When do you start feeding your newborn? How often to feed a newborn with formula - feeding regimen

Ask questions medical personnel and report anything that worries you so you can return home as informed as possible.

Colostrum and breast milk

Until the mother produces real breast milk, which occurs around day 3 after birth, your baby will rely on colostrum, the yellowish liquid produced by the mammary glands.

Beneficial properties of colostrum. This is a milk concentrate that fully meets your baby's first needs. Having a strong laxative effect, it accelerates the removal of meconium (original feces) from the baby’s body, reducing the risk of infant jaundice. Thanks to its rich content of fat, sugar, salt and protein, it eliminates the risk of hypoglycemia and dehydration.

Colostrum is very valuable for your baby’s health, because it is his first defense against germs and viruses. In fact, it contains a high concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A, which creates the first anti-infective barrier and also stimulates the development immune system. Thus, your child will not only be protected from infections, but his own immune defense will also turn on faster.

The benefits of mother's milk. Mother's milk easily absorbed by the child's body. It adapts perfectly to the needs of your baby, born at term or prematurely, day after day, week after week, throughout the feeding period.

At the beginning of feeding, the milk is light, watery, rich in lactose; during this period it contains especially a lot of water. Then the milk thickens and becomes “fat”, more nutritious (the amount of fat increases four times). Therefore, it is recommended to give the child alternately the left and then right breast.

The composition of milk is different for all women and changes every day and even throughout the day; Thus, the concentration of milk fats increases from 6 to 10 a.m. and is higher during the day than at night. Breast milk is always the right temperature, sterile, and comes in a variety of flavors depending on what the mother is feeding.

Start of feeding

A young mother has to listen to various conflicting opinions, which only confuse her! Our helpful tips will help you determine whether your baby is latching correctly and getting enough milk.
The two of you study together. Always keep in mind that breastfeeding involves not only you, but also your baby. Some women prepare carefully for breastfeeding in advance, but from the very beginning things don't work out as they expected. The baby also has a share of responsibility! It may be difficult for him to latch onto the breast, he may be nervous, etc.

First two hours. Ideally, a newborn is first put to the breast within two hours after birth. The mother is very receptive at this moment, all the baby’s senses are awakened, and his reflexes are especially strong. But the first feeding is not always easy; patience and calm are required. Allow your baby to latch onto the breast on his own so that he learns to suckle through instinct. Attempts to help most often only frighten the baby, even leading to him refusing the breast.

Indeed, if a child is forced to the breast, he may scream, and then his tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth, rather than curling up around the nipple. Then he is physiologically unable to suck.

If your baby doesn't latch correctly right away, don't worry. Give him time to get to know you. You'll soon have plenty of opportunities to teach him how to suck productively! Remember that for this first breastfeeding, the “result” is not as important as physical contact, rapprochement; The moment when you and your child explore each other is very important.

In the first hours after birth. In the first 24 hours after birth, your baby will be tired and sleep a lot... just like you! He must rest, because the birth was a real test for him, on which he spent a lot of effort. However, the breasts need to be stimulated to produce milk. Indeed, milk production throughout breastfeeding depends on how often the baby is put to the breast and how effectively it is stimulated in the first days. To help your baby want to latch on, use the following tips.

Hold him in your arms: your smell, contact with your body can awaken his desire to suck.

Watch him and you will notice the first signs that he is ready to feed. Rapid eye movements indicate he is dozing (feeding while deep sleep doomed to failure!); Moving your lips and tongue, bringing your hands to your mouth, smacking your lips and restless body movements will indicate that your baby is ready to feed. And only in as a last resort When he's really hungry, he'll scream! In this case, you will have to calm him down first so that he can latch on properly.

At each feeding, give the baby alternately the left and right breast, then place it on your shoulder. vertical position so that he burps if necessary, stroke his legs, face, check if he is hot, change his diaper.

The benefits of breastfeeding

  • Breastfeeding is very beneficial for both the baby and the mother.
  • Breast milk gives the baby antibodies to many infections and short term significantly reduces the risk of gastrointestinal (diarrhea) and respiratory (asthma) diseases, as well as otitis media and nasopharyngitis.
  • Breastfeeding can prevent postpartum bleeding in the mother: contractions (so-called postpartum cramps), which are caused by the hormone oxytocin, also involved in lactation, contribute to the reduction of the uterus.
  • Breastfeeding also has long-term benefits: it reduces the baby's risk of allergies, obesity and diabetes.

Attaching to the breast

It is important to be able to properly attach your baby to the breast, as cracked nipples and other unpleasant consequences occur due to incorrect feeding posture. You should sit comfortably (see p. 351) and relax. Place pillows under your elbow and under your baby so that he is lying under your chest, and also under your back so that you do not have to lean towards him. Hold your baby close. His ear, shoulder and hip should be in line, meaning he shouldn't bend to reach your chest. His nose and chin touch your chest, his stomach touches yours (if you were both naked, your belly buttons would be touching).

To help your baby, you can give him the breast by holding it in your hand and bending it into a "C" shape, placing it thumb on the chest, and the other four fingers under it, away from the areola. Your baby should now open his mouth wide as if he is yawning. Tell him: “Open your mouth!” (and very soon you will notice that he understands you) by stroking his lower lip with your nipple or gently lowering his chin with your fingers. At this point, quickly bring the baby to your breast with the same hand with which you are holding him. He should capture the nipple and as much of the areola as possible with his mouth; your nipple should touch the depths of his palate.

Increased sensitivity. You may feel uneasy during the first days of feeding increased sensitivity breasts Force sucking movements baby is big; Don't be surprised if you feel some pain at first.

Bottles, nipples, breast pumps. Avoid using bottles and nipples that interfere with proper latching; Also avoid silicone breast shields (or breast pumps), which can cause blockage of the milk ducts, leading to breast and nipple pain; they also teach the child to incorrect position near the chest, and this is difficult to correct later.

I have very small breasts. Will I still have enough milk to feed my baby?

Feeding and breast size

Under no circumstances should you rely on appearance breasts, making predictions about the mother's ability to breastfeed. Size female breast depends on the amount of adipose tissue contained in it, which does not affect the production of breast milk and does not determine its quality.

Breast enlargement during pregnancy is a sign of good breast function. Contrary to popular belief, almost all women are capable of breastfeeding if they are educated enough.
Milk production depends on to a greater extent from hormones and correct application baby to the breast than from its volume!

Proper breastfeeding

To determine if your baby is sucking properly, check to see if his lips are drawn toward the outside of his chest. His tongue should be out and curled under your breast (covering his bottom gum). His temple moves in rhythm with the sucking movements, and when he swallows, you can see movement from below behind the ear (about two sucking movements for one swallow). At the same time, he should neither make clicking sounds nor retract his cheeks. You should not feel pain, except for the first days when breast sensitivity is increased. Your baby is calm during feeding and looks full at the end.

If you or your baby seem to be positioned awkwardly, start over and try as many times as necessary. Attention: do not tear the baby off the breast, do not pull him back: he sucks with such force that it can hurt you! It’s better to put your little finger in the corner of his mouth; then he will instinctively open it and you can try again.

Appearance of milk

On the second or third day after birth, the mother produces milk under the influence of the hormone prolactin. By this time, milk production becomes necessary to meet the growing needs of the child: the volume of his stomach, which at birth contained from 5 to 7 ml, after 3 days increases 5 times!

The mother's breasts can be very tight, swollen and therefore often painful. However, do not put nursing cups in your bra: they can only worsen the situation by stimulating milk production. Painful sensations will soon stop: feeding will regulate milk production. To prevent stains on your clothes due to its “leakage,” you can use special feeding inserts (made of cotton, but not plastic, to avoid smudging). If you have too much milk, ask the staff maternity hospital, is it possible to donate it to a breast milk donor center located in your city or department.

Feeding rhythm

Breastfeeding a baby - special moment, which you are not obligated to share with others! You should be relaxed, but the presence of other people can make you feel uncomfortable. Your baby will also need rest, especially at the beginning.

Request privacy. IN maternity hospital ask to be left alone with your baby when you need to feed him. Ask the baby's father to talk to your visitors and politely let them know that you need peace. Everything will get better in the future naturally, depending on your characters, as well as on how the feeding will take place. It is important that you are relaxed when feeding and feel that your baby is calm.

Duration of feeding. To understand your baby and his needs, forget about the clock and watch him. There is no “hourly rate” for breastfeeding. One feeding can last from 10 minutes (two times for 5 minutes) to 40 minutes (two times for 20 minutes) and even more. It all depends on how much milk the baby swallows while sucking, as well as on the mother’s milk flow. You should notice when he sucks productively: the first movements will be fast, then more measured.

At the end of feeding, the breaks between sucking movements should become increasingly longer. At the same time, you may begin to feel sleepy or thirsty. Therefore, prepare a large glass of water for each feeding.

Feeding frequency. The rhythm of feedings is established over time: at first the baby may fall asleep without being completely satiated, and then after a short break he will ask to eat again. Gradually the situation stabilizes, and, as a rule, some time after returning home, 8 to 12 feedings per day occur. Remember to feed both the left and right breast at each feeding, even if you think your baby is a little tired and dozed off. The more your baby nurses, the more milk she will produce.

If you're downhearted

It happens that a mother, knowing about the benefits of breastfeeding, prepares several weeks before giving birth and starts it quite confidently; but even then there are moments of despondency. This is all par for the course: the circumstances under which you start feeding your baby are not simple. Fatigue after childbirth, residual pain after episiotomy, baby's refusal to breastfeed, postpartum depression, confusion. As a result, due to all these unpleasant factors, your determination to feed may be shaken.

Be sure to share your doubts with someone: with someone from the clinic staff, with the child’s father, with a friend - it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is not to be ashamed if something doesn’t work out for you. Don't feel guilty if you can only talk about it through tears! Have the nurse check that you are in the correct feeding position; Ask her any questions you have. Things will gradually get better if you talk about your problems and ask for help.

Often mothers of newborn children forget about themselves, trying to organize decent care for their baby. Chaotic and disorganized feeding also contributes to the fact that the mother does not have time to do anything and gets more tired. How often to feed a newborn breast milk? Do you need a regime? How to get your baby to eat by the hour?

Breastfeeding in the first days after birth

2-3 days after the birth of the baby, colostrum begins to be produced in the breast, this is a harbinger of breast milk. Many mothers worry that colostrum is too thin and the baby is starving until breast milk appears. This is wrong! The nutritional and nutritional value of colostrum is incredibly high. This is exactly the nutrition that a child needs in the first days of life. Colostrum helps populate the intestines with beneficial microflora and triggers metabolic processes in the body.

In the first days after birth, you need to put the baby to the breast quite often so that the process of milk production begins as quickly and intensively as possible. Normal breast the milk will come for 3-6 days.

In addition, newborn babies may suck sluggishly and eat very little. This threatens significant weight loss in the first days of life, which will negatively affect the child’s health. Frequent feeding will help stabilize lactation, the baby will lose less weight and quickly begin to adapt to a new life.

In the first week of your baby’s life, you should not think about the schedule and frequency of feedings. It is necessary to give the baby the breast every time he cries, that is, on demand. If the baby sleeps for a long time (more than 3 hours), then you need to carefully wake him up and try to put him to the breast. On average, the frequency of feedings is every one and a half to two hours or more often.

Tips for organizing the start of breastfeeding:

  • There is no need to be embarrassed to ask the maternity hospital staff for help. If the baby sucks sluggishly or does not take the breast at all, then you should definitely consult with doctors, it may be to blame incorrect application. How to breastfeed your baby correctly.
  • Don't worry or panic: this will negatively affect milk production. Breastfeeding is a natural process, everything will definitely work out!
  • You should try to find a position that is comfortable for feeding, since a newborn baby can suck for a very long time.
  • If your baby eats very little, don’t despair. You just have to put your baby to the breast more often.
  • To enhance lactation, you need to drink more warm liquid (weak tea or just boiled water).

How often should you feed a newborn? Number of feedings per day by month during the first year of life

Feeding by the hour. When to start organizing a regime

In the first month, you need to feed your newborn with breast milk quite often. It is too early to talk about organizing the regime, since first we need to achieve sustainable lactation. Lactation is stimulated frequent applications. Control weighing of the baby will indicate that there is enough milk. If the baby has gained a lot of weight this month, then he has enough food and everything is fine with milk production.

For the first month, it is better to breastfeed in the “on demand” mode: attach the baby every time he cries. Many mothers notice that already during this period some semblance of a regime is formed. The baby begins to worry and cry about every 2 hours, and the rest of the time he sleeps peacefully.

From 2-3 months of life, you can begin to accustom your child to a feeding regimen. This should be done gently and gradually. The number of feedings per day will have to be reduced slightly. You can refer to the table:

As can be seen from the table, there are significant differences in the European and domestic approaches. You can choose any one, focusing on the baby’s behavior and appetite.

Question about breastfeeding after one year and optimal age completion of breastfeeding is discussed in detail.

Tips for organizing your feeding schedule:

  • You need to feed your baby strictly by the hour every day. If feedings occur at the same time, the baby will get used to it very quickly.
  • To start reducing the number of meals, you need to make sure that the baby is full. This is indicated by calm behavior and normal increases in weight.
  • After feeding, if the child does not sleep, you need to try to distract him until the next meal.
  • Walking on a river is suitable as a distraction. fresh air, gymnastics classes, tactile games with mom or accessories such as a chaise longue with vibration and toys.
  • You cannot increase feeding breaks by an hour or more at once. You need to do this gradually, starting from 15 minutes, gradually building up to the time needed.

Is a feeding regime necessary?

Many mothers deliberately refuse any regimen, preferring feeding on demand throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. Most of them note that over time the baby himself comes to a certain regime and asks to eat only at certain hours.

Benefits of on-demand breastfeeding:

  • Children develop faster and more harmoniously thanks to constant contact with their mother.
  • Lactation is more stable.
  • Breast milk is produced sufficiently due to frequent feedings.
  • Mom quickly gets into shape thanks to the fact that natural feeding requires a lot of calories.
  • Parents have additional protection from unwanted pregnancy, because natural feeding suppresses ovulation. Of course, you should not forget about using classical contraception.
  • Over time, mother and baby will naturally come to an individual feeding regimen intuitively without stress or worry.

Unfortunately, modern life is such that a mother cannot always afford to devote all her time to the child, feeding him “on demand.” Often work schedule and employment modern woman do not allow her to be with the baby enough time, then feeding according to the schedule is an excellent way to free the mother and preserve breast-feeding.

Modern breastfeeding specialists and pediatricians are also of the opinion that feeding on demand is the most physiological and natural way GV

How many hours after should you feed your baby?

In the first months of life, breaks between feedings should not be longer than 1.5-2 hours. In the future, you can gradually increase the time between the child’s meals to 3.5-4 hours.

The longest break between meals is night sleep. Many babies do not ask to eat at night from the age of 3-4 months. But there are also babies who do not give up night meals even after a year. We must prepare for the fact that in the first months the baby will ask for the breast at night as often as during the day. You can’t deny food to your baby! This difficult period which must be experienced. Over time, your night's sleep will become longer. Many mothers note that the baby's sleep becomes longer and deeper when he sleeps with his mother.

It is important to remember that when organizing a routine, you must strive not only for your own comfort and convenience, but also be attentive to the needs of the child. If the baby cannot do without night feedings, then you need to provide him with food, even at the cost of your own rest. Also with daytime meals, if the baby is not ready to reduce the number of meals and increase the duration of breaks, then there is no need to do this forcibly, over time everything will work out and the regime will definitely improve.

When should you forget about the regime?

You can’t deny food to your baby! If a child cries and demands mother's milk, then the breast should be given in any case, even if feeding does not occur according to the schedule. You can try to distract the baby with a toy or rock him, but if that doesn’t help, then the baby is clearly hungry and you can’t put off feeding.

Signs of hunger in a baby:

  • The baby is worried, spinning, crying.
  • When the mother takes the baby in her arms, he moves his face over the breast in search of the nipple.
  • The baby can suck fingers, a sheet or a rattle.
  • The baby's body muscles are tense.
  • The child smacks his lips.

If you observe such signs, you must definitely feed the baby, regardless of the diet.

Perhaps there is not enough milk and the baby is not getting enough. There may be several reasons for this:

  • The mother's lactation has sharply decreased, for example, as a result of stress or anxiety.
  • The child is going through a stage of active growth when more nutrition is required. Periods of active growth: 7-10 days of life, from 4 to 6 weeks from the date of birth, 12 weeks of life, six months from the date of birth.

In both cases, you need to temporarily forget about meals by the hour and put the baby to your breast as often as possible. Milk production is stimulated, and lactation within a few days will come back to normal. There is no need to additionally feed with formula: this will only worsen the situation.

Many mothers worry that at this time the baby eats too often. No need to worry about this. If the problem is that there is not enough milk, then the baby will not be able to overeat. When lactation stabilizes, the baby will begin to eat up and will become less likely to ask for the breast.

A couple more moments when you need to forget about the regime and not deny your baby breastfeeding are the period of teething and illness of the baby. During these periods, the baby is weakened, irritated, and experiences pain and discomfort. For him, sucking the breast is not so much about satisfying hunger as it is about seeking his mother’s support and care. You cannot deny him this during a difficult period for him.

Especially useful for children. Not all children drink the water they need when high temperature. While the baby sucks mother’s milk even during illness, this provides the child’s body with the necessary fluid

Whether to adhere to a certain regimen and feed the baby hourly or choose the “on demand” method of breastfeeding is up to the nursing mother to decide. Any of the methods allows you to give your baby the most important thing - breast milk. Eager to give the best for a child, do not forget about yourself and the needs of other family members. At the right approach It will not be difficult to organize life so that the mother has time to feed the baby with breast milk, and devote time to work, and take care of the rest of the household.

Proper feeding of a newborn in the first days of life is the same important element growth and development as mother's care, baby care. Perfect option- breast-feeding. If according to various reasons There is no opportunity to breastfeed, high-quality infant formula will help out.

It is important for a young mother to know how to organize the nutrition of a tiny person. Study the material: you will find answers to many questions related to the organization of nutrition for the youngest children. The most important thing is to ensure maximum comfort for mom and baby.

How to feed newborns correctly

At the maternity hospital, staff will tell you about the benefits early application to the breast, will provide conditions for close contact between mother and baby immediately after birth. Now the children are in the same room with their mother, which allows them to feed the baby “on demand.”

If there is a lack of milk, do not despair, try to establish natural feeding. Drink enough fluids, try to calm down, put your baby to your breast more often. Even minimal amount milk will be beneficial. Supplement your newborn with formula, monitor behavior, weight, and stool quality. If there is no milk, switch to artificial formula.


The benefits of early breastfeeding have been proven by neonatologists and pediatricians, confirmed by satisfied mothers and well-fed, peacefully snoring babies. Close emotional contact– one of the advantages of natural feeding.

Breast milk benefits:

  • baby (the child receives fully digestible food, develops well, and gets sick less often);
  • mother (the uterus contracts more actively under the influence of the baby’s sucking movements, the body recovers more quickly after childbirth).

First stage

In the first hours after childbirth, the mammary glands produce a valuable product - colostrum. The volume of useful substance is small, but the rich composition and high fat content satisfy the baby’s need for food. Important detail– colostrum saturates small organism biologically active substances, strengthens the immune system.

Most maternity hospitals practice early breastfeeding. An exciting moment for mother and baby entering an unfamiliar world. The warmth of the breast and the smell of milk calm the newborn and allow him to feel protected. The more colostrum a child can receive, the better for his immunity.


Many young mothers get lost and panic when they find themselves at home with a newborn. Near caring dad, familiar surroundings, but there is still excitement. If a woman listened to the recommendations of the maternity hospital staff, there will be fewer difficulties with breastfeeding.

Features of feeding newborns with breast milk:

  • The diet in the first week takes more into account the interests of the newborn. The mother will have to adapt to the baby’s needs;
  • It is useful to observe when the baby is really hungry, to note the interval between feedings that the child can withstand. The best option– 3 hours, but in the first week babies often demand milk with loud crying after 1.5–2 hours;
  • Pediatricians advise: feed your baby “on demand” when he greedily seeks the breast with his mouth. Gradually, the child will get stronger, will be able to drink more valuable liquid at a time, and will remain full longer. Active breastfeeding will increase lactation, the baby's nutritional needs and the mother's capabilities will gradually coincide;
  • After a couple of weeks, accustom your baby to the diet. If in the first days you fed your baby every one and a half to two hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night, gradually switch to feeding seven times a day. The regimen improves the functioning of the tiny intestines and gives the mother rest.

Suitable poses

Choose a specific position that suits you best. Remember: Each feeding in the first weeks of a newborn’s life lasts a long time.

Please note that you are unlikely to be able to sit for half an hour or more beautifully, bending over the baby (as nursing mothers pose for photos in magazines), especially after difficult birth. If it is uncomfortable or difficult for a mother to hold her baby, she is unlikely to have pleasant thoughts or tender feelings.

Try several poses, choose the optimal one, taking into account the condition of the breast, weight, and age of the baby. As the baby grows, an uncomfortable position may become suitable and vice versa.

Basic positions for feeding newborns:

  • supine position. The baby leans against mommy with her arms, legs, and head. A woman's shoulders and head are raised with a pillow. The pose is suitable for copious discharge milk;
  • lying on your side. This convenient option Many mothers choose it, especially for evening and night feedings. Be sure to alternate lying on each side so that both breasts are emptied;
  • classic sitting position for feeding. Mom holds the child in her arms. Pillows under the back, on the knees and under the elbow will help reduce arm fatigue and “reduce” the baby’s weight;
  • hanging pose. Recommended for poor milk flow. The newborn lies on his back, the mother feeds him from above, leaning over the baby. Not very comfortable for the back, but effective for emptying the chest;
  • posture after caesarean section, when nursing twins. The woman is sitting, the baby is lying so that the legs are behind the mother’s back, the head looks out from under mother's hand. This pose relieves the manifestations of lactostasis - stagnation of breast milk, accompanied by soreness and pronounced thickening of the lobules of the mammary gland.

Infant formula milk

Artificial feeding is a necessary measure, but in the absence of breast milk you will have to adapt. Properly organize the newborn’s nutrition and listen to the recommendations of pediatricians.

Features of feeding newborns with formula:

  • Unlike breastfeeding, when the baby eats and falls asleep, the nutritional formula has a certain dosage. It is important to know how much breast milk substitute to give to an “artificial” baby per day;
  • From the first days, feed the baby 7 times, every 3 hours. Later, you can switch to six meals a day with an interval of 3.5 hours;
  • choose a high-quality mixture that provides maximum satiety useful substances. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to feed the baby on demand: the formula cannot be given “whenever you want”, it is important to maintain a certain interval;
  • It is occasionally allowed to shift the time next appointment healthy mixture, but not by much. Violation of the rules causes stomach/intestinal problems in the baby;
  • choose infant formula from famous manufacturers, without palm oil, sugar, maltodextrin. As a last resort, there should be a minimum amount of components that support a feeling of fullness;
  • If there is little breast milk, you have to constantly feed the baby. First offer the breast, then baby food in a spoon. Avoid bottles: it’s easier to get milk from the nipple; after a while, the baby will probably refuse the breast;
  • Be sure to give the “artificial” newborn boiled water. The volume of fluid depends on age;
  • artificial feeding will help produce healthy twins or triplets. The mother does not have enough milk for two/three children; she has to give a nutritional formula. As babies grow, breast milk is replaced with formula milk.

How much should a child eat?

How much should a newborn eat at one feeding? When breastfeeding, the baby himself feels when the ventricle is full. The baby stops suckling and calmly falls asleep.

To feed the “artificial baby,” the mother must pour a certain amount of formula into the bottle so that the newborn does not remain hungry. Pediatricians have developed a formula for calculating volume baby food for every day.

The calculations are simple:

  • the newborn weighs less than 3200 grams. Multiply the number of days lived by 70. For example, on the third day the baby should receive 3 x 70 = 210 g of formula;
  • the newborn weighs more than 3200 grams. The calculation is similar, only multiply the number of days by 80. For example, for the third day big child should receive a large portion - 3 x 80 = 240 g of baby food.

Note! The calculations are suitable for the little ones. From the 10th day of life the norms are different. You will find a detailed calculation of the amount of formula for feeding “artificial” babies in the article, which describes the selection rules and features of the use of popular infant formulas from 0 to 6 months.

Nutrition table by hour

It’s easier for young mothers to navigate if they have a clear idea of ​​the baby’s diet. During the first month, the newborn will sleep most of the time (up to 18 hours a day), and be awake for the rest of the day.

Remember: When the baby is not sleeping, half the time he sucks on his mother’s breast or receives infant formula instead of breast milk. Pay attention to the newborn feeding chart. It schedules feeding hours for babies of normal weight.

  • If the newborn spits up after feeding, a simple trick will help: carry the fed baby in a column for 10–15 minutes;
  • The neck of a newborn is still very weak, how to act so as not to damage the bones or stretch the muscles? Place your head on your shoulder, hold the baby upright, lightly press him towards you, supporting him by the back and butt. This position will ensure the release of excess air, reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation;
  • After eating, you should not disturb the baby; it is not advisable to put him in the crib. Prohibited active games, tickling, braking. Change the newborn's clothes also after 10–15 minutes, when the air leaves the ventricle;
  • If your newborn hiccups after feeding, he may have overfed or is cold. Stroke the tummy, warm the baby, let the excess air escape (hold it in a column). If the volume and pressure of breast milk is too large, feed the baby intermittently so that the previous portion has time to get into the tiny stomach.

How to maintain the emotional and physical health of a nursing mother

Helpful Tips:

  • upon returning home after the maternity hospital, a woman should also get at least a little sleep, devote time to other family members and herself, otherwise psychological problems, a crisis in the relationship with your husband cannot be avoided;
  • constant fatigue accumulates, mommy gets irritated for any reason and gets nervous. The result is decreased milk production, always hungry, crying baby, again nerves and new worries. The circle closes. That is why it is important to take care not only of the baby, but also to maintain the health and psychological balance of a woman who has undergone a natural birth or a cesarean section;
  • The realization that with the birth of a baby, a successful businesswoman has turned into a “milk-producing machine” depresses many young mothers. The closest people should help here. Praise and pride for the person who gave the gift of a son (daughter)/grandson (granddaughter) must be expressed in kind words. A woman feels much more confident if she feels supported;
  • An important point is assistance in caring for the baby. It’s good if the husband, grandmothers and young mother share the chores around the house. A woman needs to rest, often feed her newborn, and restore her strength. In the first two to three weeks, the absence real help negatively affects the physical and psychological state nursing mother;
  • unfortunately, it often happens that the husband stays late at work (not to mention how difficult it is to “get” vacation after the birth of a baby), and grandmothers, due to various circumstances, cannot help with household chores. It is important to preserve breast milk and not fall off your feet from fatigue;
  • what to do? You'll have to ask for help good friends, relatives, neighbors. Surely, someone will agree to help you: go grocery shopping, buy diapers, or wipe the dust at home. Involve people you trust, don't refuse help. Even half an hour of rest will be useful for a young mother;
  • cook simple dishes, buy a multicooker that minimizes labor costs for cooking. The device does not require constant monitoring, which is important when tired, frequent feedings, in a state where the mother thinks only about the child and sleep.

Now you know how to start breastfeeding, how to give special formulas. Pay maximum attention to the baby, remember about your health and the existence of the rest of the family members. Correct mode nutrition will provide maximum comfort for the baby and adults.

More useful tips about breastfeeding in the following video:

The signal for the beginning of lactation is childbirth. It should be said that when natural childbirth the formation of lactation occurs faster than with operative delivery. Nevertheless, high-quality breastfeeding can be established after a cesarean section, and even if mother and baby are forced to separate for health reasons for up to several weeks.

How does lactation develop?

The formation of lactation occurs in several stages. On initial stage Colostrum is formed in the mammary gland - a thick yellowish liquid, characterized by high energy and nutritional value and having pronounced immune activity. Colostrum begins to be produced during pregnancy, and after childbirth it provides the baby with the biologically active substances and energy it needs during the first 3–5 days.

It should be said that the body of a newborn experiences enormous stress associated with adaptation to a new environment for him, therefore colostrum for a newly born baby is a very valuable product that allows you not to overload prematurely. digestive system a large volume of nutrition, and immature liver and kidneys - the need to transform and remove foreign substances from the body. Considering that everything necessary is contained in just a few drops of liquid, which, moreover, due to the active enzymes it contains, digests itself, the baby significantly saves energy during the feeding process, allowing his body to spend energy more efficiently.

On the 4th–5th day, a transitional protein begins to be produced in the woman’s mammary gland, as a result of which its “maturation” occurs: the protein concentration gradually decreases, while the content of milk fat and sugar, on the contrary, increases. Quantity minerals and vitamins gradually comes into line with those in mature milk. The “transition” stage is characterized by a significant increase in the volume of milk produced, which is subjectively felt by the woman as a rush. In this case, the mammary glands increase in size and become engorged due to the filling of small milk ducts with milk.

By 2-3 weeks after birth, milk becomes mature - its composition is more stable than that of transitional milk, and the volume of production is more regulated by the individual needs of the baby.

Breastfeeding should begin immediately after birth. The duration and quality of subsequent breastfeeding is largely determined by the successful development of the necessary skills in the very first days after childbirth and their consolidation in practice.

Breastfeeding regimen in the first days after childbirth

The first time a baby is put to the breast should ideally occur within the first 30 minutes after birth and last for at least 20 minutes.

Enormous: in a woman’s body, it actively starts the lactation process, promotes contraction of the uterine muscles and stops postpartum hemorrhage. Together with colostrum, the newborn receives powerful energy replenishment, a portion of protective immune factors and substances that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

The impossibility of early breastfeeding is usually due to deviations in the health of the mother or newborn, for example, extreme prematurity of the baby or depression of his central nervous system. nervous system, Rhesus conflict. Most contraindications to breastfeeding are temporary and should not be taken by the mother as a death sentence.

From the first days of a baby’s life, it is necessary to focus on the regime free feeding. In this case, the baby is attached to the breast as often as he wants. The frequency of feeding a newborn can reach 10–12 times a day, while at night the need for feeding may be higher than during the day. It is very important not to additionally feed the baby with formula milk, not to give him water, and also not to use objects that imitate breasts (pacifiers, pacifiers) in caring for the child, since, while satisfying sucking reflex child, they disrupt the rhythm of stimulation necessary for the establishment of lactation mammary gland. Subsequently, when the baby grows up, he will develop his own diet - from 6 to 8 times a day.

The time spent at the breast is individual for each child. However, it is advisable that the duration of one feeding does not exceed 20–30 minutes, since ineffective prolonged sucking often provokes the appearance of cracks and irritation of the nipples. If the baby sucks sluggishly and sleeps at the breast, you can try to rouse him by stroking his cheek or heel. Weak children who find it difficult to “cope” with the breast are recommended to be breastfed more often. Before the milk comes in, it is advisable to put the baby to both mammary glands every feeding. This will serve as a good stimulation of lactation. After the milk has appeared, you can continue this practice for some time, which will alleviate the symptoms of “hot flush,” gradually introducing the rule of “one breast per feeding.”

Mastering the breastfeeding technique is very important. Correct technique provides better emptying of the mammary gland, which means it effectively stimulates lactation. Optimal grip of the nipple and areola during sucking prevents cracks and ensures tight contact between the baby’s lips, tongue and breast skin, so that the baby does not swallow air during feeding and suffers less from colic.

The correct position of the baby at the breast allows him not to turn his head and this is achieved in various positions convenient for the mother, both lying and sitting. The baby should be positioned according to the “belly to belly”, “eye to eye” principle. With the correct grip, the baby takes the nipple into his mouth along with the areola, underlip the baby is turned outward, and the chin, cheeks and nose fit tightly to the chest. The baby sucks in the nipple and areola, and then, pressing on them with his tongue, squeezes out the milk and swallows it.

Breast and nipple care

Caring for the breasts and nipples involves, first of all, wearing special underwear (preferably made from natural soft, breathable fabric), which well supports the mammary glands, thus preventing sagging breast tissue, and relieves additional stress on the thoracic spine, which inevitably arises due to displacement of the center of gravity as a result of significant breast enlargement during lactation. It is recommended to change your bra every day.

To prevent the bra fabric from getting wet due to milk involuntarily flowing from the breast, it is convenient to use special pads or milk receivers. Gaskets must be changed at least once every 3 hours, and milk receivers are treated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

As long as you keep your underwear clean and change your pads regularly, washing your breasts before each feeding is not necessary. A regular hygienic shower once a day is sufficient.

Establishing breastfeeding in the maternity hospital

It is always necessary to take into account the specifics medical institution, in which there are a young mother and her child. In a situation with separate stays, it is impossible to apply the principle of free breastfeeding in the maternity hospital, and in addition, there is a high probability of supplementing the child with formula in the intervals between “dates”. An undeniable advantage have postpartum departments of maternity hospitals that practice co-staying, which allows a woman to quickly and efficiently establish natural breastfeeding in the first days, as well as acquire required skills baby care. While in the maternity hospital, it is advisable to find mutual language with the medical staff and ask not to feed the baby with formula, which is especially important in a situation of separation. If according to medical indications The child is prescribed additional water; this must be done from a spoon to avoid the child getting used to the bottle. If you are forced to be separated from your baby for more than 24 hours, you must start pumping as described above.

You can always get answers to your questions and help in solving possible problems with the establishment of breastfeeding in the first days. To do this, you need to contact your attending physician, a neonatologist who is observing the child, and if they are not at work (for example, in the evening), contact the medical staff on duty postpartum ward. In addition, many modern maternity hospitals now employ lactation specialists and consultants.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first days after childbirth

What foods should make up the diet of a nursing mother in the first days after childbirth?

  • Dairy products – 600–800 g per day. Preference should be given to natural fresh kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without additives and cottage cheese. Whole cow's milk It is advisable to use 200 ml per day for preparing porridges.
  • Meat products, of which lean varieties of beef and pork, rabbit, turkey, and chicken are more suitable for a nursing mother’s menu – 200–250 g.
  • Cereals (all types), durum wheat pasta – 60 g (dry cereal).
  • Bread – 200 g.
  • Animals and vegetable oils (butter– 25 g, vegetable – 15 g).
  • Vegetables – 400 g and fruits – 300 g, with the exception of highly allergenic ones.
  • From confectionery V moderate amount It is permissible to eat dry cookies, crackers, and marmalade.
  • To replenish fluids in addition to normal drinking water you can drink weak tea: black, green and herbal; compotes of fresh berries and dried fruits (except for raisins), fruit drinks, non-carbonated table mineral water.

Does a nursing mother need to drink a lot?
Total The amount of fluid you drink before the milk comes in (during the first 3–5 days after birth) should be no more than 800 ml per day, otherwise it will be quite difficult to cope with the symptoms of hot flashes. When milk appears, in parallel with establishing adequate emptying of the mammary gland, it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2–2.5 liters per day.

When is pumping necessary?

Ideally, milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs. In this case, there is no need to express. However, when difficulties arise, pumping helps solve a wide range of problems. It is necessary if:

  • The child is temporarily separated from his mother for health reasons or other reasons. In this case, pumping imitates feeding, stimulates lactation and maintains it until the moment of meeting the baby;
  • when mother is separated
  • and a child in the maternity hospital, if the baby missed or “overslept” the next feeding, it is necessary to stimulate the breasts by pumping for 10–15 minutes;
  • when there is excessive milk production, when the breasts are full and become tight and painful, pumping helps alleviate the woman’s condition and helps prevent mastitis. In this case, the breasts are expressed until a feeling of relief appears, and the mammary gland itself becomes soft.

Breastfeeding is a whole science, which young mothers have to master in a matter of days. What the baby will eat in the coming year depends on the quality of the material learned. Properly established breastfeeding (BF) will allow the baby to receive valuable and incredibly healthy breast milk, relieve the mother of congestion, lactostasis and mastitis, and make the process of motherhood pleasant and calm. If you don’t understand the principles of breastfeeding from the very beginning, it can turn into neurosis, bad sleep, problems with the mammary gland, and as a result - artificial feeding. Which, by the way, raises a lot of questions, because not every formula is suitable for a child; the right product is necessary in an experimental way, which leads to additional health problems and financial costs. This is why you need to get ready for breastfeeding from the very beginning of motherhood, talk to doctors, experienced friends, and invite a breastfeeding consultant. All of them will help to establish this natural process, and then feeding will be enjoyable for you and your baby.

In the process of establishing breastfeeding, the issue of feeding time is very acute. There are two opinions regarding this - feed the baby on demand or by the hour. Just a couple of decades ago, our mothers fed us in maternity hospitals strictly at certain hours; at other times the child was not even near the mother. Today World Organization Health recommends feeding the baby on demand - that is, when he wants it. Each feeding method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to you what you choose for your baby.

Feeding on demand

This is the most correct, healthy and natural way of feeding. Even animals feed their young when the babies want it. This is especially important in the first days after childbirth - when only colostrum is released from the breast. There is no need to worry - there is enough colostrum for the child, it fulfills important function– populates the baby’s intestines with beneficial bacteria and starts digestion. Already 3-5 days after birth, full-fledged breast milk comes. In the first month, it is very important to feed the baby on demand, that is, when the baby cries. After all, it is during this period that the body is rebuilt and determines how much milk the baby needs. Here are some tips and tricks regarding on-demand feeding.

You need to give your baby breastfeeding in case of any anxiety - this will not only satiate the baby, but also increase milk production, because what bigger baby applied to the chest, the more the breast will fill in next time. Feeding on demand is main way increase the amount of milk.

For a child, the breast is not only nutrition, but also comfort, unity with the mother, and protection. Feeding on demand allows you to get all these wonderful feelings any time the baby wants it, when his tummy hurts, he is cold or just bored.

Feeding on demand will protect the mother from mastitis, because in short periods of time the milk simply does not have time to stagnate.
It has been proven that a baby who breastfeeds at any time suffers less from colic and gas, as he does not experience strong feeling hunger and does not overeat after long “hungry” periods.

If you feed your baby at any time he needs, it is better to practice co-sleeping.

Try to feed your baby from one breast at a time from start to finish. The fact is that foremilk is more liquid, it is easier to suck out, and for the baby it is a drink. But hind milk, which is more difficult to suck out and is fattier, is considered nutrition.

A child who is fed on demand does not experience such bad habits, like sucking fingers, fists, etc. If you always give your baby the breast, he does not get used to the pacifier, the sucking reflex is completely satisfied.

Frequent feeding saves during a child’s illness. Firstly, it is replenishment of fluid, which is so necessary in case of fever or poisoning. Secondly, the baby calms down and tolerates discomfort during teething and colic more easily. Thirdly, breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which form the baby’s immunity and protect it from viruses.

Psychologists say that children fed on demand grow up calmer and more confident. After all, they are with early childhood They know that mom is always there and will come to the rescue if necessary, protect and reassure. And this is very important for the development of a future personality.

Feeding by the hour

This method involves strict regime feeding - after a certain period of time. Remember Soviet times– children have not been fed at night since the maternity hospital, the last feeding was at 12:00, and the first in the morning at 6:00. That is, newborn children had a huge period of time without food - 6 hours. Let's try to figure out what the features and advantages of feeding by the hour are.

Feeding by the hour can be done only in the second or third month of the child’s life, when lactation has improved. If you feed your baby according to a schedule from birth, maintaining long intervals without sucking, the amount of milk may sharply decrease as unnecessary. If you do not want to feed your baby right now, it is better to express milk so as not to lose it.

Feeding by the clock allows the mother to sleep at night. This is a very dubious plus, because stimulation of lactation occurs especially intensively under morning time from 3 to 8 am. If you do not breastfeed at this time, the hormone oxytocin is not produced, and there will be less and less milk each time.

Babies in the first months of life need to be fed every 2-2.5 hours, no more. The stomach of a child of this age is very small, the baby must eat often. With age, this interval can be increased to 3-4 hours.

Feeding by the hour makes mom’s life clearer and simpler, since mom can plan her day and leave things until certain time and even leave the house if someone is looking after the baby.

Some moms choose something between clock feeding and on-demand feeding. If you listen to your baby’s body, you will notice that the child asks to eat at approximately equal intervals, you will be able to focus on this time and life will follow a certain regime.

But remember that in some cases, feeding by the hour is strictly contraindicated. Firstly, this is the first 2-3 weeks of the baby’s life. Secondly, every 2-3 months a woman develops lactation crisis when there is not enough milk, because the baby is growing quickly. At these moments, you need to give your baby breastfeeding as often as possible in order to “increase” the amount of milk produced. Thirdly, you need to abandon the regime if you see that the child really wants to eat. If the baby is crying, you picked him up, rocked him, and the baby is looking for the breast with his mouth and does not stop crying - most likely he is hungry. This means that at the last feeding the baby did not eat enough or burped, in general, you need to throw away all the rules and feed the baby again.

Do I need to wake up my baby to feed?

Many mothers wonder whether they should feed their baby if he is sleeping. for a long time, does not wake up and does not ask for the breast? Healthy body A newborn baby cannot sleep for more than five hours at a time without food, doctors say. Therefore, a child who sleeps longer than the specified time without waking up is very rare. This does not apply to artificial formula - a nourishing formula allows you to go without food much longer than breast milk.

To answer this worrying question, you need to know how much your child sleeps. If the baby sleeps for more than five hours, you should definitely wake him up - slowly stir him up with stroking and touching. If the baby is low birth weight or premature, you should definitely wake him up, no more than three hours later. Such children need increased nutrition in order to quickly get stronger and gain weight, long sleep may be due to weakness; it is impossible not to feed such children. It is also necessary to wake up the baby for feeding if long sleep was caused by taking certain medications.

Feeding is a completely understandable and intuitive process. Loving and caring mother After just a few days of life, the baby can understand that the child is crying precisely from hunger. Love your baby, feed him when he wants it, don’t wait for artificial periods of time. And then the child will grow and develop well.

Video: how often should you breastfeed your baby?
