Who are you by date of birth vampire. Donor and black magician

Numerology makes it possible to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth to anyone who is able to count and analyze. Find out who in your circle is a potential danger, and consider tactics of behavior with such people. Knowing the exact date of birth of your loved ones and friends, it is easy to figure out who is who in your environment.

It seems that everyone is familiar with the state of devastation after communicating with certain people. You just talked to a person, but you feel exhausted, exhausted. Sometimes you find yourself embroiled in a loud quarrel or a protracted conflict. You begin to analyze the situation, think about how it happened, and do not find answers. And in the meantime, vitality goes to something that you don’t need at all. Are you not familiar with this condition? Perhaps you are one of them - a born energy vampire?

Vampire birthday - how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth

Numbers contain knowledge, carry accurate information. The date of birth of a person will indicate the level of his energy. Who are you by right and date of birth - an energy vampire or a donor? What is the way of the vampire? According to the date of birth, the energy potential of a person is calculated. Magicians and geniuses have a powerful biofield that can influence others. In such people, the gift to transform reality has become flesh and blood, many people see these people, love them, they are never forgotten. Such people are attractive to energy vampires. People with a low energy reserve are subject to other people's influence, they lack vitality, they draw energy from different sources. But, if there is not enough strength, they cross the line and take the path of a vampire, starting to pump out the energy of other people.

Energy vampires can also be those who spend more energy than they are able to generate, you can calculate a vampire or donor by date of birth, and also, with the least accuracy, by his lifestyle and activities. At risk is everyone who has a "nervous" job, and who is forced during the day of people. A lot of energy is always spent on communication with people, on making accurate and responsible decisions. But there is not much time for rest and recovery. Therefore, when energy is not enough, a person who is not even an energy vampire by date of birth can from time to time manifest himself as an energy aggressor, actively influencing the biofield of other people.

Another prerequisite for a person to become on the path of an energy vampire by date is constant communication with those who are engaged in pumping out other people's vitality. having a vampire in the family and periodically "feeding" him, you run the risk of becoming either an eternal loser, or contracting a "vampire disease" - exactly like in the old legends.

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How to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth - practical numerology

There is a numerological way of counting vampires. You can find out which of your relatives and friends are prone to vampirism, who has a normal energy level, and who has enough vitality to keep themselves and their neighbors toned, by simply adding the numbers that make up your full date of birth.

So, how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth? Write down the full date of birth of the person you are interested in, then sum up all the numbers. You will get a base number, the elements of which also need to be added in order to get a prime number. As a result, you get the main number - an indicator of the energy level of the subject.

Now analyze the result. This simple test will give you an accurate understanding of who you really are - an energy vampire or a donor by date of birth. The main number demonstrates what role nature has assigned you in energy exchange.

How to identify an energy vampire by date of birth using analysis

  1. A number less than 5 indicates that the person is not just prone to vampirism, he was born an active vampire. His biofield is weak, he often needs energy replenishment. Known, and quite often falls under the influence of others.
  2. The numbers 5, 6 and 7 characterize a person as a person with a normal level of energy. In this case, a person does not need to become a vampire. This ability can manifest itself only in exceptional cases, for example, during the recovery period after a long illness, or in the case of

And how to define it by date of birth- perhaps you are one of them? There are several techniques developed by numerologists to help deal with this issue.

Light magicians have unique abilities. They can sacrifice their own energy and direct their potential to help those in need. Sacred texts uttered by such gifted people acquire extraordinary magical power.

It is interesting:

It is important that the white magician learns to control the skills given to him by nature. And then incredible miracles can be performed by him. You should not bury your abilities deep inside - give people good, and the Universe will not forget about you.

Energy and magical abilities by date of birth

The energy potential of each person does not always develop to the maximum. Often personal abilities are not used, because we are not aware of them.

Starting from the first moment of life, we have a magical beginning. You can learn about its strength through two methods:

  • special numerological calculation;
  • lay out tarot cards.

To find out your magic number by numerology, you should add up all the numbers that make up your date of birth. And gradually reduce it to simple.


Date of birth: 03/12/1987


And then you need to turn to the interpretation of your magic number:

  • Unit

The dropped one indicates your leadership position in life. You have the ability to influence other people's opinions. Many hypnotists belong to this group.

  • deuce

These people are healers. Their energy can be transmitted through special channels and have a healing effect. But do not forget to restore strength on time, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your body.

  • Troika

If you get a triple, then remember - any word you say can come true. Keep a close eye on everything that comes off your tongue. You have a unique opportunity to do good and bring it to people. Don't let your speeches become destructive.

  • Four

Fours are not threatened by alien witchcraft. All negativity bounces off you. Perhaps a manifestation of psychic abilities.

  • Five

This group of people sees the future: in images, in dreams, in various signs. The main thing is to constantly develop and listen to the inner voice.

  • Six

Possessors of telepathic abilities. Someone's secret plan is unlikely to hide from such a person.

  • Seven

Sevens are associated with dreams. They are often prophetic images that indicate the right decision.

  • Eight

If you get this number, it indicates your ability to transmit information at a distance.

  • Nine

Such people can contact other dimensions. They discover the mysteries of the universe. Often they hear voices from other worlds and communicate with the dead.

But the second way to determine the white magician - divination by Tarot cards - is best used with a specialist. Only a professional tarot reader and interpreter will be able to decipher the alignment that has fallen.

How to find out by the date of birth of a white magician?

According to the above method for calculating a personal number, you can determine whether you have the basics of white magic. Usually white magicians belong to nines .

They perfectly control their internal energy forces and know how to direct them wherever they wish. Light wizards never waste their own potential on unimportant details.

Interesting on the topic:

But, if someone really needs help and support on a mental level, they will not refuse and share some of their personal energy. They themselves do not take other people's powers.

Huge energy power is within their biological field. But, if you do not develop this ability, the potential will gradually come to naught.

Transforming into a good wizard is a long and very laborious process. It is necessary to make efforts and strive for continuous development. And only after a series of obstacles and a long road you will be able to show everything that you are capable of.

How to find out by the date of birth of a black magician?

Number 4 says that a person has every chance to turn into a black magician. There is only one thing that connects them with White: they also control themselves perfectly. All their emotions, behavior and actions are constantly under personal control.

Depending on the surrounding circumstances, the black magician can take a neutral position. But, when he needs additional strength, he will not hesitate to take them from any of the people. Without difficulty, a black magician can transform his state and be transformed.

Test for magical abilities from birth (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author


The fact that we are all different needs no proof. However, in addition to differences in personal characteristics, life preferences and worldview, we have different energy. It just influences the nature of our ties and contacts.

Surely, you have an inexplicable dislike for you for some people who seem to be pretty on the outside and inside. And you maintain friendly relations with people with whom you yourself did not notice how close you became. It's just that people's communication is based on a common energy background.

There are five energy types in total, into which all people can be divided. So you are one of the vampires, donors, white and black magicians or neutrals. Numerology will help you determine your type. A simple arithmetic operation consisting of your date of birth. For example, 05/04/1956 = 0+4+0+5+1+9+5+6 = 30; 3+0 = 3. The number 3 is an energy type number. If, for example, the date of birth is 39, then 3+9 = 12; There is no such type, you just need to add the numbers 1 + 2 = 3 again - you get a number of the energy type.

Deciphering the energy type number

1 and 2

Energy vampires that take energy from the people around them. They need regular nourishment with other people's vitality. The absorption of someone else's energy can occur unconsciously, but vampires do not disdain a conscious fence. Vampires eat, having intimate conversations, arranging quarrels or conflicts. During any emotional contacts, this type can pretty well eat at someone else's expense.

Donors feeding vampires. They are not capable of absorbing other people's energy, and therefore, with regular contact with vampires, they waste their vitality.

3, 6 and 8

Neutrals who will not give their energy, but will not take someone else's. They have a fairly protected and strong energy field that keeps them in good shape.

white magicians who have an amazing ability to control their energy. If necessary, they share it with others, but of their own free will do not seek to take it away from anyone.

black magicians , capable of transformation - can act as neutrals or as energy vampires. They also possess, on a par with white magicians, the ability to control their energy charge.

These types formed the basis of the scheme for building relationships between people. It may seem strange, however, both can benefit from the union of a vampire and a donor, provided that the donor has a sufficient supply of energy, which will be enough to provide for two. If the donor is energetically devastated, then from contact with a vampire, he has nothing but negativity to expect.

A successful alliance with a stable relationship can be made up of white magicians and neutrals. The balance is observed in the union of black and white magicians. They often form friendly alliances, as they do not have difficulty building bridges and finding common ground.

It is not advisable to connect vampires and black magicians. Both will begin to draw energy from each other, which will end in mutual devastation. Life with black magicians and neutrals will not work out, since they are not capable of its timely replenishment of energy. The remaining combinations between energy types are neutral.
