What etiquette rules should be observed while staying in other countries?

Ability to behave in public places different situations not only tells others that you are a well-mannered and cultured person, but also facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates warm and stable relationships.

Etiquette in public places

The requirements of etiquette in public places are not absolute: their observance depends on time, place and circumstances. That is, behavior that is unacceptable in one place and under one circumstance may be appropriate in another place and under other circumstances.

At the entrance

  • According to etiquette, a man lets a woman forward, a subordinate-chief, a junior-senior. If people of the same position, gender and age collide at the door, the one who is closer to the door yields.
  • If you come home with a guest, you need to let him go first. If a person is visiting you for the first time, or if it is dark outside the door, you must enter first with the words: “Let me see you out,” and hold the door, letting the guest through.

On the stairs

  • When climbing up, the woman goes first, the man can be in front only if the stairs are dark, shaky or steep. When descending - first comes man.
  • If on the stairs comes towards old man or the boss, you need to take a step to the side, stop and let the walker pass. The same should be done by a man in this situation in relation to a woman.
  • The side of the stairs on which the railing is located is the privilege of children, the elderly and the weaker sex. The man must give them a place at the railing.

In the elevator

  • If you are in an elevator without an escort, you must press the button yourself. If with a man - this is his duty.
  • A man should let the woman go ahead and stop behind her (unless, of course, he accompanies her).

In the shop

  • At the door of the store, first let people out, and only then enter yourself.
  • When making a purchase, do not tire the seller and those around you with petty whims and protracted indecision. When approaching the cash register, keep a wallet with money ready so as not to look for them at the last moment

At the restaurant

  • Remember that the phrase: “I invite you” means that they will pay for you, and the phrase: “Let's go to a restaurant” means that everyone pays for himself (unless, of course, the man has discussed this moment with you in advance) .
  • Do not put your phone, smartphone, etc. on the table. This will mean that you are not interested in what is happening around, and the phone plays a more important role in your life than the people around you.
  • The head waiter always draws conclusions about who will pay, according to who enters the restaurant first: that is, the one who invited to the restaurant should enter first. If visitors are met by a porter, then the man lets the woman go ahead, after which he must find empty seats.
  • Don't move your head around looking for a free seat, don't rip out the menu, and don't take the initiative if you're walking with a man - that's his privilege.
  • Do not rush to sit down at the table, wait for the man to move a chair for you.
  • Leaving the restaurant, the man must let the woman go ahead and give her clothes.

In theater and cinema

  • You can not be late for the beginning of the performance or film.
  • Come to your seats facing the seated, not with your back.
  • Sit quietly in your seat without bending over. different sides and not twisting (especially if you have a lush hairstyle).
  • During a performance or viewing a picture, do not interfere with others: do not talk, do not wave your arms, do not tap your hands to the music, do not laugh out loud.
  • Do not leave the hall during the action or some time before its end - this is ill-mannered in relation to the actors.

In transport

  • At the entrance to the transport, children, women, the elderly and those who occupy a higher position are first let through (if you suddenly met them on the bus). When leaving the transport, the men go first to give a hand to the woman and those who need such help.
  • Children, the elderly, the disabled and women should occupy seats in transport. If all the seats are occupied, and you see an old man entering, a woman with a child or a pregnant woman, be sure to give up your seat.
  • Before you sit down free place, ask those around you for permission - perhaps someone just did not have time to take a seat.


  • Oncoming people on the street need to be bypassed only on the right side, to overtake passers-by - the same way.
  • If a man is sometimes allowed to smoke on the street, it is unacceptable for a woman.
  • On the go, do not speak loudly and do not wave your arms, especially if there is something in them (umbrella, bag, etc.).
  • A man on the street should always go to the left of the lady. Only military personnel who need to respond to a military salute can go to the right.
  • On the street you can not laugh loudly, communicate noisily, stare at other people.
  • If someone calls you impolitely on the street (for example: “Hey, you!”), Do not respond to this call. Better silently pass by and pretend not to hear.
  • Don't eat on the go. It is permissible to eat ice cream or a pie on the street, standing at a stall or kiosk or sitting on a bench.

General rules

Many perceive the rules of etiquette in public places as something shameful and difficult to implement, but in fact they are quite simple - this is elementary politeness, a culture of speech, a neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions:

  • When entering a room, always say hello first.
  • Indoors, you can keep your gloves and hat on, but be sure to take off your hat and mittens.
  • Let a man carry a bag with groceries and things, but do not allow him to carry a handbag or an umbrella behind you, a removed jacket or coat - it looks ridiculous.
  • When using perfume, observe moderation. If you still smell your perfume in the evening, know that the rest have already suffocated.
  • If your companion greeted someone (even a person you don't know), you should also say hello.
  • When leaving the house, your appearance should be neat and tidy, shoes cleaned.
  • If you are insulted in a public place, never respond to rudeness and, moreover, do not raise your voice - do not stoop to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.

In public places (and at home too), always remember that you are a lady and behave accordingly and with dignity and demand the same from your companion.

Compliance with all the rules of communication etiquette indicates a high cultural development man, his upbringing and manners. Communication with educated brings a lot positive emotions He is always a pleasure to spend time with and do business with. Culture has evolved and formed for many centuries in different ways in different civilizations. But today we have come to the conclusion that the level of culture of the population has fallen significantly compared to the last century. Many people in several generations have no idea how to behave in society, in transport, in a theater or restaurant.

I want to tell you some rules of behavior in public places.

Let's start with elementary norms of behavior outside.

When you walk down the street, you need to treat passers-by with respect, you can’t button up your fly on the go, tuck in your shirt, pull up tights, etc. You need to go straight, without waving your arms and things that you are carrying. It is necessary to strictly observe the direction of movement of pedestrians, so as not to collide head-on with oncoming traffic.

No need to push a nearby person, and in no case look at beautiful women passing by, pregnant women, disabled people and people with external deformities, this indicates a very low culture.

On the street, you also can’t spit, litter, chew a toothpick in your mouth, walk in a line of three or more, as you will block the way for oncoming passers-by.

If you met your friend on the street, then you should not run up to him with shouts and hugs, especially if he is accompanied by people you do not know. The rules of conduct in public places require you to politely greet him, and if he has not shown his desire to talk to you, move on. If he nevertheless stopped, then you should not detain him for a long time, since the communication partner should not wait for him for a long time. And vice versa, if you are walking with a girl or another man, then you should not start a conversation with a friend on the street, as it is uncivilized to make your companion wait, especially if it is a woman.

If you need to discuss something important, then be sure to include your companion in the conversation, men must be introduced to each other, a woman has the right not to introduce herself. But in this case, the conversation should not take much time.

Now behavior in public places, public transport.

If you use public transport, then you need to remember a few rules: at the entrance, be sure to skip ahead pregnant women, women with children, the elderly and the disabled. If you see that one of the above needs help, it will be tactful to offer your help, but in no case do not grab hands without his permission. While on a bus, metro or fixed-route taxi, do not come into conflict with passengers, give way preferential categories people. If you get stepped on, don't yell at the whole bus about how much it hurts you, it's tactless. And if you stepped on the foot of another, you should apologize clearly and calmly.

In the theatre. If you decide to go to the theater, you need to remember the following rules of behavior in public places: you need to come to the theater performance in advance in order to have time to put your outerwear in the cloakroom and put yourself in order. Need to follow the rules appearance in the theatre. In no case should you dress frivolously, especially jeans and T-shirts. Observing the rules of behavior in public places, it is customary to wear either or just trousers and a shirt (for men) to the theater. It would be better for a woman to wear Evening Dress and shoes or classic skirt with a blouse. You need to enter the hall as soon as the first bell is given for the beginning of the performance, and take your seats strictly. If people are already sitting in your row, then you need to walk past them facing them.

Every self-respecting person should know the rules of conduct in public places so as not to interfere with others and not create uncomfortable psychological environment. Recall these rules of conduct, so necessary in Everyday life. Today we will discuss in detail how to behave in a store, public transport, in a taxi and on the street.

Needless to say, in public places, first of all, it is necessary to be quiet, not causing concern to the people around you, not allowing yourself to make loud, disrespectful and rude statements about anyone. In addition, abrupt movements, rude or indecent gestures, grimaces are considered unacceptable.

One of the public places is a shop. Ethical behavior towards other people begins at the entrance to it. First of all, it is necessary to let through all those who leave the store, and then enter it, if at the same time pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled want to enter the store at the same time, they should be let through.

It is not allowed to enter the store with items that could stain other customers or the counter, thus entering the store with ice cream or a lit cigarette is prohibited. Dogs are not allowed to enter the store. If a man entered the store in a headdress, he can be left on, but if this visitor stopped to talk with any of the store employees, the headdress is supposed to be removed.

In the store, as in any other public place, one should behave politely, not arrange public scenes, scandals, violent clarifications. If you do not like the product and want to return it, you need to tell the seller or the manager of the hall one on one, without attracting the attention of others.

If a queue has arisen in the store for these or other reasons, it should be respected, do not try to get to the counter bypassing it, in addition, if there are elderly people, pregnant women, disabled people in the queue, they should be skipped ahead. The rules of store etiquette suggest that the seller or consultant should be thanked for the service.

Maybe someone will be surprised, but there are also rules of behavior on the street. As in all public places, street etiquette requires people to behave calmly, without making unnecessary noise, without shouting curses and obscene language, that is, without causing disturbance to others. In addition, there is a rule according to which it is worth keeping to the right side of the sidewalk and not obstructing the left, so that pedestrians walking towards you can pass unhindered on their side. On a narrow road, it is customary for men to give way to women, as well as to people young age the elderly.

It is indecent to sing in the street, laugh out loud, blow your nose in front of others, especially without a scarf, as you can often see on the street, pick your nose, yawn without covering your mouth. If someone sneezes in front of you, pretend you didn't notice.

You should throw garbage only in the bins specially designed for this, if you don’t see any, keep the garbage with you.

In the event that you accidentally pushed someone, hurt, stepped on your foot, you must apologize, but if a similar action was committed against you, having heard an apology, answer "no need to worry", "it's okay", etc. If you need to pass through a crowd of people, ask to give way to you, using the expressions "please", "let me pass", "with your permission", etc.

Etiquette in public transport implies the same disturbing the behavior of others. When entering one view or another public transport you should skip those leaving it, then skip the elderly, pregnant women, people with small children. Upon entering, go inside the salon so as not to delay those leaving at the door. Give up your seat to pregnant women, the elderly, the disabled, children school age places do not give way, they, according to the rules of etiquette, must themselves give way to older people.

You should not use public transport if you are sick infectious disease such as the flu. If you cough or sneeze on public transport, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. It's indecent to blow your nose loudly.

Get in the taxi backseat on the right, if you need to show the way, it is better to sit in the front seat.

In the compartment of the train, you should say hello to the rest of the passengers and take your seat. If elderly people are traveling in a compartment, you can offer them to change places if yours is more convenient. Men can help women arrange heavy luggage. In the compartment, you should also discuss who wakes up, goes out, and changes clothes when. Do not forget to prepare in advance for the exit from the train.
