How best to prepare for sunbathing at sea. How to get the right tan at sea

If you think that for a perfect, even, and most importantly safe tanning it’s enough just to get to the beach, lie down and sunbathe, then this article is for you. You need to know a certain set of rules, without which you can not do.

With the onset summer days, in pursuit of tanned skin, not everyone remembers the dangers that warn them. Going to the coast, you need to take into account that the abuse of rays will negatively affect the dermis and health. Burns, sun or heat strokes will appear. And, according to doctors, an excess of solar procedures can cause premature aging of the skin, the appearance of cancerous inflammation.

But there's no point in being so scared and giving up sunbathing. ? It is recommended to remember and apply simple instructions.

How to prepare the skin

Before the opening of the bathing beach season in without fail needs to be thoroughly cleaned skin covering. The procedure can be carried out in a beauty salon or at home. At home, it is enough to purchase a body scrub in a pharmacy or store.

Scrub for deep cleansing must contain exfoliating particles. Plant bones, coffee, sugar, salt, synthetic granules, nut shells will serve as an effective option.

Abrasive components cleanse the pores of dirt, sebum, dust, toxins, dead cells of the epidermis.

The scrub performs a number of functions:

  • cleanses the epidermis of any kind of pollution;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • saturates the cells of the dermis with oxygen;
  • softens and smoothes the epidermis;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • speeds up the work of other care products.


  • sensitive thin skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • irritation, damage, scratches, burns;
  • individual intolerance, allergy.

How to sunbathe on the sea in order to get beautiful tan and not burn? Do not skip the step of exfoliating the surface of the body. Before the process, it is recommended to steam the skin to improve the result. The scrub is applied directly to the wet body. massage movements, duration 2-4 minutes. After peeling, it is required to saturate the cleaned surface with cream, lotion, oils or milk.

From corn grits

For oily or normal type derma dry groats are applied directly immediately to a wet body. To soften the intensity, add a spoonful of honey and warm water to the composition.


Has a tightening effect. For cooking, you need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder, ground coffee beans, 4-6 drops of your favorite essential oil.


A mass of 200 g of edible salt and 100 ml of honey will cleanse the skin, help in the fight against " orange peel" on the body.


Differs in tonic, smoothing result, indispensable in the fight against cellulite. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons coffee grounds and sour cream.


200 g sea ​​salt dilute with 20-30 drops of jojoba or olive oil. It is acceptable to use citrus oils.


half a glass granulated sugar mix with your favorite essential oil. It is worth noting that orange, grapefruit oil eliminate the signs of cellulite.

How to sunbathe on the sea to get a beautiful tan and not burn out: 5 recommendations

1. The time spent under the sun should increase gradually. To begin with, it’s enough to lie down under direct rays for 5-10 minutes, then you need to relax in the shade. Thus, prepare the skin for the sun, and the shade will be uniform, without ugly, painful peeling.

2. Everyone knows about this rule, but rarely does anyone use it. In order not to peel off on the first day, it is recommended to be under the sun during periods of low solar activity.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning before 11 am, in the evening after 4 pm. You can not be under the sun from 12 to 3 pm!

3. Even if you decide to take solar treatments at your own resorts, and not in hot countries, you still need to use sun protection. It is recommended to choose a cream with a protection factor of at least 30.

If you are going to swim, then give preference to waterproof brands. The mode also applies to those who do not like to spend time lying on the sand under the sun, but at the same time they like to swim in ponds. The water often burns the shoulders and back.

5. The closer you are to the water, the higher the chance of getting burned quickly. This is easily explained by the fact that water reflects the sun's rays, increasing their impact. This should not be neglected, as there is a possibility of severe burns.

Remember these rules, then sunbathing will only be for joy and benefit.

What to eat for perfect and even skin tone

Featured Products - important element to achieve the perfect bronze tone. They protect the dermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, nourish with vitamins, trace elements. Certain foods stimulate the production of melanin, helping to maintain a bronze hue for a long time.


Contains great amount beta carotene. Has more efficiency carrot juice. It is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice before taking sun treatments.


Accelerate the appearance of the desired shade, additionally protect from the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For the manifestation of results, it is required to eat 150-200 g per day.


They contribute to the regular production of melanin, prevent the formation of burns, and contribute to the appearance of the desired shade.


Prevents the formation of skin diseases, strengthens the immune system, helps the body maintain optimal water balance.


Rich in vitamins to provide UV protection, prevents the development of skin cancer.


Enhances color, speeds up development bronze color. It is required to eat 250 g of melon daily.


Provides prevention of skin diseases, accelerates the manifestation of bronze color. Half a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice protect the skin as sunscreen with low SPF.


Promotes the preservation of the bronze color for a long time, saves from pernicious influence ultraviolet. Allows you to get a rich bronze color.


Source of antioxidants and protector of the skin from influence sun rays. It has healing properties, helps to reduce swelling and redness of the dermis.

Seafood, fish

Neutralize the effect of free radicals, prevent peeling and dryness, restore optimal water balance.

Some foods interfere with the production of melanin. These include:

  • fried, pickled, salty dishes;
  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages;
  • drinks containing caffeine, chocolate;
  • corn;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • parsley;
  • citrus.

Vitamin C in citruses has a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, but inhibits the production of melanin pigment.

Who does not dream of relaxing on the golden sand, listening to the sound of the surf. AND sea ​​tan considered the most beautiful and durable. You just need to know how to properly sunbathe on the sea, so that instead of chocolate skin you don’t get burns and sunstroke.

Getting ready for beach season

Knowing how to sunbathe on the sea correctly, you will get chocolate color skin without burns and peeling

Exfoliate about two weeks before your vacation. Thanks to the scrub, the skin will become smooth, the tan will lie more evenly. For the next 14 days, nourish your skin with moisturizers.

Ultraviolet combined with salt water can dry out even healthy skin.

Don't forget to put in your suitcase special means protecting from sunlight. For the first days, you need blocking creams with radiation protection type A and B with high content sunscreen components. You need an SPF factor of at least 25-30 units, and for whites and children - 50.

By the end of the vacation, you can use funds with a lower indicator.

You need to lubricate with such creams the whole body, but Special attention give to sensitive places - nose, chest, shoulders. They burn out the fastest.

How to quickly tan at sea without problems?

Get an instant tan even in the most comfortable conditions will not work. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause burns and sunstroke. For an even and beautiful tan, you will need about two weeks of rest on the sea coast.

Sunbathe in the morning and evening. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. the sun is too active and can severely burn the skin. Each session should be no more than an hour, but in the early days you should not roast in the sun for more than twenty minutes.

How to sunbathe by the sea and get the perfect chocolate shade? You need to lie down so that the sun's rays warm your feet. This will help you get an even tone.

Do not use on the beach oily cosmetics or toilet water

What else to consider:

  • If you like water activities, be sure to wear a hat and cover your shoulders.
  • When going ashore after swimming, blot water drops with a towel. Salt spray can cause burns or hyperpigmentation. Water droplets will leave dark spots.
  • Careful with sunglasses. Of course you have to wear them. But sunbathing is better without them. eyes closed so as not to get a light "mask".

When relaxing, use moisturizers with aloe, coconut oil, others natural ingredients. Drink plenty of fluids: the sun and the sea take a lot of moisture, which leads to wrinkles.


Health 26.07.2017

Dear readers, how do you feel about a beautiful tan? I personally like it very much! And now I am, all so tanned, a wonderful state inside and out! But, of course, everything must be treated reasonably. Today we will talk about how to sunbathe properly.

You can substitute the body for the sun, after all, not only at sea. We can sunbathe even in the country, even on the city balcony, even sitting by the fountain - almost anywhere. However, let's not forget that sunbathing is a very responsible process. I hope that the article will help us to “turn brown” with health benefits.

Before sunbathing

A beautiful tan looks impressive. However, it is not only, in fact, exposure to the sun that makes it so. 7-10 days before departure, start regularly drinking a complex of vitamins A, C and E. These are powerful antioxidants that will fight free radicals that form in skin cells precisely at those moments when UV radiation affects it. It is also worth eating carrots, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, pumpkin, watermelons, melons, fish and seafood more often.

Wash your body with not much soft scrub. You can make your own cleansing mixture, alternatively using coffee grounds or oatmeal finely ground with the addition of oils (when there are no special cosmetic oils, olive oil will do just fine).

Skin protection

Also, if you are seriously thinking about how to sunbathe properly, purchase sunscreens with UVB and UVA protective filters. When buying them, you should focus on the type of skin: the softer and paler it is in itself, the higher the degree of protection needed. Well, for children, you need to take milk and lotions with maximum protection factors.

All funds belong to one of two groups - blocking (Sunblock) and shielding ultraviolet. The former are more convenient - they suit many, effectively protect and only sometimes become the cause allergic reactions. It is also desirable that the product be waterproof.

Keep in mind that large moles and dark spots it is recommended to treat locally and preferably with products that have a protection factor SPF 50+.

Tanning products

In addition, you can use products that not only protect against burns, but also contain components that accelerate tanning. The action of such creams and sprays is based on increasing the production of melanin by the body. Thanks to this, the tan is formed quickly and is distributed evenly.

Look out for special lip balms, as well as shampoos and hair balms with photoprotective properties. Don't forget hats, sunglasses and light clothing from natural fabrics (because synthetic material can transmit up to 50% of UV and cause overheating).

I suggest watching a video on how to properly use sunscreen.

On the beach

And finally you are in long-awaited vacation. The first thing you should get out of your suitcase is just the sunscreen that we just talked about.

Never forget about them. Apply sunscreen several times a day, even if you are not lying on the beach, but walking or sitting in the shade. Even if the sky is overcast. Even if the sun seems “not hot” in the morning and evening. Even if you drove off somewhere from the coast. The gentle sun can be very insidious, and this threatens to cause serious burns, from which neither kefir nor sour cream will help, but only special means.

Remember that any sunscreen should not be used on the beach, but 30-40 minutes before sun exposure! In addition, it must be periodically updated on the skin - as it is absorbed or after water procedures.

There is a very detailed article on the blog. I invite you to read it.

Benefits of sun exposure for our health

If you are on vacation and have no desire to go on excursions, but just want to spend time on the beach, you should not reproach yourself for laziness and inertia. After all, tanning itself also gives us a lot - it strengthens the immune system, helps to solve skin problems such as acne, acne, eczema, etc. The sun also activates the production of sex hormones in women and men, which positively affects the state of the reproductive system and increases libido level.

While in the sun in all internal organs and systems are important healing processes. With the help of the sun, the body itself reconfigures itself for detoxification and rejuvenation!

Sunbathing helps the production of a special hormone of joy - serotonin. It is while sitting, lying down and walking in the areas illuminated by the hot sun that people feel a surge of strength and an improvement in mood. So if you just want to be in the sun - be! Because this in itself has a very beneficial effect on your health and condition.

How to sunbathe so as not to burn out

Compliance following tips will not deprive you of the pleasure of being in the sun, but will help maintain excellent health.

  • Light up gradually. In the early days, people fair skin Enough 5-10-minute sunbathing. Dark-skinned by nature, you can stretch this period up to 15-20 minutes. Part of the time is better spent under a canopy or an umbrella - anyway, on average, 65% of UV rays will reach the skin. Increase the stages of your stay at the beach, adding 5-10 minutes daily;
  • do not use cosmetics, which include alcohol, otherwise the skin will quickly dry out;
  • do not sunbathe from 11 am to 4 pm, when the sun is extremely active. The most comfortable time is morning before 10 am and evening after 5 pm and before sunset. Define dangerous time your shade will help to stay in the sun. Is she shorter than you? This suggests that the sun is too active and it's time to hide from it. And if the shadow is higher than you, then the rays are relatively safe;
  • do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • try to drink as little as possible alcoholic and sugary carbonated drinks, as well as strong coffee and tea. It is better to drink more plain water!
  • remember that the maximum time for safe uninterrupted sun exposure is two hours;
  • less reading and watching videos - the eyes are already tense in the bright light of the sun, it is better to let them rest;
  • put something under your head. When the head is raised, blood flow improves;
  • after warming up in the sun, do not immediately go into the water. Stay in the shade for a few minutes - this will allow the body to naturally cool down. Sharp transitions may be harmful to health;
  • dry off after bathing. Drops of water attract the sun's rays and act like a magnifying glass, enhancing their effect on the skin;
  • lying in the sun, turn over every 5 minutes. Do not sleep - with a long and sedentary stay in one position, blood circulation slows down and the risk of overheating increases;
  • and still try to take breaks - walk, play outdoor games!

Sunburn is good in moderation

Too much sunbathing is dangerous to health. Let's talk about the dangers of excessive sunburn. This can lead to photoaging of the skin - the destruction of collagen fibers in the tissues. So, the skin will become dull, flabby, wrinkled. Also, prolonged exposure to sunlight on the body stimulates the growth of epidermal cells, that is, the skin thickens, dries and coarsens.

Sometimes sunburn causes dermatitis and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Moreover, yellow-brown spots and scatterings of freckles all over the body will then be very difficult to remove.

Excessive infatuation with beaches can suppress reactions immune system, reducing the number of T and B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulin-G. This often threatens with herpes and conjunctivitis (and even cataracts).

Extremely strong tan is fraught with the development of melanoma - a malignant tumor that progresses very quickly, as well as other types of skin cancer.

People who are allergic to the sun should be especially vigilant. You can read about its symptoms and treatment in the article.

How to help yourself with sunburn

When discussing how to properly sunbathe at sea, it should be noted that it is not always possible to exercise maximum caution. If you suddenly still feel that the skin is burning, you must immediately leave sunny places and take a cool shower. Wipe your body with ice cubes and drink cold herbal tea.

If there are discomfort in the neck, shoulders and back (these are the places that suffer most), do not sunbathe for a while and cover these areas of the body. Throw on a pareo or light scarf.

With small burns, sour cream or kefir will help, but if everything has gone too far, you will need burn remedies and even painkillers.

If the temperature rises, you are thrown into a fever or chills, take antipyretic drugs. If blisters appear on the skin, do not pierce them. Moreover, be extremely careful and maintain their integrity. You can carefully apply a sterile gauze bandage to the blisters and fix it. Of course, in this state it is better not to sunbathe.

How to keep a tan

But you want to not only get a tan, but also keep longer. Special cosmetical tools marked "for tanning". Usually they deeply moisturize the skin and thus prevent the dark shade from coming off.

You can also use homemade recipes. These tips will not only help you keep your tan. long time but also to make the skin of the face and body smoother and healthier.

Everyone knows that sunburn is very good for health. Under the influence of UV rays, vitamin D is produced in the body, which strengthens bones, muscles, and prevents the development of rickets. It also stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves endocrine activity. Sunburn helps to cope with various skin lesions: fungus, eczema, acne. However, despite all its benefits, you need to take sunbathing very carefully. How to sunbathe on the sea in order to get only benefits?

Golden rules for spectacular tanning

A couple of weeks before going to the sea, try to prepare your body for an intense tan. Do it with a solarium. Five-minute sessions twice a week will create a natural protection on the skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.

If you are going to the beach for the first time this season, you need to get a tan gradually. Do not stay in the open sun for more than 5 minutes. It is better to gradually increase this time and take sunbaths early in the morning or in the evening (but not during the day, when the likelihood of getting a burn is maximum). Especially in the evening and morning hours less heat is felt from the air and the earth.

One more important advice- sunbathe 30-40 minutes after a meal. You should not go to the beach on an empty stomach. Try to get enough sleep at home, because falling asleep on the beach can burn you. Lie down with your feet to the sun and change your body position more often (every 5-10 minutes). After sunbathing, stay in the shade for a while, allowing your body to cool down. You can also go swimming or take a cool shower. It is useful to sunbathe, performing various physical movements, participating in competitions and sports games.

To protect your eyes from water reflections, too bright light and wrinkles, use sunglasses. To prevent heat stroke and damage to the hair from the scorching sun, cover your head with an appropriate head covering. At the same time, it is not advisable to sunbathe in a bathing cap and tightly tie your hair with a scarf.

It is best to sunbathe near the water - moist air softens the skin and does not allow it to dry out. Only in this case, the risk of burning increases (drops of liquid in the sun acquire the properties of optical lenses).

What cosmetics can be used

The most harmless way to accelerate tanning is the use of creams with special additives. They can be used even on white skin in the first days of the bathing season. Tanning stimulator cream activates the production of melanin (a natural pigment found in the skin), moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from sunburn. As a result, you get a beautiful, even and healthy tan.

Another indispensable assistant on the beach is a tanning cream with a tingle effect. This cosmetic product enhances blood circulation in the skin, accelerates the formation of melanin and provides more intense tan. However, after applying the product, the skin may turn red. There is also a high chance of developing allergies. Therefore, before use, test the cream on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Tingle cream is better not to apply at all. white skin and even more so on the face.

To prevent burns, be sure to use special creams with an SPF protection factor. They soften the action of ultraviolet rays, retain moisture in the skin and prevent it from premature aging. SPF index in cosmetic product can vary from 3 to 50, which means that it is recommended to select a product according to your skin type. The more sensitive and lighter it is, the more SPF should be. With strong solar activity (usually from 11 am to 4 pm), it is advisable to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20-30. For women with dark skin suitable remedy with a protection factor of 10.

The method of application is very simple - apply the cream on the skin with massage movements, a thin layer, every half hour of exposure to the sun. If you apply the product in a thick layer, you will get the opposite effect: ultraviolet rays will heat the cream, which will damage the skin.

No less useful are natural cosmetic oils. It is convenient to purchase a finished product, which includes coconut, wheat and Palm oil, avocado, beta-carotene, antioxidants, vitamins, SPF protection factors. Apply the product to clean skin before going to the beach. Since the oil is washed off after bathing, a new coat must be applied.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful sea tan largely depends on how you eat. The strongest natural tan enhancer is beta-carotene - it improves the production of melanin pigment. Many have noticed that with the daily consumption of red and orange fruits (peaches, apricots, carrots), the tan becomes more saturated and bright. This substance is also found in watermelons, melons, red peppers, pumpkins, pears and apples.

In the production of melanin big role played by the amino acid tyrosine. Its maximum amount is present in products of animal origin - red meats, liver, fish (cod, tuna). Tyrosine is also found in avocados, almonds, and beans.

Auxiliary substances in the production of melanin are also lycopene, selenium, vitamins C and E. Therefore, if you want to get a chocolate skin tone, drink the appropriate vitamin and mineral complex 2-3 weeks before a trip to the sea.

Trying to make the most of useful action sun, do not get too carried away with sunburn. Remember that this is a great stress for the skin and from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, it ages faster. Also, sunbathing is not desirable with a significant number of freckles, birthmarks, after the transferred sunburn and hereditary predisposition to the development of malignant melanoma. Pay special attention to proper tanning if you have delicate sensitive skin.

Much has been written about how to get a beautiful tan, take any jar or bottle of tanning cream, putting into practice everything that is written on it, you will get a beautiful, even tan. But! Well, if you have time to brag about it at home in front of your friends, after a maximum of two weeks, as they say, such a tan will wash off.

The whole point is that creams and oils only temporarily enhance the color of the tan due to the various components included in them, natural or artificial dyes. The skin changes its color and acquires, it would seem, under the influence of creams and oils for sunburn, and not under the influence of solar ultraviolet rays.

Maybe this is right, especially for those whose skin is naturally white, or residents of the north, where there is no summer and no opportunity to sunbathe.

How to get a natural sustainable tan and what you need to do.

And you need only two components for this, the sun and time. Get a beautiful sustainable tan in less than two weeks does not work. And the rule for this is simple. Sunbathe from 7 am to 11 am and from 4 pm to sunset, spinning like a grilled chicken.

If you fall asleep, be sure to burn. Actually days after 10 you will already have a beautiful tan and being in the sun all day long. Use this opportunity to enhance the tan or not, decide for yourself. Only take care of your face, it burns faster and stronger than the rest of the body.

And one more little secret for a beautiful, even and long-lasting tan not worth it. No more than 15 minutes and a break between bathing sessions for at least half an hour. Coming out of the sea, be sure to wipe (blot the water on the body with a towel like a blotter), otherwise small blisters, red spots of burns through drops of water are provided to you. Each drop of water is a small magnifying lens.

And to confirm my words, I will give two examples from my life.

Creativity of Ilya Mashkov, a lover of beaches and their inhabitants. "On the beach. Gurzuf", 1926.

In the early years of our life together and naturally sea ​​recreation with his wife, she constantly burned in the sun. No persuasion to go into the shadows did not help. She needed a tan, and for him, she, like most women, was ready to endure, and pain and skin red like boiled cancer, stocking up on sour cream in advance. Time passed, the peeling skin naturally did not adorn the woman, and miraculous entrance went oils and sun creams. The effect of them was instantaneous, and also instantly a wonderful beautiful tan was washed off upon arrival home.

And there was always wonder about my dark skin, to which the tan just stuck. And only by the age of 32, my tan finally “washed off” and the body acquired a snow-white shade, obtained at birth. Dark skin secret was simple, until the age of 17 I instantly, like any person with snow-white skin, burned in the sun, but fate abandoned me to serve in the Navy. My first "military campaign" lasted almost six months, from January 10 to June 6. We were based in, where even in January the temperature did not fall below 25 degrees. There is a law in the Navy, the time is from 13 to 15 hours, for free from watch, this is a rest, if you want quiet time like in kindergarten.

All this time we rested, basking in the Mediterranean sun. For six months of one and a half hour sunbathing, my skin became almost bronze, and this tan lasted more than 12 years.

I don’t know if my wife believed me or not in my reincarnation, but after many years of experiments on herself, she sunbathes only until 11 and after 15-16 hours. And you should notice the result on the face, it's funny to watch them devouring it women's views and how the surrounding female sex copies her every movement on the seashore, and beautiful bronze sea tan on her body lasts almost until spring . In order to get a beautiful sea tan, 15-18 is enough sunny days.
