How to understand what a man thinks about a woman. If a man is in love with a woman, he pretends that she is indifferent to him.

Why do men hide their feelings and portray complete indifference? Why do they always pretend to be tough guys and try to seem tougher than they really are?

It turned out that they behave In a similar way because they feel they have to, especially with women.

Women often wonder why men do not call for so long. For example, a guy takes a girl's phone number, and calls only after six days. Then he asks her out on a date and doesn't call for another five days. Meanwhile, the unfortunate girl scratches her head and asks herself: "What would that mean?"

Women often overwhelm men, so they use defensive waiting tactics. At the beginning of a relationship, he calculates everything. A man wants to be rational, not emotional, because it is obvious to him that emotionality is a sign of weakness. On Tuesday, he says to himself, "I think I'll call her on Thursday." Most men do not even realize that women would rather hear their call on Tuesday.

Why do men do this? They behave in this way to "save face" and give themselves the impression that he is in control of the situation. Handsome guy named Stephen struck me with his wisdom. He said, "As long as you act calmly with a woman, as if you don't really care about her, everything is fine. But once you show that a woman is important to you, she immediately senses this and begins to treat you completely differently." That's why men wait and don't call. They feel that women do not respect men who show weakness or vulnerability.

You should not take this behavior on a personal level. Let the man not call for a day or two. Very often, when it seems to you that he does not care about you, in fact, a man gives you an implicit compliment: he wants you so much that he does not want to show it. In other cases, men step back deliberately to see how you react. They want to know how important they are to you. If you don't believe me, read on. Here's what these cunning devils came up with:

1. "Men want women to think that they have a lot of girlfriends, although in reality this may not be the case at all. Men exaggerate. They think that this will be more attractive to women."

2. "Yes, men often act tough. They think that this will make them more attractive to women. I know some guys who date not the most beautiful women just to make your real girlfriends nervous."

3. "Men don't want to admit that a woman controls them. It hurts them to think that a woman means so much to them. We don't want to lose control of ourselves."

Principle of attraction:

At the beginning of a relationship, you should only pay attention to how often a man communicates with you, as he can hide his emotions for quite a long time.

4. "At the beginning of a relationship, I might not call a girl for quite some time because I don't want to seem too in love."

5. "Men are just as emotional as women. They just don't show their feelings because society does not encourage them to do so. A man should always keep himself in control."

6. "When a woman behaves independently and calmly, it scares a man. Women can crush men, although they don't know it. What if she just leaves? It scares a man half to death."

7. "If a man is really in love with a woman, he will go out of his way to pretend that she is indifferent to him. rare man falls on his knees before the woman and begins to sob."

8. "Of course, men pretend to be tough ... They want women to be more interested in them. We want to please women and do not want to seem weak and in love. If you show a woman that you are in love with her, she will immediately want to drive under your thumb."

9. "Sometimes at the beginning of a relationship, a man pretends that a woman is indifferent to me. He does not call for a long time to maintain her interest. No guy wants to seem madly in love."

10. "A man is much more dependent sexually. A woman can control her sexual desires, but they completely own the men.

11. "Men act in ways that interest women. Most men assume that women prefer tough, rude, 'bad' guys."

12. "If you show weakness, then they will immediately take advantage of it. Some men believe that as soon as they open up, women immediately use the information received against them."

13. "If you let a woman know that you haven't had a girlfriend for a long time, she will get the impression that you are already desperate and ready to date anyone."

14. "Women control relationships because they can control their sexual desires. In fact, women have much more power than they think. Many men consider themselves under the thumb of women."

15. "When a man pretends to be tough guy, he wants to impress a woman with his strength and energy. He's just trying to play by the rules. No man wants to be considered sissy and weak."

Principle of attraction:

A man treats a woman the same way he treats other men. He poses as a tough guy because he doesn't want to appear weak or desperate.

Why do people of the opposite sex so often fail to come to an understanding? Even speaking about the same things, most often they have completely different views and come to completely different conclusions. The thing is that the brain of a man and the brain of a woman are fundamentally different in their structure, this suggests that women and men think completely differently, even discussing the same news, they come to different conclusions. female brain passes all information through feelings and emotions, while the male sees everything through the prism of logic and facts. If women, thanks to their innate wisdom, take this fact into account when communicating with their men, then many scandals and misunderstandings can be avoided. After all, the main thing is to understand what a man really thinks?

After conducting many anonymous sociological surveys among men, psychologists managed to find out the secret thoughts of men about women. Many men choose not to talk about their innermost thoughts regarding women, for the sake of general peace of mind.

Indeed, by and large, it is not known how a woman can react when she hears the truthful thoughts of her man, they can offend some woman, some can understand them in their own way and make a scandal, even just be offended and not talk, there can be many reactions and that’s all they are unpredictable.

Men hate to sort things out with women (because in any case they will be guilty of all mortal sins), therefore it is better to agree with the opinion of your woman than to prove to her your vision of some issue. So, after conducting a lot of surveys of men of different ages and social categories Summarizing the results obtained, psychologists present a list of a wide variety of topics with truthful reflections of men on this issue.

Sex. Most likely, women could not even think that men can also have sex just because it is in this moment wants a woman. After all, a man, just like a woman, can be tired, can think about solving them because of problems at work and not give in to passion completely, can have sex just because he doesn’t want to offend his woman and show her that at the moment he don't want this at all.

Strong women. Men are not afraid of strong women, as it is commonly believed by women themselves, it's just that this type of woman is not attractive to most men, just as weak men are not attractive to women.

Male activity. If a man stopped taking the initiative as often as several years ago, this may indicate that the woman has become less sexually interesting to him, perhaps this was facilitated external changes perhaps the man was fed up with the monotony. After all, a man loves with his eyes, never loving husband will not tell his wife that she is not sexually attractive to him, so as not to offend her. Therefore, a woman needs to try to introduce new elements into sex life families.

Politeness. This is what men think when they see a woman yelling at, say, a waitress? Absolutely not about this woman self-confident and in control of the situation. Such behavior in most men only causes disappointment, because every girl on a subconscious level in a man is associated with the mother of his children or with his half, and as a rule, men do not tolerate screams, scenes and tantrums.

Whims. Men most often fulfill all women's whims only out of curiosity, how far this woman can go in the manifestation of her selfishness and greed. The conclusions made after such situations, the man leaves for the rest of his life and in the future can stop the appearance of whims in the bud.

Excess weight. Not all men dream of their women having the form of fashion models. And the more respectable the age of a man, the this question he cares less, with age, a man begins to appreciate fair half for completely different qualities, for internal completeness and similarity of views.

Flirt. For a man, as well as for a woman, a trip to a restaurant, jokes, smiles and light flirting does not bear any obligations. Just at this time, a man tries to take a closer look at the woman he likes.

Home life. Of course, every man is pleased to see his house clean and comfortable, but not a single man will tolerate constant quarrels and scandals just because of delicious dinner and clean shirts. After all, if a man is left alone, he can clean up and cook dinner for himself. More important is not domestic comfort, but internal, the atmosphere where you can relax and forget about work problems.

Confidence. Men on a subconscious level trust women very much, so if a woman repeatedly says in the morning that she is fat, then by the evening the man will begin to believe in it.

Abstinence. Men can live just fine without sex, maybe longer than women, and what the public says about instincts is just a tribute to fashion.

Treason. A man can change simply by succumbing to a momentary desire, but the fact that the fact of infidelity is carefully hidden not only from mutual acquaintances, but primarily from his beloved woman, only says that a man is really afraid of losing her and values ​​\u200b\u200bhis relationship.

Jealousy. A man is not jealous of the one he does not love, this instinct of the owner is inherent in nature. Just because of his temperament, one man, like a typhoon, can demolish everything in his path, and the second, like a volcano, accumulates negative emotions until the explosion.

Inaccessibility. Of course, the inaccessibility of a lady provokes many men, because a man is a hunter. But the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the hunter will lose interest in the roe deer, which has gone to the mountains and will pay attention to those who are peacefully nibbling grass on the lawn at the very nose.

Past life. Men, just like women, have a very well-developed imagination, so it’s better not to detail your stories about the former. Otherwise, a man will never give those roses that the former gave, just so that he would not be compared with anyone. And if you tell in detail about how he preferred to have sex ex-boyfriend, a woman runs the risk of causing her man to feel the presence of a third person in bed with every sexual intercourse.

Women's beauty. For a man, beauty and sexuality are not on the same level, because so many beauties, after the departure of their husband, wondered what he found in this gray mouse?

Appearance. By and large, men are not so important appearance women, as for the woman herself. All men agreed that women dress not for them, men, but for themselves and other women, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of their man, their taste and class. After all, few men understand all the intricacies of style and branded items.

Wedding. One of the most interesting questions What do men say and think about marriage? They say that the stamp in the passport scares the loss of freedom, this is an excuse. After all, from love, sympathy and just relationships with good sex before Great love the distance is really great. A man, in his heart, wants to get married once and have children, take care of his family, so he looks at his girlfriend so carefully and does not rush to propose. But if a man feels that his woman is nearby, then a marriage proposal will come immediately. Also, men cannot stand pressure and coercion, he makes the decision himself and does not need to impose this decision on him.

It's no secret that men are warriors and fighters. They are used to fighting for a place in life, winning the love of women, position on career ladder and much more. That is why in their heads they always make up their personal rating, build a hierarchy of achievements and qualities, according to which not only the actions of others, but also their own are evaluated. For them, there is a standard of behavior of a real man, and to correspond to it is the highest goal. It is on this that his self-esteem and opinion of himself depend.

If a man succeeds, then in his own eyes his rating increases, and in others, according to the man, too. Friends must match his own position in the rankings. Not necessarily in the field of career achievements, it can be personal qualities or something else. But a man will not have comrades among those who are far behind him in priority areas, considering them losers.

For women, such an assessment does not apply or operates differently. A man evaluates a potential partner according to completely different characteristics, so it makes no sense to try to impress him by demonstrating masculine qualities. A man can transfer such a woman to male rating, respectively, she loses positions in his women's top, after which it is perceived exclusively as business partner or a good friend.

If you have achieved much great success in a career than a man, so that he correctly evaluates you according to his rating, let him understand that his other qualities are important to you: courage, determination, masculinity.

Men don't understand women in the same way that women don't understand men.

It is for this reason that it is sometimes so difficult to convey some thought to your beloved, you just speak different languages. The habit of women to speak in hints affects, expressing most of the meaning in emotionally colored words, and not in logical maxims, as it would be more comfortable for a man. Additional details, without which it is difficult for a woman to perceive the situation as a whole, they only distract the attention of a man, he loses his meaning and focuses on trifles that are unnecessary to him. In the end, he generally ceases to understand what they are trying to explain to him.

Do not hint to him that you want more warmth and care. Just say that if he covers you with a blanket when you fell asleep and forgot to hide, then you will be pleased. If you want him to give you flowers, also tell him about it directly. Don't forget to specify which flowers you prefer! The main thing here is not to overdo it. It is enough to say once.

Men's memory is arranged quite differently.

It's time to talk about how men's memory works. Unlike women, who for the most part remember the mood and emotional coloring of events, men remember logical facts. That is why, if you are jealous or offended by him, then as soon as the emotions are gone, you quickly forget and forgive. A man fully forgives only when he logically substantiates for himself the reason why he should forgive. He remembers the essence of the event for a very long time, but the emotional interpretation may change over time.

So, if you were flirting with someone, and he was jealous of you, then he will remember what you were doing at that moment, what words you said and what look you gave the interlocutor. You can convince him that your words did not contain the emotions that he recognized, but trying to make him forget about this episode will not work.

Men think about relationships several times less than women.

The fair sex spend hours pondering what his words meant. They worry about how the man perceived them, discuss all the vicissitudes of the current romance with their friends and mother. But men don't do that. Relationships take up much less space in their thoughts.

If a man has, he enjoys them or experiences unpleasant emotions in this regard. He analyzes how this phenomenon in his life is good for him. This does not mean that he is on the development of relations, and he is not ready to do something to improve them. He just sees it all differently.

To better understand what topics men care about, pay attention to the headlines of glossy magazines. men's magazines. There will be no topics about the psychology of relationships, but questions about sex, cars, finances.

Men also want attention and love.

Women, focusing on how to understand what a man thinks, can forget about why they, in fact, spend time together. There is a universal language of communication available to both sexes: it is love. Take care of a man, treat your relationship with him as something important, give him warmth and attention. This is what will allow not only you to begin to better understand him, but also him - you.

How to leave a man when you have known each other for a long time and together, only the relationship froze on some incomprehensible note. He appears, then disappears, a step to the side and he is already with you, everything is fine - he disappears for a long time ... The question is very serious and not simple. It is easier to prevent the development of relations with a chosen one who is not yours. Let's get a look…

What does a rooster think when it runs after a hen? If I don’t catch up, I’ll warm up.” Is it rude? Yes. It's a shame? Yes. Does it look like the truth? Yes. Although, like every truth, there are also two sides here: male and female. We will consider " women's truth". Let's look at the reasons to leave a man!

How to distinguish serious intentions men from the intentions of the "rooster", who strikes up a relationship in order to fool his head. When and how should you leave a man? At what stage of the relationship?

There are many external signs, revealing the behavior of the "rooster". They are especially striking on first dates. It is very important to pay attention to them until that moment and leave a man before you fall in love, which means you are not blinded by love and have not embarked on the path of forgiveness or maternal love. Maybe one day you should stop, look around and, without emotions, evaluate your relationship with a man that has just begun?

Before analyzing the behavior of a man in relation to himself, it would be nice to understand for himself the attitude of the chosen one to alcohol and drugs. If a young man does not refuse feasts, skips a glass just like that, for no reason, there is always a battery of beer bottles in his refrigerator, you should think about whether he has a penchant for alcohol. Maybe you should talk to him unobtrusively, suggest that he undergo a course of treatment for alcoholism. Or recall lines from Holy Scripture that drinking alcohol means drinking the blood of Jesus Christ. “Whoever eats this bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and thus let him eat from this bread and drink from this cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, he eats and drinks condemnation to himself, not considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many die” (1 Cor. XI, 27-30). How to leave a man who drinks - I think, quickly and irrevocably. There are no former alcoholics - do you need it ?!

Reasons to leave a man

1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the look of a man. If, surrounded by other women, a man does not look at you, his eyes run from one woman to another and at the same time his gaze does not return to you, this is bad sign. Studies show that a man in love looks twice as much at the object of his love.
Talk to your man, ask him a question that will require a detailed answer. While looking into his eyes. If he avoids your gaze, turns away, looks through you, he is not yours.
The exception here may be that he is embarrassed by your appearance or your facial expressions frankly "contort" him. Therefore, it is very important when preparing for a date to monitor your appearance, facial expressions and behavior. Bright makeup and fiery lips are absolutely out of place. They are good when a woman goes hunting. When a man is "caught", you should not scare him away bright colors. Make-up should be calm, neat. You can only slightly emphasize facial features that you find attractive. Facial expressions should not be "clownish". No need to goggle your eyes or round your mouth. Practice in front of a mirror and find something for your face easy, slightly enigmatic smile. If the corners of the lips are lowered, “teach” the face to “raise” them. Do not giggle, do not cover your mouth with your hand, do not make sudden movements. All this can be achieved at home, in front of a mirror. All this is good, but how to leave a man who falls in love with all these shortcomings of yours?!

2. Follow the behavior of a man when you are standing with him surrounded by other people. If a man is standing slightly behind you or in front, this may be a sign that he is not very sure of his feelings or simply does not take you seriously. The lover should stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder.

3. A man makes fun of you in front of other people or in a circle of friends, but then calms you down, they say, do not be offended, I was joking. It's not funny. Consider if it's worth your attention. If her lover does the same with your friend, do not laugh, but rather put him on your “black list” of dishonorable men.

4. When a man asks a woman to change something about her appearance because he allegedly prefers that hair color or a particular bust size, this is a blatant attempt to manipulate you. One request will be followed by another. If you obey, then you can consider that you have lost a man. He will never be yours. However, do you need such a dreamer-egoist?

5. If a man brings his friend on a date, he should be forgotten forever. He's hardly ready for serious relationship. In the foreground are his friends. Such a man is the very “rooster” from the joke.

6. If a man bristles at your innocent question, where did he disappear to or what did he do during the day, this means that he has something to hide. He is not frank with you, because he does not consider you a close person and he does not have any serious plans for you.

7. As soon as a man started talking about money and even more so asked to lend him a certain amount, we immediately forget about him. We don't need gigolos. However, you should not believe in any heartbreaking stories. He is not alone in this world. He can ask for a loan from others, and certainly not from the woman he is in love with.

8. Your man is rude and impatient with waiters in a restaurant or cafe. This is worth thinking about. It's better to just forget about it. Reasons to leave a man are obvious - greedy and rude, vulgar. If we continue the selection of epithets, we will stumble upon Brutal, and this is already interesting ... And besides, he has the figure of an ideal man ...

9. If a man is reluctant to talk about himself and his family, about his plans, then this should alert you. However, if at the same time you already feel love yearning, then remember the female curiosity. Find out as much as you can about his life.
10. A man in love will try to spend a lot of time with you. He is ready to go to the ends of the world, just to see and talk to you for five minutes. If he is constantly busy, finds various excuses to delay meeting you, this should make you think about the seriousness of his feelings, and not look for excuses for him, like, oh, poor, how hard he works.

11. If a man speaks only about himself, if the pronoun “I” prevails in his speech, think about it, and is he not from the “daffodils”?
12. Men are not very good memory. This is true. But not for lovers. That's really who is unlikely to forget your birthday or the date you met. If a man suffers from forgetfulness, he most likely deleted you from his romantic dreams.
13. You should especially pay attention to the stories of a man about how he spends time without you. If he goes to parties, to other companies or travels, pretend that you are interested in listening to it. To be able to listen to a man is a great art and it needs to be learned. As they say, the ability to listen should already be in the look of a woman. Talk less, nod more. However, at the same time, ask yourself the question: why does he not invite you with him? The answer is obvious.
14. And, of course, pay attention to the attitude towards alcohol. A man will never allow himself too much if a woman is not indifferent to him.

The listed 14 signs are considered in relation to the very first contacts with a man. Observe and draw conclusions, is it worth spending time on this man? There are different reasons to leave a man, there are many of them ... But if you analyze your chosen one so carefully, leave him right away, you don’t love him. Any pallet, if you love it, is perfect, and you can’t get anywhere. And it’s straight, the question is how to leave a man ... But nothing, until he leaves.

So why do men think about some women, but not about others? Everything is very simple.

Imagine a man meets a pretty woman. She is not an enviable bride, there are not a huge number of admirers around her, so she lives a rather monotonous and boring life. She is both modest and smart, and maybe even a good kisser, but a man will not think about her after the first date. Why? Because there is no conflict, no concern, no problem - why think something? He says to her: “Well, honey, will we meet tomorrow?” And she answered him: “Yes, of course, we will meet! Will wait! I'll call!"

And the Enviable Bride, most likely, will answer like this: “No, tomorrow it will not work. A neighbor called me to a birthday party, asked me to help her pick out clothes and make good makeup”(Our cadets are really constantly asked for such things, as we teach this in the courses). So the man will have to worry in the evening: he liked the girl, but she cannot be completely accessible, since she is constantly invited somewhere. And there are always a lot of men at the celebrations, suddenly they will be taken away ?! He will not be able to sleep, he will worry: what if she likes someone else, what if the opponent turns out to be better, what if, and why? Therefore, he will constantly call, seek a meeting, try to win it back from other potential suitors. There's nothing you can do, that's the way a man works.

At ordinary woman life is boring, and having met a man, she begins to make one mistake after another: she demands dates, constantly calls herself, and sometimes even from complete stupidity is silent on the phone. In this state of affairs, a man simply does not have a chance to become interested in a woman and fall in love with her. There is no problem, no conflict is foreseen, there is no one to win it back. And if no one is interested in her, if no one fights for her, then why does he need her? No need.

That's why the most best men and fall in love with enviable brides. After all, there are actually few of them, very few, there is practically no competition. And there are many successful and good men.

Irina, as I see it, has a lot of problems. The man is not interested in her, does not take her seriously. And the fact that she thinks that he loves her, so it may be a delusion. A man can say anything to keep a girl just as a fallback.

I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just describing the real state of things in this world. You see, when a man really loves, he tends to get married as soon as possible, if his lady of the heart wants it. Love, it is not expressed in words, it is seen in deeds.

And since Irina female charm a little, the man sees that the demand is small and she will not get away from him anywhere, which means that you can not be afraid to lose her. What a serious attitude.

You see, if a woman is charming, she cannot calmly walk down the street: someone will definitely want to get acquainted, someone will give something, someone will help with something. From charming woman emanates a special energy that attracts men, forcing them to pay attention to her, somehow take care of her.

Here you don't have to do anything. When my husband and I walk down the street together, men turn their necks. All the male neighbors in the district know that there lives such a prominent neighbor! If we go to the cinema while my husband is buying tickets, some man manages to try to get to know me. So I try not to look at men too much.

I think this is one of the reasons why husbands of their charming wives try to accompany them everywhere.

When I was not yet married, it was the norm for me that men on the street jumped out of cars to get to know me. Or, for example, from a cafe I often came home with huge bouquets flowers that the men from the next table ordered and gave me. I couldn't even get on the bus. Surely someone offered something, gave, got acquainted with me.

Such girls shamelessly go to a restaurant with a small amount of money, because in any institution there is someone who will pay their bill. And then he will also lend money or just like that, and put him in a taxi, show concern. True, perhaps they will not meet again, because the girl did not really like him, and she gave him the phone number of her girlfriend, who would introduce herself as an elderly grandmother. Well, it doesn’t matter, the girl is in search, she is looking for a good husband. What can you do if a man himself begins to take active care - not to deprive him of this joy?

At the Enviable Bride great amount friends, buddies and just good acquaintances, because she is charming and it is very, very pleasant to communicate with her, which, in fact, is a huge rarity among women. It is enough for her to talk to a man once, let him know that he is an interesting, intelligent interlocutor, that his manners and jokes are charming, as the interlocutor will immediately want to take care of this woman.

Men are proud to meet an enviable bride, because she raises their self-esteem, even when she is just around.

Such high level femininity and charm must have any woman who wants to live a successful life, striving to be appreciated and loved by her husband. And I just can not understand why many women do not want to learn this.

History and literature are full of images of such women: the Queen of Sheba, Cleopatra, Gogol's Solokha. But the legendary Marilyn Monroe could only portray such women, as she had soft plasticity, a playful look and was a good actress. But, in fact, a huge number of complexes and prejudices, a lack of understanding of what should actually happen between a man and a woman, did not allow her to be an enviable bride. Therefore, she made a lot of mistakes in relationships and faced only problems in her personal life. But after all, all this is treated, if a woman had an intention to engage in personal development.

“... We love each other very much, but everyone says that he will leave me ...”

If everyone says so, then most likely it will happen, if only because others are meditating on this situation. Again, did Ira test the man for his potential for family life? How much does it cost him? How much does he invest in it?

In general, there are very simple signs, by which you can understand: is this your man or not. Don't just rely on them. common sense save is very important. But maybe they will help someone.

For example, very good sign if friends and family praise your fiancé. It is especially good if distant acquaintances, whom you do not see every day, admit that they are fascinated by your man.

I remember when Oleg and I met, everyone told me that I had a wonderful fiancé. Even the cleaners mall where I worked, they approached and for some reason praised my future husband, although I did not communicate with them, so I just greeted and exchanged pleasantries. My boss also thought Oleg was good. Parents immediately showed confidence in him.

Another one good omen- this is an unusual luck. Everything starts to turn out very well for you, and no one is late for meetings, and spontaneous pleasant things and situations constantly occur. Oleg, for example, was immediately lucky to find a suitable apartment for our life together, just very lucky with the location, and with the owners, and with payment.

That is, all the signs should tell you that life will be successful, successful, that you and your fiancé have good compatibility.

For example, at work, at first everyone decided that Oleg was my brother, because we are very similar to him. And at first they praised him as a brother, and then, when everything turned out, they began to praise him as a groom. After we visited my parents a couple of times, my aunt, not particularly generous with compliments, said that Oleg, her most beloved relative, she liked in all respects. Well, a lot of such unusual and successful things happened. You can describe them for a very long time.

If you are really two halves of one whole, your entire environment will let you know about it, and your little world will definitely help you with this. If everything turns out somehow too unsuccessfully and some troubles replace others, then most likely the Universe is hinting that you are not a couple, and if you start living together, there will be many problems.

Of course, troubles happen to everyone, where would it be without them, but if more than three very unpleasant incidents happen, then most likely this is a sign. In life, nothing just happens.

In ancient times, for example, it was customary for astrologers to calculate a favorable period for finding a couple. Even now some people do it to family life formed successfully.

But I believe that luck can be attracted into your life if you start working on your worldview and character. And this is especially important for a woman, since it is the wife who is the talisman of good luck, and it depends on her how successful family life will be and whether luck will accompany her husband.

Therefore, after a woman has become an enviable bride and got married, she begins to new period in life and new stage personal development. Now she needs to become a "contented wife" in order to bring good luck to her family. But that's a topic for another book.

Thank you Oksana for your course. I have just finished the 2nd month, I constantly read your electronic newspaper. I try to put everything into practice. The most important thing for me now is that I have become more confident and happier. I feel more and more like a person.

I want to tell you one case. I rode home on the tram, stood on the back platform near the window. A jeep drives up behind the tram. We made eye contact with the driver and smiled at each other. The tram has gone, and the jeep is behind us. The driver started gesturing for me to get off the tram and get into his car. I refuse and smile, then he invites me to eat in the same way, again I’m not in any. So we passed the stop, we go further. And then I show with gestures that he got out of the car and got on the tram with me. We laughed at my proposal, he overtook the tram and left. I stand further, I think that he is tired of persuading me, and I stand, as I stood. Stop, people come in, and then someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see him. The doors close and he leaves with me. Then, at the next stop, I nevertheless got off with him, and we got to know each other. He turned out to be a solid businessman, interesting and a good man. This is how you ride the tram. Smiles do wonders!!!


Chapter 13

Hello Oksana!

I was desperate to start a family. I'm trying to do what you write. She was never loved by men - neither by her father, by anyone, only rejection, bullying and resentment. I have a hidden aggression towards men. There is a lot of pain and distrust in the heart. With my mind I understand that it is necessary to create a family, give birth to children, but there are no feelings, no faith in myself as a woman, no strength. Oksana, tell me how to forgive all the men who offended me and want to love and believe in love.

Irina, 28 years old

Try to see and feel the image of a woman with whom a man will fall in love and, moreover, want to live with her all his life, and absolutely seriously - with a stamp in his passport and a wedding in a church. So what is this image?

A girl is sitting at a table in a cafe (not in terms of age, she may be fifty, but as the personification of the “Image of a Girl”). All the men passing by turn around and look at her, unable to look away. Love, study, wonder. They are struck by her radiant gaze, so rare and amazing in our time.

One of the men, not afraid of such a prominent girl, comes up to her table and asks permission to sit down.

He drowns in her gaze, he is soothed by her voice and manner of affectionately speaking. A man is fascinated by her freshness, lightness, playfulness, she seems to him a beautiful flower.

And the girl looks and sees, studies and chooses the best husband for herself. Now she is an enviable bride.

And in the evening she remembers her youth and stupidity, bad marriage, the birth of a child, a lot of problems, divorce, despair and the subsequent rebirth of femininity in her.

In fact, no more than 2-3 percent of girls have the status of an enviable bride. All others are deluded. And this misconception is then confirmed by life itself - a failed marriage and subsequent disappointment.

Girls, understand that an enviable bride is magnificent on all planes of being. She knows how to be beautiful and dress amazingly, knows how to present herself, she is visited by wonderful thoughts and feelings. And this amazing inner world influences her appearance in the best way. And there should be no weaknesses in the Image, so the girl should work on herself.

Irina is not even in the status of an enviable bride, but in the status of an anti-bride. But this does not mean that you need to despair and fall into depression. You need to start working on your Image, setting aside time for regular classes. Gradually, you will become more serious and responsible for yourself. And transform.

“... I have hidden aggression towards men. There is a lot of pain and distrust in the heart. I understand intellectually that I need to start a family, have children, but I don’t have any feelings, I don’t have faith in myself as a woman, I don’t have the strength ... "

What is your image of Irina? Men do not turn around and look at you with interest. They don’t compare with a flower, they don’t drown in a look, they don’t calm down from your voice, because hidden aggression is heard in it.

If you get married in the image of an anti-bride, then it’s even scary to imagine what kind of husband the poor thing will attract into her life.

But everything that happens to you now is being treated.

Start over.

"... I have never been loved by men - neither by my father, by anyone, only rejection, bullying and resentment ..."

Irina harbored a grudge against her father, who did not give her a decent upbringing and care. In such a situation, it is important to understand that parents, good or bad, are given to us for a reason, but for our merits in past lives. Maybe you yourself past life were the same parents and raised their children in the same way - now they got what they deserved. What's there to be offended about? On the contrary, you need to thank your parents for giving you the opportunity to live in this world.

And then both for parents and for themselves to start learning and developing, to raise the level of consciousness in order to fulfill their destiny in this life.

I'll tell you a story about a girl who was very angry with men. They offended her, then raped her - the trouble, in general. And the more she got mad at them, the more unlucky she got. From resentment, she got quite serious female diseases. Under hypnosis, she remembered that in a past life she was a very bad evil man who raped women. It turned out that in her current life she is paying for sins in the body of an evil and offended woman suffering from men. The poor thing realized that she had no one to be offended with - she herself was to blame for everything. She calmed down, forgave and decided to live on, learning to treat this world and herself with love, to the fact that she is a woman. Gradually, problems with health and personal life receded.

Do not be offended and make claims to life, fate, men. All difficulties are given to us for the development and improvement of spiritual qualities.

But in order to forgive and stop being offended by everyone and everything, you also need to perform daily asceticism. Just send love to yourself and loved ones, father and mother, other people and especially all the men around you (how to do this, I wrote in the book “How to Become an Enviable Bride”).

If you accustom yourself to continuously send love, over time, the Image will be replaced in your subconscious. Now the Image of an offended, angry and male-hating fury lives there. Daily exercise you can turn it into new image a girl who loves and rejoices in this world, giving him good luck!

Our attitude to the world and everything we give to it is multiplied and returned to us. After all, by connecting to a constructive channel of love and starting to creatively serve it, we will get more enthusiasm, a desire to create, and, of course, more luck.

But for this to really happen, you need to work hard on yourself. Take action and you will succeed!

We dealt with resentment. What to do next? Next you need to study behold, that is, to find a particle of God in people. Learn not only to see this in people (especially men), but also to talk to them about what you liked about them. You are attractive to men when you yourself are passionate about them. I recommend learning this phrase by heart and constantly repeat it when you communicate with men.

You also need to calm down, achieve peace. To do this, completely remove from your life all the whiners and those who spoil your nerves. An adult independent person decides for himself with whom to communicate and with whom not. You need girlfriends who are in tune with your mindset "Life is beautiful, it has many opportunities, you need to do something to get even more results."

A woman cannot live without communication. While she is single, she needs to fill her life with fun and purposeful people who inspire and support her in Hard time. If there are people in her circle who undermine self-confidence, pump out strength and energy from her, she will live her life in vain, one might say, flush it down the toilet.

It is very important to think about what you spend your time on. If you prefer to suffer from your unfortunate fate and cry from grief in the evenings after work, then it is vital for you to fill all the time to failure in order to get rid of emotional hunger and not fall into depression. It's important to know how to take care of yourself.

After all, emotional hunger directly connects a person to destructive channels. Remember this!

You need to enroll in a dance school, an art school, a sports club, courses hairdressing, cutting and sewing, or where they teach useful crafts that can always come in handy in a woman's life. Just in the club of interests you can find many purposeful and funny girlfriends, and all the whiners will "fall off" themselves, because you will have nothing in common with them.

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