Do-it-yourself templates for February 23. A step-by-step video on how to make a scrapbooking gift

Hi all! Today I am with you, Sophia!

It's time to congratulate men with their February holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And what can I give dad on February 23?

I think that best gift for dad - this is attention and gratitude!

I want to make something non-standard, bright, courageous and beautiful… I will make a fold-out postcard with flags! Great idea. Let's start with thinking.

February 23 is the day of courage and courage, this is the male will, the protection of loved ones, the Motherland, the borders of the country. The symbols must be the same!

And plus, daddy should to understand that I am grateful to him for his patronage, strength and readiness to protect me always. Still need to wish Health, Strength. I came up with a phrase, hurrah!!!

Dad - You are my ideal. For me, you are the general!

I came up with a postcard I am with my mother, the layout was made by Evgeny Shaulin, and you can do it yourself.

Folding postcard templates for printing on a printer

The fastest way make an original Hand-made postcard allow you our high-quality layouts. Postcards can be printed on any color printer, cut and folded. It remains only to sign the card yourself, or print inner part postcards with ready congratulations(included in the archive).

Great print solution a large number postcards (for example, for a kindergarten group school class). If you have a special paper cutter, then independent production postcards will take much less time than buying postcards in a store.

And given the fact that there are usually not enough postcards on sale, then printing postcards on a home printer or photo center will be the only option.

Postcard "Dad - You are my general" for February 23

Thanks to the design it turns out a bright, courageous folding card with wishes and recognition of masculinity, primacy and patronage of the pope. I'm sure you'll love making this postcard. And how happy the Pope will be with the original postcard!

Thanks to our layout, a card for dad can be done in half an hour. Mum's help might be needed. I asked her to make cuts on the sheet with stationery knife. She did the rest herself. Detailed instructions how to make a postcard, see my video.

So, we need:

  • Download the file "Postcard February 23" (link at the end of the article)
  • Print the layout on thick A4 size photo paper
  • Scissors
  • Stationery knife
  • Glue stick and tape
  • Double-sided tape (on a thick basis). If you don't have one, use glue
  • Rulers - 2 pcs (one plastic with a blunt end)
  • Black threads
  • Strips of colored paper (black, red, green, blue) for flags
  • Stud button

I'm sure you won't have difficulties in the production of our postcard. Main, good mood, look at finished sample, use logic and sleight of hand. Do the folds on the card correctly and Good luck to you.

  1. Use A4 matte photo paper with a weight of at least 250 g.
  2. You can print a postcard layout on both a color inkjet and a laser printer.
  3. Make sure the printer is set to the highest print quality.


For those who don't have printer or desired paper for print. Don't worry, there is a way! Download the layout to a USB flash drive, go to the nearest Photo Studio and print out the postcard sheets on the required photo paper. Design or matte photo paper, density from 250 to 300 g is suitable for you.

Bulk postcard (Pop-Up postcard) can be nicely packaged. For simple packaging, you will need plastic bag(Zip-Lock), card for congratulatory text, and a clip on a plastic bag (Clip-Lock). Layout greeting card and Clip Lock can be downloaded on the same page and printed on your home printer.

A postcard is an artistically designed postcard for open letter(without envelope). On front side postcards there is some image, and its reverse part is intended for writing a message and addresses of the recipient and sender, as well as for sticking a postage stamp.

Popular today about postcards self made can be of various configurations, formats and purposes. Congratulatory messages have been and remain classics of the genre. postcards.

This is the most affordable gift which will please loved one! You can give free rein to your imagination and fantasy using various techniques and materials.

February 23 is one of the days military glory Russia - Defender of the Fatherland Day (since 1995).

Most Russian citizens consider Defender of the Fatherland Day as the Day of real men, defenders in the very broad sense this word. Among the traditions of the holiday that have survived to this day are honoring veterans, laying flowers at memorable places holding holiday concerts and events, organizing fireworks in many cities.
Traditionally on this day strong half humanity (grandfathers, dads, brothers, classmates, colleagues, beloved men) receives the legal right to receive congratulations, gratitude and gifts!

Your work should reflect the holiday. If your gift is universal, select the event Good mood or Indefinite.

Master Class

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Hi all!! Not far away men's holiday February 23. And we have already begun to prepare for it with you. So, we sorted out which original ones can be prepared on this day, and also considered gift options in the form of. Today I want to continue the theme of needlework and see what cards can be made for our dads, grandfathers and brothers.

Of course, most often, please original souvenirs their dads, our kids, so I will have a selection for the guys different ages, both for toddlers and older. It will be useful for adults to read and choose what they can do together with the children.

It's no secret that all postcards are made from paper and cardboard using different techniques, and also add materials such as napkins, sparkles, inscriptions. The result is very good crafts that will please anyone.

Let's take it in order. And to begin with, consider creative work from paper, white and color))

In most cases, the work is done in the form of an application. For younger children preschool age it is necessary to make blanks in advance, which they then, under the guidance of an adult, simply glue. Or, if the guys know how to use scissors, give them a little cut.

See what work can be done here. Decorate the front side thematic picture, but on the wrong side, glue a poem or sign a wish together with your child.

  • A simple application with a boat. Cut out the details and pasted on a colored background.

  • A slightly different version with seagulls.

  • Prepare planes in advance. Then it remains to glue them together with clouds of equal paper.

  • In this form, use cardboard as a base.

  • Here, cut out the symbolism from colored paper and carefully stick it on the base.

  • Here is the helicopter corrugated paper Or you can use felt. It also looks very impressive.

  • See what funny bottles with a surprise. A wave is easy to make from curly scissors.

  • More airplanes, only for bulk crafts, clouds can be made from cotton wool.

  • The option is more complicated using the quilling technique and torn paper appliqué.

  • And here, print out the background with clouds in advance, stick it on cardboard and first glue a two-color ball on top, then a plain one, but only the middle, wrap the edges.

  • You can also include not only gluing, but also drawing.

Well, let's show you how you can make the most popular type of craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We will need: a sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, felt-tip pens and paints.

Manufacturing process:

1. First color the template and cut it out. When cutting clouds, keep in mind that one cloud must be cut with scissors in a spiral to the middle (2).

2. Fold a piece of cardboard in half and open it again.

3. So, on right side bases, glue a spiral cloud, and applying glue to wrong side small cloud, close the postcard and hold for a while so that the spiral sticks to the two sides of the postcard (4).

4. Open the product. The plane must be glued so that the tail is 1 cm higher than the glued middle of the spiral cloud. Decorate the background as you wish or according to the template.

5. Fold the craft and unfold it again. All is ready!!

Like you can make a gift, only with a typewriter inside. Save and print templates!! I think everything is clear how to make such a product.

We make postcards from colored paper and cardboard at school

  • Volumetric postcard with tank, rocket and star. I have already described in detail how to make such a product in an article about. So if you are interested, you can read.

  • But such an interesting emblem, it is better to make a star convex.

  • By the way, it’s very cool to make military equipment using the origami technique and stick it on the base. For example, you can fold a regular or two-pipe.

  • But look what a spotted plane made of equal paper rises on a glued base-a cloud of cardboard.

  • Well, a beautiful boat with scarlet sails. It is very easy to do: cut the waves in a wave, glue the boat in strips on top of each other, and twist the sails and glue only the edges.

I also found an excellent folding option with wishes inside. Here I share with you the video, everything is told in detail and shown. I really liked the idea, so bright and unusual congratulations it turns out.

Step-by-step process of making a gift for dad from daughter

And it’s over, all dads who have daughters expect special crafts made by their own hands from their princesses.

If you have a daughter, then I suggest that she show the idea of ​​​​making such an interesting voluminous postcard, which I found on one site, you will actually see its name on the templates below.

We will need: printed templates, glue or thin double-sided tape, voluminous tape, ribbons of red, blue and white flowers, eyes for toys, white yarn, scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, print out the background and cut out the templates. Depending on the gender, we cut out either a skirt or pants.

2. Tape the shoes and pants to the boy.

3. Stick on the T-shirt and tuck your hand into the slot.

4. Make hair out of yarn and glue it on your forehead.

6. Glue the stars on a bulky double-sided tape and write a wish inside.

I think any child will like to make such a product, and dad will be pleased to receive it. do you agree with me??

How to make a postcard for February 23 from napkins

And if you have accumulated a lot of bright, multi-colored or plain napkins, then this is very useful. Now I'll show you what you can do with them.

First, think over the plot, and then tear the napkins into small pieces and twist, glue them onto the base of the invented product.

  • That's what tanks you can create !!

  • The background can be painted with paints, it will turn out even brighter.

  • Here's the parachute option.

  • Or a traditional airplane.

  • Or a boat.

Such work is done very easily and simply, and also quickly. So get creative with the kids!! Enjoy great pleasure!!

Postcard in quilling technique "Tank"

And the next option is a win-win, as it is done in just 10 minutes. And you will need a minimum of materials. But the craft, as always, will be incomparable and on topic !!

We will need: colored cardboard, white and colored paper, glue, toothpick, curly scissors or a stapler.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take colored cardboard and fold it in half.

2. These are the blanks you should get.

3. Print out the inscription and cut it out. Also cut out a rectangle from white paper, slightly less cardboard. Decorate the edges with curly scissors or a stapler. Glue on the front side.

4. Take green paper or special quilling paper. We need 7 strips. Two wheels from one strip, two wheels from two glued. Spin the wheels.

5. Glue the finished wheels together, and wrap around the perimeter with a strip and secure.

6. For the cab, glue three strips and twist into an oval, glue the tracks on top.

7. Twist the "eye" out of dark green paper and glue it too.

8. At the toothpick, cut off one sharp edge and wrap it with a thin strip of green, securing it with glue at the end.

9. Connect the cannon to the tank.

10. Glue the tank on white base, and inside you can sign or stick a congratulation as usual.

Here is what beauty can still be made using this technique:

I just wanted to create such wonderful works with my daughter!!

Master class on making postcards for February 23 for kindergarten and elementary school

Now I offer two more amazing gifts to choose from. The first, unusual and strict, and the second - with a military theme.

Well, are you ready for needlework?! Then let's go!!

  • Shirt with a bow

We will need: A4 color cardboard, pastel colored paper, bright colored paper, bow pasta, gouache, thin and thick brushes, glue stick + PVA glue.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take pasta and decorate it with fine brush. Let them dry well.

2. Cut out a 10 x 9 rectangle from colored paper. Fold it in half to make a 5 x 9 rectangle.

3. At one end of the rectangle draw a line 1.5 cm from the edge, and on the other side draw another line 3.5 cm from the fold. You should end up with a small rectangle. Cut it off.

4. Extend the cut by 1 cm. Expand the sheet and fold the collar of the shirt along the finished lines.

5. Bend the shirt again, draw the sleeves and cut out. Expand the workpiece.

6. Now assemble our product. Take the cardboard and fold it in half, glue colored paper on it. Next, glue on the shirt and bow tie. Glue the remaining pasta as a decoration next to it. Your masterpiece is ready.

By the way, you can also draw buttons and a pocket with a thin brush, for example.

  • ship

We will need: colored paper, colored cardboard, a simple pencil, regular and manicure scissors, a ruler, glue - a pencil, compasses or objects round shape.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the cardboard, fold it in half. On the front side, use a compass to draw a circle and carefully cut it out.

2. On cardboard Brown draw a boat and cut it out.

3. Now draw waves on white and blue paper, cut it out too.

4. Take the cardboard and cut out a triangle from it. It is desirable that the cardboard be double-sided, if you have a regular one, then cover the non-colored side with colored paper.

5. Stick everything on a cardboard base, but glue the triangle on one side and bend the other. You can complement the composition with clouds or seagulls.

I wonder which postcard you choose?! Write if it's not difficult!!

Video on how to make a postcard for February 23 using scrapbooking technology

Are you familiar with the scrapbooking technique? To be honest, I met her recently. It turns out that this is very amazing and simple technique, and what kind of souvenirs come out of it)) I suggest you see everything with your own eyes, I think you will certainly want to repeat everything.

In fact, there are a lot of varieties of such postcards, hammer in the search and see everything for yourself. If there is no time, then I suggest ideas that I liked.

  • Typewriter with a letter

  • Star variant

  • Numbers and military equipment

  • Such a calendar, you can also make it in the form of a magnet

Agree that the products look like a store, it looks very nice.

Funny postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day with your own hands

Well, in the end small photo a selection for men who are not devoid of a sense of humor. Yes, children need to diversify creativity))

  • Fashion shirt or sportsman

  • You can use comic characters

  • Ideas with photos

  • And I really liked this composition, so gentle and romantic. Great gift idea from wife for her sailor

I hope I've been helpful and interesting. I wish you all positive, love and miracles!! And be sure to write in the comments if your kids make such gifts ?! Or give the choice to purchased souvenirs?! I still think that it is useful for children to make products themselves and surprise their parents.

You need to congratulate your beloved men, grandfathers and dads on Defender of the Fatherland Day in a special way. Love and respect will be perfectly expressed by a handmade postcard. Some of them will require the hard work of the mother, others can even be made by a child. Choose to your taste!

Postcard in the form men's suit, shirts, ties are classic version, which is suitable for congratulating the father of the family not only on February 23, but also on his birthday and any other holiday.

You can make a complicated postcard with many details that your imagination will tell you. And you can limit yourself to a simple scheme, which children can easily cope with under the guidance of an adult. So, stock up on colored paper - and get to work!

Inside the card, you can put a congratulation on separate sheet, or write it on the postcard itself.

An origami shirt can be glued onto a regular postcard.

The simplest option for making a postcard-shirt: we make cuts on the sides and bend the edges of the "collar" to the middle.

It is somewhat more difficult to make a postcard in the form men's jacket. Below is a diagram of paper folding.

Another folding scheme - this time you will get an envelope in the form of a shirt. Inside you can put cookies of your own baking.

A real man looks great in a tie. Here is a scheme for folding a colored paper tie.

A tie can be fastened under the collar of a paper shirt.

The green shirt is suggestive of military uniform. Still, the holiday is dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland!

The symbolism of the holiday on February 23 suggests military theme. Therefore, stars, ribbons, weapons and military equipment will be appropriate. Khaki color and colorful camouflage complete the look.

Using the proposed sweep, make this spectacular postcard It will be easier.

Postcards that acquire volume when opened look interesting. Hidden inside this postcard is a ship rushing through the waves straight at the viewer. The main difficulty in manufacturing is to correctly stick three-dimensional elements so that the postcard can be folded and unfolded; Therefore, before sticking, check the performance of the elements. Rubber glue is good for this purpose, because. it allows you to adjust the position of the glued parts without damaging the paper.

Invite your child to decorate the card with the sun, clouds, flying seagulls. And it will be useful to supply the ship with an anchor and a life buoy!

This postcard in the technique of through cutting () is more than experienced needlewomen, but it is very effective and will decorate my father's desk!

Below is a template for cutting out a postcard with a sailboat.

The vytynankas look very good on a contrasting background. Such a card can be made together with the child: the mother will cut out the thin details, and let the baby stick the letters and numbers.

A white backing sheet is glued in order for the vytynanki to be perceived against a smooth contrasting background. And on the next page you can place a congratulation.

The popular quilling technique can also become the basis of a postcard. Look how fun the congratulation looks on the background of the fireworks!

Cut out paper (color or white) silhouettes can be pasted on a contrasting background, and get original postcard.

Cutting patterns can be selected according to your mood. For example, in a serious style.

Or in a humorous way.

Or even historical.

You can also use military equipment.

If these drawings seem too complicated for you as templates for cutting out, then just print them out (most of the pictures will be larger than on the screen when saved), and offer the child as a coloring book. Colored drawings can be pasted on a postcard and presented to dad or grandfather.

For every child, his father is the strongest, bravest and most courageous. real hero, the head of the family. And a defender, even if he did not serve in the army. Therefore, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulating dad on February 23 by making an original postcard with your own hands, a preschooler or junior school student will be taken with a bang.

Even the simplest drawing drawn by a child's pen will touch the hearts of parents. But there are some really interesting and unusual postcards that can be done with a child on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23 in kindergarten

As a rule, by February 23, children in kindergarten prepare surprises for dads, grandfathers and brothers - Greeting Cards. Their complexity depends on the age of the kids and the creativity of the teacher. For the holiday, kindergarteners make:

IMPORTANT: Toddlers and toddlers junior groups draw simple postcards with two or three colors of gouache paint, make applications according to the templates prepared by the teacher. You can also print sketches of postcards for the whole group and let the children color them.

With pupils of middle and preparatory groups you can make postcards for February 23 in the form of medals.

For the most simple option postcards - medals will be needed:

  • sample
  • white and colored cardboard (or colored paper)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • paints, colored pencils
  • satin ribbon

Postcard template - medals.

Decor for postcards - medals.

  1. Medal and decoration templates are transferred to cardboard or colored paper and carefully cut.
  2. Children glue decorations on the medal. These decorations can be very different, from a five-pointed star and the number "23" to various military equipment, a suitcase with tools or attributes of various male professions.
  3. You can convert templates to white paper and ask the kids to color them.
  4. A satin ribbon folded in half is glued to the back of the medal.

A voluminous medal turns out to be very beautiful - a frame for a photo, making it more difficult. But with the help of a teacher, the children will succeed. The kids will need:

  • colored paper 2-3 colors
  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • a round object, such as a glass
  • ribbon

  1. At the first stage of making a postcard, the teacher gives the children 10 squares of colored paper measuring 10 by 10 cm.
  2. Children should try to fold each of the squares according to the pattern that the teacher shows. This is a very good fine motor training.
  3. The children repeat the folding procedure for all 10 squares.
  4. The resulting parts of the "frame" are joined together and glued.
  5. Children attach a round object to a sheet of cardboard, this will be the base of the medal - postcards.
  6. The teacher invites the kids to decorate the medal on one side, for example, stick the number "23" cut out of colored paper on it, or some ready-made template.
  7. On the other side there should be a photo of the pope.
  8. The final step will be gluing the ribbon.

Congratulations on the postcard - medals.

VIDEO: A simple card for dad on February 23

Ideas and templates for postcards for February 23 to school

A schoolboy can please the men from his family with a postcard in the form of a shirt. Most likely, he will cope with this task himself, but let his mother be there and help in case of emergency.
For a card-shirt you need:

  • colored cardboard
  • colored paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler

Template for a tie for a postcard - a shirt.

  1. The tie will be cut out of colored paper. The child can draw his contour himself with a pencil and a ruler, or transfer it from a template.
  2. A sheet of colored cardboard is folded in half.
  3. On top of the left half of the sheet, the child marks the middle, lays 3 cm down from it.
  4. The child bends the corners of the cut to the side and outward, it turns out the collar of the shirt.
  5. A colored paper tie is wound slightly under the collar of the shirt and glued there.
  6. Inside the postcard, the student writes a congratulation on February 23.

Optionally, a postcard - a shirt can be "dressed" in a jacket or a military tunic.

Scheme for making postcards - shirts.

Postcard - a shirt in a military tunic.

If a student is fond of origami, it will not be difficult for him to make a voluminous postcard - a shirt. This diagram will help.

Postcard - origami shirt: steps 1-4.

Postcard - origami shirt: steps 5-8.

Postcard - origami shirt: steps 9 - 12.

Postcard - origami shirt: steps 13-16.

And here is the diagram for folding the tie.

VIDEO: How to make a POSTCARD "SHIRT"?

How to draw a card for February 23 with a pencil and paints with a child?

If the child is small, goes to kindergarten, it will be very nice if he draws a portrait of his father or grandfather on a postcard by February 23. With a student, “design” can already be thought out. On the postcard, you should place the attributes of the Defender of the Fatherland Day:

  • the inscription "From February 23"
  • five-pointed red star
  • St. George ribbon
  • carnation soldier
  • airplane
  • other military equipment

For drawing you will need:

  • landscape sheet
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • compass or star pattern
  • colored pencils, markers or paints

  1. A sheet of paper is marked. On the postcard will be: a five-pointed star, St. George Ribbon, carnations, the signature "From February 23!".
  2. The hardest part is drawing five-pointed star. Ideally, a child can do this with a compass and straightedge using a diagram. If this is too hard, the star template is printed out, cut out and traced on paper.
  3. At the bottom of the star, from one of its “legs”, a St. George wavy ribbon is drawn.
  4. Inside the star, from its center, lines are drawn.
  5. Start painting flowers. They will be behind the ribbon, in the opposite corner of the sheet from the star. There will be three flowers.
  6. Above the flowers, thinly, in a sketch, draw lines on which the text of congratulations is written.
  7. Decorate the drawing with additional lines.
  8. Color the card at your discretion with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

On a children's postcard to dad or grandfather for Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can draw a tank.

  1. They start, as always, with the layout of the sheet.
  2. First, the child draws a blank for the tank tracks. They will be almost the entire length of the lower half of the sheet. Caterpillars are a straight line at the top and half an oval at the bottom.
  3. The fall, flattened from above, is repeated inside. Next, the child draws wheels - large circles, inside of which there are smaller circles.
  4. The child proceeds to the turret of the tank - on top of the caterpillars depicts a rectangle, slightly rounding its corners. The length of the rectangle should be slightly less than the length of the tracks.
  5. Above the rectangle, draw a trapezoid of smaller length and greater height, also with rounded corners.
  6. The barrel of the tank is formed by two parallel lines, which the child displays from the barrel of the tank. On free end the lines are connected by a flattened oval - a muzzle.
  7. The child decorates and paints the tank at his own discretion.

How to make a three-dimensional postcard from February 23 with congratulations?

To make a voluminous postcard by February 23, the child will have to make an effort, show imagination, spend time. But it's worth it: the men in his family will be very happy original craft. The postcard will be with a ship at sea.

First you need to download and print the templates of the most voluminous ship and postcard decor.

Ship template.

Decor template.

You will need:

  • White paper
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler

  1. First, work with a sheet of white and a sheet of colored paper. The white sheet is cut so that it is 1 cm less than the colored sheet on all sides.
  2. Both sheets are folded in half.
  3. On White list translate ship template.
  4. Cut straight lines. Fold the boat along the dotted lines.
  5. Unfold the sheet, straighten the lines so that you get a boat.
  6. They glue a white sheet on a colored one, in turn: one side, middle, second side.
  7. The closed postcard dries under pressure. At this time, templates are being translated decorative elements onto colored paper and cut them out.
  8. The dried postcard is decorated inside and out.

What card to make for grandfather and dad by February 23?

You will need:

  • sample
  • colored paper
  • simple pencil
  • markers or gel pens
  • scissors
  • ruler

  1. The template is printed in two copies: one will go to the box, the second to the tools.
  2. From paper different color cut out the elements of the postcard. The box will be one color, its handles and corners - another. You can make rivets on the corners.
  3. The tools will also be multi-colored: metal elements and pens. The contours of the tools are drawn with markers or gel pens.
  4. Tools are either glued to the postcard.
  5. A wish for dad or grandfather is written on a rectangular piece of paper. This leaflet is glued to the suitcase.
  6. Here are some more options for designing such a postcard.

What card should I make for my brother by February 23?

By February 23, you can make an elegant postcard with a carved boat for your brother. For her you will need:

  • sample
  • thick colored paper or cardboard
    White paper
  • scissors (small, maybe manicure)

  1. The template of the ship and waves is transferred to colored paper
  2. The pattern is cut through, very neatly.
  3. The card is folded along the fold line.
  4. From cardboard of the same color, cut out a rectangle equal to half the postcard. It is glued on the side where the slots from the ship remained.
  5. Decorate a postcard congratulatory inscription and dotted line.
