What hair color is suitable if. How to choose the ideal hair color for dyeing: useful tips for girls

Choosing hair color is a responsible matter, because everything is at stake. appearance– what it will be, attractive or inharmonious, depends largely on the color of the hair.

Hair color determines a lot - from a woman’s psychological self-awareness to color scheme wardrobe. If you radically change your appearance, it may turn out that the things you purchased before the transformation don’t fit your face as well as before.

Therefore, there is no room for error in choosing a hair color, and in order to do everything correctly and achieve maximum results, you need to carefully analyze your appearance - color type, psychological condition And personal qualities, and also find an image that evokes pleasant associations in you. These three parameters do not always lead to one answer - one tone and hair color. For example, a woman wants to be blonde with a golden tint like Marilyn Monroe, but she has a fiery character (which corresponds to the red color), and her natural color type – winter (black hair color is ideal). How to act in such confusing situations, we will try to figure it out in this article.

How to choose suitable color hair?

To find out if your hair color is suitable, you first need to determine the color type. There are 4 main color types, which are determined depending on:

  • shade and color of the iris;
  • skin tones;
  • hair colors

Thus, by changing your hair color, you can strengthen or weaken the characteristics of your color type. To look brighter, you need to enhance the parameters of your color type, and the easiest way to do this is with the help of clothing and hair color.

Next, what you should pay attention to when choosing a hair color is character. Aggressive colors - black and platinum white - suit bright women who like to be the center of attention. Muted and intermediate versions of these colors are suitable for gentle people who do not claim leadership and attention.

To like yourself in the mirror, you need to find a kind of ideal, type, and in choosing your hair color, get closer to it. This will ensure good mood and self-confidence.

Who suits red hair color?

Red is classic autumn color not only in nature, but also in the theory of color types. The “autumn” woman has brown, cognac or green eyes, red eyes and a warm skin tone. Rarely found in this color type dark shades faces.

But a spring color type with blue eyes and a warm skin tone can also wear red hair, provided that it should not be saturated.

Who is it suitable for? chocolate color hair?

Chocolate hair color can be cold or warm. “Warm” chocolate suits the autumn color type because it harmonizes with the warm shade of the iris and skin.

Chocolate with a cool shade is a lightened version of black, and therefore it suits girls with summer and winter color types.

Who suits black hair color?

Black hair color is a winter option. Winter is distinguished by a cold, dark or light skin tone and a bright iris of cold shades - blue, for example, or has brown eyes.

Who suits caramel hair color?

Caramel is perfect option for autumn and spring color types. This is an intermediate option between blonde and chestnut color, and therefore ideal for girls with soft, rounded features.

A warm shade of appearance - iris and skin tone - is the main condition for harmony with caramel color.

Every woman who wants to change her image thinks, first of all, about new haircut and hair coloring. And at this stage the question arises: “What color? hair will do Painting them is not as difficult as removing them unsuccessful result. That is why it is worth deciding on the optimal shade in advance.

What to look for when choosing hair color

The color of your hair, like your skin tone, is determined at the genetic level. And this fact should be taken into account when choosing a coloring composition. Many girls wonder – what hair color suits me? In general, there are four main colors:

Basic hair shades

  1. Blonde;
  2. Black;
  3. Chestnut;
  4. Ginger.

You can also do the coloring yourself. The main thing is to choose a high-quality dye that will not damage the hair structure and give it the promised shade.

To become blonde

Before choosing blonde shades, you need to take a critical look at the condition of your skin. In combination with light strands, all imperfections, even the slightest, will be more noticeable. At the right combination shades, the image becomes more delicate and soft, feminine and a little dreamy.

Blonde hair, unlike the dark ones, will do full figure and the plump face becomes more elongated and slender.

To become a brunette

Let's talk about... This subtype includes dark shades of brown and black. When choosing such tones, you should know and take into account that they give the face several extra years. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to choose black for women over 35 years old.

Brunette color

Dark shades will look good in combination with dark skin or bright and rich eye color. The coloring procedure should be carried out especially carefully, since such colors are quite problematic to correct.

Maybe chestnut

They look very beautiful on the hair, and above all, they are recommended in the following cases:

  • with sparse hair;
  • with thin strands;
  • when the hair is weakened and looks lifeless.

Chestnut shades are The best way hide existing flaws and display the advantages of facial features.

The color will look good if natural or dark brown, and the eyes are predominantly brown shades.


Or a redhead?

The hair color palette has a fairly large number of options for this color. Therefore, owners of pink delicate skin should pay attention to cold tone with a copper tint, and for peach and gold - with a slight yellowness.

It is better to avoid red color altogether. It will look unnatural and vulgar.

Coloring options depending on color type

There are 4 color types into which our appearance is divided: spring, summer, autumn and winter. by color type - they are determined depending on the color of the skin, hair and eyes, and are successfully used when choosing the optimal shade of the coloring composition.

  • gentle spring. This type is cold, although it evokes a feeling of tenderness in the image. He is characterized by the absence of sharp features, bright colors and contrasts. Women of this type are not characterized by black hair and dark skin. Coloring is recommended in honey, golden-honey, nut, caramel, etc. Maximum effect will be achieved using the shatush technique or California highlighting;

California highlighting

  • cold summer. This type will be characterized by ashen and bluish shades. The contrast in skin color and strands can be of varying degrees. At the same time, representatives of this color type cannot have light skin, red hair, and;

IN in this case The shade of the dye should be selected especially carefully. So with gray eyes and cool skin tones will go well with curls of ash, light and dark brown, straw or wheat color.

  • bright autumn. The differences from summer are more bright colors and a tendency to develop freckles. The skin of such representatives does not tan, but on the contrary quickly burns in the sun. The hair of autumn representatives can be curly or unruly with an amber or copper tint. When choosing a coloring composition, you should pay attention to copper, chocolate chestnut or;
  • cool winter. Women of this type are characterized by milky skin without tanning and dark thick strands. Winter brings severity and seriousness to the image, combined with eyes of cold shades. Owners of this color type goes black hair color, chocolate, chestnut and other dark tones.

Dyeing black

Color type test

Must match your color type. Determining it is quite simple: just study your natural color of strands, skin and eyes and compare with the parameters below:


Color of the skin:

  • bronze;
  • transparent;
  • color Ivory;
  • rosy.

Spring type

  • grey-green;
  • golden;
  • with a light brown tint.
  • chestnut with a golden tint;
  • honey;
  • with a copper tint;
  • straw.


Color of the skin:

  • pale;
  • gently olive;
  • dairy.

Summer type

  • with a greenish tint;
  • gray;
  • nutty brown.
  • fair-haired;
  • light;
  • may darken with age.


Color of the skin:

  • from snow-white to golden.
  • very often with freckles.

Autumn type

  • redheads;
  • chestnut;
  • with a red tint;


Color of the skin:

  • white;
  • olive;
  • porcelain.

Winter type

  • gray;
  • dark shades of brown;
  • shades of blue.
  • chestnut();
  • black;
  • all shades of dark colors.

For winter type characterized by thick unruly hair and serious facial features.

Modern hair coloring techniques

At the moment, there are several techniques. The most popular among them are:


Came to us from Hollywood. Looks great on hair of absolutely any length and gives it additional volume due to the gradual transition of color.

The roots remain the darkest, smoothly transitioning to lighter shades at the ends. This technique is especially suitable for those girls who are proud of their natural color

hair and don’t want to change it radically.


Balayage allows you to harmoniously combine alternating shades. In this case, the color scheme will be selected individually, taking into account the color type, face shape and other features.

If you have short strands, coloring will occur only in the tip area. Degrade. This technique is characterized by the use of contrasts, where sometimes the difference is more than 6 tones.

Usually the gradient is performed on dark hair and is distinguished by its naturalness.


This technique is a lightening individual strands, and then painting them in the required color. It may differ in the width of the colored curls, as well as in the types: classic, American or. Each type has its own characteristics and expected effect.

Venetian highlighting

If you highlight on colored hair, the bleached strands can take on a completely unexpected shade. The best option is considered a procedure performed on natural hair.

Pixel coloring

This fashionable novelty was invented by masters from Spain and quickly spread throughout the world. It is especially popular among young people who strive for shocking and creative solutions. The only and most important criterion for creation is perfectly smooth curls. After all, it is on such strands that you can achieve high-quality pixel coloring with the application of the desired pattern.

Hair care after the procedure

Any coloring, to one degree or another, negatively affects the health of the hair. That is why such hair requires special care.

Greatest negative impact falls on curls when using cheap household dyes, as well as when lightening hair.

There are basic rules that must be followed to keep colored hair healthy and beautiful:

  • proper combing. You should not do this procedure very often; just comb your curls in the morning and evening. If they get tangled during the day, you can simply put them in a ponytail, braid them, or create another hairstyle;

Combing hair

  • wash your hair no more often than every three days. Daily procedure not only has a negative effect on the scalp and hair condition, but also washes out faster coloring composition from curls, which means more frequent dyeing;
  • correct washing procedure. It is better to wash your hair with warm, non-hard water. To control hardness, there are special filters installed on the tap;
  • You should not combine several hair treatments. If, after dyeing, you do a chemical or permanent wave, keratin straightening and other procedures, then the hair will take on a lifeless and weakened appearance, and its loss will increase significantly;
  • the less colored curls will be dried with a hairdryer, the less moisture they will lose. Dried hair also looks unhealthy;
  • It is not recommended to visit swimming pools for a week after the coloring procedure. The presence of chlorine in water is extremely harmful for colored hair;
  • use care products, which are intended specifically for colored hair. Their components are aimed at preserving color and having a gentle effect on curls.


For a clear example of the behavior of the color type test, see the video.


In general, it is able to refresh the image and, if necessary, will cover gray hair. Proper selection of tone and high-quality dye will lead to desired result and will preserve the health of your hair as much as possible.

All women are adventurers by nature. The desire to radically change our appearance is common to each of us. But not every young lady knows how to choose correct color hair. Such ignorance often threatens us with disappointment. It's good if you manage to choose the right hair dye color. Luck is a good thing, but it is not constant.

Selecting colors is not an easy task, but it can be mastered to perfection. Moreover, once you know your color type, you will forget about the agony of choice for the rest of your life. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to choose hair color.

Skin color features

Our hairstyle should match our skin and eyes. Only then can we talk about ideal image. Otherwise, the wrong paint can ruin all your efforts.

The shade of our skin depends on two dyes - hemoglobin (in to a large extent) and carotene (to a lesser extent). If its tone is slightly bluish (in other words, cold), hemoglobin is to blame. In the case when a woman’s skin has a yellowish (warm) tint, we can talk about the influence of carotene.

There are two more important pigments that determine the richness of hair and skin color. These are melanin (dark, black-brown pigment) and omelanin (yellow-red pigment).

Let's talk about color types

If you don’t yet know how to choose the right hair color, it doesn’t matter. First you need to decide on your color type.

Of course, there are no less shades of color than there are women on the planet. But, nevertheless, stylists divide them into 4 categories, named by analogy with the seasons. However, in order to decide how to choose the appropriate hair color, it will be enough for you to find out whether you are a warm (autumn-spring) or cold (winter-summer) type.

Warm type of girls

This definitely applies to you if:

Ladies who belong to the “autumn-spring” class should choose shades that correspond to the period. For example, bronze or gold. And remember: hair color should be darker than your skin. But it’s better to avoid black and blue.

Cold type

  • Since childhood, pinkish or white skin.
  • Blue or Brown eyes.
  • Hair can be any shade, but not red.

The “summer-winter” color type dictates its own laws. It is better for such young ladies to avoid red or golden shades. But ash and blonde suit them perfectly.

Determining your type

These are general rules for everyone, but often in life you have to observe various combinations: for example, Blue eyes and red hair. What to do in this case? How to choose new color hair?

In any case, experimenting in the hope of “maybe” is not worth it. It's better to take a closer look at yourself. There are many methods for this. Quite exciting, by the way, so you won’t be bored.

Our skin and hair shade

We have already understood that these 2 colors should be in harmony with each other. Then we carefully look at the skin and decide on the color of the curls:

Eyes are not only the mirror of the soul

Yes Yes exactly. They are also an indicator of what type of woman you are. It is the color of your eyes that will help you decide on the tone of the paint.

  • Green and brown eyes go well with dark red, golden, and red curls.
  • But cool shades are perfect for gray and blue: ash blonde, light golden.

Studying the wardrobe

Do you know how sophisticated fashionistas choose their hair color? They throw open the doors of their closets and see what colors of clothing predominate in their wardrobe. This will be directly related to the shade of your curls.

What will a jewelry box tell you?

There is another way that gives the answer to how hair color is chosen. Take out the jewelry you wear most often and look:

  • The predominance of silver indicates that you are a cold-type lady.
  • If you have more gold, which means warm colors will suit you.

There is a simpler solution: stock up on silver and gold foil. Apply 2 strips to your face one by one. Silver will go better with a cold type. With warmth - gold.

Dark-skinned women and their color type

Most often, such skin is found in southern women. Dark-skinned women also need to know what type they are.

Eat good way determine your skin tone. Take a closer look at the veins.

  • If they are blue, then your type is cold.
  • If your veins are greenish in color, you are a warm type.

It happens that it is impossible to see the veins. Some young ladies start to get nervous because they don’t know how to choose their hair color. The photo will help you with this. You need to take a photo outside on a bright day. Of course, there can be no talk of any makeup. At home, you can check your shade in a graphic editor - whether it is warm or cold.

How to choose hair color for dark-skinned girls?

Once you decide on your type, everything becomes extremely simple.

Those who belong to the “autumn-spring” type should pay attention to the chocolate color. It will make you look youthful, even if you are well over 40. Lovers of black should know: it is better to abandon the raven wing shade and give preference to charcoal pigment.

Dark-skinned young ladies with a cold appearance have fewer problems. A fairly wide range of colors suits them. If desired, they can even turn into a blonde. The main thing is to abandon the Nordic blonde. But you can choose light brown with a blue or silver tint, or light chestnut. Both light chocolate and black will look good. True, stylists say that it is better not to resort to total coloring, but to choose highlighting. But this is at your discretion.

How to choose red hair color?

From time immemorial, this color was considered one of the most extravagant. Actually, this is not surprising. After all, redheads are usually chosen by daring people who don’t like conventions and live by their own rules.

There are a huge variety of shades of this color, which are very difficult for an uninitiated person to understand. But you are now armed with the appropriate knowledge. So, how do you choose your hair color if you want to become a redhead?

  • Light chestnut, honey, and cinnamon shades are perfect for blondes.
  • Brunettes should choose mahogany or ripe plum.
  • Fair-haired people will look great with bright red or copper-red hair.

Don’t lose sight of your color type:

  • Stylists advise those with fair skin to give preference to honey or golden shades of red.
  • Dark-skinned and dark-skinned people can safely choose golden chestnut. But from red with a hint of copper and bright colors It's better to refuse.

I want to be blonde!

Then why not become one? The main thing is not to forget about your color type. For warm skin tones, choose golden blondes; for cool skin tones, choose ashy blondes. If your skin color is neutral, you can rejoice: almost any tone from this palette suits you.

However, it is worth remembering: blonde is a rather expensive color. You need to take care of such hair more carefully: take care of the roots, tint it to avoid a rusty tint to the hair, because the dye is quickly washed out.

Choosing black color

We are all different. Some people constantly lighten their hair to get rid of the boring dark color (and that’s the majority). And someone, on the contrary, dreams of becoming a burning brunette all their life. Black shades will look especially harmonious if you have olive or dark skin.

But don't forget: black is the most difficult color. It is very difficult to get rid of it. It will be almost impossible to go back to natural without damaging your hair.

The practicality and beauty of chestnut

Chestnut color is one of the most universal. It adds brightness and depth to hair of dull shades. In addition, chestnut requires minimal care. And the paint, which is available in a wide variety on store shelves, is easy to use. It is also recommended to choose chestnut shades for those who have damaged hair. This color reflects light well, therefore preventing dryness and brittleness of curls.

As you can see, color selection is a whole science. But, once you master it, you will easily navigate the endless sea of ​​all tones and shades.

Human skin and hair are colored using the same substance - the pigment melanin. Therefore, skin tone and natural hair color match naturally: As a rule, blondes have light skin, brown-haired women have a honey tint, and brunettes have an olive tint. In order not to disturb this natural balance, perfect paint for hair should be the same color as natural strands, but 1-2 shades darker or lighter.


Usually dark color chosen by those to whom nature has given grayish, ashen, popularly “mouse” hair color, as well as those with dark skin. It’s risky to take the first paint that comes to hand with a photo of a girl with black curls. Sometimes we stare at beautiful picture, we forget that this model has a different skin color and appearance type that is not similar to ours. It's better to start with a shade that is one or two shades darker than yours.

Advantages: a brunette can wear bright, bold makeup not only for a festive evening event, but even during the day in a cafe or for a walk. Besides dark shade hair makes hair visually much fuller and thicker. And remember that a dark color emphasizes green or brown eyes better than a light one.

Difficulties: If you wait re-dyeing, the roots will look terribly ugly. However, this definition can be classified as both blondes and redheads. In this case, light regrown roots will create the effect of a bald spot or simply sparse hair.

Do you really want to become a brunette? First, decide on the tone level so that it matches your color type, that is, it is not too dark, and also choose a shade: warm (with red) or cold. Those who have blonde hair and who would like to return to their natural hair color should remember that the dye is washed off from blonde hair faster than from natural hair, so they will still need to be tinted in about 2-3 weeks.


Who can choose for themselves light color: Nowadays, if not every second, then every third woman wants to become a blonde. Blonde hair has its own inexplicable magic, thanks to which men go crazy about blond beauties. If you real blonde from birth, then it’s easiest for you, you just need to choose the right shade. You choose it depending on your own hair color or the color of the last dye you used for dyeing. But if you have nothing to do with blondes, it will be quite difficult to get the color you need. The main thing is not to damage your hair, and this is very difficult to do at home.

Advantages: increased attention the opposite sex is one of the most important advantages. Be mentally prepared for it.

Difficulties: When dyeing hair light, problems most often arise with the result. Sometimes it is completely unpredictable and like a disaster. The most common troubles that happen to future blondes are greenish and reddish hair tints, which are incredibly difficult to get rid of. If you have Brown hair and you suddenly felt a call within yourself to become a blonde, choose a tone that is not too light, and also better highlighting. Otherwise, you might just end up colorless.

Those who want to become blonde also need to think very carefully and consult with the specialist who will dye you: how will your hair react to the fact that it becomes 4-5 tones lighter (if you have a fairly dark hair color), what kind of coloring will be the structure of your hair so that it does not look like it is burnt and unkempt, this is also very important!!! Blonde hair requires more care, as after dyeing it becomes drier and more susceptible to harmful effects from outside. It is necessary to use cosmetics for colored hair, as well as moisturizing masks and ampoules specifically for blonde hair, for example, Z-one ampoules from the Milk Shake series. They have the ability to penetrate deeper into the hair structure than masks or shampoos. After all, the beauty of our hair is not only in its color, but, above all, in whether it is healthy and well-groomed...


Who can choose a light color for themselves: the redhead is coming almost everyone, because it color palette incredibly rich. It is especially suitable for women with pinkish skin color.

Benefits: Women love red hair, it seems to bring some magic to the look. Men are often wary of red-haired beasts. Most important detail is that the owner of orange/garnet/copper hair will have to get used to increased attention, because such bright hair often attracts glances, both enthusiastic and surprised. However, this is exactly what extravagant women seek - attention!

Challenges: Experts in the field hairdressing They always warn that painting in red shades is exactly the case when you should think a hundred times and cut once. Dyed red hair is the most unpredictable. Because if you later want to become a blonde or a brunette again, it will be difficult to predict the result after changing your hair color again. By the way, red hair quickly loses its intensity, so coloring procedures are carried out much more often.

Those who want to become a redhead first need to think carefully about whether it’s worth it... Since if you have a naturally cold coloring, then most likely red hair color will not only not make you brighter and better, but rather the opposite: you may look tired, bruises will appear under the eyes - all this is just because the hair color is chosen incorrectly. But this does not apply to those whose style can still dye their hair red, despite the cold natural color.

Those who decide to dye their hair red must also decide on the choice of tone and its saturation. So, if you naturally have a fairly contrasting appearance, I would advise not to choose too light shades, but to make them as close as possible to the level of your natural hair color. And vice versa, don’t choose too much dark tone, if by nature you have a fairly calm (pastel) appearance.


Before applying dye to your hair, you must carefully select it. The wrong hair color can age you, highlight skin imperfections, and turn a pleasant face into a plain, too simple or gloomy one. Check out these hair color tips to help you avoid the most common mistakes.

Advice one. The main rule that must be followed when choosing hair color is adherence to the principle of compatibility of skin and hair according to the “warm skin tone - warm shade hair" or " cool shade skin - cold shade of hair.” Shades like ash blonde, Scandinavian light blonde, ice chestnut, eggplant and blue-black are combined with cool skin tones. With warm - colors with a copper, honey or reddish tint. At the same time, almost all shades of red suit white and pink-skinned women very well.

Tip two. Do not forget that those with copper or olive skin and initially brown hair are not suitable for very light hair - it looks unnatural, however color coloring using different shades with a spread of 3-4 tones it will look very impressive. For light, transparent eyes, a darker hair color that creates contrast is preferable to a light one. When combining hair and eyes, you should also follow the rule “warm to warm, cold to cold” - brown, hazel, green eyes Golden and honey-chestnut shades are suitable, blue and gray shades are ash-brown, platinum blonde.

Tip three. If you want to wear very dark or very light hair, pay special attention to the condition of your skin. A radical hair color will highlight everything that you might want to hide - imperfections, post-acne, dark circles under the eyes. Of course, hunting is worse than captivity, and what is far from ideal can always be disguised with the help of cosmetics, but think carefully about whether you need such dependence on foundation, concealer and powder, especially in summer?

Tip four. If possible, when striving for darker or lighter hair, do not transform yourself at once - this is not only harmful to your hair (and mental health loved ones), but will also create difficult-to-solve problems in case of failure. Change your hair color gradually, 1-2 tones at a time.

Tip five. When choosing a new hair color, look not at the smiling models on the paint packages, but at the palettes with sample strands or the names of the tones. Many manufacturers indicate whether the paint has a warm or cool tint. If you want to cover up a lot of gray hair, it is better to lean towards a lighter solution: dark looks less natural, especially as the roots grow out. A light ash or wheat shade will softly replace gray hair color. Do not forget that on gray hair dye reaches maximum efficiency, therefore, it is better to avoid red and red tones, unless, of course, you are striving for a photographic resemblance to Vivienne Westwood.

Tip six. Hair dyes with to varying degrees durability open up different possibilities - depending on the degree of their washability, you can “try on” a new tone with different consequences and prospects.

Temporary dye, tint will not change appearance totally, but will allow you to make the hair color deeper or give blonde hair interesting shade. Instability, which is its advantage, can also become a disadvantage - such products are washed off in the rain and get dirty. bed sheets and towels.


Semipermanent dyes act on the surface of the hair without penetrating into its structure. They are gentle on the hair and scalp, but do not always bring the expected results. But they wash off after about six weeks.

Tone-on-tone products- transitional link between semi-stable and durable paints. Their low or no ammonia formula doesn't lighten hair, it does... natural color richer and brighter. When choosing between two shades of tone-on-tone dye, choose the lighter one - usually the result of using ammonia-free dyes is somewhat darker than expected.

Permanent hair dyes are products that contain ammonia, which lifts the hair cuticle so that the pigment penetrates under the scales. They provide long-lasting results, but negatively affect the hair structure. The use of permanent dyes must be combined with care treatments for hair and scalp.


Dyeing gray hair is sometimes more difficult than just going blonde. This is due to their structure. However general rule Yes: the older we get, the lighter we choose hair dye. Dye in copper and red, eggplant and blackberry shades should be left on for a little less than the time indicated on the package, otherwise there is a high probability of acquiring a too bright, exotic hair shade. If you have less than a third gray hair, it is best to use a non-permanent paint that is a tone lighter than the natural one or that matches the natural tone.

You have time to think whether it’s worth starting coloring now or maybe wait for the first signs of gray hair. Sometimes we don't notice the beauty of ourselves native color. Ask your loved ones for their opinions, because the main thing is that the changes benefit you.

Changing your hair color is not that difficult. But we need to start transforming the image correctly. The new shade should not stand out from general image. If you dye your hair the wrong color, you can look several years older at once. Or turn into a gray moth against a background of too bright a color. Color tones that we simply like visually may not suit us at all. That's why new shade should be selected so that it harmoniously matches the appearance. Color types will help with this.

We select the paint tone according to the color type

Stylists believe that the shade of hair dye should be chosen based on your natural characteristics. Creating fashionable images, they advise to always focus on your color type. That is, a combination of the natural tone of the curls, eye color and skin tone. There are 4 color types in total, and they are named after the seasons. Determine your color type, and choosing the right hair color that suits your face and eyes will become much easier.


The main difference between “spring” is the light shades of appearance. Even if the hair is dark, there must be light strands. This color type is divided into several groups:

  • Bright spring. Eye color - turquoise, green, topaz (tea). Hair is light brown with a golden tint, black with a chestnut tint, sometimes with reddish strands. Skin tone - light ivory, porcelain, with bronze or warm, dark undertones.

  • Warm spring. Eyes - blue, green with an olive tint, light hazel, tea color. Hair ranges from bright blonde with golden streaks to light brown with a golden tint. Skin - porcelain, golden beige, bronze.

  • Bright spring. Eyes - green, blue or light hazel. The hair is light or not too dark chestnut tones, shimmering with gold. Copper shades are possible.

Stars of the “bright spring” subtype

Infographics will help you more accurately determine whether you belong to this color type. It can also be used when selecting clothing colors.

What shades are suitable for “spring”?

Warm, golden colors are suitable for girls of this type. Very delicate reddish undertones, light brown tones and sandy curls will also highlight the subtle beauty of “spring”. Best options shades for “light and warm spring”:

  • Copper blonde.
  • Golden blonde.
  • Golden caramel.
  • Sunny amber.
  • Golden brown.
  • Sand.

The “bright spring” color type will suit more saturated tones:

  • Hazelnut.
  • Golden brown.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Cognac.
  • Light brown.

This infographic will help you decide whether your appearance belongs to the “spring” color type.


Oddly enough, but the peculiarity of “summer” is the cooling shades in appearance. This applies to blue-white skin color, cool-brown hair shades and icy undertones of the eyes.

“Summer” is also divided into three categories:

  • Bright summer. Eyes - in a green or light blue palette. Hair - light or brown. Ash shade strands - required attribute. Soft or pale pink-beige skin tones.

The photo shows celebrities with the “light summer” appearance color type.

  • Cold summer. Blue or gray iris of the eyes. The curls are colored by nature in light or dark chestnut colors. The strands are decorated with an ashy, less often golden undertone. The skin is light, with various cool beige undertones.

  • Mild summer. Hair - light golden blond or golden brown. Eyes - blue, green, tea color. Skin - soft, pale tones, with peach and yellowish hues.

Jennifer Aniston is a famous representative of the “soft summer”.

What shades are suitable for “summer”?

Emphasize a little strict beauty " have a nice summer» any platinum shades can:

  • Ashen.
  • Silver.
  • Platinum.
  • Pearl.
  • Vanilla blonde.
  • Wheat blonde.
  • Frosty beige.
  • White gold.

From extravagant options I can recommend “purple blonde” or “rose gold”.

For the color type " mild summer“Light brown and light brown tones with a cool ash-colored undertone are also suitable. The shades in the palette will also look good dark blond. If you are a representative of this soft summer type, then the following paint tones will suit you:

  • Light brown (light).
  • Chocolate blonde.
  • Ash blonde.

Girls with dark hair of the “cold summer” color type will look good with a hair tone - intense ash brunette. The shade “black tulip” will perfectly highlight cool color skin and gray-blue or blue eyes. If natural strands are cast in cold gold, then you can choose the tone “light brown” or “deep brown.” Dark brown tones will look most natural:

  • Pearly blonde.
  • Ash brown.
  • Dark blond.

For lovers of unusual experiments, there is an interesting shade - violet-brown.


The main features of “autumn” are a warm palette of appearance with reddish-golden hues. The faces of autumn-type girls are often decorated with cute freckles.

The photo shows celebrities of the autumn type.

“Autumn” can be different:

  • Dark autumn. These are the most intense deep shades autumn color type. Eyes - brown or dark green. Hair is thick, brown or dark brown. Skin - with golden hues.

The photo shows Hollywood celebrities of the “dark autumn” color type.

  • Warm autumn. The iris of the eye is colored different colors, but brown or green color prevails. Blonde hair with honey-caramel gold tones. They can be dark brown with a red or golden tint, as well as chestnut-red. Skin - warm golden, beige or bronze tones.

  • Soft autumn. Eyes - blue, gray-green, light brown, light hazel. Hair - golden blond, light brown with red or golden wheat strands. Skin of light shades.

Still not sure if this is your color type? Use this infographic to find out for yourself exactly this question.

What shades are suitable for “autumn”?

Emphasize golden hue For girls of the autumn type, chocolate, bronze or copper curls will help with their skin and warm eye tone. Shades of gold-colored hair dye also go well with “autumn.” The most optimal tones for hair coloring for “ dark autumn"- with a reddish and golden tint:

  • Chocolate or coffee with a golden tint.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Honey chestnut.

“Warm autumn” will be decorated with honey and caramel shades:

  • Golden honey.
  • Dark caramel.
  • Golden chestnut.
  • Dark cognac.

Warm reddish and amber shades are suitable for a “soft autumn”:

  • Hazelnut.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Caramel.

All autumn girls, without exception, can safely choose copper and reddish shades:

  • Auburn.
  • Red-red.
  • Chocolate red.
  • Red chocolate.
  • Red-chestnut.


Most cold color type. It is believed that it is very difficult for such girls to radically change their image. They are naturally very bright. After all, their main feature is the contrast in appearance. On the background pale face Dark, sometimes blue-black hair stands out brightly with a bluish tint.

Three subgroups of “winter”:

  • Bright winter. Eyes - bright blue, sometimes with a purple tint, emerald green. Brown and black hair color with a bluish or ashy tint - business card"winter". The skin is white, pale olive or light beige.

  • Cold winter. Eyes - blue or dark gray. The strands are chestnut or “the color of a raven’s wing.” The skin is pale, with a slight hint of beige or pink.

  • Dark winter. Eyes - black or deep brown. The hair color is also rich. As a rule - black or dark chestnut. Leather - pale color. But a beige or olive tone is noticeable.

Infographics - 3 subtypes of “winter”.

What shades are suitable for “winter”?

Ideal colors for “winter” are coffee, black, rich chestnut shades. Does this look look good with blue and red shades? For example - “eggplant”. All three winter subtypes are best combined with dark and rich tones:

  • Blueberry black.
  • Black-chestnut.
  • Anthracite.
  • Cocoa fusion.
  • Black chocolate.
  • Frosty chestnut.
  • Black Tulip.
  • Frosty glaze.

Advice. Light colors staining is best avoided. But if you still want to radically change your appearance, then choose cool dark brown tones or white platinum shades. There is another way out - paint in bright hues only bottom part hair. Fashionable techniques Ombre and balayage allow bright brunettes to lighten their hair without compromising its natural beauty.

On the picture - dark hair, lightened using ombre and balayage techniques.

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